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ResponseProcessofOceantoAtmosphericForcingandOptimalResponseFrequencyintheCZOceanModelNiYunqi(倪允琪),ZouLi(邹力)andWuAiming(吴爱明)(...  相似文献   

AComparativeStudyoftheAtmosphericLayersbelowFirstLiftingCondensationLevelforInstantaneousPre-MonsoonThunderstormOcurenceatAga...  相似文献   

ReviewoftheResearchesonChangmaandFutureObservationalStudy(KORMEX)Jai-HoOh,Won-TaeKwonandSang-BomRyoMETRI,KoreaMeteorologicalA...  相似文献   


GlobalOceanicClimateAnomaliesin1980′sFuCongbin(符淙斌)andXieLi(谢力)InstituteofAtmosphericPhysics,ChineseAcademyofSciences,Beijing...  相似文献   

AFinite-ModeModelofIdealFluidDynamicsonthe2-SphereWeiMozhengCRCforSouthernHemisphereMeteorologyCSIRODivisionofAtmosphericRese...  相似文献   

OntheForcingoftheRadial-verticalCirculationwithinCyclones—Part1:ConceptsandEquationsD.R.JohnsonandZhuojianYuanSpaceScienceand...  相似文献   


TheEarlySummerSeasonalChangeofLarge-scaleCirculationoverEastAsiaandItsRelationtoChangeofTheFrontalFeaturesandFrontalRainfallE...  相似文献   

RelationshipsbetwenAtmosphericCirculationPaternsandCO2Grenhouse-GasConcentrationLevelsintheAlpineTroposphereA.Longheto,S.Ferr...  相似文献   

A new North Atlantic Oscillation index and its variability   总被引:31,自引:4,他引:27  
A new North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index, the NAOI, is defined as the differences of normalized sea level pressures regionally zonal-averaged over a broad range of longitudes 80°W-30°E. A comprehensive comparison of six NAO indices indicates that the new NAOI provides a more faithful representation of the spatial-temporal variability associated with the NAO on all timescales. A very high signal-to-noise ratio for the NAOI exists for all seasons, and the life cycle represented by the NAOI describes well the seasonal migration for action centers of the NAO. The NAOI captures a larger fraction of the variance of sea level pressure over the North Atlantic sector (20°-90°N, 80°W-30°E), on average 10% more than any other NAO index. There are quite different relationships between the NAOI and surface air temperature during winter and summer. A novel feature, however, is that the NAOI is significantly negative correlated with surface air temperature over the North Atlantic Ocean between 10°-25°N and  相似文献   

Summary The interannual and decadal scale variability in the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and its relationship with Indian Summer monsoon rainfall has been investigated using 108 years (1881–1988) of data. The analysis is carried out for two homogeneous regions in India, (Peninsular India and Northwest India) and the whole of India. The analysis reveals that the NAO of the preceding year in January has a statistically significant inverse relationship with the summer monsoon rainfall for the whole of India and Peninsular India, but not with the rainfall of Northwest India. The decadal scale analysis reveals that the NAO during winter (December–January–February) and spring (March–April–May) has a statistically significant inverse relationship with the summer monsoon rainfall of Northwest India, Peninsular India and the whole of India. The highest correlation is observed with the winter NAO. The NAO and Northwest India rainfall relationship is stronger than that for the Peninsular and whole of India rainfall on climatological and sub-climatological scales.Trend analysis of summer monsoon rainfall over the three regions has also been carried out. From the early 1930s the Peninsular India and whole of India rainfall show a significant decreasing trend (1% level) whereas the Northwest India rainfall shows an increasing trend from 1896 onwards.Interestingly, the NAO on both climatological and subclimatological scales during winter, reveals periods of trends very similar to that of Northwest Indian summer monsoon rainfall but with opposite phases.The decadal scale variability in ridge position at 500 hPa over India in April at 75° E (an important parameter used for the long-range forecast of monsoon) and NAO is also investigated.With 4 Figures  相似文献   

R. Krishnan  M. Sugi 《Climate Dynamics》2003,21(3-4):233-242
Recent studies have furnished evidence for interdecadal variability in the tropical Pacific Ocean. The importance of this phenomenon in causing persistent anomalies over different regions of the globe has drawn considerable attention in view of its relevance in climate assessment. Here, we examine multi-source climate records in order to identify possible signatures of this longer time scale variability on the Indian summer monsoon. The findings indicate a coherent inverse relationship between the inter-decadal fluctuations of Pacific Ocean sea surface temperature (SST) and the Indian monsoon rainfall during the last century. A warm (cold) phase of the Pacific interdecadal variability is characterized by a decrease (increase) in the monsoon rainfall and a corresponding increase (decrease) in the surface air temperature over the Indian subcontinent. This interdecadal relationship can also be confirmed from the teleconnection patterns evident from long-period sea level pressure (SLP) dataset. The SLP anomalies over South and Southeast Asia and the equatorial west Pacific are dynamically consistent in showing an out-of-phase pattern with the SLP anomalies over the tropical central-eastern Pacific. The remote influence of the Pacific interdecadal variability on the monsoon is shown to be associated with prominent signals in the tropical and southern Indian Ocean indicative of coherent inter-basin variability on decadal time scales. If indeed, the atmosphere–ocean coupling associated with the Pacific interdecadal variability is independent from that of the interannual El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), then the climate response should depend on the evolutionary characteristics of both the time scales. It is seen from our analysis that the Indian monsoon is more vulnerable to drought situations, when El Niño events occur during warm phases of the Pacific interdecadal variability. Conversely, wet monsoons are more likely to prevail, when La Niña events coincide during cold phases of the Pacific interdecadal variability.  相似文献   

