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The sulphur isotope composition of 233 sulphides and 40 sulphates has been investigated and evaluated in combination with 29 earlier published data. The total variation of δ34S values for the sulphides and the sulphates ranges from ?40 up to ?1 ‰ and from +7 up to +20 ‰, respectively. For the mineral species the variations are (with number of samples in brackets): galena (96) ?32 up to ?2 ‰, sphalerite (141) ?30 up to ?4 ‰, marcasite (16) ?27 up to ?1 ‰, pyrite (10) ?26 up to ?13 ‰, molybedenite (3) ?40 up to ?29 ‰, anhydrite and gypsum (8) +15 up to +20 ‰, coelestine (1) +19 ‰, and barite (33) +7 up to +18 ‰. The frequency distribution of the δ34S values corresponds with the complexity of the ore forming processes which resulted in six strata-bound ore mineralizations. The sulphate values clearly show that the sulphate sulphur originates from sea water sulphate. The sulphides are formed by bacteriogeneric processes from seawater sulphate, and their sulphur isotope composition depends on the lithofacies of the sediments as well as on the following diagenetic processes.  相似文献   

The article examines the evolution of the Slovene minority in Carinthia (Austria) in dependence of political and socioeconomic developments and the methods used for determining the size of the minority. With statistic censuses which use the language of social intercourse as a criterion for measuring the size of the minority it is nowadays possible to determine only about one third of the minority population. Assimilation was most powerful in the stage of industrial society, when political pressures on the minority were also very strong. In tertiary post-industrial society the minority has better possibilities of preserving its national identity.  相似文献   

A large suite of rock cores was collected from localities lying on linear profiles across the Möll-Drau Valley (in Carinthia, Austria) for a fabric study to determine the nature of the Möll-Drau Line (MDL) and its place in the Alpine Orogeny. The fabrics of the region show a dominant N-S compression direction in the Kreuzeck Group which transforms to a NE-SW compression direction within the Reisseck Group. This and the large number of prolate sites in the Reisseck Group indicate an overthrusting of the Eastalpine units (Kreuzeck Altkristallin) on to the Penninic units (Reisseck group). The geological and radiometric observations of the MDL suggest that the MDL is an uplifting shear line. If this is so, the magnetic fabrics suggest that this uplift was active after the main N-S compression of the Alpine Orogeny. The complete absence of fabric overprinting due to this uplift also suggests that the activity on the Line was relatively friction free. The distinct fabric differences within the Goldeck and Kreuzeck units indicate that they may have undergone individual block type movements and rotations.  相似文献   

