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水文模型与陆面模式耦合研究进展   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
雍斌  张万昌  刘传胜 《冰川冻土》2006,28(6):961-970
水文模型与陆面模式耦合是目前全球变化研究中的热点问题,如何实现分布式水文模型与陆面过程模式的双向耦合,并将其有机嵌入大气模式中,是未来大气环流模式(GCM)和区域气候模式(RCM)发展和完善的重要目标之一.在简单介绍陆面过程模式和水文模型发展历程的基础上,对水文模型和陆面过程耦合研究的国内外进展进行了综述,指出了模式耦合中存在的共同问题和未来工作的研究要点.最后,探讨了分布式水文模型与陆面模式耦合在全球变化研究框架中的地位与意义,并展望了陆面水文过程发展的主流趋势和研究方向.  相似文献   

陆面模式中土壤冻融过程参数化研究进展   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
土壤冻融过程在寒区水文和气候系统中有着重要作用。陆面模式中土壤冻融过程的参数化对模式的设计和模拟结果有着关键作用。通过对广泛应用的Bucket,SIB,BATS,VIC,BEAS, LSM等几种主要的陆面模式中的冻融过程参数化方案进行了总结和比较。首先,详尽地描述了土壤冻融与气候变化的数值模拟研究,总结和评述了土壤冻融过程对气候变化的作用。其次,对几种主要的陆面过程模式在土壤水热参数化方案中对冻融过程的考虑及其特点进行了比较和讨论。还对冻结深度和冻结周期的预报模式进行了简介,最后对该领域当前面临的主要研究问题进行了探讨和阐述。  相似文献   

基于区域气候模式RegCM4.0(Regional Climate Model 4.0),分别选取BATS(Biosphere Atmosphere Transfer Scheme)和CLM(Community Land Model)陆面方案,对2001-2005年中国的气候状况进行模拟,并将模拟结果与CRU(Climatic Research Unit)及GPCP(Global Precipitation Climatology Project)降水资料进行对比,研究不同陆面方案对降水模拟的影响。结果表明:在两种陆面方案下,区域气候模式均较合理地模拟出了中国降水的空间分布、时间变化;模拟降水对陆面方案敏感,RegCM_BATS总体上表现为正偏差,在东北区域的模拟偏差较大;RegCM_CLM表现为负偏差,在长江以南区域的模拟偏差较大;模拟结果的偏差在夏季较大,冬季较小;两模式模拟结果间的差异在空间上由东南向西北减少;两模式均较准确地模拟了不同强度降水出现频率的分布形势,总体上RegCM_CLM模拟低强度降水偏多;高强度降水偏少,而RegCM_BATS模拟低强度降水偏少,高强度降水偏多;不同陆面方案对地表蒸发量以及地表潜热通量模拟的差异是导致模拟降水差异的主要原因,夏季地表蒸发对降水的影响较冬季更强;水汽平流输送对两模式模拟降水差异的影响较小。  相似文献   

孟现勇  王浩  蔡思宇  龙爱华  殷刚 《水文》2017,37(6):15-22
水文模式在较长的发展阶段由简单的概念模型逐步演变复杂的分布式物理模型,大气学科的各类气候模式在近年来迅猛发展同时也逐步带动了水文学的发展。从大气、水文两个学科发展角度纵向开展研究,通过分析以往研究成果认为,虽然大气、水文模式在其各自的发展已经到达了较为完善的地步,然而其相互耦合并取长补短的优势并未发挥。在探讨大气、陆面及水文模式发展的基础上,选取XJLDAS(Xinjiang Land Data Assimilate Datasets)大气陆面同化系统,CLM3.5(Community Land Model,Version 3.5)公用陆面模式及快速汇流模式RAPID(Routing Application for Parallel computation of Discharge)作为关键耦合对象,利用以上耦合系统对新疆精博河流域径流过程进行模拟。通过研究分析,认为:XJLDAS+CLM3.5+RAPID模式可较好地重现流域地表径流年内分布状况,然而,由于陆面参数化方案选取等原因,研究区径流量出现一定偏差。此外,在本研究中发现,陆面模式径流汇流模拟结果与实际结果存在一定偏差,将这种偏差进行分析后发现:在进行大尺度水文模拟时,需要在考虑在研究区相关地理特性(如地质构造、地表覆被)基础上进行模式相应改进,以最大限度的重现大尺度径流真实过程。  相似文献   

