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利用2020年7月30日山西省人工增雨防雷技术中心在山西省忻州地区开展的大陆性浓积云飞机探测资料,分析了积云微物理参量、云滴谱离散度随时间和高度的变化以及云滴谱离散度的影响因子。结果表明,该大陆性浓积云云滴谱离散度随高度的增加先递增后递减,但变化范围较小。云滴谱离散度随数浓度、含水量增大而逐渐收敛,呈弱正相关关系;离散度与体积平均半径的相关性随体积平均半径的增大由正转负,与垂直速度呈现正相关关系。云中碰并过程对云滴谱离散度及其影响因子影响较大,建议未来云滴谱离散度的参数化增加对碰并过程的考虑。 相似文献
利用2008年4—7月、2009年5—8月和2011年5—9月黄山光明顶的云滴谱观测资料,对离散度和体积平均半径之间的关系进行了深入的分析和讨论。结果表明,随着体积平均半径的增大,离散度与体积平均半径之间的相关从正变成负,主要与活化、凝结、蒸发和去活化有关,与以往研究一致。在此基础上,进一步发现负相关比较弱,主要与碰并过程有关。当云雨自动转化阈值函数增大时,碰并增强,离散度与体积平均半径之间的相关性由负转正,且正相关性逐渐增强。碰并导致的正相关削弱了凝结和蒸发导致的负相关。此外,尽管云滴谱出现了双峰谱,但第一档强度(第一档浓度除以总的浓度)仍然可以很好地区分正负相关性。 相似文献
B. G. Arends G. P. A. Kos R. Maser D. Schell W. Wobrock P. Winkler J. A. Ogren K. J. Noone A. Hallberg I. B. Svenningsson A. Wiedensohler H. -C. Hansson A. Berner I. Solly C. Kruisz 《Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry》1994,19(1-2):59-85
During a field measuring campaign at Kleiner Feldberg (Taunus) in 1990, microphysical characteristics of clouds have been measured by Forward Scattering Spectrometer Probes (FSSP). The aim was to study the influence of aerosol and meteorological factors on droplet size and number. The results are: More mass in the accumulation size range of the aerosol leads to more droplets in stratocumulus clouds and to higher soluble masses in droplets of stratus clouds. However, the aerosol distribution was coarser in the stratus clouds compared to the stratocumulus clouds. Within the first 200 m from cloud base, the droplets grow while their number decreases. The growth results in a stable size of about 14 µm diameter over a large distance from cloud base in many stratocumulus clouds. Two types of mixing processes were observed: processes with reductions in the number of droplets (inhomogeneous mixing) and with reductions in the size of the droplets (homogeneous mixing). 相似文献
为开展云降水微物理过程机理和机制室内试验研究,设计建造北京气溶胶与云相互作用云室(Beijing aerosol and cloud interaction chamber,BACIC),搭建完整的气溶胶、云滴谱及常规气象要素测量系统,并于2019—2021年开展暖云试验。结果表明:BACIC能够模拟大气绝热膨胀成云过程,结果符合云微物理基本原理,云雾环境维持时间为5~10 min,达到开展相关科学问题研究的基本要求。利用环境气溶胶开展膨胀试验,测量显示气溶胶数浓度为10000 cm-3和2500 cm-3环境下,成云云滴数浓度分别为2500 cm-3和200~400 cm-3,云滴平均直径分别为8 μm和15~25 μm;上升速度为14.3 m·s-1和2.09 m·s-1时,气溶胶成云活化率分别为42%和17%;气溶胶成云活化率的敏感区域位于气溶胶数浓度小于5000 cm-3的区域;可定量化分析上升速度、气溶胶数浓度与云滴谱特征的相关关系。不同吸湿特性材料的暖云膨胀试验显示:污染背景下开展亚微米级别吸湿性催化剂播撒会导致云滴谱变窄,表明人工消减暖云或雾应采用大粒径催化剂。 相似文献
Cloud droplet dispersion is an important parameter in estimating aerosol indirect effect on climate in general circulation models (GCMs). This study investigates droplet dispersion in shallow cumulus clouds under different aerosol conditions using three-dimensional large eddy simulations (LES). It is found that cloud droplet mean radius, standard deviation, and relative dispersion generally decrease as aerosol mixing ratio increases from 25 mg−1 (clean case) to 100 mg−1 (moderate case), and to 2000 mg−1 (polluted case). Under all the three simulated aerosol conditions, cloud droplet mean radius and standard deviation increase with height. However, droplet relative dispersion increases with height only in the polluted case, and does not vary with height in the clean and moderate cases. 相似文献
云滴数浓度影响混合型层状云降水的数值模拟 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
使用耦合了Morrison双参数微物理方案的中尺度WRF模式V2.2,对2008年1月25-29日发生在我国南方的冰雪天气过程进行了数值试验。在模式准确再现了此次天气过程形势演变特点的基础上,对模式微物理方案中云滴数浓度影响累积降水量的情况进行了敏感性试验,发现云滴数浓度对降水量的影响是复杂和非线性的。对此次天气过程中的微物理量进行了详细的分析,并从各种水成物粒子的发展演变上,讨论了云滴数浓度的增加在暖云和冷云两种降水机制上对降水产生的不同影响。结果表明,云滴数浓度越大,云水混合比就越大,云滴的尺度越小。雨滴对不同云滴数浓度的响应与云滴的情况相反,随着云滴数浓度的增加,雨滴数浓度减小,雨水也减少,暖云降水过程受到了抑制;冰晶和雪晶的数浓度的演变过程没有明显变化,而冰晶和雪晶的混合比是相应增加的,冷云降水过程得到了一定程度的增强。从本文模拟的个例来看,设置不同云滴数浓度所得到的总累计降水量的差异在1%以内。总的来说,增加云滴数浓度,降水量会减少。从比例上来看,增加云滴数浓度对暖云降水过程的抑制作用比对冷云降水过程的增强作用更为显著,但是在本文模拟的个例中,冷云降水过程占主导地位,减少的降水和增加的降水的绝对值在同一个量级上并且数值相近,它们相互抵消后得到的结果是降水量变化的绝对值大大减小了,这解释了增加云滴数浓度后模拟的总累积降水量变化不明显的原因。 相似文献
