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This study presents the establishment of sustainable development and management policies for the Küçük Menderes River Basin aquifer system in western Turkey. Geological, hydrogeological, and geophysical data are used conjunctively to define various hydrogeological units and their geometry. Distributions of hydraulic-parameter values and recharge are estimated by geostatistical methods and hydrologic simulations, respectively. A finite-difference groundwater flow model is used to represent the unconfined flow in the aquifer system. The model has been calibrated under steady state and transient conditions. The resulting model was used to test seven management scenarios for a planning period of 21 years to determine the so-called safe yield and sustainable yield of the aquifer system and to investigate the potential impacts of four planned surface water reservoirs on groundwater resources in the basin. The results demonstrate that the continuation of the present pumping rates exceeds both the safe yield and the sustainable yield of the aquifer system. Consequently, the growing need for irrigation water should be met by the construction of the planned surface water reservoirs and the implementation of efficient water management policies and plans.
Resumen Este estudio presenta el establecimiento de políticas sustentables de desarrollo y gestión en el sistema acuífero de la cuenca del río Küçük Menderes, al Oeste de Turquía, para lo que se ha utilizado datos geológicos, hidrogeológicos y geofísicos de forma conjunta de cara a definir diversas unidades hidrogeológicas y su geometría. La distribución de los parámetros hidráulicos y de la recarga ha sido estimada mediante métodos geoestadísticos y simulaciones hidrológicas, respectivamente. Se ha empleado un modelo de las aguas subterráneas en diferencias finitas para representar el flujo no confinado en el sistema acuífero, el cual se ha calibrado bajo condiciones estacionarias y transitorias. El modelo resultante ha sido usado para contrastar siete escenarios de gestión durante un período de planificación de 21 años con el fin de determinar el punto de explotación segura y sustentable del sistema acuífero, así como para investigar los impactos potenciales sobre los recursos subterráneos de los cuatro embalses superficiales que se hallan en proyecto. Los resultados demuestran que el mantenimiento de las tasas actuales de extracción del acuífero supera tanto el régimen de bombeo seguro como el sustentable del sistema. Por consiguiente, se debería compensar la necesidad creciente de agua para riego con la construcción de los reservorios superficiales previstos y con la implementación de políticas y planes de gestión eficiente del agua.

Résumé Cette étude présente la proposition dune politique de développement et de gestion durables du système aquifère du bassin du Petit Mendérès dans louest de la Turquie. Des données géologiques, hydrogéologiques et géophysiques ont été utilisées conjointement pour définir les différentes unités hydrogéologiques et leur géométrie. Les distributions des paramètres hydrauliques et de la recharge ont été estimées respectivement par des méthodes géostatistiques et des simulations hydrologiques. Un modèle découlement souterrain aux éléments finis a été utilisé pour représenter lécoulement non captif dans le système aquifère. Le modèle a été calibré dans des conditions de régimes permanent et transitoire. Le modèle résultant a servi à tester sept scénarios de gestion pour une période de programmation de 21 ans, afin de déterminer les débits de prélèvement sûr et durable dans le système aquifère et détudier les impacts potentiels de quatre réservoirs deau de surface en projet sur les eaux souterraines du bassin. Les résultats montrent que la poursuite des prélèvements au débit actuel excède aussi bien le débit dexploitation de sécurité que celui durable pour le système aquifère. Par conséquent, les besoins croissants deau pour lirrigation doivent être satisfaits par la construction des réservoirs projetés et par la mise en place de politiques et de plans de gestion de leau efficace.

Long-term time series data of aquifer recharge, groundwater extraction, and discharge are used to estimate aquifer storage capacity and maximum annual yield. Aquifer storage capacity is defined as the maximum volume of water that can be stored in an aquifer. It is estimated using a transient water-balance approach. The maximum annual yield is defined as the maximum combined groundwater extraction plus discharge that can be sustained in an aquifer judged by the historical record of recharge. It is determined according to a graphical mass-curve method. These two quantities are useful in aquifer characterization and groundwater management, the apportionment of groundwater rights and aquifer storage and recovery operations being two frequent applications. Time series data from the Edwards Aquifer, Texas, USA, illustrate the application of the methods presented.
Résumé Des données sur le long terme de la recharge d’aquifère, de l’exploitation de l’eau souterraine et de la vidange sont utilisées pour estimer la capacité d’emmagasinement de l’aquifère et la capacité annuelle maximum. La capacité d’emmagasinement de l’aquifère est définit comme le volume maximum de l’eau qui peut être emmagasinée dans le réservoir. Elle est estimée en utilisant une approche par bilan hydrologique en transitoire. La capacité annuelle maximum est définit comme la combinaison de l’extraction de l’eau souterraine et de la vidange, combinaison qui peut être jugée durable ou non au regard de l’examen des valeurs de recharge. Elle est déterminée au moyen d’une méthode de courbe des valeurs cumulées. Ces deux quantités sont très utiles pour caractériser les aquifères et pour gérer les eaux souterraines, l’imputation des droits aux eaux souterraines, et du fait que les opérations de recharge des aquifères et de récupération sont très fréquentes. Les données temporelles provenant de l’aquifère Edwards, Texas, USA, illustrent l’application de la méthode présentée.

