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利用地面地闪定位资料、多普勒天气雷达和常规气象资料, 分析了一次具有前部对流线和后部大范围层状云降水(LLTS)的典型中尺度对流系统(MCS)的闪电活动演变特征。整个MCS生命史中负地闪占主导地位, 正地闪则表现不活跃。观测得到MCS消散阶段云闪与地闪的比例为2∶1, 地闪主要分布在地面相对位温和对流不稳定能量均达到高值的区域; 负地闪主要密集地分布在大于40 dBZ的回波范围内; 正地闪则稀疏地分布在30~40 dBZ的回波范围内。在低于-40℃的温度区域内地闪分布较多, 而密集的地闪分布在温度梯度大的区域内。结合单多普勒雷达的水平风场反演, 发现地闪集中出现在气流表现为气旋性切变或水平风呈现切变的区域。该区域与MCS的强回波区相对应, 并且地闪易发生在上升气流达到最大并开始出现下沉气流的阶段。  相似文献   

慕建利  李泽椿  谌芸 《气象》2012,38(1):56-65
利用2007年8月8日18时至9日02时发生在陕西关中强暴雨期间的地闪、卫星TBB、雷达回波和地面加密降水资料,通过统计和对比分析的方法,分析了地闪活动特征及其与中尺度对流系统(MCS)和强降水的关系。地闪活动特征分析显示,暴雨过程中负地闪占绝对优势,为总地闪的97.7%。负闪频数和总闪频数的逐时演变趋势完全一致且呈现两峰一谷的趋势,正闪频数的变化呈现三峰两谷的趋势,但是正闪频数最大值与总闪、负闪频数峰值时间一致。负闪活跃期正负闪6 min演变均表现为多峰结构,正闪的波峰提前于负闪的波峰12 min。负闪频数变化和MCS、雷达反射率因子演变对比分析表明,负闪发生区是未来对流云团和对流发展加强区,负闪频数密集区位于对流云团前部TBB等值线密集区,负闪频数的急剧增加意味着未来对流系统的猛烈发展;负闪主要出现在回波强度大于40 dBz的区域,正闪则落到强回波中心两侧30~40 dBz的回波区,中尺度对流系统快速发展加强期,负闪密集区位于回波单体的前沿,中尺度系统发展稳定少动期,负闪大部分集中在各对流单体的强回波中心附近。对比分析地闪与暴雨发生发展的关系可见,地闪的发生和急剧增加对暴雨发生和发展加强有很好指示意义,初闪的发生提前于强降水发生,地闪急剧增加与降水强度猛增密切关联,负地闪发生密集区是未来强降水发生区。  相似文献   

北京及其周边地区闪电活动的时空特征   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用具有总闪观测能力的SAFIR3000在2005-2007年对北京及周边地区(天津、唐山、廊坊等)的观测资料,分析了该地区云闪和地闪时空分布特征.结果表明:云闪高发时段在15:00-次日00:00,峰值在19:00,高发月份在6-8月,峰值在7月;云闪空间分布高值区在北京东北部、天津北部、承德西南部一带,约为30次/(km2·a);云闪平均高度(海拔高度)日变化差异不大,季节变化夏季最高,冬季最低;高度在9~10 km的云闪最多,占云闪总次数的10.97%.地闪高发时段、月份、地闪高值区(密度约为5次/(km2·a))与云闪基本相似,不同之处在于云闪日分布多为单峰,而地闪为双峰,云闪高值时段开始与结束时间均比地闪早;云闪空间分布高值区密度约为地闪的6倍.3 a平均正闪占地闪总数百分比为16.44%,夏季该百分比较低,春秋季较高,其月际变化与正闪次数月际变化相反.总闪时空分布特征和云闪更为相似,总闪高值区分布和卫星探测得到的基本一致.  相似文献   

