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2014年夏季青藏高原云和降水微物理特征的数值模拟研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
唐洁  郭学良  常祎 《气象学报》2018,76(6):1053-1068
为了加强对青藏高原(高原)云和降水微物理特征的深入认识,采用高分辨率中尺度数值预报模式(WRF),对第三次青藏高原大气科学试验2014年7月3-25日发生的6次不同强度云和降水过程进行了数值模拟分析。研究结果表明:(1)青藏高原夏季云和降水过程具有独特性。高原夏季对流的促发机制主要是午后高原加热造成的,云和降水具有明显的日变化。午夜后,对流性降水一般转化为层状云降水,具有明显的0℃层回波亮带,并且会产生强降水。大部分对流云云顶高度超过15 km(海拔高度),最大上升气流速度为10-40 m/s。(2)6次云过程中均具有高过冷云水含量,主要分布在0—-20℃层,冰晶含量主要分布在-20℃层以上的区域,强盛的对流云中,可出现在-40℃层以上区域;雨水集中分布在融化层之下,说明其主要依赖降水性冰粒子的融化过程;雪和霰粒子含量高,分布范围广,说明云中冰相过程非常活跃。(3)高原夏季云中水凝物的转化过程和降水的形成机理具有明显特点。霰粒子的融化过程是地面雨水的主要来源,暖雨过程对降水的直接贡献很小,但通过暖雨过程形成的过冷雨滴的异质冻结过程对云中霰胚的形成十分重要。霰粒子的增长主要依靠凇附过程以及聚并雪晶的增长过程。   相似文献   

王斌  石燕  吴涛  陈宝君 《湖北气象》2008,27(1):9-16
为了深入研究对流云降水微物理过程特征,为局地对流降水预报和人工增雨提供更多的参考依据,利用三维双参数对流云模式,使用常规单站探空资料,开展湖北两北部山地夏季对流降水实例的批量数值模拟,使用地面降水量和雷达回波资料检验模拟效果,统计分析降水微物理过程特征,归纳总结冰相粒子的形成、增长机制,以及液念水和冰相粒子的相互转化机制。结果表明:(1)对流云模式能够较好地模拟实际对流降水的一些宏观微观特征;(2)当地夏季主要是对流冷云降水,冰相过程是形成降雨的主要物理过程;(3)冰相过程巾过冷水、霰、冰晶之间的相互转化过程是主要的冷云降水形成机制。  相似文献   

唐洁  郭学良  常祎 《大气科学》2018,42(6):1327-1343
第三次青藏高原科学试验针对高原夏季云和降水物理过程开展了大量观测研究,为进一步揭示高原云微物理结构、云中水分转化和区域水分收支特征,本文采用中尺度数值预报模式(WRF)并结合高原试验期间的各种观测资料,对那曲观测试验区2014年7月5~6日的一次较为典型的夏季对流云降水过程进行了数值模拟研究。结果表明WRF模式能够基本再现高原夏季对流云的发展演变过程以及降水的日变化特征。模拟结果显示高原夏季对流云中具有较高的过冷云水和霰粒子含量,冰相过程在高原云和降水的形成和发展中具有十分重要的作用,地面降水主要由霰粒子融化产生。暖雨过程对降水的直接贡献很小,但在霰胚形成中具有十分重要的作用。霰粒子胚胎的形成主要来源于冰晶与过冷雨滴的撞冻过程,雪粒子和过冷雨水的碰冻转化及过冷雨滴的均质冻结贡献相对较小。霰粒子的增长过程在12 km(-40℃)以上层主要依靠对冰晶、雪粒子的聚并收集过程,而在其下层的增长过程主要依赖对过冷云水的凇附增长,对雪粒子的聚并收集和凝华增长过程较小。高原那曲地区净水汽收支为正,日平均降水转化率可达20.75%,接近长江下游地区,高于华北、西北地区。该地区日降水再循环率为10.92%,说明局地蒸发的水汽对高原降水的水汽来源具有一定的贡献,但高原降水的90%仍然由外界输入的水汽转化形成。  相似文献   

