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Samples with eclogitic composition in the system CaO–FeO–Fe2O3–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2 were produced from various kinds of starting materials held in graphite-lined Pt capsules at a pressure of 2.5–3.0 GPa and temperatures of 800–1,300 °C using a piston-cylinder or Belt apparatus. Garnets and clinopyroxenes were characterized by analytical transmission electron microscopy and electron probe micro-analysis (EPMA). Fe3+/ΣFe ratios determined by electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS) decrease in clinopyroxene from 22.2 ± 3.4 % at 800 °C to 13.3 ± 5.4 % at 1,300 °C, while in garnet, they vary between 10.8 ± 1.5 and 15.4 ± 4.7 %, respectively. Temperature estimates according to Krogh (Contrib Mineral Petrol 99:44–48, 1988) reproduce the experimental temperature to ±60 °C without systematic deviations if total iron is used in the calculation. If only the Fe2+ content is used, which was obtained by combining EPMA and EELS results, the experimental temperature is underestimated by 33 °C on average at 800–1,200 °C and overestimated by 77 °C on average at 1,300 °C. These systematic deviations can be explained by the temperature-dependent ratio of Fe2+/ΣFe in garnet divided by that in clinopyroxene. Since the difference between the calculated and experimental temperature is relatively small, a Fe2+-based recalibration of the thermometer appears not to be necessary for the investigated system in the range of pressure, temperature and composition covered by the experiments of this study.  相似文献   

The equilibrium in which hydrous Fe-cordierite breaks down to almandine, sillimanite, quartz, and water was previously experimentally determined by Richardson (1968) and Holdaway and Lee (1977) using QMF buffer and by Weisbrod (1973) using QIF buffer. All these studies yielded similar results — a negative dP/dT slope for the equilibrium curve. However, based on theoretical arguments, Martignole and Sisi (1981), and based on Fe-Mg partitioning experiments on coexisting cordierite and garnet in equilibrium with sillimanite and quartz, Aranovich and Podlesskii (1983) suggested that this equilibrium curve has a positive dP/dT slope and its position depends on the water content of the equilibrium cordierite. We have redetermined this equilibrium using a much improved tecnique of detecting reaction direction, and cordierite starting material that contained virtually no hercynite. Hercynite was present as a contaminant in the cordierites of previous experimental studies and possibly reacted with quartz during the experimental runs to expand the apparent stability field of Fe-cordierite. We synthesized Fe-cordierite from reagent grade oxides at 710°C and 2 kbar (using QMF buffer) with two intermediate stages of grinding and mixing. The cordierite has a unit cell volume of 1574.60 Å3 (molar volume=23.706 J/bar) and no Fe3+ as indicated by X-ray diffraction and room temperature Mössbauer studies respectively. Reaction direction was concluded by noting20% change of the ratios of intensities of two key X-ray diffraction peaks of cordierite and almandine. Our results show that the four-phase equilibrium curve passes through the points 2.1 kbar, 650°C and 2.5 kbar, 750°C. This disagrees with all previous experimental studies. H2O in the Fe-cordierite, equilibrated at 2.2 kbar and 700°C and determined by H-extraction line in the stable isotope laboratory, is 1.13 wt% (n=0.41 moles). H2O content of pure Mg-cordierite equilibrated under identical conditions and determined by thermogravimentric conditions and determined by thermogravimetric analysis is 1.22 wt% (n=0.40). Similar determinations on Fe-cordierite and Mg-cordierite equilibrated at 2.0 kbar and 650°C show 1.27 wt% (n=0.46) and 1.47 wt% (n=0.48) of H2O respectively. Thus, H2O content appears to be independent of Fe/Mg ratio in cordierite, a conclusion which supports previous experimental determinations. The experimentally determined equilibrium curve represents conditions of PH2O=Ptotal. From this we calculated the anhydrous curve representing equilibrium under conditions of X H2O V =0.0. A family of calculated equilibrium curves of constant n H2O Cord cut the experimentally determined curve at a very small angle indicating a slight variation in n H2O Cord in cordierite in equilibrium with almandine, sillimanite, and quartz under the conditions of constant X H2O V . Ancther set of calculated equilibrium curves, each representing constant a H2O V demonstrate that the slopes of the curves vary with X H2O V , and are all positive in the full range of 0.0X H2O V 1.0.  相似文献   

