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早期中子星和夸克物质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
夸克禁闭的解除与夸克物质的存在一直是物理学家极感兴趣的问题。尽管理论上已指出在超高温或超高密的条件下可以有夸克物质存在,但是由于地面实验室的条件所限,目前还不能通过实验证实这一点.宇宙中被观测到的中子星(例如crab和Vela脉冲星)的中心密度大于4倍的核物质密度,其中心温度也可以达到10~8—10~9K,于是人们希  相似文献   

考虑到混杂星既具有奇异夸克物质核,又具有中子星固体壳层的特殊结构,运用完全自洽的二级修正方法,研究了在低温极限下(T<109K)混杂星的体粘滞耗散时标,并利用该时标计算了混杂星的临界旋转频率,发现其最小值为704.42 Hz(对应1.42 ms脉冲周期).与中子星和奇异星比较,更好地解释了观测数据.  相似文献   

More and more observational hints of quark stars are proposed these years though pulsars are considered conventionally to be normal neutron stars. The existence of low-mass quark stars is a direct consequence of the possibility that pulsar-like stars are actually quark stars, because of the ability that quark matter can confine itself by color interaction. After a brief introduction to the study of quark stars, the various astrophysical implications of low-mass quark stars are investigated. It is addressed that some of the transient unidentified γ -ray sources are probably merging quark stars. The observability of low-mass quark stars is discussed.  相似文献   

The electrostatic potential of electrons near the surface of static strange stars at zero temperature is studied within the frame of the MIT bag model. We find that for QCD parameters within rather wide ranges, if the nuclear crust on the strange star is at a density leading to neutron drip, then the electrostatic potential will be insufficient to establish an outwardly directed electric field, which is crucial for the survival of such a crust. If a minimum gap width of 200 fm is brought in as a more stringent constraint, then our calculations will completely rule out the possibility of such crusts. Therefore, our results argue against the existence of neutron-drip crusts in nature.  相似文献   

Models of neutron stars with a quark core are calculated on the basis of an extensive set of equations of state for superdense matter. The possible existence of a new branch of stable layered neutron stars is revealed for some realistic equations of state of neutron matter.  相似文献   

r-modes in neutron stars with crusts are damped by viscous friction at the crust–core boundary. The magnitude of this damping, evaluated by Bildsten & Ushomirsky (BU) under the assumption of a perfectly rigid crust, sets the maximum spin frequency for neutron stars spun up by accretion in low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs). In this paper we explore the mechanical coupling between the core r-modes and the elastic crust, using a toy model of a constant-density neutron star having a crust with a constant shear modulus. We find that, at spin frequencies in excess of ≈50 Hz, the r-modes strongly penetrate the crust. This reduces the relative motion (slippage) between the crust and the core compared with the rigid-crust limit. We therefore revise down, by as much as a factor of 102–103 , the damping rate computed by BU, significantly reducing the maximal possible spin frequency of neutron stars with solid crusts. The dependence of the crust–core slippage on the spin frequency is complicated, and is very sensitive to the physical thickness of the crust. If the crust is sufficiently thick, the curve of the critical spin frequency for the onset of the r-mode instability becomes multivalued for some temperatures; this is related to avoided crossings between the r-mode and higher-order torsional modes in the crust. The critical frequencies are comparable to the observed spins of neutron stars in LMXBs and millisecond pulsars.  相似文献   

We calculate the coefficient of bulk viscosity by considering the non-leptonic weak interactions in the cores of hybrid stars with both hyperons and quarks. We first determine the dependence of the production rate of neutrons on the reaction rate of quarks in the non-leptonic processes, that is,  Γ n = K s Γ s Λ+ 2ΓΣ  . The conversion rate,   K s   , in our scenario is a complicated function of baryon number density. We also consider the medium effect of quark matter on bulk viscosity. Using these results, we estimate the limiting rotation of the hybrid stars, which may suppress the r-mode instability more effectively. Hybrid stars should be the candidates for the extremely rapid rotators.  相似文献   

We investigate the role of neutron star superfluidity for magnetar oscillations. Using a plane-wave analysis, we estimate the effects of a neutron superfluid in the elastic crust region. We demonstrate that the superfluid imprint is likely to be more significant than the effects of the crustal magnetic field. We also consider the region immediately beneath the crust, where superfluid neutrons are thought to coexist with a type II proton superconductor. Since the magnetic field in the latter is carried by an array of fluxtubes, the dynamics of this region differ from standard magnetohydrodynamics. We show that the presence of the neutron superfluid (again) leaves a clear imprint on the oscillations of the system. Taken together, our estimates show that the superfluid components cannot be ignored in efforts to carry out 'magnetar seismology'. This increases the level of complexity of the modelling problem, but also points to the possibility of using observations to probe the superfluid nature of supranuclear matter.  相似文献   

An extensive set of realistic equations of state for superdense matter with a quark phase transition is derived on the basis of the three equations of state for neutron matter and the eight variants of strange quark-gluon plasmas in the MIT quark bag model. The characteristics of the phase transitions are described and the calculated equations of state with a density jump are studied in detail.  相似文献   

