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Carbon dioxide is one of the first gases to escape the magmatic environment due to its low solubility in basaltic magmas at low pressures. The exsolved CO2 gas migrates towards the surface through rock fractures and high permeability paths. If an aquifer is located between the magmatic environment and the surface, a fraction of the CO2 emitted is dissolved in the aquifer. In this paper, an estimation of the water mass balance and the CO2 budget in Las Cañadas aquifer, Tenerife, Canary Islands, is presented. Magmatic CO2 is transported by groundwater and discharged through man-made sub-horizontal drains or galleries that exist in this island, and by the flow of groundwater discharged laterally towards other aquifers or to the ocean. In addition, the pCO2 at the gallery mouth (or entrance) and at the gallery bottom (internal and deepest discharge point where the gallery starts) are calculated and mapped. The total CO2 advectively transported by groundwater is estimated to range from 143 to 211 t CO2 d?1. Considering that the diffuse soil emission of CO2 for the same area is 437 t d?1, the diffuse/dissolved CO2 flux ratio varies between 2 and 3. The high dissolved inorganic carbon content of groundwater explains the ability of this low temperature hydrothermal water to dissolve and transfer magmatic CO2 at volcanoes, even during quiescence periods.  相似文献   

During rheomorphism subsequent to fallout deposition, a portion of the densely welded fallout of the La Grieta Member flowed back into the vent from where it was erupted, while the rest of it flowed down the outer slopes of the Las Cañadas caldera in Tenerife. The welded fallout and conduit-vent structure are physically connected and constitute a rare example of this type of deposits rooted to its feeder conduit and exposed in the caldera wall. The lower part of the vent-filling rheomorphic rocks shows gas bubbles and cavities that increase in size (up to 4 m) down vent. Bubbles are deformed against other bubbles, against the steep vent walls, flattened parallel to the flow foliation planes, and elongated parallel to the flow lineation and flow fold axes. The preservation of such giant bubbles, rather than their formation, seems to be a pretty unique feature of the phonolitic products investigated here and it is likely the result of the combination of factors that acted to preserve, in the surrounding of the glass transition interval, the sealing and the late stage cooling of a pressurized system. In addition, strain drop at the base of the vent-filling rheomorphic flow caused by flow stopping against vertical vent walls may have promoted rapid gas exsolution and the formation of large bubbles.  相似文献   

Continuous seismic noise is recorded in the volcanic island of Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain). The origin of this noise, strongly augmented by anthropogenic contamination, is still under debate. In this paper, we discuss the relationship between this noise and the occurrence of local tectonic events in the same area. In particular, transitions are sought in the time evolution of dynamic parameters computed on the seismic noise, and examples are shown where abrupt transitions may be associated with the occurrence of tectonic events. These transitions provide further evidence of the existence of a natural origin for at least part of the seismic noise, which is strongly contaminated—if not dominated—by anthropogenic sources.  相似文献   

Continuous monitoring of ground deformation in the volcanic island of Tenerife, Canary Islands, is based on GPS networks, since there are as yet no tiltmeter stations installed on the island. However, there is a world-class astronomical observatory on the island, the El Teide Observatory, where four tiltmeters, two aligned in the North-South and the other two in the East-West, are monitoring the movements of the solar telescope THEMIS. THEMIS (Heliographic Telescope for the Study of Solar Magnetism and Instabilites) is among the three largest solar telescopes in the world. Since THEMIS is located a few kilometers from the main volcanic structures of the island, in particular the El Teide-Pico Viejo stratovolcano, and the precision of the inclinometers is comparable to those used in geophysical studies, we carried out the analysis of the tilt measurements for the period 1997–2006. The tiltmeters at THEMIS are placed in the seventh floor of a tower, hence their sensitivity to geological processes is reduced compared to geophysical installations. However, THEMIS measurements are the only terrestrial data available in Tenerife for such a long period of observations, which include the sustained increase in seismic activity that started in 2001. In this sense, a significant change was found in the East-West tilt of approximately 35 μ-radians between the years 2000 and 2002. Some theoretical models were calculated and it was concluded that such tilt variation could not be due to dike intrusions, nor a volcanic reactivation below the El Teide-Pico Viejo volcano. The most likely explanation comes from dislocations produced by a secondary fault associated to a major submarine fault off the eastern coast of Tenerife. In any case, taking into account the nearly permanent data recording at THEMIS, they could be considered as a complement for any ground deformation monitoring system in the island.  相似文献   

