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Channel samples of roof and seat rocks (lutites, siltstone)) of 10 successional coals, in addition to red mudstone and calcareous siltstones, have been collected from the Sydney Coalfield, Nova Scotia. The channel samples are confined to within 150 cm above the top of coals, and to within 20 cm below the bottom of coals. Whole-rock and trace-elemental analyses are reported: wt. % of oxides of Si, Al, total Fe, Ca, Mg, Na, K, T1, Mn; and ppm's for Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn, Cr, Co, Ga, V, As, U, and Th, respectively. Th/U ratios, organic carbon and carbonate carbon of selected roof rock samples are also reported.The comparatively small stratugraphic mean variations of Na2/K2O and Na2O/Al2O3 are open to interpretation but may indicate either a common sedimentary source, or a similar diagenetic history during basin development. Assumed is that the oxide ratios originated from detrital feldspars and clays. The probability model for uranium is Pearson's Type VII curve. The relationship between uranium (thorium) and (assumed) organic calcite in selected calcareous siltstones is examined. Stratigraphic variation of the geochemistry is assumed to be cycle-controlled, excepting probably As, V, and Cu,which under the stated conditions are amenable to mathematical modeling (of sedimentary cycles).  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2001,16(1):35-55
Formation waters within Upper Carboniferous sandstones in the sub-sea Prince and Phalen coal mines, Nova Scotia, originated as residual evaporative fluids, probably during the precipitation of Windsor Group (Lower Carboniferous) salts which underlie the coal measures. Salinity varies from 7800 to 176,000 mg/l, and the waters are Na–Ca–Cl brines enriched in Ca, Sr and Br and depleted in Na, K, Mg and SO4 relative to the seawater evaporation curve. Br:Cl and Na:Cl ratios suggest that the brine composition corresponds to an evaporation ratio of as much as 30. The brines lie close to the meteoric line on H/O isotopic plots but with a compositional range of δ18O from −4.18 to −6.99 and of δD from −42.4 to −23.5, distant from modern meteoric or ocean water. Mine water composition contrasts with that of nearby salt-spring brines, which are inferred to have originated through dissolution of Windsor Group evaporites by modern meteoric waters. However, a contribution to the mine waters from halite dissolution and from Br in organic matter cannot be ruled out. Present concentrations of several elements in the brines can be explained by water–rock interaction. The original Windsor brines probably moved up into the overlying coal-measure sandstones along faults, prior to the Late Triassic. The high salinity and irregular salinity distribution in the Phalen sandstones suggests that the brines have undergone only modest dilution and are virtually immobile. In contrast, Prince waters show a progressive increase in salinity with depth and are inferred to have mixed with surface waters. Basinal brines from which these modern formation fluids were derived may have been important agents in base-metal and Ba mineralisation from the mid-Carboniferous onwards, as saline fluid inclusions are common in Zn–Pb sulphide deposits in the region.  相似文献   

Stromatactis‐bearing mud‐mounds remain an enigmatic reef type despite being common in Palaeozoic ramp settings. Two well preserved Upper Devonian (Frasnian) mud‐mounds in the Mount Hawk Formation crop out side by side in the southern Rocky Mountains of west‐central Alberta and provide an opportunity to develop a new case study that can be compared with the other coeval examples, such as those well‐known ones in southern Belgium, as well as evaluate competing hypotheses for mud‐mound formation. The southern mud‐mound is 46·2 m thick and 38·6 m wide at the base, whilst the northern one is 53·3 m thick and 72·2 m wide at the base, and they exhibit three or four growth stages indicated by interfingering and onlapping geometries with flanking strata. The biota is diverse, but fossils only occupy 10·7% by volume, among which sponge spicules, echinoderms, ostracods, brachiopods and calcimicrobes belonging to Girvanella and Rothpletzella are the most common. Five microfacies are discriminated in the mud‐mounds: biomicrite, clotted micrite, spiculite, stromatolite and laminite, with clotted micrite comprising the largest proportion. There is no internal vertical or lateral palaeoecological zonation, and the presence of calcimicrobes and calcareous algae throughout indicates accretion entirely within the photic zone, in a deeper ramp setting seaward of a large carbonate platform to the east. Stromatactis is abundant and the cavities were mostly due to excavation by currents rather than physical collapse of spiculate siliceous sponges. Formation of lime mud involved a combination of multiple organisms, mechanisms and processes. Cyanobacteria were integral to mud‐mound frame‐building and accretion because they stabilized the surface, often permineralized to form Girvanella and provided organic matter that was decomposed by bacteria. This induced precipitation of micrite, forming early indurated rigid masses, evidenced by the presence of intraclasts, stromatactis cavities, isopachous marine cements, absence of bioturbation and rare synsedimentary brittle deformation. The same microbial components, invertebrate biota and clotted micrite occur in underlying strata, suggesting that there was a protracted period of potential mud‐mound initiation before the exact conditions arose to trigger it. The ramp setting, antecedent sea floor topography and relative sea‐level likely contributed together to control this. This study indicates that mud‐mound formation was controlled by a combination of processes, but they are essentially a microbial buildup.  相似文献   