Lei ZHU Chunsong LU Xiaoqi XU Xin HE Junjun LI Shi LUO Yuan WANG Fan WANG 《大气科学进展》2024,41(1):173-187
The process of entrainment-mixing between cumulus clouds and the ambient air is important for the development of cumulus clouds.Accurately obtaining the entrainment rate(λ)is particularly important for its parameterization within the overall cumulus parameterization scheme.In this study,an improved bulk-plume method is proposed by solving the equations of two conserved variables simultaneously to calculate λ of cumulus clouds in a large-eddy simulation.The results demonstrate that the improved bulk-plume method is more reliable than the traditional bulk-plume method,becauseλ,as calculated from the improved method,falls within the range of λ values obtained from the traditional method using different conserved variables.The probability density functions of λ for all data,different times,and different heights can be well-fitted by a log-normal distribution,which supports the assumed stochastic entrainment process in previous studies.Further analysis demonstrate that the relationship between λ and the vertical velocity is better than other thermodynamic/dynamical properties;thus,the vertical velocity is recommended as the primary influencing factor for the parameterization of λ in the future.The results of this study enhance the theoretical understanding of λ and its influencing factors and shed new light on the development of λ parameterization. 相似文献
运用已建立的气溶胶核化清除的物理化学模式,研究了云的动力学因子(如:气块上升速度、夹卷作用)对云滴化学非均匀性的影响。计算结果表明:较强烈的云发展(较大的气块上升速度)可加强由于气溶胶核化和云滴凝结增长造成的云滴化学的非均匀程度。夹卷作用抑制了云的发展,因而减弱了这种非均匀程度。夹卷作用同时也造成总体液态水中S(VI)、H+等浓度的增加,在Smax附近可达1个量级。如果考虑气溶胶粒子的夹卷,则可使气块内云滴污染物浓度随云滴大小的变化更加复杂化,如:不仅云滴污染物浓度随云滴大小而变化,即使对于相同大小的云滴之间,其污染物浓度也可相差很大。 相似文献
云内过饱和度是影响云宏微观物理特性的关键之一。利用显式混合气泡模式,首先研究了云滴周围过饱和度在夹卷混合过程中的演变特征,结果表明:过饱和度先因干空气作用减小,后因云滴蒸发作用增大,直到气块恢复饱和。随后分析了不同的热力、动力和微物理因子对过饱和度的减小幅度和饱和恢复快慢程度的影响。敏感性试验表明:减幅小、恢复快的因子是较大的卷入空气相对湿度和初始云滴数浓度;相对湿度越大,夹卷的影响越小;数浓度越大,云滴尺度越小,蒸发越快,对湿度的补充越强。减幅大、恢复慢的因子是较大的卷入空气比例;卷入空气越多,蒸发量越大。减幅大、恢复快的因子是较大的湍流动能耗散率;混合过程越快,云滴蒸发越快。研究结果有助于提升对夹卷混合过程和暖云降水理论的理解。 相似文献
Stephan Borrmann Ruprecht Jaenicke Rolf Maser Beate Arends 《Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry》1994,19(1-2):253-258
During the EUROTRAC Ground Based Cloud Experiment (GCE) 1990, a newly developed HODAR (Holographic Droplet and Acrosol Recording) was operated for the first time to measure cloud droplet size distributions by recording Fraunhofer in-line holograms of small cloud sample volumes in situ and analyzing the holographic images in the laboratory.This technical note compares the resulting size distributions with those obtained from two FSSP-100 laser optical particle counters. For all holograms analyzed during the GCE90 field experiment, the size distributions obtained from the two different methods agree well. Additionally, the liquid water contents (LWC) were measured directly by a Gerber particulate volume monitor PVM-100. The LWC calculated from the measured droplet size distributions deviate from the PVM-100 data. 相似文献
利用PMS粒子测量系统和机载温湿仪观测获取的吉林省2007年5月15日高空槽和5月28日冷涡天气下降水云垂直探测资料,对比分析了两次不同天气系统下形成降水过程中云系的宏微观结构特征。结果发现,高空槽影响下的As云中云滴数浓度最大值比冷涡影响的As-Sc云系高一倍;液态水含量方面,高空槽系统下As云中在0℃附近取得最大值,冷涡系统下As-Sc云系中,最大值出现在上层As云中-4.8℃左右处。高空槽系统影响下的As云中,FSSP-100、2D-C和2D-P探测到的粒子数浓度、含水量和平均直径随高度呈不均匀性分布;而冷涡影响的As-Sc云中,FSSP-100测得As云中粒子平均直径远大于Sc,2D-C和2D-P探测到的上层As云中粒子浓度和液态含水量分布相对均匀,而下层Sc中粒子浓度、液态含水量值和平均直径都很小,这是由于云层之间存在干层,使As云中的部分大云滴和雨滴在下降过程中迅速蒸发,不利于降水形成。不同高度层FSSP-100测得的粒子平均谱分布均差异较大。对云中可播性进行研究,结果发现高空槽影响的As云中可播区均为强可播区,冷涡系统影响的As-Sc云中可播区的1/2为强可播区。 相似文献
