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文章简述了海南省海草床生物多样性概况,总结了海南省海草床生物多样性保护工作的成效和问题。提出了海草床生物多样性保护的指导思想、基本原则、战略目标和保护任务,确定了海草床生物多样性保护的5个优先领域:(1)建立比较完善的海草保护和合理利用机制;(2)建立海草保护的管理协调机制;(3)加强海南沿海海草床的管理;(4)加强对海洋工程的管理;(5)加大保护海草床的宣传、教育及人才培养工作,并提出了优先领域相应的行动计划和行动内容。  相似文献   

本文以印尼北苏拉威西东部的潟湖为对象,研究了热带海草床鱼类群落的种类组成和时空变化。研究发现当地鱼类的香农-威纳指数在1.57-3.69之间多样性相对较高。在科水平,天竺鲷科的丰度(8.27 ind./(100 m2))和生物量(28.49 g/(100 m2))最高。在物种水平,侧带天竺鲷(Apogon lateralis)的丰度最高,环纹圆天竺鲷(Sphaeramia orbicularis)的生物量最大。对于物种的空间变化,潟湖湖顶、湖中和湖口首先聚类在一起,这可能是由于基质类型引起的。干季和湿季的鱼类种类、丰度和生物量均比转换季高,这可能是由较强的季风造成的,强季风为鱼类提供了更适宜的环境和食物。93.1%的鱼类的最大体长小于它们的性成熟体长,暗示了海草床是很多鱼类的育幼场。因此,保护海草床对渔业和资源的可持续利用至关重要。  相似文献   

文章以海南岛新村湾、黎安港和潭门港海草床为研究区域, 选取褐篮子鱼(Siganus fuscessens)、点斑篮子鱼(Siganus guttatus)、四带牙鯻(Pelates quadrilineatus)和细鳞鯻(Terapon jarbua) 4种代表性鱼类为研究对象, 分析其体长与体质量的关系, 并探讨4种鱼类对海草资源量变化的响应。结果表明, 除栖息于潭门港海草床的4种鱼为负异速生长, 其他区域海草床的鱼类均为正异速或等速生长; 4种鱼的体质量生长速率(即异速生长因子b)和肥满度呈现黎安港>新村湾>潭门港的趋势, 并与3个海草床的海草覆盖率、密度和生物量的变化趋势一致; 推测海草资源量下降可能增加鱼类的被捕食压力和减少食物来源, 从而导致生活于海草床的代表性鱼类生长速率下降。  相似文献   

海南岛东海岸海草床生态系统健康评价   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
根据2004~2009年海南岛东海岸长圮港、龙湾、高隆湾、黎安港、新村港等地海草分布区的水质、沉积物、生物质量、栖息地、生物5个指标调查数据,按照《近岸海洋生态健康评价指南》(HY/T087-2005)海草生态系统评价方法,对海南岛东海岸海草床生态系统健康指标进行评价。结果显示,海南岛东海岸海草床水环境与沉积环境均处于健康状态;龙湾海草床生物残毒评价为亚健康,其余站位均处于健康状态;黎安港与长圮港海草床栖息地评价处于不健康状态,其余站位均处于健康状态;黎安港海草床生物评价处于不健康状态,新村港海草床生物评价处于亚健康状态,其他地方栖息地与生物评价均处于健康状态。海草床生态系统健康评价显示,黎安港处于不健康状态,新村港与长圮港处于亚健康状态,龙湾与高隆湾处于健康状态。总体上看,海南岛东海岸分布于珊瑚沿岸海草床生态系统比较健康,分布泻湖沿岸海草床趁于亚健康向不健康方向转变。本文希望通过对海南岛东海岸海草床生态系统的健康评价研究,为海草床生态系统的保护与修复提供理论依据。  相似文献   