n-Alkanes in the soluble organic matter extracted from a series of vitrinite and sporinite concentrates have been analysed by gas chromatography. The macerals were isolated from coals ranging in rank from 77.1% to 86.6% carbon (vitrinite: dry, ash-free), and yields of n-alkanes ranged from 10 to 580 ppm for vitrinites and from 20 to 970 ppm for sporinites. The maximum yields were found at a rank of 85.4% C from vitrinites and 86.6% C from sporinites.Distribution maxima of the n-alkanes, as shown by gas chromatography, range from C27 and C29 at lower ranks to as low as C16 at higher ranks. The distributions also show a progressive decrease in the preference of odd-carbon-number homologues with increasing rank. Virtually smooth distributions were attained in high-volatile bituminous A coals. Quantitative data show that the loss of the odd-carbon-number preference occurred, for the most part, while individual long-chain homologues increased in concentration.There is a progressive increase in the amounts of shorter-chain n-alkanes with increasing rank. It is suggested that sequential processes may have occurred whereby the rate of formation of long-chain n-alkanes in high-volatile bituminous A rank macerals becomes slower than their rate of subsequent fragmentation to shorter chain lengths. Consequently, assuming derivation from the insoluble maceral matrices, the chain-length distributions of parent n-alkyl structures within the insoluble material may retain characteristics pertaining more to the nature of the source organic matter at the time of deposition than do the extractable n-alkane patterns, especially at higher ranks.  相似文献   

The palynology of clastic samples from seven stratigraphical levels in the late Moscovian Sydney Mines Formation, exposed along the shore at Bras d'Or, Nova Scotia, has been investigated. Most of the samples were from roof shales of major coals; the one sample that was not yielded a much higher proportion of pollen derived from extra‐basinal vegetation. The four stratigraphically lower roof shale samples yielded essentially similar palynological spectra, with 39 ± 4% lycophytes, 9 ± 4% sphenophylls, 23 ± 4% tree‐ferns, 12 ± 4% other ferns and 5 ± 3% cordaites. The palynology of the upper part of the investigated succession suggests a shift in vegetation towards one favouring more marattialean tree‐ferns, cordaites and conifers, and fewer lycophytes. This correlates with changes in drainage patterns as the alluvial plain migrated seawards and thus changed water tables. No evidence was found to suggest significant climate change at this time. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为探究淮南煤田地下水的空间分布情况及各项水化学作用的强度,将淮南煤田划分为松散层较厚的北部区域与松散层较薄的南部区域,收集了两区域16个矿井主要突水含水层的水化学测试数据,综合采用离子组合法、Gibbs图、氯碱指数等方法研究了各含水层的地下水水化学特征。研究结果表明:地下水总溶解固体与松散层埋藏厚度呈正相关,其均值范围在951.92~2 667.79 mg/L。随着松散层厚度的增大,脱硫酸、浓缩结晶及阳离子交替吸附等水化学成分形成作用得到增强,使SO42-不断消耗形成HCO3-,导致溶解度小的HCO3-结合Ca2+、Mg2+析出,并最终形成以NaCl主导的高矿化度水体。该结论将为深部煤矿区水害防治、水资源利用等提供一定借鉴作用。  相似文献   

