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南海是存在强湍流混合的边缘海之一, 但前人对南海湍流混合的研究更多关注的是中上层, 对底层则鲜有关注。本文基于高分辨率温度传感器于2019年5月在南海东北部22个站位海底上方0.5m处持续观测4.4d的温度数据, 分析了2216~3200m深度范围内底层海水温度的时间变化特征, 并探讨了地形粗糙度和内潮对底层湍流混合的影响。分析结果表明, 南海东北部各站位底层海水的温度变化量级约为10-4~10-3℃; 温度变化趋势与正压潮变化趋势不同, 温度能谱显示多数站位在全日和半日频带区间出现谱峰, 温度变化更多地受斜压潮影响, 全日、半日内潮起主要调制作用。陆坡-深海盆过渡区及深海盆底层的湍动能耗散率量级为10-10~10-9m2∙s-3, 涡扩散系数量级为10-4~10-3m2∙s-1。观测数据未能显示底层湍流混合与地形粗糙度存在明显的相关性。底层湍流混合的空间分布与过去观测到的南海北部深海盆内潮的南北不对称性分布一致。  相似文献   

A turbulent microstructure experiment was undertaken at a low latitude of 10°N in the South China Sea in late August 2012. The characteristics of the eddy diffusivity above 650 m were analyzed, which is one order of magnitude larger than that in the open ocean at that low latitude. Enhanced eddy diffusivities by strong shears and sharp changes in topography were observed. The strongest eddy diffusivity occurred in the mixed layer, and it reached O(10–2 m2/s). Strong stratification in the thermocline inhibited the penetration of surface eddy diffusivities through the thermocline, where the mixing was weakest. Below the thermocline, where the background eddy diffusivity was approximately O(10–6 m2/s), the eddy diffusivity increased with depth, and its largest value was O(10–3 m2/s).  相似文献   

南海北部中尺度反气旋涡的湍流混合空间分布特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章利用GHP细结构参数化方法和Thorpe-scale方法,分析水下滑翔机于2015年5月在南海北部采集的数据,估算了南海北部中尺度反气旋涡的湍流混合空间分布特征。结果显示该反气旋涡的混合具有明显的空间非对称性,混合率在其运动方向的后侧边缘明显增强达到O(10-3 m2/s)量级;而在其运动方向的前侧边缘,平均混合率要小一个量级。这一混合非对称特征与中尺度的涡动能密切相关性。中尺度涡后侧边缘处存在高流速剪切,容易引起垂向剪切不稳定,可能是引起该处混合增强的主要因素。另外,中尺度涡后侧边缘发展的次中尺度过程同样导致了该处强混合。本研究结果有助于人们进一步认识南海北部的混合过程。  相似文献   

通过对2010年5月南海16°N和14.5°N断面的湍流微结构剖面观测资料分析,给出了南海海盆上层湍流混合空间分布特征:在16°N断面上,上层10~400m垂向平均湍动能耗散率ερ在东侧略大于西侧;相反,在14.5°N断面上,西侧ερ均值约是东侧ερ的4倍,其中,西侧110.5°~111°E的ερ的平均值为2.6×10-6 W/m3,东侧118.5°E的ερ仅为5.89×10-7 W/m3。通过分析细结构剪切和湍流混合的相关性,发现剪切是南海中部上层强湍流混合的主要驱动力,揭示了高模态内波破碎可能是湍流混合的主要机制。另外,研究了大洋中的3种参数化模型,发现适用于大洋近海的参数化MacKinnon-Gregg(MG)模型能较好地用浮频和剪切估算南海中部深海区上层湍流耗散率。  相似文献   

南海西南季风期NCEP2湍流热通量的质量分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
以5次南海现场观测试验数据(Xisha2002,Xisha2000,Xisha1998,Kexue 1和Shiyan 3)为参照,对NCEP2再分析资料中湍流热通量在南海西南季风期的精度进行了评估.结果表明NCEP2估算的潜热通量的平均值在试验Xisha2000,Xisha1998,Kexue 1和Shiyan 3期间分别高估了6(11%),2(2%),7(7%)和13W/m2(16%),而在Xisha2002试验中低估了10 W/m2(11%).在5个试验中低估的感热通量分别为7(130%),3(64%),7(170%),5(53%)和5 W/m2(72%).NCEP2与5个现场观测试验的时间序列的相关系数均没有达到95%的置信度.模式中湍流热通量损失的误差来源于基本变量和算法,基本变量中以海表温度和海面风速的误差产生的影响最大.应用COARE2.6a算法和NCEP2的基本变量重新计算的湍流热通量更加符合物理意义.  相似文献   

