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东海西湖凹陷断裂系统几何学特征及其成因机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
断裂系统几何学特征研究表明,西湖凹陷断裂样式具有显著的"东西分带、南北分块"特征。西部斜坡带北部和南部为断阶式构造样式,中部的平湖斜坡带主要为单断式;中央-洼陷反转构造带自北向南构造样式呈规律性变化,反映出断裂反转强度自北向南减弱的趋势;东缘陡坡断隆带北部以西倾的同向断阶式为主,南部以东倾的反向断阶为主,中部黄岩边缘断裂带呈过渡特征。各主要构造带南北构造样式的转换部位也具有特殊的构造现象,凹陷中南部主要表现为晚期近E-W向断裂的集中发育,两侧NE、NNE向断层多尖灭或横向错移,中北部主要表现为断裂走向的变化。构造带南北构造样式的转换部多位于区域NW、NWW向基底断裂的延伸线上,这类NW、NWW向基底断裂多具有走向平移特征,据此,笔者认为这种构造特征的南北差异可能与早期NW、NWW向基底调节断裂的限制或再活动有关,在此基础上提出了西湖凹陷断裂样式南北差异的成因演化模式。  相似文献   

通过解释重新处理的曾母盆地多道地震数据,结合重、磁异常资料,对前人提出南海西缘最南部发育近S-N向“曾母西断裂”的分布区域进行了重新厘定,详细解释了曾母西断裂的构造特征,具体分析了其结构、组成和空间展布特征。确定曾母西断裂由①号断层和②号断层所构成,曾母西①号断层位于4°30′~7°N、109°30′~110°E,主断层面倾向ESE,走向NEN,其为康西坳陷的大型控边断层;曾母西②号断层分布于3°~5°N、109°30′~110°30′E,主断层面倾向NE,走向NNW,其为塔陶垒堑的大型控边断层,曾母西①号断裂往南的延伸终止于曾母西②号断裂。同时分析讨论了曾母西断裂的构造活动特征以及对曾母盆地沉积发育的控制作用。  相似文献   

海底沉积物粒度是反映水动力格局最直接的指标,可以有效指示不同时间尺度陆源碎屑物质输运过程。利用激光粒度仪对取自安达曼海东南部海域的98个表层沉积物样品进行粒度分析,结果表明,研究区表层沉积物以粉砂、砂质粉砂及粉砂质砂为主,且粒度组成空间分区明显:北部陆架为粗粒级且分选差的残留砂质沉积区;南部内陆架为混合沉积区,以砂质粉砂、粉砂质砂和粉砂沉积为主;丹老阶地和陆坡为细粒级且分选较好的粉砂和泥质沉积区。在此基础上选用Gao-Collins“粒径趋势”方法分析了该区域表层沉积物的净输运趋势,结果显示,当特征距离<0.8°时,普吉岛东南部海域存在沉积中心,研究区沉积物有向该区域汇聚的明显趋势,沉积物分布特征和输运趋势主要受陆源物质供给、季节性变化的西南季风流以及潮流的综合影响。  相似文献   

This paper describes investigations of the internal waves in the Andaman Sea using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer(MODIS) imagery over the period of June 2010 to May 2016. Results of the spatial and temporal distribution, generation sources and propagation characteristics of internal waves are presented. The statistical analysis shows that internal waves can be observed in almost the entire area of the Andaman Sea. Most internal waves are observed in the northern, central and southern regions of the Andaman Sea. A significant number of internal waves between 7°N and 9°N in the East Indian Ocean are also observed. Internal waves can be observed year-round in the Andaman Sea, while most of internal waves are observed between February and April, with a maximum frequency of 15.03% in March. The seasonal distribution of the internal waves shows that the internal waves have mostly been observed in the dry season(February to April), and fewer internal waves are observed in the rainy season(May to October). The double peak distribution for the occurrence frequency of internal waves is found. With respect to the lunar influence, more internal waves are observed after the spring tide, which implies the spring tide may play an important role in internal wave generation in the Andaman Sea. Generation sources of internal waves are explored based on the propagation characteristics of internal waves. The results indicate that six sources are located between the Andaman Islands and the Nicobar Islands, and one is located in the northern Andaman Sea. Four regions with active internal wave phenomenon in the Andaman Sea were presented during the MODIS survey, and the propagation speed of internal waves calculated based on the semidiurnal generation period is smaller than the results acquired from pairs of the images with short time intervals.  相似文献   