In this paper, we report the location results for the parent lightning strokes of more than 30 red sprites observed over an asymmetric mesoscale convective system(MCS) on 30 July 2015 in Shandong Province, China, with a long-baseline lightning location network of very-low-frequency/low-frequency magnetic field sensors. The results show that almost all of these cloud-to-ground(CG) strokes are produced during the mature stage of the MCS, and are predominantly located in the trailing stratiform region, which is similar to analyses of sprite-productive MCSs in North America and Europe. Comparison between the location results for the sprite-producing CG strokes and those provided by the World Wide Lightning Location Network(WWLLN) indicates that the location accuracy of WWLLN for intense CG strokes in Shandong Province is typically within 10 km, which is consistent with the result based on analysis of 2838 sprite-producing CG strokes in the continental United States. Also, we analyze two cases where some minor lightning discharges in the parent flash of sprites can also be located, providing an approach to confine the thundercloud region tapped by the sprite-producing CG strokes.  相似文献   

云南两次中尺度对流雷暴系统演变和地闪特征   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料诊断分析2010年9月21—23日中尺度对流雷暴系统形成的环流背景基础上,通过云南省闪电定位系统地闪监测资料和FY-2E卫星云图资料的同步叠加, 分析两个中尺度雷暴系统的演变和地闪特征。结果表明:台风凡亚比 (1011) 西行减弱的热带低压为中尺度对流雷暴系统提供有利的暖湿和抬升动力环流背景,促使中尺度弧状对流云带、中尺度雷暴云团和中尺度对流复合体生成和发展。雷暴云团结构和地闪活动空间分布不均匀并随时间变化,且正、负地闪频数与云顶亮温 (TBB) 相关,当TBB降低和等值线密度变大,雷暴云团发展,低TBB中心偏于云团的前部云区,负地闪频数剧增;当TBB达最低值时,雷暴云团成熟,负地闪频数达峰值,正地闪出现;当TBB升高且等值线密度变小时,雷暴云团减弱,低TBB中心靠近云团中心,负地闪频数迅速减小,正地闪频数达到峰值;密集的负地闪出现在雷暴云团前部大的TBB梯度区和TBB不大于-56℃的低值中心附近,正地闪分散在TBB不大于-56℃的低值中心附近,偏于负地闪区域后部发生。  相似文献   

江苏一次锢囚状MCS和相关中涡旋MCV的观测分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
陈永林  俞小鼎  杨引明  王慧  刘红亚 《气象》2016,42(2):166-173
利用常规地面和高空气象观测资料,结合气象卫星云图和雷达回波,分析了2009年6月14日15—23时(北京时,下同),造成江苏强对流天气的一个中尺度对流系统(MCS)的锢囚状特征的形成过程及其垂直结构。地面中尺度分析表明,雷暴高压东侧在飑前倒槽北端发展的闭合低压环流的东南气流将暖湿空气输送到冷性雷暴高压的北侧形成东南一西北向的暖舌,从而形成锢囚状的结构。长三角探空网资料的垂直结构分析表明,在对流层下部地面到850 hPa为冷性的雷暴高压,在对流层中部700 hPa为冷性的α中尺度涡旋(MCV),而500 hPa已转变为暖性的MCV。静力学关系可以说明MCV仅仅存在于700~500 hPa的原因和MCS下冷上暖的热力结构密切相关。  相似文献   

夏季青藏高原上的对流云和中尺度对流系统   总被引:54,自引:8,他引:46  
江吉喜  范梅珠 《大气科学》2002,26(2):263-270
运用1998年6~8月逐日逐时日本地球静止气象卫星(GMS)红外辐射亮温资料,计算和分析了青藏高原及周边地区对流云和中尺度对流系统的活动,揭示了它们形成和发展的月际变化和地理分布、强度、日变化、移动和传播等诸多特征,以及与长江流域暴雨过程的关系.  相似文献   

Sprites are brief optical emissions occurring above thunderstorms. Features of sprites and their parent thunderstorms and lightning activities have been studied by many researchers. Here, we report a single sprite recorded over a mesoscale convective system during its life cycle in Northeast China. The results show that the sprite might have been a dancing one,with a 20 km horizontal displacement from its parent cloud-to-ground flash(CG) and a 38 ms time delay; all the sprite elements occurred during the continuing current process of the parent flash. The peak current of the parent CG was the largest during the almost one-hour time window containing the sprite, and the absolute values of all the negative flashes were smaller than 100 k A during the same time period and did not produce sprite. The sprite did not occur during the time period in which the maximum area of the thunderstorm reached. The occurrence of sprite corresponded well with the decay of the thunderstorm convection, and no significant relationship between the occurrence of sprite and the increase in the 30–35 d BZ and 35–40 d BZ interval was found. The large wind gradient in the 8–12 km region of the thunderstorm may have played an important role in the sprite production.  相似文献   