Since the onset of their eruptive activity within the Cañadas caldera, about 180 ka ago, Teide–Pico Viejo stratovolcanoes have mainly produced lava flow eruptions of basaltic to phonoltic magmas. The products from these eruptions partially fill the caldera, and the adjacent Icod and La Orotava valleys, to the north. Although less frequent, explosive eruptions have also occurred at these composite volcanoes. In order to assess the possible evolution Teide–Pico Viejo stratovolcanoes and their potential for future explosive activity, we have analysed their recent volcanic history, assuming that similar episodes have the highest probability of occurrence in the near future. Explosive activity during the last 35000 years has been associated with the eruption of both, mafic (basalts, tephro–phonolites) and felsic (phono–tephrites and phonolites) magmas and has included strombolian, violent strombolian and sub-plinian magmatic eruptions, as well as phreatomagmatic eruptions of mafic magmas. Explosive eruptions have occurred both from central and flank vents, ranging in size from 0.001 to 0.1 km3 for the mafic eruptions and from 0.01 to < 1 km3 for the phonolitic ones. Comparison of the Teide–Pico Viejo stratovolcanoes with the previous cycles of activity from the central complex reveals that all them follow a similar pattern in the petrological evolution but that there is a significant difference in the eruptive behaviour of these different periods of central volcanism on Tenerife. Pre-Teide central activity is mostly characterised by large-volume (1–> 20 km3, DRE) eruptions of phonolitic magmas while Teide–Pico Viejo is dominated by effusive eruptions. These differences can be explained in terms of the different degree of evolution of Teide–Pico Viejo compared to the preceding cycles and, consequently, in the different pre-eruptive conditions of the corresponding phonolitic magmas. A clear interaction between the basaltic and phonolitic systems is observed from the products of phonolitic eruptions, indicating that basaltic magmatism is the driving force of the phonolitic eruptive activity. The magmatic evolution of Teide–Pico Viejo stratovolcanoes will continue in the future with a probably tendency to produce a major volume of phonolitic magmas, with an increasing explosive potential. Therefore, the explosive potential of Teide–Pico Viejo cannot be neglected and should be considered in hazard assessment on Tenerife.  相似文献   

The Quaternary Diego Hernandez Formation consists of interbedded phonolitic pyroclastics and basanite lavas and scoria beds. Most of the phonolites are mingled-magma units that contain a minor mafic component. The phonolites fall into two stratigraphically bounded groups, based on major and trace element abundances. Nb contents are especially distinctive, due to a varying role for titanite during petrogenesis. Nepheline syenite xenoliths, which are plentiful in some of the phonolitic ignimbrites, fall into the same two compositional groupings but are typically more strongly differentiated. Major and trace element variations during evolution of the phonolites can be modelled by fractional crystallization, by melting of syenite, or by some combination of the two such as AFC. Trace element variations among the basanites require the addition of a highly fractionated felsic component, either phonolitic magma or nepheline syenite. δ18O values of phonolites vary across twice the range of the basanites, inconsistent with an origin by pure fractional crystallization of a basanitic parent. We conclude that recycling of differentiated rocks within the Tenerife island edifice has played a significant role in Quaternary magmatism on Tenerife.  相似文献   

