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Variations in wave energy and amplitude for Rossby waves are investigated by solving the wave energy equation for the quasigeostrophic barotropic potential vorticity model.The results suggest that compared with rays in the nondivergent barotropic model,rays in the divergent model can have enhanced meridional and zonal propagation,accompanied by a more dramatic variability in both wave energy and amplitude,which is caused by introducing the divergence effect of the free surface in the quasigeostrophic model.For rays propagating in a region enclosed by a turning latitude and a critical latitude,the wave energy approaches the maximum value inside the region,while the amplitude approaches the maximum at the turning latitude.Waves can develop when both the wave energy and amplitude increase.For rays propagating in a region enclosed by two turning latitudes,the wave energy approaches the minimum value at one turning latitude and the maximum value at the other latitude,while the total wavenumber approaches the maximum value inside the region.The resulting amplitude increases if the total wavenumber decreases or the wave energy increases more significantly and decreases if the total wavenumber increases or the wave energy decreases more significantly.The matched roles of the energy from the basic flow and the divergence of the group velocity contribute to the slightly oscillating wave energy,which causes a slightly oscillating amplitude as well as the slightly oscillating total wavenumber. 相似文献
In this paper,the continuity and thermodynamic equations including moisture forcings were derived.Using these two equations and the basic momentum equation of local Cartesian coordinates,the budget equation of generalized moist potential vorticity(GMPV) was derived.The GMPV equation is a good generalization of the Ertel potential vorticity(PV) and moist potential vorticity(MPV) equations.The GMPV equation is conserved under adiabatic,frictionless,barotropic,or saturated atmospheric conditions,and it is closely associated with the horizontal frontogenesis and stability of the real atmosphere.A real case study indicates that term diabatic heating could be a useful diagnostic tool for heavy rainfall events. 相似文献
何建中 《Acta Meteorologica Sinica》1993,(1)
Under semi-geostrophic approximation the nonlinear ordinary differential equations are obtained for the motion inthe barotropic and baroclinic atmospheres with the effects of zonal shear basic flow and topographic forcing included.Two constraints are acquired of finite-amplitude periodic and solitary waves in the original model with the aid of thephase-plane geometric qualitative theory of a dynamic system defined by the differential equation.The explicit solutionof the nonlinear waves is found by means of the approximation method and some significant results are achieved. 相似文献
He Jianzhong 《Acta Meteorologica Sinica》1993,7(1):90-100
Under semi-geostrophic approximation the nonlinear ordinary differential equations are obtained for the motion in the barotropic and baroclinic atmospheres with the effects of zonal shear basic flow and topographic forcing included.Two constraints are acquired of finite-amplitude periodic and solitary waves in the original model with the aid of the phase-plane geometric qualitative theory of a dynamic system defined by the differential equation.The explicit solution of the nonlinear waves is found by means of the approximation method and some significant results are achieved. 相似文献
位涡条带是高位涡向南侵入所形成的狭长带状结构,通常表现出三种不同的形状,分别是东北–西南倾斜的普通条状、钩状和音符状位。位涡条带频繁出现于中高纬度干旱半干旱的中亚地区,对天气产生重要的影响。本文利用 Mask R-CNN 对 2000–2004年暖季(5–9月)动力对流层顶的位涡条带进行训练,以训练出一个可识别不同形状位涡条带的权重模型。该模型能有效地区分三种不同形态的位涡条带。通过对2000–2021年中亚地区三种不同位涡条带的合成分析发现:从普通位涡条带到音符状位涡条带,其环流逐渐加深,并呈现出越来越明显的南北反转特征。音符状位涡条带具有位涡塔和明显的切断低压,其相关的上升运动和降水主要集中在位涡塔以东约1200公里的范围内。虽然钩状位涡条带与较弱的切断低压相关联,但其相关上升运动和降水的范围几乎是音符状位涡条带的两倍。相比之下,普通位涡条带主要与对流层顶Rossby波破碎有关,其环流较为浅薄,导致的上升运动和降水主要分布在其以东500公里处。
Potential vorticity (PV) has been served as a powerful and useful dynamic tracer for the understanding of the large-scale dynamics and synoptic variations in the atmosphere and oceans. Significant progress has been made on the application of PV.
