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A Radiation Belt Monitor (RBM) sensitive to protons and electrons with energy 0.5 MeV1 has been designed for the High Energy Transient Experiment (HETE) satellite in order to: first, control the on-off configuration of the experiments (i.e. those susceptible to proton damage); and second, to indicate the presence of proton and/or electron events that could masquerade as legitimate high energy photon events. One of the two RBM channels has an enhanced sensitivity to electrons. Each channel of the RBM, based on a PIN silicon diode, requires a typical power of 6 milliwatts. Tests have been performed with protons with energies from 0.1 to 2.5 MeV (generated by a Cockcroft-Walton linear accelerator via the d(d,p)t reaction), and with electrons with energies up to 1 MeV (from a 1.0 µCi207Bi source).  相似文献   

With the German research satellite AZUR we observed repeatedly at low altitudes in the outer electron radiation belt, a double structure lasting from 6 to 8 days which is very distinct for energies >3-2 MeV. This phenomenon is discussed for a small and large geomagnetic storm by using simultaneous measurements of the geosynchronous ATS 5 satellite and magnetograms of polar stations. The double structure can probably be explained by a loss mechanism for relativistic electrons near the plasmapause due to a parasitic cyclotron interaction process with ion-cyclotron waves proposed by Thorne and Kennel. The example with the large geomagnetic storm also gives evidence for the injection and acceleration of high energy electrons in the outer radiation belt.  相似文献   

Using the STEERB (storm-time evolution of electron radiation belt) code, we simulate the evolution of radiation belt energetic electrons during geomagnetic storms in the case of low energy electron injection. The STEERB code is used to solve the three-dimensional Fokker–Planck diffusion equation which incorporates wave-particle interaction, Coulomb collisions and radial diffusion. Numerical simulations show that under the short time (~1 h) injection of low energy (0.1 MeV≤E k ≤0.2 MeV) fluxes of radiation belt energetic electrons can increase during the entire storm period. During the main and recovery phases, such injection efficiently enhances chorus-driven acceleration of radiation belt energetic electrons, allowing fluxes of energetic electrons by a factor of 1–2 orders higher than those in the absence of injection. The current results indicate that substorm-induced electron injection must be incorporated to investigate the evolution of radiation belt energetic electrons.  相似文献   

New information obtained about >500 keV electron intensity enhancements, which have been observed intermittently close to the outer edge of the electron radiation belt, is used in conjunction with an earlier statistical study by Brown and Stone (1972) to investigate processes which could lead to such structures. The enhancements are typically of ~20 sec duration and occur in a very narrow invariant latitude band, maximally 2° wide. The intensity increase relative to the “normal” background level is up to a factor 10, and the “spike” frequency of occurrence is strongly local time dependent, with more spikes observed in the night and dusk-noon sectors than in the noon-dawn sector. The processes investigated quantitatively are distortions of the magnetospheric topology in the equatorial region, wave-particle interactions and the effects of ionospheric currents. It is shown that the various processes which contribute to equatorial field disturbances can explain the observations.  相似文献   

V. G. Ledenev 《Solar physics》1994,149(2):279-288
The problem of energetic electron flux propagation in the solar coronal plasma is solved with due regard for the influence of the oppositely directed neutralizing cold electron flux and the kinematic escape effect of the electrons with different velocities. It is shown that the flux electrons are accelerated in the process of propagation, thus forming a beam, whose velocity is constant on rather long time scales. Three regimes can be realized in this case. In the first regime, plasma waves do not have time to be excited because they escape rapidly from resonance with the beam. In the second regime, waves are excited, but the beam does not have time to relax. The third regime is quasi-linear relaxation.The generation of solar type III radio bursts in the second regime of electron flux propagation is considered.  相似文献   

Pitch-angle data were obtained by the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory's scanning, magnetic electron spectrometer on OGO 5 during its traversals of the inner belt in 1968. Data from the five lowest-energy channels 79–822 keV, were analyzed in terms of j vs λI, time-decay rates, and spectral shapes at constant L. The inner-belt electron injection following two storm periods was observed; the first was the mild storm of 11 June and the second the more intense storms of 31 October and 1 November. Comparisons with other data indicate that only a small Starfish residual (at > 1 MeV) still remained in the heart of the inner belt; hence, the results are indicative of the normal inner belt. The data are discussed in terms of current ideas regarding the source and loss of particles in the inner belt.  相似文献   

Radial diffusion of equatorially mirroring particles of solar wind origin in Jovian inner magnetosphere is reviewed. Using the Pioneer 10 and 11 data on plasma and magnetic field parameters of Jupiter, phase-space density profile of the inner belt (i.e., 1 = L 5) has been derived.  相似文献   

