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VSP正反演综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
垂直地震剖面法是一种发展很迅速的地球物理方法,由于垂直地震剖面法是在介质内部点上直接观测,因而能够避开或减弱剖面上部低速带的干扰及外界噪声干扰,可以更直接、更有效地研究波的运动学和动力学特征,解决其地质问题,因此在地球物理勘探领域中最为活跃.本文从垂直地震剖面正反演的角度,并结合国内外实际的例子来介绍垂直地震剖面,同时讨论了垂直地震剖面未来发展的方向.  相似文献   

Masataka Ando 《Island Arc》2001,10(3-4):206-214
Abstract The Nojima Fault Zone Probe was designed to study the properties and recovery processes of the Nojima Fault, which moved during the Hyogo-ken Nanbu earthquake ( M JMA7.2) of 1995. Three holes, 500 m, 800 m and 1800 m deep, were drilled into or near the fault zone by the Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University. The 500 m and 800 m holes were drilled in November 1995, and in December 1996 the last hole reached its final depth of 1760 m. The significant results are: (i) Geological and geophysical reconstruction of the structure and evolution of the Nojima Fault was obtained; (ii) the maximum compression axis was found to be perpendicular to the fault, approximately 45° to the regional compression stress axis; (iii) micro-earthquakes (m = –2 to +1) were induced by water injections 1–3 km from the injection points in the 1800 m hole; (iv) the fault zone was measured to be 30 m wide from microscopic studies of core samples. Instruments such as three-component seismometers, crustal deformation instruments, and thermometers were installed in the holes.  相似文献   

Abstract A water injection experiment was carried out by the scientific drilling program named the 'Nojima Fault Zone Probe' during the two periods 9–13 February and 16–25 March 1997. The pumping pressure at the surface was approximately 4 MPa. The total amount of injected water was 258 m3. The injection was made between depths of 1480 m and 1670 m in the Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University (DPRI) 1800 m borehole drilled into the Nojima Fault zone. A seismic observation network was deployed to monitor seismic activity related to the water injections. Seismicity suddenly increased in the region not far from the injection hole 4 or 5 days after the beginning of each water injection. These earthquakes were likely to be induced by the water injections. Most of the earthquakes had magnitudes ranging from −2 to +1. Numerous earthquakes occurred during the first injection, but only one could be reliably located and it was approximately 2 km north of the injection site. Between the two injection periods, earthquakes concentrated in the region approximately 1 km northwest of the injection site. During and after the second injection experiment, earthquakes were located approximately 1.5 km west of the injection site. Those earthquakes were located approximately 3 km or 4 km from the injection point and between 2 km and 4 km in depth. Values of intrinsic permeability of 10−14–10−15 m2 were estimated from the time lapse of the induced seismic activity. The coefficient of friction in the area where the induced earthquakes occurred was estimated to be less than 0.3.  相似文献   

Abstract Drilling was carried out to penetrate the Nojima Fault where the surface rupture occurred associated with the 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu earthquake. Two 500 m boreholes were successfully drilled through the fault zone at a depth of 389.4 m. The drilling data show that the relative uplift of the south-east side of the Nojima Fault (south-west segment) was approximately 230 m. The Nojima branch fault, which branches from the Nojima Fault, is inferred to extend to the Asano Fault. From the structural contour map of basal unconformity of the Kobe Group, the vertical component of displacement of the Nojima branch–Asano Fault is estimated to be 260–310 m. Because the vertical component of displacement on the Nojima Fault of the north-east segment is a total of those of the Nojima Fault of the south-west segment and of the Nojima branch–Asano Fault, it is estimated to total to 490–540 m. From this, the average vertical component of the slip rate on the Nojima Fault is estimated to be 0.4–0.45 m/103 years for the past 1.2 million years.  相似文献   

由于活动的青藏高原不断的隆升和推挤作用,在西南向东北的推挤作用和周缘块体的阻挡以及东北缘内部块体挤压形变的作用下,形成了多个走向不同的青藏高原东北缘构造体系.新生代构造变形和地震活动强烈,区内分布多条大型深断裂带.海原断裂是青藏高原东北缘发育的弧形活动断裂带中规模最大、活动最为强烈的一条左旋走滑型断裂带,是重要的大地构造区边界,也是控制现今强震活动的活断层.本文利用2009年完成的高分辨率深地震反射剖面的北段资料,对其进行初步构造解释,揭示出海原断裂带的深部几何形态和其两侧地壳上地幔细结构.结果显示海原断裂并不是简单的陡立或者较缓,其几何形态随着深度变化.在海原断裂之下的Moho并未错断的反射特征显示海原断裂并不是直接错断莫霍面的超壳断裂.海原断裂带及两侧岩石圈结构和构造样式的研究为探讨青藏高原东北缘岩石圈变形机制提供地震学依据.  相似文献   