中子星可以通过重子物质和暗物质的相互作用吸积暗物质,且在一定条件下, 中子星吸积的暗物质粒子可以引发自引力塌缩形成小型黑洞, 生成的黑洞可能会进一步吞噬中子星.依据文献已有模型, 基于以上物理过程给出了在暗物质粒子不同质量下对暗物质粒子--中子的散射截面的限制.使用弱相互作用大质量粒子(Weakly Interacting Massive Particle, WIMP)模型, 并考虑暗物质粒子是玻色子的情形, 讨论了暗物质粒子有无自相互作用以及有无湮灭等条件下对限制暗物质参数的影响.既考虑了已发现的两个中子星系统来给出对暗物质参数空间的限制,也考虑了两个可能存在的年老中子星来预测未来观测可能对暗物质参数空间的限制.对于考虑玻色--爱因斯坦凝聚(Bose-Einstein Condensate, BEC)的玻色子暗物质, 在无自相互作用或有弱自相互作用, 无湮灭或有很小湮灭截面的条件下,中子星给出的间接观测对暗物质粒子-中子散射截面的限制的强度比XENON1T直接探测实验来得更强.未来, 如果在银心附近能观测到年老中子星, 其观测结果可以提升模型给出的对暗物质粒子--中子散射截面的限制, 从而帮助人们进一步理解暗物质.  相似文献   

The behaviour of the magnetic field of a neutron star with a superconducting quark matter core is investigated in the framework of the Ginzburg-Landau theory. We take into account the simultaneous coupling of the diquark condensate field to the usual magnetic and to the gluomagnetic gauge fields. We solve the Ginzburg-Landau equations by properly taking into account the boundary conditions, in particular, the gluon confinement condition. We found the distribution of the magnetic field in both the quark and hadronic phases of the neutron star and show that the magnetic field penetrates into the quark core in the form of quark vortices due to the presence of Meissner currents.  相似文献   

A broad sample of computed realistic equations of state of superdense matter with a quark phase transition is used to construct a series of models of neutron stars with a strange quark core. The integral characteristics of the stellar configurations are obtained: gravitational mass, rest mass, radius, relativistic moment of inertia, and red shift from the star's surface, as well as the mass and radius of the quark core within the allowable range of values for the central pressure. The parameters of some of the characteristic configurations of the calculated series are also given and these are studied in detail. It is found that a new additional region of stability for neutron stars with strange quark cores may exist for some models of the equation of state.  相似文献   

研究了磁场对奇异星模型中夸克直接Urca过程的中微子能量损失率的影响,首先改进了弱场条件下的近似计算方法,这一方法可以推广到其他弱作用过程.在甚强磁场下,严格地计算Urca过程的中微子能量损失率,结果显示辐射率强烈地依赖于磁场,与磁场的二次方成正比,更重要的是对温度的依赖关系不同于弱场及没有磁场时的情形.  相似文献   

In the evolutionary tracks of magnetized compact stars the subsonic propeller state is intermediate between the supersonic propeller and accretor states. The rotation rate of a star in this stage decreases because of the interaction of its magnetosphere with the surrounding hot quasistatic shell. The radius of the magnetosphere is less than the corotation radius, and the boundary of the magnetosphere is stable with respect to inter-change instabilities. The mass flow rate from the inner radius of the shell to the surface of the compact object is limited by the rate at which plasma diffuses into the magnetic field of the star. Because of this, a subsonic propeller will show up as a low (or moderate) luminosity accretion pulsar with a soft x-ray spectrum.__________Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 48, No. 3, pp. 477–490 (August 2005).  相似文献   

Methods for estimating the masses of neutron stars in the Vela X-1, 4U 1700-37, and J0751+1807 are analyzed. The possible existence of massive neutron stars, the fraction of such stars among the overall total of neutron stars, and possible channels for their formation are discussed.__________Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 48, No. 2, pp. 211–222 (May 2005).  相似文献   

As a neutron star spins down, the nuclear matter is continuously converted into quark matter due to the core density increase, and then latent heat is released. We have investigated the thermal evolution of neutron stars undergoing such deconfinement phase transition. We have taken into account the conversion in the frame of the general theory of relativity. The released energy has been estimated as a function of changed rate of deconfinement baryon number. The numerical solutions to the cooling equation are seen to be very different from those without the heating effect. The results show that neutron stars may be heated to higher temperatures which is well matched with pulsar's data despite the onset of fast cooling in neutron stars with quark matter cores. It is also found that the heating effect has a magnetic field strength dependence. This feature could be particularly interesting for high temperatures of low-field millisecond pulsars at a later stage. The high temperature could fit the observed temperature for PSR J0437−4715.  相似文献   

Undamped quasiradial fluctuations of rotating neutron stars and the gravitation radiation generated by them are discussed. Two possible sources of energy for maintaining these fluctuations are mentioned: the energy of deformation of the decelerating neutron star (spin down) and the energy released during a jump in the star's angular velocity (glitch). Expressions are derived for the intensity of the gravitational radiation and the amplitude of a plane gravitational wave for an earthbound observer. Estimates of these quantities are obtained for the Vela and Crab pulsars, for which the secular variation in the angular velocity is most often accompanied by irregular variations. It is shown that gravitational waves from these pulsars could be detected by the new generation of detectors.  相似文献   

Hydrodynamically stationary, spherically symmetric accretion onto a neutron star is examined taking the reverse effect of radiation into account. It is assumed that the plasma flow is adiabatic and that radiation is generated in a thin surface layer of the neutron star, where incoming particles are slowed down. It is shown that for stationary accretion, neither a stop, nor a substantial slowing down of the accretion flux is possible for any physically allowed conditions far from the neutron star.  相似文献   

The mass-radius relations for bare and crusted strange stars are calculated with the bag model. Comparing these relations with the observed one derived from the redshift of EXO 0748-676, we come to the conclusion that it is incorrect to say that EXO 0748 676 cannot be a strange star. Various strange star models can show that EXO 0748-676 could have a mass of (1.3 - 1.7)M⊙ and a radius of(8.4 - 11.4) km. It is proposed that a proportion of nascent strange stars could be bare and have masses - 0.1 M⊙, and their masses increased over a long period of accretion.  相似文献   

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