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The RXTE observations of Cyg X-2 during 1996–1999 are presented. The properties of quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) are analyzed in detail. A new method of averaging the power-density spectra obtained during various observations is used to search for kHz QPOs. Its distinctive feature is the grouping of observations not only by spectral characteristics of the source’s X-ray radiation but also by its temporal characteristics. The results obtained are used for an analysis in terms of the transition-layer model (TLM) and the relativistic-precession model (RPM) for a slowly rotating neutron star. Theoretical predictions of the two models are compared, and their self-consistency is verified. The tilt of the magnetosphere to the accretion-disk plane and the neutron-star mass and angular momentum are determined using these models. The distance to the source is estimated from observational data.  相似文献   

We use data from the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer to search for harmonics and sidebands of the two simultaneous kilohertz quasi-periodic oscillations (kHz QPOs) in Sco X-1. We do not detect any of these harmonics or sidebands, with 95 per cent confidence upper limits to their power between ∼1 and ∼10 per cent of the power of the upper kHz QPO. The oscillations produced at these frequencies may be attenuated in a scattering corona around the neutron star. We find that upper limits to the unattenuated power of some of the strongest theoretically predicted harmonics and sidebands are as low as ∼2 per cent of the unattenuated power of the high-frequency QPO in Sco X-1.  相似文献   

We present Keck II spectroscopy of optical mHz quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) in the light curve of the X-ray pulsar binary Hercules X-1. In the power spectrum it appears as 'peaked noise', with a coherency ∼2, a central frequency of 35 mHz and a peak-to-peak amplitude of 5 per cent. However, the dynamic power spectrum shows it to be an intermittent QPO, with a lifetime of ∼100 s, as expected if the lifetime of the orbiting material is equal to the thermal time-scale of the inner disc. We have decomposed the spectral time series into constant and variable components and used blackbody fits to the resulting spectra to characterize the spectrum of the QPO variability and constrain possible production sites. We find that the spectrum of the QPO is best fitted by a small hot region, possibly the inner regions of the accretion disc, where the ballistic accretion stream impacts on to the disc. The lack of any excess power around the QPO frequency in the X-ray power spectrum, created using simultaneous light curves from RXTE , implies that the QPO is not simply reprocessed X-ray variability.  相似文献   

We present the results of our comparative timing and spectral analysis of the high and low (off) states in the X-ray pulsar Her X-1 based on data from the ART-P telescope onboard the Granat observatory. A statistically significant (several mCrab) persistent flux with a simple power-law spectrum was detected during the low state. The spectral slope changed from observation to observation by almost a factor of 2. Pulsations were detected only during the high state of the source, when its flux was a factor of ~25 larger than the low-state flux. The spectral shape of Her X-1 in its high state was complex, with the parameters depending on pulse phase.  相似文献   

We present the results of simultaneous X-ray and radio observations of the peculiar Z-type neutron star X-ray binary Cir X-1, observed with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer satellite and the Australia Telescope Compact Array in 2000 October and 2002 December. We identify typical Z-source behaviour in the power density spectra as well as characteristic Z patterns drawn in an X-ray hardness–intensity diagram. Power spectra typical of bright atoll sources have also been identified at orbital phases after the periastron passage, while orbital phases before the periastron passage are characterized by power spectra that are typical neither of Z nor of atoll sources. We investigate the coupling between the X-ray and the radio properties, focusing on three orbital phases when an enhancement of the radio flux density has been detected, to test the link between the inflow (X-ray) and the outflow (radio jet) to/from the compact object. In two out of three cases, we associate the presence of the radio jet to a spectral transition in the X-rays, although the transition does not precede the radio flare, as detected in other Z sources. An analogous behaviour has recently been found in the black hole candidate GX 339-4. In the third case, the radio light curve shows a similar shape to the X-ray light curve. We discuss our results in the context of jet models, considering also black hole candidates.  相似文献   

