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Summary. Rayleigh-wave phase velocities at very long periods (185–290 s) are investigated and regionalized, taking into account the lateral heterogeneities within ocean plates revealed by earlier studies at shorter periods. The two-station method is applied to a few 'pure-age' oceanic paths, and is shown to be compatible with the average Earth model C2 (Anderson & Hart 1976) below depths of 180 km. Under this assumed oceanic model, regionalized for age above 180 km, continental velocities are then derived from a set of experimental great-circle values, both new or taken from previously published studies. The results basically agree with earlier studies (Dziewonski 1970; Kanamori 1970), although they exhibit less scatter than Kanamori's model. Results are successfully checked against a set of values derived by the two-station method from a pure continental path.
Although the shield velocities are substantially different from the mean oceanic ones, they still fall within the range of variation of oceanic velocities with the age of the plate. This makes velocities derived theoretically from Jordan's (1975a, b) models of deep continent—ocean lateral heterogeneities, inconsistent with the present set of experimental data. Finally, we show that Dziewonski's (1971) model S2 reconciles all experimental seismic data relative to shields, without being significantly different from oceanic models below 240 km.  相似文献   

Summary. A structural model of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 45° N is proposed on the basis of travel-time data, amplitudes and synthetic seismograms. The crustal structure seems to be similar to that in the FAMOUS area (Fowler). At the ridge axis there is an absorptive zone in the upper mantle, the depth below the seabed to the top of this zone being about 6 km. Away from the ridge axis there is a positive velocity gradient of about 0.04 to 0.05 km/(skm) in the top 5 to 8 km of the upper mantle. Shear waves propagate across the ridge axis, suggesting that there is no sizeable crustal magma chamber. The shear-wave velocity of the uppermost mantle is 4.35 km/s.  相似文献   

Summary. We present a velocity—depth model for the crust beneath the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 45° N which is derived from a comparison of waveforms corresponding to observed and synthetic seismograms. The model which best fits the observations includes a high-velocity layer at the base of the crust (layer 3B) and a velocity gradient in the upper mantle. These results are in agreement with other recent seismic studies on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and indicate that the velocity structure is more complex than that obtained from travel-time analysis. There is no evidence for a low-velocity zone at the base of the crust.  相似文献   

Summary. Epicentres of microearthquakes detected by two ocean-bottom seismographs deployed on the Reykjanes Ridge at latitude 59° N can be interpreted as trending between 010° and 020° E of N, parallel to detailed morphological features seen in the area, rather than the overall trend of the ridge (036° E of N). Travel times from an airgun source to the seismographs indicate much slower P wave velocities for the top 4 km at the ridge crest compared with that 5–10 km off axis.  相似文献   

Summary. Two networks of four ocean-bottom seismographs were deployed successfully in 1982 September on spreading centre sites in the region of the Charlie–Gibbs fracture zone. Activity was observed beneath both networks and hypocentres for over 100 events have been determined. The observations confirm the existence of seismic activity along a suspected short spreading centre near longitude 31.75°W linking the north and south transform valleys of the fracture zone. A relatively thick (7–9 km) seismogenic zone is seen beneath the axis which is in agreement with earlier microearthquake observations on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.  相似文献   

Summary. At present there is a strong conflict between, on the one hand, seismological and thermal models of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, which indicate that no large crustal magma chamber can exist, and on the other hand petrological models many of which stress the importance of such a chamber. We review the available geophysical and petrological information from the FAMOUS area and 45° N in an attempt to resolve this conflict and demonstrate that a model (the infinite leek) can be constructed which satisfies all the available seismological, thermal, petrographic, major element and trace-element information from these two areas. This mode is as follows: mantle rising from depth begins to melt at about 60 km, and rises in equilibrium with its melt to about 15–25 km below the sea surface. At this level melt segregates and rises rapidly to the base of the crust. Magma injection above this takes place by a process of crack propagation, or by the development of a narrow vertical magma chamber, but no large crustal chamber is present. This model successfully explains the marked petrographic zonation of the floor of the median valley (Hekinian, Moore & Bryan).  相似文献   