Multi-scale variability of subsurface temperature in the South China Sea   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Using Morlet wavelet transform and harmonic analysis the multi-scale variability of subsurface temperature in the South China Sea is studied by analyzing one-year (from April 1998 to April 1999) ATLAS mooring data. By wavelet transform, annual and semi-annual cycle as well as intrasea-sonal variations are found, with different dominance, in subsurface temperature. For annual harmonic cycle, both the downward net surface heat flux and thermocline vertical movement partially control the subsurface temperature variability. For semi-annual cycle and intraseasonal variability, the subsurface temperature variability is mainly linked to the vertical displacement of thermocline.  相似文献   

1 Introduction The outer shelf of the South China Sea is a di- verse environment characterized by sharp changes in bottom topography (Wang et al., 2002). Internal wave and diapycnal mixing may be a vital mechanism con- trolling the distribution of physical water properties, nutrient fluxes, and concentrations of particulate mat- ter. Therefore, the research on diapycnal mixing on the outer shelf in the South China Sea is of great impor- tance to explore the level and variability of the abov…  相似文献   

Deep water in the South China Sea is renewed by the cold and dense Luzon Strait overflow. However, from where and how the deep water upwells is poorly understood yet. Based on the Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model reanalysis data, vertical velocity is derived to answer these questions. Domain-integrated vertical velocity is of two maxima, one in the shallow water and the other at depth, and separated by a layer of minimum at the bottom of the thermocline. Further analysis shows that this two-segmented vertical transport is attributed to the vertical compensation of subsurface water to the excessive outflow of shallow water and upward push of the dense Luzon Strait overflow, respectively. In the abyssal basin, the vertical transport increases upward from zero at the depth of 3 500–4 000 m and reaches a maximum of 1.5×106 m3/s at about 1 500 m. Deep water upwells mainly from the northeastern and southwestern ends of the abyssal basin and off the continental slopes. To explain the upward velocity arising from slope breaks, a possible mechanism is proposed that an onshore velocity component can be derived from the deep western boundary current above steep slopes under bottom friction.  相似文献   

利用 Sea WiFS卫星遥感叶绿素质量浓度及TRMM微波遥感海表温度产品, 研究了南海海表叶绿素a的季节变化特征及其同海表温度的关系。研究结果表明, 南海叶绿素质量浓度具有很强的季节变化:通常低叶绿素质量浓度(<0.12 mg·m-3)出现在弱风高海表温度(>28°C)的春、夏季节;高叶绿素质量浓度(>0.13 mg·m-3)通常出现在有较强风速和较低海表温度(<27°C)的冬季。线性回归分析显示, 南海叶绿素质量浓度同海表温度呈显著负相关。尽管在南海南部、南海中部、南海西部及吕宋西北部4个代表子区域的显著性有所差异, 但都暗示温度变化所反映的垂向层化调控了营养盐质量浓度和浮游植物量变化。可见, 温度可能是影响海洋上层稳定程度及垂向交换强度的重要指标, 从而可能调控营养盐及浮游植物的变化。  相似文献   

兰健  于非  鲍颖 《海洋科学进展》2005,23(4):408-413
基于美国海军的空间分辨率为0.5°×0.5°月平均的GDEM三维温盐资料,采用P矢量方法,计算了南沙南部海域的三维环流结构。结果表明,南沙南部海域不仅存在多涡结构,而且此多涡结构还存在明显的季节性变化。冬季,存在南沙海槽反气旋式涡、东南沙反气旋式涡和较弱的南沙气旋式涡;夏季,存在南沙反气旋式涡、巴拉望海槽西侧的气旋式涡和东南沙气旋式涡。  相似文献   

南海表层水温年循环的数值模拟   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
王东晓 《海洋学报》1998,20(4):25-37
本文采用一个非线性约化重力海洋模式对南海表层水温(SST)年循环过程进行了数值研究,探讨了南海表层水温年循环形成和维持的动力学和热力学机制·模拟结果表现出与观测分析相一致的年循环变化阶段性和空间结构,并发现南海SST年循环的阶段性是海面动力强迫和热力强迫共同作用的结果;南海上层海洋的热力平衡有着明显的季节特征.  相似文献   

In this study, we used the Navy' s Master Oceanographic Observation Data Set(MOODS), consisting of 116019 temperature and 9617 salinity profiles, during 1968- 1984 to investigate the temporal and spatial variabilities of South China Sea thermohaline structures and circulation. For temperature, profiles were binned into 204 monthly data sets from 1968 to 1984 (17 years). For salinity, profiles were binned into 12 climatological monthly data sets due to the data paucity. A two-scale optimal interpolation method was used to establish a three-dimensional monthly-varying gridded data set from MOODS, covering the area of 5°-25°N and 105° - 125°E and the depth from the surface to 400 m. After the gridded data set had been established, both composite analysis and the Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) analysis (for temperature only) were used to identify the major thermohaline fratures including annual mean, monthly anomalies, and interannual thermal variabilities. The inverted monthly circulation pattern  相似文献   