Resumen Para estimar la capacidad de almacenamiento de un acuífero y su rendimiento máximo anual, se han utilizado series temporales largas de datos de recarga al acuífero, de extracciones de agua subterránea y de descarga. La capacidad de almacenamiento de un acuífero se define como el volumen máximo de agua que puede ser almacenado en el mismo. Se estima utilizando una aproximación con un balance de agua en régimen transitorio. El rendimiento máximo anual se define como el máximo resultante de la combinación de la extracción de aguas subterráneas y la descarga que puede ser sostenido por un acuífero según los registros históricos de recarga y se define según un método gráfico masa-curva. Estos dos valores son útiles en la caracterización de los acuíferos y en la gestión de las aguas subterráneas, el reparto de los derechos sobre las aguas subterráneas y las operaciones de almacenaje y recuperación de los acuíferos, que son dos aplicaciones frecuentes. Las series de tiempo para el Acuífero Edwards, Texas, USA, ilustra la aplicación de los métodos presentados.

Radial movement of an unconfined leaky aquifer was studied with respect to hydraulic forces that are induced by well recharge and discharge. New analytic solutions in the velocity and displacement fields were found and applied to describe transient movement in an unconfined leaky aquifer. Linear momentum and mass balance of saturated porous sediments, the Darcy-Gersevanov law, and the analytic solution of hydraulic drawdown for unsteady flow within the unconfined leaky aquifer were introduced to find the new solutions. Analytic results indicate that the nonlinear relation between the initial hydraulic head (h0) and the well function has an insignificant effect on the aquifer transient movement when the drawdown s<0.02h 0. When the well function is simplified with different assumptions and pumping conditions, the new solutions correspondingly reduce to cases that are similar to the Hantush-Jacob, Muskat, and Theis transient movement of a confined leaky aquifer. It was found that large leakance is important in slowing radial movement and reducing aquifer deformation. Flow velocity in the aquifer is more responsive to leakance than to cumulative displacement within the aquifer. The zones and boundary with tensile stress can be located using the same approach applied to a confined aquifer for risk assessment of earth fissuring.
Résumé Le mouvement radial dans un aquifère semi-perméable libre a été étudié en considérant les forces hydrauliques induites par la recharge et le prélèvement au niveau d’un puits. De nouvelles solutions analytiques des champs de vitesse et de déplacement ont été trouvées et appliquées pour décrire le mouvement transitoire dans un aquifère semi-perméable libre. Pour trouver les nouvelles solutions, le moment linéaire et le bilan de masse dans les sédiments poreux saturés, la loi de Darcy-Gersevanov, et la solution analytique du rabattement hydraulique pour un écoulement transitoire dans un aquifère semi-perméable libre sont pris en compte. Les résultats analytiques montrent que la relation non-linéaire entre le potentiel hydraulique initial (h0) et la fonction de puits a un effet insignifiant sur le mouvement transitoire de l’aquifère quand le rabattements s <0.02h0. Si la fonction de puits est simplifiée en tenant compte de différentes hypothèses et conditions de pompage, les nouvelles solutions se réduisent en conséquence à des cas similaires au mouvement transitoire dans un aquifère semi-perméable captif selon Hantush-Jacob, Muskat, et Theis. Il s’est avéré qu’une drainance élevée est importante pour le ralentissement du mouvement radial et la réduction de la déformation de l’aquifère. La vitesse d’écoulement dans l’aquifère est plus sensible à la drainance qu’au déplacement cumulé dans l’aquifère. Les zones et la frontière présentant des contraintes de traction peuvent être localisées en utilisant la même approche appliquée à un aquifère captif pour l’évaluation des risques de fissuration du sol.

