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Two kinds of margin respectively occur in the Ordos Basin during the Middle-Late Triassic (Yanchang Age), one is foreland margin developed under the background of flexural subsidence by thrusting intensively in the southwest margin, and the other is intracratonic basin margin by stable subsidence in northern and central parts of the basin. The Middle-Late Triassic Yanchang Formation can be divided into four regional third-order sequences, which are separated by gentle angular unconformity or regional erosion surface, made up of lowstand system tract (LST), expanding system tract (EST) and highstand system tract (HST) from lower to upper within a sequence. But there are distinct differences of the sequence framework between the southwest margin and northern and central parts of the basin. The southwest margin develops heavy conglomerate layer and unconformity as a result of orogeny by thrusting, and the intracratonic basin margin by stable subsidence in the northern and central parts grows aggradational sandstone, conglomerate in fluvio-delta system and parallel unconformity. The depositional framework of southwest margin reflects the tectonic evolution from flexural subsidence by thrusting to rebounded uplift. The formation of sequence boundary is related to the resilient uplift and erosion. The sequence stratigraphic framework and depositional system tract configuration in the foreland basin are controlled by structural activity of the fold and thrust belt, and the sequence succession reflects episodic thrusting of the Middle-Late Triassic toward the foreland basin. The sequence evolution in northern and central parts reflects the depositional succession of fluvio-delta system under intracratonic background, composed of coarse-grained sediment in braided channel deposit at the lower, meandering channel deposit in the middle and fine-grained sediment in the flood plain at the upper, dominated by lake level fluctuation. During the deposit of the LST in the intracraton basin, accommodation space is limited, and results in abundant fluvial sediment migration laterally, erosion and transport, forming laterally sandstone composite and aggradational deposit on the alluvial plain, which constitutes specific erosion unconformity boundary.  相似文献   

The Tertiary Kuqa depression is a foreland basin generated by flexural subsidence resulting from the southward thrusting of the southern Tianshan Mountains. Tertiary basin fills of the depression can be classified into four tectonic sequences bounded by gentle angular unconformities. The sequences are composed of two parts, the lower transgressive and the upper progradational successions, which are separated by a regional maximum transgressive surface. The development of these sequences is attributed to the foreland tectonic process from flexural subsidence caused by thrust loading to rebounded uplift due to the erosion and stress release. The generation of the angular unconformities defining the tectonic sequences has been interpreted as the result of the rebounded uplift and the following thrusting. It has been found that there is a significant difference in depositional pattern between the northeastern and the northwestern margins. The relatively strong thrusting and mountain building occurring along the northwestern margin resulted in the development of thick-bedded alluvial fan and angular unconformities. The northeastern margin, in contract, lacks thick alluvial fan accumulation due to weak thrusting. This difference is likely related to the pre-existing east-west partition of the basin basement.  相似文献   

The Yanchang Formation is extensively developed in the Ordos Basin and its surrounding regions. As one of the best terrestrial Triassic sequences in China and the major oil-gas bearing formations in the Ordos Basin, its age determination and stratigraphic assignment are important in geological survey and oil-gas exploration. It had been attributed to the Late Triassic and regarded as the typical representative of the Upper Triassic in northern China for a long time, although some scholars had already proposed that the lower part of this formation should be of the Middle Triassic age in the mid-late 20th century. In this paper, we suggest that the lower and middle parts of the Yanchang Formation should be of the Ladinian and the bottom possibly belongs to the late Anisian of the Middle Triassic, mainly based on new fossils found in it and high resolution radiometric dating results. The main source rocks, namely the oil shales and mudstones of the Chang-7, are of the Ladinian Age. The upper part of the Yanchang Formation, namely the Chang-6 and the above parts, belongs to the Late Triassic. The uppermost of the Triassic is missed in most parts of the Ordos Basin. The Middle-Upper Triassic Series boundary lies in the Yanchang Formation, equivalent to the boundary between Chang-7 and Chang-6. The Ladinian is an important palaeoenvironmental turning point in the Ordos Basin. Palaeoenvironmental changes in the basin are coincidence with that of the Sichuan Basin and the main tectonic movement of the Qinling Mountains. It indicates that tectonic activities of the Qinling Mountains are related to the big palaeoenvironmental changes in both the Ordos and Sichuan Basins, which are caused by the same structural dynamic system during the Ladinian.  相似文献   

