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RCP4.5情景下中国未来干湿变化预估   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
刘珂  姜大膀 《大气科学》2015,39(3):489-502
本文采用国际耦合模式比较计划第五阶段(CMIP5)中21个气候模式的试验数据, 利用土壤湿度以及由其他8个地表气象要素计算所得的干旱指数, 预估了RCP4.5(Representative Concentration Pathway 4.5)情景下21世纪中国干湿变化。结果表明:全球气候模式对1986~2005年中国现代干湿分布具备模拟能力, 尽管在西部地区模式与观测间存在一定的差异。在RCP4.5情景下, 21世纪中国区域平均的标准化降水蒸散发指数和土壤湿度均有减小趋势, 与之对应的是短期和长期干旱发生次数增加以及湿润区面积减小。从2016到2100年, 约1.5%~3.5%的陆地面积将从湿润区变成半干旱或半湿润区。空间分布上, 干旱化趋势明显的区域主要位于西北和东南地区, 同时短期和长期干旱发生次数在这两个地区的增加幅度也最大, 未来干旱化的发生时间也较其他地区要早;只在东北和西南地区未来或有变湿倾向, 但幅度较小。在季节尺度上, 北方地区变干主要发生在暖季, 南方则主要以冷季变干为主。造成中国干旱化的原因主要是由降水与蒸散发所表征的地表可用水量减少。  相似文献   

基于两种潜在蒸散发算法的SPEI对中国干湿变化的分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
刘珂  姜大膀 《大气科学》2015,39(1):23-36
利用美国普林斯顿大学高分辨率的全球陆面同化数据集和美国国家环境预测中心的辐射再分析数据,根据Thornthwaite和Penman-Monteith公式分别计算了1948~2008年中国区域潜在蒸散发量;而后,使用降水和两套潜在蒸散发数据分别计算得到标准化降水蒸散发指数SPEI(Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index),并以此研究了1949~2008年中国区域干湿变化时空特征以及两种SPEI结果之间的差异;最后,给出了两种SPEI在中国的适用区域。结果表明:两种SPEI均显示中国地区整体上存在变干趋势,季节上以春季的变干趋势最为显著;空间上表现为以长江为界的南涝北旱,显著变干的区域有内蒙古中部、华北、东北以及四川东部地区,显著变湿的地区主要位于新疆北部和西部。同时,各种不同等级干旱也呈增加趋势,其中以中等干旱增加最为显著。1990年代中后期以来是中等和极端干旱发生最多的时期,空间上与SPEI显著减小的区域相对应。两种SPEI在 冬、春季差异最大,这主要是由于期间两种潜在蒸散发的计算结果之间存在很大差异。在Penman-Monteith公式中,由于空气动力项对冬、春季北方潜在蒸散发的贡献显著增加,基于该公式的SPEI相对而言能更合理地描述干湿变化特征。  相似文献   

中国干湿区变化与预估   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文采用干湿指数对1962~2011年中国干湿区范围变化进行了集中分析,并利用CMIP5(Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5)模式对其变化趋势开展了预估研究。结果表明,1962~2011年平均极端干旱区、干旱区、半干旱区、半湿润区和湿润区分别占中国陆地总面积的2.8%、11.7%、22.4%、32.6%和30.5%。期间,中国区域年干湿指数总体上呈现下降趋势,空间上表现为西部湿润化和东部干旱化的特征。显著缩小的是湿润区和极端干旱区,半湿润区、半干旱区和干旱区则显著扩大,这表明中国气候敏感区域在扩张。春季和秋季干湿指数变化趋势的空间分布与年平均的较为一致,冬季西北呈干旱化,夏季东南部地区为湿润化。相对于参考时段1986~2005年,在RCP4.5(Representative Concentration Pathway 4.5)情景下18个气候模式中位数的预估结果中,降水仅在东南南部减少,而潜在蒸散发在全区域增加,由于潜在蒸散发的增量超过了降水的增幅,中国区域将整体趋于干旱化,仅在西北地区呈湿润化特征;未来湿润区、干旱区和极端干旱区缩小,气候敏感性高的半湿润区和半干旱区仍将扩大。  相似文献   