Summary. Four seismic refraction lines, three of which had shots every 250 m, were shot across, along and parallel to the median valley of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 37° N. A method has been developed for calculating the effect on the travel times of the rough sea-floor relief beneath the profiles and has been used to correct all the travel times for this effect. Most arrivals were from a main refractor of apparent velocity 5·4 to 6·3 km s−1; only beyond 35 km were faster arrivals observed from an 8·09 ± 36 km s−1 refractor. The main refractor corresponds in depth, at least approximately, to the top of Layer 3 of the ocean basins but its velocity is significantly less than normal for Layer 3, perhaps due to dip. A study of time residuals along two profiles across the median valley indicates the presence of a 2 to 3 km wide low velocity zone (about 3·2 km s−1) beneath the median valley floor. This zone extends over the upper 2·5 km of the crust and is believed to represent a zone of intrusion through which magma passes on its way to the sea floor.  相似文献   

Summary. A structural model of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 37° N is proposed on the basis of travel-time data and synthetic seismograms. At the ridge axis the crust is only 3 km thick and overlies material with an anomalously low'upper mantle'velocity of 7.2 km s−1. Crustal thickening and the formation of layer 3 and a layer with velocity 7.2–7.3 km s−1 takes place within a few kilometres of the axis, producing a 6–7 km thick crust by less than 10 km from the axis. A normal upper mantle velocity of 8.1 km s−1 exists within 10 km of the axis. Shear waves propagate across the axis, thus precluding the existence of any sizeable magma chamber at shallow depth.  相似文献   

Summary. Four seismic refraction profiles have been interpreted which serve to indicate the structure of the lithosphere near the Mid-Atlantic Ridge close to the Azores. An east–west profile which crosses the ridge axis yields a crustal structure. Although energy is propagated across the ridge axis within the crust the axial region marks a clear barrier to propagation within the mantle. A profile parallel to the axis (4 my isochron) shows, below a 7.6 km/s layer, a low-velocity zone underlain by an 8.3 km/s refractor 9 km below the sea bed. On profies normal to the ridge axis higher velocities, which are observed on lines shot towards the ridge, can be attributed to this refractor if it has a dip of several degrees away from the ridge. On another profile parallel to the axis (9 my isochron) a velocity of about 8.3 km/s is only found to exist much deeper at about 30 km depth. These observations are interpreted in the light of seismic refraction results recently obtained by Lewis & Snydsman and of quantitative petrological models, such as that of Bottinga & Allègre. A velocity model based on Bottinga & Allègre's model allows us to understand our results qualitatively. In particular the two 8.3 km/s refractors at 9 and 30 km depth correspond to two different residual peridotite layers. The upper layer contains 1.5–2 wt per cent water and as the lithosphere moves away from the ridge axis the temperature in this layer becomes low enough to start hydration reactions. These cause the low-velocity zone observed at 4 my and the total disappearance of the shallow level refractor before 9 my.  相似文献   

The zonation pattern of rocky shores on north-west Spitsbergen is described. Intertidal communities on protected sites have features remarkably similar to temperate areas. Black lichens dominate the littoral fringe, fucoids and gastropods the eulittoral zone, whereas upper sublittoral zone is occupied by kelp. The species composition seems to be typical for the Atlantic arctic areas.  相似文献   

Summary. Ocean bottom hydrophone records of swarm microearthquakes on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge are interpreted in terms of a direct arrival followed by reflections from an interface beneath the events. Amplitude ratios and polarities of the direct and reflected P -waves, together with pulse durations, are consistent only with horizontal faulting above a zone with low shear wave velocity. A high fracture velocity approaching that of the P -waves is required to model the seismograms.  相似文献   

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