The solubility of water in coexisting enstatite and forsterite was investigated by simultaneously synthesizing the two phases in a series of high pressure and temperature piston cylinder experiments. Experiments were performed at 1.0 and 2.0 GPa at temperatures between 1,100 and 1,420°C. Integrated OH absorbances were determined using polarized infrared spectroscopy on orientated single crystals of each phase. Phase water contents were estimated using the calibration of Libowitzky and Rossman (Am Mineral 82:1111–1115, 1997). Enstatite crystals, synthesized in equilibrium with forsterite and an aqueous phase at 1,350°C and 2.0 GPa, contain 114 ppm H2O. This is reduced to 59 ppm at 1,100°C, under otherwise identical conditions, suggesting a strong temperature dependence. At 1,350°C and 1.0 GPa water solubility in enstatite is 89 ppm, significantly lower than that at 2.0 GPa. In contrast water solubility in forsterite is essentially constant, being in the range 36–41 ppm for all conditions studied. These data give partition coefficients in the range 2.28–3.31 for all experiments at 1,350°C and 1.34 for one experiment at 1,100°C. The incorporation of Al2O3 in enstatite modifies the OH stretching spectrum in a systematic way, and slightly increases the water solubility.  相似文献   

The incorporation of hydrogen in enstatite in a hydrous system containing various amounts of NaCl was investigated at 25 kbar. The hydrogen content in enstatite shows a clear negative correlation to the NaCl-concentration in the system. The most favourable explanation is the reduction of water fugacity due to dilution. Other reasons for the limited hydrogen incorporation at high NaCl levels, such as a significant influence of Na+ on the defect chemistry or an exchange between OH- and Clin enstatite, appear much less important. A partition coefficient D Na En/Fluid = 0.0013 could be determined, demonstrating that Na is less incompatible in enstatite than H. The new results support the idea that dissolved components have to be considered when the total hydrogen storage capacity in nominally anhydrous minerals is estimated, especially in geological settings with high levels of halogens, such as subduction zones.  相似文献   

The polymorphic relations for Mg3(PO4)2 and Mg2PO4OH have been determined by reversed experiments in the temperature-pressure (T-P) range 500–1100 °C, 2–30 kbar. The phase transition between the low-pressure phase farringtonite and Mg3(PO4)2-II, the Mg analogue of sarcopside, is very pressure dependent and was tightly bracketed between 625 °C, 7 kbar and 850 °C, 9 kbar. The high-temperature, high-pressure polymorph, Mg3(PO4)2-III, is stable above 1050 °C at 10 kbar and above 900 °C at 30 kbar. The low-pressure stability of farringtonite is in keeping with its occurrence in meteorites. The presence of iron stabilizes the sarcopside-type phase towards lower P. From the five Mg2PO4OH polymorphs only althausite, holtedahlite, β-Mg2PO4OH (the hydroxyl analogue of wagnerite) and ɛ-Mg2PO4OH were encountered. Relatively speaking, holtedahlite is the low-temperature phase (<600 °C), ɛ-Mg2PO4OH the high-temperature, low-pressure phase and β-Mg2PO4OH the high-temperature, high-pressure phase, with an intervening stability field for althausite which extends from about 3 kbar at 500 °C to about 12 kbar at 800 °C. Althausite and holtedahlite are to be expected in F-free natural systems under most geological conditions; however, wagnerite is the most common Mg-phosphate mineral, implying that fluorine has a major effect in stabilizing the wagnerite structure. Coexisting althausite and holtedahlite from Modum, S. Norway, show that minor fluorine is strongly partitioned into althausite (KD F/OH≈ 4) and that holtedahlite may incorporate up to 4 wt% SiO2. Synthetic phosphoellenbergerite has a composition close to (Mg0.90.1)2Mg12P8O38H8.4. It is a high-pressure phase, which breaks down to Mg2PO4OH + Mg3(PO4)2 + H2O below 8.5 kbar at 650 °C, 22.5 kbar at 900 °C and 30 kbar at 975 °C. The stability field of the phosphate end-member of the ellenbergerite series extends therefore to much lower P and higher T than that of the silicate end-members (stable above 27 kbar and below ca. 725 °C). Thus the Si/P ratio of intermediate members of the series has a great barometric potential, especially in the Si-buffering assemblage with clinochlore + talc + kyanite + rutile + H2O. Application to zoned ellenbergerite crystals included in the Dora-Maira pyrope megablasts, western Alps, reveals that growth zoning is preserved at T as high as 700–725 °C. However, the record of attainment of the highest T and/or of decreasing P through P-rich rims (1 to 2 Si pfu) is only possible in the presence of an additional phosphate phase (OH-bearing or even OH-dominant wagnerite in these rocks), otherwise the trace amounts of P in the system remain sequestered in the core of Si-rich crystals (5 to 8 Si pfu) and can no longer react. Received: 7 April 1995 / Accepted: 12 November 1997  相似文献   