珠江流域大尺度陆面水文耦合模式的构建及应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
朱永楠  林朝晖  郝振纯 《水文》2015,35(1):14-19
以珠江流域为研究对象,通过更新陆面水文模式所需的下垫面参数数据库,建立适合于珠江流域的大尺度陆面水文耦合模式系统,并利用该模式开展了1963~2006年流域水文水循环过程的数值模拟,通过与实测流量比较,系统考察了陆面水文耦合模型对珠江流域水循环各分量的模拟性能。分析结果表明,该陆面水文耦合模式对珠江流域年平均各水循环要素具有良好的模拟能力;模式对珠江流域干流主要控制水文站的月平均流量也有较高的模拟精度,模式模拟的水量平衡系数均接近1,相关系数均高于0.84,IOA相似度系数均高于0.9;相对而言,模式对流量峰值的模拟能力还有待提高。  相似文献   

陆面水文过程研究综述   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
在简单介绍陆面过程模式发展的基础上,从裸土蒸发、植被蒸散、土壤水传输、排水和径流等五个方面详细综述了陆面模式研究中对水文过程的参数化。目前陆面参数化方案中仍存在很大的不确定性,其中陆面水文过程参数化的关键问题包括:土壤分层、土层厚度、根带分布;参数的代表性和移植;观测资料;径流的参数化。分析了径流在陆面模式中的重要性,及目前陆面模式中对径流参数化存在的不足,介绍了部分陆面模式对径流的模拟研究,讨论了未来工作的研究重点。  相似文献   

利用区域气候模式RegCM4.5,分别选取不同陆面参数化方案和空间分辨率,对5个长江流域降水异常年份进行短期气候回报试验,分析对气温和降水预测效果的影响及其最优组合。结果表明:空间分辨率的提高可以改善流域降水和气温的预测性能;而不同陆面方案引起的地表净辐射能量分布不同及其地表蒸散差异,最终导致流域内气温和降水预测效果不一致。RegCM(CLM4.5+30 km)对流域内小雨预测结果最好,而RegCM(BATS+30 km)预测流域内大雨和暴雨效果最优;RegCM(CLM3.5+30 km)对流域内气温预测能力最好。  相似文献   

大气水文模式耦合研究综述   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
首先阐明大气水文模式耦合的必要性,总结作为二者耦合的共同界面——陆面模式的发展过程。在此基础上,从耦合研究方法和目的出发,分4个类别详细论述当前国内外大气水文模式耦合研究的现状。指出了单向耦合不足和进行双向耦合所面临的几个关键问题包括:尺度问题、次网格分布非均匀性、降水模拟等。未来要求充分利用“3S”、四维变分同化等新技术和新方法,加强多学科的联合研究,深入开展大气水文模式的双向耦合试验和敏感性分析,研究大气—植被—土壤—水文系统的交互影响,从根本上提高大气和水文模式的模拟和预报水平。  相似文献   

地下水数值模拟面参数和水文参数研究的重要性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
宋西平  寇广潮 《地下水》2001,23(2):63-64
在地下水资源定量评价数值模拟中 ,应重视和加强对面参和水文参数的测试和研究。要建主地区性含水层标准参数 ,并通过专家鉴定确认 ,以便推广应用。要在研究区内选择代表性的典型地段 ,进行水均衡研究 ,测试 ,借助模型求解 ,是确定面参和水文参数行之有效的方法 ,可提高水资源定量评价成果的精度。  相似文献   

VIC陆面水文模型在白莲河流域径流模拟中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从气象与水文水资源学科交叉的角度引进VIC陆面水文模型,将其应用于湖北省白莲河流域,探讨模型在中小流域降雨径流模拟中的适用性。本研究利用白莲河流域DEM、植被、土壤等数字化资料,经过模型预处理,建立了白莲河流域VIC模型框架。并进行了模型参数敏感性分析。模拟结果表明,模型基本能够反映该流域的日径流水文过程,具有一定适用性。  相似文献   