青藏高原雷暴弱降水云微物理特征的卫星反演分析   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
选取青藏高原3个雷暴弱降水过程,以极轨卫星反演云微物理特征分析方法为主,结合地面实况和探空资料,探讨了云微物理特征及这类雷暴形成的可能原因.结果表明:(1)这类云的云底温度较低,为0℃左右,离地面1~2 km,属冷云底的对流云.与暖云底(云底温度15~20℃)相比,冷云底导致云中的水成物少,释放潜热少,这可能是该区域强...  相似文献   

利用NCEP FNL再分析资料为初始场,通过WRF中尺度数值模式(V3.9.1版本)对2015年8月26~27日青藏高原那曲地区一次对流云降水过程进行了模拟,分析了不同积云对流参数化方案和云微物理参数化方案组合对本次降水过程中降水量、环流场、雷达反射率以及云微物理特征模拟效果的影响。结果表明:WRF模式能较好地模拟出本次降水的时空变化特征,但不同参数化方案组合各有优势,总体而言,Grell-Devenyi+SUBYLIN和Grell-Freitas+SUBYLIN组合模拟性能最优。本次对流云降水以冰相过程为主,雪粒子贡献最大,暖云粒子对降水的影响并不明显。从云微物理过程的时间演变可看出,性能最好的SUBYLIN方案能合理模拟降水过程中雪粒子与冰晶粒子间的转换过程,雪粒子可在凝结过程中释放潜热促使对流运动发展,也可通过融化过程促进降水发生,对流层高层冰晶粒子凝华产生的潜热释放亦为深对流的发展创造了有利条件。   相似文献   

青藏高原(下称高原)对东亚大气环流、气候变化及下游灾害性天气形成、发展有重要影响,研究青藏高原云微物理特征有重要意义。但因高原台站稀少,对云微物理研究不充分。NPP(National Polar-orbiting Partnership)卫星ⅦRS(Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite)传感器包含17个中分辨率通道(750 m)和5个高分辨通道(375 m),具有反演初生小块对流云的优势,能够利用NPP/ⅦRS反演对流云的微物理特征。利用NPP/ⅦRS卫星格点对流云云物理自动反演(Automatic Mapping of Convective Clouds,AMCC)软件对高原地区2013-2017年夏季(6-8月)过境的ⅦRS资料进行了反演,得到了高原对流云的宏、微观物理特征,并计算了这些物理量在0.33°×0.33°格点上的平均值。分析得出如下结论:(1)反演云底温度(Tb)与那曲探空计算抬升凝结温度(TLCL)线性相关,相关系数为0.87,均方根误差为3.0℃。(2)高原对流云宏、微观物理特征为:一是云底冷(Tb为-5℃),云底离地高度为1800-2200 m,云内含水量低;二是云底云凝结核数浓度(NCCN)为200-400个/mg,最大过饱和度(Smax)为0.7%,NCCN少,Smax大,云滴凝结增长速率更快;三是降水启动厚度(D14)小,为1500-2000 m,雅鲁藏布江流域及藏南地区D14约500-1000 m,更加容易形成降水;四是云顶海拔高度为10-13 km,云厚度从南部5000 m逐渐减小到北部2500 m,云厚有限;五是晶化温度高,从中部、南部-30℃到北部-25℃,加之高原Tb < 0℃,使得云内降水粒子以冰相为主。(3)高原对流云的这些微物理特征决定了其降水具有多发、短时、量小、滴大的特点。这些结论进一步深化了对高原夏季对流云的科学认识。   相似文献   

