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为客观评估粤港澳闪电定位系统性能参数,将闪电定位资料与广州人工触发闪电试验及高建筑物自然闪电观测试验的观测结果进行了对比分析。结果表明,2007 2011年期间对真实闪电事件的闪电探测效率和回击探测效率分别为74%和40%,定位误差的算术平均值和几何平均值分别为2660 m和1500 m;2012年闪电探测效率和回击探测效率分别为97%和90%,定位误差的算术平均值和几何平均值分别为950 m和470 m。2008 2011年期间闪电定位系统的回击电流幅值约为真实值的0.7倍,而2012年约为真实值的4倍。总体上,2012年粤港澳闪电定位系统探测子站大幅度增加后,探测效率和定位精度均有明显提升,但对回击电流幅值的估算呈现系统性偏大。 相似文献
根据2014—2018年粤港澳闪电定位系统(GHMLLS)和广东电网地闪定位系统(GDLLS)两套闪电定位系统的观测资料, 对粤港澳大湾区范围内二者的地闪探测性能进行评估和对比, 结果表明, 在粤港澳大湾区, 对于地闪回击记录, 从各月份记录和空间密度的分布上来看, GDLLS的探测数都多于GHMLLS, 二者的比值为1.24;两套系统总回击、负回击、正回击的月分布和日变化特征基本一致; 两系统地闪回击的匹配记录在大湾区大部分区域内的偏差量都在1.5 km内; 对于匹配后的负、正回击电流峰值, 二者有较强的相关性, 相关系数分别为0.99和0.98, GDLLS的负、正回击电流峰值分别为GHMLLS的1.47倍和1.45倍。 相似文献
基于2005-2010年间OTD/LIS闪电观测数据,评估了同期全球闪电定位系统(World Wide Lightning Location Network,WWLLN)的平均探测效率,分别就全球和三大闪电高发区的闪电活动特征,对WWLLN的探测效率进行了讨论分析。OTD/LIS探测得到的全球闪电密度最高值在非洲地区,为160.7km-2·a-1;而WWLLN探测到的闪电密度的最高值在北美洲为15.7km-2·a-1。由于WWLLN探测系统子站在全球布网不均匀,在全球不同区域,WWLLN的探测效率不同。在东南亚地区,WWLLN的探测效率为8.62%;在非洲地区,WWLLN的探测效率为1.86%;在南北美洲,WWLLN的探测效率为7.18%。除此之外,随着月份的变化,不同地区WWLLN的探测效率也不尽相同。如在东南亚,12月的探测效率最高为13.78%;非洲地区2月探测效率最高为2.49%;南北美洲地区,10月探测效率最高为8.44%。随着站点的逐年增多和定位方法的改进,WWLLN的探测效率也在不断提高。3大闪电高发区WWLLN的探测效率呈现明显的逐年增高。 相似文献
北京华云东方探测技术有限公司于2016—2018年在广东组网建设了DDW1闪电定位系统, 对一次雷暴过程的观测表明,DDW1定位数据与雷达回波强回波区之间在空间分布上具有较好的一致性。进一步利用2018年中国气象科学研究院在广州从化地区获得的触发闪电试验数据和全闪定位数据对DDW1闪电定位系统性能进行了评估,验证了其探测效率、定位精度等指标。结果表明:对于6次包含有回击过程的人工触发闪电事件,DDW1闪电定位系统全部探测到,地闪探测效率为100%;对于这6次触发闪电中的所包含的27次回击过程,该闪电定位系统共探测到17次,回击探测效率约为63%,对这些回击过程的平均定位误差约为464 m,电流反演误差为1149%;对比高精度全闪探测数据,DDW1的全闪探测效率为50%。 相似文献
通过文献收集,提出了验证闪电定位系统资料的可靠性或准确性的方法,另外根据目前防雷工作发展状况及社会需求,进一步总结了闪电定位系统资料的几种应用方向. 相似文献
基于2016—2017年广州高建筑物雷电观测站获取的资料对粤港澳闪电定位系统(简称定位系统)的性能进行评估,并根据2014—2018年定位系统历史资料对广州高建筑物区域的雷电活动特征进行初步分析,结果表明:定位系统对闪电的探测效率为93%(214/229),对回击的探测效率为93%(449/481),对下行闪电首次回击、继后回击及上行闪电回击的定位误差的平均值(中值)分别为361 m(188 m)、252 m(167 m)和294 m(173 m);当接地点高度低于200 m(不低于200 m)时,定位系统对下行负极性闪电首次和继后回击的云闪/地闪识别正确率分别为99%(80%)和93%(35%),有83%的上行负地闪回击被定位系统误判为云闪,广州高建筑物区域内绝大部分负云闪定位记录实际是高建筑物地闪;对定位系统得到的孤立高建筑物闪电密度中心进行分析后发现,广州塔(600 m)闪电密度中心200 m半径范围内年均回击次数约为中信广场(390 m)和广发证券大厦(308 m)的5倍,推测广州塔闪电的主要类型为上行闪电,而中信广场和广发证券大厦则为下行闪电。 相似文献
2006—2011年夏季在广州野外雷电试验基地开展了广东综合闪电观测试验 (GCOELD)。试验期间,针对人工触发闪电进行了近距离声、光、电、磁特征等综合测量,对自动气象站电源线和信号线上产生的感应电压特征进行了观测和分析,并对广东省地闪定位网的探测效率和定位精度与人工触发闪电进行了比对和校验。试验结果表明:人工触发闪电回击峰值电流范围为-31.93~-6.67 kA,回击电流波形的半峰宽度的范围为6.18~74.19 μs,10%—90%的上升时间范围为0.24~2.25 μs。触发闪电的上行正先导的发展速度在104~105 m/s量级;人工触发闪电的回击过程在架空电源线路 (1200 m长,2 m高) 上产生的感应过电压可达十几千伏;广东电网闪电定位系统对人工触发闪电事件的探测效率为95%,平均定位误差为759 m,闪电定位系统反演得到的电流峰值与实际测量的电流峰值平均相对偏差为16.3%。 相似文献
2010—2014年夏季广州野外雷电试验基地采用了两种引雷火箭开展人工引雷试验,通过对25次经典人工触发闪电电流资料的分析,进一步证实了当火箭携带铜线时先驱电流脉冲 (precursor current pulse) 为双极性振荡型,火箭携带钢丝时先驱电流脉冲为单极性,其中单极性脉冲电流峰值、10%~90%上升时间、波形宽度和转移电荷量的几何平均值分别为26 A,0.33 μs,2.3 μs,27 μC,双极性脉冲相应的波形参数几何平均值分别为67 A,0.24 μs,2.1 μs,54 μC。双极性脉冲电流峰值的几何平均值接近是单极性的2.6倍,而波形持续时间和上升时间的几何平均值与单极性相近。利用传输线模型,模拟铜线通道底部电流波形呈双极性振荡型,而钢丝通道底部电流波形呈单极性,这与实际测量的结果比较一致,推测这两种电流波形可能是传输线特性阻抗不同所导致,在传输线顶端由先导起始放电产生的电流脉冲应为单极性。 相似文献
