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2019年甘肃张掖5.0级、夏河5.7级地震前中国大陆均有明显的“地磁低点位移”现象出现,2次地震震中均位于低点位移线出现明显转折的区域。通过对2次低点位移异常日中国大陆地磁台站低点时间进行梯度法分析,研究了2次中强地震震中位置与低点时间高梯度带分布间的关系。研究结果表明:①在2次低点位移异常日都同步出现了地磁垂直分量低点时间高梯度带分布;②2次中强地震震中位置均位于低点位移线出现明显转折处和低点时间高梯度带1.0 h/(°)等值线附近;③利用低点时间梯度法对低点位移异常进行分析有利于改进原有异常识别方法,较少虚报率。 相似文献
2019年甘肃张掖5.0级、夏河5.7级地震前中国大陆均有明显的"地磁低点位移"现象出现,2次地震震中均位于低点位移线出现明显转折的区域.通过对2次低点位移异常日中国大陆地磁台站低点时间进行梯度法分析,研究了2次中强地震震中位置与低点时间高梯度带分布间的关系.研究结果表明:①在2次低点位移异常日都同步出现了地磁垂直分量... 相似文献
2005年9月19日陈巴尔虎旗-牙克石市间5.0级地震特征分析 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
2005年9月19日在内蒙呼伦贝尔市陈巴尔虎旗-牙克石市间发生了5.0级地震。震前,震源区附近ML≥4.0级地震活动异常平静,100km以外中等地震十分活跃。震源机制主压应力方向与背景场方向NEE向一致,仰角增大了53.5°。东北地区中强地震活动显著增强,主要集中在大兴安岭及其东西两侧。研究表明,未来1~2年,东北地区存在发生中强震的可能。 相似文献
近年来,地磁谐波振幅比方法在国内得到较广泛的应用,并成为一种较为有效的地震预测方法。本文利用谐波振幅比方法,对2017年11月23日重庆武隆5.0级地震震中附近台站的地磁三分量数据进行计算,并分析了各台站10~60min周期谐波振幅比值异常特征。研究发现,异常台站几乎均位于震源机制解的拉张区(P波向下的区域),具有象限分布特征;异常台站NS向谐波振幅比值变化存在分层现象,短周期(浅部)的变化与长周期(深部)变化成相反相位,从电磁学机理看,浅部与深部之间存在EW向的面电流;近震中台站的异常低点时间存在由长周期(深部)向短周期(浅部)迁移的现象。 相似文献
2020年5月6日、5月9日,新疆地区南天山西段先后发生乌恰5.0级和柯坪5.2级地震,系统总结2次地震发生前出现的地震活动和地球物理观测异常,其中:①地震活动:震前存在调制地震集中、地震窗、5级以上地震成组等中短期异常;②地球物理观测:2次地震震中附近震前出现形变、电磁和流体观测异常,其中形变异常3项、电磁异常4项、流体异常1项,主要分布在柯坪5.2级地震震中附近。通过对2次地震序列进行跟踪,发现:乌恰5.0级地震余震较少,震后60天内共记录ML 3.0以上余震4次,最大震级为ML 4.5;柯坪5.2级地震后余震较丰富,震后60天内共记录ML 3.0以上余震10次,最大震级为ML 4.7,计算得到序列h值为1.6,b值为0.73。综合分析认为,2020年5月新疆地区2次5级以上地震前存在的地震活动异常较少,但区域地震活动水平较强,主要存在具有中短期指示意义的地球物理观测异常。 相似文献
2015年1月14日乐山金口河M5.0地震发生在历史地震强度较低的川南山区与四川盆地交界一带。基于四川区域地震台网的震相报告与波形资料,采用双差定位法对地震序列进行重新定位,同时,采用CAP波形反演方法及HASH方法反演了主震及序列中8次ML≥2.0地震的震源机制解。另外,利用Coulomb3计算了主震发生后库仑应力改变量,得到的结果如下:①重新定位结果显示,金口河M5.0地震位于(103.18°E,29.32°N),震源深度16.6km,略深于波形反演结果(12km)。序列分布在NNW向天全-荥经断裂和NE向西河-美姑断裂的交汇部位,余震序列在空间上呈NE向展布。②M5.0主震的机制解为节面Ⅰ:走向350°/倾角46°/滑动角107°,节面Ⅱ:走向146°/倾角47°/滑动角73°,表现为走向NW(NNW)、中等倾角的逆冲型运动方式。序列中其余8次ML≥2.0余震大多以走向NE的逆冲型地震为主,个别为走滑或正断层类型。主震和大部分余震的节面方向不一致,主震节面方向与余震长轴方向也不一致。③主震后库仑应力改变量显示,余震主要发生在主震引起的库仑破裂应力增加的区域。综合分析推测,NNW向天全-荥经断裂为本次地震主震的发震构造,倾向NE的机制解节面Ⅰ指出了该断裂的几何产状;M5.0主震发生后,立即触发了其旁侧的NE向西河-美姑断裂,并激发了多次余震。 相似文献
2021年11月17日江苏大丰海域MS 5.0地震发生在中强地震活动较为集中的黄海南部凹陷区,位于苏北—滨海断裂带附近,震源机制结果显示为走滑型破裂。截至2022年1月31日,发生ML≥2.0余震14次,最大余震为2021年12月8日MS 3.8地震,主震释放能量占比约98.89%,判断地震序列应为主余型序列。主震发生3天后地震序列迅速衰减,因余震数量偏少,无法得到合理的序列参数。本次地震视应力值约1.3 MPa,基本处于研究区域正常背景水平。鉴于鲁东—黄海地块历史地震期幕活动特征,认为江苏及近海区域近期发生6级以上地震的可能性不大。系统梳理此次大丰海域MS 5.0地震前出现的地震活动和地球物理观测异常,可知:①地震活动:震前存在地震平静、霍山地震窗、长岛地震窗和地震空区等趋势异常;②地球物理观测:震前存在兴化水温异常。综合分析认为,此次地震发生前,地震活动异常相对较少,并以趋势异常为主,地球物理观测异常相对偏少,震前出现的流体短期异常现象可作为短期判定的参考依据。 相似文献
2020年6月26日新疆于田6.4级地震发生在2020年度全国地震危险区内,震前作出了较好的中期(年度)和短期(月尺度和周尺度)预测,是少有的地球物理观测能力较低地区的强震前中期和短临预测较好震例。本文梳理了中期和短期预测的主要依据及其预测效能,研究表明,震前中期异常主要有流动地磁、多方法组合、5.0级地震平静打破、6.0级地震的准周期活动等;短期异常有4.0级地震活动图像、中源地震影响、于田垂直摆倾斜EW、于田GNSS基准站EW位移、和田GNSS基准站EW位移等。在总结震前分析预测过程的基础上,提出针对地球物理观测密度低地区的地震危险区论证和短临跟踪的建议,为该类地区的地震危险区判定及跟踪工作提供宝贵经验。 相似文献