Resumen Se ha estudiado el movimiento radial en un acuífero no confinado con fuga en relación a las fuerzas hidráulicas que son inducidas por la descarga y recarga del pozo. Se encontraron nuevas soluciones analíticas en los campos de desplazamiento y velocidad, las cuales se aplicaron para describir el movimiento transitorio en un acuífero no confinado con fuga. Se han introducido cálculos de balance de masa y momentum lineal de los sedimentos porosos saturados, la Ley Darcy-Gersevanov, y la solución analítica de descenso hidráulico para flujo sin régimen permanente dentro del acuífero no confinado con goteo para encontrar las nuevas soluciones. Los resultados analíticos indican que la relación no lineal entre la presión hidráulica inicial (h0) y la función del pozo tiene efecto insignificante en el movimiento transitorio del acuífero cuando el descenso s < 0.02h0. Cuando se simplifica la función del pozo en base a diferentes supuestos y condiciones de bombeo se reducen las nuevas soluciones a casos que son similares a el movimiento transitorio Hantush-Jacob, Muskat, y Theis de un acuífero confinado con goteo. Se encontró que las fugas grandes son importantes en la disminución del movimiento radial y en la reducción de la deformación del acuífero. La velocidad de flujo en el acuífero responde más a las fugas que al desplazamiento acumulativo dentro del acuífero. Pueden localizarse zonas y límites con esfuerzos tensionales usando el mismo enfoque aplicado a acuíferos confinados para evaluación de riesgo de generación de fracturas en el terreno.


淄博市大武水源地地下水水位总体预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用水均衡法对淄博市大武水源地地下水位变动进行研究,并对降水量与人渗补给量的关系以及平均给水度随地下水位的变化关系进行了分析。通过历史资料的验证,表明本文所建立的水均衡模型对于地下水位变动的预测是可靠的,而且简单可行,随后根据不同的地下水开采量等对未来地下水位的变动趋势进行了预测。  相似文献   

 The central Ganga Basin is one of the major groundwater reservoirs in India. The Kali-Ganga sub-basin is a micro watershed of the central Ganga Basin, containing a number of productive aquifers. A detailed hydrogeological investigation was carried out, which reveals the occurrence of a single-tier aquifer system down to 163 m bgl (metres below ground level), but at places it is interleaved with clay layers; thus imparting it a two-to three-tier aquifer system. These aquifers are unconfined to confined in disposition. The transmissivity, storage coefficient and hydraulic conductivity are determined as 2178 m2/day, 1.12×10–5 and 120 m/day, respectively. The groundwater of the basin is fresh, of an alkali-bicarbonate type and is suitable for irrigation and domestic use. However, in certain areas, extensive agricultural activities, and domestic and industrial effluents have caused some deterioration of groundwater quality. This study contains data of where the concentration of Fe, Pb, Cd, Cr and Ni are higher than the permissible limits, which may be hazardous to public health. Received: 2 March 2000 · Accepted: 3 July 2000  相似文献   

