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The fisheries subsidy discussion has largely overlooked the increased welfare for society from Pigouvian subsidies that increase the supply of and investment in public goods when there are external benefits and free riding. Important fisheries public goods and external benefits include knowledge associated with new technology for “target” species and “bycatch” reduction, research and development for new technology, and ecosystem services and biodiversity. Careful definition of subsidies also requires consideration of the counter-factual or what would have happened without the action to which the fishery “subsidy” is attributed. Subsidies in the Western and Central Pacific tuna fishery are evaluated according to these and other criteria.  相似文献   

Among the relatively few decisions taken by heads of States and government at the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in September 2002 in Johannesburg, South Africa, was the time-bound objective to restore degraded stocks to productive levels in its Plan of Implementation. The paper examines the evidence leading to this decision and the broadening of cognitive maps it implies. In particular, it documents how public archiving of research results and other knowledge sources particularly those accessible through the FishBase (www.fishbase.org) and Sea Around Us (www.seaaroundus.org) websites has been effective in enabling citizens in addition to specialist publics to counteract shifting baselines and monitor progress against the WSSD plan. The increased targeting and cost-effectiveness of research efforts and the social benefits of public research spending this implies militates for the extension of such approaches to other groups as an enabling mechanism for WSSD decisions on restoring marine ecosystems by 2015.  相似文献   

浙江省海洋公益服务的重大事件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
浙江省海洋开发历史悠久 ,长期以来为支持和保障开发利用海洋和海岸带资源 ,浙江省在海洋公益服务方面做了许多工作。例如海塘建设 ,海岸带、海涂、海岛资源调查 ,海洋功能区划 ,海洋渔业调查与区划 ,海洋能资源区划 ,海洋环境和灾害预报 ,海洋地质矿产勘探 ,海洋测量 ,海洋遥感等。这些重大历史事件表明 ,合理利用海洋、海岸带资源 ,保护海洋生态环境 ,实现可持续发展 ,是推动浙江省海洋经济发展的重要环节。  相似文献   

奥运赛事网络可靠性和安全性设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高可靠性和高安全性是奥运赛事网络的基本设计原则,从整体上对奥运会赛事网络的可靠性和安全性设计进行了描述,重点分析了网络体系架构、二级DMZ、A/B双机热备I、P地址编码、路由交换等设计理念,并针对赛事网络特点进行了优化,为建设大型高可靠性和高安全性园区网/城域网提供了参考经验。  相似文献   

根据粤西及珠江口12个验潮站1953-997年的月均潮位资料,采用奇异谱(SSA)分析方法,预测了华南海平面的变化,并根据预测结果,采用Everts剖面积分法,以后江湾和水东湾为例,分析了华南海岸对海平面上升的响应。其结果表明,微小幅度的海平面上升就可造成岸线较大幅度的退缩。  相似文献   

岬间砂质海岸平衡形态模型及其在华南海岸的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李志龙  陈子燊 《台湾海峡》2006,25(1):123-129
本文介绍了对数螺线、双曲线、抛物线三种岬间海湾平面平衡形态模型,并通过对比分析,表明抛物线为三种模型中较为理想的模型.根据抛物线模型的基本原理,本文提供了模型的可行性操作,并就抛物线模型对华南岬间海湾的应用展开了讨论.  相似文献   

建立了一种混合电解质溶液相平衡计算的混合整数非线性规划模型,并提出用遗传算法求解.首先基于G|bbs自由能最小化原理,通过对液相、固相析出盐种类编码的处理,建立了电解质体系相平衡计算模型,将相平衡计算问题转化为有约束的最优化问题;其次用遗传算法求解,通过对优化变量采取动态边界的可行域编码方法和序贯收敛技术保证了算法的有效实施,可实现固液平衡计算并得到析出的晶体数、盐的种类、固体的量以及液相组成;最后对多种体系进行了计算,结果表明此方法可行有效.  相似文献   

Private enumeration of landings data and traceability is an emerging phenomena in developing world tuna fisheries. The general goal of these systems is to facilitate compliance with mandatory market requirements such as the European Union’s Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated fisheries regulation, as well as support aspirations for voluntary requirements such as the Marine Stewardship Council. The long-term success of these systems appears to be dependent on their ability to complement and extend government data and information systems. Developing and maintaining the credibility of these voluntary private enumeration and traceability systems requires strong market incentives as well as strong state support and assurance. If this credibility can be maintained private fisheries information systems may provide a promising basis for innovative stock assessment and management approaches relevant for complex developing world fisheries such as tuna.  相似文献   

岬间海湾平面平衡形态规律的研究是砂质海岸稳定与演变研究的重要内容.简要回顾了岬间海湾平面形态规律的研究进展,着重介绍了研究海湾平衡形态的五个模型.通过评述平衡形态模型的优缺点,指出机理分析和经验拟合相结合应该为以后海湾平面平衡形态规律的研究发展方向,并论述了我国岬间砂质海湾平面平衡形态研究的重要意义.  相似文献   