Summary The Early Paleozoic Altkristallin of the Kreuzeck Mountains is well-known for its mostly small gold, silver, copper, lead, zinc, antimony, and mercury deposits. A detailed investigation of silver(-gold)-base metal mineralizations (Plattach, Niedermülleralm, Grakofel and DraBnitz) is presented in this paper. The deposits are structurally controlled. Faults and shear zones penetrate garnet-mica schists, gneisses (partly at Grakofel), and amphibolites (partly at DraBnitz). In places the mineralization occurs at the sheared contact between quartz porphyrite dykes (K/Ar ages of 30–40 Ma) and country rocks (e.g. at Niedermülleralm).The precious metal mineralization occurs as bundles of quartz veins, which were mined over a distance of 150-200 m along strike and dip. The depositional textures such as vugs, symmetrical banding, cockade and colloform structures clearly indicate open space filling. The mineral parageneses of Plattach, Niedermülleralm and Grakofel ores are similar to each other, but distinctly different from that of the DraBnitz deposit. The first mentioned deposits are characterized by abundant silver sulfosalts such as freibergite (21.7–36.3 wt.% Ag), pyrargyrite, miargyrite, diaphorite (Pb1 7–1.8Ag2.9–3.2Sb2.8–3.0S8), owyheeite (Ag2.69Pb9.44Sb10.38S28) and stephanite, as well as sphalerite and galena (100–1600 ppm Ag); hocartite ( [Ag, Cu]2 [Fe, Zn] SnS4) is intergrown with pyrargyrite and occurs as inclusions in pyritic ores at Niedermülleralm. Pyrite, arsenopyrite, and chalcopyrite are present in minor amounts. Au-Ag alloys with Ag contents ranging between 40.4–49.5 wt.% (electrum) and 73.5–74.2 wt.% (aurian silver) have grain sizes between 2 and 60 pin and are frequently associated with freibergite, pyrite and quartz.Draßnitz is a silver bearing base metal deposit with a possible but not proved silver enrichment in the uppermost 100 m of the vein system. Arsenopyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, bournonite, Ag-tetrahedrite, and galena are the dominant ore minerals, locally accompanied by substantial amounts of zincian stannite (25 mol.% kesterite), ferberite, scheelite, and minor amounts of molybdenite, native bismuth, ullmannite and a silver sulfosalt.The most common types of hydrothermal wall-rock alteration are phyllic alteration (sericitization), silicification, carbonatization, and sulfidization. The alteration zone does not exceed a few decimeters on both sides of the veins.Fluid inclusion studies of quartz reveal formation temperatures of 165–250°C (Plattach) and 165–220°C (Niedermülleralm). The corresponding data for the Grakofel and Draßnitz ores are 180–330°C and 210–365°C, respectively. The salinities vary between 3–7 equiv. wt.-% NaCl (Niedermülleralm, Plattach, Draßnitz) and 4–13.3 equiv. wt.-% NaCl (Grakofel).A shallow-seated plutonic or subvolcanic magma (quartz porphyrite?) could be the reason for telescoping, different temperatures and heat gradient within the mineralized zone. The isotope compositions of the fluids give evidence for their metamorphic origin, probably contaminated by a minor meteoric component.
Gangförmige Ag-(Au)-Pb, Zn, Cu-(W, Sn) Vererzungen in der südlichen Kreuzeckgruppe, Kärnten, Österreich