方慈安  吴宝俊  常国刚  许晨海 《气象》1995,21(11):33-37
利用尺度分离动能方法对1994年6月11日09UTC-12日10UTC影响湖南省的一次MCS进行了研究,结果表明:1.大尺度运动中非地转风以及两种尺度间风场与气压的相互作用产生的动能,是这次MCS的主要能源;2.中尺度动能以及两种尺度风场相互作物 动勇,随MCS发展而增加;3.在MCS的整个发展阶段,高层的总体动能锐减。  相似文献   

综合雷达、卫星、电场、闪电定位仪等资料,分析了2009年6月5日经过南京地区的中尺度对流系统(MCS)的地闪、电场演变过程及特征。本次过程中,MCS的发展阶段正地闪占主导地位,成熟阶段负地闪占主要地位,消亡阶段层状云区的正地闪相对较频繁。将该过程电场划分为4个阶段,重点对MCS对流区的电场进行了演变过程和特征分析,并用准正态分布模式模拟了MCS的对流区电场。结果表明,准正态分布模式能够更细微地反映电场变化,模拟得到的电场和实际观测相符。  相似文献   

Based on the relationship between lightning flash density and radar echoes and a statistical analysis using satellite and radar observations,a scheme was introduced into the mesoscale model GRAPES (Global and Regional Assimilation and PrEdiction System) to forecast the cloud to ground (CG) flash activities.Because the relationship is a necessary but not sufficient condition for lightning,an additional constraint condition related to temperature of cloud top is added into the scheme to determine whether the ...  相似文献   

利用地面气象观测、FY-2G卫星TBB、多普勒雷达、ERA5再分析资料,以及江西快速循环同化系统等资料,分析了2020年7月9日吉泰盆地梅雨期特大暴雨天气过程的中尺度系统演变特征及机制。过程分为线状对流系统MCS-A转向、南压阶段和单体对流系统MCS-B、MCS-C北移发展阶段。结合盆地西侧山区、盆地北部、盆地南部三个暴雨区,重点分析了暴雨天气过程的第一阶段。结果表明:1)边界层辐合线触发MCS-A,后者西侧不断并入边界层辐合线上和低空急流前端的新生单体,形成“列车效应”。2)弱降水冷池驱动MCS-A中强降水雨团向西南方向传播以及MCS-A与弱降水雨团合并,共同导致了MCS-A转向。3)受幕府山和吉泰盆地地形绕流作用,对流层中低层中-β尺度低涡在吉泰盆地东北部停留约5 h,激发盆地西部、北部对流活动的发展。4)对流系统处于准静止态,急流前端存在中-γ尺度涡旋,导致MCS-A中强对流单体在吉泰盆地南部长时间维持。  相似文献   

The region of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei is covered by two different lightning detection networks: SAFIR (Systeme d’Alerte Fondre par Interferometrie Radioelecctrique) for total lightning, including IntraCloud (IC) flashes and Cloud-to-Ground (CG) flashes, and the ADTD (ADvanced TOA and Direction system; TOA denotes time of arrival) network of China for CG lightning. Fourteen isolated hail-bearing thunderstorms in this region were examined in this study, using the data of SAFIR and ADTD. The peak of lightning frequency, for both total lightning and CG lightning, was often observed in advance of the occurrence of hailstones on the ground, with a trend of a rapid increase of lightning frequency before the hail was reported. The average lead times of the two types of lightning jump before hail events were obtained (total lightning: 32.2 min; CG: 25.4 min) through the 2σ lightning jump algorithm. Additionally, in hailstorms with a high ratio of positive CG flashes, the diameter of hail was larger and the duration of hail was longer; when negative CG flashes dominated, the diameter of hail was relatively small. The comparison of the characteristics of total lightning and CG flashes in hailstorms in this study is expected to serve as a supplementary tool for hail forecasting.  相似文献   