2022年夏季在广州从化人工引雷试验场的一次触发闪电过程中, 获取了近距离的高分辨率图像、通道底部电流波形和高速摄像数据。此次触发闪电的高分辨率图像清晰展现了多回击过程金属汽化通道段的空间位移, 汽化通道在连续电流过程中呈现类似火焰的发光特征。结合高速摄像与通道底部电流数据, 研究回击与连续电流过程中金属汽化通道段亮度与电流强度的相关性, 结果表明:相比于回击峰值电流, 其平方与回击峰值亮度的相关性更强, 相关系数分别为0.940和0.955(均达到0.001显著性水平)。对于伴随长连续电流的回击过程, 回击下降部分与之后连续电流过程光电线性相关性拟合的斜率有明显差异。叠加在长连续电流过程上的多个M分量脉冲亮度峰值相对于电流峰值时间滞后, 较小的脉冲峰值电流对应较大的亮度峰值滞后时间。 相似文献
基于卫星观测资料的全球闪电活动特征研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
利用卫星携带的闪电探测系统所获取的11年(1995年5月至2006年4月)闪电资料,对全球闪电活 动特征进行了详细分析。结果表明:全球闪电频数约为46.2 fl s-1(fl为flash简写,表征闪电发生的次数),在30°S~30°N闪电数占全球闪电总数的78.1%,陆地和海洋的闪电密度之比为9.64:1。近海海域面积占海洋面积的近3成,但闪电数占海洋闪电总数的近7成,远海海域闪电的密度很小。陆地和近海海域闪电活动随季节变化呈现出单峰特征,峰值出现在7月。中高纬度大陆东部近海海域闪电频数大于西部,赤道附近区域相反,大陆西部近海海域闪电频数大于东部。闪电活动随海拔高度的变化呈两峰三谷的特征,两峰分别出现在海拔100~2400 m和3300~4600 m,3个低谷分别出现在海拔100 m以下、2400~3300 m和4600 m以上,这是在地理位置和海拔高度的影响下,各种因素综合作用的结果。 相似文献
在广州野外雷电试验基地,对2008年和2011年夏季人工触发闪电回击之后的14个连续电流过程和43个M分量的通道底部电流、电场变化和通道亮度进行了同步测量和分析。结果表明:M分量的电流、快慢电场变化和亮度变化波形均近似对称;触发闪电连续电流过程的持续时间、转移电荷量、电流平均值的几何平均值分别为22 ms,6.0 C和273 A;M分量的幅度、转移电荷量、半峰值宽度、上升时间、持续时间的几何平均值分别为409 A,205 mC,520 μs,305 μs和1.6 ms;连续电流持续时间与M分量的个数、相邻M分量之间的时间间隔均存在显著的正相关关系。 相似文献
The spectra with wavelength range of 390 nm to 660 nm of triggered lightning were observed in Guangdong Area using a slitless spectrograph. The characteristics of the lightning spectra during the initial continuous current and return strokes were analyzed, and the differences between the metal section and air section of the lightning channel were compared. The results showed that the metal spectra were contained in the metal section during the initial continuous current. As for the lightning channel of the return strokes, the line spectra for both the metal section and the air section were identical; neither of the two sections contained the metal spectra, but the relative intensity of its emission spectrum was different. Owing to different radiation mechanisms, the spectral structures and luminance of the two sections were not the same. Combined with the current data, it was found that there was a good positive correlation between the total spectral strength and the transferred charge. The total intensity of the lightning channel spectrum increased with the height of the channel, indicating that the radiation sequence of the lightning channel was different. High temporal resolution observations showed that the spectral line duration could be divided into three categories, in which the lines with higher excitation energy appear first and decay rapidly, while those with lower excitation energy appear later but last longer. 相似文献
空中人工引雷先导特征的统计分析 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