Zusammenfassung Das altpaläozoische Altkristallin der Kreuzeckgruppe beherbergt eine große Zahl zumeist kleiner Gold-, Silber-, Kupfer-, Blei-, Zink-, Antimon- und Quecksilber-Lagerstätten. In dieser Arbeit werden detaillierte Untersuchungen von Silber(-Gold)-Buntmetall-Vererzungen (Plattach, Niedermülleralm, Grakofel und Draßnitz) vorgestellt. Die Lagerstätten sind strukturkontrolliert; Verwerfungs- und Scherzonen setzen in Granat-glimmerschiefern, Gneisen (teilweise Grakofel) und Amphiboliten (teilweise Draßnitz) auf. Bereichsweise tritt die Vererzung am zerscherten Kontakt zwischen Quarzporphyritgängen (K/Ar-Alter 30–40 Ma) und dem Nebengestein auf (z.B. Niedermülleralm).Die edelmetallhältige Vererzung ist an Quarzgang-Systeme gebunden, deren Ausdehnung aufgrund der bergbaulichen Aktivitäten kaum mehr als 150–200 m im Streichen und Einfallen betragen haben dürfte. Die beobachteten Ablagerungstexturen mit zahlreichen Drusen, symmetrischen Bänderungen, Kokarden- und kolloformen Strukturen sind eindeutige Indizien für eine Kristallisation in Hohlräumen. Die Mineral-paragenesen der Reviere Plattach-Niedermülleralm und des Grakofels sind einander sehr ähnlich, unterscheiden sich aber deutlich von jenen der Draßnitz. Die erstgenannten Lagerstätten zeichnen sich durch das bevorzugte Auftreten von Silber-Sulfosalzen, wie Freibergit (21,7–36,3 Gew.% Ag), Pyrargyrit, Miargyrit, Diaphorit (Pb1,7–1,8Ag2,9–3,2 Sb2,8–3,0S8), Owyheeit (Ag2. 69Pb9 ,44Sb10,38S28) und Stephanit sowie Sphalerit und Galenit (100–1600 ppm Ag) aus; Hocartit ( [Ag, Cu]2 [Fe, Zn] SnS4), der mit Pyrargyrit verwachsen ist, bildet Einschlüsse in Pyriterzen der Niedermülleralm. Zu geringeren Teilen kommen Pyrit, Arsenopyrit und Chalkopyrit vor. Gold-Silber-Legierungen mit Ag-Gehalten zwischen 40,4–49,5 Gew.% (Elektrum) und 73,5–74,2 Gew.% (Au-hältiges Silber) und Korngrößen zwischen 2 und 60 Mm sind häufig mit Freibergit, Pyrit und Quarz assoziiert.Die Lagerstätten der Draßnitz enthalten eine silberführende Buntmetallvererzung mit einer aufgrund der alten Bergbautätigkeit nur vermutbaren ehemaligen Silber-Reicherzzone in den obersten Gangabschnitten (Mächtigkeit ca. 100 m). Die Haldenerze bestehen heute aus Arsenopyrit, Pyrrhotin, Chalkopyrit, Sphalerit, Bournonit, Ag-Tetraedrit und Galenit; sie werden bereichsweise von beträchtlichen Anteilen an Zn-Stannit (25 Mol.% Kesterit), Ferberit, Scheelit, sowie in geringen Mengen von gediegenem Wismut, Ullmannit und Ag-Sulfosalzen begleitet.Serizitisierung, Silizihzierung, Karbonatisierung und Sulfidisierung sind die wesentlichen hydrothermalen Nebengesteinsveränderungen. Die Alterationszone erreicht allerdings nur einige Dezimeter auf beiden Seiten der Erzgänge.Die aus Flüssigkeitseinschlüssen in Quarz ermittelten Bildungstemperaturen zeigen für die Plattach 165–250°C, für die Niedermülleralm 165–220T. Die entsprechenden Temperaturdaten für die Grakofel-Vererzung betragen 180–330°C und 210–365°C für die Draßnitz. Die Salinitäten schwanken zwischen 3–7 Gew.% NaCl äq. (Niedermülleralm, Plattach, Draßnitz) und 4–13,3 Gew.% NaCl äq. (Grakofel).Ein hochplutonisches oder subvulkanisches Magma (Quarzporphyrit?) könnte eine mögliche Erklärung für das Teleskoping, die Temperaturunterschiede und den Wärmegradienten innerhalb der Vererzungszone sein. Die Isotopenzusammensetzung der Fluide deutet auf deren metamorphen Ursprung mit vermutlich untergeordneter meteorischer Komponente hin.