Observations of the X-ray pulsar Vela X-1 with the ART-P telescope onboard the Granat Observatory are presented. Variability on a time scale of several thousand seconds was detected; intensity variations are shown to be accompanied by changes in the source’s spectrum. The hardness was also found to be highly variable on a scale of one pulsation period. The source’s spectrum exhibits an absorption feature at energy ~7 keV, which is apparently attributable to cyclotron scattering/absorption in the neutron-star magnetic field. Weak persistent emission was detected during an X-ray eclipse, which probably resulted from the scattering of pulsar emission in the stellar wind from an optical star.  相似文献   

We present X-ray spectral analyses of the low-mass X-ray binary Cir X-1 dur- ing X-ray dips,using the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer(RXTE)data.Each dip was divided into several segments,and the spectrum of each segment was fitted with a three-component blackbody model,in which the first two components are affected by partial covering and the third one is unaffected.A Gaussian emission line is also included in the spectral model to represent the Fe Kαline at~6.4 keV.The fitted temperatures of the two partially covered components are about 2 keV and 1 keV,while the uncovered component has a temperature of~0.5-0.6 keV.The equivalent blackbody emission radius of the hottest component is the smallest and that of the coolest component is the largest.During the dips the fluxes of the two hot components are linearly correlated,while that of the third component does not show any significant variation.The Fe line flux remains constant,within the errors,during the short dips.However,during the long dips the line flux varies significantly and is positively correlated with the fluxes of the two hot components.These results suggest:(1)that the tem- perature of the X-ray emitting region decreases with radius,(2)that the Fe Kαline emitting region is close to the hot continuum emitting region,and(3)that the size of the Fe line emit- ting region is larger than that of the obscuring matter causing the short dips but smaller than the region of that causing the long dips.  相似文献   

We present the observations of the pulsar SMC X-1 with the ART-P telescope onboard the Granat observatory. We investigate the variability of the flux from the source on time scales of several tens of days. The intensity variation of the pulsar are shown to be consistent with the presence of a periodicity in the system with a characteristic time scale of ~61 days. The precession of an inclined accretion disk, as indirectly confirmed by the absence of low-state pulsations, may be responsible for the observed variability. The spectrum of the source is well described by a power-law energy dependence of the photon flux density with a slope of ~1.5 and an exponential cutoff at energies above ~14–18 keV. We estimated the inclinations between the planes of the orbit and the accretion disk and the magnetic field of the neutron star.  相似文献   

Recently discovered quasi-periodic oscillations in the X-ray brightness of low-mass X-ray binaries are used to derive constraints on the mass of the neutron star component and the equation of state of neutron star matter. The observations are compared with models of rapidly rotating neutron stars which are calculated by means of an exact numerical method in full relativity. For the equations of state we select a broad collection of models representing different assumptions about the many-body structure and the complexity of the composition of superdense matter. The mass constraints differ from their values in the approximate treatment by ∼10 per cent. Under the assumption that the maximum frequency of the quasi-periodic oscillations originates from the innermost stable orbit, the mass of the neutron star is in the range M ∼1.92–2.25 M. The quasi-periodic oscillation in the Atoll-source 4U 1820−30 in particular is only consistent with equations of state that are rather stiff at high densities, which is explainable, so far, only with pure nucleonic/leptonic composition. This interpretation contradicts the hypothesis that the protoneutron star formed in SN 1987A collapsed to a black hole, since this would demand a maximum neutron star mass below 1.6 M. The recently suggested identification of quasi-periodic oscillations with frequencies of about 10 Hz with the Lense–Thirring precession of the accretion disc is found to be inconsistent with the models studied in this work, unless it is assumed that the first overtone of the precession is observed.  相似文献   

We analyze the observations of the X-ray pulsar LMCX-4 performed by the INTEGRAL observatory and the All-Sky Monitor (ASM) of the RXTE observatory over a wide energy range. The observed hard X-ray flux from the source is shown to change by more than a factor of 50 (from ~70 mCrab in the high state to ~1.3 mCrab in the low state) on the time scale of the accretion-disk precession period, whose mean value for 1996–2004 was determined with a high accuracy, Pprec = 30.275 ± 0.004 days. In the low state, a flare about 10 h in duration was detected from the source; the flux from the source increased by more than a factor of 4 during this flare. The shape of the pulsar’s broadband spectrum is essentially invariable with its intensity; no statistically significant features associated with the possible resonance cyclotron absorption line were found in the spectrum of the source.  相似文献   

