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复杂地形城市冬季边界层对气溶胶辐射效应的响应   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
郑飞  张镭  朱江 《大气科学》2006,30(1):171-179
作者着眼于城市气溶胶辐射效应与大气边界层的相互作用问题,针对地形复杂的兰州市及周边地区,开发应用了WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting,天气研究和预报)模式,使之与包含了大气气溶胶辐射效应和气溶胶粒子扩散的综合大气边界层数值模式嵌套起来.通过个例分析,揭示了冬季气溶胶辐射效应对边界层结构的定量影响.主要特征为夜间气溶胶的长波辐射效应使地面附近的气温增高,增温幅度为0.1~0.3 K/h,使低空(25~300 m)大气层冷却,降温幅度为0.08~0.15 K/h,风速在150 m以下减小;白天气溶胶的短波辐射效应使地面层内明显增温,1 h内升温约0.5 K,增温最大值在混合层顶500~600 m高度.受增温影响,垂直风场和水平风场随之调整,风速在450 m以下增大约0.1 m/s左右,而在450 m以上风速减小0.1 m/s左右.  相似文献   

边界层气溶胶气候效应的研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
用三维气候模式模拟了边界层气溶胶的气候效应。结果表明,边界层气溶胶可使大气和地表的气候状态发生明显的变化。300hP以下气柱中气温升高,地表和土壤温度降低。在气溶胶光学厚度较大的沙漠区上空,水平风场出现气旋性差值环流,垂直上升运动也发生较多变化。降水变化与300hPa上垂直运动的变化有很好的正相关。同时讨论了气溶胶气候效应的物理机制。  相似文献   

高云和气溶胶辐射效应对边界层的影响   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
邓涛  张镭  陈敏 《大气科学》2010,34(5):979-987
通过WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting) 模式嵌套包含了高云和气溶胶辐射效应的大气边界层模式, 结合激光雷达资料, 进行数值模拟, 定量分析高云和气溶胶辐射效应对城市边界层的影响。模式能很好地模拟出在高云和气溶胶辐射效应下城市边界层的特征。夜间, 气溶胶在低层起到保温作用, 高云使得保温作用得到加强, 地表增温达1.5 K。中高层, 气溶胶降低所在气层温度, 高云使得降温幅度减少, 降温达0.2~0.7 K。白天, 高云和气溶胶减少到达地面的太阳短波辐射, 导致低层温度降低, 地表降温达1.3 K。中高层, 气溶胶加热所在的气层, 高云使得这一增温幅度减少, 在500 m处增温最大, 达0.85 K。无论白天还是夜间, 气溶胶的辐射效应都会抵消一部分形成山谷风的热力条件, 使得中低层的风速减少, 这种影响在白天显得尤为明显。高云的存在使得这种抵消得到少量的补偿。  相似文献   

中国地区边界层大气气溶胶辐射吸收特性   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
黄世鸿  李子华  杨军 《高原气象》2000,19(4):487-494
采用粒子采样法对中国23个地区边界层气溶胶的吸收系数作了测量,研究了其分布特征。结果表明:中国地区边界层气溶胶的吸收系数在10^-6-10^-3m^-1之间,明显呈北高南低的趋势,四川盆地和贵州有一相对较高的中心,吸收系数与粒子含量之间的相关系数为0.74,吸收系数与粒子含量的分布一致性较好。小颗粒的吸收性能好于大颗粒。  相似文献   

城市气溶胶对边界层热量收支的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
王海啸  陈长和 《高原气象》1994,13(4):441-448
本文利用长、短波辐射模式和地面能量平衡模式,计算了烟雾层状况下的边界层和地面热量收支情况,计算表明,烟地务层的全天辐射效应使低层大气上部辐射能量收入为正,中下部辐射能量收入为负,总的结果是使低层大气稍稍冷却并使稳定增加,计算还表明,烟雾层造成的地面接收短波辐射能量的减少量可由大气逆辐射的增加量来补偿,烟雾层使得地面温度振幅变小。  相似文献   