2008奥运会帆船基地平面物理模型试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008北京奥运会青岛帆船比赛基地的平面布置对港内泊稳条件、比赛效果、场地外观等提出较高要求。文中总结帆船比赛基地平面布置的水工物理模型试验成果,分析赛船区的泊稳条件,讨论布局合理性,并提出改进措施。  相似文献   

Ostrom (1990) has argued that in collective action problems, social factors are crucial in order to promote conservation. A survey instrument among shellfish gatherers has been used to analyse their preferences with respect to a proposed conservation management programme, assessing the effect of co-management initiatives and the impact of social norms on extraction. Results show that shellfish gatherers working in a Marine Protected Area (MPA) behave more conservatively with respect to their counterparts in terms of their current extraction patterns, promoting species conservation. With regards to social norms, expected believes about the fulfilment of the current extraction regulation in their network, allow for the acceptance of restrictions imposed by the conservation management plan without decreasing the shellfish gatherers’ utility in any significant way.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the role that stakeholder trust in a management agency, as a source of information about climate change, plays in relationships among antecedents to climate change-related pro-environmental behavior. Data collected from a survey of Australian residents living adjacent to the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park revealed that lower intensities of institutional trust were associated with a less biocentric worldview, a lower reported awareness of consequences of the impacts of climate change, and a lower sense of obligation to adopt pro-environmental behaviors. Findings suggest that managers should attempt to foster the trust their stakeholders have in their agency because when trust increases, stakeholders develop stronger relationships among the antecedents of pro-environmental behavior.  相似文献   

郑东  洪新  高志波 《海洋预报》2012,29(4):70-73
较详细地绘出了该海域内50年来海水温度的变化周期及分布特征,并利用热平衡原理和数理统计方法,预测2011—2012年度海冰发展趋势。经多年检验该方法较为稳定、有效,能够较准确的预报局部海域冰情。  相似文献   

Measurements of velocity profiles, bathymetry, and surface sediment characteristics across eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) meadows yielded information on community development processes and functional attributes of this ecosystem. Height/length ratios of the meadows were positively correlated with tidal current velocity. Low, medium, and high current regimes were separated by surface current velocities of approximately 50 and 90 cm s?1. Z. marina can tolerate approximately 120–150 cm/sec current velocities in the areas studied. Per cent silt-clay and organic matter content of the surface sediments are negatively associated with shear velocity, suggesting that meadows in high current areas are sources while meadows in low current areas are sinks of autochthonous detritus. Current velocity maintains seagrass meadows at different equilibrium levels (relative climaxes). We theorize these different equilibrium levels provide unequal habitat utilization potentials for the associated faunal community.  相似文献   

由龟山岛热液气体推断几个可能化学反应方程式的存在,根据相关的假设条件,尽量接近于真实的龟山岛热液环境情况,通过计算、比较这些可能存在的化学反应在标况和龟山岛热液条件下的平衡常数,得出龟山岛热液活动区自然硫的形成可能反应式2H2S(g) O2(g)=2S(s) 2H2O(l)和CH4(g) SO2(g)=3S(s) 2H2O(l) CO2(g)起到了较大的作用。这与龟山岛热液活动所具有的水深浅,周围氧气含量高的事实以及采集的热液气体中含有大量CO2气体等情况十分一致。  相似文献   

浙江三门湾猫头深潭风暴快速沉积研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
三门湾频受热带风暴的影响,风暴期出现剧烈的滩冲、槽淤的泥沙交换,而在风暴后的正常天气条件下,则产生滩淤、槽冲的泥沙交换过程.通过猫头深潭(槽)9417号台风前后剖面水深重复测量、沉积特征及沉积物放射性同位素(210Pb,137Cs)测年等资料,揭示猫头深潭风暴快速沉积(骤淤).正常天气条件下风暴沉积产生再悬浮随潮运移,深潭水深得以恢复.在连续强热带风暴的影响下,又遇强的风暴增水,风暴沉积难以完全被冲刷,部分残留在深潭内,在猫头深潭沉积层中储存着风暴沉积的信息  相似文献   

Public participation in decision-making about development has many benefits especially in the coastal zone and in the near-shore marine environment. This research expands the discussion of public involvement in decisions about marine resource use by examining public participation in environmental impact assessment as relevant for offshore renewable energy facilities. A review of empirical and theoretical research supports the development of a framework for further analysis. The framework consists of five main features: (1) effective communication, (2) broad-based inclusion, (3) prioritization, (4) early three-way learning, and (5) alternatives analysis. The paper's concluding sections explore the relevance of such a framework and indicate possible applications.  相似文献   

Marine spatial planning (MSP) is becoming increasingly used in the sustainable management of marine and coastal ecosystems. However, limitations on time and resources often restrict the data available for MSP and limit public engagement and participation in the MSP process. While citizen science is being increasingly used to provide fine-scale environmental data across large terrestrial planning areas, there has been little uptake in MSP to date. This paper demonstrates how consistent citizen observations can be used to identify hotspots of good and poor environmental health across a MSP region, and where environmental health has improved or degraded in the past five years; information that is difficult to obtain by other means. The study demonstrates how citizen science provides valuable insight into environmental health across a MSP region, while fostering a supportive space for the public to contribute their own observations and participate in the planning process.  相似文献   

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