Seven mud-filled incised valleys (MFIVs) in the paralic facies of the Dinosaur Park and Horseshoe Canyon formations (Upper Cretaceous) of southern Alberta were studied to better understand their morphology, geometry and depositional histories in an estuarine context. Two preservational geometries occur: simple, U-shaped forms; and internally complex forms. Both types of MFIV record deposition in the central zone of low energy (turbidity) in an estuarine setting. Simple, U-shaped MFIVs have sharp basal erosional surfaces and consist of mudstone-dominated heterolithic fills of channel-wide, concave-up laminae. Associated fossil assemblages are marine to brackish. Each simple MFIV records a cut-and-fill history associated with a cycle of relative sea-level drop and rise. Low-energy depositional settings, loss of channel form during infilling, and associated shoreface deposits, as well as the absence of clear tidal indicators suggest a coastal plain estuarine setting, along a wave-dominated, barred coastline. Complex MFIVs are rarer, and consist of imbricated, wedge-shaped sets of inclined-to-horizontal heterolithic strata. Tidal deposits and/or nonmarine-to-marine macrofossils occur locally. Complex MFIVs were infilled in meandering reaches of the central zone of low energy in tide-dominated estuaries. Their rarity compared to simple MFIVs and their freshwater palaeontological content suggest that they were contiguous landward with extensive fluvial channels. A complex MFIV near Onefour comprises three in-channel depositional cycles. Each cycle consists of an erosional surface overlain by lateral accretion bedding and a conformable transition to vertically aggraded strata. Each cycle reflects a cut-and-fill event under the control of changes in relative sea-level that culminated in overbank flooding. All MFIVs formed in low-gradient settings (≤0.03%) where estuarine zones were stretched out over many tens of kilometres. Tide-dominated estuaries apparently exhibited simple, straight-to-meandering upstream transitions and extensive landward penetration (≥200 km) of tidal backwater effects. Few modern estuaries serve as adequate modern analogues to these ancient, tide-dominated estuaries. Radiometric data indicate that MFIV cut-and-fill cycles were 100 000-400 000 years in maximum duration and thus, equivalent to 4th order sea-level cycles. However, negative evidence tentatively suggests that these cycles took place over time intervals 1-2 orders of magnitude smaller (5th order or higher sea-level cycles).  相似文献   

Subaerial unconformities are used widely for palaeoenvironmental and palaeogeographic reconstructions, sequence stratigraphy and petroleum reservoir assessments. Recognition and interpretation of these unconformities, particularly those with associated palaeosols, may be problematic in Lower and Middle Palaeozoic carbonate successions because of the collective effect of limited land plant development, superficial similarities between some pedogenic and marine features, and overprinting by later diagenesis. The isolated Judy Creek reef complex in the Lower Frasnian Swan Hills Formation in west‐central Alberta, Canada, contains two subaerial unconformities, R0.5 and R4, which formed as a consequence of relative sea‐level falls of at least regional scale. Deposits beneath these unconformities have distinctive palaeosol and palaeokarst features. The lower unconformity, R0.5, occurs at the top of a progradational reefal phase of stromatoporoid rudstones–floatstones and peloidal packstones–grainstones and has been recognized in at least one other isolated Swan Hills reef complex (Snipe Lake). Palaeosol–palaeokarst profiles beneath this unconformity extend as deep as ca 2 m below the unconformity. These profiles are characterized by the presence of small rhizoliths, laminar calcretes, ferroan dolomite glaebules, desiccation cracks, breccias, green shale and solution vugs. The upper unconformity, R4, occurs at the top of a backstepping phase of reef growth and has been correlated widely between isolated reefs and carbonate banks on both the western and eastern shelves of the Central Alberta Basin. Palaeosol–palaeokarst profiles, extending as deep as ca 9·5 m beneath the R4 unconformity, are distinguished by abundant, sub‐horizontal desiccation cracks filled with green shale, occurring in peloidal wackestones–packstones. Comparison of the R0.5 and R4 profiles indicates that the major intrinsic controls on the development and modification of the profiles are parent‐material lithology, particularly the prior degree of induration and particle size; the low topographic relief at the top of the reef interior; and limited vegetation of the exposed reef top due to unfavourable growth conditions and geographic isolation. In addition to climate, the major extrinsic controls are the extent of relative sea‐level fall, estimated to be 2·5 to 3 m and 13 to 14 m associated with the R0.5 and R4 unconformities, respectively, and the degree of shoreface erosion during the ensuing marine transgression, estimated to be up to 3 m. This study highlights the complex interplay of mainly physical and chemical processes influencing the formation of subaerial unconformities in carbonate environments during the Devonian, before major evolutionary innovations among vascular land plants led to more intense pedogenesis.  相似文献   