As an achievement of the cooperation with Japan, TOA electromagnetic observation station was established with an 800 m borehole antenna and put into service in 1992 in Dali,Yunnan province,China. Li Wuxian et al. (2003) summarized main anomalous variation characters by analyzing 23 strong earthquakes with magnitudes more than 5. 0 recorded in the first ten years. This work mainly presents the electromagnetic changes prior to the last Mojiang M_S5. 9 earthquake on September 8,2018. First of all,the initial weak signals appeared in two ULF channels out of three observing channels (CH1 0. 01-0. 10 Hz,CH20. 1-1. 0 Hz and CH3 1-9 kHz) on May 30,2018 at Dali TOA electromagnetic station. The information recorded was characterized by wave-like changes with magnitudes of A_(CH1)≤0. 26 mV in CH1 and pulse-like impulses of A_(CH2)≤0. 6 mV in CH2,respectively.Then,abnormal information gradually enhanced either in magnitudes or in occurrence frequency. Pulse-like signals were full of lattices of recording paper for CH2 during June24-25 and slopped over the recording paper during June 28-29,with the magnitudes being greater than or equal to 10 mV. At the same time,the clear wave-like signals also appeared in CH1 with a maximum magnitude of ~ 0. 6 mV on June 28 and reached its climax. From then on,the information started to decrease from the end of July and only weak signals occasionally occurred till the end of August 2018,when obvious anomaly was recorded again in two ULF channels with maximum magnitudes of A_(CH1)~ 0. 2 mV and A_(CH2)~ 0. 3 mV respectively. Generally,these signals did not appear continuously but group by group and accumulated intensively only in ULF band instead of VLF band during the total period. 10 days later,the Mojiang M_S5. 9 earthquake occurred on September 8,2018,300 km away from Dali TOA station,and a coseismic response was also recorded at this time. Thus,these ULF electromagnetic abnormities could be probably attributed to the Mojiang event. 相似文献
Liu Jianming Wang Qiong Nie Xiaohong Gao Ge Zhang Linlin Zhang Zhiguang Xiang Yang 《中国地震研究》2017,31(3):381-394
This paper introduces the basic parameters, focal mechanism solutions and earthquake sequence characteristics of the Kalpin MS5.3 earthquake sequence of December 1, 2013, and analyzed seismic activity before the earthquake, the adjacent tectonic features and the precursory anomaly at fixed points within a range of 200km. Research indicates:(1) The earthquake occurred on Kalpin fault, the source rupture type is thrust faulting with sinistral strike-slip component. (2) The earthquake sequence is mainshock-aftershock type, with the aftershock distribution attenuating quickly and trending NE. (3) Abnormal seismic activity before the earthquake was characterized by seismically nesting quiescence of MS2.0-4.0 