福州盆地位于海陆过渡地带,在海陆变迁过程中,沉积物记录了高分辨率的环境信息,是揭示沉积特征对环境变化响应过程及模式的理想区域.本文选择位于福州盆地的FZ5钻孔进行岩石磁学、环境磁学和古地磁学方面的研究,以期阐明该区域沉积物磁学性质对陆源碎屑输入、海平面变化和成岩作用的响应.岩石磁学结果表明钻孔沉积物以低矫顽力的亚铁磁性矿物为主体,但是在不同的环境变化阶段,磁性矿物的类型有较大变化.在9~3 cal. ka BP的海侵过程中,沉积物中以磁铁矿为主体,存在菱铁矿和铁硫化物等还原性矿物.硫化作用使细粒磁铁矿溶解形成胶黄铁矿和黄铁矿,其峰面随碎屑磁性矿物的浓度变化而迁移.但硫化作用没有完全消除磁铁矿携带的特征剩磁和陆源碎屑输入量以及海平面升降对该阶段沉积物磁性的控制.在~3 cal. ka BP以来随着海平面下降、沉积环境向陆相氧化环境转化,虽然早期还原作用仍然存在,但后期氧化作用使磁性矿物向高矫顽力的赤铁矿等矿物转变,氧化作用基本扰乱了磁铁矿携带的剩磁.沉积及其后期成岩作用过程中,发生在约~8.2、~7.7、~7.5、~2.7、~1.5、~0.5 cal. ka BP六次强烈的古氧化界面反映了福州盆地当时异常干旱或湿热的气候事件.  相似文献   

Wettability is an essential property of reservoirs that is of great importance for enhancing oil recovery(EOR) and oil migration. The wettability of reservoirs is generally believed to be strongly affected by mineral compositions but it is not always the case. An integrated study of petrography and wettability was carried out to determine the impact of chlorite minerals on the wettability of the sandstone reservoirs in the Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation. Chlorites are found to be commonly present in the reservoir sandstones as detrital grains, rim-shaped cements, and biotite-chloritized forms with the pore peripheries being largely coated by chlorite, which is the main mineral in direct contact with pores. At pore scale, the wetting state of chlorites can either be oil-wet or water-wet in the tight sandstone reservoirs depending on wettability alteration by oil charge. Chlorites in contact with pores occupy a large of proportions of oil-wet pore walls and are crucial for the formation of oil-wetting state of reservoir sandstones. At core scale, the contents of chlorites in direct contact with pores do not correlate well with the AmottHarvey index due to other factors such as heterogeneity, oil-bearing degrees of samples.  相似文献   


The deep-lake facies of the Yanchang Formation represents a large outflowing lake basin in the Ordos area. Its deposition can be divided into four stages: lake genetic and expanding stage, peak stage, inversion stage and dying stage. All the stages are obviously consistent with the evolution of depositional environment and the paleoclimate in the region. The study indicates that the lake basin has evolution fluctuations from highstand to lowstand for four times in its evolution history, and the deposition center of the lake has not obviously moved, staying along the Huachi-Yijun belt. The deep lake sedimentary system mainly consists of deep water deltas and turbidite fans during the entire evolution course of the lake basin in the Late Triassic. The former mainly developed on the slope of steep shore of the delta in the early period of the deep-water expansion and gradually experienced a big shift from deep-water deltas to shallow-water platform delta. And the latter appeared almost in all the above stages and had two types of turbidite fans, slope-moving turbidite fans and slump turbidite fans. The slope-moving turbidite fans have relatively complete facies belts overlapping one another vertically and consist of the slope channel of inter fans, the turbidite channel, inter turbidite channel and turbidite channel front of middle fans and outer fans (or lakebottom plain). However, the slide-moving turbidity fans are formed in the deep lake with their microfacies difficult to be distinguished, and only the center microfacies and edge microfacies can be determined. The two types of the turbidity fans are similarly distributing in the near-root-slope and far-root-slope regions. The deep-lake deposition governs the distribution of the hydrocarbon and reservoir, while the slope-moving turbidite fans are excellent reservoirs for oil-gas exploration due to their great thickness, widespread distribution and accumulation properties.