鉴于热带气旋(TC)对我国沿海地区的影响,研究全球变暖背景下未来登陆我国TC活动的变化,对于我国沿海地区的防灾减灾具有重要意义。基于CMIP5中全球气候模式HadGEM2-ES数据,文中利用区域气候模式RegCM4开展了历史时期和3种情景(RCP2.6、RCP4.5和RCP8.5)下未来东亚区域气候的动力降尺度模拟,检验了模式对历史登陆我国TC活动及其相关大尺度环境场的模拟能力,并预估了3种情景下2030—2039年、2050—2059年和2089—2098年,登陆我国TC的路径、强度和频率的变化特征。结果表明:模式能合理地再现东亚区域历史时期(1986—2005年)大气环流场的空间结构以及登陆我国TC的特征;在3种情景下未来登陆我国TC的平均强度和数量均有不同程度的增加,尤其是台风及以上级别TC的总数明显增加,其中RCP8.5情景最突出,到21世纪末期(2089—2098年)登陆我国TC的平均强度、台风及以上级别TC总数的年平均值较历史时期将分别增加7.56%和1.05个;不同情景下未来登陆我国TC的路径均有不同程度的北移趋势,且全球升温的幅度越大,北移趋势越明显,这可能与未来中国近海显著变暖和垂直风切变减弱有关。未来我国沿海地区尤其是中高纬度很可能将面临日益严峻的TC灾害风险,亟需尽快开展防灾减灾及对策研究。  相似文献   

吴婕  高学杰  徐影 《大气科学》2018,42(3):696-705
基于CSIRO-Mk3-6-0、EC-EARTH、HadGEM2-ES和MPI-ESM-MR共4个全球气候模式,分别驱动区域气候模式RegCM4,所进行的RCP4.5(典型浓度路径)中等排放情景下25 km较高水平分辨率东亚区域21世纪气候变化模拟结果,针对雄安新区及周边区域,在对当代(1986~2005)气候进行检验的基础上,进行了该区域未来气候变化的多模拟集合预估,并给出了模拟间的差别。结果表明:RegCM4可以较好地模拟出分析区域当代平均气温和降水的分布及年内月循环变化特征;对与气温相关的极端气候事件指数,日最高气温最高值(TXx)和日最低气温最低值(TNn),以及和降水相关的指数日最大降水量(RX1day)也有较好的模拟能力。雄安及周边区域未来平均气温、TXx和TNn将不断上升,高温热浪事件在增加的同时,低温事件将减少。未来分析区域平均降水量有所增加;而RX1day的增加更明显,且模拟间的一致性较好,不确定性相对较低,暴雨和洪涝事件的频率和强度均将增大。同时由于气温升高导致的潜在蒸发量相对于降水更大的增加,将使得区域水资源相对不足的现象加重。  相似文献   

基于三峡库区1961—2005年气温逐日格点数据,评估由BCC_CSM1.1模式驱动的RegCM4区域气候模式、MPI-ESM-LR模式驱动的CCLM区域气候模式对三峡库区平均气温、极端高温的模拟能力,选用与观测值更为接近的区域气候模式模拟结果,预估三峡库区在RCP4.5温室气体排放情景下2016—2035年气温变化。结果表明:RegCM4和CCLM模式均能模拟出三峡库区多年平均气温、高温日数和高温强度的季节变化和空间分布形态,但均在库区东北部模拟的年平均气温偏低、高温日数偏少、高温强度偏小。同时,模式均能较好地反映出三峡库区年平均气温、年高温日数的年际变化,但对高温强度的年际变化模拟较差。总体而言,CCLM模式对三峡库区气温的模拟效果好于RegCM4。RCP4.5情景下,三峡库区2016—2035年平均气温、高温日数比当代(1986—2005年)分别增加0.6℃和5d,高温强度变化不明显。  相似文献   

