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2019年4~6月云南省发生了历史罕见的持续性极端高温天气,并引发了严重气象干旱。本文利用1961~2019年逐日温度和大气再分析等资料以及CESM-LE计划(Community Earth System Model Large Ensemble Project)模式模拟结果,分析了历史同期云南极端高温天气发生的环流特征,探讨了2019年云南破纪录持续性高温的成因。历史极端高温日的合成分析表明,云南地区对流层上层显著异常反气旋伴随的强下沉异常和到达地表太阳辐射增加,是引发该区域极端高温天气的主要成因。该异常反气旋的形成主要源自北大西洋经东欧平原、西西伯利亚平原向东亚传播的高纬度罗斯贝波和经北非、黑海、伊朗高原向东亚传播的中纬度罗斯贝波之间的相互作用。2019年极端高温的强度和与之相应异常反气旋出现自1961年以来的最强。外强迫导致的增暖对2019年极端暖异常强度的贡献约为37.51%,同时对类似2019年以及更强极端暖事件发生概率的贡献为56.32%,内部变率对该事件也具有重要贡献。2019年4~6月北极涛动(Arctic Oscillation,AO)和ENSO事件分别处于历史极端负位相和暖位相。一方面,在AO强负位相影响下,极地上空深厚的位势高度正异常向南伸至东欧平原,有利于高纬度波列和云南上空的反气旋异常增强。另一方面,ENSO事件暖位相加强了西北太平洋异常反气旋环流,令西北太平洋副热带高压增强西伸至我国内陆地区,维持了云南上空反气旋异常。两者的共同作用,造成了2019年4~6月云南上空持续的深厚异常反气旋,云南地区继而出现持续性极端高温事件。  相似文献   

超强厄尔尼诺事件对中国东部春夏季极端降水频率的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用中国国家气象信息中心提供的中国地面逐日降水0.5°×0.5°格点数据集,研究了超强厄尔尼诺事件衰减年春、夏季中国东部极端降水发生概率的变化,并通过诊断超强厄尔尼诺自身及其衍生模态各自的水汽输送和垂直运动特征,探讨了超强厄尔尼诺事件对中国东部极端降水的影响机制。结果表明,超强厄尔尼诺事件衰减年春季,整个中国东部尤其是江淮以北地区,极端降水事件发生概率显著增大。同年夏季,长江流域极端降水发生概率比常规年份高出近1倍,而在华南和华北地区则相对减小。诊断分析显示,春季超强厄尔尼诺自身及其与热带太平洋地区年循环相互作用衍生出的组合模态(C-mode)均对降水的环流背景影响显著,热带太平洋西北部低空存在强盛的反气旋性异常环流,导致大量水汽在中国东部汇聚并上升,有利于该地区极端降水事件的发生。夏季,厄尔尼诺事件已经消亡,但与C-mode影响相关联的西北太平洋异常反气旋环流仍然存在,长江流域维持极端降水事件发生的有利条件。此外,研究也显示,超强厄尔尼诺事件衰减年春、夏季中国东部对流层中上层持续有异常经向风活动,频繁的南北冷暖气流交汇可能导致强对流事件发生次数增多,这也为该区域极端降水的频发提供了支持。   相似文献   

Extreme heat over the North China Plain is typically induced by anomalous descending flows associated with anticyclonic circulation anomalies. However, an extreme heat event that happened in the North China Plain region on 12–13 July 2015,with maximum temperature higher than 40℃ at some stations, was characterized by only a weak simultaneous appearance of an anomalous anticyclone and descending flow, suggesting that some other factor(s) may have induced this heat event. In this study, we used the forecast data produced by the Beijing Rapid Updated Cycling operational forecast system, which predicted the heat event well, to investigate the formation mechanism of this extreme heat event. We calculated the cumulative heat in the mixed-layer air column of North China to represent the change in surface air temperature. The cumulative heat was composed of sensible heat flux from the ground surface and the horizontal heat flux convergence. The results indicated that the horizontal heat flux in the mixed layer played a crucial role in the temporal and spatial distribution of high temperatures.The horizontal heat flux was found to be induced by distinct distributions of air temperatures and horizontal winds at low levels during the two days, implying a complexity of the low-level atmosphere in causing the extreme heat.  相似文献   