Diamond crystallization has been studied in the SiO2–H2O–С, Mg2SiO4–H2O–С and H2O–С subsystems at 7.5 GPa and 1,600°C. We found that dissolution of initial graphite is followed by spontaneous nucleation of diamond and growth of diamond on seed crystals. In 15-h runs, the degree of graphite to diamond transformation [α = MDm/(MDm + MGr)100, where MDm is mass of obtained diamond and MGr mass of residual graphite] reached 100% in H2O-rich fluids but was only 35–50% in water-saturated silicate melts. In 40-h runs, an abrupt decrease of α has been established at the weight ratio H2O/(H2O + SiO2) ≤ 0.16 or H2O/(H2O + Mg2SiO4) ≤ 0.15. Our results indicate that α is a function of the concentration of water, which controls both the kinetics of diamond nucleation and the intensity of carbon mass transfer in the systems. The most favorable conditions for diamond crystallization in the mantle silicate environment at reliable PT-parameters occur in the fluid phase with low concentration of silicates solute. In H2O-poor silicate melts diamond formation is questionable.  相似文献   

To elaborate physicochemical models for the origin of crystalline rocks, experimental studies of the field of high-alumina assemblages of the system CaO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2 were carried out at 10–30 kbar and 1250–1535 °C. We have determined the phase relations between the melt (L) and An, Sp, Cpx, Cor, and Ga, the slope of the rays of the monovariant reactions An + Sp = Cpx + Cor + (Ga) and L = Cpx +Ga + Cor + Sp, the position of the nonvariant point (An, Sp, Cpx, Cor, Ga, L), and the compositions of phases participating in these reactions. Based on a topological analysis of the studied segment of the system CaO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2, we have substantiated that “eclogitization” must follow the reaction Opx + An + Sp = Cpx + Ga. A fundamental continuous series of eutectic monovariant equilibria was observed: L = Cpx + Opx + Fo + An, L = Cpx + Opx + An + Sp, L = Cpx (+ Ga) + An + Sp, and L = Cpx + Cor (+ Ga) + An. A change in the melt composition in this series of eutectic reactions depending on pressure must reflect the most likely magma genesis trend in nature. Comparision of the composition fields in which the above series of reactions is observed with the composition fields of the rocks of magmatic formations showed that this series is most similar to the alkali-earth series of rocks. The mineralogical compositions of cumulates and phenocrysts found in the effusive and dike varieties of these rocks correspond to unique sets of subsolidus phase associations and individual subsolidus phases crystallizing in this fundamental eutectic series.  相似文献   

The existence of an incomplete solid solution series between loparite (NaLREETi2O6), a member of the perovskite mineral group, and thorutite (ThTi2O6) is established on the basis of experimental and mineralogical data. The products of low- and high-pressure synthesis in the system NaLaTi2O6– ThTi2O6 were studied by energy-dispersive spectrometry, X-ray diffractometry and Rietveld analysis. At atmospheric pressure, Th is incorporated in loparite as both ThTi2O6 and Na2ThTi3O9. In synthetic systems, the maximum determined ThTi2O6 content of loparite is 18 mol%, with a corresponding A-site cation deficiency of 9%. The structure of such loparite is tetragonal and presumably derived from the cubic aristotype by octahedral rotation [I4/mcm, a=5.4652(1) Å, c=7.7476(2) Å]. At a pressure of 6 GPa, no solubility between loparite and ThTi2O6 is observed, and Th is accommodated in the loparite structure entirely as Na2ThTi3O9 (up to 30 mol%). Naturally occurring loparite contains up to 29 mol% ThTi2O6, based on the conventional method of analysis recalculation, or 23.5 mol% ThTi2O6, assuming the presence of protons at the vacant A-sites. ThTi2O6 synthesized by the solid-state reaction, crystallizes with monoclinic symmetry [C2/m, a=9.8140(2) Å, b=3.8228(1) Å, c=7.0313(2) Å,β=118.82(1)°]. Atomic coordinates for ThTi2O6 obtained in this study from X-ray powder data, as well as structural parameters derived from the new data, are in a good agreement with those known from single-crystal refinement. ThTi2O6 does not crystallize at high pressure, and Th is accommodated in perovskite-type compounds and cubic ThO2 that provide a twelve- and eight-fold coordination site for Th, respectively.  相似文献   