根据1998年8月22日在广州从化5次空中引发雷电远近两个观测点得到的地面电场变化资料,对主放电之前的先导传输特征进行了统计分析。结果表明:双向先导系统稳定传输阶段。近区电场为较慢的正极性电场变化土叠加负极性振荡脉冲,远区的辐射场开始为双极性脉冲,逐渐过渡到单极性脉冲,而且双极性脉冲的初始极性与单极性脉冲极性以及小回击极性相同都为正,双极性脉冲幅度逐渐减小,且初始半周期较光滑,未观测到更高频小脉冲的叠加现象。双极性脉冲整个宽度为3.8μs,方差为0.33μs;峰与峰间隔为15μs,方差为2.4μs。单极性脉冲具有上升快而大的初始峰值,慢而小的负反冲特性,且初始上升部分较光滑,未观测到高频小脉冲,其上升时间为0.23μs,方差为0.05μs;半峰值宽度为0.37μs。方差为0.1μs;脉冲间隔为12μs。方差为3.4μs。单极性脉冲峰值逐渐增大,就5次触发闪电而言,最大先导脉冲幅度与小回击之比为0.24,范围在0.2-0.3之间,小回击后,远区的单极性脉冲幅度,小,上升慢而下降快,无明显负反冲,平均间隔为20.1μs。方差为6.1μs。通过比较发现,人工触发闪电先导特征与自然闪电先导特征有很好的一致性。 相似文献
利用2009—2014年广州高建筑物雷电观测站的光学观测资料,结合雷声和电磁场变化波形,对广州塔(高度为600 m)西北部60°扇形区域3 km范围内的119次下行地闪分布特征进行统计分析,结果表明:43.7%(52/119)的地闪发生在区域内4个最高的建筑物上;除了直接击中广州塔的20次地闪(16.8%),距离广州塔附近0~1 km的区域未观测到地闪,观测到的距广州塔最近的地闪离广州塔约1.2 km;距广州塔1~2 km的区域共观测到35次地闪(29.4%),其中每个高度低于300 m的建筑物被击中的次数不超过1次;距离广州塔2~3 km区域共观测到64次地闪(53.8%),其中有些高度低于300 m的建筑物被地闪击中1次以上,最多达5次。广州塔对附近区域下行地闪的吸引作用使其附近1 km左右范围内未观测到地闪,且1~3 km范围内随距离增加下行地闪密度(扣除击中其他高度不低于300 m的建筑物的地闪)有逐渐增加趋势,说明高建筑物对下行地闪的吸引作用随着距离的增加而逐渐减弱。 相似文献
Optical and Electrical Observations of an Abnormal Triggered Lightning Event with two Upward Propagations 下载免费PDF全文
ZHENG Dong ZHANG Yijun LU Weitao ZHANG Yang DONG Wansheng CHEN Shaodong DAN Jianru 《Acta Meteorologica Sinica》2012,26(4):529-540
This study investigates an abnormal artificially triggered lightning event that produced two positive upward propagations: one during the initial stage (i.e., the upward leader (UL)) and the other after a negative downward aborted leader (DAL). The triggered lightning was induced in a weak thunderstorm over the experiment site and did not produce a return stroke. All of the intra-cloud lightning around the experiment site produced positive changes in the electric field. The initial stage was a weak discharge process. A downward dart leader propagated along the channel produced by the first UL, ending at a height of approximately 453 m and forming a DAL. Under the influence of the DAL, the electric field at a point located 78 m from the rod experienced a steady reduction of about 6.8 kV m-1 over 5.24 ms prior to the initiation of a new upward channel (i.e., the second upward propagation (UP)). The second UP, which started approximately 4.1 ms after the termination of the DAL and propagated along the original channel, was triggered by the DAL and sustained for approximately 2.95 ms. Two distinct current pulses were superimposed on the current of the second UP. The first pulse, which was related to the sudden initiation of the second UP, was characterized by a more rapid increase and decrease and a larger peak value than the second pulse, which was related to the development of the second UP into the area affected by the DAL. The second UP contained both a similar-to-leader process and a following neutralization process. This study introduces a new type of triggering leader, in which a new upward discharge is triggered in an established channel by an aborted leader propagating along the same channel with opposite polarity and propagation direction. 相似文献
