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The recent observation of the absorption of radiation belts in the vicinity of Saturn's bright rings and historical observations of the ring system make the following related results apparent:
  • - The gaps in the rings are caused by the presence of at least 6 small, extremely dense and probably electrically charged ‘sweeper’ moons which effectively sweep the ring matter clean from the gaps. This is known due to the fading of the inner ring edges whereas the outer edges are well defined. Their orbital periods will differ from the expected Keplerian periods if the moons and Saturn do possess electric fields.
  • - Absorption of radiation belts near the rings (of Jupiter also) implies that the ring particles themselves are not absorbing the radiation but the small moons are. This is consistent with the observed radiation belt absorption near the outer Saturnian moons.
  • - If electric fields of the sweeper moons cause the ring edge fading as observed (and not simply gravitational), then Saturn itself must maintain an electric field in its vicinity by way of a sizeable proton wind to affect the uneven ring edge fading and will be surrounded by an H+ cloud at least to approximately the A-ring. this is consistent with the detection of an H+ cloud surrounding Saturn (Weiseret al., 1977, p. 755). The other possibility is that these moons are extremely dense and have very large internal magnetic fields.
  • - Because of their location, these moons must be captured and if very dense as believed, may be core remnants of a nova.
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    The Voyager spacecraft discovered that small moons orbit within all four observed ring systems coincident with the discovery of narrow and dusty rings around Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. These moons can provide the source for new rings if they are catastrophically disrupted by a comet or large meteoroid impact. This hypothesis for ring origins provides a natural mechanism for the ongoing creation of planetary rings. While it relieves somewhat the problem of explaining the continued existence of rings with apparently short evolutionary lifetimes, it raises the problem of explaining the continued existence of small moons, and the coexistence of moons and rings at comparable locations within the Roche zones of the giant planets. This problem has been studied in some detail recently, and the present work is a review of our current understanding of the processes in satellite disruption that pertain to the creation of planetary rings and the collisional cascade of circumplanetary bodies. Significant progress has been made. Narrow rings are produced by disruption of small moons in numerical simulations, and a self-consistent model of the collisional cascade can explain present-day moon populations. Absolute timescales and initial moon populations remain uncertain due to our poor knowledge of the impactor population and uncertainties in the strength of planetary satellites. More pressing are the qualitative issues that remain to be resolved including the nature of reaccretion of the debris and the origin of Saturn's rings.  相似文献   

    《Planetary and Space Science》2006,54(9-10):844-854
    It has long been suspected that Mars might be encircled by two faint rings, one originating from each of its moons Phobos and Deimos. Meteoroid impacts into these moons should release clouds of dust that quickly spread out to become rings; similar dust rings have been associated with several small inner moons of the gas giants. On May 28, 2001 Mars’ hypothetical ring plane appeared edge-on to Earth within weeks of its opposition, providing the best Earth-based opportunity to detect these rings in several decades. Using the Wide Field/Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2) on the Hubble Space Telescope, we obtained a set of deep exposures off the east and west limbs of Mars to search for these hypothetical rings. No rings were detected. This result limits normal optical depths to ∼3×10−8 for the Phobos ring and ∼10−7 for the Deimos ring. These limits fall at the low end of prior dynamical predictions and a factor of 1000 below previous observational limits. However, our limit for the Deimos ring is more tentative because of large uncertainties about this ring's expected shape, size and orientation. Our data set is also sensitive to small, previously undetected inner moons. No moons were detected down to a radius limit of 75–125 m. Longitudinal coverage of the region near and between Phobos and Deimos is 40–80% complete. We conclude by describing a promising opportunity for further Martian ring viewing in December 2007.  相似文献   

    《Planetary and Space Science》1999,47(10-11):1225-1242
    Infrared spectra of Jupiter and Saturn have been recorded with the two spectrometers of the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) in 1995–1998, in the 2.3–180 μm range. Both the grating modes (R=150–2000) and the Fabry-Pérot modes (R=8000–30,000) of the two instruments were used. The main results of these observations are (1) the detection of water vapour in the deep troposphere of Saturn; (2) the detection of new hydrocarbons (CH3C2H, C4H2, C6H6, CH3) in Saturn’s stratosphere; (3) the detection of water vapour and carbon dioxide in the stratospheres of Jupiter and Saturn; (4) a new determination of the D/H ratio from the detection of HD rotational lines. The origin of the external oxygen source on Jupiter and Saturn (also found in the other giant planets and Titan in comparable amounts) may be either interplanetary (micrometeoritic flux) or local (rings and/or satellites). The D/H determination in Jupiter, comparable to Saturn’s result, is in agreement with the recent measurement by the Galileo probe (Mahaffy, P.R., Donahue, T.M., Atreya, S.K., Owen, T.C., Niemann, H.B., 1998. Galileo probe measurements of D/H and 3He/4He in Jupiters atmosphere. Space Science Rev. 84 251–263); the D/H values on Uranus and Neptune are significantly higher, as expected from current models of planetary formation.  相似文献   

