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This paper describes the development of a fast diagrammatic method to determine the geometric part of a ship's stability lever, the MS. Additionally, diagrams are given of the contribution to the stability of erections: deck houses and superstructures. The methods are intended for use in the design work.  相似文献   

This paper deals with stability investigations of forced nonlinear rolling motion of a ship with a flooded compartment. The mathematical stability analysis has been realized in the sense of Eventual Stability. Two stability regions have been constructed through two Lyapunov functions generated by using Variable Gradient Method and the method of Puri. Having obtained stability conditions for the governing equations of the motion, dissipativeness of the motion, and maximum rolling angles have been obtained by using a theorem given by Bibikov and Sanovskii (1971).  相似文献   

In this paper the “total (practical) stability” concept is introduced to nonlinear forced rolling motion of a ship. This is achieved by employing “boundedness” and “Lyapunov's function” approach. In this respect two new theorems are proved and conditions and domain of Practical Stability are evaluated. The Paper also contains a critical review of the present status of international intact ship stability regulations. A qualitative discussion of oscillatory rolling motion and the capsizing phenomena is presented.  相似文献   

Seakeeping qualities are one of the most important aspects for passenger ships, since a collateral effect of seakeeping, the seasickness, can avoid the use of ships and ferries among passengers who can choose a different way of transport. Therefore, it is important for ship designers and ship owners to predict and evaluate the seasickness effects at the design stage.In this paper, a review of the seasickness causes and effects is made, and a mathematical model that includes several human factors is proposed. This model is applicable especially in big passenger ships where different kind of spaces or activities for the passengers can be found inside the ship.The way to present the large amount of information obtained in seakeeping calculations is important, and it is useful to detect the most conflictive parts of the ship's general arrangement. Calculations for an example ferry are presented.  相似文献   

This paper is an attempt to contribute to the improvement of an analysis model within overall structural synthesis procedure for the multi-deck ships. The paper is organized in two parts: modeling principles and model validation. Principles of the proposed generic model formulation on the global and sub-structure levels are given in detail while the load model is briefly summarized. The basic building blocks (macro-elements and gross-elements) for the modeling of ordinary stiffened panels, combining numerical and analytical approaches, are presented and discussed w.r.t. requirements for a multi-deck structure. Different surrogates (sets of elements and ordinary macro-elements) used for equivalent modeling of large side openings are evaluated, since the reduced shear stiffness of superstructure sides has large influence on the hull girder stress distributions along the entire cross section height. The generic ship models developed using outlined principles and the basic building blocks are further validated through complex examples of a large cruise ship and a livestock carrier. On the global level, the accuracy of the generic model w.r.t. the longitudinal stress distribution over ships height is compared with a standard full ship FE model. The results confirmed that the suggested structural modeling principles, based on the generic FE model can be applied for the fast investigation of different structural topological/geometrical concepts as well as for the ordinary scantling/material optimization.  相似文献   

The present paper describes an investigation on parametric resonance in head seas in which a new third-order coupled mathematical model is considered. The restored modes of heave, roll and pitch are contemplated. The discussion is illustrated for the case of a transom stern fishing vessel at different speeds. It is pointed out that numerical simulations employing the new model are successfully compared to experimental results previously obtained for the vessel.Considering that analyticity is an important tool when handling complex stability issues, some theoretical dynamic characteristics of the equations are discussed. By means of the analysis of the coupled linear variational equation derived from an extended third-order model, the appearance of super-harmonics and increased rigidity proportional to wave amplitude squared due to third-order terms is demonstrated.In the present paper, an important tool is explored, that is the analysis of the limits of stability obtained from the new model. Limits of stability are a well-known and practical way of looking into the problem of parametric resonance. New limits of stability are derived and compared to the more conventional Strut diagram. Dynamic characteristics associated with the new limits of stability are discussed. The influence of different parameters is investigated, including vessel speed, damping and tuning. Consistent and revealing results are obtained through the analysis of the new limits of stability for different speeds and damping.  相似文献   