海草床是海岸带最富生产力的生态系统之一,支撑着各种各样的伴生生物。热带的印度和太平洋地区被认为拥有海草植物种类多样性最高,且分布面积最广,然而,这个区域的海草床大型底栖生物我们知之甚少。为了填补认知的空白,我们在该区域开展了一项生态调查,旨在描述该区热带海草床大型底栖生物的丰度和多样性,以及确定大型底栖生物丰度、物种丰富度和群落结构是否明显存在断面内的站间变化和样地间变化。2014年5月和2015年10月我们分别在北苏拉威西省东海岸和西海岸开展野外工作,使用柱状取样器采集海草床大型底栖生物样品。所得样品共计鉴定14大类149种底栖生物,种类最为丰富的类别为多毛类(56种,占26%的总个体数),十足类(20种,占9%的总个体数)和端足类(18种,占35%的总个体数)。东、西海岸海草床大型底栖生物表现出不同的空间分布模式。在东海岸,同一断面的大型底栖生物和端足类的丰度存在显著的站间差异;而在西海岸,大型底栖生物和多毛类的种类丰富度和丰度都表现出明显的站间变化,这可能归结于同一断面底质不均所造成。单因素ANOSIM以及MDS排序表明了北苏拉威西省东海岸和西海岸海草床大型底栖生物群落结构存在显著不同,正好对应于将海草床分成两大类型的栖息地,即西海岸的红树林-海草床-珊瑚连续体和东海岸的海草床-珊瑚连续体。与在热带海区开展的其他研究相比,本研究的大型底栖生物丰度和多样性处于中等水平。东、西海岸海草床大型底栖生物群落存在显著区别,其原因可能源于多方面,包括了沉积物模式,海草床结构和时间变化。  相似文献   

广东沿海新发现的海草床   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
通过对广东沿海水域的现场调查, 新发现8个海草床, 主要分布在柘林湾、汕尾白沙湖、惠东考洲洋、大亚湾、珠海唐家湾、上川岛、下川岛和雷州企水湾。海草种类主要包括喜盐草(Halophila ovalis)、贝克喜盐草(Halophila beccarii)和矮大叶藻(Zostera japonica)等3种。海草覆盖率为6.67%—53.33%, 茎枝密度为3 428.57— 10 542.00shoots.m-2, 生物量为12.86—118.24g.m-2。海草床底上生物密度为16.67—734.67ind.m-2, 生物量为15.39—426.88g.m-2, 多样性指数为0.46—1.98, 均匀度指数为0.28—0.89。海草床生境受到的严重威胁主要来自围海养殖(养蚝、养螺)、污水排放、渔民作业方式(电鱼、电虾、扒螺、挖贝类)、自然灾害(台风和洪水)等。  相似文献   

海草床具有重要的生态系统服务功能,可以为海洋生物提供栖息地和食物来源,同时还具有重要的碳储存功能,海草床“蓝碳”功能日益受到学术界的重视,据研究全球每年海草床的碳埋藏量高达(2.7~4.4)×107 MgC。近年来,由于人类活动的影响,世界范围内海草床衰退严重,导致海草床沉积物有机碳储量降低。本文综述了全球海草床沉积物有机碳的来源、组分、储量以及指示作用;从物理、化学和生物三方面讨论了影响海草床碳储量的环境因素。最后提出了未来主要研究方向,主要包括加强海草床碳通量普查,分析全球气候变化背景下海草床沉积物有机碳的变化机制,明确海草床碳储量流失速率,研究海岸带工程对海草床沉积物有机碳的影响。评估海草床沉积物有机碳储量及变化机制可以为全球海洋蓝碳研究提供科学依据。  相似文献   

海草是一类生长于海洋环境中的单子叶植物。细菌、真菌、微藻、古生菌和病毒等微生物栖息在海草器官及其周围环境中,对海草生长、营养和健康以及海草床物质循环起着重要作用。本文通过分析与总结国内外参考文献,简要介绍了海草床微生物的一些新的研究进展,并讨论了将来可能进行的研究方向。海草微生物组与沉积物和海水中的微生物群落存在较大差异,其分布在离散且高度异质性的生态位,且该模式在广泛的地理尺度上保持不变,不是受海草种类和沉积物类型控制,而是主要取决于环境驱动与海草代谢。大部分海草核心微生物群落都参与硫循环。今后可采用模拟实验、生态模型、基因组、宏基因组、转录组与代谢组等技术方法研究海草床微生物的多样性、组成、功能、定植与病害等。此外,揭示海草床中微生物、海草和环境之间的相互关系,对保护受威胁的海草床具有重要意义。  相似文献   

文章评述了海南省海草床生态系统的分布、海草保护与管理、科学研究等各个方面的现状,以及生态系统修复与研究进展.指出海草生态系统具有特殊的资源价值和生态效益,对热带海岸社会经济可持续发展十分重要;另一方面对日益频繁的人类开发活动和自然环境变异十分敏感和脆弱,随着海南的开发建设,人口、资源环境压力加剧,海草资源已经受到开发活动的影响而急需保护.尽管政府采取了保护管理的各种措施,包括相关法律和海洋保护区、科学研究,但海草床生态系统仍然面临威胁.海草床生态系统在我国热带海洋生态环境变化和资源可持续利用研究中具有特别重要的意义.应当加强海草生态系统的调查、监测、评估、研究,以适应海草生态系统的保护、管理、恢复、重建和可持续发展的要求.  相似文献   