印度洋海盆增暖及ENSO对西北太平洋热带气旋活动的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
陶丽  程守长 《大气科学》2012,36(6):1223-1235
本文主要分析1950~2010年间印度洋海盆增暖和西北太平洋热带气旋(TC)活动的关系, 并与ENSO对西北太平洋TC活动的影响相比较, 结果表明:印度洋海盆异常增暖与西北太平洋地区总TC生成年频数尤其是弱TC相关较好, 印度洋海盆异常增暖, 西北太平洋地区为异常的反气旋, 对流抑制, 降水偏少, 不利于TC的生成, 反之亦然。而ENSO对西北太平洋热带气旋的影响, 主要体现在对强TC的年生成频数的影响, El Ni?o 发展年, 季风槽加深东伸, TC生成位置偏东, 由于TC在海洋上的生命史较长, TC的平均强度偏强, 因而强TC年生成频数偏多;La Ni?a发展年, 季风槽较浅, TC生成位置偏西, TC的平均强度偏弱, 强TC年生成频数偏少。但是ENSO指数与强TC年频数的相关有着年代际的变化, 在1950~1969年和1990~2009年间, ENSO指数和强TC年频数相关很好, 分别为0.532和0.687, 而在1970~1989这二十年间, 两者相关很弱, 只有0.081。  相似文献   

The variability of the Indian Ocean on interannual and decadal timescales is investigated in observations, coupled model simulation and model experiment. The Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) mode was specifically analyzed using a data-adaptive method. This study reveals one decadal mode and two interannual modes in the sea surface temperature (SST) of the IOD. The decadal mode in the IOD is associated with the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) of the North Pacific SST. The two interannual modes are related to the biennial and canonical components of El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), consistent with previous studies. This study hypothesizes that the relation between the Indian Ocean and the North Pacific on decadal scale may be through the northerly winds from the western North Pacific. The long simulation of Community Climate System Model version 4 also indicates the presence of IOD modes associated with the decadal PDO and canonical ENSO modes. However, the model fails to simulate the biennial ENSO mode in the Indian Ocean. The relation between the Indian Ocean and North Pacific Ocean is further supported by the regionally de-coupled model experiment.  相似文献   

Changes in the frequency of tropical cyclones over the North Indian Ocean   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary  Changes in the frequency of tropical cyclones developing over the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal have been studied utilizing 122 year (1877–1998) data of tropical cyclone frequency. There have been significant increasing trends in the cyclone frequency over the Bay of Bengal during November and May which are main cyclone months. During transitional monsoon months; June and September however, the frequency has decreased. The results have been presented for five months, i.e., May-November which are relevant as far as tropical cyclone frequency over the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal are concerned. The tropical cyclone frequency in the Arabian Sea has not shown any significant trend, probably due to small normal frequency. The frequency time series has been subjected to the spectral analysis to obtain the significant periods. The cyclone frequency over the Bay of Bengal during May has shown a 29 year cycle. A significant 44 year cycle has been found during November. Over the Arabian Sea significant cycles of 13 and 10 years have been observed during May-June and November, respectively. The tropical cyclone frequency in the North Indian Ocean has a prominent El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) scale cycle (2–5 years) during all above five months. The annual cyclone frequency exhibits 29 year and ENSO scale (2–4 years) oscillations. There is a reduction in tropical cyclone activity over the Bay of Bengal in severe cyclone months May and November during warm phases of ENSO. Examination of the frequencies of severe cyclones with maximum sustained winds ≥ 48 knots has revealed that these cyclones have become more frequent in the North Indian Ocean during intense cyclone period of the year. The rate of intensification of tropical disturbances to severe cyclone stage has registered an upward trend. Received June 7, 1999/Revised March 20, 2000  相似文献   