The radio emission from Jupiter at 10, 21 cm wavelength has been measured with a spatial resolution of the order of 1 Jupiter radius. This may be analytically reduced to the emission per cubic centimeter of source at each measured frequency. The theoretically predicted synchrotron emission of electrons as a function of frequency, magnetic field and electron energy can then be compared to the observed source emissivity to obtain the number density and ‘temperature’ of the electrons. Present observations taken at different epochs are not sufficiently reliable to infer peak energies within an order of magnitude. Nevertheless the present results indicate that electrons diffuse in rapidly (in a time of the order of months) conserving the first adiabatic invariant and reach a peak energy at about 2 Jupiter radii. The electron energy decreases rapidly nearer the planet because of energy lost to radiation in the large magnetic field close to the planet.  相似文献   

An experiment performed with a balloon-borne large plastic scintillator is described. It was launched from Reconquista, province of Santa Fe, on 24 February, 1978. The energy loss spectra of both atmospheric gamma radiation (forE > 4.15 MeV) and the charged component of the secondary cosmic radiation, were alternately measured at different altitudes, during the ascent of the balloon and at ceiling altitude. The atmospheric gamma radiation spectrum is analyzed in an earlier paper (Azcárateet al., 1992). The shape of the energy loss spectrum due to charged radiation is justified, in its more characteristic features, when the path length distribution in the detector of minimum ionization relativistic particles is taken into account. It is concluded that, at the ceiling altitude, the observed peak in the spectrum is due mainly to relativisticµ-mesons incident from the horizontal direction. The growth curve for the counting rate below the peak and the horizontal intensity of relativisticµ-mesons are also obtained.Member of the Carrera del Investigador Científico y Tecnológico, from the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) from ArgentinaMember of the Carrera del Investigador Científico y Tecnológico, from the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) from Argentina  相似文献   

V.S. Safronov 《Icarus》1978,33(1):3-12
The thermal state of the Earth accumulating from solid bodies is investigated. The conductivity equation is deduced for a growing spherically symmetrical planet which takes into account heating by impacts of bodies, by radioactivity, and by compression of its material. The cooling is produced mainly by impact mixing, which is approximated by extrapolating the parameters from known impact craters to larger sizes. The solution of a more simple conductivity equation for a uniformly heated plane parallel layer with moving boundaries is found. It can be considered as an approximate quasi-stationary solution for the temperature distribution in the outer parts of the growing Earth. The result depends substantially on the sizes of impacting bodies but almost not at all on the time scale of the accumulation. The latter only weakly affects the surface temperature and does not affect the temperature distribution in the layer. For bodies of small radii, r′ < r1, where the size of the crater is not affected appreciably by gravitation (for the present mass of the Earth r1 ≈ 1 km), the heating is small. For bodies with r′ > r1, the heating of the layer is roughly proportional to the ratio r′r1. Toward the end of the Earth's accumulation the melting point can be reached in the outer layer at rM ? 60 km, where rM is the radius of the largest body in the power law size spectrum of falling bodies. The estimates of the initial temperature of the Earth can vary within wide limits depending on the mass distribution of large protoplanetary bodies, which at the present time is not known correctly. The initial melting of an upper layer of the Earth a few hundred kilometers thick seems to be possible.  相似文献   

A first estimate of the energy that reaches the Earth's surface and is produced by the inverse Compton effect between the electrons in the Van Allen belt and the solar flux was made. Since in the belt there are electrons with energies between 0.5 and 7 MeV, it was possible to use the Klein-Nishina formula in an approximate form and estimate the energy that is Compton scattered by all the electrons in the Van Allen belt by using Vette, Lucero and Bright's model. The result was compared (a) with the measurements of the continuum in the regions of soft X-rays, and (b) with the energy that is produced by the trapped electrons through the synchrotron mechanism.This paper was presented at the COSPAR meeting held in leningrad on May 20–29, 1970.  相似文献   

X-ray transition radiation can be used to measure the Lorentz factor of relativistic particles. At energies approaching γ=E/mc2=105, transition radiation detectors can be optimized by using thick (5–10 mil) foils with large (5–10 mm) spacings. This implies X-ray energies 100 keV and the use of scintillators as the X-ray detectors. Compton scattering of the X-rays out of the particle beam then becomes an important effect. We discuss the design of very high energy detectors, the use of metal radiator foils rather than the standard plastic foils, inorganic scintillators for detecting Compton scattered transition radiation, and the application to the ACCESS cosmic ray experiment.  相似文献   

Low-inclination, low altitude Earth orbits (LEO) are of increasing importance for astrophysical satellites, due to their low background environment. Here, the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA) is the region with the highest amount of radiation. We study the radiation environment in a LEO (500–600 km altitude, 4° inclination) through the particle background measured by the Particle Monitor (PM) experiment onboard the BeppoSAX satellite, between 1996 and 2002. Using time series of particle count rates measured by PM we construct intensity maps and derive SAA passage times and fluences. The low-latitude SAA regions are found to have an intensity strongly decreasing with altitude and dependent on the magnetic rigidity. The SAA extent, westward drift and strength vs altitude is shown.  相似文献   