earthquakes, seismic quiescence of MS4.0 earthquakes and seismic belts of MS3.0 earthquakes in the Kalpin block, abnormal enhancement zone of moderate earthquakes on Puchang fault and seismological parameters. (4) Anomalies of precursory observation data at fixed stations are mainly characterized by mutation. Apart from the borehole tiltmeter in Halajun, the spatial distribution of other abnormal precursors showed a phenomenon of migration from the near field to far field and from the epicenter to the peripheries. 相似文献
通过分析墨江5.9级地震前预测意见和预测资料,认为云南地区M≥5.5地震平静异常突出,M≥5.0地震连续间隔时间达200天以上,通海2次5.0级地震震级偏小是震前地震活动异常的显著特征;通海地震的指示意义、前兆异常M≥5.7地震中期和M≥5.0地震短临综合预测指标是判断地震短期可能性的主要依据;1900年以来,通海50km范围内M≥5.0地震后云南地区发生M≥5.0地震优势对应关系和GNSS表征的区域面应变变化特征为地点判定提供了线索。墨江5.9级地震的预测经验及资料的论证丰富了对地震孕育复杂性的认识,为震例积累了新的资料。 相似文献
Liu Pu-xiong Zheng Da-lin Che Shi Pan Huai-wen Liu Gui-ping Yang Li-ming 《地震学报(英文版)》2003,16(2):219-225
A great earthquake of M
S=8.1 took place in the west of Kunlun Pass on November 14, 2001. The epicenter is located at 36.2°N and 90.9°E. The analysis
shows that some main precursory seismic patterns appear before the great earthquake, e.g., seismic gap, seismic band, increased activity, seismicity quiet and swarm activity. The evolution of the seismic patterns
before the earthquake of M
S=8.1 exhibits a course very similar to that found for earthquake cases with M
S≥7. The difference is that anomalous seismicity before the earthquake of M
S=8.1 involves in the larger area coverage and higher seismic magnitude. This provides an evidence for recognizing precursor
and forecasting of very large earthquake. Finally, we review the rough prediction of the great earthquake and discuss some
problems related to the prediction of great earthquakes. 相似文献
After the occurrence of an earthquake, strong motion observation networks can record ground motion at distributed observation stations. Based on the ground motion parameters from these records, the spatial distribution of seismic intensity can be quickly determined, and the degree of damage in different areas can be estimated. This information provides the technical basis for the emergency response, so as to ensure that rescue teams can reach extreme earthquake areas and carry out the search and rescue operation in an accurate and timely manner to reduce casualties and property loss. In this paper, we introduced 7 intensity algorithms and compared the results with the records of the Jiuzhaigou MS7.0 earthquake. We found that the differences between the instrumental intensities calculated by each method and the macro intensities were within a 1-degree range, which suggested good practicality of these different methods. The results calculated by the industrial standards-based calculation method and the integrated test showed good consistency. 相似文献