Recent studies on Teide–Pico Viejo (TPV) complex have revealed that explosive activity of phonolitic and basaltic magmas, including plinian and subplinian eruptions, and the generation of a wide range of pyroclastic density currents (PDCs) have also been significant. We perform a statistical analysis of the time series of past eruptions and the spatial extent of their erupted products, including lava flows, fallout and PDCs. We use an extreme value theory statistical method to calculate eruption recurrence. The analysis of past activity and extent of some well-identified deposits is used to calculate the eruption recurrence probabilities of various sizes and for different time periods. With this information, we compute several significant scenarios using the GIS-based VORIS 2 software (Felpeto et al., J Volcanol Geotherm Res 166:106–116, 2007) in order to evaluate the potential extent of the main eruption hazards that could be expected from TPV. The simulated hazard scenarios show that the southern flank of Tenerife is protected by Las Cañadas caldera wall against lava flows and pyroclastic density currents, but not against ash fallout. The Icod Valley, and to a minor extent also the La Orotava valley, is directly exposed to most of TPV hazards, in particular to the gravity driven flows. This study represents a step forward in the evaluation of volcanic hazard at TPV with regard to previous studies, and the results obtained should be useful for intermediate and long-term land-use and emergency planning.  相似文献   

We review the results of the geodetic and structural studies carried out on La Palma Island using geodetic and geophysical data during the period 1992–2007. InSAR and GPS observation techniques were applied to study the existence of deformation on the island and gravity observations were carried out for structural studies. Gravity data were inverted using a nonlinear three-dimensional gravity inversion approach to obtain the geometry of the anomalous bodies constructed in a random growth process with respect to an exponentially stratified background. The main structural feature is a large central body (under the Caldera de Taburiente) with high density, which was interpreted as the Pliocene-age uplifted seamount and a relatively dense intrusive plutonic complex/magma body. The Cumbre Vieja series is characterized by elongated minima distributed according to the rift structure. InSAR results show a clear subsidence located on the Teneguía volcano, where the last eruption took place in 1971. A thermal source is the most probable origin for this deformation. A GPS network composed of 26 stations covering the total island surface was set up. Vertical displacements determined comparing the GPS coordinates obtained in 2007 with coordinates determined in 1994 are consistent with the InSAR results obtained in the southern part of the island. This is not the case for the northern part. From the comparison of 2006 and 2007 coordinates it is clear that more time is needed to obtain significant displacements, but observed trends are also consistent with InSAR results. All the observed significant displacements are in stations located outside of the large high-density central body.  相似文献   

The present work reports the results of 15 studies of diffuse CO2 degassing performed at Teide Volcano crater (Canary Island, Spain) and the chemical and isotopic compositions of fluids discharged from a fumarolic field located at the top of the volcano as measured between 1991 and 2010. A higher contribution of magmatic gases accompanied by enhanced total diffuse CO2 emissions were observed in relation with a seismic crisis that occurred in Tenerife Island between 2001 and 2005, with the main peak of seismic activity between April and June 2004. A significant pulse in total diffuse CO2 emission was observed at the crater of Teide (up to 26.3?t day?1) in 2001. In December 2003, the chemical composition of the Teide fumarole changed significantly, including the appearance of SO2, an increase in the HCl and CO concentrations and in the C2H6/C2H4 and C3H8/C3H6 ratios, and a decrease in the H2S, CH4, and C6H6 concentrations and in the gas/steam ratio. A few months after a drastic decrease in seismic activity, the SO2, HCl, and CO concentrations and the C2H6/C2H4 and C3H8/C3H6 ratios strongly decreased, whereas the CH4 and C6H6 concentrations and the gas/steam ratios increased. According to the trends shown by both the geochemical parameters and the seismic signals late in the observation period, the risk of a rejuvenation of volcanic activity at Teide is considered to be low. The associated temporal changes in seismic activity and magmatic degassing indicate that geophysical and fluid geochemistry signals in this system are related. Future monitoring programs aimed at mitigating volcanic hazard on Tenerife Island should involve coupled geophysical and geochemical studies.  相似文献   

