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This paper is devoted to study spherically symmetric shearfree charged gravitational collapse with radial heat flux and isotropic pressure. For the matching of the interior spacetime, we take Vaidya-Reissner-Nordström metric outside the spherical system. We solve the field equations numerically by taking ansatz on the metric functions and using Darmois junction conditions. The behavior of density, pressure, radial heat flux, luminosity and the mass function is analyzed. Finally, we check validity of the energy conditions through plots.  相似文献   

Considering Bianchi type-I metric, cosmological models of a perfect fluid with an electromagnetic field have been obtained, using a supplementary condition between the metric potentials. The four-current is either zero or space-like. The model has expanding and shearing but non-rotating fluid flow which is also geodetic. The requirement of positive conductivity imposes an additional restriction on the model. Various physical and mathematical properties of the model have been discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of an external magnetic field on an infinite gravitating cylinder is studied for axisymmetric perturbations. It is found that there is a destabilisation of the system due to the external field at very high values of the pitch of the field.  相似文献   

In this work, we have investigated the outcome of gravitational collapse in Husain space-time in the presence of electro-magnetic and a scalar field with potential. In order to study the nature of the singularity, global behavior of radial null geodesics have been taken into account. The nature of singularities formed has been thoroughly studied for all possible variations of the parameters. These choices of parameters has been presented in tabular form in various dimensions. It is seen that irrespective of whatever values of the parameters chosen, the collapse always results in a naked singularity in all dimensions. There is less possibility of formation of a black hole. Hence this work is a significant counterexample of the cosmic censorship hypothesis.  相似文献   

We have studied a new solution of charged gravastars with isotropic matter configuration in the framework of f(R, T) theory of gravity. For this purpose, we have assumed the electric charge as a constant. This stellar structure divided into three different regions: The preliminary part shows the interior charged region in which pressure equals to the negative density, second is the intermediate charged shell which is assumed to be very thin and filled with ultrarelativistic stiff fluid and the last corresponds to the electrovacuum region which is defined by an exterior Reissner-Nordström solution. Under these assumptions, we have found some physical aspects like length, energy, entropy and equation of state for charged spherical gravastar distribution. Moreover, we present an exact solution that free from event horizon and non-singular for this our new model.  相似文献   

The effect of a helical magnetic field on the stability of an infinitely conducting, inviscid, incompressible and infinitely long self-gravitating cylinder is studied for axisymmetric perturbations. The effect of helicity is also examined.  相似文献   

Vil'nius Pedagogical Institute. Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 389–396, September–October, 1989.  相似文献   

The equations of hydromagnetics for a self-gravitating fluid of infinite conductivity are examined in the axisymmetric case in terms of toroidal and poloidal scalars. The stationary state with non-zero poloidal velocity scalar admits and analytical solution for polytropic cylinder of infinite length with a prevalent toroidal magnetic field. The case when the poloidal velocity scalar is zero is also considered.  相似文献   

This investigation offers an expansion of mutual potential between two gravitating bodies of finite size in a power series of the relative coordinates of their centres of mass; the coefficients of this power series are dependent upon the generalised products of inertia of the individual bodies which are easily computable in comparison with the similar coefficients of the conventional harmonic expansion. Our coefficients require partial derivatives of different orders of the reciprocal of the distance between the two centres of mass which also can be computed easily from the recurrence relations derived in this work. Computed results pertaining to the derivatives up to seven orders are included in a table, while our Fortran program has the capability to carry out such computations to any order. The method has been derived without assuming any approximation and is valid universally without loss of any generality.Geological Survey of Canada Contribution No. 28087.  相似文献   