利用1981—2016年的中国160站降水资料、OISST海温资料和NCEP/NCAR大气环流资料,对比分析了中等强度El Nio和2015/2016超强El Nio对中国东南部、江淮流域和西南地区冬春季降水影响的异同。结果表明:在中等强度El Nio的冬季,偏暖的赤道中东太平洋海表面温度(Sea Surface Temperature,SST)所激发的西北太平洋和日本附近的异常反气旋环流,其异常的西南风会加强南海—西北太平洋的水汽向中国东部输送,造成中国东南部和江淮流域的降水一致偏多。2015/2016超强El Nio的冬季,赤道中东太平洋SST的强度异常偏强,中国东部异常偏冷的表面气温和对流层低层温度加强大陆冷高压,长江流域及其以北地区受异常强的北风控制,从而造成中国东南部降水增多、江淮流域降水减少。在2015/2016超强El Nio事件衰减位相的春季,中国东南部和西南部降水的增加主要归因于异常偏暖的西北印度洋和东南印度洋SST的作用。经CAM5模式试验证明,西北印度洋异常偏暖的SST引起了北印度洋的异常西南风,激发了孟加拉湾—西北太平洋的异常反气旋,加强了印度洋和南海—西北太平洋的水汽向中国西南和东南部输送。此外,东南印度洋异常偏暖的SST还会激发局地异常上升运动,通过经向垂直环流加强南海—西北太平洋异常下沉运动,诱使中国东南部的上升运动加强,导致降水增多。  相似文献   

The surface air convergence on the eastern flank of the Tibetan Plateau (TP) can increase the in situ surface potential vorticity density (PVD). Since the elevated TP intersects with the isentropic surfaces in the lower troposphere, the increased PVD on the eastern flank of TP thus forms a PVD forcing to the intersected isentropic surface in the boundary layer. The influence of surface PVD forcing over the TP on the extreme freezing rain/snow over South China in January 2008 is investigated by using numerical experiments based on the Finite-volume Atmospheric Model of the IAP/LASG (FAMIL). Compared with observations, the simulation results show that, by using a nudging method for assimilating observation data in the initial flow, this model can reasonably reproduce the distribution of precipitation, atmospheric circulation, and PVD propagation over and downstream of the TP during the extreme winter precipitation period. In order to investigate the impact of the increased surface PVD over the TP on the extreme precipitation in South China, a sensitivity experiment with surface PVD reduced over the TP region was performed. Compared with the control experiment, it is found that the precipitation in the TP downstream area, especially in Southeast China, is reduced. The rainband from Guangxi Region to Shandong Province has almost disappeared. In the lower troposphere, the increase of surface PVD over the TP region has generated an anomalous cyclonic circulation over southern China, which plays an important role in increasing southerly wind and the water vapor transport in this area;it also increases the northward negative absolute vorticity advection. In the upper troposphere, the surface PVD generated in eastern TP propagates on isentropic surface along westerly wind and results in positive absolute vorticity advection in the downstream areas. Consequently, due to the development of both ascending motion and water vapor transport in the downstream place of the TP, extremely heavy precipitation occurs over southern China. Thereby, a new mechanism concerning the influence of the increased surface PVD over the eastern TP slopes on the extreme weather event occurring over southern China is revealed.  相似文献   

极端降水引起的洪、涝等灾害每年给我国带来极大的人员伤亡和经济损失。全球增暖使极端降水事件发生的频率增加,强度增强。但是针对不同区域极端降水事件,其贡献究竟如何还有待于进一步认识。本文以我国长江中下游地区的极端降水事件为研究对象,通过典型年份夏季区域极端降水过程的水汽收支特征,探讨海表温度(SST)的增暖趋势和自然变率强迫对该区域典型极端降水强度的影响效应。结果表明:(1)极端降水过程及其夏季都伴随着区域整层大气的水汽辐合,且水汽辐合发生在经向方向。西北太平洋异常反气旋式环流,在区域南边界形成了稳定的西南风异常的水汽输送。(2)典型极端降水过程发生的夏季,SST在赤道印度洋和热带大西洋为强正异常,主要为增暖趋势的贡献,赤道中东太平洋SST异常表现为La Ni?a型。(3)SST增暖趋势和自然变率的数值敏感性试验表明,1998、2017和2020年的SST增暖趋势强迫的区域水汽辐合分别是其自然变率强迫的83%、210%和107%,SST增暖趋势比自然变率的影响更为重要。(4)SST增暖趋势和自然变率都是通过强迫西北太平洋异常反气旋式环流,引起长江中下游区域南边界异常的西南水汽输送,是导致极端降水发生的主要过程。  相似文献   