(Herrn Univ. Prof. Dr. Ing. 0. M. Friedrich () in Erinnerung zugeeignet)

With 10 Figures  相似文献   

Summary Titanian ferrocolumbite is a rare accessory mineral in the spodumene-bearing pegmatites at Weinebene, Carinthia, Austria. It contains abundant exsolved niobian rutile and scarce inclusions of cassiterite that may be primary. The titanian ferrocolumbite is relatively homogeneous with Mn/(Mn + Fe) 0.24–0.33, Ta/(Ta + Nb) 0.09–0.13 (atomic ratios) and 0.47–0.88 Ti per 12 cations (2.7–5.0 wt.% TiO2). Natural specimens are considerably disordered but become more ordered on heating. Niobian rutile has Mn/(Mn + Fe) 0.00–0.04 and Ta/(Ta + Nb) 0.26–0.38; it concentrates Fe, Ta, Ti and Sn relative to the Mn- and Nb-enriched ferrocolumbite. The overall scarcity of Nb, Ta-oxide minerals in the spodumene-bearing pegmatites of southern Ostalpen conforms to their general features ranking them with the albite-spodumene type of rare-element pegmatites.With 4 Figures  相似文献   

A large-scale avalanche of Earth material is modeled here as a granular flow using a distinct element numerical model PFC 2D. Such failures occur in a variety of geological settings and are known to occur frequently over geologic time-scales transporting significant volumes of material basinward. Despite this, they remain poorly understood. The model used here begins with a listric failure, typical of the flank collapse of a volcanic cone, and describes the movement of an assembly of several thousand particles from failure to deposition. Within the model, each particle possesses its own material properties and interacts with its immediate neighbors and/or the basal boundary during emplacement. The general mechanics of the particle assembly are observed by monitoring the stresses, displacements, and velocities of distinct sections of the avalanche body. We monitor the avalanches’ energy regime (e.g., gravitational influence, energy dissipation by friction, kinetic energy evolution, and avalanche body strain). The addition of colored markers of varying geometry to the pre-failure avalanche was also used to make qualitative observations on the internal deformation that occurs during avalanche emplacement. A general stretching and thinning of the avalanche is observed. Monitoring of vertical and horizontal variations in stress, strain, porosity, and relative particle stability indicate that the lower more proximal sections of the avalanche are subject to higher stresses. These stresses are observed to be most significant during the initial phases of failure but decline thereafter; a situation likely to be conducive to block fragmentation and in developing a basal shear layer in real-world events. The model also shows how an avalanche which is initially influenced purely by gravity (potential energy) develops into a fully flowing assemblage as downslope momentum is gained and kinetic energy increases. The horizontal transition where the failure meets the run-out surface is recognized as a key area in emplacement evolution. The model has particular relevance to volcanic flank collapses and consequently the implications of the model to these types of failure and the geological products that result are considered in detail although the model is relevant to any form of large-scale rock or debris avalanche.  相似文献   

王启耀  蒋臻蔚  杨林德 《岩土力学》2006,27(7):1101-1104
在缓倾斜或水平层状岩体中开挖巷道时巷道顶底板弯曲变形和破坏的问题十分突出,巷道往往因这些部位发生过大变形而率先破坏,导致结构的整体失稳。根据层状岩体的特点,分析了其弯曲变形破坏的机理和条件,利用考虑偶应力的Cosserat介质理论,基于Matlab平台编制了相应的计算程序,对水平层状岩体巷道的变形特征及影响因素进行了模拟研究,结果表明Cosserat理论对层状岩体巷道的开挖模拟是适用的,而且简便。  相似文献   

Large thermal extractions and extensive implementation of groundwater heat pumps (GWHP) necessitate a validation of the sustainability of their use and possible detrimental effects on groundwater. The goal of this work is to develop a regional heat transport model (of ~13 km × 5 km) for real site conditions. This model should consider all relevant transport processes, despite the large area under investigation. The model is based on a two-dimensional, transient-calibrated groundwater flow model for the “Leibnitzer Feld” (Styria, Austria). The two-dimensional horizontal model is linked via the FEFLOW interface manager with a newly developed “Multi-Layer-Model”-tool, which reproduces thermal aquifer–atmosphere interaction. Based on the regional heat transport model, scenarios are delineated for heating and cooling purposes for large GWHPs, which are appropriate for a small manufacturing business, an administrative building and 10 family homes. First of all, these have large spacing and thereafter, effects of area-covering usage of geothermal systems are evaluated for five administrative buildings located in close proximity to one another (200–350 m) and also for a large number of smaller heat extractions (each representing a one family house system). Modeled spatial and temporal temperature effects on the shallow aquifer are discussed. It was possible to present a simulation of realistic heating and cooling scenarios. This simulation may be introduced into practice once some further simplifications to the system are made. Locally limited heat plumes (max. length: 625 m) were observed for the manufacturing business. Any thermal effects coming from the geothermal systems were shown to be temporally stable. As such, no distinct trend of reduced annual temperatures could be observed.  相似文献   

Mass movements and earthquakes represent two major geological hazards in the municipal territory of Caramanico Terme (south-central Apennines). Available records revealed the contemporaneous occurrence of earthquakes and slope failures on four occasions in the last four centuries (1627, 1706, 1933, and 1984). These events, with local intensities ranging from VI to IX, generated mass movements varying from a rotational slope failure to rock/block falls. All occurred in the southern periphery of the town and involved a thick carbonate megabreccia caprock and coarse colluvia which overlie a clayey substratum. Field investigation and review of historical records helped to delimit the areas susceptible to seismically triggered rockfalls. The mapping of historic and pre-historic rockfall deposits revealed their dispersal patterns and provided the basis for a determination of potential hazard zones. We approximate the temporal hazard assessment by relating the rockfall occurrence to the probability of earthquake triggering. Considering the VI degree triggering threshold indicated by local historical data, the statistical analysis of the regional seismic activity shows that events capable of inducing rockfalls have an approximately decennial recurrence in Caramanico. The approach presented could be readily applied to other potential risk areas of Italy by exploiting the rich long-term record of historical seismicity. In general, temporal hazard estimates at relatively low intensity levels will be possible even where the seismic history of the site is only well documented for a relatively limited time interval, provided that this interval is much longer than the recurrence time of the events exceeding the threshold considered.  相似文献   