We report the discovery of a decay in the superorbital period of the binary X-ray pulsar LMC X-4. Combining archival data and published long term X-ray light curves, we have found a decay in the third period in this system (P ∼ 30.3 day, P ∼ −2 × 10−5 s s−1). Along with this result, a comparison of the superorbital intensity variations in LMC X-4, Her X-1 and SMC X-1 is also presented.  相似文献   

It is known that the overall (mean) intensity of the low-mass X-ray binary Cyg X-2 varies on time-scales from a day to months, independently of the variations on time-scales of hours to a day by which the source moves between the horizontal, normal and flaring branches.
We present RXTE PCA observations of Cyg X-2, taken when its overall intensity was near its lowest values, in 1996 October and 1997 September. For the first time we perform a study of the fast timing behaviour at such low intensities. During the 1996 October observations, the source was in the left part of the horizontal branch, and during the 1997 September observations was most likely in the lower parts of the normal branch and flaring branch.
We find that the properties of the very low-frequency noise during the 1997 September observations are consistent with a monotonic decrease in its strength and power-law index as a function of overall intensity. In contrast, the strength of the ∼6 Hz normal branch quasi-periodic oscillations does not vary monotonically with overall intensity. They are strongest at medium overall intensity and weaker both when the overall intensity is low and when the overall intensity is high.  相似文献   

The black hole candidate Cyg X-1 was observed in ultra low state on march 30, 1997 using Large Area Scintillation counter Experiment (LASE) in the hard X-ray energy region of 20–180 keV. During the 30 minute exposure a combined signal of 68 sigma was obtained, however, the measured flux at 50 keV was lower by a factor of 2 than the minimum flux reported so far. Using the recent orbital ephemeris of the source, our snap-shot observations were made at ϕ5.6 = 0.915, which corresponds to the binary minimum revealed by the ASM light curves. The daily average data from the BATSE detectors give the source intensity level to be higher by a factor of 5. Very low flux values measured in the present experiment suggest that the hard X-ray source may have been partially occulted by the primary companion during its transit near the X-ray minimum.  相似文献   

We have obtained I -band photometry of the neutron star X-ray transient Aql X-1 during quiescence. We find a periodicity at 2.487 cycles d−1, which we interpret as twice the orbital frequency (19.30±0.05 h). Folding the data on the orbital period, we model the light-curve variations as the ellipsoidal modulation of the secondary star. We determine the binary inclination to be 20°–30° (90 per cent confidence) and also determine the 95 per cent upper limits to the radial velocity semi-amplitude and rotational broadening of the secondary star to be 117 and 50 km s−1, respectively.  相似文献   

The spectra of disc accreting neutron stars generally show complex curvature, and individual components from the disc, boundary layer and neutron star surface cannot be uniquely identified. Here we show that much of the confusion over the spectral form derives from inadequate approximations for Comptonization and for the iron line. There is an intrinsic low-energy cut-off in Comptonized spectra at the seed photon energy. It is very important to model this correctly in neutron star systems as these have expected seed photon temperatures (from either the neutron star surface, inner disc or self-absorbed cyclotron) of ≈1 keV, clearly within the observed X-ray energy band. There is also reflected continuum emission which must accompany the observed iron line, which distorts the higher energy spectrum. We illustrate these points by a reanalysis of the Ginga spectra of Cyg X-2 at all points along its Z track, and show that the spectrum can be well fitted by models in which the low-energy spectrum is dominated by the disc, while the higher energy spectrum is dominated by Comptonized emission from the boundary layer, together with its reflected spectrum from a relativistically smeared, ionized disc.  相似文献   

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