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Robert A. Gordon 《Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy》1973,7(2):280-290
Employing a direct recursive algorithm in relation with analytical theories will yield a considerable saving in computer time, as opposed to simulating a point by point integration through repeated evaluations of the orbit theory. As a case in point, we shall compute the set of osculating orbiting elements corresponding to special events within the revolution of an artificial satellite. 相似文献
J. S. Watson G. D. Mistretta N. L. Bonavito 《Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy》1975,11(2):145-177
In order to retain separability in the Vinti theory of Earth satellite motion when a nonconservative force such as air drag is considered, a set of variational equations for the orbital elements are introduced, and expressed as functions of the transverse, radial, and normal components of the nonconservative forces acting on the system. In this approach, the Hamiltonian is preserved in form, and remains the total energy, but the initial or boundary conditions and hence the Jacobi constants of the motion advance with time through the variational equations. In particular, the atmospheric density profile is written as a fitted exponential function of the eccentric anomaly, which adheres to tabular data at all, altitudes and simultaneously reduces the variational equations to definite integrals with closed form evaluations whose limits are in terms of the eccentric anomaly. The values of the limits for any arbitrary time interval are obtained from the Vinti program.Results of this technique for the case of the intense air drag satellites San Marco-2 and Air Force Cannonball are given. These results indicate that the satellite ephemerides produced by this theory in conjunction with the Vinti program are of very high accuracy. In addition, since the program is entirely analytic, several months of ephemerides can be obtained within a few seconds of computer time. 相似文献
D. J. Jezewski 《Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy》1983,30(4):363-371
An analytic solution for theJ 2 perturbed equatorial orbit is obtained in terms of elliptic functions and integrals. The necessary equations for computing the position and velocity vectors, and the time are given in terms of known functions. The perturbed periapsis and apoapsis distances are determined from the roots of a characteristic cubic. 相似文献
An analytical solution is given for the motion of an artifical Earth satellite under the combined influences of gravity and atmospheric drag. The gravitational effects of the zonal harmonicsJ
3, andJ
4 are included, and the drag effects of any arbitrary dynamic atmosphere are included. By a dynamic atmosphere, we mean any of the modern empirical models which use various observed solar and geophysical parameters as inputs to produce a dynamically varying atmosphere model. The subtleties of using such an atmosphere model with an analytic theory are explored, and real world data is used to determine the optimum implementation. Performance is measured by predictions against real world satellites. As a point of reference, predictions against a special perturbations model are also given. 相似文献
The Integral Variation (IV) method is a technique to generate an approximate solution to initial value problems involving systems of first-order ordinary differential equations. The technique makes use of generalized Fourier expansions in terms of shifted orthogonal polynomials. The IV method is briefly described and then applied to the problem of near Earth satellite orbit prediction. In particular, we will solve the Lagrange planetary equations including the first three zonal harmonics and drag. This is a highly nonlinear system of six coupled first-order differential equations. Comparison with direct numerical integration shows that the IV method indeed provides accurate analytical approximations to the orbit prediction problem.Advanced Systems Studies; Bldg. 254EElectro-Optical Systems Laboratory; Bldg. 201. 相似文献
By sending one or more telescopes into space,Space-VLBI(SVLBI)is able to achieve even higher angular resolution and is therefore the trend of the VLBI technique.For the SVLBI program,the design of satellite orbits plays an important role for the success of planned observation.In this paper,we present our orbit optimization scheme,so as to facilitate the design of satellite orbits for SVLBI observation.To achieve that,we characterize the uv coverage with a measure index and minimize it by finding out the corresponding orbit configuration.In this way,the design of satellite orbit is converted to an optimization problem.We can prove that,with an appropriate global minimization method,the best orbit configuration can be found within the reasonable time.Besides that,we demonstrate that this scheme can be used for the scheduling of SVLBI observations. 相似文献
The osculating orbit of a planetary satellite moving in the equatorial plane of the central body under the influence of a rotational symmetric perturbation force is elliptical in first order approximation even if the true orbit is always circular. The satellite motion is influenced by a resonance effect due to this perturbing force. An inclined true satellite orbit cannot be circular. 相似文献
Ernst A. Roth 《Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy》1970,2(3):369-381
A satellite with a high eccentricitye0.95 is strongly perturbed by the sun and the moon. This fact and mission constraints restrict considerably the possible launch times for such a satellte. The launch window calculations can be performed in two steps in order to save computing time. An approximate analytical solution provides a general survey of the launch opportunities. An accurate numerical approach is then necessary for the exact definition of the launch window. In the case of the orbit of HEOS-1 (satellite 68 10901), moreover the consideration of the injection errors has been of great importance.Presented at the Conference on Celestial Mechanics, Oberwolfach, Germany, August 17–23, 1969. 相似文献
Orbit propagation algorithms for satellite relative motion relying on Runge–Kutta integrators are non-symplectic—a situation that leads to incorrect global behavior and degraded accuracy. Thus, attempts have been made to apply symplectic methods to integrate satellite relative motion. However, so far all these symplectic propagation schemes have not taken into account the effect of atmospheric drag. In this paper, drag-generalized symplectic and variational algorithms for satellite relative orbit propagation are developed in different reference frames, and numerical simulations with and without the effect of atmospheric drag are presented. It is also shown that high-order versions of the newly-developed variational and symplectic propagators are more accurate and are significantly faster than Runge–Kutta-based integrators, even in the presence of atmospheric drag. 相似文献
G. H. Born E. J. Christensen A. J. Ferrari J. F. Jordan S. J. Reinbold 《Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy》1974,9(3):395-414