Weak dust acoustic (DA) solitary waves are investigated in a mixed nonthermal high energy-tail electron distribution, focusing on the influence of an interplay between nonthermality and superthermality on the DA soliton energy. It is shown that in a pure superthermal plasma (α=0), electron thermalization (κ→∞) leads to an increase of the energy carried by the soliton. Addition of minute quantities of nonthermal electrons drastically modifies the κ-dependence of the soliton energy E κ,α . The latter first decreases, then exhibits a local minimum before leveling at a constant value. The energy exchange between the non-Maxwellian electrons and the localized solitary structure depends drastically on the interplay between superthermality and nonthermality.  相似文献   

Observations are reported of field aligned etectron fluxes in the energy range 50–500 eV at altitudes below 270 km from two rocket flights in the auroral zone. The regions of field aligned suprathermal electrons occurred in bursts of a few seconds duration, and in some instances the energy of the peak field aligned flux was in the range 100–500 eV. Theoretical calculations of the pitch angle distribution were made using the Monte Carlo technique for two model atmospheres having exospheric temperatures of 750 and 1500 K bracketing the expected auroral zone exospheric temperature. The calculations were made for the case of incident field aligned suprathermal fluxes with no local parallel electric field and also for the case of a local constant parallel electric field. Comparison of theoretical and experimental pitch angle distributions showed that in one case at 270 km a parallel electric field of 1–2 mV/m fitted the data whereas another burst at 210 km required a parallel electric field of about 10 mV/m to produce a field aligned distribution of 230 eV electrons as pronounced as was observed. Furthermore in this latter case the lack of strong field alignment at 500 eV pointed to localisation of the parallel electric field to an altitude range of 20–30 km about the rocket altitude.  相似文献   

Our understanding of planet formation depends in fundamental ways on what we learn by analyzing the composition, mineralogy, and petrology of meteorites. Yet, it is difficult to deduce the compositional and thermal gradients that existed in the solar nebula from the meteoritic record because, in most cases, we do not know where meteorites with different chemical and isotopic signatures originated. Here we developed a model that tracks the orbits of meteoroid-sized objects as they evolve from the ν6 secular resonance to Earth-crossing orbits. We apply this model to determining the number of meteorites accreted on the Earth immediately after a collisional disruption of a D∼200-km-diameter inner-main-belt asteroid in the Flora family region. We show that this event could produce fossil chondrite meteorites found in an ≈470 Myr old marine limestone quarry in southern Sweden, the L-chondrite meteorites with shock ages ≈470 Myr falling on the Earth today, as well as asteroid-sized fragments in the Flora family. To explain the measured short cosmic-ray exposure ages of fossil meteorites our model requires that the meteoroid-sized fragments were launched at speeds >500 m s−1 and/or the collisional lifetimes of these objects were much shorter immediately after the breakup event than they are today.  相似文献   

The radio approach based on the Askaryan effect for detecting the ultra-high energy cosmic neutrinos has become a mature experimental technique. So far the existing calculations of the Cherenkov radiation associated with the Askaryan effect has been mostly based on the far-field approximation, whose validity maybe challenged when the detector is close to the event. In this paper we present an alternative approach to calculate the Cherenkov pulse by a numerical code based on the finite difference time-domain (FDTD) method. This approach has the advantage of providing the solution everywhere in space, contrary to other methods that rely on the far-field approximation. We also present a one-dimensional theoretical model for the shower with analytical solution, which helps to elucidate our nonzero-width simulation results. We show that for a shower with symmetric longitudinal development, the resulting near-field waveform would be asymmetric in time. In addition, we demonstrate that for a shower elongated by the LPM (Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal) effect and thus with a multi-peak structure, a bipolar, asymmetric waveform is still preserved in the near-field regime irrespective of the specific variations of the multi-peak structure, which makes it a generic, distinctive feature. This should provide an important characteristic signature for the identification of ultra-high energy cosmogenic neutrinos.  相似文献   

Data from the Cassini plasma spectrometer (CAPS) electron spectrometer (ELS) have been found to be contaminated with an energy-independent background count rate which has been associated with radiation sources on Cassini. In this paper we describe this background radiation and quantitatively assess its impact on numerically integrated electron moments. The general properties of such a background and its effects on numerical moments are derived. The properties of the ELS background are described and a model for the background presented. A model to generate synthetic ELS spectra is presented and used to evaluate the density and temperature of pure noise and then extended to include ambient distributions. It is shown that the presence of noise produces a saturation of the electron density and temperature at quasi-constant values when the instrument is at background, but that these noise level moments are dependent on the floating spacecraft potential and the orientation of the ELS instrument with respect to the spacecraft. When the ambient distribution has a poor signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) the noise determines the density and temperature; however, as the SNR increases (increasing primarily with density) the density and temperature tend to those of the ambient distribution. It is also shown that these noise effects produce highly artificial density-temperature inverse correlations. A method to subtract this noise is presented and shown to correct for the presence of the noise. Simulated error estimates for the density and temperature are also presented. The analysis described in this paper not only applies to weak background noise, but also to more significant penetrating backgrounds such as those in radiation belt regions of planetary magnetospheres.  相似文献   

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