We present new equilibrium mixed-volatile (H2O–CO2) solubility data for a phonotephrite from Erebus volcano, Antarctica. H2O–CO2-saturated experiments were conducted at 400–700 MPa, 1,190 °C, and ~NNO + 1 in non-end-loaded piston cylinders. Equilibrium H2O–CO2 fluid compositions were determined using low-temperature vacuum manometry, and the volatile and major element compositions of the glassy run products were determined by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and electron microprobe. Results show that the phonotephrite used in this study will dissolve ~0.8 wt% CO2 at 700 MPa and a fluid composition of $ X_{{{\text{H}}_{ 2} {\text{O}}}} $ ~0.4, in agreement with previous experimental studies on mafic alkaline rocks. Furthermore, the dissolution of CO2 at moderate to high $ X_{{{\text{H}}_{ 2} {\text{O}}}}^{\text{fluid}} $ in our experiments exceeds that predicted using lower-pressure experiments on similar melts from the literature, suggesting a departure from Henrian behavior of volatiles in the melt at pressures above 400 MPa. With these data, we place new constraints on the modeling of Erebus melt inclusion and gas emission data and thus the interpretation of its magma plumbing system and the contributions of primitive magmas to passive and explosive degassing from the Erebus phonolite lava lake.  相似文献   

The neoformation of chlorite and K-white mica in fault rocks from two main faults of the central Catalan Coastal Ranges, the Vallès and the Hospital faults, has allowed us to constrain the P–T conditions during fault evolution using thermodynamic modeling. Crystallization of M1 and M2 muscovite and microcline occured as result of deuteric alteration during the exhumation of the pluton (290 °C > T > 370 °C) in the Permian. After that, three tectonic events have been distinguished. The first tectonic event, attributed to the Mesozoic rifting, is characterized by precipitation of M3 and M4 phengite together with chlorite and calcite C1 at temperatures between 190 and 310 °C. The second tectonic event attributed to the Paleogene compression has only been identified in the Hospital fault with precipitation of low-temperature calcite C2. The shortcut produced during inversion of the Vallès fault was probably the responsible for the lack of neoformed minerals within this fault. Finally, the third tectonic event, which is related to the Neogene extension, is characterized in the Vallès fault by a new generation of chlorite, associated with calcite C4 and laumontite, formed at temperatures between 125 and 190 °C in the absence of K-white mica. Differently, the Hospital fault is characterized by the precipitation of calcite C3 during the syn-rift stage at temperatures around 150 °C and by low-temperature fluids precipitating calcites C5, C6 and PC1 during the post-rift stage. During the two extensional events (Mesozoic and Neogene), faults acted as conduits for hot fluids producing anomalous high geothermal gradients (50 °C/km minimum).  相似文献   


Partitioning of more than 35 elements between coexisting phases in the apatite (Apt)–carbonate (Carb)–H2O system was studied experimentally at P = 0.5 GPa and T = 1200°C for estimation of the efficiency of fluid transport during the formation of carbonatite in platform alkaline intrusions. The interphase partition coefficients of elements (D) range from n × 10–2 to 100 and higher, which provides evidence for their effective fractionation in the system. The following elements were distinguished: (1) Apt-compatible (REE, Y, Th, Cu, and W), which are concentrated in apatite; (2) hydrophile (Na, K, Mg, Ba, S, Mn, Pb, U, W, and Re), which are preferably distributed into fluid or the carbonate melt. The high hydrophilicity of alkali metals controls the alkaline character of postmagmatic fluids and related metasomatic rocks, whereas the high D(Fl/Apt) and D(Fl/LCarb) for S, Zr, W, Re, and U show their high potential in relation to U–W–Re mineralization.