Small alpine valleys usually show a heterogeneous hydraulic situation. Recurring landslides create temporal barriers for the surface runoff. As a result of these postglacial processes, temporal lakes form, and thus lacustrine fine-grained sedimentation intercalates with alluvial coarse-grained layers. A sequence of alluvial sediments (confined and thus well protected aquifers) and lacustrine sediments (aquitards) is characteristic for such an environment. The hydrogeological situation of fractured hard-rock aquifers in the framing mountain ranges is characterized by superficially high hydraulic conductivities as the result of tectonic processes, deglaciation and postglacial weathering. Fracture permeability and high hydraulic gradients in small-scaled alpine catchments result in the interaction of various flow systems in various kinds of aquifers. Spatial restrictions and conflicts between the current land use and the requirements of drinking-water protection represent a special challenge for water resource management in usually densely populated small alpine valleys. The presented case study describes hydrogeological investigations within the small alpine valley of the upper Gurktal (Upper Carinthia, Austria) and the adjacent Höllenberg Massif (1,772 m above sea level). Hydrogeological mapping, drilling, and hydrochemical and stable isotope analyses of springs and groundwater were conducted to identify a sustainable drinking-water supply for approximately 1,500 inhabitants. The results contribute to a conceptual hydrogeological model with three interacting flow systems. The local and the intermediate flow systems are assigned to the catchment of the Höllenberg Massif, whereas the regional flow system refers to the bordering Gurktal Alps to the north and provides an appropriate drinking water reservoir.  相似文献   

In recent years, soil nailing has been widely used to stabilize excavated steep slopes. Its design is often controlled by the allowable deformation level especially when buildings and/or other underground facilities exit near the excavation. In this paper a three-dimensional (3-D) finite element model (FEM) has been developed for the deformation analysis of nailed soil structures. In this model, the soil nonlinearity, the soil–nail interaction and the staged construction are all considered. Parametric studies are carried out to investigate some influence factors on the deformation behavior. An engineering case is also analyzed and the predicted soil movements at various stages of excavation are compared with field measurements. Good agreement between the prediction and the measurements proves the reliability of the model.  相似文献   

Density sections of the Upper Proterozoic-Paleozoic cis-Yenisei sedimentary basin were numerically modeled to show that the gravity mechanism was sufficient to bring about linear deformation structures. The main conditions of their formation and development have been determined. Comparative analysis of the results of modeling with variations in initial parameters shows an important role of dolomite interbeds in the formation of structures in the section of Cambrian evaporates. The specific evolution of the structures was related to the specific basin sedimentation and the subsequent tectonic evolution of the region as a whole. The conclusion has been drawn that the tectonic influence of neighboring folded zones might have triggered salt tectogenesis.  相似文献   


The Biscayne Aquifer (Florida, USA) is a coastal, shallow, unconfined, and heterogeneous aquifer with high water tables, composed of less-permeable sand to highly permeable karstic limestone. These properties make the Biscayne Aquifer one of the world’s most productive groundwater resources. The aquifer’s high yield and non-Darcian flow cause challenges for estimating aquifer parameters, which are essential for understanding groundwater processes and managing and protecting the groundwater resources. Water-table fluctuations in the Biscayne Aquifer are associated with astronomical tidal forces and gate operations on canal water-control structures. Analysis of observed groundwater level fluctuations can provide an understanding of the connectivity between the aquifer, Biscayne Bay, and the water level in the canals. Further, groundwater level fluctuations can be used for aquifer parameter estimation. In this research, observed ocean water levels measured at tidal stations and groundwater levels are fitted to Jacob’s analytical solution, where the amplitude of the groundwater head fluctuation decreases exponentially, and the time lag increases with distance from the shore. Observed groundwater levels were obtained from monitoring wells along the Miami-Dade shore and the barrier island of Miami Beach. Results indicate that Jacob’s solution is effective for aquifer parameter estimation in Miami Beach, where monitoring wells are closer to the shore. Estimated hydraulic conductivity appears to increase by four orders of magnitude to approximately 1 m s–1 as the distance from shore increases. Constructing monitoring wells closer to the shore in Miami-Dade County and elsewhere would permit improved aquifer parameter estimation and support enhanced groundwater modeling efforts.