If a magnetic field is frozen into a plasma that undergoes spherical compression, then the magnetic field B varies with the plasma density ρ according to   B ∝ρ2/3  . In the gravitational collapse of cosmological density perturbations, however, quasi-spherical evolution is very unlikely. In anisotropic collapses the magnetic field can be a much steeper function of gas density than in the isotropic case. We investigate the distribution of amplifications in realistic gravitational collapses from Gaussian initial fluctuations using the Zel'dovich approximation. Representing our results using a relation of the form   B ∝ρα  , we show that the median value of α can be much larger than the value  α= 2/3  resulting from spherical collapse, even if there is no initial correlation between magnetic field and principal collapse directions. These analytic arguments go some way towards understanding the results of numerical simulations.  相似文献   

Observation of the adiabatic behaviour of energetic particle pitch-angle distributions in the magnetosphere (Lyons, 1977, and others) in the past indicated the development of pronounced minima or drift-loss cones on the pitch-angle distributions centred at 90° in connection with storm-time changes in magnetospheric convection and magnetic field. Using a model of a drift-modified loss-cone distribution (MLCD) of the butterfly type, the linear stability of electromagnetic whistler or ion-cyclotron waves propagating parallel to the magnetic field has been investigated. The instability is shown to be quenched at high frequencies < m =A/(A+1), whereA is the thermal anisotropy. This quenching becomes stronger the higher are the respective parallel hot particle thermal velocityA h and cold plasma densityn c . Particles around pitch-angles 90° are identified as generating electromagnetic cyclotron waves near the marginally stable frequency m . It is concluded that the absence of electromagnetic VLF and ELF noise during times when MLCD develops is the result of the shift of the unstable spectrum to low frequencies.  相似文献   

The topological structure of the toroidal magnetic field, which is affected by a dipole magnetic field, is studied. It is shown, that a dipole magnetic field is able to split the initial toroidal configuration into two toroids and, at a certain critical value of the magnetic dipole, can completely destroy the toroidal configuration. The dependence of the total mass excess on the dipole magnetic field is found.  相似文献   

It is shown that, for the scalar-tensor cosmology (STC) by Jordan-Brans-Dicke (JBD), in general anisotropic solution the oscillatory mixmaster regime near the singularity will be destroyed by the scalar source-free field and replaced by monotonousV 3-collapse into the point or into the line and plane (only in caseG0) even in the presence of the primordial source-free electromagnetic (EM) field.  相似文献   

The field-to-particle method of H. P. Robertson as applied by Noonan, in order to obtain the general relativistic equations describing the trajectory of a photon in a refractive medium, is compared with Synge’s general relativistic Hamiltonian theory of waves and rays. For a photon in vacuum it is known that both approaches yield the same equation for the trajectory, i.e., a null geodesic. However for a photon in a medium, in contradistinction to the Hamiltonian theory, the field-to-particle method (a) yields equations of the photon trajectory valid only in a nondispersive medium, (b) the time component u0 of the tangent to the ray remains an undetermined quantity, (c) agreement with the Hamiltonian theory is achieved by substituting into Noonan’s equations the Hamiltonian expression for u 0. Published in Astrofizika, Vol. 42, No. 3, pp. 449–455, July–September, 1999.  相似文献   

The effect of rotation on the stability of an idealised gravitating cylinder is studied. It is seen that the range of unstable modes is increased with increasing angular velocities.  相似文献   

The problem of electromagnetic field interacting with viscous fluid without and with zero-mass scalar field has been studied. It has been shown that electromagnetic field cannot interact with viscous fluid for spherically-symmetric Robertson-Walker metric. Exact solutions corresponding to the problem of electromagnetic field interactions in presence of viscous fluid and zero-mass scalar field have been obtained subject to various physical conditions. It presents a scope for the study of imperfect fluid FRW models showing the existence of the electromagnetic field due to the presence of zero-mass scalar field.  相似文献   

In the framework of unifying gravity and electromagnetism, we have shown that accelerating objects emit gravitational wave as those determined by Larmor formula for the accelerating charged particle. We have found new formulae for the power of Gravitational waves radiated by spinning and orbiting objects. The minimum wavelength of the gravitational wave emitted by an object of mass m and radius R is .  相似文献   

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