This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the Mars orbital phase of the Mariner 9 trajectory as determined from Earth based radio data. Both the method and accuracy of the orbit determination process are reviewed. Analysis is presented to show the effects of Mars gravity model and node in the plane of the sky errors on the accuracy of orbit determination. In addition the long term evolution of the orbit from insertion through the first 500 revolutions is presented, and decomposed into effects from the Mars garvity field,n-body perturbations, and solar radiation pressure. Since the orbit period is nearly commensurable with the Mars rotational period, the orbit experiences significant resonance perturbations. The primary perturbation is in-track with a maximum amplitude of 1000 km and a wavelength of 39 spacecraft revolutions.This paper was presented at the AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Conference, Palo Alto, California, September 11 and 12, 1972. At this time Mariner 9 operations were still underway. The operational life of Mariner 9 ended October 27, 1972, when the supply of nitrogen gas, used for attitude stabilization, was depleted. This paper represents one phase of research carried out at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, under NASA Contract No. NAS 7-100. 相似文献
On the basis of the results by Huang et al. (1990), this paper further discusses and analyses the four post-Newtonian effects in a near-Earth satellite orbit: the Schwarzschild solution, the post-Newtonian effects of the geodesic precession, the Lense-Thirring precession and the oblateness of the Earth. A full analytical solution to the effects including their direct perturbations and mixed perturbations due to the Newtonian oblateness (J
2) perturbation and the Schwarzschild solution is obtained using the quasi-mean orbital element method analogous to the Kozai's mean orbital element one. Some perturbation properties of the post-Newtonian effects are revealed. The results obtained not only can provide a sound scientific basis for the precise determination of a man-made satellite orbit but also is suitable for similar mechanics systems, such as the motions of planets, asteroids and natural satellites. 相似文献
《Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics》2006,30(2):203-214
Using the Kalman filter algorithm, we have processed on-board GPS data of Shenzhou 4. The research focuses on three problems, namely, the selection criteria for the model error variance matrix of the Kalman filter, the effects of GPS signal interruption or runs of outliers on the recursive filtering, and the method to monitor the filter running status (normal or divergent). The aim is to evaluate the reliability of long-time stationary running of this algorithm used for on-board autonomous orbit determination 相似文献
A theory is developed for the perturbations to the orbit of a spherically symmetric satellite which accounts for the changes in the perigee and nodal positions and the variations of the Sun-Earth distance and direction over an orbital revolution. The theory is semi-analytical, the equations of motion being integrated with respect to time over the sunlit period of each orbital revolution. Long-periodic and short-periodic perturbations may be treated separately, and this is important for long-term analyses in terms of mean elements where short-period terms are averaged or omitted. 相似文献
A complete analytical dynamic theory for the motion of Nereid has been constructed, accurate to approximately 0.01 arc second over several hundred years. The solution uses the Lie transform approach advanced by Deprit and is consistent with respect to the magnitudes of the disturbing functions, including all perturbations to an accuracy of 10–8 relative to the two-body potential (oblateness and third-body). Multiple short-period variables in the third-body perturbations are related via the ratio of their mean motions, reducing the number of independent variables. Extensive use is made of expansions giving trigonometric functions of the true anomaly as analytical Fourier series in the mean anomaly. Initial constants and mass parameters come from the data obtained during the Voyager II encounter with Neptune in 1989. 相似文献
Bruno Bertotti 《Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy》2001,80(1):21-38
We show that, when a natural satellite like Titan is invisible (e.g., due to an opaque atmosphere) its planetary orbit and its mass can be determined by tracking a spacecraft in close flybys. This is an important problem in the Cassini mission to the Saturnian system, which will be greatly improved by a good astrometric model for all its main components; in particular, an accuracy of a few hundred meters for the orbit of Titan is necessary to allow a measurement of its moment of inertia. The orbit of the spacecraft is the union of elliptical arcs, joined by short hyperbolic transitions: a problem of singular perturbation theory, whose solution leads to a matching condition between the inner hyperbolic orbit and the elliptical orbital elements. Since the inner elements are given in terms of the relative position and velocity of the spacecraft, accurate Doppler measurements in both regions can provide a satisfactory determination of Titan's position and velocity, hence of its Keplerian elements. The errors in this determination are discussed on the basis of the expected Allan deviation of the Doppler method; it is found that the driving errors are those in the elliptical arcs; the fractional errors in Titan's orbital elements are expected to be 10–7. It is also possible to measure the mass of the satellite; however, when the eccentricity e of the flybys is large, the mass and a scaling transformation are highly correlated and the fractional error in the mass is expected to be e times worse. 相似文献
Ronald H. Estes 《Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy》1974,10(3):253-276
The disturbing function of the Moon (Sun) is expanded as a sum of products of two harmonic functions, one depending on the position of the satellite and the other on the position of the Moon (Sun). The harmonic functions depending on the position of the perturbing body are developed into trigonometric series with the ecliptic elementsl, l′, F, D and Γ of the lunar theory which are nearly linear with respect to time. Perturbation of elements are in the form of trigonometric series with the ecliptic lunar elements and the equatorial elements ω and Ω of the satellite so that analytic integration is simple and the results accurate over a long period of time. 相似文献
《Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics》1984,8(2):113-118
A continuous 300-day, world-wide laser-ranging data of the satellite STARLETTE between October 1976 and July 1977 was used to analyse the perturbation of the orbit by ocean tide. The long-period (longer than 20d) perturbations in the orbital inclination by the four main tide components K1, P1, K2, S2 were clearly identifiable in the maximum entropy power spectrum and periodogram. By comparing orbits including and excluding the tidal terms, the effect of the tide on the position of the satellite over 5 days was found to be of the order of one meter. 相似文献