Two pyrite samples from the Shihezi Formation (Lower Permian), Huaibei coalfield, Anhui, China, have been analyzed for abundances and isotopic compositions of rhenium and osmium using negative thermal ion mass spectrometry. The Re–Os ages of the pyrites are 64.4 and 226 Ma, which are younger than the formation age of the coal seam. The pyrite samples may consist of pyrite formed at various stages during the history of coal formation. The γOs values of the two pyrite samples are + 17 and + 18, respectively. Such high γOs values are reported for the first time for recycles crustal materials from a sedimentary basin.  相似文献   

The sandstones and coquinas of the upper 20 m of the Sundance Formation are interpreted as a tidal inlet, back-barrier shoal and sandy tidal-flat sequence deposited at the close of marine Jurassic sedimentation in north-central Wyoming. The barrier strandline maintained a generally E-W trend as it prograded to the north. The lateral migration of inter-barrier tidal inlets along the regressive shoreline of the late Sundance sea caused the coquinas and sandstones of the uppermost Sundance Formation to be deposited as tabular, laterally-extensive units. Tidal bundles, sigmoidal reactivation surfaces, herringbone cross-lamination and abundant mud drapes within the sandstones are evidence of considerable tidal influence during the deposition of the uppermost Sundance Formation. Earlier models, which attach an offshore environment of deposition to the sequence, do not explain the tabular geometries of the sandstone and coquina units and their conformable stratigraphic relationship with the overlying non-marine sediments of the Morrison Formation.  相似文献   

煤层气勘探与开发过程中,对煤层含气量及其分布规律做出较准确预测非常重要.笔者收集、整理、分析勘探区测井、煤层气测试等资料,并通过多元回归分析方法建立测井参数与测试煤层气含量之间的关系,预测整个勘探区煤层气含量及分布规律.研究结果表明用多元回归方法计算煤层含气量快速、准确、方便,实用性较强.煤层气含量分布趋势为煤层气勘探和开发选出有利区域,给出先期勘探开发建议.  相似文献   

A typical Algoma-type banded iron formation (BIF) occurs in Orvilliers, Montgolfier, and Aloigny townships in the Abitibi Greenstone belt, Quebec, Canada. The BIF is composed of millimeter to decimeter thick beds of alternating fine-grained, dark gray to black, well laminated, magnetite-rich (and/or hematite) beds and quartz–feldspar metasedimentary (graywacke) beds. The BIF is well defined by magnetic anomalies. These BIF layers are commonly associated with decimeter to meter thick horizons of metasedimentary rocks and mafic to intermediate volcanic rocks, which are locally crosscut by dikes of felsic or mafic intrusive rocks and, as well, narrow dikes of lamprophyre. The upper and lower contacts of the BIF are gradational with the adjacent graywacke. All geological units in the area are metamorphosed to the greenschist facies of regional metamorphism. Magnetite is mainly associated with subordinate amounts of hematite, quartz, Na-rich plagioclase, and muscovite. The fine-grained magnetite content is composed of 77% to 89% of the principal iron oxide minerals present. The magnetite occurs as disseminated idiomorphic to sub-idiomorphic small crystals, which average 20 μm ± 5 μm in size. Hematite is the second most abundant iron oxide mineral. Although less abundant, red jasper occurs in cherty horizons with strongly folded fragments and within fault zones. This particular Algoma-type iron formation stratigraphically extends more than 36 km along strike. It dips sub-vertically with a true width from 120 m to 600 m. The origin of the BIF is closely linked to regionally extensive submarine hydrothermal activity associated with the emplacement of volcanic and related subvolcanic rocks in an Archean greenstone belt.  相似文献   

