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稳态地震变形是指由地震引起的、超长时间尺度内震后黏弹性松弛效应的累加,通过对稳态地震变形的研究,可以研究大地震导致的地球总体震后形变场,有利于分析周边地区对该地震的极限响应.本文首先利用球形地球地震位错理论,计算了日本MW9.0地震在日本列岛和中国东部地区产生的稳态水平位移.结果表明,日本MW9.0地震在日本本岛引起的稳态水平位移最大可达到8 m,大体上是同震水平位移的两倍;在中国东北地区产生的稳态水平位移最大值超过0.8 m,在华北地区产生的稳态水平位移最大值为0.5 m左右,是同震水平位移的30~40倍.接着,本文根据前人研究成果,结合地质资料,建立了中国东北和华北地区15条主要断裂带的几何与滑动构造模型,然后利用球形地球位错理论计算了日本MW9.0地震在上述断裂带上引起的同震与稳态库仑应力变化.结果表明,该强震在中国东北和华北地区主要断裂带上引起的同震库仑应力变化均不超过1 kPa;稳态库仑应力变化显著超过同震结果,但除了依兰—伊通断裂带北段和嫩江断裂带南段的一部分以外,其他断裂带上的稳态库仑应力变化均未超过10 ...  相似文献   

本文利用球体位错理论和黏弹性球体位错理论,基于USGS发布的尼泊尔地震断层滑动模型,分别计算该地震造成的同震水平和垂直位移场,两种位错理论计算结果高度吻合,且都与实测GPS同震位移在空间分布和量级上具有较好的一致性,表明了两种位错理论的可靠性和实用性.为了更好的比较和分析这两种位错模型,分别模拟尼泊尔地震同震水平和垂直位移场,两种位错模型模拟结果均验证了尼泊尔地震主要以逆冲滑动为主,该次地震造成的水平位移较大,地震造成的南北方向上的水平位移最突出,且集中在加德满都附近区域;但模拟结果也存在差异,在近场两组结果水平位移和垂直位移差异占同震信号的不足3%,在远场两组结果的水平位移差异占信号的5%~9%左右,而垂直位移差异占信号的比例普遍在10%以上,显示出地球的黏滞性对近场水平同震位移和垂直同震位移影响较小,对远场水平位移影响有限,但是对垂直位移影响较大,即表明在计算远场同震位移时应该考虑地球黏滞性的影响.  相似文献   

自Love(1911)研究了自重球体的弹性变形后,基于不同的黏弹性地球模型,许多科学家都对地震变形问题进行了深入研究,主要发展了基于半无限空间和球形地球模型的黏弹地球地震变形理论.地震变形问题通常经积分变换、基函数展开等技术处理后,简化为求解满足特定震源和地表边界条件的常微分方程组问题.针对这一独特的数学物理边值问题,本文以全解析、半解析和数值积分解等求解形式概述了近几十年发展的基于规则几何形态地球模型的黏弹地球地震变形理论,并讨论了各种方法的特点.此外,针对三维地球模型,本文也简单回顾了目前的研究进展和存在问题.总之,本文综述了过去半个多世纪以来的黏弹地球地震变形理论的发展历史、研究现状和最新进展,并讨论目前存在的问题和未来的发展趋势.  相似文献   

不同模型下地震位错理论的对比 及其应用进展综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对半空间和球位错理论在理论和应用研究方面的进展进行了综合评述, 讨论了地震位错理论在海啸方面的相关研究进展和位错理论与粒子群算法结合在断层反演方面的研究进展, 对比分析了不同位错模型的优缺点, 总结了位错模型在应用中的影响因素. 本文认为不同位错理论的应用受地球分层的影响最大, 其次是重力、 曲率的影响, 而受地形、 震源深度及断层倾角等因素的影响则较小, 在实际应用中应予以综合考虑.   相似文献   