基于降水量、土壤湿度、径流量和干旱指数等多种气象要素,系统分析研究了近60年我国西北地区的干湿特征演变规律,并利用最新的第六次国际耦合模式比较计划(CMIP6)多模式模拟结果对该区域未来干湿变化特征进行了预估。结果显示:近60年来我国西北地区的降水量、土壤湿度和径流量均呈现出由东南向西北递减的空间分布格局;冷季的降水量和径流量明显低于暖季,但土壤湿度和干旱指数在冷暖季节差异不显著。西北地区年降水量、土壤湿度和干旱指数均呈现显著增加的趋势,增幅分别为5.07 mm/10 a、3.89 mm/10 a和0.26/10 a,特别是2000年后增加的趋势更显著,且变湿幅度最大主要出现在西北西部;而径流量在2000年之前呈现明显下降的趋势,而2000年后显著增加。在未来气候变化情境下,21世纪中期(2031~2060年)和后期(2071~2100年)西北地区呈现出湿润化的趋势,并且21世纪后期的湿润化程度更显著,高等排放情景(SSP5-8.5)比中等排放情景(SSP2-4.5)下湿润化更明显。本研究可为我国西北地区气候变化的影响评估提供参考依据。  相似文献   

基于5个全球气候系统模式结果驱动的高分辨率区域气候模式(RegCM4)模拟输出,系统评估了RegCM4模式对中国西南地区极端降水变化的模拟性能,并科学预估了中国西南地区极端降水的未来演变特征。结果表明,RegCM4模式能合理再现西南地区极端降水变化特征,但模拟的四川中部的湿偏差较大而四川盆地干偏差较大;进行偏差校正后,模拟性能有所提升,对西南地区极端降水模拟偏差有所减小。相较于当代气候(1986—2005年),就区域平均而言在21世纪(2021—2098年),有效降水总量(Prcptot)、强降水日数(R10 mm)、日最大降水量(Rx1day)和极端降水量(R95p)都明显增加;在RCP4.5和RCP8.5情景下,Rx1day和R95p在西南大部分地区增多,到21世纪末RCP4.5情景下增加幅度分别为16.0%和12.6%;Prcptot和R10 mm未来变化存在一定的区域差异,但Prcptot和R10 mm变化在空间上较为相似,在云南南部和四川盆地地区呈现减少趋势,其余地区增加明显;且RCP8.5高排放情景的变化幅度明显大于RCP4.5情景。  相似文献   

基于RegCM4.4高分辨率区域气候模式数据和华中区域1986—2005年逐日气象观测资料,在对模式模拟性能检验的基础上,对中国华中区域未来不同时期、1.5℃和2℃温升阈值下气候变化进行预估.结果表明:模拟结果能较准确反映出区域气温、降水年内变化特征及空间分布特征;与观测值相比,气温模拟值偏低、降水模拟值偏大;与198...  相似文献   

基于RegCM4区域气候模式、CMIP5全球气候模式数据集和中国东北地区162个气象站气温观测资料,采用偏差分析和相关分析评估了RegCM4和CMIP5对东北地区气温的模拟能力,预估了RCP2.6、RCP4.5和RCP8.5排放情景下东北地区未来气温的变化.结果表明:区域模式和全球模式均能较好地再现气温时空变化特征,模...  相似文献   