利用Droplet Measurement Technology(DMT)资料,分析了山西2008年7月17日降水性层积云的云微物理结构,通过对云中粒子浓度、平均直径、二维图像以及谱型分布变化,并结合宏观记录特征,详细分析了飞机上升和下降阶段云系的垂直结构特征。结果表明,飞机上升阶段云系为高积云,下降阶段云系为高积云—层积云结构,云粒子探头(Cloud Droplet Probe,CDP)和云粒子图像探头(Cloud Imaging Probe,CIP)测得粒子浓度偏大,最大浓度分别为236cm-3和9.74cm-3。层积云云中微物理量水平分布特征具有明显的不均匀性。飞机上升阶段降水的雨滴主要是冰粒子融化形成的,冷云过程占主导地位,在0℃层附近存在明显的融化层亮带。飞机下降阶段降水机制为高积云冷云过程和层积云暖云过程相结合。  相似文献   

利用Droplet Measureinent TeehnologY(DMT)资料,分析了山西2008年7月17日降水性层积云的云微物理结构,通过对云中粒子浓度、直径、二维图像以及谱型分布变化,并结合宏观记录特征,详细分析了飞机上升和下降阶段云系的垂直结构特征。结果表明:飞机上升阶段云系为高积云,飞机下降阶段云系为高积云一层积云结构,Cloud Droplet Probe(CDP)和Cloud Imaging Probe(CIP)测得粒子浓度偏大,最大浓度分别为236em。和9.74cm^-3。层积云云中微物理量水平分布特征具有明显的不均匀性。上升阶段降水的雨滴主要是冰粒子融化形成的,冷云过程占主导地位,在0℃层附近存在明显的融化层亮带。下降阶段降水机制为高积云冷云过程和层积云暖云过程相结合。  相似文献   

祁连山是我国西北地区重要的生态屏障,地形云是祁连山主要降水云系,加强对祁连山云微物理过程的认识,对科学有效开展人工增雨作业、改善生态环境具有重要意义。利用2020年8月29日祁连山一次地形云降水过程的飞机观测数据,研究祁连山地区夏季云降水过程的微物理特征。此次降水过程云系呈明显的分层结构,云底高度为4000 m,整层含水量较丰富,云水大值区出现在4500~5300 m高度,与云滴高浓度区对应,云水含量主要由粒子直径为15~20 μm的云滴粒子贡献。小云粒子和大云粒子平均浓度分别为7.54 cm-3和0.86 cm-3,有效直径平均值分别为11.02 μm和198.11 μm,呈现出浓度小、直径大的特征。云系翻越祁连山过程中南北坡云微物理特征有明显变化,北坡(背风坡)粒子浓度、直径和液态水含量明显大于南坡(迎风坡)。祁连山地区不同高度小云粒子谱呈单峰型分布,Gamma分布可较好拟合直径小于50 μm的云滴谱,直径大于50 μm的云粒子谱更符合幂指数分布。凝华和聚并是冰相层冰雪晶的增长机制,混合层冰晶增长以贝吉龙过程为主,并伴有凇附和聚并生长。  相似文献   

飞机观测是云中粒子相态、分布和转化特征的重要探测技术。我国云降水物理飞机观测开始于20世纪60年代,经过60多年的发展,在飞机平台、机载测量技术、云微物理结构和降水形成机制认识等方面均取得了长足进步。发现积层混合云中对流泡区具有更高的过冷水含量,凇附增长起重要作用,符合“播撒-供给”降水形成机制,而在层云区,当云厚度较小时,过冷水含量很少,冰雪晶的凝华、聚并增长起主导作用,并不符合“播撒-供给”降水形成机制,而当云厚度较大时,过冷水含量较为丰富,凝华、聚并和凇附增长起主导作用,基本符合“播撒-供给”降水形成机制;我国北方冬季降雪过程的形成机制主要是凝华-聚并机制,只有在水汽非常充足、云较厚的情况下,凇附增长过程才具有重要作用。近年虽然在人工影响天气播撒效应、数值模式云物理过程验证、卫星及雷达遥感数据检验、对流云结构观测等方面也取得了一些进展,但仍较薄弱,亟待加强。  相似文献   

