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Marine geophysical studies were carried out along the coastal zone of Mexico in the Atlantic Ocean as part of CICAR and IDOE projects. An area of 200,000 km2 was covered by two reconnaissance cruises and a more limited area by tracks for more detailed research. The 15,000 km of track lines include a collection of continuous seismic profiling, bathymetry, gravity and magnetic data.The analyses and correlation of results indicate some local structure features and their relationship to the Neo-volcanic zone and the salt dome belt in the Gulf of Mexico. On the Yucatan area the results show the interaction of continental and oceanic crust at the NW border of the Caribbean Plate.  相似文献   

Ezer  Tal  Dangendorf  Sönke 《Ocean Dynamics》2022,72(1):79-97
Ocean Dynamics - A new approach for analysis of spatiotemporal variability across ocean basins was tested using global 1° × 1° monthly sea level reconstruction (RecSL)...  相似文献   

Northern Gulf of Mexico is a key archival site of the Laurentide Ice Sheet melting history and the only margins containing evidence of meltwater outflows contemporaneous with global meltwater pulse mwp-1A. Inconsistencies between these meltwater floods and the absence of strong climate responses to large freshwater fluxes predicted by climate models raised questions concerning the validity of planktonic foraminiferal δ18O record in the Gulf of Mexico as a reliable index of freshwater fluxes. Isotope records of depth-stratified foraminifera document unusual trends compatible with entrainment of 18O-depleted freshwaters in hyperpycnal flows reaching the seafloor and rising to the surface as buoyant plumes. These exceptionally large outbursts of floodwaters, coeval with a prominent erosion intensity peak in continental paleohydrology, were catastrophically released in a rapid succession over a period of ca. 500 yr (14.7–14.2 kyr). Correspondence in time and magnitude between the torrential floods and the mwp-1A event supports the view that LIS was likely a substantial freshwater source. Drainage of meltwaters through torrential hyperpycnal flows that underwent substantial mixing with seawater may resolve the problem with ocean modeling results that predict a much stronger climate response to large freshwater hypopycnal fluxes into the ocean.  相似文献   

Relative sea level variations in the north-western part of the Arabian Gulf have been estimated in the past using no more than 10 to 15 years of observations. In this study, we have almost doubled the period to 28.7 years by examining all available tide gauge data in the area and constructing a mean gauge time-series from seven coastal tide gauges. We found for the period 1979–2007 a relative sea level rise of 2.2 ± 0.5 mm/year. Using the subsidence observed at 6 GPS stations within a radius of 100 km of the tide gauges as an indication of the vertical land motion, the corresponding absolute sea level rise is 1.5 ± 0.8 mm/year that is in agreement with the global estimate of 1.9 ± 0.1 mm/year (Church and White, 2011) for the same studied period. By taking into account the temporal correlations we conclude that previous published results underestimate the true sea level rate uncertainty in this area by a factor of 5–10.  相似文献   

Based on an empirical orthogonal function analysis of satellite altimeter data, guidance from numerical model results, and CANEK transport estimates, we propose an index, based on differences in satellite-measured sea surface height anomalies, for measuring the influence of Gulf of Mexico Loop Current intrusion on vertically integrated transport variability through the Yucatan Channel. We show that the new index is significantly correlated at low frequencies (cut-off 120 days) with the cable estimates of transport between Florida and the Bahamas. We argue that the physical basis for the correlation is the geometric connectivity between the Yucatan Channel and the Straits of Florida.  相似文献   

Minimum extreme temperature variability from five meteorological stations in the central part of Mexico covering a period from 1920 to 1990 is examined. We found a correlation coefficient (r=0.65) between these temperature records and geomagnetic activity. Furthermore, by performing spectral analysis peaks were obtained with similar periodicities to those found in the sunspot number, the magnetic solar cycle, cosmic ray fluxes and geomagnetic activity; all of these phenomena are modulated by solar activity. Signals with periodicities comparable to those observed in El Niño and the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation were also identified. We conclude that the solar signal is probably present in the minimum extreme temperature record of the central part of Mexico.  相似文献   

Analysis of year-long drifter trajectories and records of simulated surface Lagrangian Coherent Structures (LCSs) have suggested the presence of a resilient Cross-Shelf Transport Barrier (CSTB) on the West Florida Shelf (WFS). The CSTB was conjectured to provide a large degree of isolation, which is consequential for the fueling of red tides on the southern WFS by nutrients possibly released by rivers and canals directly on the region. Here this conjecture is thoroughly tested by identifying LCSs as well as performing tracer advection calculations based on seven-year-long records of surface and subsurface currents produced by a HYbrid-Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM) simulation of the Gulf of Mexico (GoM). The identified LCSs suggest that the CSTB extends downward in the water column. The tracer calculations suggest that, while the majority of the nutrients possibly released by rivers and canals directly on the southern WFS are retained within the region for long times, only a small fraction of the nutrients possibly released by rivers outside the WFS reach the southern WFS, mainly accompanying shoreward excursions of the CSTB. These results add importance to the role played by the CSTB in controlling red tide development on the WFS. Implications of the results for the dispersal of pollutants, such as oil, in the GoM are discussed.  相似文献   