孙靖  王建捷 《气象》2010,36(12):19-27
2008年8月10日白天到夜间,北京地区发生了全市性强降水,其中10日下午15:00-18:00经过城区的三个β中尺度对流单体不但产生强的降水(局地达到45 mm/h和12 mm/5 min的雨强),还出现了明显的组织化发展的迹象。利用北京地区多种高时空观测数据(包括地面自动站、多普勒雷达、风廓线、微波辐射计等)和雷达变分同化分析系统(VDRAS)的高分辨率分析场资料,重点分析研究了这三个对流单体组织发展的特征和成因。结果显示:(1)10日下午城区的短时暴雨与大范围降水云系前部(北京城区南部到房山东部)近地面层β中尺度切变线的产生直接相关,该切变线触发了对流,使对流单体组织化发展成为准南北向排列的β中尺度线状对流系统影响了城区;(2)降水发生前2小时左右,北京本站边界层环境风风向由西南向偏东的转变以及城区局地对流有效位能的短时快速积累,是城区对流得以发展的关键局地环境因素;(3)10日下午北京西北部山区的层状降水系统的低层(500 m以下)形成的西北冷性水平出流与北京东南部低层东南暖平流在城南一带汇合形成的风切变是导致对流单体移进北京后组织化和进一步发展的直接原因。因此,在有利的大尺度环流背景下,对于北京大范围降水而言,预报中需特别注意降水云系移动的近前方、边界层环境风风向的变化(即偏东风的出现),因为大范围降水发生后近地面层所形成的水平出流,可能与其前部偏东环境风构成明显风切变而激发对流的产生和组织化。  相似文献   

低纬高原地区一次中尺度对流复合体个例研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
段旭  李英 《大气科学》2001,25(5):676-682
利用地球静止气象卫星(GMS)资料和有限区域暴雨预报模式(HLAFS)分析场,对1999年6月6日低纬高原地区发生的一次中尺度对流复合体(MCC)进行了分析.研究结果表明,MCC发生在副热带高压与滇缅高压之间辐合区中;受两高之间辐合区及云贵高原地形的影响,MCC位于500hPa一个明显的中尺度辐合线上,垂直速度中心强度比其他地区的MCC约大1倍,无辐散层位于400~500hPa之间,北侧准静止锋锋区很强.  相似文献   

Based on the previous statistical analysis of mesoscale convective systems(MCSs)over the second-step terrain along Yangtze-Huaihe River Valley,eight representative long-lived eastward-propagating MCSs are selected for model-based sensitivity testing to investigate the initiation and evolution of these types of MCSs as well as their impact on downstream areas.We subject each MCS to a semi-idealized(CNTL)simulation and a sensitivity(NOLH)simulation that neglects condensational heating in the formation region.The CNTL experiment reveals convection forms in the region downstream of a shortwave trough typified by persistent southwesterly winds in the low-to midtroposphere.Upon merging with other convective systems,moist convection develops into an MCS,which propagates eastward under the influence of mid-tropospheric westerlies,and moves out of the second-step terrain.The MCS then merges with pre-existing local convection over the plains;the merged convection reinforces the cyclonic wind perturbation into a mesoscale vortex at 850 hPa.While this vortex moves eastward to regions with local vortex at 850 hPa,another vortex at 925 hPa is also intensified.Finally,the vortices at 850 and 925 hPa merge together and develop into a mesoscale convective vortex(MCV).In contrast,MCSs fail to form and move eastward in the NOLH experiment.In the absence of eastward-propagating MCSs,moist convection and mesoscale vortices still appear in the plains,but the vortex strength and precipitation intensity are significantly weakened.It is suggested the eastward-propagating MCSs over the second-step terrain significantly impact the development and enhancement of moist convection and vortices in the downstream areas.  相似文献   