基于光学遥感的安达曼海内孤立波传播速度特性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
安达曼海内孤立波非常活跃且错综复杂,传播速度是内孤立波的重要特征参量,本文采用光学遥感手段建立了内孤立波传播速度的计算方法。收集并处理大量Terra/Aqua-MODIS遥感图像,利用两景图像追踪同一内孤立波与同一激发源产生的内孤立波波群两种方法定量研究安达曼海内孤立波传播速度。研究结果表明:安达曼海内孤立波传播速度在0.5~2.7 m/s之间,内孤立波传播方向主要受海底地形的影响,传播速度大小在传播过程中随水深变浅而呈减小的趋势,在深水区传播速度大小还呈现出季节性差异。  相似文献   

利用 AVISO 提供的中尺度涡数据集,对1993–2019年间安达曼海中尺度涡的涡旋特征、运动规律及其季节变化机制进行统计分析。结果显示,27年间安达曼海共出现中尺度涡328个,其中反气旋涡(171个)多于气旋涡(157个),主要分布在中西部盆地深水区。涡旋平均寿命为46.4 d,平均半径为111.8 km,平均振幅为4.7 cm,平均最大转速为24.8 cm/s,平均移动速度为15.0 cm/s,反气旋涡的平均半径、振幅和转速均大于气旋涡,而移动速度小于气旋涡。涡旋的半径、振幅和最大转速在其生命周期中都经历了先增大后减小的过程,移动速度则先减小后增大。在季节变化方面,反气旋涡和气旋涡性质冬夏对比呈现“跷跷板”现象,即夏季气旋涡比反气旋涡更多更强更大,冬季则反气旋涡更多更强更大;涡旋分布位置,夏季从北向南呈“气旋–反气旋–气旋”的极性反转交替分布,冬季则与之相反。动力机制分析显示,背景流场涡度可能影响安达曼海涡旋极性交替分布,正(负)涡度背景流利于气旋(反气旋)涡存在。涡旋能量变化机制显示,风强迫是安达曼海涡旋主要能量来源,风场能量输入与涡旋动能的季节变化吻合。  相似文献   

The characteristics of the T/S structures, water mass exchange and deep circulation in the Andaman Sea are investigated based on the simulation from a high-resolution general circulation model(MITgcm). The results show that, below 1 000 m, the water mass is saltier, warmer and more homogeneous in the Andaman Sea than that in the Bay of Bengal, attributing to the strong vertical mixing at the depth of ~1 800 m. The water mass exchange between the Andaman Sea and the Bay of Bengal goes through three major channels, which manifests itself as follows: the northern channel(Preparis Channel) is the main passage of water mass transport from the Bay of Bengal to the Andaman Sea, whereas the Middle Channel(the south of Andaman Islands and the north of Nicobar Islands) has an opposite transport; the southern channel(Great Channel) features with a four-layer water exchange which results in the least net transport among the three channels; all the transports through the three channels have an intra-annual variation with a period of half a year. At 1 000-m depth, the entire Andaman Sea is occupied by a cyclonic circulation in January and July while by an anticyclonic one in April and October. The semiannual cycle found in both the deep circulation and water mass exchange is likely associated with the downwelling eastward-propagating Kelvin waves induced by the semiannual westerly component in the equatorial Indian Ocean during intermonsoon seasons.  相似文献   

The characteristics of currents and tidal currents in the Andaman Sea(AS) are studied during the second half of2016 using observed data from a moored acoustic Doppler current profiler(ADCP) deployed at 8.6°N, 95.6°E.During the observation period, the mean flow is 5–10 cm/s and largely southward. The root mean square and kinetic energies of the low and high frequency flows, which are divided by a cutoff period of 5 d, are at the same level, indicating their identical importance to the total current. A power spectrum analysis shows that intraseasonal oscillations, a tidal-related semilunar month signal, a semidiurnal tidal signal and periods of 3–4 d are prominent. The barocliny of an eddy kinetic energy is stronger than the mean kinetic energy, both of which are the strongest on the bottom and the weakest at 70 m depth. Residual currents are largely southward(northward) during the summer(winter) monsoon season. Two striking peaks of the southward flow cause the 80 d period of meridional currents. The first peak is part of a large-scale circulation, which enters the AS through the northern channel and exits through the southern channel, and the second peak is part of a local vortex. The 40 d oscillation of the zonal current is forced by geostrophic variations attributed to local and equatorial remote forcing. The tidal current is dominated by semidiurnal constituents, and among these, M2 and N2 are the top two largest major axes. Moreover, astronomical tidal constituents MM and MSF are also significant. Diurnal constituents are weak and shallow water tides are ignorable. The aims are to introduce the new current data observed in the AS and to provide initial insights for the tidal and residual currents in the Andaman Sea.  相似文献   

