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Within the more than 30 yr of cosmic ray astrophysics, neither their origin nor their precise mode of propagation have found undisputable explanations. Among the favoured boosters have been point sources, like supernovae and pulsars, as well as extended sources, like cosmic clouds and supernova remnants. Extended sources have been proposed by Fermi (1949), and pushed more recently by a number of investigators because of the huge available reservoirs, and because repetitive shock acceleration can generate power law spectra which are similar to the ones observed (Axfordet al., 1977; Bell, 1978; Blandford and Ostriker, 1978; Krymsky, 1977). Yet the shock acceleration model cannot easily be adjusted to achieve particle energies in excess of some critical energy, of order 104±1 GeV (Völket al., 1981). For this and several other reasons, the suggestion is revived that neutron stars are the dominant source of high-energy cosmic rays. To be more precise: the (relativistic) ionic component of the cosmic rays is argued to be injected by young binary neutron stars (?105 yr) whose rotating magnetospheres act like grindstones in the wind of their companion (Kundt, 1976). The high-energy (?30 GeV) electron-positron component may be generated by young pulsars (?105 yr) and by collision processes, and the electron component below 30 GeV predominantly by supernova remnants.  相似文献   

Oks proposes the existence of a new class of stable planetary orbits around binary stars, in the shape of a helix on a conical surface whose axis of symmetry coincides with the interstellar axis, and rotates with the same orbital frequency as the binary pair. We show that this claim relies on the inappropriate use of an effective potential that is only applicable when the stars are held motionless. We also present numerical evidence that the only planetary orbits whose planes are initially orthogonal to the interstellar axis that remain stable on the time scale of the stellar orbit are ordinary polar orbits around one of the stars, and that the perturbations due to the binary companion do not rotate the plane of the orbit to maintain a fixed relationship with the axis.  相似文献   

The concept of Roche lobe overflow is fundamental to the theory of interacting binaries. Based on potential theory, it is dependent on all the relevant material corotating in a single frame of reference. Therefore if the mass losing star is asynchronous with the orbital motion or the orbit is eccentric, the simple theory no longer applies and no exact analytical treatment has been found. We use an analytic approximation whose predictions are largely justified by smoothed particle hydrodynamic simulations (SPH). We present SPH simulations of binary systems with the same semi-major axis   a = 5.55 R  , masses   M 1= 1 M, M 2= 2 M  and radius   R 1= 0.89 R  for the primary star but with different eccentricities   e = 0.4, 0.5, 0.6  and 0.7. In each case the secondary star is treated as a point mass. When   e = 0.4  no mass is lost from the primary while at   e = 0.7  catastrophic mass transfer, partly through the L2 point, takes place near periastron. This would probably lead to common-envelope evolution if star 1 were a giant or to coalescence for a main-sequence star. In between, at   e ≥ 0.5  , some mass is lost through the L1 point from the primary close to periastron. However, rather than being all accreted by the secondary, some of the stream appears to leave the system. Our results indicate that the radius of the Roche lobe is similar to circular binaries when calculated for the separation and angular velocity at periastron. Part of the mass loss occurs through the L2 point.  相似文献   

The masses of a pair of stars in the visual binary system have been estimated. The angle between the orbital plane of the stars and the plane of the sky has been taken into account. Inclination of the major axes of the orbits of the stars with the line of interaction between the orbital plane and the plane of the sky has also been considered. These two inclinations are also computed in terms of the observed quantities. Major and minor axes of actual orbits of the stars are determined.  相似文献   

This paper contains a numerical study of the stability of resonant orbits in a planetary system consisting of two planets, moving under the gravitational attraction of a binary star. Its results are expected to provide us with useful information about real planetary systems and, at the same time, about periodic motions in the general four-body problem (G4) because the above system is a special case of G4 where two bodies have much larger masses than the masses of the other two (planets). The numerical results show that the main mechanism which generates instability is the destruction of the Jacobi integrals of the massless planets when their masses become nonzero and that resonances in the motion of planets do not imply, in general, instability. Considerable intervals of stable resonant orbits have been found. The above quantitative results are in agreement with the existing qualitative predictions  相似文献   

Using 8-10-m class telescopes and their Adaptive Optics (AO) systems, we conducted a long-term adaptive optics campaign initiated in 2003 focusing on four binary asteroid systems: (130) Elektra, (283) Emma, (379) Huenna, and (3749) Balam. The analysis of these data confirms the presence of their asteroidal satellite. We did not detect any additional satellite around these systems even though we have the capability of detecting a loosely-bound fragment (located at 1/4×RHill) ∼40 times smaller in diameter than the primary. The orbits derived for their satellites display significant eccentricity, ranging from 0.1 to 0.9, suggesting a different origin. Based on AO size estimate, we show that (130) Elektra and (283) Emma, G-type and P-type asteroids, respectively, have a significant porosity (30-60% considering CI-CO meteorites as analogs) and their satellite's eccentricities (e∼0.1) are possibly due to excitation by tidal effects. (379) Huenna and (3749) Balam, two loosely bound binary systems, are most likely formed by mutual capture. (3749) Balam's possible high bulk density is similar to (433) Eros, another S-type asteroid, and should be poorly fractured as well. (379) Huenna seems to display both characteristics: the moonlet orbits far away from the primary in term of stability (20%×RHill), but the primary's porosity is significant (30-60%).  相似文献   