 Some years ago the thermal water wells of the spa Deutsch-Altenburg were considered the result of a local water circulation. Extensive measurements of the water chemistry, trace elements, and environmental isotopes combined with drillings in the river bed of the Danube resulted in the indication of a key position of the mineral thermal wells of Deutsch-Altenburg for the groundwater circulation in the entire Vienna basin. The proof of this fact demanded the inclusion of the complicated geological position of the basin into the argumentation. The historical background of Bad Deutsch-Altenburg is the Roman municipium Carnuntum. During the reign of the Roman emperor Marc Aurel (161-180 A.C.) Carnuntum became the largest Roman municipium northeast of Rome with about 50 000 inhabitants covering the areas of present-day villages Petronell and Deutsch-Altenburg due to its strategic and trade position. The town was totally destroyed during the era of "migration of nations." The land surface was farmland or meadows. The first document concerning the thermal water of Deutsch-Altenburg is an expertise of the medical faculty of the University of Vienna (1548). During the siege of Vienna by the Turkish army under Kara Mustafa (1683–84) Deutsch-Altenburg was again, destroyed. It was only at the end of the 19th century that the modern installation of the spa began. The healing thermal water with the highest content of sulfur in Austria made Deutsch-Altenburg one of the most well-known spas in the country. The archaeological excavation of Carnuntum is the largest in Austria. Received: 6 October 1995 · Accepted: 13 November 1995  相似文献   

Tan  Dao-Yuan  Feng  Wei-Qiang  Yin  Jian-Hua  Zhu  Zhuo-Hui  Qin  Jie-Qiong 《Acta Geotechnica》2021,16(2):433-448

Retention behavior of a flexible barrier in mitigating a granular flow is still an open problem not fully understood, especially due to the complexity of the granular material and the flexible barrier. Understanding the retention mechanism and quantifying the influencing factors of retention efficiency are desirable for optimizing the design and minimizing the maintenance cost of a debris-resisting flexible barrier. In this paper, a numerical model, based on the discrete element method, is presented, calibrated, and validated to analyze the interaction between a granular flow and a flexible net. A full-scale numerical simulation is first performed to compare with a large-scale physical modeling test in the literature and validate the applied parameters in the simulation. The interaction and deposition characteristics of the granular flow interacting with a flexible net are revealed. Afterward, parametric study is performed to investigate the effects of the internal friction angle (φ) of debris material and the relative mesh size of flexible net on the retention efficiency and clogging mechanism of a flexible barrier. The simulation results illustrate that the particle passing ratio (P) increases with increment of the friction angle of particles and enlargement of the mesh size of a flexible net. Both parameters have critical effects on the retention efficiency of a flexible barrier in intercepting a granular flow. Therefore, the friction angle and the particle size distribution characteristics of the debris material are suggested being used for optimization of the mesh size and more efficient design of debris-resisting flexible barriers.