刘广发  林均民  林枫 《海洋科学》2006,30(11):23-27
以羟基磷灰石柱层析法从小珊瑚藻(Corallinapilulifera)中提取出藻红蛋白,其纯度可达A565/A280大于3,得率为0.173g/kg。该藻红蛋白在498nm和565nm处有两处荧光激发峰,为双峰型。荧光发射光谱检测表明藻红蛋白在pH5.0~10.0溶液中具有较高的稳定性,其中以pH6.0和pH10.0的稳定性最高。该藻红蛋白对光照敏感,光照度800lx照射17h后荧光基本消失。对氧化剂(H2O2)敏感,在9℃以0.1%的H2O2处理24h,荧光基本消失。藻红蛋白不耐高温,80℃处理0.5h,导致蛋白液褪色,荧光消失。  相似文献   

蓝隐藻藻蓝蛋白结构与功能稳定性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李文军  陈敏 《海洋科学》2013,37(7):33-40
以蓝隐藻(Chroomonas placiodea)藻蓝蛋白 PC-645为材料,通过改变环境 pH 和尿素质量浓度,监测其变性和复性过程中特征荧光谱和吸收谱的动力学变化,以期了解隐藻藻蓝蛋白的色基和蛋白结构稳定性及其与功能的关系。结果表明, PC-645在很宽的 pH 范围和一定质量浓度的尿素中维持结构和功能的稳定,空间结构具有很强的柔性。pH诱导的 PC-645蛋白构象与功能变化可分为3个不同的区段。(1)稳定区(pH 3.5~7):吸收和荧光光谱都比较稳定,显示蛋白质构象和功能在此区域都保持正常。(2)次稳定区(pH 7~10):光吸收依然保持平稳,亚基内部的色基的状态和疏水微环境都没有改变,但荧光传递效率降低,可能是由亚基表面局部构象变化、解离(四级结构变化)或者色素基团间的空间距离变化引起。(3)不稳定区(pH<3.5和 pH>10),吸光度和荧光强度都呈快速下降,色基在近紫外和可见光区的吸收峰位变动,蛋白构象处于快速崩溃期。PC-645在酸性条件下的稳定性高于在碱性环境下,是与隐藻藻蓝蛋白所处的特殊环境及生理功能相适应的。  相似文献   

This paper reports that vibrational spectroscopic analysis on hydrogen-bonding between acetone and water comprises both experimental Raman spectra and ab initio calculations on structures of various acetone/water complexes with changing water concentrations. The optimised geometries and wavenumbers of the neat acetone molecule and its complexes are calculated by using ab initio method at the MP2 level with 6-311+G(d,p) basis set. Changes in wavenumber position and linewidth (fullwidth at half maximum) have been explained for neat as well as binary mixtures with different mole fractions of the reference system, acetone, in terms of intermolecular hydrogen bonding. The combination of experimental Raman data with ab initio calculation leads to a better knowledge of the concentration dependent changes in the spectral features in terms of hydrogen bonding.  相似文献   

以紫蛇尾(Ophiopholis mirabilis)皂苷溶液吸光度为指标,采用单因素实验法考察乙醇体积分数、料液比、提取时间、提取次数、提取温度等因素对紫蛇尾皂苷提取效果的影响,通过正交实验确定最佳工艺条件。结果表明,紫蛇尾皂苷的最佳提取工艺为60℃水浴,料液比1:40(W/V),每次3 h,提取4次。按照最佳工艺条件所得蛇尾皂苷平均产率为1.77‰,表明此最佳工艺可用于紫蛇尾皂苷的制备。  相似文献   