通常认为环形解不引起地球重力场的变化,这个结论其实只对球对称模型才严格成立.这个观念的广泛流传与1960年8月在Helsinky 召开的地震学与地球内部物理学联合会上的一段地球物理史上的佳话不无关联.当时,由于自从1952年Benioff 用他的应变仪记录到了Kamchatkan 大地震激发的地球自  相似文献   

台湾地区地壳形变的弹性块体位错模型   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
在经典的非震形变位错模型中,地壳形变被认为是活动块体刚性运动和上部断层锁定影响的叠加,本文对此模型进行了改进: (1) 用活动块体整体运动和内部线性应变、旋转的贡献代替活动块体刚性运动的贡献;(2) 用分层介质地壳模型代替半无限介质模型计算断层锁定的影响. 利用改进后的非震形变位错模型,拟合了台湾地区1990~1995年间GPS观测资料. 结果显示,在东部海岸山脉区,约有30 mm·a-1的汇聚率被奇美断层消耗掉,运动速度从奇美断层向北迅速衰减. 在西部平原地区,南部断层是岛内锁定最为强烈的断层,该地区相应的也是史上灾害性地震多发的地区. 根据反演结果计算出的应变率与旋转率分布与前人结果在大部分地区一致,主应变率场显示台湾大部分地区存在近NW-SE方向的主压应变,主压应变方向呈扇形分布. 旋转率场显示台湾东部和南部地区存在着逆时针旋转率,而西部和北部地区则为顺时针旋转率.  相似文献   

以Molodenskiy的三维不均匀球形地球模型潮汐理论以及孙文科等的球对称地球模型位错理论为基础,本研究借助互换定律和扰动方法,推导出一整套计算公式,用来高精度计算三维不均匀地球模型中地震位错引起的地表同震位移.  相似文献   

本文利用2003—2011年的GRACE RL05数据提取了苏门答腊地震(Mw9.3)引起的震后重力变化,发现断层两侧震后重力变化速率存在明显差异,断层下盘总体变化率为0.55μGal/yr,断层上盘为0.16μGal/yr.基于子断层叠加的编程思想,本文将Tanaka的黏弹球体位错理论配套计算程序(简称黏弹位错程序)加以改造,克服了其近场计算精度不足(甚至错误)的缺陷,可用来研究大地震引起的近场震后位移与重力变化.本文利用改造后的黏弹位错程序计算了2004年苏门答腊地震(Mw9.3)产生的同震重力变化,计算结果在空间分布和量级上均与利用弹性位错程序计算获得的结果一致,验证了我们对黏弹位错程序进行改造的正确性.最后,结合GRACE卫星观测数据,本文利用Tanaka的黏弹位错理论研究了苏门答腊地区的地幔黏性因子.结果表明,该地区地幔黏滞性具有显著的横向差异,当发震断层上下两盘的地幔黏滞性系数分别取8×1018 Pa·s和1×1018 Pa·s时,模拟的震后重力变化在总体空间分布和变化趋势上与GRACE卫星观测结果更接近.  相似文献   

地震激发的地球自由振荡研究综述   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
地球自由振荡的研究已成为探查地球内部结构的重要手段之一.影响地球自由振荡的因素有很多,如地球物理学结构横向不均匀性及径向不均匀性、地球自转、地球椭率、地球内部各向异性、非弹性性以及震源机制性质,还有地球外界如引潮力等.本文详细介绍和总结了近几十年来关于地球自由振荡理论研究、实验及观测资料方面的研究,重点是数值模拟方法方面的研究工作.通过观测和理论分析对比,以数值实验的方式推测地球内部更详细的结构分布,如地球内部密度分布以及波速度等特性;并从弹性波理论出发结合高性能并行计算对全球自由振荡过程进行数值模拟研究.  相似文献   