南海西边界ADCP观测海流的垂直结构   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
采用多种数据处理方法,分析了南海西南陆架西边界处定点连续观测站上的海流记录。正压潮流的调和分析结果表明该海域以日周期潮流为主,潮流椭圆随深度旋转。去潮后流速垂直结构的奇异值分解(SVD)证实观测点的流速结构存在不同的垂向模态,第一模态对应平均流的变化部分,第二模态含有倾向性变化部分,双日周期变化在各个模态中均较明显。对各观测层流速进行小波分析,进一步发现观测流的频率构成具有垂向变频和同一层次频率漂移的特征。  相似文献   

Sea surface temperatures (SSTs) in the southwestern South China Sea have been reconstructed for the past 160 ka using the Uk37 paleothermometer from the core MD01-2392. The temperature differences between glacial times (MISs 6 and 2) and interglacial times (MISs 5.5 and 1) are 2.2~2.5 ℃. Younger Dryas event during the last deglaciation was documented in both the planktonic foraminiferal δ18O and SST records. After MIS 5.5, SSTs displayed a progressive cooling from 28.6 to 24.5 ℃, culminating at the LGM. During this gradual cooling period, warm events such as MISs 5.3, 5.1 and 3 were also clearly documented. By comparison of SST between the study core and Core 17954, a pattern of low or no meridional SST gradients during the interglacial periods and high meridional SST gradients during the glacial periods was exhibited. This pattern indicates the much stronger East Asian winter monsoon at the glacial than at the interglacial periods. Spectral analysis gives two prominent cycles: 41 and 23 ka, with the former more pronounced, suggesting that SSTs in the southern SCS varied in concert with high-latitude processes through the connection of East Asian winter monsoon.  相似文献   

Some life history statistics of the mesoscale eddies of the South China Sea (SCS) derived from altimetry data will be further discussed according their different formation periods.A total of three ATLAS (autonomous temperature line acquisition system)mooring buoys data will be analyzed to discuss eddies‘ impact on temperature profiles.They identify that the intraseasonal variation of SCS thermocline is partly controlled by mesoscale eddies.  相似文献   

南海海表温时空演变与南海夏季风爆发早晚相关性初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
齐庆华  蔡榕硕 《海洋学报》2014,36(3):94-103
利用我国近海1986-2008年间的海温再分析资料,分析了南海海温异常的时空变化,重点揭示了南海夏季风爆发前后(4-6月)南海表层海温异常的时空演变特征,并探讨了其与南海夏季风爆发早晚的相关关系。结果显示,南海夏季风爆发前后南海表层海温异常存在一个显著时空演变模态,4月南海全域海表温度异常几呈负位相态势,其中正值信号首先出现于巴拉望岛以西海域,随后逐步向西向北扩展,5月南海大部已被海表温异常正位相控制,6月南海表层海温异常完成负-正位相转换。分析表明,南海表层海温异常时空演变的年际差异与南海夏季风爆发的早晚存在显著相关。综合已有研究认为,南海海表温异常时空演变所形成的季节内尺度的热力差异(主要包含演进趋势、速度和幅度等)可能是影响南海夏季风爆发早晚的一个重要因子,据此建立了海表温温差异常指标,其对南海夏季风爆发早晚具有较好的反映能力。此外,南海海表温异常时空演变与南海暖池的变化紧密关联。相关分析还发现,南海夏季风爆发前期南海暖池与印度洋暖池的海表温差异常存在显著正相关关系,而与西太平洋暖池为负相关关系。南海海表温异常季节内演变在印-太暖池区海表热力格局及差异形成背景下或可通过影响大尺度经向和纬向环流而引发南海夏季风爆发早晚之年际异常。  相似文献   

利用SeaWiFS卫星遥感叶绿素质量浓度及TRMM微波遥感海表温度产品,研究了南海海表叶绿素a的季节变化特征及其同海表温度的关系.研究结果表明,南海叶绿素质量浓度具有很强的季节变化:通常低叶绿素质量浓度(<0.12 mg·m-3)出现在弱风、高海表温度(>28℃)的春、夏季节;高叶绿素质量浓度(>0.13 mg·m-3)出现在有较强风速和较低海表温度(<27℃)的冬季.线性回归分析显示,南海叶绿素质量浓度同海表温度呈显著负相关关系.尽管在南海南部、南海中部、南海西部及吕宋西北部4个代表子区域的显著性有所差异,但都暗示温度变化所反映的垂向层化调控了营养盐质量浓度和浮游植物量变化.可见,温度可能是影响海洋上层稳定程度及垂向交换强度的重要指标,从而可能调控营养盐及浮游植物的变化.  相似文献   