The horizontally variable density stratification and background currents are taken into the variable-coefficent extended Korteweg-de Vries(evKdV) theory to obtain the geographical and seasonal distribution of kinematic parameters of internal solitary waves in the Andaman Sea(AS). The kinematic parameters include phase speed,dispersion parameter, quadratic and cubic nonlinear parameters. It shows that the phase speed and dispersion parameter are mainly determined by the topographic feature and ha...  相似文献   

生长断层是在伸展和走滑盆地中一种重要且广泛存在的构造样式。通过地震资料定性识别出东海陆架盆地南部地区18条生长断层; 根据断裂对研究区各级构造单元控制作用和纵向切穿地层情况, 将其划分为一级控盆断裂、二级控凹断裂、三级控带断裂和盖层断裂; 通过断裂平面分布特征研究认为研究区的断裂以NE、NNE延伸为主, 少数为NEE方向; 利用地震剖面在研究区识别出阶梯状组合断层带、“Y”字型组合断层、多米诺式断层带、地堑、地垒等多种断裂组合样式; 又结合生长指数和断层落差两种方法对研究区生长断层的运动学特征进行了定量统计分析, 发现研究区生长断层在古近纪时期活动强度具有自西向东逐渐递减趋势, 区内断层活动期次自西向东逐渐变新, 整个研究区内生长断层在古近纪盆地裂陷—断陷期活动强度最大, 中新世后断裂活动趋于稳定。认为晚中生代以来太平洋板块西缘俯冲后撤和印度板块向亚欧板块俯冲碰撞在东海陆架盆地形成的远程蠕散效应, 使东海陆架盆地形成了拉张伸展应力场环境, 是研究区发育大量生长断层的首要原因。同时, 加强对研究区生长断层伴生构造如滚动背斜和缓坡带阶梯状断裂组合封堵形成的岩性圈闭研究, 有利于推动东海陆架中新生代盆地资源勘探可持续发展。  相似文献   

安达曼海是内孤立波生成最多的海域之一,目前对其研究大多基于卫星遥感,缺乏基于现场观测资料的相关研究。本文通过2016年至2017年布放在安达曼海中部的锚系潜标对该海域内孤立波的方向和强度进行研究,结果表明在研究区域内孤立波主要向东北方向传播,最大振幅可达100 m。应用彻体力理论预测了研究海域内孤立波波源的分布,与遥感统计结果基本一致,并且波源位置更精确,可直观地给出不同波源激发内孤立波的能力。本文分别用浅水方程、深水方程和有限深方程对安达曼海中部内孤立波相速度进行模拟,结合卫星遥感分析发现该海域内孤立波的产生符合Lee波机制,在三种方程中有限深方程的模拟效果与潜标观测最相符。  相似文献   

通过对安达曼海重力柱ADM-C1的浮游有孔虫群落分析, 探讨了该区全新世以来的海洋环境演化。研究发现, 该区浮游有孔虫群落总体以热带暖水种Globigerinoides ruber、Globigerinoides sacculifer、Neogloboquadrina dutertreiPulleniatina obliquiloculata等为主。其中G. ruber的相对丰度从早全新世至今呈逐渐降低的趋势, G. sacculifer则呈大致相反的变化趋势。N. dutertrei的相对丰度从11—7.9ka BP较高, 到7.9—3.8ka BP偏低, 3.8ka BP以来又逐渐升高。而P. obliquiloculata的变化趋势则与N. dutertrei大致相反。研究认为, 安达曼海不存在与冲绳海槽类似的晚全新世普林虫低值事件。浮游有孔虫群落Q型因子显示全新世海洋环境呈现三个明显的阶段变化: 早全新世 11—7.9ka BP期间, 浮游有孔虫群落以G. ruber、N. dutertreiG. bulloides为主, 反映了该阶段较强的夏季风降水会导致表层水体盐度较低, 同时冬季风的影响相对较强; 7.9—3.8ka BP期间, 以G. ruber、P. obliquiloculataGlobigerinella aequilateralis为主, 指示水体盐度仍然较低, 同时次表层属种显著增多, 对应了该阶段强盛的印度夏季风, 上层海水混合强烈; 3.8—0ka BP期间, 以G. sacculifer、N. dutertreiP. obliquiloculata为主要特征属种, 而G. ruber相对丰度明显下降, 表明该时期表层海水的盐度有显著上升, 对应了印度夏季风降水的明显减弱。安达曼海浮游有孔虫群落所呈现的全新世海洋环境阶段性变化和陆地夏季风记录有很好的一致性, 也与该孔敏感粒级组分所反映的印度季风的强度变化一致, 表明热带边缘海区的有孔虫群落组合可以很好地响应区域海洋环境变化。  相似文献   

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