通过建立非震形变的位错模型,用混合全局反演方法,拟合了中国台湾南部1990-1995年间的GPS观测资料.根据地质构造和地震观测,构筑了包括6个刚性块体和19个断层的简单模型.反演结果表明,菲律宾海板块以(69±2)mm/a,方向为317°±2°的速度与欧亚板块会聚,其中约一半的会聚率在台东纵谷消耗掉,另外部分则平均分配在其西边的块体交界处.菲律宾海板块和中央山脉地质区均向西北方向挤压,过了中央山脉后,块体运动呈扇形分布,与应力方向一致.西部麓山地质区与滨海平原地质区交界处的断层均以逆冲分量为主,由南向北倾角逐渐变小,断层宽度一般为10km左右,均表现为强锁定,历史上的大地震多发生在这个地区.  相似文献   

The urban water system theory is an extension of the basin water system science on an urban scale, providing a new systematic solution for the unbalanced human-water relationship and severe water challenges, such as waterlogging, black and odorous water, and ecological degradation caused by urbanization. Most existing studies on urban water systems have focused on individual water cycle processes linked with water supply and sewage treatment plants, but mutual feedback between the water cycle an...  相似文献   

When dealing with structural damages, under the effect of natural hazards such as earthquakes, it is still a scientific challenge to predict the potential damages, before occurrence of a given hazard, as well as to evaluate the damages once the earthquake has occurred. In the present study, two distinct methods addressing these topics are developed. Thousands (~54,000) of existing buildings damaged during the Boumerdes earthquake that occurred in Algeria (Mw?=?6.8, May 21, 2003) are considered in order to study their accuracy and sensitivity. Once an earthquake has occurred, quick evaluations of the damages are required in order to distinguish which structures should be demolished or evacuated immediately from those which can be kept in service without evacuation of its inhabitants. For this purpose, visual inspections are performed by trained and qualified engineers. For the case of Algeria, an evaluation form has been developed and is still in use since the early 80s: Five categories of damages are considered (no damage or very slight, slight, moderate, major, and very severe/collapse). This paper develops a theoretical methodology that processes the observed damages caused to the structural and nonstructural components (foundations, roofs, slabs, walls, beams, columns, fillings, partition walls, stairways, balconies, etc.), in order to help the evaluator to derive the global damage evaluation. This theoretical methodology transforms the damage category into a corresponding “residual” risk of failure ranging from zero (no damage) to one (complete damage). The global failure risk, in fact its corresponding damage category, is then derived according to given combinations of probabilistic events in order to express the influence of any component on the global damage and behavior. The method is calibrated on a set of ~54,000 buildings inspected after Boumerdes earthquake. Almost 80 % of accordance (same damage category) is obtained, when comparing the theoretical results to the observed damages. For pre-earthquake analysis, the methodology widely used around the world relies on the prior calibration of the seismic response of the structures under given expected scenarios. As the structural response is governed by the constitutive materials and structural typology as well as the seismic input and soil conditions, the damage prediction depends intimately on the accuracy of the so-called fragility curve and response spectrum established for each type of structure (RC framed structures, confined or unconfined masonry, etc.) and soil (hard rock, soft soil, etc.). In the present study, the adaptation to Algerian buildings concerns the specific soil conditions as well as the structural dynamic response. The theoretical prediction of the expected damages is helpful for the calibration of the methodology. Thousands (~3,700) of real structures and the damages caused by the earthquake (Algeria, Boumerdes: Mw?=?6.8, May 21, 2003) are considered for the a posteriori calibration and validation process. The theoretical predictions show the importance of the elastic response spectrum, the local soil conditions, and the structural typology. Although the observed and predicted categories of damage are close, it appears that the existing form used for the visual damage inspection would still require further improvements, in order to allow easy evaluation and identification of the damage level. These methods coupled to databases, and GIS tools could be helpful for the local and technical authorities during the post-earthquake evaluation process: real time information on the damage extent at urban or regional scales as well as the extent of losses and the required resources for reconstruction, evacuation, strengthening, etc.  相似文献   