Aquifers of the peninsulas of Florida and northern Yucatan are Tertiary marine carbonate formations showing many lithologic and faunal similarities. In addition, the tropical to subtropical climates of the two areas are similar, each having annual rainfall of about 1000 to 1500 mm.

Despite similarities in these fundamental controls, contrasts in the hydrologic and geochemical systems are numerous and striking. For example, Florida has many rivers; Yucatan has none. Maximum thickness of fresh ground water in Florida is about 700 meters; in the Yucatan it is less than 70 meters. In Florida the gradient of the potentiometric surface averages about 1 meter per kilometer; in the Yucatan it is exceedingly low, averaging about 0.02 meter per kilometer. In Florida the chemical character of water changes systematically downgradient, owing to solution of minerals of the aquifer and corresponding increases in total dissolved solids, sulfate, calcium, and Mg-Ca ratio; in the Yucatan no downgradient change exists, and dominant processes controlling the chemical character of the water are solution of minerals and simple mixing of the fresh water and the body of salt water that underlies the peninsula at shallow depth.

Hydrologic and chemical differences are caused in part by the lower altitude of the Yucatan plain. More important, however, these differences are due to the lack of an upper confining bed in Yucatan that is hydrologically equivalent to the Hawthorn Formation of Florida. The Hawthorn cover prevents recharge and confines the artesian water except where it is punctured by sinkholes, but sands and other unconsolidated sediments fill sinkholes and cavities and impede circulation. In the Yucatan the permeability of the entire section is so enormous that rainfall immediately infiltrates to the water table and then moves laterally to discharge areas along the coasts.  相似文献   

A chain of three nested models, based on the MARS 3D code, is used to simulate the North-western Mediterranean Sea circulation with a finest grid of 1.2 km resolution and 30 vertical sigma levels. This modelling system allows to resolve the coastal dynamics taking into account the influence of the general basin circulation. The aim of this study is to assess the ability of the nested MARS-3D models to reproduce most of the circulation features observed in the North-western Mediterranean Basin and in the Gulf of Lions. Comparisons of modelled sea surface temperature and salinity with MEDAR/MEDATLAS climatology and NOAA/AVHRR satellite measurements show that the model accurately reproduces the large and coastal scale variability. Over the Northern Basin, the seasonal changes of the cyclonic gyre extension are correctly simulated, even though in summer, the modelled temperature of the surface layer remains in basin-average 1°C cooler than the satellite measured temperature. As soon as the stratification erodes, modelled and observed temperatures become closer. Over the Gulf of Lions, realistic coastal responses are obtained under different wind conditions. Upwellings are correctly located and their intensity and spatial extension were here improved by the use of Aladin wind fields (10 km spatial resolution) and the introduction of a drag coefficient fitted according to the stability of the planetary boundary layer. The dispersion of fresh Rhone water discharge and the mesoscale circulation simulated by MARS-3D also agree with satellite measurements.  相似文献   

Ground water discharge and nitrate flux to the Gulf of Mexico   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Ground water samples (37 to 186 m depth) from Baldwin County, Alabama, are used to define the hydrogeology of Gulf coastal aquifers and calculate the subsurface discharge of nutrients to the Gulf of Mexico. The ground water flow and nitrate flux have been determined by linking ground water concentrations to 3H/3He and 4He age dates. The middle aquifer (A2) is an active flow system characterized by postnuclear tritium levels, moderate vertical velocities, and high nitrate concentrations. Ground water discharge could be an unaccounted source for nutrients in the coastal oceans. The aquifers annually discharge 1.1 +/- 0.01 x 10(8) moles of nitrate to the Gulf of Mexico, or 50% and 0.8% of the annual contributions from the Mobile-Alabama River System and the Mississippi River System, respectively. In southern Baldwin County, south of Loxley, increasing reliance on ground water in the deeper A3 aquifer requires accurate estimates of safe ground water withdrawal. This aquifer, partially confined by Pliocene clay above and Pensacola Clay below, is tritium dead and contains elevated 4He concentrations with no nitrate and estimated ground water ages from 100 to 7000 years. The isotopic composition and concentration of natural gas diffusing from the Pensacola Clay into the A3 aquifer aids in defining the deep ground water discharge. The highest 4He and CH4 concentrations are found only in the deepest sample (Gulf State Park), indicating that ground water flow into the Gulf of Mexico suppresses the natural gas plume. Using the shape of the CH4-He plume and the accumulation of 4He rate (2.2 +/- 0.8 microcc/kg/1000 years), we estimate the natural submarine discharge and the replenishment rate for the A3 aquifer.  相似文献   