The Northwest Pacific (NWP) circulation (subtropical high) is an important component of the East Asian summer monsoon system. During summer (June–August), anomalous lower tropospheric anticyclonic (cyclonic) circulation appears over NWP in some years, which is an indicative of stronger (weaker) than normal subtropical high. The anomalous NWP cyclonic (anticyclonic) circulation years are associated with negative (positive) precipitation anomalies over most of Indian summer monsoon rainfall (ISMR) region. This indicates concurrent relationship between NWP circulation and convection over the ISMR region. Dry wind advection from subtropical land regions and moisture divergence over the southern peninsular India during the NWP cyclonic circulation years are mainly responsible for the negative rainfall anomalies over the ISMR region. In contrast, during anticyclonic years, warm north Indian Ocean and moisture divergence over the head Bay of Bengal-Gangetic Plain region support moisture instability and convergence in the southern flank of ridge region, which favors positive rainfall over most of the ISMR region. The interaction between NWP circulation (anticyclonic or cyclonic) and ISMR and their predictability during these anomalous years are examined in the present study. Seven coupled ocean–atmosphere general circulation models from the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Climate Center and their multimodel ensemble mean skills in predicting the seasonal rainfall and circulation anomalies over the ISMR region and NWP for the period 1982–2004 are assessed. Analysis reveals that three (two) out of seven models are unable to predict negative (positive) precipitation anomalies over the Indian subcontinent during the NWP cyclonic (anticyclonic) circulation years at 1-month lead (model is initialized on 1 May). The limited westward extension of the NWP circulation and misrepresentation of SST anomalies over the north Indian Ocean are found to be the main reasons for the poor skill (of some models) in rainfall prediction over the Indian subcontinent. This study demonstrates the importance of the NWP circulation variability in predicting summer monsoon precipitation over South Asia. Considering the predictability of the NWP circulation, the current study provides an insight into the predictability of ISMR. Long lead prediction of the ISMR associated with anomalous NWP circulation is also discussed.  相似文献   

Based on 1948 - 2004 monthly Reynolds Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and NCEP/NCAR atmospheric reanalysis data, the relationships between autumn Indian Ocean Dipole Mode (IODM) and the strength of South China Sea (SCS) Summer Monsoon are investigated through the EOF and smooth correlation methods. The results are as the following. (1) There are two dominant modes of autumn SSTA over the tropical Indian Ocean. They are the uniformly signed basin-wide mode (USBM) and Indian Ocean dipole mode (IODM), respectively. The SSTA associated with USBM are prevailing decadal to interdecadal variability characterized by a unanimous pattern, while the IODM mainly represents interannual variability of SSTA. (2) When positive (negative) IODM exists over the tropical Indian Ocean during the preceding fall, the SCS summer monsoon will be weak (strong). The negative correlation between the interannual variability of IODM and that of SCS summer monsoon is significant during the warm phase of long-term trend but insignificant during the cool phase. (3) When the SCS summer monsoon is strong (weak), the IODM will be in its positive (negative) phase during the following fall season. The positive correlation between the interannual variability of SCS summer monsoon and that of IODM is significant during both the warm and cool phase of the long-term trend, but insignificant during the transition between the two phases.  相似文献   

Interannual variability of the Indian summer monsoon rainfall has two dominant periodicities, one on the quasi-biennial (2–3 year) time scale corresponding to tropospheric biennial oscillation (TBO) and the other on low frequency (3–7 year) corresponding to El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO). In the present study, the spatial and temporal patterns of various atmospheric and oceanic parameters associated with the Indian summer monsoon on the above two periodicities were investigated using NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data sets for the period 1950–2005. Influences of Indian and Pacific Ocean SSTs on the monsoon season rainfall are different for both of the time scales. Seasonal evolution and movement of SST and Walker circulation are also different. SST and velocity potential anomalies are southeast propagating on the TBO scale, while they are stationary on the ENSO scale. Latent heat flux and relative humidity anomalies over the Indian Ocean and local Hadley circulation between the Indian monsoon region and adjacent oceans have interannual variability only on the TBO time scale. Local processes over the Indian Ocean determine the Indian Ocean SST in biennial periodicity, while the effect of equatorial east Pacific SST is significant in the ENSO periodicity. TBO scale variability is dependent on the local factors of the Indian Ocean and the Indian summer monsoon, while the ENSO scale processes are remotely controlled by the Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

The emerging need for extended climate prediction requires a consideration of the relative roles of climate change and low-frequency natural variability on decadal scale. Addressing this issue, this study has shown that the variability of the Indian monsoon rainfall (IMR) consists of three decadal scale oscillations and a nonlinear trend during 1901–2004. The space–time structures of the decadal oscillations are described. The IMR decadal oscillations are shown to be associated with Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO), Atlantic tripole oscillation and Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO). The sea surface temperatures (SSTs) of the North Pacific and North Atlantic Oceans are also resolved as nonlinear decadal oscillations. The SST AMO mode has high positive correlation with IMR while the SST tripole mode and SST PDO have negative correlation. The trend in IMR increases during the first half of the period and decreases during the second half. The IMR trend is modified when combined with the three decadal oscillations.  相似文献   

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