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There has been a renewed interest in the recent years in the possibility of deviations from the predictions of Newton’s “inverse-square law” of universal gravitation. One of the reasons for renewing this interest lies in various theoretical attempts to construct a unified elementary particle theory, in which there is a natural prediction of new forces over macroscopic distances. In this paper we study the entropic gravity correction to the gravitational force on the horizon of a black hole whose metric has been modified by a Yukawa term. We find that the gravitational radius of such a black hole is given in-terms of the Lambert function, and the entropic force introduces a extra term that depends on the square of the coupling constant α of the Yukawa potential. In the case alpha equals zero we recover the Newtonian gravitational force on the horizon. In a first effort to obtain a relation between geometry and information, we calculate the Ricci scalar and through entropy we establish a relation to the number of information N where this is given in nats. Finally, we calculate a critical entropy value as well as a critical information number N c for which the curvature becomes identically zero which implies that the space becomes flat.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a class of non-stationary solutions of Einstein’s field equations describing embedded Vaidya-de Sitter black holes with a cosmological variable function Λ(u). The Vaidya-de Sitter black hole is interpreted as the radiating Vaidya black hole is embedded into the non-stationary de Sitter space with variable Λ(u). The energy-momentum tensor of the Vaidya-de Sitter black hole is expressed as the sum of the energy-momentum tensors of the Vaidya null fluid and that of the non-stationary de Sitter field, and satisfies the energy conservation law. We study the energy conditions (like weak, strong and dominant conditions) for the energy-momentum tensor. We find the violation of the strong energy condition due to the negative pressure and leading to a repulsive gravitational force of the matter field associated with Λ(u) in the space-time. We also find that the time-like vector field for an observer in the Vaidya-de Sitter space is expanding, accelerating, shearing and non-rotating. It is also found that the space-time geometry of non-stationary Vaidya-de Sitter solution with variable Λ(u) is Petrov type D in the classification of space-times. We also find the Vaidya-de Sitter black hole radiating with a thermal temperature proportional to the surface gravity and entropy also proportional to the area of the cosmological black hole horizon.  相似文献   

We discuss certain properties of the external field of a rotating and charged body in the frame of the vector graviton metric field theory. We find: 1) a black hole cannot have angular momentum or charge, that is, a rotating body whether charged or not, cannot be a black hole. The Kerr black hole and the Kerr-Newman black hole do not exist. 2) For a rotating and charged axisymmetric body, there exists a latitude-dependent critical distance rk(θ), such that the radial force acting on a test particle is attractive or repulsive according as the particle is outside or inside the critical distance. The repulsive force means that a massive object cannot collapse indefinitely. Maximum redshift in this case comes from sources on the equator. 3) A test particle also experiences a force along the meridian.  相似文献   

In this paper we extend the idea suggested previously by Pétri (Astron. Astrophys. 439:L27, 2005a; 443:777, 2005b) (papers I and II) that the high frequency quasi-periodic oscillations (HF-QPOs) observed in low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs) may be explained as a resonant oscillation of the accretion disk with a rotating asymmetric background (gravitational or magnetic) field imposed by the compact object. Here, we apply this general idea to black hole binaries. It is assumed that a test particle experiences a similar parametric resonance mechanism such as the one described in paper I and II but now the resonance is induced by the interaction between a spiral density wave in the accretion disk, excited close to the innermost stable circular orbit, and vertical epicyclic oscillations. We use the Kerr spacetime geometry to deduce the characteristic frequencies of this test particle. The response of the test particle is maximal when the frequency ratio of the two strongest resonances is equal to 3:2 as observed in black hole candidates. Finally, applying our model to the microquasar GRS 1915+105, we reproduce the correct value of several HF-QPOs. Indeed the presence of the 168/113/56/42/28 Hz features in the power spectrum time analysis is predicted. Moreover, based only on the two HF-QPO frequencies, our model is able to constrain the mass M BH and angular momentum a BH of the accreting black hole. We show the relation between M BH and a BH for several black hole binaries. For instance, assuming a black hole weakly or mildly rotating, i.e. a BH≤0.5?G? M BH/c 2, we find that for GRS 1915+105 its mass satisfies 13?M M BH≤20?M . The same model applied to two other well-known BHCs gives for GRO J1655-40 a mass 5?M M BH≤7?M and for XTE J1550-564 a mass 8?M M BH≤11?M . This is consistent with other independent estimations of the black hole mass. Finally for H1743-322, we found the following bounds, 9?M M BH≤13?M .  相似文献   