This article identifies the Pucarilla–Cerro Tipillas Volcanic Complex and its major eruptive source, the Luingo caldera (26° 10′S–66° 40′W). Detailed geological mapping, stratigraphic sections, facies analysis and correlations, including the identification of typical caldera components, allow us to infer the position of a collapse caldera, elongated at N65° and with a diameter of 19 km × 13 km, which is responsible for an eruption of 135 km3 (DRE) of magma. The high-crystal contents of the associated ignimbrites, combined with its tectonic setting, indicate that regional and local tectonic structures played a crucial role in the formation of the caldera.  相似文献   

The Qiantang Basin is now one of the topics of general interest in petroleum exploration in China. This paper reports a comprehensive study of geophysical and geological survey data recently obtained in this area and, combined with INDEPTH-3 deep survey results, comes to the following conclusions: 1) The hydrocarbon source formations, reservoirs, and overlying strata and their association within the basin are quite good, local structures are developed, and, therefore, the region is favorable for forming and preserving oil and gas accumulations. Faults are not a fatal problem. The future main target strata are the middle-deep structural strata composed of Upper-Triassic and middle Jurassic rocks; 2) A new classification has been made for second-order tectonic sequences inside the basin to disavow the central Qingtang uplift. It is noted that the main structures at the surface are orientated NW-SE and the crustal structure can be described as three depressions, three risees, and one deep depression, of which the prospective zone with the most potential is the inner main subsided belt and its two sides; 3) Comparatively intensive interaction between the crust and mantle and volcanic and thermal activities in the northern basin play a very important role in petroleum evaluation. The southern deeper sedimentation and less thermal activity make this area a more perfect zone for oil exploration; 4) Currently, the most important objective is determining the physical properties of the deep strata, the status of oil and gas accumulations, the source of the hydrocarbons, and the relationship between the upper and lower structures; and 5) The Lunpola Tertiary basin may be favorable for oil accumulations because petroleum may migrate from marine strata on two sides.  相似文献   

Soft-sediment structures are key to defining seismites. Two soft-sediment deformation horizons, bounded by undeformed carbonate strata, have been found in the Wumishan Formation in the Jumahe region, 175 km southwest of Beijing. One is in the lowest part of Wumishan Formation; and the other is in the uppermost part of Litho-member I. The soft-sediment structures in these two horizons fall into three categories: mould-and-sag structures, hydraulic shatterings and liquefaction dikes. The mould-and-sag structures are divided into two types: one developed in tidal-flat sediments, accompa-nied by many liquefaction-related structures and characterized by autochthonous post-earthquake sediments in sags, and the other type developed in deep-water environments, is not associated with liquefaction structures, and is overlain immediately by seismogenic tsunamites. The hydraulic shat-terings are composed of pockets of fluidization conglomerate, sand intrusions, and syndepositional faults. The liquefaction dikes fall into two categories: hydraulic-fracturing dikes and lateral-spreading dikes. The former are steep, planar, and pinch out upwards. The latter are snake-like and characterized by no diapir-related drag structures in surrounding rocks. Examination of the attitudes and strati-graphic positions of these structures suggests that these soft-sediment structures are seismogenic, and consequently, are seismites. Most seismites in the Wumishan Formation are developed near the former western, margin fault of Yanliao rift. This occurrence suggests that they could be related to movements on this fault. Other geological implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The Nanling Mountain is an important Mesozoic orogenic belt in the south of China, its E-W-trending granites and adjacent sedimentary basins form a dis-tinctive basin-mountain landform. The Nanxiong basin and the Zhuguang granite, both located in the northern Nanling belt, make up a typical basin-mountain sys-tem. Since the 1970s, a systematical research on gran-ites and their deposit ores was carried out, from that the two main viewpoints were proposed[1—5], including (1) the polyphase gr…  相似文献   