In order to improve our understanding of microphysical properties of clouds and precipitation over the Tibetan Plateau (TP), six cloud and precipitation processes with different intensities during the Third Tibetan Plateau Atmospheric Science Experiment (TIPEX-Ⅲ) from 3 July to 25 July 2014 in Naqu region of the TP are investigated by using the high-resolution mesoscale Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. The results show unique properties of summertime clouds and precipitation processes over the TP. The initiation process of clouds is closely associated with strong solar radiative heating in the daytime, and summertime clouds and precipitation show an obvious diurnal variation. Generally, convective clouds would transform into stratiform clouds with an obvious bright band and often produce strong rainfall in midnight. The maximum cloud top can reach more than 15 km above sea level and the velocity of updraft ranges from 10 to 40 m s-1. The simulations show high amount of supercooled water content primarily located between 0 and -20℃ layer in all the six cases. Ice crystals mainly form above the level of -20℃ and even appear above the level of -40℃ within strong convective clouds. Rainwater mostly appears below the melting layer, indicating that its formation mainly depends on the melting process of precipitable ice particles. Snow and graupel particles have the characteristics of high content and deep vertical distribution, showing that the ice phase process is very active in the development of clouds and precipitation. The conversion and formation of hydrometeors and precipitation over the plateau exhibit obvious characteristics. Surface precipitation is mainly formed by the melting of graupel particles. Although the warm cloud microphysical process has less direct contribution to the formation of surface precipitation, it is important for the formation of supercooled raindrops, which are essential for the formation of graupel embryos through heterogeneous freezing process. The growth of graupel particles mainly relies on the riming process with supercooled cloud water and aggregation of snow particles.  相似文献   

The Tibetan Plateau (TP) plays an important role in formation and development of the East Asian atmospheric circulation, climate variability, and disastrous weathers in China. Among the many topics on TP meteorology, it is critical to understand the microphysical characteristics of clouds over the TP;however, observations of the cloud microphysics in this area are insufficient mainly due to sparse stations and limited cloud physical data. The Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VⅡRS), onboard the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (SNPP) satellite, has an improved imaging spectroradiometer with 17 channels of 750-m moderate resolution and 5 channels of 375-m image resolution. The high-resolution instrument has an advantage for observing the small or initial convective clouds. Based on the methodologies that we proposed before for retrieving cloud microphysical properties from SNPP, an automated mapping software package named Automatic Mapping of Convective Clouds (AMCC) has been developed at the scale of satellite swath. The properties of convective clouds are retrieved by AMCC and their values are averaged over 0.33°×0.33° grids based on the SNPP/VⅡRS satellite data over the TP during the summers of 2013-17. The results show that:(1) the temperature of lifting condensation level (TLCL) at Naqu meteorological station and the cloud base temperature (Tb) retrieved from VⅡRS are linearly correlated, with a correlation coefficient of 0.87 and standard deviation (STD) of 3.0℃;(2) convective clouds over the TP have the following macro-and microphysical properties. First, the cloud base temperature (Tb) is about -5℃, the cloud base height above the ground (Hb) ranges between 1800 and 2200 m, and the cloud water content is low. Second, the cloud condensation nuclei concentration (NCCN) is between 200 and 400 mg-1 with 0.7% in maximum supersaturation (Smax);consequently, the condensation growth of water cloud droplet with less NCCN and higher Smax is fast. Third, because the precipitation initiation depth (D14) varies within 1500-2000 m and 500-1000 m at the Yarlung Zangbo River basin and southern Tibet, respectively, the clouds over these areas are more prone to precipitation. Fourth, mean height of the cloud top above sea level (Htop) is between 10 and 13 km, but the cloud depth (Dcld) is rather small, which is about 5000 m in southern TP and gradually reduces to 2500 m in northern TP. Fifth, the glaciation temperature (Tg) ranges from -30℃ in central and southern TP to -25℃ in northern TP, which, combined with the warmer Tg and the Tb less than 0℃, leads to the domination of ice process in the clouds;(3) the macro-and microphysical properties of convective clouds over the TP explain why rainfall there is frequent and lasts over a short time with small amount and large rain drops.  相似文献   