    The origin of Saturn’s inner mid-sized moons (Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, Dione and Rhea) and Saturn’s rings is debated. Charnoz et al. [Charnoz, S., Salmon J., Crida A., 2010. Nature 465, 752–754] introduced the idea that the smallest inner moons could form from the spreading of the rings’ edge while Salmon et al. [Salmon, J., Charnoz, S., Crida, A., Brahic, A., 2010. Icarus 209, 771–785] showed that the rings could have been initially massive, and so was the ring’s progenitor itself. One may wonder if the mid-sized moons may have formed also from the debris of a massive ring progenitor, as also suggested by Canup [Canup, R., 2010. Nature 468, 943–946]. However, the process driving mid-sized moon accretion from the icy debris disks has not been investigated in details. In particular, Canup’s (2010) model does not seem able to explain the varying silicate contents of the mid-sized moons (from 6% to 57% in mass). Here, we explore the formation of large objects from a massive ice-rich ring (a few times Rhea’s mass) and describe the fundamental properties and implications of this new process. Using a hybrid computer model, we show that accretion within massive icy rings can form all mid-sized moons from Mimas to Rhea. However in order to explain their current locations, intense dissipation within Saturn (with Qp < 2000) is required. Our results are consistent with a satellite origin tied to the rings formation at least 2.5 Gy ago, both compatible with either a formation concurrent to Saturn or during the Late Heavy Bombardment. Tidal heating related to high-eccentricity post-accretional episodes may induce early geological activity. If some massive irregular chunks of silicates were initially present within the rings, they would be present today inside the satellites’ cores which would have accreted icy shells while being tidally expelled from the rings (via a heterogeneous accretion process). These moons may be either mostly icy, or, if they contain a significant amount of rock, already differentiated from the ice without the need for radiogenic heating. The resulting inner mid-sized moons may be significantly younger than the Solar System and a ∼1 Gyr formation delay is possible between Mimas and Rhea. The rings resulting from this process would evolve to a state compatible with current mass estimates of Saturn’s rings, and nearly devoid of silicates, apart from isolated silicate chunks coated with ice, interpreted as today Saturn’s rings’ propellers and ring-moons (like Pan or Daphnis).  相似文献   

    Saturn’s proton radiation belts extend over the orbits of several moons that split this region of intense radiation into several distinct belts. Understanding their distribution requires to understand how their particles are created and evolve. High-energy protons are thought to be dominantly produced by cosmic ray albedo neutron decay (CRAND). The source of the lower energies and the role of other effects such as charge exchange with the gas originating from Enceladus is still an open question. There is also no certainty so far if the belts exist independently from each other and the rest of the magnetosphere or if and how particles are exchanged between these regions. We approach these problems by using measurements acquired by the MIMI/LEMMS instrument onboard the Cassini spacecraft. Protons in the range from 500 keV to 40 MeV are considered. Their intensities are averaged over 7 years of the mission and converted to phase space densities at constant first and second adiabatic invariant. We reproduce the resulting radial profiles with a numerical model that includes radial diffusion, losses from moons and interactions with gas, and a phenomenological source. Our results show that the dominating effects away from the moon sweeping corridors are diffusion and the source, while interactions with gas are secondary. Based on a GEANT4 simulation of the interaction of cosmic rays with Saturn’s rings, we conclude that secondary particles produced within the rings can only account for the high-energy part of the source. A comparison with the equivalent processes within Earth’s atmosphere shows that Saturn’s atmosphere can contribute to the production of the lower energies and might be even dominating at the higher energies. Other possibilities to supply the belts and exchange particles between them, as diffusion and injections from outside the belts, or stripping of ENAs, can be excluded.  相似文献   

