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Simplified techniques based on in situ testing methods are commonly used to predict liquefaction potential. Many of these simplified methods are based on finding the liquefaction boundary separating two categories (the occurrence or non-occurrence of liquefaction) through the analysis of liquefaction case histories. As the liquefaction classification problem is highly nonlinear in nature, it is difficult to develop a comprehensive model taking into account all the independent variables, such as the seismic and soil properties, using conventional modeling techniques. Hence, in many of the conventional methods that have been proposed, simplified assumptions have been made. In this study, an updated support vector machine (SVM) based on particle swarm optimization (PSO) is used to evaluate liquefaction potential in two separate case studies. One case is based on standard penetration test (SPT) data and the other is based on cone penetration test (CPT) data. The SVM model effectively explores the relationship between the independent and dependent variables without any assumptions about the relationship between the various variables. This study serves to demonstrate that the SVM can “discover” the intrinsic relationship between the seismic and soil parameters and the liquefaction potential. Comparisons indicate that the SVM models perform far better than the conventional methods in predicting the occurrence or non-occurrence of liquefaction. 相似文献
考虑海底沉积介质为双相介质,为了更好地模拟实际海底底质的不均匀性,将随机介质理论引入双相介质理论。首先,通过基于随机-双相介质理论的高阶有限差分数值技术模拟计算海底底质分别为泥质砂、泥、泥质砾时的地震反射波信号。然后利用小波变换分别求取不同底质的一次反射波的包络作为其特征向量,最后利用基于粒子群智能算法优化的支持向量机神经网络对这些反射波信号进行分类识别。为了进一步考察所用方法的抗噪能力,对正演得到的海底底质反射波信号分别加入10%、30%、50%的高斯白噪音之后再进行分类,支持向量机仍然取得了较好的分类预测效果。基于上述正演模拟及分类识别方法的论证,提出了一套行之有效的微机软件模拟海底沉积物分类识别的一般化流程,这将有利于开展海底沉积物反射特征的进一步研究。 相似文献
基于阵列感应测井的支持向量机流体识别方法 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
基于研究区块的高分辨率阵列感应测井(HDIL)资料,首先分析了利用交会图法进行流体识别的效果,指出了该常规解释方法的局限性。在此基础上,将基于遗传算法优化的支持向量机(GA-SVM)引入到测井解释当中,结合阵列感应测井和常规测井资料,建立了流体识别的非线性模型。利用该模型对45个训练样本进行回判,准确率为100%,对21个预测样本进行预测的准确率为90.48%,相对于常规解释方法,该流体识别方法具有更高的准确率。 相似文献
甲壳动物线粒体基因组蕴涵了物种进化历程中重要的遗传信息,如何有效地利用这些保留在基因组中的基因序列和基因顺序信息,是甲壳动物线粒体基因组研究的一个重点方向。为了进一步探讨甲壳动物稳定、可靠的系统发育关系,本文利用支持向量机的分类功能实现了甲壳动物线粒体基因组基因区与基因间区、编码区与非编码区的准确分类和预测,同时为了提高分类学习机的泛化能力,使用了交叉验证方法和粒子群算法优化选取支持向量机相关训练参数。通过MATLAB仿真分析的方法,对10种甲壳动物线粒体基因组序列的基因区和基因间区进行分类,以及对5种甲壳动物进行线粒体基因组序列中编码区和非编码区的分类,获得了较好的分类准确率。仿真结果表明本文方法是可行的和有效的,能够出色地应用于甲壳动物线粒体基因组序列的研究分析。 相似文献
In this study, the CPSO-SVM models, which combine chaotic system, particle swarm optimization (PSO) and support vector machine (SVM), are presented and applied to predict the ultimate bearing capacity of shallow foundations. Chaotic mapping enjoys certainty, ergodicity and the stochastic property. Chaotic PSO (CPSO) increases the convergence rate of PSO and precision of the results through introducing chaos mapping into the particle swarm optimization algorithm. Since the selection of parameters for SVM is crucial to its performance of prediction, the CPSO is adopted to search for the optimal parameters. The proposed methods are used to predict the ultimate bearing capacity of shallow foundations based on data of load tests. Results indicate that the proposed methods can appropriately describe the relationship between ultimate bearing capacity and its affective factors, and make good predictions. 相似文献
基于支持向量回归(SVR)方法,建立了渤海海域近岸海浪有效波高短期预测模型,并设计了多组风浪信息组合输入方案,开展了有效波高预测敏感性试验。研究发现:综合考虑当前风浪信息作为模型的输入,对3 h和6 h有效波高预测具有较高的预报技巧,但随着预测时效的延长其预测准确性迅速降低;若此时引入未来预测风速信息作为模型输入,则可极大提高对12 h和24 h有效波高的预测能力;此外,若输入信息与预测对象之间不存在显著相关,多个信息的输入对有效波高预测效果提高无显著作用。建立的机器学习模型对小样本数据集具有良好的适应能力,能够有效解决海浪预报中的非线性问题,可为近岸海浪有效波高短期预测提供合理的技术参考。 相似文献