中国干湿状况和干湿气候界限变化研究   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
选取全国616个地面气象台站1975-2004年的地面资料,通过Penman-Monteith公式计算的参考蒸散确定湿润指数(W),按W为0.03、0.2、0.5和1.0把中国分为极干旱、干旱、半干旱、半湿润和湿润5个干湿区,给出了湿润指数的变化趋势和变异状况的地理分布,讨论了湿润指数的年代际变化特征。结果表明:湿润状况显著增加的地区主要为新疆西北部和中国的西南部,干旱化显著的地区主要在青海的东部、甘肃的南部和四川北部;干湿状况变化从中国的东部向西部逐渐增大,中国的西南地区干湿状况最为稳定;20世纪80年代初全国的平均干湿状况发生变化,由干旱趋向湿润,30a来半湿润、湿润地区干湿状况年际变化大,半干旱区和湿润区增多,半湿润区减少。  相似文献   

We evaluate the capacity of a regional climate model to represent observed extreme temperature and precipitation events and also examine the impact of increased resolution, in an effort to identify added value in this respect. Two climate simulations of western Canada (WCan) were conducted with the Canadian Regional Climate Model (version 4) at 15 (CRCM15) and 45?km (CRCM45) horizontal resolution driven at the lateral boundaries by data from the European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) 40-year Reanalysis (ERA-40) for the period 1973–1995. The simulations were evaluated using the spline-interpolated dataset ANUSPLIN, a daily observational gridded surface temperature and precipitation product with a nominal resolution of approximately 10?km. We examine a range of climate extremes, comprising the 10th and 90th percentiles of daily maximum (TX) and minimum (TN) temperatures, the 90th percentile of daily precipitation (PR90), and the 27 core Climate Daily Extremes (CLIMDEX) indices.

Both simulations exhibit cold biases compared with observations over WCan, with the bias exacerbated at higher resolution, suggesting little added value for temperature overall. There are instances, however, of regional improvement in the spatial pattern of temperature extremes at the higher resolution of CRCM15 (e.g., the CLIMDEX index for the annual number of days when TX?>?25°C). The high-resolution simulations also reveal similarly localized features in precipitation (e.g., rain shadows) that are not resolved at the 45?km resolution. With regard to precipitation extremes, although both simulations generally display wet biases, CRCM15 features a reduced bias in PR90 in all seasons except winter. This improvement occurs despite the fact that spatial and interannual variability of PR90 in CRCM15 is significantly overestimated relative to both CRCM45 and ANUSPLIN. We posit that these characteristics are the result of demonstrable differences between corresponding topographical datasets used in the gridded observations and CRCM, the resulting errors propagated to physical variables tied to elevation and the beneficial effect of subsequent spatial averaging. Because topographical input is often discordant between simulations and gridded observations, it is argued that a limited form of spatial averaging may contribute added value beyond that which has already been noted in previous studies with respect to small-scale climate variability.  相似文献   

华北地区未来气候变化的高分辨率数值模拟   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
使用20km高水平分辨率的区域气候模式RegCM3,单向嵌套FvGCM/CCM3全球模式,进行了中国区域气候变化的数值模拟试验,分析华北地区夏半年4-9月的气温、降水和高温、干旱事件的变化。模式积分时间分为两个时段,分别为当代的1961-1990年和在IPCC SRES A2温室气体排放情景下的21世纪末2071-2100年。模式检验结果表明:在大部分月份,区域模式对当代气候的模拟都较全球模式更好。两个模式模拟的未来气温和降水变化,在空间分布型和量级上都有一定不同,如区域模式的升温更高,降水出现大范围减少等。此外,使用日最高气温不低于35℃的日数(D_(T35))和考虑了湿度因素的炎热指数(I_(H))不低于35℃的日数(D_(H135)),分析了区域模式模拟的未来高温事件变化,结果表明:未来华北地区D_(T35)和平原地区D_(H135)均有较大增加。未来华北地区的连续干旱日数(CDD)将增加,依照UNEP(United Nations Environment Programme)干旱指数(A_(U))给出的气候湿润区将有较大幅度减少,而半湿润半干旱区和半干旱区面积将增加。  相似文献   

