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本文根据三角网统一平差和跨断层测量资料,利用位错理论的反演方法,计算了唐山和北京,怀来地区几条主要断层滑动速率和滑动方向,其结果与我们用有限元方法计算的断层应力场配套。并获得三点结果:(1)断层滑动速率大,则断层上庆力高,反之亦然;(2)断层滑动方向与断层应力场方向配套;(3)当跨断层短线大度年变化持续出现线笥关系时,断层浅部与深部滑动一致,而且断层浅部滑速率大,此却表示有发生地震的危险性。  相似文献   

1970年以来宁夏地震活动特征与地震危险性探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孟广魁  廖玉华 《地震》1991,(4):21-28

酆晓  丁丽青 《华南地震》1998,18(4):23-30
应用时空域层次分析新思路及我国地震科技攻关成果对珠江三角洲地区的地震前兆资料进行了数据处理和综合分析,对该区的地震前兆场特征作了较全面系统的研究,并对目前存在的区域前兆异常场进行特征分析。研究认为,区内现有的前兆监测方法在中强地震发生前呈现出与正常动态变化相异的中期或中短期前兆异常反映,并具有相对丛集的总体特征。前兆异常场由东莞虎门重力、广州水化学等构成。最后对珠江三角洲地区近期的地震危险性进行了  相似文献   

利用背景噪声进行地震成像的新方法   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
利用背景地震噪声提取格林函数,即通过一对台站记录的地震噪声进行互相关计算,来近似台站间的格林函数,并进一步通过地震成像获取地下结构的认识,成为最近跨学科研究的热点问题之一.本文首先叙述了其发展背景及过程,然后分别从四个角度,简要介绍了目前对其物理原理的解释.如果该方法能得到进一步的发展,将不再依赖于天然地震以及人工地震,而仅仅利用地震台站记录的地震噪声便可获取高分辨率的地下成像.该方法将会大大促进地震学的发展.  相似文献   

一种新地震定位方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提高地震定位精度一直是地震学应用研究的重要课题之一,目前已经发展了多种方法用于台网定位。这些方法的共同弱点是应对复杂情况的能力差、震后处理时间过长、不能根据地震信息的增加自动修改速度模型而提高下一次地震定位的精度。开发地震台网资源,使之实现地震预警的功能,必须解决地震快速定位问题。为此,本文提出了一种基于地震台网资料的网格化地震定位方法。震前建立每个区间网格到台站的理论走时数据库,震时仅通过优化搜索,以每两个台站的到时差与理论走时差之间的方差最小的网格位置为震源,并得到发震时刻。通过在黑龙江省地震台网的实际应用说明方法可靠,精度较高。  相似文献   

隧道地质灾害超前预报的地震反射法   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
介绍了利用地震反射法进行隧道地质灾害超前探测的基本原理、观测方法,讨论了反射波时距曲线方程和特点以及实际应用中存在的主要问题和影响因素,指出采用地震反射法与工程地质调查法相结合可以提高超前探测的准确性和精度.  相似文献   

一种新的地震子波提取与层速度反演方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
粒子群优化算法是近十年发展起来的一种基于群智能的非线性全局最优化新方法.本文详细介绍了粒子群优化算法的基本原理,并将其应用到子波提取与层速度反演中.通过模拟数值算例,从不同角度研究了粒子群优化算法的可行性及其效率问题.试算结果表明,粒子群优化算法在不同分辨率、不同信噪比、不同相位子波合成的地震记录反演中效果明显.  相似文献   

A series of cone penetration tests (CPTs) were conducted in the vicinity of the New Madrid seismic zone in central USA for quantifying seismic hazards, obtaining geotechnical soil properties, and conducting studies at liquefaction sites related to the 1811–1812 and prehistoric New Madrid earthquakes. The seismic piezocone provides four independent measurements for delineating the stratigraphy, liquefaction potential, and site amplification parameters. At the same location, two independent assessments of soil liquefaction susceptibility can be made using both the normalized tip resistance (qc1N) and shear wave velocity (Vs1). In lieu of traditional deterministic approaches, the CPT data can be processed using probability curves to assess the level and likelihood of future liquefaction occurrence.  相似文献   

In comparison to high-frequency signals, low-frequency seismic signals suffer less from scattering and intrinsic attenuation during wave propagation, penetrate deeper strata and thus can provide more energy information related to the hydrocarbon reservoirs. Based on the asymptotic representation for the frequency-dependent reflections in the fluid-saturated pore-elastic media, we first derive a novel equation of the reservoir energy density and present an efficient workflow to calculate the reservoir energy density using low-frequency seismic data. Then, within a low-frequency range (from 1 to 30 Hz), we construct an objective function to determine the optimal frequency, using the energy densities calculated from the post-stack seismic traces close to the wells. Next, we can calculate the reservoir energy density using the instantaneous spectra of optimal frequency at the low-frequency end of the seismic spectrum. Tests on examples for synthetic and field data demonstrate that the proposed reservoir energy density can produce high-quality images for the fluid-saturated reservoirs, and it produces less background artefacts caused by elastic layers. This method provides a new way to detect the location of hydrocarbon reservoirs and characterize their spatial distribution.  相似文献   