An iterative method is presented for solving a fully coupled and implicit formulation of fluid flow in a porous medium. The mathematical model describes a set of fully coupled three-phase flow of compressible and immiscible fluids in a saturated oil reservoir. The finite element method is applied to obtain the simultaneous solution (SS) for the resulting highly non-linear partial differential equations where fluid pressures are the primary unknowns. The final discretized equations are solved iteratively by using a fully implicit numerical scheme. Several examples, illustrating the use of the present model, are described. The increased stability achieved with this scheme has permitted the use of larger time steps with smaller material balance errors.  相似文献   

A fully coupled formulation of a hydro‐thermo‐poro‐mechanical model for a three‐phase black oil reservoir model is presented. The model is based upon the approach proposed by one of the authors which fully couples geomechanical effects to multiphase flow. Their work is extended here to include non‐isothermal effects. The gas phase contribution to the energy equation has been neglected based on a set of assumptions. The coupled formulation given herein differs in several ways when compared to the earlier work and an attempt is made to link the flow based formulation and mixture theory. The Finite Element Method is employed for the numerical treatment and essential algorithmic implementation is discussed. Numerical examples are presented to provide further understanding of the current methodology. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Jiang  Jiamin  Tomin  Pavel  Zhou  Yifan 《Computational Geosciences》2021,25(5):1709-1730
Computational Geosciences - The sequential fully implicit (SFI) scheme was introduced (Jenny et al. J. Comput. Phys. 217(2), 627–641 2006) for solving coupled flow and transport problems....  相似文献   

基于全耦合的地表径流与土壤水分运动数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
针对降雨径流从坡面流下的过程中会发生下渗,导致土壤水非饱和带含水率增大这一动力学过程,从物理机制上对土壤水和地表水进行耦合,将二维平面地表水模型叠置在土壤水模型的顶部,对土壤水、地表水模型进行相同的空间和时间离散,在模型的计算过程中通过达西流关系对两者之间的水量交换进行计算(双层结点法耦合)或整合离散方程的整体法进行耦合。通过对两种耦合方法的比较以及与前人的实验结果对比,该模型与耦合方法能够准确地模拟和预测地表径流与土壤水分运动过程。研究结果可为分析地表水流与饱和-非饱和带水分与溶质耦合机理提供理论支持。  相似文献   

为克服基于"LINK-NODE"计算模式的排水管网模型不能细致模拟管道内部水流运动过程的缺陷,采用Preissmann窄缝理论开发完成了一套新的基于Godunov有限体积格式的一维排水管网水动力模型。模型采用HLL近似Riemann解计算单元界面处的数值通量,细致区分了管网节点水位对与其相连接管道的不同影响,并采用严格的质量守恒方程和特征线理论来更新管网节点水位。通过3个经典算例验证了模型能够很好地模拟有压瞬变流和瞬变混合流等复杂管网流态,具有良好的精度和稳定性。将模型应用于陕西省西咸新区天福和园小区实测场次降雨排水过程模拟,取得了理想的计算结果。新研发模型可提供所有计算单元中心和管网节点处的水力要素变化过程,为精细化城市洪涝过程模拟奠定基础。  相似文献   

Su-Xi-Chang area and Shanghai City, located in the south of Yangtze Delta, China, has subsided due to groundwater overpumping. Because of the regional scale of the groundwater exploitation, cone of depression and land subsidence at present, Su-Xi-Chang area and Shanghai City are treated as a single area for land subsidence study to avoid the uncertainty of boundary condition due to the regionalism. The characteristics of aquifer system compaction are complex because of the difference in the types, compositions and structures of the soils that the hydrostratigraphic units are composed of, and in the histories of groundwater level change the hydrostratigraphic units have experienced. Considering the fact that different hydrostratigraphic units have different kinds of deformation and that an identical unit may also present different deformation characteristics, such as elasticity, elasto-plasticity, and visco-elasto-plasticity, at different sites of the cone of depression or in different periods, corresponding constitutive laws have been adopted. This avoids the shortcomings of the previous research that the same constitutive law was adopted in all the hydrostratigraphic units during the entire time period. A coupled flow and subsidence model, which includes a three-dimensional flow model with variable coefficients and a one-dimensional (vertical) subsidence model, is built according to the complicated hydrological condition in the region. The simulation model is calibrated using observed data, which include compression of individual strata from groups of extensometers and groundwater levels from observation wells from 1995 to 2002. The model reproduced that the primary subsidence layer in Shanghai shifts from the shallow aquitard to the fourth confined aquifer because of the groundwater yield variations and the change of exploitation aquifers. However the third aquitard was the primary subsidence layer in Su-Xi-Chang area and the compaction deformation of the sandy aquifers was remarkable. The simulation results could provide some reasonable advice about groundwater exploitation in the future.  相似文献   