基于激光雷达资料的气溶胶辐射效应研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用新型激光雷达气溶胶探测资料及综合数值模式,以地形复杂的兰州市及周边地区冬季典型天气形势下的大气边界层为研究对象,通过理想试验模拟研究了城市气溶胶辐射效应与大气边界层的相互作用。结果表明:夜间,低空(50~600 m)气溶胶所在气层冷却效应明显,温度降低0.13~0.18℃,600 m高度以上,气溶胶浓度较低,其冷却效应较小,温度降低不足0.1℃;白天,受气溶胶短波辐射效应影响,边界层内增温明显,增温最大值位于低层脱地逆温层顶300 m高度附近,600 m以上由于气溶胶浓度减小,加热率亦降低,增温由0.2℃减至0.1℃。此外,气溶胶的存在使得所在层的风速降低。可见,激光雷达探测资料在边界层模式中有很好的应用价值,对于研究气溶胶辐射效应的大气边界层响应有重要意义。  相似文献   

夹卷对郊外大气边界层内臭氧影响的数值模拟研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
夹卷是大气边界层与自由大气进行能量和物质交换的重要途径,对边界层动力结构及边界层内温度、水汽和各种污染物浓度有重要影响。利用化学-地表-大气-土壤(CLASS)模式定量评估了夹卷过程对远郊地区大气边界层内臭氧(O3)浓度的影响并与大气化学反应贡献进行了对比,结合地面O3、NOx及边界层高度、位温和比湿等观测资料和再分析资料对CLASS模拟结果进行了定量评估。结果表明:CLASS模式能较为真实地模拟夹卷和大气光化学反应对远郊地区大气边界层臭氧浓度的影响,且当自由大气层内臭氧浓度达到一定值时,两者对边界层内臭氧峰值影响相当。数值试验结果进一步揭示,夹卷对控制氮氧化物(NOX)和可挥发性有机物(VOCS)排放源控制效果有重要影响,且当夹卷区内O3跳跃值增大到一定时,可完全抵消源排放减排控制的效果。本研究旨在表明,为有效控制近地层臭氧浓度,在制定人为污染源减排措施时必须考虑自由大气层臭氧的夹卷贡献。   相似文献   

硫酸盐和碳黑气溶胶辐射效应的研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
该文在辐射方案中硫酸盐和碳黑气溶胶辐射效应进行了研究,估算了这两种气溶胶成分的辐射强迫,在气溶胶-辐射方案中考虑了:(1)具有不同尺度的硫酸盐和碳黑气溶胶在太阳辐射波长范围内的光学性质;(2)硫酸盐和碳黑气溶胶浓度的比例变化;(3)硫酸盐和碳黑气溶胶的混合形式,当硫酸盐气溶胶和碳黑气溶胶同时存在时,碳黑气溶胶的加热作用与硫酸盐气溶胶的冷却作用相叠加,会使大气顶的负辐射强迫量减少,减少的负辐射强迫量  相似文献   

北京不同区域气溶胶辐射效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用大气辐射传输模式SES2以及2013年1月—2015年10月欧洲中期天气预报中心细网格再分析资料计算了北京地区4个观测站地面接收的短波辐射通量,分析了晴天和云天北京城郊气溶胶对总辐射的定量影响时空变化特征。结果表明:北京城区和近郊区气溶胶对总辐射的影响约为远郊区的2倍,北京南部和西部气溶胶对辐射的影响较大,晴天和云天北京城区和近郊区气溶胶对总辐射的削减值分别为146.23~180.99 W·m-2和202.11~217.02 W·m-2,晴天总辐射削减空间差异较大;秋冬季气溶胶对总辐射的影响明显大于春夏季,北京市观象台秋冬季气溶胶对总辐射的削减作用最大可达60%,较春夏季高10%~20%;北京城郊总辐射和直接辐射削减率与气溶胶光学厚度变化均呈线性关系,近地面PM2.5浓度对辐射的影响不容忽视。  相似文献   

王蓉  黄倩  岳平 《干旱气象》2019,37(1):48-56
利用敦煌干旱区野外加密观测资料,结合大涡模式模拟研究模式水平分辨率对边界层对流、夹卷过程及示踪物垂直传输的影响。结果表明:模式水平分辨率越高,模拟的边界层对流泡个数越多,尺度越小,且对流强度越强;提高模式水平分辨率,夹卷层位温方差增大,水平速度方差减小,垂直速度方差增大,且上升冷气流对夹卷层热通量的贡献最大。模式水平分辨率越高,垂直速度、位温及示踪物绝对质量浓度概率密度函数分布变化范围相对越广,且模拟的细微变化特征越清晰。另外,提高模式水平分辨率,模拟的示踪物空间分布特征更加细致,示踪物传输高度也较高。综合考虑到分辨率越高在模拟过程中产生的噪音越大且计算时间越久等问题,认为采用200 m水平分辨率时,模式既能较好地模拟出边界层对流的平均结构,又能模拟出边界层湍流的较细微分布特征,是较为理想的选择。  相似文献   