    《Planetary and Space Science》2007,55(13):1877-1885
    Cassini/Huygens, a flagship mission to explore the rings, atmosphere, magnetic field, and moons that make up the Saturn system, is a joint endeavor of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the European Space Agency, and Agenzia Spaziale Italiana. Comprising two spacecraft—a Saturn orbiter built by NASA and a Titan entry/descent probe built by the European Space Agency—Cassini/Huygens was launched in October 1997. The Huygens probe parachuted to the surface of Titan in January 2005. During the descent, six science instruments provided in situ measurements of Titan's atmosphere, clouds, and winds, and photographed Titan's surface. To correctly interpret and correlate results from the probe science experiments, and to provide a reference set of data for ground-truth calibration of orbiter remote sensing measurements, an accurate reconstruction of the probe entry and descent trajectory and surface landing location is necessary. The Huygens Descent Trajectory Working Group was chartered in 1996 as a subgroup of the Huygens Science Working Team to develop and implement an organizational framework and retrieval methodologies for the probe descent trajectory reconstruction from the entry altitude of 1270 km to the surface using navigation data, and engineering and science data acquired by the instruments on the Huygens Probe. This paper presents an overview of the Descent Trajectory Working Group, including the history, rationale, goals and objectives, organizational framework, rules and procedures, and implementation.  相似文献   

    《Planetary and Space Science》2006,54(9-10):1014-1023
    Faint rings of micrometre-sized dust particles embrace many planets in the Solar system. As a rule, they are replenished by ejecta from embedded atmosphereless moons. On a number of occasions, the ejecta are generated by hypervelocity meteoroid impacts into the moons. Small ejecta fragments are then swiftly shifted into rings by an array of non-gravitational forces, e.g. radiation pressure or plasma drag. A significant fraction of ejecta mass, however, is contained in relatively big, multi-micrometre fragments which are subject to gravity only. Having escaped from the satellite, they stay close to its orbit and form a belt around planet. This belt is itself a source of ring dust through collisional disruption of its particles. Here the contributions of belts to the respective rings are estimated for selected satellites of Jupiter and Saturn. The belts under review could supply substantially more dust to rings than the direct ejecta from satellites and should be taken into account when estimating ring dust budgets. The belts are very difficult to observe, however, and some of them remain a theoretical proposition. We find an appealing evidence for the belts due to Amalthea and Thebe around Jupiter, and for the belt due to Enceladus around Saturn.  相似文献   

    A catalog of 1385 astrometric positions of Saturn’s moons S2–S9 has been compiled with Tycho-2 as a reference frame from photographic observations obtained at the Main Astronomical Observatory, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, in 1961–1990. Astronegatives have been digitized with an Epson Expression 10000XL commercial scanner in 16-bit grayscale with a resolution of 1200 dpi. Reduction has been performed in the LINUX-MIDAS-ROMAFOT software supplemented with additional modules. The internal positional accuracy of the reduction is 0.09…0.23′′ for both coordinates and 0.27…0.37m for the photographic magnitudes of the Tycho-2 catalog. The calculated topocentric positions of the moons are compared online with the IMCCE ephemeris data (DE405 + TASS1,7). Moon-minus-moon differential coordinates are found for most of the moons and compared with theoretical data (http://lnfm1.sai.msu.ru/neb/nss/nssephmr.htm).  相似文献   

    We constructed new models of Saturn with an allowance made for a helium mass fraction of ~0.18–0.25 in its atmosphere. Our modeling shows that the composition of Saturn differs markedly from the solar composition; more specifically, during its formation, the planet was ~11–15 planetary masses short of the hydrogen-helium component. Saturn, as well as the other giant planets, must have been formed according to Schmidt’s scenario, through the formation of embryonic nuclei, rather than according to Laplace’s scenario. The masses of the embryonic nuclei themselves lie within the range (3.5–8) M. We calculated a theoretical free-oscillation spectrum for our models of Saturn, each of which fits all of the available observational data. The results of our calculations are presented graphically and in tables. Of particular interest are the diagnostic potentialities of the discontinuity gravitational modes related to density jumps in the molecular envelope of Saturn and at the interface between its molecular and metallic envelopes. When observational data appear, our results can be used both to identify the observed modes and to improve the models themselves. We discuss some of the cosmogonical aspects associated with the formation of the giant planets.  相似文献   