In this paper, the changes in temperature and precipitation extremes over the next 20-30 years (2021-2050) in relative to the present day (1986-2005) under the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES) A1B scenario are analyzed based on a high-resolution climate change simulation performed by a regional climate model (the Abdus Salam International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) RegCM3). The extreme indices of summer days (SU), frost days (FD), and growing season length (GSL) for temperature and simple daily intensity index (SDII), number of days with precipitation ≥10 mm d-1 (R10), and consecutive dry days (CDD) for precipitation are used as the indicators of the extremes. The results show that the indices simulated by RegCM3 in the present day show good agreement with the observed. A general increase in SU, a decrease in FD, and an increase in GSL are found to occur in the next 20-30 years over China. A general increase in SDII, an increase in R10 over western China, and a decrease in R10 in north, northeast, and central China are simulated by the model. Changes in CDD are characterized by a decrease in the north and an increase in the south and the Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

Four sets of climate change simulations at grid spacing of 50 km were conducted over East Asia with two regional climate models driven at the lateral boundaries by two global models for the period 1981–2050. The focus of the study was on the ensemble projection of climate change in the mid-21 st century(2031–50) over China. Validation of each simulation and the ensemble average showed good performances of the models overall, as well as advantages of the ensemble in reproducing present day(1981–2000) December–February(DJF), June–August(JJA), and annual(ANN) mean temperature and precipitation. Significant warming was projected for the mid-21 st century, with larger values of temperature increase found in the northern part of China and in the cold seasons. The ensemble average changes of precipitation in DJF, JJA, and ANN were determined, and the uncertainties of the projected changes analyzed based on the consistencies of the simulations. It was concluded that the largest uncertainties in precipitation projection are in eastern China during the summer season(monsoon precipitation).  相似文献   

The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) Regional Climate Model version 3 (RegCM3) is used to investigate the climate effects of land use change related to agriculture over China. The model is driven by the European Center for Medium-range Weather Forecast 40-yr Re-Analysis (ERA40)data. Two sets of experiments for 15 yr (1987-2001) are conducted, one with the potential vegetation cover and the other the agricultural land use (AG). The results show that the AG effects on temperature are weak over northern China while in southern China a significant cooling is found in both winter (December-January-February) and summer (June-July-August). The mean cooling in the sub-regions of South China (SC) in winter and the sub-regions of Southeast (SE) China in summer are found to be the greatest,up to 0.5℃ and 0.8℃, respectively. In general, the change of AG leads to a decrease of annual mean temperature by 0.5-1℃ in southern China. Slight change of precipitation in western China and a decrease of precipitation in eastern China are simulated in winter, with the maximum reduction reaching -7.5% over SE. A general decrease of precipitation over northern China and an increase over southern China are simulated in summer,in particular over SE where the increase of precipitation can be up to 7.3%. The AG effects on temperature and precipitation show strong interannual variability. Comparison of the climate effects between AG and the present-day land use (LU) is also performed. In southern China, the ratio of temperature (precipitation)changes caused by AG and LU is greater than (closer to) the ratio of the number of grid cells with changed vegetation cover due to AG and LU variations.  相似文献   

Future climate projections of extreme events can help forewarn society of high-impact events and allow the development of better adaptation strategies. In this study a non-stationary model for Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) distributions is used to analyze the trend in extreme temperatures in the context of a changing climate and compare it with the trend in average temperatures.

The analysis is performed using the climate projections of the Canadian Regional Climate Model (CRCM), under an IPCC SRES A2 greenhouse gas emissions scenario, over North America. Annual extremes in daily minimum and maximum temperatures are analyzed. Significant positive trends for the location parameter of the GEV distribution are found, indicating an expected increase in extreme temperature values. The scale parameter of the GEV distribution, on the other hand, reveals a decrease in the variability of temperature extremes in some continental regions. Trends in the annual minimum and maximum temperatures are compared with trends in average winter and summer temperatures, respectively. In some regions, extreme temperatures exhibit a significantly larger increase than the seasonal average temperatures.