The deep-lake facies of the Yanchang Formation represents a large outflowing lake basin in the Ordos area. Its deposition can be divided into four stages lake genetic and expanding stage, peak stage, inversion stage and dying stage. All the stages are obviously consistent with the evolution of depositional environment and the paleoclimate in the region. The study indicates that the lake basin has evolution fluctuations from highstand to lowstand for four times in its evolution history, and the deposition center of the lake has not obviously moved, staying along the Huachi-Yijun belt. The deep lake sedimentary system mainly consists of deep water deltas and turbidite fans during the entire evolution course of the lake basin in the Late Triassic. The former mainly developed on the slope of steep shore of the delta in the early period of the deep-water expansion and gradually experienced a big shift from deep-water deltas to shallow-water platform delta. And the latter appeared almost in all the above stages and had two types of turbidite fans, slope-moving turbidite fans and slump turbidite fans. The slope-moving turbidite fans have relatively complete facies belts overlapping one another vertically and consist of the slope channel of inter fans, the turbidite channel, inter turbidite channel and turbidite channel front of middle fans and outer fans (or lakebottom plain). However, the slide-moving turbidity fans are formed in the deep lake with their microfacies difficult to be distinguished, and only the center microfacies and edge microfacies can be determined. The two types of the turbidity fans are similarly distributing in the near-root-slope and far-root-slope regions. The deep-lake deposition governs the distribution of the hydrocarbon and reservoir, while the slope-moving turbidite fans are excellent reservoirs for oil-gas exploration due to their great thickness, widespread distribution and accumulation properties.  相似文献   

The deep-lake facies of the Yanchang Formation represents a large outflowing lake basin in the Ordos area. Its deposition can be divided into four stages: lake genetic and expanding stage, peak stage, inversion stage and dying stage. All the stages are obviously consistent with the evolution of depositional environment and the paleoclimate in the region. The study indicates that the lake basin has evolution fluctuations from highstand to lowstand for four times in its evolution history, and the deposition center of the lake has not obviously moved, staying along the Huachi-Yijun belt. The deep lake sedimentary system mainly consists of deep water deltas and turbidite fans during the entire evolution course of the lake basin in the Late Triassic. The former mainly developed on the slope of steep shore of the delta in the early period of the deep-water expansion and gradually experienced a big shift from deep-water deltas to shallow-water platform delta. And the latter appeared almost in all the above stages and had two types of turbidite fans, slope-moving turbidite fans and slump turbidite fans. The slope-moving turbidite fans have relatively complete facies belts overlapping one another vertically and consist of the slope channel of inter fans, the turbidite channel, inter turbidite channel and turbidite channel front of middle fans and outer fans (or lakebottom plain). However, the slide-moving turbidity fans are formed in the deep lake with their microfacies difficult to be distinguished, and only the center microfacies and edge microfacies can be determined. The two types of the turbidity fans are similarly distributing in the near-root-slope and far-root-slope regions. The deep-lake deposition governs the distribution of the hydrocarbon and reservoir, while the slope-moving turbidite fans are excellent reservoirs for oil-gas exploration due to their great thickness, widespread distribution and accumulation properties.  相似文献   