《Ore Geology Reviews》2010,37(4):333-349
Gold mineralization at Jonnagiri, Dharwar Craton, southern India, is hosted in laminated quartz veins within sheared granodiorite that occur with other rock units, typical of Archean greenstone–granite ensembles. The proximal alteration assemblage comprises of muscovite, plagioclase, and chlorite with minor biotite (and carbonate), which is distinctive of low- to mid-greenschist facies. The laminated quartz veins that constitute the inner alteration zone, contain muscovite, chlorite, albite and calcite. Using various calibrations, chlorite compositions in the inner and proximal zones yielded comparable temperature ranges of 263 to 323 °C and 268 to 324 °C, respectively. Gold occurs in the laminated quartz veins both as free-milling native metal and enclosed within sulfides. Fluid inclusion microthermometry and Raman spectroscopy in quartz veins within the sheared granodiorite in the proximal zone and laminated auriferous quartz veins in inner zone reveal the existence of a metamorphogenic aqueous–gaseous (H2O–CO2–CH4 + salt) fluid that underwent phase separation and gave rise to gaseous (CO2–CH4), low saline (~ 5 wt.% NaCl equiv.) aqueous fluids. Quartz veins within the mylonitized granodiorites and the laminated veins show broad similarity in fluid compositions and P–T regime. Although the estimated P–T range (1.39 to 2.57 kbar at 263 to 323 °C) compare well with the published P–T values of other orogenic gold deposits in general, considerable pressure fluctuation characterize gold mineralization at Jonnagiri. Factors such as fluid phase separation and fluid–rock interaction, along with a decrease in f(O2), were collectively responsible for gold precipitation, from an initial low-saline metamorphogenic fluid. Comparison of the Jonnagiri ore fluid with other lode gold deposits in the Dharwar Craton and major granitoid-hosted gold deposits in Australia and Canada confirms that fluids of low saline aqueous–carbonic composition with metamorphic parentage played the most dominant role in the formation of the Archean lode gold systems.  相似文献   

The phase state of fluid in the system H3BO3–NaF–SiO2–H2O was studied at 350–800 °C and 1–2 kbar by the method of synthetic fluid inclusions. The increase in the solubility of quartz and the high reciprocal solubility of H3BO3 and NaF in water fluid at high temperatures are due to the formation of complexes containing B, F, Si, and Na. At 800 °C and 2 kbar, both liquid and gas immiscible phases (viscous silicate-water-salt liquid and three water fluids with different contents of B and F) are dispersed within each other. The Raman spectra of aqueous solutions and viscous liquid show not only a peak of [B(OH)3]0 but also peaks of complexes [B(OH)4], polyborates [B4O5(OH)4]2–, [B3O3(OH)4], and [B5O6(OH)4], and/or fluoroborates [B3F6O3]3–, [BF2(OH)2], [BF3(OH)], and [BF4]. The high viscosity of nonfreezing fluid is due to the polymerization of complexes of polyborates and fluorine-substituted polyborates containing Si and Na. Solutions in fluid inclusions belong to P–Q type complicated by a metastable or stable immiscibility region. Metastable fluid equilibria transform into stable ones owing to the formation of new complexes at 800 ºC and 2 kbar as a result of the interaction of quartz with B-F-containing fluid. At high concentrations of F and B in natural fluids, complexes containing B, F, Si, and alkaline metals and silicate-water-salt dispersed phases might be produced and concentrate many elements, including ore-forming ones. Their transformation into vitreous masses or viscous liquids (gels, jellies) during cooling and the subsequent crystallization of these products at low temperatures (300–400 °C) should lead to the release of fluid enriched in the above elements.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2014,25(2):775-796
The Damara Orogeny is a late Neoproterozoic to Cambrian (ca. 570–480 Ma) intracratonic event that affected the Kaoko Belt, the inland branch of the Damara orogen and the Gariep Belt in Namibia and South Africa. This study focuses on the Pan-African evolution of part of the Kaoko Belt between the Puros shear zone and the Village mylonite zone which consists of Mesoproterozoic migmatitic para- and orthogneisses with minor granulite and amphibolite. Pseudosection modeling combined with thermobarometric calculations indicate that the para- and orthogneisses equilibrated at about 670–800 °C and ca. 0.6–0.8 GPa. Some garnets display a pronounced bell-shaped Ca, HREE, Y and Sr zoning, flat zoning profiles of Mn and Fe and concave upward concentration profiles of Sm and Nd. Pressure–temperature estimates obtained on these garnets reveal similar temperatures of 700–750 °C but slightly higher pressures of ca. 0.9 GPa. The preservation of distinct major and trace element zoning in garnet and the existence of broadly similar (near prograde) Sm–Nd and Lu–Hf garnet–whole rock ages of ca. 525 Ma obtained on the same sample indicate an extremely fast cooling path. Retrograde conditions persisted until ca. 490 Ma indicating a slow, late stage near isobaric cooling path. The resulting clockwise P–T–t path is consistent with crustal thickening through continent–continent collision followed by post-collisional extension and suggests that the upper amphibolite to granulite facies terrain of the central Kaoko Belt formed initially in a metamorphic field gradient of ca. 25–35 °C km 1 at moderately high pressures.  相似文献   

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