The summer monsoon onset over the northern South China Sea (SCS) in May 16-20, 1998 was characterized by the abrupt onset of mesoscale convective activities and rapid increase of precipitation. The possible mechanism for formation of the mesoscale convective systems (MCSs) and related rain belts were revealed through discussing their forming physical conditions under the large-scale background: (1) The high pseudo-equivalent potential temperature and the convective instability in the lower troposphere, the low-level southwesterly confluence and the high-level divergence over South China and the northern SCS provided the favorable large-scale thermodynamic and dynamic conditions for development of MCSs. The southwesterly flow from the Bay of Bengal (BOB) interacted with that to the western flank of the subtropical high, which constituted the major moisture channels, thus bringing about deep wet layers and strong moisture convergence;(2) triggered by several cold troughs from high and mid latitudes, the convectively unstable energy was released and the convective activities over the northern SCS broke out abruptly;(3)analysis of retrieved precipitation based on the dual-Doppler radar during South China Sea Monsoon Experiment (SCSMEX) indicated that active convection influenced by the monsoon trough and corresponding wind shear line organized and formed continually some mesoscale convective rainbelts. During May 15-19,about 12 precipitation processes with 6-12-hour life span or more were observed;and (4) under the favorable synoptic conditions, establishment of the monsoon trough and shear line in the low levels, as well as production and development of mesoscale low vortex were all necessary conditions for the formation and maintenance of MCSs.  相似文献   

利用LS8000闪电定位系统2009—2011年的地闪观测资料对上海及周边地区(120~122.5°E,30~32°N)的地闪活动特征进行了研究。结果表明:分析区域内正地闪的比例约占8.5%,大电流地闪(电流绝对值大于50kA)的比例约为5.6%。地闪活动主要集中在6—9月,峰值出现在8月;日变化上,12:00—19:00闪电活动最为活跃,峰值出现在14:00,凌晨闪电活动最弱。从日变化上来说,正地闪和大电流地闪比例在地闪活动较强时段低于地闪活动较弱时段;在月分布上,在地闪活动最强的夏季,正地闪比例普遍在10%以下,在地闪活动较弱的春、秋、冬季,正地闪比例普遍在10%以上。以北纬31°为界,分析区域北部地闪密度基本在6~12次·km-2·a-1以上,南部基本在2.4~4.8次·km-2·a-1。同时陆地上的地闪密度要显著高于湖泊和海洋上的地闪密度,而海洋上的正地闪比例和大电流地闪比例要显著高于陆地。闪电空间分布的时间变化说明,下午地闪活动主要出现在陆地,而凌晨地闪主要出现在水体附近,其它时段则表现出过渡特征,这与下垫面的加热作用紧密相关。  相似文献   

中尺度对流系统中的湿中性层结结构特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于CloudSat卫星获得的高分辨率中尺度对流系统垂直剖面结构,结合大气参量相对湿度和相当位温的诊断分析,在低纬度、中高纬度地区、陆地或海洋以及不同天气形势下,发现了多个非常典型的中尺度对流系统(MCS)内部具有湿中性层结特征的个例.进一步利用静止卫星普查到的东亚地区MCS分布情况,结合NCEP再分析资料诊断MCS重心位置处大气状态廓线,利用大量的例子从统计的角度揭示了湿中性层结结构特征在MCS中存在的普遍性,并且从动力学和热力学的角度探讨了湿中性层结结构在MCS发生和发展中所起到的作用.  相似文献   

Many observational studies have shown that deformation, like vertical vorticity and divergence, is closely related to the occurrence and distribution of strong precipitation. In this paper, to involve deformation in precipitation diagnosis, a new parameter called potential deformation(PD) is derived and then applied to precipitation detection within a simulated mesoscale convective system(MCS). It is shown that PD includes both stretching deformation and shearing deformation and shares similar characteristics with deformation insofar as it does not change with the rotating coordinate. Diagnosis of the simulated MCS reveals that PD performs well in tracing the MCS' precipitation. In terms of their distributional pattern, the large-value areas of PD are similar to the precipitation in the different development stages of the MCS. A detailed analysis of the physical processes contained within the PD shows that it can reflect the three-dimensional moisture variation,vertical wind shear and wind deformation within the MCS. These structures are usually a comprehensive reflection of the characteristics of the surface cold pool, rear inflow jet, downward cold air flow and upward warm moist flow within the precipitating convective cells. For this reason, the PD shows much stronger anomalies in the precipitating atmosphere than the non-precipitating atmosphere, which implies considerable potential for its application in detecting heavy precipitation within MCSs.  相似文献   

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