With a high-resolution seismic survey, we targeted the shallow structural features of the Cheb Basin, Northwest Bohemia. The aim of this study was to evaluate these features’ relation to seismic activity below the Cheb Basin with the first reflection seismic image of parts of the basin. We recorded a densely sampled, 3200 m long seismic survey stretching from Kopanina towards SE, into the basin. From the recordings of 170 shots at 192 geophones with 384-m total spread, we obtained a reflection seismic image down to the basement at 300-m depth, supplemented by a shallow tomographic velocity model for the uppermost 40 m. Strong lateral velocity contrasts indicate Quaternary river terraces, into which the Plesná river incises. We observe reverse faults in the lower basin sediments, which we interpret as signs of a push-up structure related to the N-S oriented Po?átky-Plesná Zone (PPZ). However, we do not observe any vertical fault offsets in the younger sedimentary layers, which suggests that any normal or reverse faulting must be older than 20 Ma. The image agrees well with previous lithostratigraphic borehole data and previous sedimentological and tectonic models. Our explanation for the formation of the escarpment at the eastern bank of the Plesná valley, previously interpreted as outcrop of the PPZ, relies solely on incision of the Plesná river into weak sediments.  相似文献   

Mathematic modeling, established on the basis of physical experiments, is becoming an increasingly important tool in oil and gas migration studies. This technique is based on the observation that hydrocarbon migration tends to take relative narrow pathways. A mathematical model of hydrocarbon migration and accumulation is constructed using the percolation theory. It is then calibrated using physical experimental results, and is tested under a variety of conditions, to understand the applicability of the model in different migration cases. Through modeling, dynamic conditions of large-scale migration pathways within homogeneous formations can be evaluated. Basin-scale hydrocarbon migration pathways and their characteristics are analyzed during the model application to the Chang-8 Member of the Triassic Yanchang Formation in Longdong area of Ordos Basin. In heterogeneous formations, spatial changes in fluid potential determine the direction of secondary migration, and heterogeneity controls the characteristics and geometry of secondary migration pathways.  相似文献   

In this paper,the typical velocity structures and average velocities of the crust in six different active tectonic block regions are presented on the basis of previous studies and their tectonic implications are discussed. The results show that different tectonic units have different features of crustal velocity structures. In general,there are low velocity distributions in the crust in regions with strong tectonic activities,and the scales of low velocity distributions are related to the tectonic activitie...  相似文献   

Many geologists focus on the foreland structures, co-relationship between shallow and deep structures and their dynamics between intra-continent orogenies and foreland basin in recent years[1―17]. The intra-plate collision and deformed area of West Kunlun-Pamirand Southern Tianshan become the natural lab of this studies and there are many new developments con-cerned with the geometry and kinemics of foreland thrusting, back-thrusting and triangle zones[3―14]. Many types of foreland thrusti…  相似文献   

Luo  XiaoRong  Yu  Jian  Zhang  LiuPing  Yang  Yang  Chen  RuiYin  Chen  ZhanKun  Zhou  Bo 《中国科学:地球科学(英文版)》2007,50(2):91-102

Mathematic modeling, established on the basis of physical experiments, is becoming an increasingly important tool in oil and gas migration studies. This technique is based on the observation that hydrocarbon migration tends to take relative narrow pathways. A mathematical model of hydrocarbon migration and accumulation is constructed using the percolation theory. It is then calibrated using physical experimental results, and is tested under a variety of conditions, to understand the applicability of the model in different migration cases. Through modeling, dynamic conditions of large-scale migration pathways within homogeneous formations can be evaluated. Basin-scale hydrocarbon migration pathways and their characteristics are analyzed during the model application to the Chang-8 Member of the Triassic Yanchang Formation in Longdong area of Ordos Basin. In heterogeneous formations, spatial changes in fluid potential determine the direction of secondary migration, and heterogeneity controls the characteristics and geometry of secondary migration pathways.