Geochemical and environmental magnetic studies were carried out to identify the effect of iron oxyhydroxides on arsenic mobilization in high arsenic aquifer system. Using high arsenic sediment samples from two boreholes, specifically drilled for this study, chemical composition and magnetic properties including magnetic susceptibility, saturation remnant magnetization, and isothermal remnant magnetization were measured. Results of correlation analysis of element contents show that arsenic and iron are closely associated with each other (r 2 = 0.40, α = 0.05, n = 21). In contrast, the correlation of phosphorus with iron (r = 0.11, α = 0.05, n = 21) and arsenic (r 2 = 0.18, α = 0.05, n = 21) was poor, which might result from competitive adsorption of phosphorus and arsenic on the surface of Fe-oxyhydroxides. The high correlation coefficients between arsenic contents and magnetic parameters suggest that the ferrimagnetic minerals including maghemite and hematite are the dominant carrier of arsenic in aquifer sediments. The results of sequential extraction experiments also revealed the association of arsenic with reducible iron oxides, such as maghemite and hematite in aquifer sediments. Therefore, under reducing conditions, reductive dissolution and desorption of arsenic from Fe-oxyhydroxides into the aqueous phase should be the dominant geochemical processes for its enrichment in groundwater at Datong. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Water pumped from 25 shallow wells (<31 m) in the Maneadero unconfined coastal aquifer was studied geochemically in order to determine the short-term compositional variability of the aquifer due to seawater intrusion during a drier than normal year (Fall 2001 to Fall 2002). The groundwater was commonly found to be mixed with seawater, with TDS concentrations in November 2002 ranging from 0.99 to 9.46 g l–1, having an intermediate Na+Cl to Ca2+Cl water-type. Rapid recharge events of short duration, after low and short rainfall events during the study period, are suggested from short-term fluctuations in water quality. Seawater intrusion is progressing faster in the central and southern coastal sections of the aquifer and has recently affected the quality of the sites pumping water to the nearby city of Ensenada. Only one of the wells used for the Ensenada water supply had a TDS concentration lower than the 1.0 g l–1 official limit. Low flow rates and high residence times of water are inferred to be the cause for high alkalinity in the east-central section of the aquifer. High NO3 in the east-central aquifer indicates that any NO3 infiltration due to fertilizer use was only slightly dispersed. After a short rainfall season during winter 2001, a significant decrease was seen for the previously most enriched site. However, concentrations above the 10 mg l–1 official limit persisted in 2002, affecting one well for urban supply (15.9 mg l–1). The water from this well is nevertheless mixed with better-quality water from other wells before being distributed through the citys piping system.
Resumen Se estudió la geoquímica de aguas bombeadas por medio de 25 pozos no muy profundos (<31 m) en el acuifero costero no confinado de Maneadero con el objetivo de determinar la variación de la composición en el corto plazo en el acuifero por la intrusión de agua de mar durante un año más seco de lo normal (otoño 2001 a otoño 2002). Se observó que comúnmente las aguas subterráneas estaban mezcladas con agua de mar, con concentraciones de sólidos totales disveltos (STD) de entre 0.99--9.46 g l–1 y un tipo de agua intermedia Na+Cl to Ca2+Cl. A partir de las fluctuaciones en la calidad del agua en el corto plazo se puede inferir que se dan eventos de recarga rápida de poca duración después de eventos de poca lluvia de poca duración y poco volumen durante el periodo de estudio. La intrusión de agua de mar está progresando más rápido en el centro y sur del acuifero costero y ha afectado recientemente la calidad de los sitios de bombeo de agua para la ciudad de Ensenada. Solamente uno de los pozos usados para el abastamiento de Ensenada tiene un STD por debajo del límite oficial de 1.0 g l–1. Se presume que las razones lentas de flujo y los tiempos de residencia largos del agua son la causa de la alta alcalinidad en el centro-este del acuifero. Una concentración alta de NO3 en el este-centro del acuifero indica que cualquier infiltración de NO3 por aplicación de fertilizantes ha sido poco dispersad. Después de poca lluvia en el invierno de 2001, se observó una disminución importante en la zona previamente más enriquecida. Sin embargo, concentraciones sobre el límite oficial de 10 mg l–1 continuaron en 2002, afectando a un pozo para suministro de agua urbana (15.9 mg l–1). El agua extraída de este pozo es mezclada con agua de mejor calidad y se distribuye por el sistema urbano de suministro de agua.

Résumé Leau de pompage de 25 puits peu profonds (<31 m) situés dans laquifère côtier non-confiné de Maneadero a été étudiée dans le but de déterminer la variation géochimique à court terme qui résulte de lintrusion deau de mer lors dune année plus sèche quà lhabitude (automne 2001 à automne 2002). Leau souterraine est souvent retrouvée mélangée avec de leau de mer, avec des concentrations en résidus solides dissous (RSD) qui sétalent entre 0.99 et 9.46 g l–1 pour novembre 2002, avec un type intermédiaire en Na+Cl jusquà Ca2+Cl. Les processus suggérés pour les fluctuations rapides de la qualité de leau sont des événements de recharge de courte duré suite à de faibles et brèves périodes de précipitations. Lintrusion deau de mer progresse plus rapidement dans les parties centrales et sud de laquifère côtier où la qualité de leau pompée vers la ville de Ensenada a récemment été affectée. Un seul des puits utilisés par la ville de Ensenada pour lapprovisionnement en eau potable a une concentration en RSD sous la limite officielle permise de 1.0 g l–1. Le temps de résidence élevé et le faible taux découlement de leau souterraine sont présumés être la cause de lalcalinité élevée dans la partie centrale-est de laquifère. La concentration élevée en NO3 dans cette partie de laquifère indique que la totalité de linfiltration de NO3 dû à lutilisation de fertilisants ne sest que très peu dispersée. Suite à une courte saison des pluies à lhiver 2001, une diminution substantielle a été notée au site qui était le plus enrichi avant la saison des pluies. Malgré tout, des concentrations dépassant la limite officielle permise de 10 mg l–1 ont persisté, affectant un puits utilisé pour lapprovisionnement urbain (15.9 mg l–1). Leau provenant de ce puits est toutefois mélangée avec de leau de meilleure qualité provenant dautres puits avant dêtre distribuée par laqueduc municipal.