A comprehensive measurement of planetary boundary layer(PBL) meteorology was conducted at 140 and 280 m on a meteorological tower in Beijing, China, to quantify the effect of aerosols on radiation and its role in PBL development. The measured variables included four-component radiation, temperature, sensible heat flux(SH), and turbulent kinetic energy(TKE) at 140 and 280 m, as well as PBL height(PBLH). In this work, a method was developed to quantitatively estimate the effect of aerosols on radiation based on the PBLH and radiation at the two heights(140 and 280 m). The results confirmed that the weakened downward shortwave radiation(DSR) on hazy days could be attributed predominantly to increased aerosols, while for longwave radiation, aerosols only accounted for around onethird of the enhanced downward longwave radiation. The DSR decreased by 55.2 W m~(-2) on hazy days during noontime(1100–1400 local time). The weakened solar radiation decreased SH and TKE by enhancing atmospheric stability, and hence suppressed PBL development. Compared with clean days, the decreasing rates of DSR, SH, TKE, and PBLH were 11.4%, 33.6%, 73.8%, and 53.4%, respectively. These observations collectively suggest that aerosol radiative forcing on the PBL is exaggerated by a complex chain of interactions among thermodynamic, dynamic, and radiative processes. These findings shed new light on our understanding of the complex relationship between aerosol and the PBL.  相似文献   

云层与气溶胶对大气吸收太阳辐射的影响   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
胡丽琴  刘长盛 《高原气象》2001,20(3):264-270
云通过辐射过程对地气系统的能量平衡起着特别显著的调节作用 ,是影响天气、气候以及全球变化的重要因子。近年来 ,有云大气对太阳短波辐射的“异常吸收”又成为云—辐射研究中的一个争论热点。有云大气的短波吸收受到多种因素的影响 ,关于这方面的研究还不够充分。本文通过计算 ,从理论上探讨了若干因素的组合对大气吸收的综合影响。在计算中 ,同时考虑了不同太阳辐射波段、不同太阳入射天顶角、不同云顶高度以及不同下垫面的影响 ,并考虑了包含大气分子、气溶胶和云滴的吸收与散射 ,以及在近红外波段大气自身的热辐射等过程 ,阐明了云与气溶胶在不同波段对大气吸收太阳辐射的影响。  相似文献   

The advanced weather research and forecasting model is used to investigate the influence of planetary boundary layer (PBL) processes on intensity and structure of the storm Phailin (2013). Five simulations are conducted with five PBL schemes; Yonsei University (YSU), Mellor?Yamada?Nakanishi?Niino order2.5 (MYNN2), Assymetric Convective Model2 (ACM2), Medium Range Forecast (MRF), and Bougeault and Lacarrere (BouLac). The simulation duration includes the pre???intensification and rapid intensification phase of Phailin before landfall. Results indicate that during the pre???intensification phase, storm’s track and intensity are not much sensitivity to PBL but structural changes are noted. A significant sensitivity of track and intensity to PBL parameterizations are found during rapid intensification phase. BouLac and MRF produced two extremes with 39 hPa intense and 16 km compact storm for BouLac than MRF. Further analysis reveals an outward movement of air parcel just above the boundary layer which causes spin-down for YSU and MYNN2. BouLac is associated with stronger eddy diffusivity and moisture fluxes within the boundary layer and stronger cyclonic vorticity just above the boundary layer than other experiments. Stronger cyclonic vorticity above the boundary layer in BouLac favors intense updraft, facilitating more moisture transport from the boundary layer to upper layers aiding stronger secondary circulation and robustly intensifying the storm. A relatively deeper and drier inflow layer associated with weaker cyclonic vorticity just above the boundary layer reduces the moisture transport and weaken the secondary circulation for MRF than others.  相似文献   