In the spring of 2021, southwestern China (SWC) experienced extreme drought, accompanied by the highest seasonal-mean temperature record since 1961. This drought event occurred in the decaying phase of a La Ni?a event with negative geopotential height anomalies over the Philippine Sea, which is distinct from the historical perspective. Historically, spring drought over SWC is often linked to El Ni?o and strong western North Pacific subtropical high. Here, we show that the extreme drought in the spring of 2021 may be mainly driven by the atmospheric internal variability and amplified by the warming trend. Specifically, the evaporation increase due to the high temperature accounts for about 30% of drought severity, with the contributions of its linear trend portion being nearly 20% and the interannual variability portion being about 10%. Since the sea surface temperature forcing from the tropical central and eastern Pacific played a minor role in the occurrence of drought, it is a challenge for a climate model to capture the 2021 SWC drought beyond one-month lead times.  相似文献   

尹姗  冯娟  李建平 《气象学报》2013,71(1):96-108
对1959—2008年前冬(12—3月)北半球环状模与春季(3—5月)中国东部北方地区极端低温事件的关系进行诊断分析,发现前冬北半球环状模与春季中国东部北方地区极端低温事件存在显著负相关。当前冬北半球环状模偏强时,春季中国东部北方地区上空对流层高、低层分别出现位势高度的负、正异常,对应异常的下沉增温,东北冷涡偏弱,极端低温事件发生频次偏少,强度偏弱;反之,当前冬北半球环状模偏弱时,春季该地区极端低温事件发生的频次偏多,强度偏强。进一步研究表明,欧亚雪盖在前冬北半球环状模对春季中国东部北方地区极端低温的影响中起到潜在的桥梁作用,当前冬北半球环状模偏强(偏弱)时,同期欧亚大陆中高纬度地区偏暖(偏冷),欧亚雪盖面积较小(较大)。另外,欧亚雪盖面积异常具有较强的持续性,可以从前冬持续到春季。因此,当前冬欧亚雪盖面积较小时,春季欧亚雪盖面积也偏小,且对应春季东北冷涡强度偏弱,中国东部北方地区地表气温偏高,极端低温事件发生的频次偏少,强度偏弱;反之亦然。前冬北半球环状模与春季中国东部北方地区极端低温事件的负相关关系为预测中国东部北方地区春季极端低温事件的变化提供了一个潜在的前期信号。  相似文献   

青藏高原东坡近地表的辐合能够增加地表的位涡密度(PVD)。高耸的青藏高原与等熵面相切, 其东坡近地表增加的位涡密度成为等熵面边界上的位涡密度强迫源。利用IAP/LASG FAMIL全球大气环流模式探究青藏高原地表位涡密度增长对2008年初中国华南地区雨雪灾害天气形成的影响。首先与观测资料对比发现, 通过张弛逼近动力初始化, 在参照试验中, 模式能够比较合理地再现青藏高原东部的地表位涡密度增长和1月24-27日中国华南的大气环流场及降水场。而在高原的地表位涡密度增长减弱的敏感性试验中高原下游区域特别是华南沿海、广西到山东一带的降水明显减小甚至消失。对结果的分析表明:青藏高原区域的地表位涡密度增长在低空能够增强中国华南沿海地区的南风和水汽输送以及负的绝对涡度平流输送;在高空, 高原上产生的正的位涡密度沿西风环流向下游输送, 形成高层正的绝对涡度平流。从而在高原下游形成绝对涡度平流随高度增强的大尺度环流背景, 有利于上升运动发展。同时, 高原地表位涡密度增长在低空所激发的气旋式环流增加了华南的水汽输送, 最终激发了华南极端降水的产生。该个例模拟的结果证实了青藏高原东部的地表位涡密度强迫激发其下游极端天气发生的一种新机制。   相似文献   