Mathematic modeling, established on the basis of physical experiments, is becoming an increasingly important tool in oil and gas migration studies. This technique is based on the observation that hydrocarbon migration tends to take relative narrow pathways. A mathematical model of hydrocarbon migration and accumulation is constructed using the percolation theory. It is then calibrated using physical experimental results, and is tested under a variety of conditions, to understand the applicability of the model in different migration cases. Through modeling, dynamic conditions of large-scale migration pathways within homogeneous formations can be evaluated. Basin-scale hydrocarbon migration pathways and their characteristics are analyzed during the model application to the Chang-8 Member of the Triassic Yanchang Formation in Longdong area of Ordos Basin. In heterogeneous formations, spatial changes in fluid potential determine the direction of secondary migration, and heterogeneity controls the characteristics and geometry of secondary migration pathways.  相似文献   

为进一步探索黄土山地区地震采集的有效技术方法,本文以鄂尔多斯盆地苏里格南为例,在综合研究该区激发因素、接收因素和仪器参数的基础上,进行了大量的野外试验对比分析.结果表明,采用如下技术可获得满意的采集效果:1)针对含水黄土及胶泥等好的激发层位,单井小药量3~4kg、9~13口多井组合激发技术;2)4212.5m的大偏移距,2~3线的多线数,25m的小道距,120~160次的高覆盖次数,20个检波器线性组合检波等接收技术;3)采用90dB以上大动态范围,大增益,采样间隔1ms的高采样率,采样时间5s的长记录时间的仪器采集参数.  相似文献   

段水强 《湖泊科学》2018,30(1):256-265
柴达木盆地众多的湖泊不仅对维持当地脆弱的生态环境具有极其重要的作用,而且中心盐湖也是重要的矿产资源.进入21世纪以来,受气候变化和人类活动的共同影响,盆地湖泊发生了一系列重大变化.为科学认识这一问题,选取了1976-2015年6期Landsat系列卫星影像,解译了该区域1 km2以上的湖泊水面,并分析了湖泊变化对气候和人类活动的响应.结果表明:柴达木盆地湖泊面积总体上存在扩张(1976-1990年)萎缩(1990-2000年)扩张(2000-2010年)萎缩(2010-2015年)4个阶段的变化过程,2010年湖泊面积最大,2015年湖泊又明显萎缩.就气候水文因素而言,湖泊面积变化主要受山区降水径流的影响.湖面变化与前3 a的降水径流关系最为密切.进入21世纪以来,气候变化与上游社会经济耗水、盐湖周边人为阻隔河湖连通、开采卤水、修建人工盐田、排放老卤等人类活动,对盆地中心湖泊的空间格局、面积都产生了显著影响,苦水沟、达布逊湖南部形成了新湖泊,鸦湖、团结湖面积显著扩大,东、西台吉乃尔湖逐渐萎缩、干涸,一里平湖由以前的干盐湖在2010年一跃成为盆地最大的湖泊.针对盐湖大规模开发产生的负面影响,提出了合理开发盐湖资源的建议.  相似文献   