流沙湾海草床海域浮游动物的群落 结构和季节变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2008年2—11月采用浅水Ⅰ型浮游生物网对广东省流沙湾海草床海域的浮游动物进行了周年的季节调查, 研究了其群落结构、季节变化及影响因素。结果表明, 流沙湾海草床海域浮游动物共有49种和13类浮游幼虫, 群落结构主要由桡足类和浮游幼虫所组成。优势种共有20种(类), 4季均为优势种的种类有2种: 针刺拟哲水蚤、小拟哲水蚤。年均丰度和生物量分别为84.8ind/m3和132.2mg/m3, 高峰期位于夏季, 低谷位于冬季, 周年变化基本上为单峰型。浮游动物生物量与丰度、pH值呈显著的正相关, 与叶绿素a和水温呈较明显的相关性, 而生物量和丰度与盐度和PO43?呈负相关, 与其它环境因子相关性不明显。  相似文献   

Sediment deposition and production in SE-Asia seagrass meadows   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Seagrass meadows play an important role in the trapping and binding of particles in coastal sediments. Yet seagrass may also contribute to sediment production directly, through the deposition of detritus and also the deposition of the associated mineral particles. This study aims at estimating the contribution of different seagrass species growing across an extensive range of deposition to inorganic (carbonate and non-carbonate) and organic sediment production. Total daily deposition measured with sediment traps varied from 18.8 (±2.0) g DW m−2 d−1 in Silaqui (Philippines) to 681.1 (±102) g DW m−2 d−1 in Bay Tien (Vietnam). These measurements correspond to a single sampling event and represent sedimentation conditions during the dry season in SE-Asia coastal areas. Enhalus acoroides was the most common species in the seagrass meadows visited and, together with Thalassia hemprichii, was present at sites from low to very high deposition. Halodule uninervis and Cymodocea species were present in sites from low to medium deposition. The mineral load in seagrass leaves increased with age, and was high in E. acoroides because it had the largest and long-lived leaves (up to 417 mg calcium carbonate per leaf and 507 mg non-carbonate minerals per leaf) and low in H. uninervis with short-lived leaves (4 mg calcium carbonate per leaf and 2 mg non-carbonate minerals per leaf). In SE-Asia seagrass meadows non-carbonate minerals accumulate at slower rates than the production of calcium carbonate by the epiphytic community, consequently the final loads supported by fully grown leaves were, as average, lower than calcium carbonate loads. Our results show that organic and inorganic production of the seagrasses in SE-Asia represents a small contribution (maximum of 15%) of the materials sedimented on a daily base by the water column during the sampling period. The contribution of the carbonate fraction can be locally significant (i.e. 34% in Silaqui) in areas where the depositional flux is low, but is minor (<1%) in sites were siltation is significant (i.e. Umalagan and all the visited sites in Vietnam).  相似文献   

《Oceanologica Acta》2002,25(6):297-302
Aerial photographs and in situ data of the Urbinu Lagoon (one of the largest and deepest ponds in Corsica, Mediterranean Sea) permit the establishment of a cartography of its aquatic benthic assemblages and types of sea-beds. It was possible to distinguish in the photographs submerged structures such as: sand, pebbles, mud and seagrass meadows. Seagrass beds were the predominant vegetation type in this lagoon (comprising 14–29% of the total area depending on the year studied), and their distribution was incorporated into a geographical information database, and then compared with historical data. Temporal and spatial change in seagrass meadows was assessed between 1990 and 1997. Change in total extent was evaluated through a map to map comparison of data interpreted from image processing using colored aerial photographs (1990, 1994 and 1997). The overall net change was a 12% decrease between 1990 and 1994 and a 16% increase between 1994 and 1997. These observations imply that regressions are not irreversible over the past 7 years, and show that seagrass meadows in this area have been stable despite environmental perturbations, since the lost zones were recolonized.  相似文献   

Results of the monitoring network of the Posidonia oceanica meadows in the Valencia region in Spain are analysed. For spatial comparison the whole data set has been analysed, however, for temporal trends we only selected stations that have been monitored at least 6 years in the period of 2002–2011 (26 stations in 13 localities).At the south of the studied area, meadows are larger, and they have higher density and covering than that in the Valencia Gulf, excluding Oropesa meadow. Monitoring of P. oceanica meadows in the Valencia region in Spain indicates that most of them are stationary or they are increasing their density and covering while no decline was observed in the studied meadows. These results indicate that there is not a general decline of P. oceanica meadows and that the decline of P. oceanica, when it has been observed in other studies, is produced by local causes that may be managed at the local level. This study also reflects the importance of long series of direct data to analyse trends in the population dynamics for slow-growing species.  相似文献   