The paper presents an approach to investigate the effects of some parameters on seakeeping assessment of fast ships in conceptual design stage. Hull form parameters have been classified into two groups: main dimensions (L, B and T) and secondary form parameters (LCB and CP). To demonstrate the approach a fast ship is redesigned as parent hull and alternative hull forms are generated by changing these parameters systematically. Some hull forms are selected related the geometric limits and seakeeping analyzes are here investigated and discussed. The obtained results are satisfactory for seakeeping predictions during the conceptual design stage.  相似文献   

Ultrastructurestudyofthediatom──Ⅱ.Synedra,Cyclophora,Plagiogramma,Opephora,FragilariaandPseudostaurosira¥LiuShicheng(Received...  相似文献   

在渔业资源调查中,采样方案直接影响资源量估算的准确性,对采样方案进行优化可以提高调查数据的质量。基于2007年使用单拖网渔船在长江口——杭州湾及其邻近海域调查获得的数据,模拟出该海域三疣梭子蟹的资源数量及各季节的分布情况,作为“真值”,模拟计算不同采样方案调查获得的三疣梭子蟹资源量并与“真值”进行比较,评估不同方案的采样效果。本文利用计算机模拟了定点采样、简单随机采样、分层定点采样和分层随机采样四种采样方法,其中,定点采样和简单随机采样分别设置了9个、16个和24个采样站位,分层定点采样和分层随机采样设置了16个采样站位。三疣梭子蟹对拖网渔具的反应距离受年龄、季节和底质等条件的影响,因此,设置了1.5m,3m和5m三种反应距离。结果表明:分层采样设计优于不分层采样,简单随机采样优于定点采样。模拟结果的准确度随着采样站位数量的增加而提高,例如,定点采样方案中,9个站位时相对估算误差(REE)的最大值为163.43%,最小值为49.40%,而24个站位时REE的最大值和最小值分别是38.62%和4.15%。随着反应距离的增加,REE值和相对偏差的绝对值(RAB)逐渐降低。三疣梭子蟹的资源密集区和资源密度方差大的季节对模拟结果具有显著影响,因此,掌握该区域的资源密度情况或者进行预调查都能使采样设计方案更加合理。本研究可为底拖网渔具对三疣梭子蟹及其他物种的采样设计提供参考。  相似文献   

Industrial activities, notably oil and gas industries, are expanding in the Arctic. Most of the biomarkers were developed using temperate organisms living at temperatures above 10 °C. Little is known about the biomarker responses of organisms living between −1.88 and 5 °C. Therefore, assessment of the toxicity of chemicals to cold-water adapted species is required. In this study, the Arctic scallop, Chlamys islandicus, was selected as a key species for bio-monitoring because of wide distribution in Arctic waters and its commercial value. Test animals, stored in seawater at 2 °C, were injected with benzo(a)pyrene (diluted in cod liver oil 5 mg ml−1) in the adductor muscle every 24 h for four days giving a final dose of 0, 74 and 90.6 mg kg−1 wet weight for control, low and high dose, respectively. The biomarkers used were total oxyradical scavenging capacity (TOSC) in the digestive gland and cell membrane stability of haemocytes. TOSC values were significantly reduced (ca. 30%) in exposed groups (P<0.05), indicating a depletion in oxyradical molecular scavengers. The antioxidant defences appeared to be overwhelmed by the reactive oxygen species as the plasma membranes of haemocytes were destabilised (P<0.05) probably due to lipid peroxidation. These data indicate that reactive oxygen species (ROS) were produced by Arctic scallops via the metabolisation of benzo(a)pyrene at 2 °C.  相似文献   