We investigated the impact of aerosol heat absorption on convective atmospheric boundary-layer (CBL) dynamics. Numerical experiments using a large-eddy simulation model enabled us to study the changes in the structure of a dry and shearless CBL in depth-equilibrium for different vertical profiles of aerosol heating rates. Our results indicated that aerosol heat absorption decreased the depth of the CBL due to a combination of factors: (i) surface shadowing, reducing the sensible heat flux at the surface and, (ii) the development of a deeper inversion layer, stabilizing the upper CBL depending on the vertical aerosol distribution. Steady-state analytical solutions for CBL depth and potential temperature jump, derived using zero-order mixed-layer theory, agreed well with the large-eddy simulations. An analysis of the entrainment zone heat budget showed that, although the entrainment flux was controlled by the reduction in surface flux, the entrainment zone became deeper and less stably stratified. Therefore, the vertical profile of the aerosol heating rate promoted changes in both the structure and evolution of the CBL. More specifically, when absorbing aerosols were present only at the top of the CBL, we found that stratification at lower levels was the mechanism responsible for a reduction in the vertical velocity and a steeper decay of the turbulent kinetic energy throughout the CBL. The increase in the depth of the inversion layer also modified the potential temperature variance. When aerosols were present we observed that the potential temperature variance became significant already around $0.7z_i$ (where $z_i$ is the CBL height) but less intense at the entrainment zone due to the smoother potential temperature vertical gradient.  相似文献   

青藏高原东部及下游地区冬季边界层的观测分析   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用2007年12月的加密探空资料, 对高原东部及其下游地区的边界层结构和高原东部边界层变化对下游大气的影响进行了分析。结果表明, 冬季青藏高原东部夜间近地面逆温层可以发展到平均500 m的高度, 白天混合层可以发展到平均2000 m的高度。白天混合层内水汽和风速混合十分均匀, 在混合层发展成熟时存在十分深厚的逆湿层。冬季青藏高原下游的四川盆地, 边界层内温度日较差小, 夜间逆温层把大量地表水汽截留在近地层, 日出前近地层水汽容易达到饱和。白天, 混合层在中午发展成熟, 平均高度只有300 m。四川盆地对流层下部存在非常强的逆温层, 该逆温层是青藏高原抬升地表加热和冬季盛行西风气流形成的, 逆温层变化是青藏高原东部边界层温度日变化和局地西风变化的共同结果。逆温层显著改变大气动量、 热量和水汽的垂直分布。与对流层下部逆温相联系的中层云对辐射的影响是造成四川盆地温度日较差和混合层高度变化的原因。  相似文献   

It is frequently observed in field experiments that the eddy covariance heat fluxes are systematically underestimated as compared to the available energy. The flux imbalance problem is investigated using the NCAR’s large-eddy simulation (LES) model imbedded with an online scheme to calculate Reynolds-averaged fluxes. A top–down and a bottom–up tracer are implemented into the LES model to quantify the influence of entrainment and bottom–up diffusion processes on flux imbalance. The results show that the flux imbalance follows a set of universal functions that capture the exponential decreasing dependence on u */w *, where u * and w * are friction velocity and the convective velocity scale, respectively, and an elliptic relationship to z/z i , where z i is the mixing-layer height. The source location in the boundary layer is an important factor controlling the imbalance magnitude and its horizontal and vertical distributions. The flux imbalance of heat and the bottom–up tracer is tightly related to turbulent coherent structures, whereas for the top–down diffusion, such relations are weak to nonexistent. Our results are broadly consistent with previous studies on the flux imbalance problem, suggesting that the published results are robust and are not artefacts of numerical schemes.  相似文献   

边界层特征参数对边界层顶垂直速度的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
赵鸣 《大气科学》1994,18(4):413-422
本文从正斜压及有层结时的边界层相似理论及阻力定律出发,由边界层顶垂直速度与地面湍应力的关系求出了层结、粗糙度、它们的水平梯度及地转风的水平梯度、斜压性对w的影响的解析式,可用于模式计算。计算结果表明层结影响可使w差1-2个量级,不稳定时粗糙度影响也使w差几倍。除地转涡度决定w外,地转风、层结稳定度和粗糙度及其水平梯度也起了重要作用,还讨论了斜压性的影响。  相似文献   

利用室内水槽模拟大气对流边界层,并用多探头测量和光学方法测量分析夹卷层的夹卷过程和温度场结构.测量结果表明,夹卷层的温度场不同于各向同性湍流场,主要原因是夹卷层中含有一些大尺度的相干涡旋.  相似文献   

珠峰地区大气边界层结构的一次观测研究   总被引:5,自引:15,他引:5  
利用2005年8月31日~9月5日中国科学院珠穆朗玛峰综合观测研究站的LAP3000风廓线仪的观测资料,分析了该地区气温日变化和大气边界层风廓线结构。结果表明,该地区1500 m以下大气边界层主要受高原山地地形及珠峰地区冰川环境的影响,冰川风可能是引起观测期间下午强风天气的主要原因;1500 m以上高空受西风气流影响程度增大,但东南风仍占有一定比例。  相似文献   

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