感潮河网水流不仅受径流、潮汐动力的双重影响,还常受水闸调度等人类活动的影响,水动力条件极为复杂。针对水闸调度影响下感潮河网复杂水动力及其伴随物质输移扩散模拟,提出了考虑水闸调度并集成输运对流项的水流-输运通量耦合求解器,建立了基于非结构网格Godunov格式的二维水流-输运耦合数学模型。采用具有时空二阶精度的MUSCL-Hancock预测-校正格式,结合变量重构限制器技术,在保证计算精度的同时避免了数值振荡。运用斜底三角单元网格表达水闸线状地形,并通过地形调整模拟了水闸启闭过程。算例研究表明,该模型计算精度高,可有效模拟水闸调度影响下感潮河网水流运动及污染物输运过程,具有较好的推广应用价值。  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a computational framework for the simulation of coupled flow and reservoir geomechanics. The physical model is restricted to Biot’s theory of single-phase flow and linear poroelasticity, but is sufficiently general to be extended to multiphase flow problems and inelastic behavior. The distinctive technical aspects of our approach are: (1) the space discretization of the equations. The unknown variables are the pressure, the fluid velocity, and the rock displacements. We recognize that these variables are of very different nature, and need to be discretized differently. We propose a mixed finite element space discretization, which is stable, convergent, locally mass conservative, and employs a single computational grid. To ensure stability and robustness, we perform an implicit time integration of the fluid flow equations. (2) The strategies for the solution of the coupled system. We compare different solution strategies, including the fully coupled approach, the usual (conditionally stable) iteratively coupled approach, and a less common unconditionally stable sequential scheme. We show that the latter scheme corresponds to a modified block Jacobi method, which also enjoys improved convergence properties. This computational model has been implemented in an object-oriented reservoir simulator, whose modular design allows for further extensions and enhancements. We show several representative numerical simulations that illustrate the effectiveness of the approach.  相似文献   

用流固耦合方法研究油藏压裂后应力应变和孔渗特性变化   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
油藏压裂后将引起地应力场发生变化,使岩石变形,导致孔隙度和渗透率变化,进而影响产量,为研究这一问题,作者建立了油藏压裂后流-固耦合渗流模型,考虑了以下因素:油藏岩石变形,地应力,孔隙度和渗透率变化,人工裂缝,流体渗流与岩石应变耦合,储藏渗流与裂缝渗流耦合,非达西效应等。较详细地给出了耦合方程及推导过程,控制方程包括的未知变量有压力,饱和度及位移,11个变量,和11个方程,用有限差分方法将流体渗流和岩石应变方程离散成主对角占优的七对角矩阵,可在修改已有三维二相渗流和三维固体力学程序的基础上,采用隐式迭代方法求解,示例分析表明,用此模型可以研究储层应力变变,孔隙度和渗透率随时间和空间变化规律,为开发方案制定,整体压裂设计,压后生产管理等方面提供定量分析技术。  相似文献   

Different phenomena influence the strength and volumetric behavior of unsaturated soils. Among the most important are suction hardening, hydraulic hysteresis, and the influence of volumetric strain on the soil-water retention curves. Fully coupled hydro-mechanical models require including all three phenomena in their constitutive relationships. Among these phenomena, suction hardening is the most influencing as it determines the apparent preconsolidation stress, the position of the loading-collapse yield surface, and the shift of both the isotropic consolidation and the critical state lines. In this paper, a fully coupled hydro mechanical model is presented. It is based on the modified Cam-Clay model but includes a yield surface with anisotropic hardening that takes account of the shift of the critical state line with suction. For highly overconsolidated materials, the sub-loading surface concept has been included in order to increase the precision of the model for these materials. The shift of the retention curves produced by volumetric strains is simulated using a hydraulic model based on the grain and current pore size distribution of the soil.  相似文献   

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