    We have performed the first observation of the CO(3-2) spectral line in the atmosphere of Saturn with the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope. We have used a transport model of the atmosphere of Saturn to constrain the origin of the observed CO. The CO line is best-fit when the CO is located at pressures less than (15±2) mbar with a mixing ratio of (2.5±0.6)×10-8 implying an external origin. By modeling the transport in Saturn’s atmosphere, we find that a cometary impact origin with an impact 200-350 years ago is more likely than continuous deposition by interplanetary dust particles (IDP) or local sources (rings/satellites). This result would confirm that comet impacts are relatively frequent and efficient providers of CO to the atmospheres of the outer planets. However, a diffuse and/or local source cannot be rejected, because we did not account for photochemistry of oxygen compounds. Finally, we have derived an upper limit of ∼1×10-9 on the tropospheric CO mixing ratio.  相似文献   

    The hypersonic analog for the interaction of the solar wind with Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto is used to provide estimates of shock shapes and locations as well as average magnetosheath and/or ionosheath properties for these planets. Several representative spacecraft flyby trajectories (designed for outer-planet Grand Tour simulations) are superimposed upon a series of figures in order to provide estimates of potential plasma and field parameters which may be encountered. Consideration is given first to the possibility that several of these planets have intrinsic magnetic fields and, secondly, to the interaction of the solar wind directly on the ionosphere should there actually be no intrinsic field. Saturn and Pluto are chosen as examples of this latter case.  相似文献   

    We present a continuation of our numerical study on planetary systems with similar characteristics to the Solar System. This time we examine the influence of three giant planets on the motion of terrestrial-like planets in the habitable zone (HZ). Using the Jupiter–Saturn–Uranus configuration we create similar fictitious systems by varying Saturn’s semi-major axis from 8 to 11 AU and increasing its mass by factors of 2–30. The analysis of the different systems shows the following interesting results: (i) Using the masses of the Solar System for the three giant planets, our study indicates a maximum eccentricity (max-e) of nearly 0.3 for a test-planet placed at the position of Venus. Such a high eccentricity was already found in our previous study of Jupiter–Saturn systems. Perturbations associated with the secular frequency g 5 are again responsible for this high eccentricity. (ii) An increase of the Saturn-mass causes stronger perturbations around the position of the Earth and in the outer HZ. The latter is certainly due to gravitational interaction between Saturn and Uranus. (iii) The Saturn-mass increased by a factor 5 or higher indicates high eccentricities for a test-planet placed at the position of Mars. So that a crossing of the Earth’ orbit might occur in some cases. Furthermore, we present the maximum eccentricity of a test-planet placed in the Earth’ orbit for all positions (from 8 to 11 AU) and masses (increased up to a factor of 30) of Saturn. It can be seen that already a double-mass Saturn moving in its actual orbit causes an increase of the eccentricity up to 0.2 of a test-planet placed at Earth’s position. A more massive Saturn orbiting the Sun outside the 5:2 mean motion resonance (a S  ≥9.7 AU) increases the eccentricity of a test-planet up to 0.4.  相似文献   

    《Planetary and Space Science》1999,47(10-11):1201-1210
    New models of Jupiter are based on observational data provided by the Galileo spaceprobe, which considerably improved previously existing estimates of the helium abundance in the atmosphere of Jupiter. These data yield for Jupiter’s atmosphere 20% of the solar oxygen abundance and do not agree with the results of the analysis of the collision of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 with Jupiter (10 times the solar value). Therefore, both the models of Jupiter with water-depleted and water-enriched atmosphere are considered. By analogy with Jupiter, trial models of Saturn with a water-depleted external envelope are also developed. The molecular-metallic phase transition pressure of hydrogen Pm was taken to be 1.5, 2 and 3 Mbar. Since Saturn’s internal molecular envelope is noticeably enriched in the IR-component (its weight concentration, 0.25–0.30, being by a factor of 3–4 higher than in Jupiter), the phase transition pressure in Saturn can be lower than in Jupiter. In the constructed models, the IR-core masses are 3–3.5 M for Jupiter and 3–5.5 M for Saturn. Jupiter’s and Saturn’s IR-cores can be considered embryos onto which the accretion of the gas occurred during the formation of the planets. The mass of the hydrogen–helium component dispersed in the zone of planetary formation constitutes ≈2–5 planetary masses for Jupiter and ≈11–14 planetary masses for Saturn.  相似文献   