Logging of 55 recent boreholes, together with remapping, has resulted in a fundamental reassessment of the stratigraphy and sedimentology of the Dinantian Kingscourt Outlier. Despite the present isolated position of the outlier within the Longford-Down Massif, the Kingscourt rocks are an integral part of the Dublin Basin succession. The newly defined Ardagh Platform marks the most northerly limit to basinal sedimentation in the Dinantian Dublin Basin. The Courceyan is a typical but thinner, north Dublin Basin succession with two new formal units: the Rockfield Sandstone Member and the Kilbride Formation. The latter, a coarse-grained, well washed limestone of latest Courceyan to early Chadian (late Tournaisian) age is the shallow water equivalent of the Feltrim Formation (Waulsortian facies), which is absent in the outlier. The Courceyan interval in the north of the outlier is markedly attenuated. In the succeeding Chadian-Brigantian interval basinal facies predominate in the south, but on the Ardagh Platform an almost complete coeval Viséan shallow water sequence is found. A new platform unit (Deer Park Formation) of latest Asbian to Brigantian age is defined in the Ardagh area. The Dee Member (Chadian) is newly defined for the lower part of the basinal Tober Colleen Formation and the Altmush Shale Member is formally defined for the upper part of the Loughshinny Formation. Two major structures dominate the Kingscourt Outlier: the NE-SW trending Moynalty Syncline in the south and the N-S trending Kingscourt Fault. Both are Hercynian structures, but probably represent reactivated Caledonide basement-controlled structures. Dinantian syn-depositional faulting is indicated in both the Courceyan (‘Kingscourt Sag’) and Chadian-Asbian. The latter period of faulting in the Ardagh area separates platform facies in the north from basinal facies to the south. In the late Asbian, platform facies with carbonate build-ups prograded south into the basin as far south as Nobber, but in the latest Asbian to Brigantian, basinal facies extended northwards over the collapsed platform margin.  相似文献   

石西油田石炭系潜山火山岩油藏裂缝特征与分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李虎 《地质与勘探》2017,53(6):1219-1228
裂缝的发育情况对石西油田石炭系潜山火山岩油藏的勘探开发有重要作用。综合利用区域地质、岩心、常规测井、成像测井以及生产动态等资料对研究区裂缝特征及分布规律开展综合研究。研究表明:区内裂缝类型分为构造缝、风化缝、溶蚀缝、收缩缝,其中构造缝(剪切缝)和风化缝比较发育,裂缝总体发育规模中等,宽度较大,密度小,间距大;根据成像测井解释及构造解析,认为该区裂缝分为四期,其中海西运动中、晚期为主要的成缝期;裂缝主要受岩性、岩相、构造位置以及古地貌的控制;裂缝在纵向上主要分布在石炭系顶面以下25~150m范围内,在平面上主要位于断裂带附近、潜山构造高部位以及背斜长轴方向。  相似文献   

U was measured by fission track analysis in 115 samples of hypersthene, bronzite, amphoterite and carbonaceous chondrites. On a weight basis the average values for the Cl carbonaceous and bronzite chondrites are similar to the “classic” value of 11 ppb, but the hypersthenes and amphoterites are ~50 per cent higher. Each class shows a well-determined peak in the U abundance distribution, allowing the calculation of radiogenic ages and comparison with other elements of interest.  相似文献   

Facies analysis suggests that the productive Westphalian (Upper Carboniferous) Coal Measures of the Durham coalfield in NE England were deposited on an upper delta plain. Distributary channels crossed the plain and were separated by shallow lakes. Detailed examination of largely three-dimensional exposures has revealed the existence of nine laterally and vertically interrelated fluviolacustrine and lacustrine lithofacies. Facies 1 and 2 are interpreted as overbank deposits of distributary channels, Facies 3–5 are regarded as deposits of crevasse splay/minor delta systems, and Facies 6–9 are considered to have formed in areas of diminished clastic sediment supply. Facies 4 and 5 are volumetrically the most important. Facies 3–9 are interpreted as representing progressively less energetic conditions of sedimentation across a lake, from the point of entry of a crevasse splay/minor delta system. The distribution and characteristics of the lithofacies indicate that the upper delta plain lakes were completely or effectively enclosed, up to about 8m deep and had wave fetches of the order of 20 km. These lakes were intermittently infilled by the crevasse-initiated, minor delta systems and, to a relatively minor extent, by overbank flood sediment from channels. Infilled lake surfaces became platforms for plant colonization and peat accumulation. The three dimensional relationships of the various lithofacies provide a model of Coal Measure lacustrine sedimentation, which may have wider implications in extending the model of interdistributary genesis and infilling proposed by Elliott, particularly with respect to detailed facies relationships and to the balance between overbank and crevasse-derived sediment.  相似文献   