基于近47年来NCAR/NCEP再分析月平均高度场、风场、地面气压,比湿以及NOAA重构的印度洋海表温度资料和中国西北东部97个气象台站逐日降水资料,首先利用百分位法定义了极端降水事件的阈值,运用SVD及合成分析等方法,研究了前期秋季、冬季、春季及同期夏季印度洋海表温度同夏季中国西北东部极端降水事件的关系,结果表明前期春季印度洋海温异常对预测夏季中国西北东部极端降水事件的变化特征具有较明确的指示意义,关键区位于赤道印度洋地区。如果春季赤道印度洋海温异常偏暖,从同期春季到后期夏季,100~110 °E平均经圈环流在赤道附近表现为异常上升气流,对应30 °N附近在对流层中、上层表现为异常的下沉气流,同时来自印度洋的西南季风异常偏弱,使得后期夏季由于没有异常的水汽输送到我国西北东部地区,从而极端降水事件偏少,而偏冷年份正好相反。另外在春季赤道印度洋海温异常暖年,后期夏季南亚高压偏强,且呈西部型;而在异常冷年,南亚高压偏弱,且呈东部型,这可能是引起夏季中国西北东部极端降水事件变化的另一原因。  相似文献   

2022年夏季,中国中东部发生了极端高温干旱气候异常,给经济、农业、人民生活造成了严重影响。本文回顾了此次高温干旱气候异常的时空特征,分析了其主要成因。2022年夏季,中国中东部区域平均的极端高温频次、日最高温度平均值、高温日数等指标均达到了1979年以来的最大值,区域平均降水则达到了1979年以来的最低值。此次气候异常主要是由于夏季中国中东部受强大的高压系统控制,与偏强的西太副高、中纬度的西风带扰动以及热带海温的影响有关。此外,本文探讨了全球增暖趋势对极端高温事件增多的影响,以及未来中国地区高温和干旱事件的可能变化。  相似文献   

This study investigates the potential influences of anthropogenic forcings and natural variability on the risk of summer extreme temperatures over China.We use three multi-thousand-member ensemble simulations with different forcings(with or without anthropogenic greenhouse gases and aerosol emissions) to evaluate the human impact,and with sea surface temperature patterns from three different years around the El Ni ?no–Southern Oscillation(ENSO) 2015/16 event(years 2014,2015 and 2016) to evaluate the impact of natural variability.A generalized extreme value(GEV) distribution is used to fit the ensemble results.Based on these model results,we find that,during the peak of ENSO(2015),daytime extreme temperatures are smaller over the central China region compared to a normal year(2014).During 2016,the risk of nighttime extreme temperatures is largely increased over the eastern coastal region.Both anomalies are of the same magnitude as the anthropogenic influence.Thus,ENSO can amplify or counterbalance(at a regional and annual scale) anthropogenic effects on extreme summer temperatures over China.Changes are mainly due to changes in the GEV location parameter.Thus,anomalies are due to a shift in the distributions and not to a change in temperature variability.  相似文献   

The linkage between the Asian-Pacific oscillation(APO)and the precipitation over central eastern China in spring is preliminarily addressed by use of the observed data.Results show that they correlate very well,with the positive(negative)phase of APO tending to increase(decrease)the precipitation over central eastern China.Such a relationship can be explained by the atmospheric circulation changes over Asia and the North Pacific in association with the anomalous APO.A positive phase of APO,characterized by a positive anomaly over Asia and a negative anomaly over the North Pacific in the upper-tropospheric temperature,corresponds to decreased low-level geopotential height(H)and increased high-level H over Asia,and these effects are concurrent with increased low-level H and decreased high-level H over the North Pacific.Meanwhile,an anticyclonic circulation anomaly in the upper troposphere and a cyclonic circulation anomaly in the lower troposphere are introduced in East Asia,and the low-level southerly wind is strengthened over central eastern China.These changes provide advantageous conditions for enhanced precipitation over central eastern China.The situation is reversed in the negative phase of APO,leading to reduced precipitation in this region.  相似文献   