炮点和海底地震仪(ocean bottom seismometer,OBS)位置校正是三维地震数据处理的基本环节,也是获取高精度三维速度结构的关键所在.本文基于南海洋陆转换带(Continental-Oceanic-Transition zone,COT)IODP367/368钻探区开展的三维OBS深地震探测数据,开展了炮点及OBS位置校正研究,新的校正方法主要体现在三个方面:(1)利用连续三个炮点的平均航向对中间炮点进行位置校正,更真实地反映气枪枪阵与船体之间的软连接状态;(2)根据"滑动窗口"思想将海水声学速度阈值划分成N等份,通过循环测试获得全局最优的OBS位置校正结果,改进了前人方法只能获得局部最优解的问题;(3)针对单条测线穿过的OBS,通过加入其临近测线的直达水波走时,构成视双测线OBS位置校正法,提高了校正精度.49台OBS位置校正结果表明,除3台单测线法校正的OBS在垂直测线方向存在较大不确定性外,其余误差范围均为35 m左右.本文改进的OBS位置校正方法,不仅提高了单条测线穿过的OBS位置校正精度,保证后续三维地震结构研究的可靠性,而且为今后类似的OBS位置校正提供了经验和借鉴.  相似文献   

The fine-scale structures of lithosphere discontinuities contain important information on the dynamics of lithosphere formation, development, transformation, and destruction. In this paper, a new seismic daylight imaging method is developed to explore the small-scale structures of lithosphere discontinuities. This method makes use of the P-wave first arrival and coda in the 0.5–4 Hz high frequency band of teleseismic events, and reaches a resolution of 2 km for lithosphere discontinuities. This method rests on the basic principle that the autocorrelation of the vertically incident transmission response below the seismic station is equivalent to the reflection response with the source and station both on the free surface. The transmission responses include the first-arrival P-waves below the station traversing the discontinuities to reach the free surface, and the multiple reflections between the free surface and the discontinuities. In this study, the normal incidence requirement of the method is further extended to include dip incidence illumination, which expands its applicability. The accuracy and feasibility of the seismic daylight imaging (SDI) theory are verified by synthesized theoretical seismograms, and the factors affecting the imaging results are discussed. The data processing steps and the interpretation criteria for the method are also given. The fine-scale lithosphere structure of two permanent stations at the eastern North China Craton is determined by the method described here, as well as instantaneous frequency. Clear discontinuities are found in the lithospheric mantle at 52 and 75 km below the two stations, respectively. Seismic daylight imaging and the receiver function reveal a more consistent lithosphere structure beneath the MBWA permanent station of the West Australia Craton, with the unmistakable presence of the lithosphere discontinuities.High-frequency SDI can be used to detect the fine-scale lithospheric structures. As its waveform is more complex, and hence appropriate reference to existing seismological information, such as from tomographic velocity inversion and the receiver function, is recommended.  相似文献   

DDM(Depth—Density Method)方法是将地震时间剖面直接反演成深度、密度剖面的一种地震资料处理方法,在几千米的勘探深度范围内,该方法可以使地震勘探的精度由相对精度用绝对精度来表示;使分辨率由十几米提高到2~3米;从深度、密度剖面中,地质人员可以解释出地层的岩性,时代、砂体的厚度、沉积旋回、沉积粒序,几米、十几米的断层和褶皱,本文主要简介该方法的工作原理、地质解释的原则和在生产中的应用实例。  相似文献   

一种地震P波和S波初至时间自动拾取的新方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
地震P波、S波初至时间的拾取是地震波分析的一项基础性工作.本文提出了一种新的地震波初至时间自动拾取的方法:首先,把地震波的三分量时程曲线变换为一组空间向的能量变化率时程曲线;然后对能量变化率时程曲线进行STA/LTA(Short Time Average/Long Time Average,短时间的均值/长时间的均值)处理,拾取地震P波和S波的大致初至时间;最后提出采用一种二次方自回归模型对初至附近的能量变化率曲线进行二次方自回归处理,精确拾取出P波和S波的初至时间.本文采用了10组芦山地震的记录数据和150组汶川地震的记录数据对此方法的可靠性进行了检验.以人工拾取结果为参考,此方法具有很高的准确率和稳定性,同时,相比于常用的STA/LTA方法和AIC(Akaike Information Criterion,Akaike信息准则)方法,此方法在计算时间效率方面稍微逊色,但是对S波初至时间的拾取精度和可靠性更高.此方法丰富了地震P波、S波初至时间的自动拾取方法.  相似文献   

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