On the basis of the analysis of the sea temperature data that are observed from the three automatic temperature line acquisition sysem mooring buoys deployed in the central South China Sea (SCS) during South China Sea monsoon experiment, vertical features of biweekly and synoptic variability are discussed. There are five vertical modes, that is, subsurface temperature variability is in phase with,out of phase with, leads to, lags the surface temperature variability, and at depths within the subsurface layer the upper and lower temperature variations are out of phase. The formation of these vertical modes is related to the property of low-level atmospheric forcing and to the background in atmosphere and ocean. Wind stress curl is the main driving factor in forming Modes 1 and 3, and wind stresses in forming Modes 2 and 4.  相似文献   

古南海的展布范围以及俯冲消亡过程等一直是地质学家们争论的焦点问题。这不仅与南海扩张诱因密切相关,而且对南海地球动力学研究有重大的指导意义。在研究前人文献的基础上,对南海南部造山运动以及古南海俯冲过程之间的关系进行详细的论述。结果表明,南海南部构造活动主要分为两期:第一期运动从早白垩纪到晚白垩纪,古太平洋的洋壳俯冲到婆罗洲岛下方,俯冲带位于现今卢帕尔线一带,引起了曾母-南沙地块不断向西南婆罗洲靠近,并于晚白垩纪引发了碰撞造山运动。由于婆罗洲自身是由众多地块拼合而成,所以在始新世期间发生了多期碰撞之后的地块变形重组事件。最终在晚始新世(37 Ma)完成最后一期变形(沙捞越运动)。第二阶段是晚始新世(35 Ma)到中中新世(15.5 Ma),位于西巴拉姆线以东至菲律宾卡加延一带的古南海从西巴拉姆线以东,向婆罗洲岛下方俯冲,随后扩散到沙巴以及巴拉望岛以南的地区,直至菲律宾的民都洛岛一带停止俯冲。由此产生的拖曳力是南海扩张的主要诱因。与古太平洋板块俯冲产生的效果相似,古南海的俯冲使得婆罗洲岛与南沙地块不断靠近。在中中新世(15.5 Ma),引起南沙地块与婆罗洲岛在沙巴地区的碰撞(沙巴造山)以及巴拉望北部陆壳与菲律宾岛弧的碰撞而停止。由此带来的不整合面在南海南部普遍可见,甚至到达了巴拉望岛一带。而现今南沙海槽与巴拉望海槽并非是俯冲带的前渊,前者是对沙巴新近纪增生楔重力驱动变形的响应,后者是巴拉望岛北侧伸展背景下产生的半地堑盆地,在后期增生楔的作用下发生强烈沉降所形成。真正的俯冲带则分别位于南沙海槽东南部以及巴拉望海槽东南部。据现有证据推测,最少在10 Ma之前古南海就在菲律宾民都洛一带停止俯冲,从而完成了整个古南海的封闭。  相似文献   

海洋沉积物含水率、密度和孔隙度等物理参数是沉积物声学特性研究中的重要指标。由于南海沉积物类型多样、成分复杂, 特别是深海沉积物样品珍贵, 需精确测定沉积物声学及物理参数并无损害地保持沉积物化学性质。文章以黏土、粉砂和砂三种典型海底沉积物为研究对象, 使用环刀法和烘干法, 在不同温度条件下(60℃、80℃、100℃和120℃)测定和分析了这三种沉积物的含水率、密度、孔隙度随烘干时间的变化趋势及特征, 并进行了回归分析和综合研究。结果表明: 1) 对同类型沉积物, 温度越高, 完全失去孔隙水的时间越短, 且失水过程具有阶段性;2) 同一温度下, 三种典型沉积物完全失去孔隙水的时间为t<t粉砂<t黏土, 且不同时间段, 失去孔隙水的速率差异较大, 这主要与沉积物的颗粒大小、颗粒间的间隙大小以及烘干后期沉积物中所含的水分均已大部分流失有关;3) 建议声学沉积物样品的烘干温度以80℃左右为宜, 并给出三种沉积物完全烘干的参考时长和临界时间;4) 在温度为80℃时, 将临界时间处的物理参数带入经验方程进行声速预报是可行的。  相似文献   

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