I review our understanding of the evolution of the spin periods of neutron stars in binary stellar systems, from their birth as fast, spin-powered pulsars, through their middle life as accretion-powered pulsars, upto their recycling or “rebirth” as spin-powered pulsars with relatively low magnetic fields and fast rotation. I discuss how the new-born neutron star is spun down by electromagnetic and “propeller” torques, until accretion of matter from the companion star begins, and the neutron star becomes an accretion-powered X-ray pulsar. Detailed observations of massive radio pulsar binaries like PSR 1259-63 will yield valuable information about this phase of initial spindown. I indicate how the spin of the neutron star then evolves under accretion torques during the subsequent phase as an accretion-powered pulsar. Finally, I describe how the neutron star is spun up to short periods again during the subsequent phase of recycling, with the accompanying reduction in the stellar magnetic field, the origins of which are still not completely understood.  相似文献   

Numerical simulations are made within the frame of the elliptic planar restricted three-body problem, in order to search if stable orbits exist for planets around one of the two components in double stars. The values taken for the binary's mass ratio and eccentricity correspond to real nearby double and multiple systems; the Centauri and Sirius systems are investigated here. Large stable planetary orbits, already known to exist through a systematic exploration of the circular model and for the Sun-Jupiter elliptic case, are found to exist around Centauri A and Centauri B, as well as around Sirius A, up to distances from each star of the order of more than half the binary's periastron separation. Similar studies for other nearby well-known double and multiple systems will follow.  相似文献   

Numerical simulations are made within the framework of the plane restricted three-body problem, in order to find out if stable orbits for planets around one of the two components in double stars can exist. For any given set of initial parameters (the mass ratio of the two stars and the eccentricity of their orbit around each other), the phase-space of initial positions and velocities is systematically explored.In previous works, systematic exploration of the circular model as well as studies of more realistic (elliptic) cases such as Sun-Jupiter and the nearby Centauri and Sirius systems, large stable planetary orbits were found to exist around both components of the binary, up to distances from each star of the order or more than half the binary's periastron separation.The first results presented here for the Coronae Borealis system confirm the previous studies.  相似文献   

We interpret the puzzling-ray bursts as emitted by cooling sparks from the surface of spasmodically accreting, old neutron stars. Their spiky, anisotropic radiation is oriented w.r.t. the galactic disk via interstellar accretion, whose orbital angular momentum tends to counteralign with the galactic spin; in this way, larger source numbers in directions of the galactic disk are compensated by smaller beaming probabilities, resulting in a near-isotropic arrival distribution, as observed by BATSE. The source distances range between 10 pc and 500 pc. Their radiated energies are of order 1035 erg, corresponding to accreted clumps (blades) of typical mass 1015 g per burst. Magnetic surface field strengths range between 1010 and 1012 G, somewhat weaker than those of newborn neutron stars.  相似文献   

We present the results of a radial velocity (RV) survey of 46 subdwarf B (sdB) and 23 helium-rich subdwarf O (He-sdO) stars. We detected 18 (39%) new sdB binary systems, but only one (4%) He-sdO binary. Orbital parameters of nine sdB and sdO binaries, derived from follow-up spectroscopy, are presented. Our results are compared with evolutionary scenarios and previous observational investigations.  相似文献   

It is shown that in neutron stars some of the neutrinos cannot escape from the star. For incompressible fluid sphere models, this part, in the optimum case, is 25%, and for the modelV (B) integrated byTsuruta andCameron (1966b) 1%. As a result a neutrino sea is formed and some radioactive isotopes may become stable.  相似文献   

In this paper we model the gravitational wave emission of a freely precessing neutron star. The aim is to estimate likely source strengths, as a guide for gravitational wave astronomers searching for such signals. We model the star as a partly elastic, partly fluid body with quadrupolar deformations of its moment of inertia tensor. The angular amplitude of the free precession is limited by the finite breaking strain of the star's crust. The effect of internal dissipation on the star is important, with the precession angle being rapidly damped in the case of a star with an oblate deformation. We then go on to study detailed scenarios where free precession is created and/or maintained by some astrophysical mechanism. We consider the effects of accretion torques, electromagnetic torques, glitches and stellar encounters. We find that the mechanisms considered are either too weak to lead to a signal detectable by an Advanced LIGO interferometer, or occur too infrequently to give a reasonable event rate. We therefore conclude that, using our stellar model at least, free precession is not a good candidate for detection by the forthcoming laser interferometers.  相似文献   

The conversion from neutron stars with different equation of states (EOSs) for neutron matter into strange stars with different EOSs for strange quark matter has been studied in a general relativistic numerical calculation in this paper. For hot neutron stars, their conversion may lead to great variations in their rotation periods, of which the magnitude would be greatly dependent upon the EOS for neutron matter, and of which the timescale would be greatly determined by the EOS for strange matter. This phenomenon appears as giant glitches, which might provide a probe of EOSs for both neutron matter and strange matter. But for cold neutron stars, their conversion may result in a population of gamma-ray bursts.  相似文献   

Recent measurements of thermal radiation from neutron stars have suggested a rather broad range of radiation radii ( ). Sources in M13 and Omega Cen imply R ∼12–14 km, but X7 in 47 Tuc implies R ∼16–20 km and RX J1856-3754 R >17 km. If these measurements are all correct, only a limited selection of EOS’s could be consistent with them, but a broad range of neutron star masses (up to 2 M) would also be necessary. The surviving equations of state are incompatible with significant softening above nuclear saturation densities, such as would occur with Boson condensates, a low-density quark-hadron transition, or hyperons. Other potential constraints, such as from QPO’s, radio pulsar mass and moment of inertia measurements, and neutron star cooling, are compared. US DOE Grant DE-FG02-87ER-40317.  相似文献   

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