Samples from two lignite seams (Lower Seam, Upper Seam) of the Lavanttal basin (Austria) and additional xylite were investigated for variations in maceral composition, petrography-based facies indicators, bulk geochemical parameters, and molecular composition of hydrocarbons. Both seams originated in a topogenous mire and evolved within a transgressive setting. The final drowning of the mire is indicated by sapropelic shales. Whereas the sapropelic shale overlying the Lower Seam was deposited in a freshwater lake, the sapropelic shale above the Upper Seam represents a brackish lake.Numerous relationships are found between petrography-based facies indicators and the geochemical composition of organic matter. The contents of macerals of the liptinite group are positively correlated with soluble organic matter (SOM) yields and hydrogen index (HI). Consistent with maceral composition and high HI values, enhanced proportions of short-chain n-alkanes, which are predominantly found in algae and microorganisms, are obtained from samples of the sapropelic shales. The final drowning of the mire is reflected by decreasing pristane/phytane ratios, due to the rise in (ground)water table and the establishment of anaerobic conditions, as well as by decreasing ratios of diasterenes/sterenes, indicating increasing pH values in the mire. The degree of gelification of plant tissue (gelification index) is governed by the microbial activity in the mire, as indicated by the hopanes concentration. The differences in floral assemblage during the formation of the Lavanttal lignite seams are reflected by major differences in tissue preservation. Preservation of plant tissue (TPI) in the Lavanttal lignite is obviously controlled by the presence/absence of decay-resistant gymnosperms in the peat-forming vegetation, and additionally influenced by the relative contribution of wood to coal formation. The results provide evidence that valuable information for coal facies characterization could be obtained by petrography-based and geochemical facies indicators. An influence of the floral assemblage (gymnosperms/angiosperms ratio) and of the contribution of algal biomass on carbon isotopic composition of the organic matter (δ13C = − 24.2 to − 28.6‰) is proposed. Carbon cycling during biogeochemical decomposition of plant tissue by bacteria is suggested to affect the δ13C values of the coal. The chemotaxonomical classification of the xylites as gymnosperm remnants, based on the molecular composition of terpenoid biomarkers, is corroborated by the carbon isotopic composition of the xylites (mean δ13C = − 24.1‰) and the extracted cellulose (mean δ13C = − 20.2‰). The higher isotopic difference of about 3.9‰ between cellulose and total organic carbon of the xylites, compared to the difference between cellulose and wood found in modern trees, is explained by the smaller effect of decomposition on δ13C of cellulose.  相似文献   

A general model for time‐dependent saturated–unsaturated waterflow caused by a single well with a given radius is presented. The storage capacity of the well tube is taken into account. The inflow into the well (with drainage) is modeled using the Signorini boundary condition. The nonconforming mixed finite element method on a multilevel adaptive grid is used for the solution of the radial symmetric, time dependent problem. Finally, van Genuchten parameters of an aquifer are determined from field measurements by inverse computations.  相似文献   

In linear geostatistics, models for the mean function (drift) and the variogram or generalized covariance function are selected on the basis of the modeler's understanding of the phenomenon studied as well as data. One can seldom be assured that the most appropriate model has been selected; however, analysis of residuals is helpful in diagnosing whether some important characteristic of the data has been neglected and, ultimately, in providing a reasonable degree of assurance that the selected model is consistent with the available information. The orthonormal residuals presented in this work are kriging errors constructed so that, when the correct model is used, they are uncorrelated and have zero mean and unit variance. It is suggested that testing of orthonormal residuals is a practical way for evaluating the agreement of the model with the data and for diagnosing model deficiencies. Their advantages over the usually employed standardized residuals are discussed. A set of tests are presented. Orthonormal residuals can also be useful in the estimation of the covariance (or variogram) parameters for a model that is considered correct.  相似文献   

The Storegga Slide, which occurred ~8100 years ago, is one of the world's largest and best studied exposed submarine landslides. In this study we use novel geomorphometric techniques to constrain the submarine mass movements that have shaped the north-eastern Storegga Slide, understand the link between different forms of failure, and propose a revised development model for this region. According to this model, the north-eastern part of the Storegga Slide has developed in four major events. The first event (event 1) was triggered in water depths of 1500–2000 m. In this event, the surface sediments were removed by debris flows and turbidity currents, and deposited in the Norwegian Sea Basin. Loading of the seabed by sediments mobilised by the debris flows and turbidity currents resulted in the development of an evacuation structure. Loss of support associated with this evacuation structure, reactivation of old headwalls and seismic loading activated spreading in the failure surface of event 1 up to the main headwall (event 2). In some areas, spreading blocks have undergone high displacement and remoulding. Parts of the spreading morphology and the underlying sediment have been deformed or removed by numerous debris flows and turbidity currents (event 3). We suggest that the higher displacement and remoulding of the spreading blocks, and their removal by debris flows and turbidity currents, was influenced by increased pore pressures, possibly due to gas hydrate dissolution/dissociation or by lateral variability in the deposition of contourite drifts in palaoeslide scars. The fourth event entailed a large, blocky debris flow that caused localised compression and transpressive shearing in the southern part of the spreading area.  相似文献   

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