In recent decades there has been a substantial amount of work done on PV in a general moist atmosphere. In this paper PV and the generalized moist potential vorticity (GMPV) and their application in the tropical cyclones and mesoscale meteorological field are reviewed. The GMPV is derived for a real atmosphere (neither totally dry nor saturated) by introducing a generalized potential temperature instead of the potential temperature or equivalent potential temperature. Such a generalization can depict the moist effect on PV anomaly in the non-uniformly saturated atmosphere. A new convective vorticity vector (CVV) is introduced in connection with GMPV in order to diagnose the development of tropical deep convections. 相似文献
本文讨论了强迫和耗散对Rossby包络孤立波的影响,得到了在强迫和耗散共同作用下,当准共振条件和锁相条件满足时,包络孤立波从外场那里获取能量来克服耗散并形成稳定的锁相包络孤立波。本文还研究了在强迫和耗散作用下两个包络孤立波的碰撞相互作用,发现在某些参数下,两波碰撞后性质变化不大,而在另外一些参数下,碰撞后两波性质显著改变。 相似文献
By means of the numerical method,the tropical air-sea interaction waves are studied.The results show that whenthe Kelvin waves are filtered out and only the equatorial Rossby waves are reserved both in the atmosphere and in theocean,the disturbances can also propagate eastward because of the air-sea interaction.The critical wavelength of theeastward propagating waves is related to the intensity of the air-sea interaction.The stronger the air-sea interaction,thelarger the eastward propagating components of the air-sea interaction waves.The results of the numerical experimentsare in good agreement with those of the theoretical analysis(Chao and Zhang,1988). 相似文献
Rossby参数β在涡旋Rossby波中的作用 总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3
利用尺度分析方法得到Rossby参数β在强涡旋中有着不可忽略的作用.在无基本气流径向切变的涡旋系统中,在Rossby参数β的作用下有涡旋Rossby波出现.由于涡旋Rossby波存在,从而破坏了涡旋系统的轴对称性,表现出非轴对称特征.在考虑切向基本气流的涡度径向变化时,涡旋Rossby波的频散关系同时包含了切向基本气流涡度径向切变项和β项的作用.一般情况下涡旋Rossby波在切向基本气流涡度径向切变的作用下有向外频散能量的特性,而β项的作用随方位角θ而变化,使涡旋能量频散不对称. 相似文献
I.热力适应和过流 总被引:29,自引:16,他引:29
利用位涡性质,讨论了因非绝热加热导致的大气动力特征的变化,阐明了大气动力过程向外加热强迫适应的原理。证明在热力适应过程中,沿着加热区的侧边界斜压位涡为负,且大于正压位涡,那里的大气出现对称不稳定。在加热区的上空尽管非绝热加热为零,仍然存在上升、辐散、反气旋环流及冷中心,证明这是由于“过流”引起的。通过总位涡的收支分析证明,由于边界层的摩擦作用,加热区上空多余的负位涡向外排放而成为大气中负涡度的源地。 相似文献
一次爆发性气旋的发展与湿位涡关系的研究 总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13
通过对一次陆地爆发性气旋的数值模拟与湿位涡的诊断分析发现,气旋的爆发与湿位涡的平流关系密切,气旋的发展并不是在湿位涡中心位于气旋上空时才开始,而是当湿位涡中心位于气旋的后部,并在200hPa对下有明显的倒圆锥形下伸区时,才有利于气旋的发展。当湿位涡中心位于气旋上空时,气旋发展开始减慢。湿位涡局地变化的大小与水平方向位涡梯度的大小有关。湿斜压位涡负值区的上下贯通与气旋发展也有明显的关系。 相似文献
John L. Spiesberger Harley E. Hurlburt Mark Johnson Mark Keller Steven Meyers Jim O'Brien 《Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans》1998,26(4):209-240
An interpretation is made of interannual changes in acoustic travel time between Oahu and seven receivers at distances of 3000–4000 km. Measurements were made in late 1983, and over two 5-month intervals between 1987 and 1989. Previous publications demonstrated that these changes stem from variations in temperature. Two hydrodynamic ocean models are used to identify plausible oceanic features that could cause these variations. They are from the Naval Research Laboratory and the Florida State University at (1/8)° and (1/6)° resolution, respectively, and are forced with different interannual wind sets for more than a decade. Modelled El Niño's and La Niña's generate poleward travelling Kelvin waves on the eastern boundary of the Pacific. These excite Rossby waves that propagate westward at mid-latitudes. Rossby waves are the dominant model features which affect the modelled acoustic travel times, and hence section-averaged temperatures in the eastern North Pacific. These waves yield travel times whose standard deviations and rates of changes are similar to the measurements. In the observations, some sections separated by less than 500 km exhibit trends in heat content with opposite signs. Similar variability can be explained with modelled Rossby waves. Model wavelengths less than 500 km, eddies, and seasonal cycles induced by seasonal winds yield travel times that are two orders of magnitude too small to account for the data. 相似文献