Abstract Long-term monitoring of temperature distribution in an active fault zone was carried out using the optical fiber temperature-sensing technique. An optical fiber cable was installed in a borehole drilled into the Nojima Fault in Awaji Island, south-west Japan, and the temperature profile to a depth of 1460 m had been measured for 2.5 years (July 1997–January 2000). Although the obtained temperature records showed small temporal variations due to drifts of the measurement system all along the cable, local temperature anomalies were detected at two depths. One at around 80 m seems to correspond to a fracture zone and may be attributed to groundwater flow in the fracture zone. This anomaly had been stable throughout the monitoring period, whereas the other anomaly at around 500 m was a transient one. The water level in the borehole could be estimated from the diurnal temperature variations in the uppermost part of the borehole and may provide information on the hydrological characteristics of the fault zone, which is connected to the borehole through perforations on the casing pipe. Except for these minor variations, the temperature profile had been very stable for 2.5 years. The conductive heat flow calculated from this profile and the thermal conductivity measured on core samples increases with depth, probably resulting from errors in thermal conductivity due to sampling problems and/or from advective heat transfer by regional groundwater flow. Assuming that the middle part of the borehole (less fractured granite layer) is least affected by these factors, heat flow at this site is estimated to be approximately 70 mW/m2.  相似文献   

在2008年5月12日汶川MS8.0地震和2013年4月20日芦山MS7.0地震中,龙门山中央断裂南段的盐井—五龙断裂均未发现地表破裂现象,加之该断裂浅层地球物理资料极度匮乏,在一定程度上限制了对龙门山断裂带南段地震危险性的评价和发震能力的评估。针对龙门山中央断裂南段的盐井-五龙断裂经过区段的主要乡(镇)所在地多为宽度不大于300m的山间峡谷地区,且探测场区存在交通条件不便、场地工作面狭窄等问题,在浅层地震反射波法探测工作中采用小道间距、小偏移距、多道短排列接收和共反射点多次覆盖观测的地震数据采集方式,并经数据处理后获得地震反射剖面图像。浅层地震探测定位结果结合高密度电阻率成像断面、探槽开挖和钻孔联合剖面资料,共同揭示了NE向的盐井—五龙断裂在宝兴县五龙乡东风村一带精确的空间展布位置、产状规模和近地表构造形态。探测结果表明盐井—五龙断裂于五龙乡北东风村西河两岸的T1阶地处隐伏通过,性质为倾向NW的逆冲断裂,近地表倾角50°~60°,上断点埋深19m。该断裂断错宝兴西河T2、T3阶地,西河右岸T1阶地断裂通过处两侧基岩的断距6~8 m,其破碎带及其影响带宽度约30m。本文浅层地球物理探测成果可对判定盐井—五龙断裂的近地表构造活动提供可靠的地震学证据,也为地震重灾区(宝兴县城)的灾后工程选址重建、地震危险性评价和制定抗震防灾规划提供了科学的基础资料。  相似文献   