采用支持向量机对海浪要素中的有效波高进行预测,采用风场和波浪场作为学习要素,对比不同特征向量对有效波高预测结果的准确度。取台湾岛东部海区作为实验区域,使用NCEP再分析的数值模式数据作为学习样本。选用支持向量分类机,建立了4组不同特征向量的模型进行海浪有效波高的预测,并对4种模型的结果进行比较和分析。实验表明,当输入的特征向量过多或过少时,会对模型的预测结果和计算效率产生不同的影响。当使用风场和波浪场共同作为特征向量进行学习时,在该区域预测结果与模式预报结果相比更接近,相关系数将近99%,均方根误差约0.2 m。 相似文献
Based on support vector machines, three modeling methods, i.e., white-box modeling, grey-box modeling and black-box modeling of ship manoeuvring motion in 4 degrees of freedom are investigated. With the whole-ship mathematical model for ship manoeuvring motion, in which the hydrodynamic coefficients are obtained from roll planar motion mechanism test, some zigzag tests and turning circle manoeuvres are simulated. In the white-box modeling and grey-box modeling, the training data taken every 5 s from the simulated 20°/20° zigzag test are used, while in the black-box modeling, the training data taken every 5 s from the simulated 15°/15°, 20°/20° zigzag tests and 15°, 25° turning manoeuvres are used; and the trained support vector machines are used to predict the whole 20°/20° zigzag test. Comparisons between the simulated and predicted 20?/20° zigzag tests show good predictive ability of the proposed methods. Besides, all mathematical models obtained by the proposed modeling methods are used to predict the 10°/10° zigzag test and 35° turning circle manoeuvre, and the predicted results are compared with those of simulation tests to demonstrate the good generalization performance of the mathematical models. Finally, the proposed modeling methods are analyzed and compared with each other in aspects of application conditions, prediction accuracy and computation speed. The appropriate modeling method can be chosen according to the intended use of the mathematical models and the available data needed for system identification. 相似文献
由于光照的变化和全景视觉的畸变,全自主足球机器人对目标识别不稳定且有效性差,为此提出了1种基于Gabor滤波器和支持向量机(SVM)的全自主足球机器人目标识别方法。首先根据颜色特征和面积、长宽比等简单形状特征提取候选目标,候选目标中包含实际的目标和与目标颜色相近且通过上述简单形状特征判断仍无法消除的干扰。将候选目标与Gabor滤波器作卷积来提取特征向量,将特征向量输入SVM进行分类,识别出实际的目标。在机器人MT-R的足球目标识别中对该方法进行了实验,实验表明该种方法具有较好的识别精度,且满足足球机器人的实时性要求。 相似文献
舰载诱饵干扰弹作为重要的防御性武器,其舵系统对保证飞行控制系统的动态品质和飞行安全具有核心作用。传统的 PID 控制算法在抗干扰能力和快速响应能力方面存在局限性。为此引入粒子群优化技术并集成自抗扰和智能算法的优势,以改进自抗扰控制算法,提高舵系统的抗干扰能力和稳定性。针对自抗扰控制存在的离线调节问题,提出使用粒子群智能算法在线优化舵系统控制器的参数,以适应环境变化及时调整,解决控制性能受限问题。系统的仿真实验结果显示,与传统的 PID 算法和 ADRC 算法相比,基于粒子群优化的自抗扰控制方法在舵系统位置环控制中拥有更优的性能。 相似文献
为了对锚泊状态下未来0.5 h的船面风速和风向进行估算,提出了一种基于小波变换和最小二乘支持向量机的估算方法。首先对原始风速数据进行正交分解,得到X轴和Y轴风速;然后分别对X轴和Y轴风速进行小波分解,提取出低频和高频数据序列;其次利用最小二乘向量机方法,分别对低频、高频序列进行估算,分别将X轴和Y轴各序列估算结果进行叠加得到X轴和Y轴估算风速;最后利用矢量法则,同时实现了风速和风向未来0.5 h的估算。以试验船在东海海域锚泊状态下船舶气象仪所测的风速风向数据进行建模与实例验证分析,结果表明该方法具有较高的估算精度。 相似文献
贾东宁 《中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版)》2022,52(1):129-133
为保障安全的船载用电环境,实现合理的用电配置与管理,在船载电力布局中引入非侵入式电力负荷监测。提出了一种融合高斯混合模型(GMM)与支持向量机(SVM)的电器类型识别算法。该方法利用暂态事件检测所提取的有效负荷特征,建立具有较好统计分布能力的GMM模型和具有较好泛化能力的SVM模型。对两种算法的概率分布进行融合生成最终识别结果。实验结果表明,相对单独应用SVM模型,本文所用方法在准确率和稳定性方面均有一定程度的提升,且实现复杂度低,具有良好的实用价值。 相似文献
An improved particle swarm optimization algorithm with harmony strategy for the location of critical slip surface of slopes 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The determination of optimal values for three parameters required in the original particle swarm optimization algorithm is very difficult.It is proposed that two new parameters simulating the harmony search strategy can be adopted instead of the three parameters which are required in the original particle swarm optimization algorithm to update the positions of all the particles.The improved particle swarm optimization is used in the location of the critical slip surface of soil slope,and it is found that the improved particle swarm optimization algorithm is insensitive to the two parameters while the original particle swarm optimization algorithm can be sensitive to its three parameters. 相似文献