王丹  闫钰  韦龙明  郑昊  刘红玲 《地质论评》2019,65(Z1):13-14
正涠洲岛位于北部湾中部(中国新闻网,2015),属亚热带季风气候,远离大陆,海水清洁,广泛发育珊瑚礁群落(王欣等,2009)。涠洲岛具有丰富多彩的海蚀、海积与海滩地貌(北海涠洲岛网,2015)。作者于2018年3月1日~3月4日赴涠洲岛进行为期4天的调研工作,通过观察发现,海滩砂主要由珊瑚和贝壳碎屑构成,珊瑚碎块大量呈白色,但也见有少量的灰色、粉色等,本文探究不同颜色  相似文献   

Geoelectric and hydrochemical approaches are employed to delineate the ground-water potential zones in District Okara, a part of Bari Doab, Punjab, Pakistan. Sixty-seven VES surveys are conducted with the Electrical Resistivity Meter. The resultant resistivity verses depth model for each site is estimated using computer-based software IX1D. Aquifer thickness maps and interpreted resistivity maps were generated from interpreted VES results. Dar-Zarrouk parameters, transverse resistance (TR), longitudinal conductance (SL) and anisotropy (λ) were also calculated from resistivity data to delineate the potential zones of aquifer. 70% of SL value is ≤3S, 30% of SL value is > 3S. According to SL and TR values, the whole area is divided into three potential zones, high, medium and low potential zones. The spatial distribution maps show that north, south and central parts of study area are marked as good potential aquifer zones. Longitudinal conductance values are further utilized to determine aquifer protective capacity of area. The whole area is characterized by moderate to good and up to some extent very good aquifer protective area on the basis of SL values. The groundwater samples from sixty-seven installed tube wells are collected for hydro-chemical analysis. The electrical conductivity values are determined. Correlation is then developed between the EC (μS/cm) of groundwater samples vs. interpreted aquifer resistivity showing R2 value 0.90.  相似文献   

Trifa is the most productive agricultural plain of north-eastern Morocco. The development of agricultural activities during the last few decades has been mainly based on imported water for irrigation. However, irrigation requirements have become so large that groundwater is used as a secondary source to supply the agricultural and domestic water needs, causing a depletion of the groundwater resources, especially during dry periods. A hydrological and a hydrogeological model for the Trifa plain have been developed, which yield information on relevant parameters such as groundwater recharge, and estimate the amount of pumped groundwater needed to meet the irrigation needs. The models (MODFLOW and WetSpass) provide insight into the status and evolution of the groundwater reserves. The results of the study are useful to predict the sustainability of the groundwater resources in the Trifa plain and to evaluate possible management actions. A reduction in groundwater abstraction by at least 25% may be necessary to achieve sustainable conditions.
Resumen Trifa es la planicie agrícola más productiva del noreste de Marruecos. El desarrollo de las actividades agrícolas durante las últimas décadas se ha basado principalmente en agua importada para riego. Sin embargo, los requerimientos de riego han llegado a ser tan grandes ocasionando que se utilice el agua subterránea como una fuente secundaria para abastecer las necesidades de agua para uso doméstico y agrícola, lo que causa un agotamiento de los recursos de agua subterránea, especialmente durante periodos secos. Se ha desarrollado un modelo hidrogeológico e hidrológico para la planicie Trifa el cual aporta información de parámetros relevantes tal como recarga de agua subterránea y estima la cantidad de agua subterránea que necesita bombearse para satisfacer las necesidades de riego. Los modelos (MODFLOW y WetSpass) aportan una idea acerca del estado actual y la evolución de las reservas de agua subterránea. Los resultados de este estudio son útiles para predecir la sostenibilidad de los recursos de agua subterránea en la planicie Trifa y para evaluar posibles acciones de gestión. Puede ser necesario reducir la explotación de agua subterránea en por lo menos 25% para alcanzar condiciones sostenibles.

Résumé Trifa est la plaine agricole la plus productive du Nord-Est marocain. Le développement de l’activité agricole durant ces dernières décennies a essentiellement reposé sur l’irrigation. Néanmoins les besoins de l’irrigation sont devenus tels que l’eau souterraine est utilisée comme ressource secondaire, pour combler la demande en eau domestique et agricole, induisant un rabattement d’autant plus important durant les périodes sèches. Un modèle hydrologique et hydrogéologique de la plaine de Trifa a été développé sur base des paramètres les plus importants, tels la recharge, et permet d’estimer le pompage nécessaire des eaux souterraines pour combler les besoins de l’irrigation. Les modèles (MODFLOW et WetSpass) apportent une bonne connaissance de l’état et de l’évolution des réserves souterraines. Les résultats de l’étude sont utiles pour prédire la longévité des ressources et pour évaluer différents scénarios de gestion. Une réduction de l’extraction de 25% serait nécessaire pour atteindre un état durable.