强德厚  刘俊卿  丁建芳  程博  吴江  唐利琴 《气象》2024,50(6):701-710
为提高青藏高原冰雹过程中降水特征的认识,利用雨滴谱数据并结合探空、雷达、FY-4A卫星和分钟降水资料,分析了2020年7月23日拉萨降雹过程的微物理特征。结果表明:在降水演变特征方面,雨量计分钟降水量与DSG5降水天气现象仪接近,但开始和结束时间、降水峰值及总降水量略有差异。此次过程中雨滴、冰雹的平均谱分布拟合曲线呈单调下降,雨滴谱符合Γ分布,雹谱符合M-P分布。降雹初期,降水粒子以小粒子居多,主要由雨滴下落中的蒸发所致;降雹后期,降水粒子谱宽变大,碰撞破碎和霰粒融化产生大〖JP2〗量的小雨滴引起粒子数浓度剧增,数浓度增多和滴谱变宽导致雨强增大。冰雹的数浓度仅占总降水粒子数浓度的1.6%,但对地面降水量的贡献最大。根据观测,拟合得到冰雹平均末速度与直径的关系公式。  相似文献   

夏季青藏高原上的对流云和中尺度对流系统   总被引:46,自引:8,他引:46  
江吉喜  范梅珠 《大气科学》2002,26(2):263-270
运用1998年6~8月逐日逐时日本地球静止气象卫星(GMS)红外辐射亮温资料,计算和分析了青藏高原及周边地区对流云和中尺度对流系统的活动,揭示了它们形成和发展的月际变化和地理分布、强度、日变化、移动和传播等诸多特征,以及与长江流域暴雨过程的关系.  相似文献   

Yafei YAN  Yimin LIU 《大气科学进展》2019,36(10):1089-1102
Cloud is essential in the atmosphere, condensing water vapor and generating strong convective or large-scale persistent precipitation. In this work, the relationships between cloud vertical macro- or microphysical properties, radiative heating rate, and precipitation for convective and stratiform clouds in boreal summer over the Tibetan Plateau (TP) are analyzed and compared with its neighboring land and tropical oceans based on CloudSat/CALIPSO satellite measurements and TRMM precipitation data. The precipitation intensity caused by convective clouds is twofold stronger than that by stratiform clouds. The vertical macrophysics of both cloud types show similar features over the TP, with the region weakening the precipitation intensity and compressing the cloud vertical expansion and variation in cloud top height, but having an uplift effect on the average cloud top height. The vertical microphysics of both cloud types under conditions of no rain over the TP are characterized by lower-level ice water, ice particles with a relatively larger range of sizes, and a relatively lower occurrence of denser ice particles. The features are similar to other regions when precipitation enhances, but convective clouds gather denser and larger ice particles than stratiform clouds over the TP. The atmospheric shortwave (longwave) heating (cooling) rate strengthens with increased precipitation for both cloud types. The longwave cooling layer is thicker when the rainfall rate is less than 100 mm d?1, but the net heating layer is typically compressed for the profiles of both cloud types over the TP. This study provides insights into the associations between clouds and precipitation, and an observational basis for improving the simulation of convective and stratiform clouds over the TP in climate models.  相似文献   

层状云降水微物理特征及降水机制研究概述   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
石爱丽 《气象科技》2005,33(2):104-108
层状云是中国北方大部分地区降水的主要云系,采用综合观测资料的分析研究并结合最新的数值模式对层状云特征和降水机制进行深入研究很有必要,也是含后工作的方向。描述了层状云的种类、特点,通过分析机载PMS(粒子测量系统)资料和地面雨滴谱资料介绍了国内外在层状云云滴谱、冰晶谱、雪质粒谱、雨滴谱、云中质粒总谱等微物理特征方面的研究方法及成果,还介绍了国内外在层状云降水机制方面的研究方法及成果,包括层状云降水数值模拟以及暖云降水机制和冷云降水机制研究。  相似文献   