利用2007—2010年CloudSat和CALIPSO资料,统计分析了全球云出现频率以及云量的水平和垂直分布,并与单独CloudSat资料得到的结果进行对比,讨论了CALIPSO观测到的云的空间分布特性。结果表明:全球平均总云量约0.69,云量高值区主要集中在南半球60°S附近西风带、北太平洋风暴路径带,其次是赤道辐合带(InTertropical Convergence Zone,简称ITCZ),而云量低值区集中在北非沙漠地区及印度洋北部等地。CloudSat/CALIPSO资料与CERES等多种云观测资料获得的总云量分布都基本一致,但CloudSat/CALIPSO资料联合使用能更好地反应云的垂直结构。将联合观测的统计结果与仅使用CloudSat资料统计的云量分布结果对比,可以发现,CALIPSO在陆地上方可以观测到更多云雷达探测不到的高空冰云,且随着温度的降低,观测优势越来越明显;同时还可以观测到一些海洋上层云光学厚度较薄且未形成降水的暖云以及粒径较小的过冷水云。CALIPSO观测到的云顶粒子半径较小但数浓度较大的冰云主要分布在ITCZ、南半球60°S附近西风带和北太平洋风暴路径带地区,云量最大为0.31,占该温度下冰云总量的28%以上;而这些未形成降水的暖云主要是在10~20℃温度范围内南北美洲和南非西海岸地区,云量最大可达到0.4,占该温度下暖云总量的50%以上;过冷水云则主要是在-10℃~0℃温度范围内的南半球60°S附近西风带,云量也增加了0.1以上,约占混合云的15%。 相似文献
Numerical Simulation of the Influence of Drop Size Distribution Shape on Cloud and Precipitation

At present,parameterization methods to describe cloud and precipitation processes are widely used in cloud and mesoscale models,but with different drop size distributions.When precipitation formation mechanism,weather modification technique,and mechanism of hail suppression with seeding are studied by using these models,a question that needs to be addressed is:what is the influence of different drop size distributions and related parameters on cloud and precipitation?In this paper,by using a three-dimensional hail cloud numerical model developed by the Institutes of Atmospheric Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences, we performed numerical experiments with varied drop size distribution parameters for two hail storms,and analyzed the influence of shape parameters(ar,ai,and ag)of raindrops,ice crystal,and graupel size distributions on rainfall,hail amount,and microphysical processes in clouds.The results show that the variation of ar has no effect on precipitation formation on the whole,but affects directly the production rates for the physical processes related to raindrop.The ag variation has a less obvious effect on rainfall amount,but has a significant effect on hail amount,hailfall rate,and rainfall intensity.It impacts noticeably on the generation rate of the number and mass of ice crystal,graupel,and hail,and also to various degrees on all the microphysical processes in clouds.The ag variation also influences the growing process of the hydrometeors.The effects of the ai variation on part of the generation and growing processes of all the hydrometeors are significant,and even dramatic,such as the collection process of cloud water to rain through melting ice crystal(T CLcir).However,for clouds located in different geographic regions,the variation of ai has different effects on precipitation,which reflects the complexity of the impact of drop size distribution on cloud and precipitation.At last,some issues about the application of cloud models are also discussed. 相似文献
一次飞机播撒吸湿性焰剂试验的微物理探测浅析 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
2011年夏季,北京市人工影响天气办公室组织了吸湿性焰剂的飞机播撒试验,选取八达岭长城西北的淡积云作为催化对象.试验期间,使用装备了云探测设备的运12飞机进行播撒及云微物理探测.在6月1日的试验中,运用差异化策略分别对不同的淡积云实施了催化,探测发现云中出现了符合暖云增雨概念模型的微物理反应.随后在晴空区实施了烟羽探测试验,通过在吸湿性焰剂烟羽区的穿刺飞行,获得了正在扩散的吸湿性焰剂的粒子谱,了解了播撒后扩散区的微物理特征. 相似文献