Gut content examination and trophic markers (fatty acids, stable isotopes of C and N) were combined to delineate the diet of the dominant species of amphipods from Mediterranean Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadows and to highlight trophic diversity among this community. Our results indicate that, although all dominant species heavily relied on macroalgal epiphytes, considerable interspecific dietary differences existed. Carbon stable isotope ratios notably showed that some of the amphipod species favored grazing on epiphytes from leaves or litter fragments (Apherusa chiereghinii, Aora spinicornis, Gammarus aequicauda), while others such as Dexamine spiniventris preferred epiphytes from rhizomes. The remaining amphipods (Caprella acanthifera, Ampithoe helleri and Gammarella fucicola) readily consumed both groups. In addition, SIAR modeling suggested that most species had a mixed diet, and relied on several food items. Fatty acid analysis and gut contents revealed that contributions of microepiphytic diatoms and of benthic and suspended particulate organic matter to the diet of amphipods were anecdotal. None of the examined species seemed to graze on their seagrass host [low 18:2(n‐6) and 18:3(n‐3) fatty acids contents], but Gammarus aequicauda partly relied on seagrass leaf detritus, as demonstrated by the lesser 13C‐depletion of their tissues. Overall, our findings suggest that amphipods, because of their importance in the transfer of organic matter from primary producers and detritus to higher rank consumers, are key items in P. oceanica‐associated food webs.  相似文献   

In terms of downward transport, suspended particulate matter(SPM) from marine or terrigenous sources is an essential contributor to the carbon cycle. Within mesoscale environments such as seagrass ecosystems, SPM flux is an essential part of the total carbon budget that is transported within the ecosystem. By assessing the total SPM transport from water column to sediment, potential carbon burial can be estimated. However, SPM may decompose or reforming aggregate during transport, so estimating the vertical flux without knowing the decomposition rate will lead to over-or underestimation of the total carbon budget. Here this paper presents the potential decomposition rate of the SPM in seagrass ecosystems in an attempt to elucidate the carbon dynamics of SPM. SPM was collected from the seagrass ecosystems located at Sikka and Sorong in Indonesia. In situ experiments using SPM traps were conducted to assess the vertical downward flux and decomposition rate of SPM. The isotopic profile of SPM was measured together with organic carbon and total nitrogen content. The results show that SPM was transported to the bottom of the seagrass ecosystem at a rate of up to(129.45±53.79)mg/(m~2·h)(according to carbon). Considering the whole period of inundation of seagrass meadows, SPM downward flux reached a maximum of 3 096 mg/(m~2·d)(according to carbon). The decomposition rate was estimated at from 5.9 μg/(mg·d)(according to carbon) to 26.6 μg/(mg·d)(according to carbon). Considering the total downward flux of SPM in the study site, the maximum decomposed SPM was estimated 39.9 mg/(m~2·d)(according to carbon) and 82.6 mg/(m~2·d)(according to carbon) for study site at Sorong and Sikka, respectively.The decomposed SPM can be 0.6%–2.7% of the total SPM flux, indicating that it is a small proportion of the total flux. The seagrass ecosystems of Sorong and Sikka SPM show an autochthonous tendency with the primary composition of marine-end materials.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the seagrass Zostera noltii in established and colonizing meadows were assessed in Ria Formosa lagoon, Southern Portugal. Shoot weight, above:belowground biomass ratio, flowering shoot density, meadow production, and biomass–density relationships were investigated. Results indicate that the species population dynamics differ clearly in different development stages of the meadows. The overall mean of flowering shoot density was five times higher in the colonizing (83 flowering shoots m−2) than in the established meadow (16 flowering shoots m−2), revealing a greater contribution of sexual reproduction during the species colonization process. The temporal variation of the biomass–density relationship in the colonizing meadow showed a cyclic seasonal trajectory, a wider range of data, and a simultaneous peak of biomass and density, suggesting no space limitations constraining the internal packing of shoots during the growing season. In the established meadow, density peaked before biomass in agreement to the dominant role of the clonal architecture of seagrasses in the configuration of closed meadows, suggesting the occurrence of self-thinning and/or regulation of ramet formation. Slope of the biomass–density relationships was similar in the established and colonizing meadows, generally suggesting similar nutritional conditions, regardless of their muddy and sandy sediments. Plants of the colonizing meadow invest mainly on the belowground fraction (above:belowground biomass ratio <1), as meadow expansion is mainly controlled by the elongation of horizontal rhizomes. The annual total production (1163 g C m−2 year−1) and the biomass turnover (34.8 year−1) were also higher in this meadow, corroborating the high investment of the species during the meadow expansion. The faster biomass turnover of the colonizing meadow implies a more limited capacity to accumulate biomass, indicating a greater exportation of organic carbon and nutrients to the coastal area. The different biomass turnover rates suggest different trophic and structural roles of Z. noltii communities in established and colonizing meadows.  相似文献   