A second-order hydrostatic theory is developed on the assumption that the trace of the Earth's inertia tensor, its mass and mean radius are invariant under any process causing deviations from the hydrostatic state.The hydrostatic flattening and the zonal coefficients of the hydrostatic gravitational field are obtained as ??1 = 299.638, J2 = 1072.618 × 10?6 and J4 = ?2.992 × 10?6, respectively.The internal theory using the preliminary reference earth model (PREM) of Dziewonski and Anderson (1981) yields ??1 = 299.627, J2 = 1072.701 × 10?6 and J4 = ?2.992 × 10?6. The agreement between these and the hydrostatic values indicate that PREM is suitable as a reference model as it represents the spheroidal density distribution in a state of zero non-hydrostatic stress while satisfying the fundamental geodetic observations of the invariant quantities.The small discrepancy between the hydrostatic flattening and the value deduced from PREM suggests that the density is underestimated at large depths and/or it is slightly overestimated in shallow regions of the Earth.The discrepancies between the hydrostatic and observed quantities persist after the removal of the accountable effects of isostatically compensated topography, permanent tidal deformation and the present mass anomalies associated with the Late-Pleistocene deglaciation. These ‘corrected’ discrepancies point to a triaxial non-hydrostatic figure which cannot be explained by the delayed response of the Earth to tidal deceleration.  相似文献   

Summary Simple linear representation of the components of an approximate plane solution of point mass loading of the Earth's surface in a conveniently chosen coordinate system leads to selection of a 2nd-degree curve which is the best fit of the spherical solution for the given Earth model. The new approximate solution, which, analogously to the plane solution, can be called a parabolic solution, enables the simple input parameters of the plane solution to be used also for substantially larger angular distances. The comparison with the spherical solution is carried out by computing the effects of the M2-wave of ocean tides. The results of the computations for the tidal station Brussels prove the two solutions to be in sufficient agreement for global problems as well.
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We study the interaction of a seismic wavefield with a spherical acoustic gas‐ or fluid‐filled cavity. The intention of this study is to clarify whether seismic resonances can be expected, a characteristic feature that may help in detecting cavities in the subsurface. This is important for many applications, in particular the detection of underground nuclear explosions, which are to be prohibited by the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty. To calculate the full seismic wavefield from an incident plane wave that interacts with the cavity, we considered an analytic formulation of the problem. The wavefield interaction consists of elastic scattering and the wavefield interaction between the acoustic and elastic media. Acoustic resonant modes caused by internal reflections in the acoustic cavity show up as spectral peaks in the frequency domain. The resonant peaks coincide with the eigenfrequencies of the un‐damped system described by the particular acoustic medium bounded in a sphere with stiff walls. The filling of the cavity could thus be determined by the observation of spectral peaks from acoustic resonances. By energy transmission from the internal oscillations back into the elastic domain, the oscillations experience damping, resulting in a frequency shift and a limitation of the resonance amplitudes. In case of a gas‐filled cavity, the impedance contrast is still high, which means low damping of the internal oscillations resulting in very narrow resonances of high amplitude. In synthetic seismograms calculated in the surrounding elastic domain, the acoustic resonances of gas‐filled cavities show up as persisting oscillations. However, due to the weak acoustic–elastic coupling in this case, the amplitudes of the oscillations are very low. Due to a lower impedance contrast, a fluid‐filled cavity has a stronger acoustic–elastic coupling, which results in wide spectral peaks of lower amplitudes. In the synthetic seismograms derived in the surrounding medium of fluid‐filled cavities, acoustic resonances show up as strong but fast decaying reverberations.  相似文献   