基于中国测站的降水资料和NCEP/NCAR逐日再分析资料,取第95百分位数作为极端降水阈值,通过经验正交函数分解(EOF)方法将中国东部分为华南、长江中下游、华北和东北三个地区,定义极端降水事件,并对中国东部夏季极端降水时空分布及环流背景进行研究。结果表明,极端降水事件随日期的变化与中国东部夏季雨带的南北移动相吻合。近54年来,华南极端降水事件频数在1991年左右突增,长江中下游地区有两次突变,1991年左右突增,2000年左右突减。华北和东北地区在1999年左右突减。发生极端降水事件时,低层850 hPa出现局地异常气旋环流,位势高度异常降低,对应低空异常辐合;中层500 hPa,西太副高位置异常偏南有利于华南极端降水的发生,副高西伸有利于长江中下游的极端降水,位置偏北易造成华北和东北极端降水;高层200 hPa,发生极端事件时降水关键区位于西风急流轴右侧,对应异常反气旋环流,这种高层辐散低层辐合的环流配置为极端降水提供动力条件。极端降水的气候平均态水汽主要来源于南半球和西北太平洋。副高的位置异常影响我国东部水汽输送异常,造成不同地区的极端降水。   相似文献   

Western China experienced an extreme hot summer in 2015, breaking a number of temperature records. The summer mean surface air temperature (SAT) anomaly was twice the interannual variability. The hottest daytime temperature (TXx) and warmest night-time temperature (TNx) were the highest in China since 1964. This extreme hot summer occurred in the context of steadily increasing temperatures in recent decades. We carried out a set of experiments to evaluate the extent to which the changes in sea surface temperature (SST)/sea ice extent (SIE) and anthropogenic forcing drove the severity of the extreme summer of 2015 in western China. Our results indicate that about 65%–72% of the observed changes in the seasonal mean SAT and the daily maximum (Tmax) and daily minimum (Tmin) temperatures over western China resulted from changes in boundary forcings, including the SST/SIE and anthropogenic forcing. For the relative role of individual forcing, the direct impact of changes in anthropogenic forcing explain about 42% of the SAT warming and 60% (40%) of the increase in TNx and Tmin (TXx and Tmax) in the model response. The changes in SST/SIE contributed to the remaining surface warming and the increase in hot extremes, which are mainly the result of changes in the SST over the Pacific Ocean, where a super El Niño event occurred. Our study indicates a prominent role for the direct impact of anthropogenic forcing in the severity of the extreme hot summer in western China in 2015, although the changes in SST/SIE, as well as the internal variability of the atmosphere, also made a contribution.  相似文献   

孙思远  管兆勇 《气象科学》2021,41(5):644-656
2016年7月18—22日在华北地区发生了一次极端强降水事件,其中19—20日降水较为集中,20日降水最强。本文利用NCEP/NCAR再分析逐日风场资料和国家级地面气象站基本气象要素日值数据集,研究了本次事件的Rossby波活动及能量变化,结果表明:本次极端强降水事件持续时间约5 d,雨带呈西南—东北走向。华北地区受对流层中低层的气旋性异常环流和对流层上层反气旋性异常环流的控制,水汽则主要源于孟加拉湾和中国南海地区。发生极端降水期间,波扰动能量在对流层低层主要呈经向传播而在对流层上层呈纬向传播,对流层低层的波扰动能量对华北地区的影响比上层更为明显。涡动动能在华北地区的增强和维持主要是涡动非地转位势通量散度项、涡动有效位能和涡动动能的斜压转换项以及其他剩余部分与摩擦耗散引起的能量损耗之和的共同作用,涡动动能在19日增强、20日维持,随后减弱。涡动热量通量变化显示低层有暖湿空气向北输送,高层有干冷空气向南输送,支持了正压和斜压转换,而华北地区上空涡动动量通量的变化则使得基本气流中的涡动动能增强,这些变化影响到极端降水事件的发生发展。  相似文献   

The oceanic and atmospheric conditions and the related climate impacts of the 2015/16 ENSO cycle were analyzed,based on the latest global climate observational data,especially that of China.The results show that this strong El Nino event fully established in spring 2015 and has been rapidly developing into one of the three strongest El Nino episodes in recorded history.Meanwhile,it is also expected to be the longest event recorded,attributable to the stable maintenance of the abnormally warm conditions in the equatorial Pacific Ocean since spring 2014.Owing to the impacts of this strong event,along with climate warming background,the global surface temperature and the surface air temperature over Chinese mainland reached record highs in 2015.Disastrous weather in various places worldwide have occurred in association with this severe El Nino episode,and summer precipitation has reduced significantly in North China,especially over the bend of the Yellow River,central Inner Mongolia,and the coastal areas surrounding Bohai Bay.Serious drought has occurred in some of the above areas.The El Nino episode reached its peak strength during November-December 2015,when a lower-troposphere anomalous anticyclonic circulation prevailed over the Philippines,bringing about abnormal southerlies and substantially increased precipitation in southeastern China.At the same time,a negative phase of the Eurasia-Pacific teleconnection pattern dominated over the mid-high latitudes,which suppressed northerly winds in North China.These two factors together resulted in high concentrations of fine particulate matter(PM2.5) and frequent haze weather in this region.Currently,this strong El Nino is weakening very rapidly,but its impact on climate will continue in the coming months in some regions,especially in China.  相似文献   