    Jack J. Lissauer 《Icarus》1985,62(3):433-447
    The surface mass density profiles at four locations within Saturn's rings are calculated using Voyager spacecraft images of spiral bending waves. Bending waves are vertical corrugations in Saturn's rings which are excited at vertical resonances of a moon, e.g., Mimas, whose orbit is inclined with respect to the mean plane of the rings. Bending waves propagate toward Saturn by virtue of the rings' self-gravity; their wavelength depends on the local surface mass density of the rings. Observations of bending waves can thus be used to determine the surface density in regions of Saturn's rings near vertical resonances. The average surface density of the outer B ring near Mimas' 4:2 inner vertical resonance is 54 ± 10 g cm?2. Surface density in this region probably varies by ~ 30% over radial length scales of tens of kilometers; and irregular radial structure is present on similar length scales in this region. Surface densities ranging from 24 g cm?2 to 45 g cm?2 are found in the A ring. Small scale variations in surface density are not seen in the A ring, consistent with its more uniform optical appearance.  相似文献   

    The exospheric theory based on the Kappa velocity distribution function (VDF) is used to model the exosphere of the giant planets Jupiter and Saturn. Such Kappa velocity distribution functions with an enhanced population of suprathermal particles are indeed often observed in space plasmas and in the space environment of the planets. The suprathermal particles have significant effects on the escape flux, density and temperature profiles of the particles in the exosphere of the giant planets. The polar wind flux becomes several orders larger when suprathermal electrons are considered, so that the planetary ionosphere becomes then a significant source for their inner magnetosphere. Moreover, the number density of the particles decreases slower as a function of the altitude when a Kappa distribution is considered instead of a Maxwellian one. Two-dimensional maps of density are calculated for typical values of the temperatures. The exospheric formalism is also applied to study the escape flux from the exospheres of Io and Titan, respectively, moons of Jupiter and Saturn.  相似文献   

    Numerical simulations are performed to understand the early thermal evolution and planetary scale differentiation of icy bodies with the radii in the range of 100–2500 km. These icy bodies include trans‐Neptunian objects, minor icy planets (e.g., Ceres, Pluto); the icy satellites of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune; and probably the icy‐rocky cores of these planets. The decay energy of the radionuclides, 26Al, 60Fe, 40K, 235U, 238U, and 232Th, along with the impact‐induced heating during the accretion of icy bodies were taken into account to thermally evolve these planetary bodies. The simulations were performed for a wide range of initial ice and rock (dust) mass fractions of the icy bodies. Three distinct accretion scenarios were used. The sinking of the rock mass fraction in primitive water oceans produced by the substantial melting of ice could lead to planetary scale differentiation with the formation of a rocky core that is surrounded by a water ocean and an icy crust within the initial tens of millions of years of the solar system in case the planetary bodies accreted prior to the substantial decay of 26Al. However, over the course of billions of years, the heat produced due to 40K, 235U, 238U, and 232Th could have raised the temperature of the interiors of the icy bodies to the melting point of iron and silicates, thereby leading to the formation of an iron core. Our simulations indicate the presence of an iron core even at the center of icy bodies with radii ≥500 km for different ice mass fractions.  相似文献   

    Infrared spectral observations of Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn were made from 100 to 470 cm?1 using NASA's G. P. Kuiper Airborne Observatory. Taking Mars as a calibration source, we determined brightness temperatures of Jupiter and Saturn with approximately 5 cm?1 resolution. The data are used to determine the internal luminosities of the giant planets, for which more than 75% of the thermally emitted power is estimated to be in the measured bandpass: for Jupiter LJ = (8.0 ± 2.0) × 10?10L and for Saturn LS = (3.6 ± 0.9) × 10?10. The ratio R of thermally emitted power to solar power absorbed was estimated to be RJ = 1.6 ± 0.2, and RS = 2.7 ± 0.8 from the observations when both planets were near perihelion. The Jupiter spectrum clearly shows the presence of the rotational ammonia transitions which strongly influence the opacity at frequencies ?250 cm?1. Comparison of the data with spectra predicted from current models of Jupiter and Saturn permits inferences regarding the structure of the planetary atmospheres below the temperature inversion. In particular, an opacity source in addition to gaseous hydrogen and ammonia, such as ammonia ice crystals as suggested by Orton, may be necessary to explain the observed Jupiter spectrum in the vicinity of 250 cm?1.  相似文献   