Mark R. Jury 《大气与海洋》2013,51(5):322-331
ABSTRACTSouth Indian Ocean Rossby waves (SIO-RW) are identified in the Global Ocean Data Assimilation System (GODAS) 1.5–7?yr filtered sea surface height (SSH) time series. There is a persistent three-year oscillation in the 5°–15°S latitude band from 55° to 85°E. Field correlations show little coupling at 90°E, but as the SIO-RW undulates westward at approximately 0.19?m?s?1 across the mid-basin, a northwest–southeast axis of warm sea surface temperatures (SSTs) and deep convection forms. Many teleconnections in earlier work are confirmed: interannual pulses of zonal wind in the eastern basin trigger the SIO-RW via anticyclonic wind stress curl. New insights derive from an understanding of links with the upper troposphere. As the SIO-RWs move westward with the onset of an El Niño in the Pacific, increased convection over the north Indian Ocean corresponds to reduced evaporation and SST warming. Mid-tropospheric heating T′?>?2°C over the northwest Indian Ocean accelerates the southern sub-tropical jet to greater than 10?m?s?1 over the southeast Indian Ocean, reinforcing the anticyclonic vorticity. The downstream acceleration of the jet generates upper-level divergence and moist convection over the western basin, anchoring an atmospheric Rossby wave in a northwest–southeast alignment underpinned by differential propagation of the SIO-RW. As the ocean Rossby wave reaches Africa, the coupling fades and transitions. What distinguishes Indian Ocean from Pacific Ocean Rossby waves are their southern latitude and higher frequency. The tropical mid-tropospheric heating that accelerates the southern sub-tropical jet shifts westward in tandem with the SIO-RW. 相似文献
A survey of unbalanced flow diagnostics and their application 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
1.IntroductionImbalanceisdefinedintermsoftowhatextenttheflowdepartsfromabalancedstate.Despitetheapparentcomplexityofatmosphericmotions,thepressure(massfield)andvelocity(momentum)distributioncanberelatedbyrathersimpleapproximateforcebalances(sothatparcelaccelerationscanbeignored).Davisetal.(1996)pointedoutthattheunderlyingassumptionofbalanceddingnosticsisthatthenowevolvesinawayconsistentwiththerestrictionsimplicitwithinthediagnosticframework.ThesimplesttwobalancerelationsaregeostrOPhl'cbalance… 相似文献
在本文中分析了当大气和海洋中未经耦合前的自由波均为Rossby模时,经相互作用后所激发出的耦合波的物理性质。结果表明,由于大气和海洋的背景状态不同,可以激发出两类不稳定耦合Rossby波。一类波要求大气的背景场是斜压的,而海洋的混合层较深,即热容量较大。这是一类弱相互作用的不稳定波。另一类要求大气的背景场趋于正压性,而海洋的混合层较浅,即热容量较小。这是一类强相互作用的不稳定波。色散关系的计算表明,这两类不稳定波产生的物理机制也不相同。文中对解不同截断模的本征值问题提出了几种数学方法,同时还进一步提出了一种使大气和海洋自由Rossby模的色散关系不受歪曲的处理方法。 相似文献
位涡反演理论在台风领域中的应用研究进展 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
位涡作为一个综合反映流体动力学和热力学性质的物理量,受到气象学者的广泛关注,位涡反演理论逐渐成为台风研究的重要方法之一。在简要回顾近几十年来位涡反演理论研究进展的基础上,综述了位涡反演理论在台风领域中的应用进展情况,讨论了位涡反演理论应用时可能存在的问题,即位涡平均态求取、近地面摩擦作用以及位涡反演平衡条件等都可能影响反演效果,并对位涡反演理论的应用前景作了展望。 相似文献
2009年豫南一次强暴雨过程的位涡方程诊断分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
利用中尺度WRF模式、NCEP/NCAR再分析格点资料及常规气象观测资料,对2009年8月28—30日河南省南部一次强暴雨过程进行中尺度数值模拟,借助模式输出的模拟数据计算位势涡度及位势涡度方程收支,并利用位涡收支方程对此次暴雨过程进行诊断分析。结果表明,WRF模式对此次暴雨过程的模拟效果较好,模拟暴雨强度及落区与实况较一致,位势涡度能够较好地反映此次暴雨过程的动力及热力特征。位涡异常高值区与暴雨中心有较好的对应关系,暴雨中心大致位于位涡高值中心东南侧。位涡收支方程中各收支项同样能够反映此次暴雨过程的动力、热力性质。暴雨发展过程中大气中低层位涡局地增加,位涡局地变化大值中心驿应暴雨中心。各收支项中,引起中低层位涡局地变化的贡献主要来源于潜热加热作用、水平平流作用、垂直输送作用及摩擦作用。其中潜热加热与水平平流作用对暴雨中低层正变位涡起正贡献作用,潜热加热作用有利于位涡局地增加,水平平流作用易于低层位涡向流场辐合区聚集,引起局地位涡增加;垂直输送及摩擦作用对中低层位涡变化表现为负贡献作用,垂直作用易于将中低层位涡向高层输送,使得低层位涡减小,高层位涡增加。在摩擦作用下,低层位涡被大量耗散,使得中低层位涡局地减小。 相似文献