利用华南192个国家气象观测站逐日降水资料,NCEP/NCAR大气环流再分析资料,NOAA月平均海表温度资料(ERSST V5)及向外长波辐射(OLR)资料,采用相关、合成分析的方法研究了2022年华南“龙舟水”异常与大气环流及海温异常的关系。结果表明,2022年“龙舟水”期间,东亚大槽、东北冷涡偏强,南下冷空气偏强,同时西太平洋副热带高压和南支槽均偏强,在华南存在明显的水汽辐合。2022年发生的拉尼娜事件,大气环流对其有明显响应,Walker环流增强,华南对流明显加强,菲律宾以东存在异常反气旋环流,副高加强导致其西北侧的西南风加强,向华南水汽输送显著增强,同时华南存在显著的上升运动。大气环流和海温的异常导致2022年华南极端“龙舟水”。  相似文献   

The summer of 2020 recorded a record-breaking flood due to excessive mei-yu rain falling over the Yangtze River Valley (YRV). Using the Lagrangian model FLEXPART, this paper investigates moisture sources and transport processes behind this extreme event. Based on climate data from 1979 to 2019, the air-particle (an infinitesimally small air parcel) trajectories reaching the YRV show sectors that correspond to five main moisture sources: the Indian monsoon region (IND, 27.5% of the total rainfall), the local evaporation (27.4%), the Western Pacific Ocean (WPO, 21.3%), the Eurasian continent (8.5%) and Northeast Asia (4.4%). In the 2020 mei-yu season, moisture from all source regions was above normal except that from Northeast Asia. A record-breaking moisture source from the IND and WPO dominated this extreme mei-yu flood in 2020, which was 1.5 and 1.6 times greater than the climate mean, respectively. This study reveals a significant relationship between the moisture source with three moisture transport processes, i.e., trajectory density, moisture content, and moisture uptake of air-particles. A broad anomalous anticyclonic circulation over the Indo-Northwestern Pacific (Indo-NWP) provides a favorable environment to enhance the moisture transport from the IND and WPO into the YRV. In the 2020 mei-yu season, a record-breaking Indo-NWP anomalous anticyclonic circulation contributed to a higher trajectory density as well as higher moisture content and moisture uptake of air-particles from the IND and WPO regions. This collectively resulted in unprecedented moisture transport from source origins, thus contributing to the mei-yu flood over the YRV in 2020.  相似文献   

1999年东亚夏季风异常活动的物理机制研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
孙颖  丁一汇 《气象学报》2003,61(4):406-420
文中从海-气相互作用的角度探讨了1999年东亚夏季风及与其相联系的雨带异常活动的物理机制。结果表明,由于1998年春季至1999年南海-热带西太平洋出现了近20 a最强的异常暧海温,该地强异常海-气相互作用的维持使得这种局地的热力强迫成为1999年东亚夏季风和降水异常的最主要外强迫机制,并使得1999年的季风活动和降水分布有别于一般的统计情形。从1998年秋到1999年,由于热带大气对南海-西太平洋暧海温所诱发的局地强加热的响应,热带西太平洋地区所出现的Gill模态的异常环流分布从冬季一直发展到夏季,并因此在海洋和大气之间形成了局地的强烈正反馈,不仅使得异常环流得以持续发展,而且也使得暖海温得以维持,成为影响1999年环流异常的最强前期信号。随着从冬到夏的季节演变,大气基本态对上述持续性异常环流的影响导致了冬、夏异常环流呈现出不同的纬向非对称,诱发了盛夏期间东亚到北美沿岸的遥相关波列。在东亚沿岸异常气旋性环流的影响下,大尺度异常东风在东亚沿岸的维持形成了极不利于季风西风在南海北部转向的条件,导致了季风在中国东部北进的异常偏弱和低纬西风转向位置的异常偏东。  相似文献   

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