    《Planetary and Space Science》2007,55(9):1135-1189
    During the last few years our knowledge about the X-ray emission from bodies within the solar system has significantly improved. Several new solar system objects are now known to shine in X-rays at energies below 2 keV. Apart from the Sun, the known X-ray emitters now include planets (Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn), planetary satellites (Moon, Io, Europa, and Ganymede), all active comets, the Io plasma torus (IPT), the rings of Saturn, the coronae (exospheres) of Earth and Mars, and the heliosphere. The advent of higher-resolution X-ray spectroscopy with the Chandra and XMM-Newton X-ray observatories has been of great benefit in advancing the field of planetary X-ray astronomy. Progress in modeling X-ray emission, laboratory studies of X-ray production, and theoretical calculations of cross-sections, have all contributed to our understanding of processes that produce X-rays from the solar system bodies.At Jupiter and Earth, both auroral and non-auroral disk X-ray emissions have been observed. X-rays have been detected from Saturn's disk, but no convincing evidence of an X-ray aurora has been observed. The first soft (0.1–2 keV) X-ray observation of Earth's aurora by Chandra shows that it is highly variable. The non-auroral X-ray emissions from Jupiter, Saturn, and Earth, those from the disk of Mars, Venus, and Moon, and from the rings of Saturn, are mainly produced by scattering of solar X-rays. The spectral characteristics of X-ray emission from comets, the heliosphere, the geocorona, and the Martian halo are quite similar, but they appear to be quite different from those of Jovian auroral X-rays. X-rays from the Galilean satellites and the IPT are mostly driven by impact of Jovian magnetospheric particles.This paper reviews studies of the soft X-ray emission from the solar system bodies, excluding the Sun. Processes of production of solar system X-rays are discussed and an overview is provided of the main source mechanisms of X-ray production at each object. A brief account on recent development in the area of laboratory studies of X-ray production is also provided.  相似文献   

    《Planetary and Space Science》1999,47(10-11):1183-1200
    Interior models of Jupiter and Saturn are calculated and compared in the framework of the three-layer assumption, which rely on the perception that both planets consist of three globally homogeneous regions: a dense core, a metallic hydrogen envelope, and a molecular hydrogen envelope. Within this framework, constraints on the core mass and abundance of heavy elements (i.e. elements other than hydrogen and helium) are given by accounting for uncertainties on the measured gravitational moments, surface temperature, surface helium abundance, and on the inferred protosolar helium abundance, equations of state, temperature profile and solid/differential interior rotation. Results obtained solely from static models matching the measured gravitational fields indicate that the mass of Jupiter’s dense core is less than 14 M (Earth masses), but that models with no core are possible given the current uncertainties on the hydrogen–helium equation of state. Similarly, Saturn’s core mass is less than 22 M but no lower limit can be inferred. The total mass of heavy elements (including that in the core) is constrained to lie between 11 and 42 M in Jupiter, and between 19 and 31 M in Saturn. The enrichment in heavy elements of their molecular envelopes is 1–6.5, and 0.5–12 times the solar value, respectively. Additional constraints from evolution models accounting for the progressive differentiation of helium (Hubbard WB, Guillot T, Marley MS, Burrows A, Lunine JI, Saumon D, 1999. Comparative evolution of Jupiter and Saturn. Planet. Space Sci. 47, 1175–1182) are used to obtain tighter, albeit less robust, constraints. The resulting core masses are then expected to be in the range 0–10 M, and 6–17 M for Jupiter and Saturn, respectively. Furthermore, it is shown that Saturn’s atmospheric helium mass mixing ratio, as derived from Voyager, Y=0.06±0.05, is probably too low. Static and evolution models favor a value of Y=0.11−0.25. Using, Y=0.16±0.05, Saturn’s molecular region is found to be enriched in heavy elements by 3.5 to 10 times the solar value, in relatively good agreement with the measured methane abundance. Finally, in all cases, the gravitational moment J6 of models matching all the constraints are found to lie between 0.35 and 0.38×10−4 for Jupiter, and between 0.90 and 0.98×10−4 for Saturn, assuming solid rotation. For comparison, the uncertainties on the measured J6 are about 10 times larger. More accurate measurements of J6 (as expected from the Cassini orbiter for Saturn) will therefore permit to test the validity of interior models calculations and the magnitude of differential rotation in the planetary interior.  相似文献   

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