The late Permian–Triassic granites in southeastern China have important tectonic significance for the evolution of South China. Here, we present the detailed geochronological, geochemical and petrological analyses for the Jinlongyan(JLY) granite in northwest Fujian Province, southeast China. LA–ICP–MS zircon U–Pb dating yielded a weighted average ~(206)Pb/~(238)U age of 224.1 ±3.3 Ma. The granite is mainly comprised of K-feldspar,plagioclase, quartz, biotite and minor amphibole. It is characterized by enrichments in Rb, Th, REEs(total REE = 295.1–694.3 ppm), and HFSEs(e.g., Zr = 289–520 ppm, Hf = 9.3–15.0 ppm, Y = 36.2–68.2 ppm) but depletions in Ba, Sr, Eu and Ti. The granite is metaluminous to weakly peraluminous and show a clear A-type granite geochemical signature with high SiO_2(70.89 wt%–75.76 wt%), total alkalis(Na_2O + K_2O = 7.51 wt%–8.72 wt%), Ga/Al ratios(10000 Ga/Al = 2.72–3.43). Insitu zircon Hf isotope analysis shows their eHf(t) values ranging from-7.2 to-3.2, with Mesoproterozoic T2DM ages(1308–1525 Ma). Whole-rock Nd isotope data show their eNd(t) values in the range of-9.5 to-9.1 and yield paleoproterozoic TDMages(1606–1985 Ma). These characteristics indicate that the JLY A-type granite magma was formed by the partial melting of Meso-Paleoproterozoic crust rocks in the Cathaysia Block. Our study of the JLY A-type granite, together with other Triassic A-type granitesin South China, defines an extensional environment in the late Triassic which probably was caused by the collision of the South China Block with Indochina Block.  相似文献   

The reservoir quality of Jurassic and Triassic fluvial and lacustrine-deltaic sandstones of the Yanchang Oil Field in the Ordos Basin is strongly influenced by the burial history and facies-related diagenetic events. The fluvial sandstones have a higher average porosity (14.8%) and a higher permeability (12.7×10?3 ?m2) than those of the deltaic sandstones (9.8% and 5.8 ×10?3 ?m2, respectively). The burial compaction, which resulted in 15% and 20% porosity loss for Jurassic and Triassic sandstones, respectively, is the main factor causing the loss of porosity both for the Jurassic and Triassic sandstones. Among the cements, carbonate is the main one that reduced the reservoir quality of the sandstones. The organic acidic fluid derived from organic matter in the source rocks, the inorganic fluid from rock-water reaction during the late diagenesis, and meteoric waters during the epidiagenesis resulted in the formation of dissolution porosity, which is the main reason for the enhancement of reservoir-quality.  相似文献   

The end-Permian mass extinction not only severely distressed the Paleozoic ecosystems but also dramatically changed the sedimentary systems, resulting in a peculiar Early Triassic ecosystem and submarine environment during the recovery time following the mass extinction. The Lower Triassic is characteristic of the wide occurrence of various distinctive sediments and related sedimentary structures, such as flatpebble conglomerates, vermicular limestone, subtidal wrinkle structures, microbialite, carbonate seafloor fans, thin-bedded limestone and zebra limestone-mudstone. These sediments were common in the Precambrian to Early Ordovician marine settings, and then they occurred only in some extreme and unusual environments with the expansion of metazoan faunas. However, the Early Triassic witnessed an "anachronistic" reappearance of some distinctive sedimentary records in normal shallow marine settings. The study of these anachronistic facies should be of great importance for the understanding of the unique ecosystem and marine environment through the great Paleozoic-Mesozoic transition. The anachronistic facies characterized by vermicular limestone have been documented in many localities in South China and occur at various horizons of the Lower Triassic. Most types of re- ported distinctive sediments over the world have been observed in the Lower Triassic of South China. This provides an excellent opportunity for understanding the Early Triassic environment and its co- evolution with the biotic recovery. Among the anachronistic facies the vermicular limestone is the most characteristic and common distinctive sediments in the Lower Triassic of South China but has received relatively few investigations. Taking it as a case study, we will detail the variation of vermicular limestone and its stratigraphic distribution in the Three Gorges area, Hubei Province. The investigation on the vermicular limestone and other distinctive sediments from the Lower Triassic of South China further indicates that the appearance of anachronistic facies immediately following the mass extinction and the elimination from normal shallow marine facies with the radiation of Mesozoic marine faunas imply the natural response of the sedimentary systems and ecosystems to the great Paleozoic-Mesozoic transitional events and their induced harsh environments. Therefore, the ups and downs of the anachronistic facies may act as a proxy for the evolution of ecosystems independent of fossil analyses.  相似文献   

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