A significant consideration in defining patterns of ecological interest is determining at what spatial scales these patterns are apparent. We performed a mensurative experiment to determine the effect of how changing the extent of sampling, using a fixed grain (panning up), changed our measurements of seagrass epiphyte biomass at a variety of hierarchical spatial scales, ranging from approximately 0.1 m to 2.5 × 105 m. The experiment was performed twice at two sets of nested locations, also capturing an element of seasonality within the spatial extents. While the two regions and their nested locations differed in terms of epiphyte biomass, and values did change over time, mean epiphyte values were invariant at the local scale. This indicates that at the local scale (≤100 m extent), we expect seagrass epiphyte biomass to be relatively homogenous. Contrary to theoretical predictions, we did not detect predictable changes in mean values of epiphyte biomass as sampling extent increased. The results of this study highlight the importance of recognizing the spatial dependence of patterns in heterogeneous environments.  相似文献   

海草的卫星遥感研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
海草、沙滩、砾石以及淤泥等不同底质类型对光谱的反射率不同,通过卫星遥感检测反射率的变化可以鉴别海草等底质类型。由于海草体内含有叶绿素a、叶绿素b以及花青素和叶黄素等色素,通过检测这些色素的光谱可以对海草分布以及生存状态进行卫星遥感检测。主要从多光谱、高光谱等角度对近岸光学浅水中海草的卫星遥感以及国内对海草和水体生物光学研究状况等方面进行阐述,并对未来的研究趋势进行展望。  相似文献   

The abiotic disturbance of urban wastewater discharge and its effects in the population structure, plant morphology, leaf nutrient content, epiphyte load and macroalgae abundance of Zostera noltii meadows were investigated in Ria Formosa coastal lagoon, southern Portugal using both univariate and multivariate analysis. Four sites were assessed, on a seasonal basis, along a gradient from a major Waste Water Treatment Works (WWTW) discharge to a main navigation channel. The wastewater discharge caused an evident environmental disturbance through the nutrient enrichment of the water and sediment, particularly of ammonium. Zostera noltii of the sites closest to the nutrient source showed higher leaf N content, clearly reflecting the nitrogen load. The anthropogenic nutrient enrichment resulted in higher biomass, and higher leaf and internode length, except for the meadow closest to the wastewater discharge (270 m). The high ammonium concentration (158–663 μM) in the water at this site resulted in the decrease of biomass, and both the leaf and internode length, suggesting a toxic effect on Z. noltii. The higher abundance of macroalgae and epiphytes found in the meadow closest to the nutrient source may also affect the species negatively. Shoot density was higher at the nutrient-undisturbed site. Two of the three abiotic processes revealed by Principal Component Analysis were clearly related to the WWTW discharge, a contrast between water column salinity and nutrient concentration and a sediment contrast between both porewater nutrients and temperature and redox potential. A multiple regression analysis showed that these abiotic processes had a significant effect on the biomass-density dynamics of meadows and on the overall size of Z. noltii plants, respectively. Results show that the wastewater discharge is an important source of environmental disturbance and nutrients availability in Ria Formosa lagoon affecting the population structure, morphology and N content of Z. noltii. This impact is spatially restricted to areas up to 600 m distant from the WWTW discharge, probably due to the high water renewal of the lagoon.  相似文献   

海草是一类生活在近海区域的高等被子植物,初级生产力高,是全球重要的碳汇之一,具有净化水质、消浪固滩,以及为珍稀濒危海洋生物提供栖息地和保护地的功能。无节制的人类活动和频发的极端气象灾害导致近岸海洋污染加剧、海洋生态系统退化和海草床大面积消失。本文以相关海草床修复生态学基础理论为出发点,在自然因素和人为因素两个方面归纳了海草修复需要考虑的因素,梳理了国内外海草修复实践和技术理论方法,提出了利用营养物质、植物激素和物种共生关系等人为促进海草床生长的技术方法,并从法律角度、技术体系、保护体系和科普宣传等方面提出了促进我国海草床修复的建议,以期为我国海草床保护与修复工作提供理论基础和技术参考。  相似文献   

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