We developed a new approach for computing the changes in the length of day (LOD) due to earthquakes from both shear- and tensile-type faults. This approach was based on the point dislocation theory for a SNREI Earth, which was validated by comparing our results with the ones obtained by the normal mode method. We defined two numerical functions that vary with hypocenter depth. These functions allow us to compute the co-seismic change of the trace of the Earth's inertia tensor, and hence the co-seismic LOD change. For future applications, by adding a trace term, we corrected Lambeck's formulas (Lambeck, 1980), which are being commonly used for computing co-seismic LOD change. Finally, the new approach was used to compute the co-seismic LOD change from 1977 to 2011. The results show that the co-seismic trace and the co-seismic J2 changes contribute to the LOD change with the same magnitude (Gross and Chao, 2006). This means that, unlike other deformation mechanisms, the trace term cannot be neglected when modeling the co-seismic LOD change. The earthquakes from 1977 to 2011 decreased the LOD by about 12 μs, and the rate of decrease was enhanced after the 2004 Sumatra earthquake due to several large earthquakes.  相似文献   

依据地震地热说原理,搜集国内外地震层析成像研究的成果.揭示了地震柱的物理属性。得出全球24个地震柱中已有资料的20个地震柱的深部地幔圆锥体均具有P波高速异常体特征,相反,只有火山和浅源地震活动而无中、深源地震活动的地区,比如冰岛和夏威夷,其地幔深部则为P波低速异常体。为解释这个重要的物理现象和构造现象,引入空化理论解释并提出了3个假设。地震柱概念是地震地热说赖以生存的物质基础和构造基础,是与当今流行的地质学派板块构造、地质力学和地幔柱理论的最大区别。深入解读地震柱的物理属性及其构造学意义.或许能为构造地质学和地球动力学带来革命性的大讨论。  相似文献   

地震岩石物理建模作为表征油气储层物性参数与地震参数间映射关系的主流工具,鲜有应用于煤层气储层,关键制约因素在于煤层气储层特有的吸附气和双重孔隙的等效计算问题尚未有效解决.为此,本文将吸附气视为类似煤基质的固相,将双重孔隙分解为基质孔隙和裂隙两部分;尝试利用自相容近似模型计算煤基质、吸附气和基质孔隙混合后煤基质干骨架的等...  相似文献   

地震复谱分解技术及其在烃类检测中的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
谱分解技术在地震解释领域已得到广泛应用,但常用的谱分解方法存在两方面的不足.一是时间分辨率低,难以对薄层进行刻画;二是在烃类检测中多解性强,难以区分流体类型.为了改善该问题,本文提出一种基于地震复谱分解技术的烃类检测方法.复谱分解是指用一个包含多个不同频率Ricker子波的复子波库对地震道进行分解,从而得到时变子波频率和相位信息的过程.借助稀疏反演技术复谱分解可以获得高分辨率的时频能量谱和时频相位谱.本文首先通过拟合算例验证了复谱分解方法刻画薄层的能力以及求取子波频率和相位的准确性.然后利用基于Kelvin-Voigt模型的黏弹波动方程数值模拟对衰减引起子波相位改变的原因进行了分析.最后通过实际资料应用展示了本文方法在储层预测中的高时间分辨率优势,验证了利用子波相位信息识别气藏的有效性.  相似文献   

The non-linear perturbation model based on artificial neural network (NLPM-ANN) takes advantage of the consideration of seasonal information by the linear perturbation model (LPM) and the notable non-linear simulation capability of artificial neural network (ANN). However, this model does not take account of antecedent catchment wetness that may effect the simulation and forecasting accuracy. A modified NLPM-ANN model is proposed and developed to take the consideration of antecedent catchment wetness. The output perturbing terms of the response function in the simple linear model (SLM) in an auxiliary component are taken as inputs of ANN to represent catchment wetness. The simulated total runoff is obtained by integrating the outputs of ANN with that of the seasonal model. The rainfall–runoff data of eight catchments were selected and used to compare the modified NLPM-ANN with the NLPM-ANN models. Results show that the modified NLPM-ANN is significantly superior to the NLPM-ANN, and the model component efficiency index values are 16.82% and 16.74% over the NLPM-ANN during calibration and verification periods, respectively.  相似文献   

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