Abstract The internal structures of the Nojima Fault, south-west Japan, are examined from mesoscopic observations of continuous core samples from the Hirabayashi Geological Survey of Japan (GSJ) drilling. The drilling penetrated the central part of the Nojima Fault, which ruptured during the 1995 Kobe earthquake (Hyogo-ken Nanbu earthquake) ( M 7.2). It intersected a 0.3 m-thick layer of fault gouge, which is presumed to constitute the fault core (defined as a narrow zone of extremely concentrated deformation) of the Nojima Fault Zone. The rocks obtained from the Hirabayashi GSJ drilling were divided into five types based on the intensities of deformation and alteration: host rock, weakly deformed and altered granodiorite, fault breccia, cataclasite, and fault gouge. Weakly deformed and altered granodiorite is distributed widely in the fault zone. Fault breccia appears mostly just above the fault core. Cataclasite is distributed mainly in a narrow (≈1 m wide) zone in between the fault core and a smaller gouge zone encountered lower down from the drilling. Fault gouge in the fault core is divided into three types based on their color and textures. From their cross-cutting relationships and vein development, the lowest fault gouge in the fault core is judged to be newer than the other two. The fault zone characterized by the deformation and alteration is assumed to be deeper than 426.2 m and its net thickness is > 46.5 m. The fault rocks in the hanging wall (above the fault core) are deformed and altered more intensely than those in the footwall (below the fault core). Furthermore, the intensities of deformation and alteration increase progressively towards the fault core in the hanging wall, but not in the footwall. The difference in the fault rock distribution between the hanging wall and the footwall might be related to the offset of the Nojima Fault and/or the asymmetrical ground motion during earthquakes.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONThe east Kunlun active fault is an important NWWtrending boundary fault on the northeasternmargin of the Qinghai-Xizang(Tibet)Plateau.The fault extends fromthe northside of the Qiangtangmassif in the west,runs eastward through the Kusai Lake,Dongdatan,Xidatan,Tuosuo Lake andMaqu to the north of Zoig毢(Van Der Woerd,et al.,2002;Ma Yinsheng,et al.,2005;Seismological Bureau of Qinghai Province,et al.,1999;Li Chunfeng,et al.2004).The intenseleft-lateral strike-slip move…  相似文献   

通过对郯庐断裂带龙泉山西麓剖面的精细观测,样品微观和超微观测试,断层物质活动时代测定和综合分析研究,发现断裂带在第四纪曾有过多次活动(其中晚更新世以来也曾有过活动),并呈现粘蠕滑交替的变形特征,其最新活动方式以蠕滑活动为主,这些结论修正了前人对郯庐断裂带南段的基本认识,丰富和深化了该断裂新活动的研究内容。  相似文献   

Seismic hazard impact of the Lower Tagus Valley Fault Zone (SW Iberia)   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
The seismic hazard of SW Iberia is composed of two contributions: offshore, large to very large events on the plate boundary between Africa and Eurasia such as the Lisbon earthquake of 1755 or the Gorringe Bank earthquake of 1969; and onshore, moderate to strong intraplate earthquakes on inherited crustal fractures. One of these zones of crustal weakness is the Lower Tagus Valley (LTV) fault zone, which displays the highest level of seismic hazard in Western Iberia. In this paper we review the active tectonics and seismicity of the LTV, integrating previous geophysical data with recent results of paleoseismological investigations, and discuss its impact on the seismic hazard of SW Iberia. We conclude that the seismic zonation for hazard assessment currently in force in the building code is biased towards the scenario of distant offshore rupture, and does not take adequately into account the LTV seismic source.  相似文献   

Abstract In order to make geophysical and geological investigations of the Nojima Fault on Awaji Island, Japan, three boreholes measuring 1800 m, 800 m and 500 m deep were drilled into the fault zone. The fault is one of the seismic source faults of the 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu earthquake of M 7.2. A new multicomponent borehole instrument was installed at the bottom of the 800 m borehole and continuous observations of crustal strain and tilt have been made using this instrument since May 1996. A high-pressure water injection experiment within the 1800 m borehole was done in February and March 1997 to study the geophysical response, behavior, permeability, and other aspects of the fault zone. The injection site was located approximately 140 m horizontally and 800 m vertically from the instrument. Associated with the water injection, contraction of approximately 0.7 × 10−7 str (almost parallel to the fault) and tilt of approximately 1 × 10-7 rad in the sense of upheaval toward the injection site were observed. In addition to these controlled experiments, the strainmeter and tiltmeter also recorded daily variations. We interpret strain and tilt changes to be related to groundwater discharge and increased ultra-micro seismicity induced by the injected water.  相似文献   


云南省西南部,发育一组由不同断裂组成的北东向断裂构造带,沿这些断裂数十年来相继发生过多次强震.本文以其中的南汀河西支断裂为研究对象,采用深地震反射剖面方法,获得了断裂及两侧地壳精细结构和构造图像.探测结果表明:研究区纵向上,分为上、下两层地壳结构,总厚度约为31.25~35.6 km;横向上,以南汀河西支断裂为界,两侧反射特征差异较大,分别以弧状或倾斜反射波组为主.测线经过地区,莫霍面反射特征较为清晰,为2~3个反射同相轴组成的反射条带.南汀河西支断裂为一个由5条分支断层组成的断裂带,呈花状结构,反映了一种走滑挤压的应力状态.断裂带下方,存在一条切穿下地壳及莫霍面并延伸至上地幔的深大断裂.这种深、浅断裂共存的构造格局是控制南汀河地区地震孕育和发生的重要因素之一.