In many circumstances involving heat and mass transfer issues,it is considered impractical to measure the input flux and the resulting state distribution in the domain.Therefore,the need to develop techniques to provide solutions for such problems and estimate the inverse mass flux becomes imperative.Adaptive state estimator(ASE)is increasingly becoming a popular inverse estimation technique which resolves inverse problems by incorporating the semi-Markovian concept into a Bayesian estimation technique,thereby developing an inverse input and state estimator consisting of a bank of parallel adaptively weighted Kalman filters.The ASE is particularly designed for a system that encompasses independent unknowns and/or random switching of input and measurement biases.The present study describes the scheme to estimate the groundwater input contaminant flux and its transient distribution in a conjectural two-dimensional aquifer by means of ASE,which in particular is because of its unique ability to efficiently handle the process noise giving an estimation of keeping the relative error range within 10%in 2-dimensional problems.Numerical simulation results show that the proposed estimator presents decent estimation performance for both smoothly and abruptly varying input flux scenarios.Results also show that ASE enjoys a better estimation performance than its competitor,Recursive Least Square Estimator(RLSE)due to its larger error tolerance in greater process noise regimes.ASE's inherent deficiency of being slower than the RLSE,resulting from the complexity of algorithm,was also noticed.The chosen input scenarios are tested to calculate the effect of input area and both estimators show improved results with an increase in input flux area especially as sensors are moved closer to the assumed input location.  相似文献   

Future management of aquifer recharge   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  

In many circumstances involving heat and mass transfer issues, it is considered impractical to measure the input flux and the resulting state distribution in the domain. Therefore, the need to develop techniques to provide solutions for such problems and estimate the inverse mass flux becomes imperative. Adaptive state estimator (ASE) is increasingly becoming a popular inverse estimation technique which resolves inverse problems by incorporating the semi-Markovian concept into a Bayesian estimation technique, thereby developing an inverse input and state estimator consisting of a bank of parallel adaptively weighted Kalman filters. The ASE is particularly designed for a system that encompasses independent unknowns and /or random switching of input and measurement biases. The present study describes the scheme to estimate the groundwater input contaminant flux and its transient distribution in a conjectural two-dimensional aquifer by means of ASE, which in particular is because of its unique ability to efficiently handle the process noise giving an estimation of keeping the relative error range within 10% in 2-dimensional problems. Numerical simulation results show that the proposed estimator presents decent estimation performance for both smoothly and abruptly varying input flux scenarios. Results also show that ASE enjoys a better estimation performance than its competitor, Recursive Least Square Estimator (RLSE) due to its larger error tolerance in greater process noise regimes. ASE’s inherent deficiency of being slower than the RLSE, resulting from the complexity of algorithm, was also noticed. The chosen input scenarios are tested to calculate the effect of input area and both estimators show improved results with an increase in input flux area especially as sensors are moved closer to the assumed input location.  相似文献   

Whether groundwater resources can be sustainably utilized is largely determined and characterized by hydrogeological parameters.Estimating the groundwater recharge is one of the essential parameters for managing water resources and protecting water resources from contamination.This study researched the spatial and temporal variation of groundwater recharge in the Thepkasattri sub-district through integrating chloride mass balance(CMB)and water table fluctuation(WTF)methods.The chloride content of representative rainfall and groundwater samples was analyzed.Besides,WTF method was adopted from groundwater level data from 2012 to 2015.According to the CMB method,the mean recharge was estimated to be 1172 mm per year,accounting for 47%of the annual rainfall.Moreover,the estimated recharge from the WTF method took 26%of annual rainfall in 2015.The recharge was underestimated according to the WTF method,because of the uncertainty in specific yield estimates and the number of representative wells in the study area.Moreover,the correlation between rainfall and water table fluctuation data indicated the positive linear relationship between two parameters.The spatial recharge prediction indicated that recharge was higher(1200-1400 mm/yr)in the eastern and western catchment,while that in the central floodplains was between 800 mm/yr and 1100 mm/yr.In addition,low recharge value between 450 mm/yr and 800 mm/yr was observed in the south-west part of Thepkasattri.The spatial variation of recharge partly reflects the influences of land use and land cover of the study area.  相似文献   