Optical Observations on Propagation Characteristics of Leaders in Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Flashes 下载免费PDF全文
LU Weitao ZHANG Yijun LI Jun ZHENG Dong DONG Wansheng CHEN Shaodong WANG Fei 《Acta Meteorologica Sinica》2008,22(1):66-77
Using 2 high-speed cameras, we have recorded 14 negative cloud-to-ground (CG) lightning flashes, half of which are natural and the others are artificially triggered. The two-dimensional (2D) propagation speed of different type leaders and the luminosity of lightning channel are analyzed in detail. Bidirectional leader processes are observed during the initial processes of two altitude triggered negative lightning (ATNL)flashes. The analysis shows: the propagation speed of the upward positive leader (UPL) before the initiation of the downward negative leader (DNL) is at the order of 104-105 m s-1; the UPL can be intensified by the initiation and development of the DNL in the way that the luminosity is enhanced and the speed is sped up; after initiation, the DNL in one ATNL flash propagates downward three times intermittently with interval of about 1 ms, while that in the other ATNL flash propagates downward continuously with a speed at the order of 105 m s-1. In the five classical triggered negative lightning (CTNL) flashes, the propagation speeds of the UPLs vary between 0.35×105 and 7.71×105 m s-1, and the variations of their luminosities and speeds are quite complex during the development processes. Among the four observed natural negative lightning flashes occurred on the land, three have only one return stoke (RS) each and all of their DNLs have many branches with an average speed at the order of 105 m s-1; while the another one has 13 RSs.In the CG flash with 13 RSs, the DNL before the first RS has no obvious branch below 1.4 km above the ground, and its speed ranges from 2.2×105 to 2.3×105 m s-1 between the heights of 0.7 and 1.4 km and exceeds 3.9×106 m s-1 below 0.7 km; preceding the 4th RS, an attempted leader is observed with a speed ranging from 1.1×105 to 1.1×106 m s-1 between 0.8 and 1.5 km. As for the three observed natural negative lightning flashes occurred on the sea, each has only one RS, and each DNL preceding the RS has a few branches, two of which have an average propagation speed at the order of 105 m s-1, and the other of 106m s-1, respectively. All the DNLs contained in the observed natural negative lightning flashes, except the attempted leader, propagate with gradually increasing luminosity and increasing speed in whole. 相似文献