利用西北地区均匀分布的126个地面测站,采用REOF和模糊聚类方法对降水的空间特征进行研究发现,青藏高原东北侧是西北地区夏季降水最为敏感的自然区,主要雨季为7~8月,几乎占全年总降水的一半,该区域少雨年的概率大于多雨年,旱年和多雨年交替出现。6月降水在近40a里呈上升趋势,7月降水总体变化不大,8月呈下降趋势,从降水线性趋势来看,整个夏季降水无明显变化。另外,气温距平和降水距平百分率具有明显的反位相变化关系,近40a来气温呈缓慢升高趋势。  相似文献   

The multidimensional morphological characteristics(including scale, horizontal shape and 3 D morphology) of precipitation areas over the Tibetan Plateau in summer were studied using 15 years(1998–2012) of observational data from the precipitation radar onboard the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission satellite. As the scale of the precipitation area increased from 20 to 150 km, the near-surface rain rate(RRav) of the precipitation area increased by up to 78%(from ~1.12 to ~2 mm h~(-1)). Linear precipitation areas had the lowest median RRav(~1 mm h~(-1) over the eastern Tibetan Plateau),whereas square-shaped precipitation areas had the highest median RRav(~1.58 mm h~(-1) over the eastern Tibetan Plateau).The 3D morphology was defined as the ratio of the average vertical scale to the average horizontal scale, where a large value corresponds to thin and tall, and a small value corresponds to plump and short. Thin-and-tall precipitation areas and plump-and-short precipitation areas had a greater median RRav, whereas the precipitation areas with a moderate 3D morphology had the lowest median RRav. The vertical structure of the precipitation-area reflectivity was sensitive to both size and 3D morphology, but was not sensitive to the horizontal shape. The relationship between RRav and the morphological characteristics was most significant over the southern slopes of the Tanggula Mountains and the Tibetan Plateau east of 100°E. The morphological characteristics of precipitation areas are therefore closely related to the intensity of precipitation and could potentially be used to forecast precipitation and verify numerical models.  相似文献   

2017—2020年利用运-12和空中国王-E350飞机搭载的国产云粒子测量设备在云南开展了76架次积层混合云观测, 数据分析表明:云南的云粒子数浓度远高于华北地区, 云粒子(直径为2~50 μm)数浓度平均值为339.7 cm-3, 最大值为1067.6 cm-3, 平均含水量为0.181 g·m-3, 最大值为2.827 g·m-3, 有效直径平均值为11.2 μm, 最大值为34.6 μm。云粒子谱呈负指数双峰分布, 主、次峰值分别出现在4 μm和10 μm处。云粒子数浓度、含水量和消光系数随高度呈明显分层特征, 有效直径随高度变化不明显, 反射率因子在3.4 km高度最大。暖云区200~1500 μm范围的雨滴粒子平均含水量为0.183 g·m-3, 最大值为4.247 g·m-3, 200~6000 μm范围的雨粒子平均含水量为0.406 g·m-3, 最大值为8.917 g·m-3。不同含水量条件下的云粒子谱宽不同, 随着云中含水量增加, 云粒子谱变宽。西南夏季风爆发后, 暖云区的小云粒子增多, 大云粒子减少, 开展暖云区人工增雨作业有利于提高人工增雨效率。  相似文献   

青藏高原冬春雪深分布与中国夏季降水的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用SSMR和SSM/I卫星遥感雪深反演资料,通过与高原测站雪深观测资料的对比分析,揭示了高原雪深的时空分布特征,在此基础上对积雪异常年中国夏季降水异常和大气环流进行了对比分析。结果表明,卫星遥感雪深资料可较真实反映出高原积雪的状况,并可反映出高原西部积雪的变化;高原冬、春季积雪EOF分解第1模态具有相同的空间分布,反映了高原冬、春季积雪分布具有相当的一致性,而春季积雪的第2模态则反映高原积雪的东西差异;冬、春季雪深EOF第1模态的时间序列与中国夏季降水的相关分析表明,大致以长江为界,我国东部地区呈现出南涝北旱的分布模态,春季高原东(西)部多(少)雪与东(西)部少(多)雪年的夏季,我国东部降水表现出长江以南(北)地区为大范围的降水偏多(少)。  相似文献   

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