We report on numerical experiments to test the sensitivity of Lagrangian coherent structures (LCSs), found by identifying ridges of the finite-time Lyapunov exponent (FTLE), to errors in two systems representing the California Current System (CCS). First, we consider a synthetic mesoscale eddy field generated from Fourier filtering satellite altimetry observations of the CCS. Second, we consider the full observational satellite altimetry field in the same region. LCS are found to be relatively insensitive to both sparse spatial and temporal resolution and to the velocity field interpolation method. Strongly attracting and repelling LCS are robust to perturbations of the velocity field of over 20% of the maximum regional velocity. Contours of the Okubo–Weiss (OW) parameter are found to be consistent with LCS in large mature eddies in the unperturbed systems. The OW parameter is unable to identify eddies at the uncertainty level expected for altimetry observations of the CCS. At this expected error level, the FTLE method is reliable for locating boundaries of large eddies and strong jets. Small LCS features such as lobes are not well resolved even at low error levels, suggesting that reliable determination of lobe dynamics from altimetry will be problematic.  相似文献   


The response of monthly 7-day low flow, monthly instantaneous peak flow, and monthly frequency of flood events to El Niño and La Niña episodes is investigated for 18 rivers that represent a diverse range of climatic types throughout New Zealand. A significant positive or negative deviation from the long-term average was observed in over half the possible combinations of river, streamflow index, and type of ENSO episode; significant deviations were most frequent in the case of low flow, especially during La Niña episodes. Patterns of streamflow response differ widely between rivers, and the response of a given river to individual ENSO episodes is very variable. The patterns of streamflow response to ENSO are consistent to some extent with the climatic effects of ENSO already identified by meteorologists. Two core regions can be defined in which streamflow tends to respond in the same way. These are in the northeast of the North Island, and in the axial ranges of the South Island, where there are significant effects of ENSO on the frequency and duration of rain-bearing northeasterly and westerly winds respectively. The patterns of response strongly reflect topography, and the exposure of catchments to predominant air masses.  相似文献   

210Po and 210Pb in mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) and sediment samples collected at Candarl? Gulf during the period of 2010–2012 are presented and discussed. The activity concentrations of 210Po and 210Pb were measured by means of alpha spectrometry. Activity concentrations of 210Po and 210Pb in mussels are in the ranged of 332 ± 17–776 ± 23 Bq kg−1 dw and 14 ± 1–40 ± 5 Bq kg−1 dw, for sediments the ranges for 52 ± 5–109 ± 8 Bq kg−1 dw and 38 ± 5–92 ± 9 Bq kg−1 dw, respectively. The estimated consequent annual effective ingestion dose due to 210Po and 210Pb from mussel consumption in Candarl? Gulf coastal region were calculated. The highest dose due to 210Po and 210Po were calculated to be 4232 ± 126 μSv and 126 ± 16 μSv, respectively.  相似文献   

The dual geochemical character of paragenesis and fractionation between gold, arsenic and antimony in micro-disseminated gold deposits in southwestern Guizhou is discussed in terms of spatial distribution of independent deposits, lateral and vertical enrichment, mineralization stage and factor and correlation analyses. Thermodynamic calculations of solubility and speciation of gold and antimony minerals indicate that gold is transported in hydrothermal solution as Au(HS)- 2 and antimony is mainly as Sb (OH) 3 0 although HSb2S4 may be of increasing importance in acid environment at low temperatures during the late stage of mineralization. Changes in physicochemical conditions hold the key to the association and fractionation between gold and antimony. Gold and antimony response differently to physicochemical variations because they are distinct from each other in soluble speciation and mineral solubility, leading to precipitation at different times and localities during hydrothermal evolution.  相似文献   

Introduction Zhangjiakou-Bohai seismic zone is a major active seismic zone that passes through the north-ern part of North China. Zhangjiakou-Beijing area, the northwest part of North China, is located at the intersection position of Yanshan, Taihangshan uplift, and Shanxi down-faulted zone, and the geological structures in this area are extremely complicated. Many researchers in the geoscience circle always pay close attention to this region because Yanqing-Huailai region is located in th…  相似文献   

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