The CloudSat satellite data from June 2006 to April 2011 are used to investigate the characteristics of cloud vertical profiles over East Asia(20°-50°N,80°-120°E),with particular emphasis on the profiles of precipitative clouds in comparison with those of nonprecipitative clouds,as well as the seasonal variations of these profiles.There are some obvious differences between the precipitative and nonprecipitative cloud profiles.Generally,precipitative clouds mainly locate below 8 km with radar reflectivity in the range of-20 to 15 dBZ and maximum values appearing within 2-4-km height,and the clouds usually reach the ground;while nonprecipitative clouds locate in the layers of 4-12 km with radar reflectivity between-28 and 0 dBZ and maximum values within 8-10-km height.There are also some differences among the liquid precipitative,solid precipitative,and possible drizzle precipitative cloud profiles.In precipitative clouds,radar reflectivity increases rapidly from 11 to 7 km in vertical,implying that condensation and collision-coalescence processes play a crucial role in the formation of large-size drops.The frequency distribution of temperature at-15℃ is consistent with the highest frequency of radar reflectivity in solid precipitative clouds,which suggests that the temperatures near-15℃ are conductive to deposition and accretion processes.The vertical profiles of liquid precipitative clouds show almost the same distributions in spring,summer,and autumn but with differences in winter at mainly lower levels.In contrast,the vertical profiles of solid precipitative clouds change from spring to winter with an alternate double and single high-frequency core,which is consistent with variations of the frequency distribution of temperature at-15℃.The vertical profiles of nonprecipitative clouds show a little change with season.The observations also show that the precipitation events over East Asia are mostly related to deep convective clouds and nimbostratus clouds.These results are expected to be useful for evaluation of weather and climate models and for improvement of microphysical parameterizations in numerical models. 相似文献
Cloud properties were investigated based on aircraft and cloud radar co-observation conducted at Yitong, Jilin, Northeast China. The aircraft provided in situ measurements of cloud droplet size distribution, while the millimeter-wavelength cloud radar vertically scanned the same cloud that the aircraft penetrated. The reflectivity factor calculated from aircraft measurements was compared in detail with simultaneous radar observations. The results showed that the two reflectivities were comparable in warm clouds, but in ice cloud there were more differences, which were probably associated with the occurrence of liquid water. The acceptable agreement between reflectivities obtained in water cloud confirmed that it is feasible to derive cloud properties by using aircraft data, and hence for cloud radar to remotely sense cloud properties. Based on the dataset collected in warm clouds, the threshold of reflectivity to diagnose drizzle and cloud particles was studied by analyses of the probability distribution function of reflectivity from cloud particles and drizzle drops. The relationship between reflectivity factor (Z) and cloud liquid water content (LWC) was also derived from data on both cloud particles and drizzle. In comparison with cloud droplets, the relationship for drizzle was blurred by many scatter points and thus was less evident. However, these scatters could be partly removed by filtering out the drop size distribution with a large ratio of reflectivity and large extinction coefficient but small effective radius. Empirical relationships of Z-LWC for both cloud particles and drizzle could then be derived. 相似文献