Wide spread and reoccurring hypoxia has been observed in the northern Gulf of Mexico since routine monitoring began in the 1980s. Although the potential ecological effects of hypoxia (habitat loss, mortalities) are well known, there is relatively little information linking hypoxia in the northern Gulf of Mexico to fisheries decline. Previous analyses have shown a negative relationship between hypoxic area and brown shrimp (Farfantepenaeus aztecus) catch for the Texas and Louisiana coasts combined from 1985 to 1997. Extending these analyses with data through 2004, we found that the correlation between hypoxic area and landings holds (r=-0.52), plus there was a significant negative relationship (r=-0.59) between hypoxia and shrimp landings for the Texas coast alone. We hypothesize that this pattern is not seen in the Louisiana fishery alone because of differences in fisheries practices (inshore vs. offshore) between Louisiana and Texas.  相似文献   

Recent changes in ocean temperature have impacted marine ecosystem function globally. Nevertheless, the responses have depended upon the rate of change of temperature and the season when the changes occur, which are spatially variable. A rigorous statistical analysis of sea surface temperature observations over 25 years was used to examine spatial variability in overall and seasonal temperature trends within the wider Caribbean. The basin has experienced high spatial variability in rates of change of temperature. Most of the warming has been due to increases in summer rather than winter temperatures. However, warming was faster in winter in the Loop Current area and the south-eastern Caribbean, where the annual temperature ranges have contracted. Waters off Florida, Cuba and the Bahamas had a tendency towards cooling in winter, increasing the amplitude of annual temperature ranges. These detailed patterns can be used to elucidate ecological responses to climatic change in the region.  相似文献   

Hydrocarbon compositions and δ13C values for methane of fourteen natural seep gases and four underwater vents in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico are reported. The C1/(C2 + C3) ratios of the seep gas samples ranged from 68 to greater than 1000, whereas δPDB13C values varied from ?39.9 to ?65.5‰. Compositions suggest that eleven of the natural gas seeps are produced by microbial degradation whereas the remaining three have a significant thermocatalytically produced component. Contradictions in the inferences drawn from molecular and isotopic compositions make strict interpretation of the origins of a few of the samples impossible.  相似文献   

Summary The budget of kinetic energy over the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico during the winter (November–April) and Summer (May–October) half-years of 1960 is established for the finite atmospheric layers 1000/850, 850/700, 700/500, and 500/300 mb. Vertical transports, lateral outflow, and generation of kinetic energy are computed directly from twice-daily aerological soundings, while the dissipation term is obtained as a residual. The frictional dissipation in the boundary layer is independently computed from 1960 ship observations. Kinetic energy dissipation is of the order of 1·103 ergs·cm–2 in the layer 1000/850 mb, decreasing in the higher layers. The residual dissipation term would indicate a production of kinetic energy, particularly for the layer 500/300 mb in winter. This would appear consistent with results by other authors. Due to the uncertainties inherent in the computational procedures, however, only limited confidence can be given to the absolute values.
Zusammenfassung Die Kinetische Energie-Bilanz über dem Amerikanischen Mittelmeer während der Winter-(November–April) und Sommerhälfte (Mai-Oktober) des Jahres 1960 wird für die Schichten 1000/350, 850/700, 700/500 und 500/300 mb untersucht. Vertikaltransporte, seitlicher Export und die Produktion von kinetischer Energie werden direkt von den zweimal täglichen Radiosondenaufstiegen berechnet, während die Vernichtung kinetischer Energie als Restglied der Energiegleichung bestimmt wird. Der Energieverbrauch in der Grenzschicht wird unabhängig auf Grund von Schiffsbeobachtungen des Jahres 1960 abgeschätzt. Die Vernichtung kinetischer Energie hat in der Schicht 1000/850 mb die Grössenordnung von 1·103 ergs·cm–2·sec–1, und nimmt nach den höheren Schichten zu ab. Das Restglied der Energiegleichung zeigt eine Produktion kinetischer Energie vor allem für die Schicht 500/300 mb im Winter an. Das erscheint verträglich mit den Ergebnissen anderer Autoren. Wegen der in den Berechnungsverfahren liegenden Unsicherheiten kommt den Absolutwerten nur begrenzte Gültigkeit zu.