龙须菜(Gracilariopsis lemaneiformis)是具有重要经济价值和生态效益的大型红藻, 主要用作琼胶提取原料和鲍的饵料。本研究利用生理生化、液相色谱-质谱联用和氨基酸分析等方法, 比较了龙须菜(Gp. lemaneiformis) (wt、981、Gl-1、Gl-s、Gl-g)、异枝龙须菜(Gp. heterocla, Gh)和细基江蓠繁枝变种(Gracilaria tenuistipitata var. liu, Gt)的生长及藻胆蛋白、琼胶、红藻糖苷和氨基酸等的差异, 以期为龙须菜/江蓠栽培中的种质区分及选择提供参考。结果表明Gt在23 ℃和30 ℃条件下生长均最快, 其相对生长速率分别为野生型龙须菜(wt)的2.19倍和2.49倍。龙须菜Gl-s中藻胆蛋白浓度最高, 为wt的1.91倍。除了Gt之外, 其余6种藻中琼胶产率较高(16.22%~18.91%)。Gt中红藻糖苷和海藻糖积累最多, 分别为wt的3.50倍和1.81倍。Gl-g、Gl-s、Gt和Gh多糖丰富, 在36.89%~40.23%; 龙须菜981、Gl-1、wt和Gl-s总氨基酸浓度较高, 在152.35~161.32 mg·g–1干质量之间, 并且981、Gl-1、Gl-s氨基酸评分较优。综合以上结果, 龙须菜981、Gl-1和Gl-s的藻胆蛋白、琼胶和氨基酸等均显著优于其他藻, 并且生长较快, 可用于琼胶、藻胆蛋白及多糖的提取或鲍的饵料; 而细基江蓠繁枝变种生长快、红藻糖苷和海藻糖丰富, 可大规模栽培用作鲍的饵料。该研究为丰富及开发利用中国大型海藻种质资源提供了重要的资料。  相似文献   

从霞水母Cyanea sp.中分离刺丝囊,提取刺丝囊毒素(NV),并研究了温度、pH和几种化学组分对其溶血活性稳定性的影响.实验结果表明,在4~37℃范围内NV的溶血活性与温度变化密切相关,毒素在4℃以下几乎没有发生溶血反应,在37℃以下反应45 min以后,溶血活性达到最大值;毒素的溶血活性对pH敏感,在pH 7.8时.溶血活性最强,溶血率为93.53%.EDTA、NaCl和还原型谷胱甘肽(GSH)对NV溶血活性都具有稳定作用.通过正交实验发现,GSH对溶血活性的影响最大,当提取液中含有1.0 mmol/L GSH和5.0 mmol/L NaCl时毒素的溶血活性最强.DTT(二硫苏糖醇)明显降低毒素的溶血活性,说明毒素中溶血蛋白的活性很可能与分布在蛋白质表面的二硫键有关.Ca2+虽然能够增强毒素的溶血活性但是对毒素并没有稳定作用,所以Ca2+可能只是毒素溶血活性的活化剂.甘油对毒素的稳定作用不明显.  相似文献   

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) can be metabolically activated to reactive intermediates with mutagenic potential. Although marine sediments serve as the major repository for PAH released into the environment, little is known of the capabilities of benthic organisms, particularly infaunal invertebrates to metabolize PAH.1 In this study, in vivo metabolism of of the PAH benz[a]anthracene (BA) by the polychaete Nereis virens was investigated. Worms maintained in flow-through benthic microcosms were exposed to [14C-12]-BA sorbed to sediment, introduced directly to the water column, and in labeled food for periods of 4 to 25 days. Regardless of mode of exposure, most radiolabel recovered from Nereis was present as metabolic products with only 2 to 23% remaining as parent compound. In addition, a significant proportion (from 33 to 51%) of accumulated radioactivity was neither solvent extractable nor water soluble, suggesting that incorporation into macromolecular pools is a major fate of accumulated BA in Nereis virens.  相似文献   