We study mechanism of formation of black holes (BHs) from collisions of particles in the vicinity of the supermassive black hole acting as a particle accelerator trough BSW (Banados-Silk-West) effect. Moreover, we also investigate BH-BH collision, in which stellar black holes colliding near the horizon of a rotating supermassive black hole can reach large values of the center-of-mass energy. This result implies that high arbitrary energy of collisions causes to be transformed into radiation energy and particles, which might bring possible visible signals through the astrophysical observations. We study the radiation energy from a collision of two accelerating stellar black holes and find a maximal value of the radiation energy to be nearly E rad ≈2.5?1056 erg for the ultrarelativistic value of v/c=0.99 from BH-BH collisions.  相似文献   

Bekenstein, Hawking, Gibbons and Perry have discussed the case of placing a Schwarzschild black hole inside an ideal, reflecting box, thereby setting up an equilibrium state. In this paper, we discuss more generally the thennodynamical properties of such a system. Starting from adiabatic expansion of the system, we are naturally led to the definition of total entropy and of black hole entropy. We next point out the two conditions for stable equilibrium between the black hole and the radiation, V < VE and Er < M/4 are not equivalent: only the former is necessary and sufficient. Lastly, we examine three quasi-static processes of evaporation of the black hole, expansion at constant energy, energy release at constant volume and adiabatic expansion.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate the strong gravitational lensing in a charged squashed Kaluza-Klein black hole. We suppose that the supermassive black hole in the galaxy center can be considered by a charged squashed Kaluza-Klein black hole and then we study the strong gravitational lensing theory and estimate the numerical values for parameters and observables of it. We explore the effects of the scale of extra dimension ρ 0 and the charge of black hole ρ q on these parameters and observables.  相似文献   

The entropy correction of Kerr-Newman black hole is investigated using the Hamilton-Jacobi method beyond semiclassical approximation. To get entropy correction, the inverse of the sum of square of event horizon (r +) and the square of rotational parameter a of the black hole is taken as the proportionality parameter for quantum corrections of the action I i to the semiclassical action I 0. It has been shown that as quantum effects are taken into account the corrections to the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of the stationary black hole include a logarithmic term and an inverse area term beyond the semiclassical approximation.  相似文献   

Estimating black hole masses of blazars is still a big challenge. Because of the contamination of jets, using the previously suggested size–continuum luminosity relation can overestimate the broad line region (BLR) size and black hole mass for radio-loud AGNs, including blazars. We propose a new relation between the BLR size and H β emission line luminosity and present evidences for using it to get more accurate black hole masses of radio-loud AGNs. For extremely radio-loud AGNs such as blazars with weak/absent emission lines, we suggest the use of fundamental plane relation of their elliptical host galaxies to estimate the central velocity dispersions and black hole masses, if their velocity dispersions are not known but the host galaxies can be mapped. The black hole masses of some well-known blazars, such as OJ 287, AO 0235+164 and 3C 66B are obtained using these two methods and the Mσ relation. The implications of their black hole masses on other related studies are also discussed.  相似文献   

We considered three modes of black hole formation: (I) a black hole kernel first forms at the centre of a collapsing star and as the outer matter falls, the kernel grows until the whole star becomes a black hole; (II) all the layers of a collapsing simultaneously satisfy the Schwarzschild condition; (III) the outermost layer first satisfies the Schwarzschild condition. For each mode, we calculated the entropy carried by the collapsing matter, Sm, and the entropy of the black hole so formed, SBH. We found SBH to be 1019 times Sm and the lower limit of the mass capable of becoming a black hole to be the Planck mass, Mp = 10?5g. A discussion on the nature of SBH led us to think that SBH possibly contains things other than the ordinary thermodynamical entropy.  相似文献   