通过对南海北部陆坡下部ODP1148站位沉积物中陆源矿物组分的含量、堆积速率、粒度、石英氧同位素及石英扫描电镜的分析,探讨南海沉积演化及其构造响应.结果显示,根据综合指标的变化特征可将南海海盆的沉积演化划分为5个阶段:扩张初期 (34~28.5 Ma)、构造活动剧烈期(28.5~23 Ma)、构造活动减弱期(23~16.5 Ma)、热沉降期(16.5~3.5 Ma)和台湾隆升形成期(3.5 Ma~现今).其中28.5~23 Ma为物源转换期,陆源矿物组成和石英氧同位素值发生了明显改变,对应南海渐新世以来演化过程中构造活动最为活跃的时期.在此之前的渐新世南海扩张初期,研究区的沉积物主要来源于南部(很可能来自巴拉望陆块);随着南海的不断扩张,尤其是南海扩张轴在25~23 Ma发生向南跳跃后,南部巴拉望陆块不断远去,而此时由于青藏高原隆升导致的区域地貌变化还没有波及到云贵高原和华南地区,珠江等大河尚未发育,因此研究区以北的华南大陆的影响还很小或根本没有影响到研究区,结果陆源矿物沉积速率极低.随后由于青藏高原隆升的高度不断增加,河流发育,溯源侵蚀增加,华南内陆古老的沉积岩区成为南海北部主要物源区,南海北部转为以远源沉积为主,直到3.5 Ma前后由于台湾岛的抬升,大量物质进入南海北部,成为主要物源.物源转换期间在南海不断扩张的构造运动背景下由于物源供应匮乏,加上海平面的上升和较强的底流作用导致了ODP1148站位渐新世晚期的沉积间断.  相似文献   

In this review article, we summarize observations of sea level variations, globally and regionally, during the 20th century and the last 2 decades. Over these periods, the global mean sea level rose at rates of 1.7 mm/yr and 3.2 mm/yr respectively, as a result of both increase of ocean thermal expansion and land ice loss. The regional sea level variations, however, have been dominated by the thermal expansion factor over the last decades even though other factors like ocean salinity or the solid Earth's response to the last deglaciation can have played a role. We also present examples of total local sea level variations that include the global mean rise, the regional variability and vertical crustal motions, focusing on the tropical Pacific islands. Finally we address the future evolution of the global mean sea level under on-going warming climate and the associated regional variability. Expected impacts of future sea level rise are briefly presented.  相似文献   

The carbon isotopic composition of diagenetic dolomite and calcite in some sediments of the Gulf of Mexico varies between “normal-marine” (δ13C ca. 0‰) and −14.6‰ which suggests that biogenic CO2 contributed to the carbonate formation. The δ13O values of dolomite and coexisting calcite are very similar but variable down-core.Dolomite and calcite precipitated early from pore water where SO42− was not reduced. However, during (and after?) SO42− reduction dolomite and calcite still formed and there are at least two generations of carbonate minerals present.  相似文献   

High-resolution current measurements were made in the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico by the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) as part of its Slope to Shelf Energetics and Exchange Dynamics (SEED) project. The major goal of SEED is to understand the mechanisms that transfer properties across the shelf slope. Fourteen acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCPs) were deployed just west of the DeSoto Canyon on the shelf and down the slope from May to November, 2004 to measure nearly full water column current profiles. Currents were found more variable on the shelf than on the slope but in the mean strongly tended to follow bathymetry, particularly on the slope. During the SEED time period currents were driven by both local and remote winds, by cyclonic eddies associated with the Loop Current extension and Loop Current rings, by smaller eddies associated with the cyclonic eddies, by frontal meanders or streamers associated with the eddies, and by tropical storms. Currents were highly barotropic, accounting for more than 80% of the eddy kinetic energy (EKE). Current magnitudes generally increased from west to east, towards the DeSoto Canyon. Tropical storms had a relatively minor short-term effect upon mass transports. Cross-shelf transports were much smaller than the along-shelf transports. Onshore transports were stronger on the western side of the array while offshore transports were stronger on the eastern side of the array near the DeSoto Canyon. Offshore transports generally occurred during eastward flow periods, onshore transports during westward flow periods, and both during eddy periods. Mesoscale eddies also provided contributions to cross-shelf exchange. Large scale circulation features could be determined from the first two empirical-orthogonal function (EOF) modes which accounted for 83% of the variance and were strongly related to the integrated wind stress.  相似文献   

Yang  Haiyuan  Yang  Chen  Liu  Yongzheng  Chen  Zhaohui 《Ocean Dynamics》2023,73(2):79-90
Ocean Dynamics - Using the Estimating Circulation and Climate of the Ocean (ECCO) Phase II product, this study investigates the energetic characteristics during eddy shedding in the Gulf of Mexico....  相似文献   

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