Three aspects of radial motion of an aquifer solid matrix, driven by hydraulic forces due to well recharge and discharge, have been investigated mathematically. Firstly, the analytic solutions in the velocity and displacement fields were found using the definition of bulk mass flow, conservation of water and solid mass, the Darcy-Gersevanov law, and the drawdown of hydraulic head for unsteady flow. Secondly, the radial velocity and displacement of aquifer solid matrix were investigated with respect to time and location in response to three pumping-injection schemes (i.e., linear, nonlinear, and sinusoidal well flow rates). Aquifer movement was found to be more responsive to linear and nonlinear pumping rates than to constant pumpage. Aquifer movement in response to periodic well discharge and recharge was governed by an integral sinusoidal function. Finally, the potential risk of earth fissuring at a given location caused by tensile stress, in turn induced by well discharge-recharge activity, has been discussed using the analytic solution. The deformation compression and extension zones derived from analysis of the results indicated the possible occurrence of tensile stress that may cause earth fissures. Sample computations, using assumed parameters, provided a first-hand evaluation of the location of potential fissuring in relation to the well.  相似文献   

There are rising interests in the utility of groundwater in various aspects,which is capable of triggering problematic issues.The excessive exploitation for anthropologic uses,without regards to aquifer capacity,will decreases the water table as well as capacity of groundwater in the aquifer.This research was aimed to provide aquifer model of underground water by consideration of various environmental factors,with the propensity of being modeled,in an attempt to predict groundwater conditions in subsequent years.The purpose of this research was to forecast water requirements,availability,as well as three-dimensional model of groundwater depth in Kemuning,Indragiri Hilir Regency-Indonesia between 2015 and 2022.Furthermore,various environmental factors,from aquifer profiles to anthropologic demand,are taken into account in the evaluated model,including water requirements,encompassing recharge and aquifer parameters,which consists of storativity and transmissivity.From anthropologic side are domestic requirements,trade,public facilities,agriculture,and livestock.The results show that groundwater availability in Kemuning is to be safe condition,and average difference is 1.06×108 m3/yr.The coefficient of storativity and transmissivity are 16.514 m2/day and 9897.26 m2/day,respectively,while the average depth was recorded as 2.8965 m to 10.4927 m.  相似文献   

About 40% of the water supply of Cairo, Egypt, is drawn from a groundwater reservoir located southeast of the Nile Delta. Several thousand shallow wells supply drinking water to the farmers from the same groundwater reservoir, which is recharged by seepage from Ismailia canal, the irrigation canal network, and other wastewater lagoons in the same areas. Sewage water lagoons were located at the high ground of the area, recharging contaminated water into the aquifer. Since the groundwater in this area is used for drinking purposes, it was decided to treat the sewage water recharging the aquifer for health reasons. In this paper a solution to the problem is presented using an injection well recharging good quality water into the aquifer. A pumping well located at a distance downstream is used to pump the contaminated water out of the aquifer. A three-dimensional solute transport model was developed to study the concentration distribution with remediation time in the contaminated zone.  相似文献   

Excessive groundwater pumpage has caused regional cones of depression and severe land subsidence in the Southern Yangtse Delta, China. The characteristics of aquifer system compaction are complex because of the difference in the types, compositions and structures of the soils that the hydrostratigraphic units are composed of, and in the histories of groundwater level change the hydrostratigraphic units have experienced. Based on the data measured from extensometer groups and observation wells, the characteristics of deformation for individual hydrostratigraphic units are analyzed. The results show that different hydrostratigraphic units have different kinds of deformation and that an identical unit may also present different deformation characteristics, such as elasticity, elasto-plasticity, and visco-elasto-plasticity, at different sites of the cone of depression or in different periods. If the groundwater level rises continuously and remains constant later, the aquifers and the aquitard units that consist of hard clay primarily exhibit elastic behaviour, but the aquitard units that consist of soft clay deform plastically and by creep and exhibit visco-elasto-plastic behaviour. If the groundwater level falls but is much higher than the previous lowest value, aquifers and aquitards consisting of hard clay exhibit elasto-plastic behaviour. If the groundwater level falls below the previous lowest value, aquifers and aquitards consisting of hard clay deform plastically and by creep and exhibit visco-elasto-plastic behaviour.  相似文献   

 Estimation of aquifer parameters is vital for the assessment of groundwater potential and groundwater flow regime. On an oceanic island where fresh water lens is fragile and sensitive to various stresses, it is even more essential that in order to assess the potential of fresh water lens and the effect of various stresses on the fresh groundwater regime the parameters should be representative to the field hydrogeological set up. Pumping tests conducted on existing large diameter wells on an oceanic island have been analyzed. A finite difference method has been used to take into account the well storage, partial penetration and upconing effect into the aquifer. Forward modeling has been carried out to estimate aquifer parameters from the pumping test data. Field examples are described. Received: 15 June 1998 · Accepted: 25 August 1998  相似文献   