为构建泥蚶感染弧菌标准技术体系,本研究采用哈维氏弧菌浸泡感染和注射胁迫两种攻毒方式对泥蚶进行了急性毒性实验,观察泥蚶在菌液胁迫下的存活情况,分析哈维氏弧菌对泥蚶的半致死浓度。浸泡感染实验结果表明,随着感染水体中弧菌升高,泥蚶死亡起始时间和最大日死亡率时间均有所提前,泥蚶死亡情况呈现上升趋势,当浸泡浓度超过2×107CFU/mL,泥蚶15 d累计死亡率接近100%。注射胁迫实验结果表明,泥蚶死亡率与弧菌注射浓度呈显著正相关(r=0.964,P<0.01)。Probit回归分析结果显示,哈维氏弧菌浸泡感染泥蚶7 d后停止实验,15 d的半致死浓度(LC50)为1.35×107CFU/mL;注射胁迫下的96 h半致死剂量(96 h LD50)为2.12×107CFU/g,说明哈维氏弧菌对泥蚶有明显的毒害作用。研究结果为泥蚶对哈维氏弧菌耐受性提供数据参考,并且为泥蚶弧菌病防治提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

孙启梦  张素萍 《海洋科学》2022,46(10):13-23
继中国沿海汇螺科Potamididae分类学研究I后,又完成了汇螺科的分类学研究II。本文主要论述了汇螺科中拟蟹守螺属Cerithidea、锥蟹守螺属Cerithideopsis、望远蟹守螺属Telescopium及笋光螺属Terebralia共4属9种,其中1个中国新纪录种为邱氏拟蟹守螺Cerithideaquoyii(Hombron&Jacquinot,1848)。文中对其形态特征、生活习性和地理分布等进行了研究论述,并对以往鉴定有误和使用混乱的种名进行了修订。目前为止,共整理分类出中国沿海汇螺科5属18种。为了解中国汇螺资源情况、生物多样性和生态学研究提供基础资料。  相似文献   

Allelopathic effects of several concentrations of fresh tissue,dry powder and dry tissue of three bloom-forming green macroalgae Ulva pertusa,Ulva linza and Enteromopha intestinalis on the red tide microalga Heterosigma akashiwo were evaluated in microcosms systems.The effects of macroalgae culture medium filtrate were investigated on H.akashiwo using initial or semi-continuous filtrate addition.Preliminary studies on the algicidal effects of one aqueous and four organic solvent extracts from the macroalgae on the microalga were carried out to confirm the existence of allelochemicals in the tissue of these macroalgae.The dry powder of U.pertusa was extracted with methanol,and the methanol extracts were partitioned to petroleum ether phase,ethyl acetate phase,butanol phase and distilled phase by liquid-liquid fractionation.The bioassays of the activity of every fraction were carried out on H.akashiwo.The resultant microcosms assay showed that the growth of H.akashiwo was strongly inhibited by using fresh tissues,dry powder or dry tissue of these three macroalgae,while aqueous and methanol extracts of both macroalgae had strong inhibitory effects on the growth of H.akashiwo,and the EC 50 values for methanol extract of U.pertusa,U.linza or E.intestinalis were 0.016,0.028×10-12 or 0.033×10-12,respectively.While the other three organic solvent extracts(acetone,ether and chloroform) had no apparent effect on its growth,this suggests that the allelochemicals from these three macroalgae had relatively high polarities.The activity of petroleum ether phase,ethyl acetate phase,butanol phase and distilled phase of U.pertusa methanol extract was carried out on H.akashiwo indicating that petroleum ether phase and ethyl acetate phase had stronger algicidal effect on H.akashiwo.The inhibition effect of the ethyl acetate phase was not as strong as that of petroleum ether phase,and effective concentration of petroleum ether phase was 17 mg/L for H.akashiwo.However,no significant algicidal effects were observed on the butanol phase and distilled water phase.These three macroalgae's culture medium filtrate exhibited no apparent growth inhibitory effect on the microalga under initial filtrate addition whereas the growth of H.akashiwo was significantly inhibited under semi-continuous filtrate addition,which suggests that continuous release of small quantities of rapidly degradable allelochemicals from the fresh tissue of both macroalgae was effective in inhibiting the growth of H.akashiwo.  相似文献   

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