In recent years, the thermodynamic properties of black holes are topics of interests. We investigate the thermodynamic properties like surface gravity and Hawking temperature on event horizon of regular black holes viz. Hayward Class and asymptotically AdS (Anti-de Sitter) black holes. We also analyze the thermodynamic volume and naive geometric volume of asymptotically AdS black holes and show that the entropy of these black holes is simply the ratio of the naive geometric volume to thermodynamic volume. We plot the different graphs and interpret them physically. We derive the ‘cosmic-Censorship-Inequality’ for both type of black holes. Moreover, we calculate the thermal heat capacity of aforesaid black holes and study their stabilities in different regimes. Finally, we compute the logarithmic correction to the entropy for both the black holes considering the quantum fluctuations around the thermal equilibrium and study the corresponding thermodynamics.  相似文献   

The standard thin accretion disk model can explain the soft X-ray spectra of Galactic black hole systems and AGN successfully. However, there are still a few observational documents for Radiation pressure theory in X-ray novae in black hole binary systems and AGN. The luminosity in accretion onto black holes is corresponds to L>0.01L E . According to standard thin disk model, when the accretion rate is over a small fraction of the Eddington rate, L>0.01L E , the inner region of the disk is radiation-pressure-dominated and thermally unstable. However, observations of the high/soft state of black hole X-ray binaries with luminosity within (0.01L E <L<0.5L E ) show that the disk is quite stable. Thus, this contradiction shows the objection of this model and maybe it is essential to change the standard viscosity law or one of the other basic assumptions in order to get a stable disk models. In this paper, we revisit and recalculate the thermal instability with a different models of viscosity and cooling functions and show that the choosing of an arbitrary cooling and viscosity functions can affect on the stability of a general disk model and hence maybe answer to a this problem in accretion disk theory. We choose an arbitrary functions of surface density Σ and half thickness of disk H for cooling and viscosity. Also, we discuss a general disk with thermal conduction, radial force and advection. Then, we solve the equations numerically. We obtain a fourth degree dispersions relation and discuss solutions and instability modes. This analysis shows the great sensitivity of stability of disk to the form of viscosity, so there are various effective factors to stabilize the disk. For example the exist of advection and thermal conduction can effect to stability of disks also.  相似文献   

Massive scalar field quasinormal modes of black hole with a deficit solid angle are studied by using the third-order WKB approximation. From the numerical results obtained, we find that scalar field with higher mass u will oscillate more quickly but decay more slowly, while with larger deficit solid angle ε will oscillate and decay more slowly. Moreover, the imaginary parts of quasinormal frequencies are almost linearly related to the real parts with u and ε.  相似文献   

We study isofrequency pairing of the circular non-geodesic orbits in the vicinity of the Schwarzschild black hole immersed in external asymptotically uniform magnetic field. The dependence of the isofrequency pairing of non-geodesic orbits from the special quantities, such as radius of the innermost stable circular orbits (ISCO), radius of the circular orbits (r b ) at the limit e(eccentricity)→0, and from the value of the small quantity ξ=(r b ?r ISCO) of the particles moving around the Schwarzschild black hole in the presence of the magnetic field has been found. It is shown that presence of the magnetic field gives rise to the r ISCO and r b of the particles to be slightly shifted from black hole and the contribution of the quantity ξ decreases the amount of isofrequency pairing of non-geodesic orbits due to the reduction of the surface of the region between the separatrix and circular-orbit duals (COD). We study the dependence of surface of region where particles can move and isofrequency pairing of non-geodesic orbits occur around the Schwarzschild black hole from the magnetic field. We find a decrease of nearly (7–10) % for the maximal values of the magnetic field B~106–107 Gauss in the surface of region where isofrequency pairing occurs around central object with compare to the one around Schwarzschild black hole without magnetic field. This result implies that it makes easier to identify signals through the astrophysical observations of compact objects in the presence of magnetic field.  相似文献   