The CRCM projections are compared with those of its driving model and framed in the context of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project, phase 3 (CMIP3) Global Climate Model projections. This enables us to establish the CRCM position within the CMIP3 climate projection uncertainty range. The CRCM is validated against the HadEX2 dataset in order to assess the CRCM representation of temperature extremes in the present climate. The validation is also framed in the context of CMIP3 validation results. The CRCM cold extremes validate better and are closer to the driving model and CMIP3 projections than the hot extremes.  相似文献   

We evaluate the capacity of a regional climate model to simulate the statistics of extreme events, and also examine the effect of differing horizontal resolution, at the scale of individual hydrological basins in the topographically complex province of British Columbia, Canada. Two climate simulations of western Canada (WCan) were conducted with the Canadian Regional Climate Model (version 4) at 15 (CRCM15) and 45?km (CRCM45) horizontal resolution driven at the lateral boundaries by global reanalysis over the period 1973–1995. The simulations were evaluated with ANUSPLIN, a daily observational gridded surface temperature and precipitation product and with meteorological data recorded at 28 stations within the upper Peace, Nechako, and upper Columbia River basins. In this work, we focus largely on a comparison of the skill of each model configuration in simulating the 90th percentile of daily precipitation (PR90). The companion paper describes the results for a wider range of temperature and precipitation extremes over the entire WCan domain.

Over all three watersheds, both simulations exhibit cold biases compared with observations, with the bias exacerbated at higher resolution. Although both simulations generally display wet biases in median precipitation, CRCM15 features a reduced bias in PR90 in all three basins in summer and throughout the year in the upper Columbia River basin. However, the higher resolution model is inferior to CRCM45 with respect to rarer heavy precipitation events and also displays high spatial variability and lower spatial correlations with ANUSPLIN compared with the coarser resolution model. A reduction in the range of PR90 biases over the upper Columbia basin is noted when the 15?km results are averaged to the 45?km grid. This improvement is partly attributable to the averaging of errors between different elevation data used in the gridded observations and CRCM, but the sensitivity of CRCM15 to resolved topography is also clear from spatial maps of seasonal extremes. At the station scale, modest but systematic reductions in the bias of PR90 relative to ANUSPLIN are again found when the CRCM15 results are averaged to the 45?km grid. Furthermore, the annual cycle of inter-station spatial variance in the upper Columbia River basin is well reproduced by CRCM15 but not by ANUSPLIN or CRCM45. The former result highlights the beneficial effect of spatial averaging of small-scale climate variability, whereas the latter is evidently a demonstration of the added value at high resolution vis-à-vis the improved simulation of precipitation at the resolution limit of the model.  相似文献   

Simulations were conducted with the regional climate model RegCM incorporating water table dynamics from 1 September 1982 to 28 August 2002 to detect precipitation and temperature extremes. Compared with observed r10(number of days with precipitation ≥ 10 mm d^–1), RegCM3_Hydro(the regional climate model with water table dynamics considered) simulated rain belts, including those in southern China and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, and provided data for arid to semi-arid areas such as the Heihe River Basin in northwestern China. RegCM3_Hydro indicated a significant increasing trend of r95p(days with daily precipitation greater than the 95th percentile of daily amounts) for the Yangtze, Yellow, and Pearl River basins, consistent with r95p observations. The Haihe River Basin was also chosen as a specific case to detect the effect of groundwater on extreme precipitation using peaks over threshold(POT)-based generalized Pareto distribution(GPD) with parameters estimated by the L-moment method. Quantile plots showed that all but a few of the plotted points were distributed near diagonal lines and the modeled data fitted well with the samples. Finally, the effects of water table dynamics on temperature extremes were also evaluated. In the Yellow River Basin and Songhuajiang River Basin, the trends of the number of warm days(TX95n) from RegCM3_Hydro matched observed values more closely when water table dynamics were considered, and clearly increasing numbers of warm days from 1983 to 2001 were detected.  相似文献   

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