This paper reviews various coal seam gas (CSG) models that have been developed for the Sydney Basin, and provides an alternative interpretation for gas composition layering and deep-seated CO2 origins. Open file CSG wells, supplemented by mine-scale information, were used to examine trends in gas content and composition at locations from the margin to the centre of the basin. Regionally available hydrochemistry data and interpretations of hydrodynamics were incorporated with conventional petroleum well data on porosity and permeability. The synthesised gas and groundwater model presented in this paper suggests that meteoric water flow under hydrostatic pressure transports methanogenic consortia into the subsurface and that water chemistry evolves during migration from calcium-rich freshwaters in inland recharge areas towards sodium-rich brackish water down-gradient and with depth. Groundwater chemistry changes result in the dissolution and precipitation of minerals as well as affecting the behaviour of dissolved gases such as CO2. Mixing of carbonate-rich waters with waters of significantly different chemistries at depth causes the liberation of CO2 gas from the solution that is adsorbed into the coal matrix in hydrodynamically closed terrains. In more open systems, excess CO2 in the groundwater (carried as bicarbonate) may lead to precipitation of calcite in the host strata. As a result, areas in the central and eastern parts of the basin do not host spatially extensive CO2 gas accumulations but experience more widespread calcite mineralisation, with gas compositions dominated by hydrocarbons, including wet gases. Basin boundary areas (commonly topographic and/or structural highs) in the northern, western and southern parts of the basin commonly contain CO2-rich gases at depth. This deep-seated CO2-rich gas is generally thought to derive from local to continental scale magmatic intrusions, but could also be the product of carbonate dissolution or acetate fermentation.  相似文献   

A historical collection of hesperornithiform fossils from the Gammon Ferruginous, Pembina, and Millwood members of the Pierre Shale (Campanian, Upper Cretaceous) in southern Manitoba, Canada, was examined to revise their taxonomy. Only two species of Hesperornis have been recognized in previous studies on the Pierre Shale in Manitoba, but our study recognizes six species of two genera, including H. lumgairi sp. nov. H. regalis is the most common species but absent in the uppermost unit within the studied sequence. The result of this study supports the paleobiogeographic subdivision of the Campanian vertebrate fauna within the Western Interior Seaway, but not the faunal boundary that distinguishes the avian fauna of Manitoba from that of South Dakota and Kansas.  相似文献   

The Hadrynian (Upper Precambrian) rocks of Victoria Island in the western part of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago comprise a sedimentary sequence some 12,000 ft. (4,000 m) thick, capped by a 1,000 ft. (330 m)-thick basic volcanic and pyroclastic unit. These rocks outcrop in an elongate, topographic high called the Minto Arch, and in smaller inliers in Lower Paleozoic rocks in the south part of the island (Duke of York and Wellington highs).Stratigraphic and sedimentological investigation of these rocks in the southern part of the Wellington high near Cambridge Bay suggest that they were deposited by rivers flowing from a land mass that lay to the east. Clasts in the Hadrynian sedimentary rocks attest to the existence of at least two earlier periods of sedimentation and one phase of tectonic compression in the basement rocks.Study of the lower part of the Hadrynian succession (Glenelg and Reynolds Point Formations) in the northeastern part of the Minto Arch reveals a general thickening to the west. Rock types present include dolomite, limestone, siltstone, sandstone and shale deposited in a dominantly shallow marine environment together with some marine deltaic units and possibly distal fluvial deposits. Cross bedding and ripple-mark orientations suggest a paleoslope to the northwest. However, the pattern of cross-bedding distribution is complex with modes not only in the northwest quadrant, but also in the northeast and southwest quadrants, the latter possibly reflecting longshore currents in a generally shallow marine environment.Stromatolites are abundant in both formations studied. They are almost exclusively laterally linked shallow-dipping domes in the cherty dolomites of the Glenelg Formation. However the capping stromatolitic dolomite of this formation is composed of columnar stromatolites, as also are the abundant stromatolitic banks and reefs of the overlying Reynolds Point Formation. Elongate domes in the lower part of the Glenelg Formation have a preferred orientation in a northwest-southeast direction, perhaps reflecting tidal currents. The topmost stromatolitic unit of the Glenelg Formation in more easterly areas has large elongate mounds on its upper surface. Elongation of these mounds has a preferred orientation in a northeast-southwest direction. Possibly this orientation is related to longshore currents flowing along the depositional strike.The Hadrynian sediments of Victoria Island and areas to the south and west may have been deposited in a shallow embayment of the Upper Precambrian Sea, open to the northwest and in continuity with a wedge of sediment that thickened westward and extended along the length of the North American continent. There is some evidence to support the existence of three such embayments in the southern part of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, separated and defined by northerly salients of older rocks of the Canadian Shield. These salients reflect an east-west tectonic stress on a very large scale.  相似文献   

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