The present research paper discusses the derivation for the change in entropy of Non- spinning black holes with respect to the change in the radius of event horizon applying the first law of black hole mechanics ( $\delta M = \frac{\kappa}{8\pi} \delta A + \varOmega\delta J - \upsilon\delta Q$ ) with the relation for the change in entropy δS=8πMδM. When the work is further extended with proper operation, the entropy of black hole is obtained almost the same as the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of black hole. This is the entirely new method to obtain the change in entropy of Non-spinning black holes w.r.t. the radius of event horizon and Hawking entropy of black hole. We have also calculated their values for different types of test non-spinning black holes having masses 5–20M found in X-ray binaries (Narayan, gr-qc/0506078v1, 2005).  相似文献   

In this work, we employ a sample of 185 steep-spectrum radio quasars (SSRQs) to estimate their black hole masses from broad emission lines. Our black hole masses are compared with the virial black hole masses estimated by Shen (2010). We find that there is a large deviation between the two kinds of values if the black hole masses are estimated from broad emission line of CIV. However, both values are in agreement if the black hole masses are estimated from broad emission line of MgII or Hβ.  相似文献   

Using γ-ray data (α γ , F γ ) detected by Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT) and black hole mass which has been compiled from literatures for 116 Fermi blazars, we calculated intrinsic γ-ray luminosity, intrinsic bolometric luminosity, intrinsic Eddington ratio and studied the relationships between all above parameters and redshift, between α γ and L γ . Furthermore, we obtained the histograms of key parameters. Our results are the following: (1) The main reason for the evolutionary sequence of three subclasses (HBLs, LBLs, FSRQs) may be Eddington ratio rather than black hole mass; (2) FSRQs occupy in the earlier, high-luminosity, high Eddington ratio, violent phase of the galactic evolution sequence, while BL Lac objects occur in the low luminosity, low Eddington ratio, late phase of the galactic evolution sequence; (3) These results imply that the evolutionary track of Fermi blazars is FSRQs ? LBLs ? HBLs.  相似文献   

Using the third-order WKB approximation, we evaluate the quasinormal frequencies of massive scalar field perturbation around a black hole with quintessence-like matter and a deficit solid angle. The mass u of the scalar field plays an important role in studying the quasinormal frequencies. We find that as the scalar field mass increases when the other parameters are fixed, so do the real parts and the magnitudes of the imaginary parts of the quasinormal frequencies decrease. The imaginary parts are almost linearly related to the real parts.  相似文献   

We investigate the relation between black hole mass, M bh, and jet power, Q jet, for a sample of BL Lacs and radio quasars. We find that BL Lacs are separated from radio quasars by the FR I/II dividing line in M bhQ jet plane, which strongly supports the unification scheme of FR I/BL Lac and FR II/radio quasar. The Eddington ratio distribution of BL Lacs and radio quasars exhibits a bimodal nature with a rough division at L bol/L Edd~0.01, which imply that they may have different accretion modes. We calculate the jet power extracted from advection-dominated accretion flow (ADAF), and find that it requires dimensionless angular momentum of black hole j???0.9???0.99 to reproduce the dividing line between FR I/II or BL Lac/radio quasar if dimensionless accretion rate $\dot{m}=0.01$ is adopted, which is required by the above bimodal distribution of Eddington ratios. Our results suggest that black holes in radio galaxies are rapidly spinning.  相似文献   

In this paper we present an exact solution of Einstein’s field equations describing the Schwarzschild black hole in dark energy background. It is also regarded as an embedded solution that the Schwarzschild black hole is embedded into the dark energy space producing Schwarzschild-dark energy black hole. It is found that the space-time geometry of Schwarzschild-dark energy solution is non-vacuum Petrov type D in the classification of space-times. We study the energy conditions (like weak, strong and dominant conditions) for the energy-momentum tensor of the Schwarzschild-dark energy solution. We also find that the energy-momentum tensor of the Schwarzschild-dark energy solution violates the strong energy condition due to the negative pressure leading to a repulsive gravitational force of the matter field in the space-time. It is shown that the time-like vector field for an observer in the Schwarzschild-dark energy space is expanding, accelerating, shearing and non-rotating. We investigate the surface gravity and the area of the horizons for the Schwarzschild-dark energy black hole.  相似文献   

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