Watershed development programmes provide an opportunity for sustainable management strategies, although currently, they remain largely supply-side mechanisms of water resources development. Hydrogeological conditions, community participation and status of groundwater usage are important in evolving strategies on demand-side groundwater management.Neemkheda aquifer is a typical low-storage, low-hydraulic conductivity aquifer from a watershed in the dryland regions of Madhya Pradesh State of central India. A shallow unconfined aquifer, it consists of an upper coarse, calcareous sandstone unit underlain by a fine-grained sandstone unit. A well commune of seven wells is poised to test the concept of joint groundwater management, wherein wells are mechanisms of tapping a common water source, the Neemkheda aquifer.The strategy for systematic groundwater management in the Neemkheda well commune is based upon the relationship between Transmissivity (T) and Storage coefficient (S), i.e. aquifer diffusivity, and its variation within the aquifer. Wells within a high diffusivity domain tend to dewater more quickly than wells within a low diffusivity domain. A well-use schedule during the dry season, based upon aquifer diffusivity forms the basis of the groundwater management concept. The distribution of local aquifer diffusivities governs the relationship between local and regional aquifer depletion times and forms the basis of the groundwater management exercise being proposed for the Neemkheda aquifer.
Resumen Los programas de desarrollo de una cuenca hídrica son una oportunidad para el uso de estrategias de gestión sostenible, aunque hoy en día estas siguen siendo principalmente mecanismos para el desarrollo de recursos hídricos con énfasis en la oferta. Las condiciones hidrogeológicas, la participación comunitaria y la condición de utilización del agua subterránea, son importantes en el desarrollo de estrategias para la gestión del agua subterránea, desde el punto de vista de la demanda.El acuífero de Neemkheda es un acuífero típico de almacenamiento bajo y conductividad hidráulica baja, perteneciente a una cuenca hídrica ubicada en las regiones secas del Estado de Madhya Pradesh, en la parte central de India. Un acuífero de tipo libre, somero, formado por una unidad superior de arenisca calcárea de grano grueso, subyacida por una unidad de arenisca de grano fino.Un campo de pozos comunitario compuesto por siete pozos, pone a prueba el concepto de gestión conjunta del agua subterránea, dentro del cual los pozos son mecanismos para usar una fuente de agua común: El acuífero de Neemkheda.La estrategia usada para la gestión sistemática del agua subterránea, en el campo de pozos comunitario de Neemkheda, se basa en la relación existente entre Transmisividad (T) y Coeficiente de Almacenamiento (S), es decir en la Difusividad del Acuífero y en su variación observada dentro del mismo acuífero. Los pozos cuya difusividad esta dentro de un rango alto, tienden a experimentar un descenso en su nivel mas rápidamente que aquellos pozos con una difusividad baja. El concepto de gestión de agua subterránea se basa en un programa especial de operación para cada pozo durante la estación seca, el cual a su vez se basa en la difusividad del acuífero. La distribución de difusividades locales del acuífero rige las relaciones entre las épocas de descensos de nivel en el acuífero a escala regional y local, y además constituyen la base del ejercicio de la gestión del agua subterránea que se esta proponiendo para el acuífero de Neemkheda.

Résumé Les programmes de développement des bassins versants offrent une occasion de développer des stratégies pour une gestion durable, bien qu à présent elles restent en grande mesure le terme source dans le mécanisme de développement de la ressource en eau. Les conditions hydrogéologiques, la participation de la communauté et lusage des eaux souterraines sont importants pour le terme demande dans les stratégies de gestion des eaux souterraines. Laquifère de Neemkheda presents des caractéristiques typiques pour un bassin versant dans les régions arides de létat Madhya Pradesh de lInde centrale en ce qui concerne les faible valeurs de la conductivité hydraulique et du coéfficient demmagasinement. Il sagit dun aquifère phrèatique dont la partie supérieure est constitué par des grès calcaire qui restent sur des grés plus fins. Afin dessayer le concept de gestion integrée, on a réalisé dans laquifère de Neemkheda un captage ayant sept forages qui forment la ressource en eau communale. La stratégie de la gestion systématique du captage est basée sur la relation entre la transmissivité (T), le coéfficient demmagasinement (S), donc la diffusivité hydraulique ainsi que sa variation spatiale. Les puits forés dans les zones à grande diffusivité tendent à sassècher plus vite que ceux creusés dans des zones à faible diffusivité. Le concept de la gestion des eaux souterraines est donc basé sur la distribution spatiale des diffusivités. À partir de ce concept on a développé un programme dexploitation des forages pendant les saisons sèches. La relation entre les temps d épuissment locaux et régionaux est determiné par la distribution spatiale de la diffusivitée et forme la base de lexercice sur la gestion des eaux proposée pour laquifère de Neemkheda.

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