Deep seismic reflection profiling has been the dominant method for probing the deep structure of continental crust since the initiation of the COCORP in 1974[1,2]. Over the past few decades, this tool has been applied to diverse geologic features from the Appalachian area of the United States, to the Rhine-graben area in Western Europe and to the Tibetan Pla-teau[36]. In recent years, the Australian Geodynamic Cooperative Research Center ( AGCRC ) has applied this technique to the stu…  相似文献   

In this paper, we demonstrate the high-resolution seismic reflection data for a depth range of several hundred meters across the Fenhe fault in Taiyuan city, China. In combination with the relevant borehole logs, these data provide useful constraints on the accurate position, geometry and deformation rate of the fault, as well as the kinematics of recent fault motion. The highresolution seismic reflection profiling revealed that the western branch of the Fenhe fault is a high angle, eastward dipping, oblique-normal fault, and cutting up to the lower part of the Quaternary system. It was revealed that the top breaking point of this fault is at a depth of~70m below the ground surface. A borehole log across the Fenhe fault permitted us to infer that there are two high-angle, oppositely dipping, oblique-normal faults. The eastern branch lies beneath the eastern embankment of the Fenhe river, dipping to the west and cutting into the Holocene-late Pleistocene strata with a maximum vertical offset of~8m. Another borehole log across the northern segment of the Fen]he fault indicates that the western branch of this fault has cut into the Holocene-late Pleistocene strata with a maximum vertical offset of~6m. The above-mentioned data provide a minimum average Pieistocene-Holocene vertical slip rate of 0.06~0.08mm/a and a maximum average large-earthquake recurrence interval of 5.0~6.7ka for the Fenhe fault.  相似文献   

浅埋地下结构顶板在竖向地震作用下的动力响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用结构动力学的方法研究了浅埋地下箱形结构在竖向地震作用下的动力响应。鉴于土与结构动力相互作用分析的复杂性,为了简化分析,整个分析过程分为2步。第1步把结构看作是刚体,利用刚体与地基的相互作用分析求得刚体在竖向地震分量作用下的动力响应;第2步首先考虑到了侧墙对于顶板的抗弯约束作用,求得了顶板的固有频率及振型,并把第1步刚体的动力响应作为输入求解顶板梁的受迫振动,进而求得了顶板弯矩。  相似文献   

郯庐断裂带江苏新沂——安徽宿松段地震危险性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对郯庐断裂带江苏新沂—安徽宿松段历史及现代地震活动性分析、地震地质调查结果及沿线跨断层水准测量结果的综合分析,认为郯庐断裂带新沂—宿松段近期地震危险性主要位于新沂—泗县一带和明光一带,其中新沂—泗县一带近期有发生MS5.0~6.0级地震的活动背景;明光一带近期有发生MS5.0级地震的活动背景。  相似文献   

TheapplicationofultrasonicseismicmodelexperimentinqualitytestofcementmortarinjectionofYongjiangriversubmarinetun┐neltubefound...  相似文献   

The Changjiang fault zone, also known as the Mufushan-Jiaoshan fault, is a famous fault located at the southern bank of the Changjiang River, near the Nanjing downtown area. Based on multidisciplinary data from shallow artificial seismic explorations in the target detecting area (Nanjing city and the nearby areas), trenching and drilling explorations, classification of Quaternary strata and chronology dating data, this paper provides the most up-to-date results regarding activities of the Changjiang fault zone, including the most recent active time, activity nature, related active parameters, and their relation to seismic activity.  相似文献   

石玉燕  颜启  林怀存 《地震研究》2003,26(4):328-331
选取1990~2001年发生在沂沭断裂带中部地区的23次ML2.3~4.0级地震为基础资料,对沂沭断裂带中段及附近地区地震波速进行了研究。结果表明,研究区-↑Vp=5.83km/s,-↑Vs=3.54km/s。同时,根据反射波走时方程,得出该地区反射波速度Vp11=6.21km/s,Vs11=3.65km/s和平均地壳厚度为37km。  相似文献   

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