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An important challenge in large-eddy simulationsof the atmospheric boundarylayer is the specification of the subgrid-scale(SGS) model coefficient(s)and, in particular, how to account for factorssuch as position in the flow,grid/filter scale and atmospheric stability.A dynamic SGS model (thatassumes scale invariance of the coefficients)is implemented in simulationsof a neutral boundary layer with a constantand uniform surface flux of apassive scalar. Results from our simulationsshow evidence that the lumpedcoefficient in the eddy-diffusion modelcomputed with the dynamic proceduredepends on scale. This scale dependence isstronger near the surface, and itis more important for the scalar than for thevelocity field (Smagorinskycoefficient) due to the stronger anisotropicbehaviour of scalars. Based onthese results, a new scale-dependent dynamicmodel is developed for theeddy-diffusion lumped coefficient. The newmodel, which is similar to theone proposed earlierfor the Smagorinsky coefficient,is fully dynamic, thus not requiring anyparameter specification or tuning.Simulations with the scale-dependent dynamicmodel yield the expected trendsof the coefficients as functions of positionand filter/grid scale.Furthermore, in the surface layer the newmodel gives improved predictionsof mean profiles and turbulence spectra ascompared with the traditionalscale-invariant dynamic model.  相似文献   

An Intercomparison of Large-Eddy Simulations of the Stable Boundary Layer   总被引:2,自引:27,他引:2  
Results are presented from the first intercomparison of large-eddy simulation (LES) models for the stable boundary layer (SBL), as part of the Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment Atmospheric Boundary Layer Study initiative. A moderately stable case is used, based on Arctic observations. All models produce successful simulations, in as much as they generate resolved turbulence and reflect many of the results from local scaling theory and observations. Simulations performed at 1-m and 2-m resolution show only small changes in the mean profiles compared to coarser resolutions. Also, sensitivity to subgrid models for individual models highlights their importance in SBL simulation at moderate resolution (6.25 m). Stability functions are derived from the LES using typical mixing lengths used in numerical weather prediction (NWP) and climate models. The functions have smaller values than those used in NWP. There is also support for the use of K-profile similarity in parametrizations. Thus, the results provide improved understanding and motivate future developments of the parametrization of the SBL.  相似文献   

Large-eddy simulation (LES) of a stable atmospheric boundary layer is performed using recently developed dynamic subgrid-scale (SGS) models. These models not only calculate the Smagorinsky coefficient and SGS Prandtl number dynamically based on the smallest resolved motions in the flow, they also allow for scale dependence of those coefficients. This dynamic calculation requires statistical averaging for numerical stability. Here, we evaluate three commonly used averaging schemes in stable atmospheric boundary-layer simulations: averaging over horizontal planes, over adjacent grid points, and following fluid particle trajectories. Particular attention is focused on assessing the effect of the different averaging methods on resolved flow statistics and SGS model coefficients. Our results indicate that averaging schemes that allow the coefficients to fluctuate locally give results that are in better agreement with boundary-layer similarity theory and previous LES studies. Even among models that are local, the averaging method is found to affect model coefficient probability density function distributions and turbulent spectra of the resolved velocity and temperature fields. Overall, averaging along fluid pathlines is found to produce the best combination of self consistent model coefficients, first- and second-order flow statistics and insensitivity to grid resolution.  相似文献   

We perform large-eddy simulations of neutral atmospheric boundary-layer flow over a cluster of buildings surrounded by relatively flat terrain. The first investigated question is the effect of the level of building detail that can be included in the numerical model, a topic not yet addressed by any previous study. The simplest representation is found to give similar results to more refined representations for the mean flow, but not for turbulence. The wind direction on the other hand is found to be important for both mean and turbulent parameters. As many suburban areas are characterised by the clustering of buildings and homes into small areas separated by surfaces of lower roughness, we look at the adjustment of the atmospheric surface layer as it flows from the smoother terrain to the built-up area. This transition has unexpected impacts on the flow; mainly, a zone of global backscatter (energy transfer from the turbulent eddies to the mean flow) is found at the upstream edge of the built-up area.  相似文献   

Large-eddy simulations (LES) of the continuously turbulent quasi-equilibrium stable boundary layer (SBL) are conducted with grid lengths in the range of 12.5 m to 2 m, in order to explore resolution sensitivity, and determine at what point grid convergence occurs. The structure of the mean potential temperature, winds, and turbulent fluxes varies significantly over this resolution range. The highest resolution simulations show a significant degree of convergence. The dimensionless momentum diffusivity asymptotes to a value of 0.06, corresponding to a limiting flux Richardson number of 0.15.Using the converged simulations, some scaling hypotheses underpinning first-order and second-order closure models are revisited. The effective Richardson number stability functions of the LES are compared with the forms often used in numerical weather prediction (NWP). The mixing implied by the LES is less than that used in NWP. The commonly used similarity profiles for heat and momentum fluxes, and the scalings for dissipation and pressure covariances are compared with the LES. This information could provide guidance for the next generation of SBL parametrization schemes.  相似文献   

The near-surface flow of a well-resolved large-eddy simulation of the neutrally-stratified planetary boundary layer is used to explore the relationships between coherent structures and the vertical momentum flux. The near-surface flow is characterized by transient streaks, which are alternating bands of relatively higher and lower speed flow that form parallel to the mean shear direction in the lower part of the boundary layer. Although individual streaks are transient, the overall flow is in a quasi-equilibrium state in which the streaks form, grow, decay and regenerate over lifetimes on the order of tens of minutes. Coupled with the streaky flow is an overturning circulation with alternating bands of updrafts and downdrafts approximately centered on the streaks. The surface stress is dominated by upward ejections of slower moving near-surface air and downward sweeps of higher speed air from higher in the boundary layer. Conditional sampling of the ejection and sweep events shows that they are compact, coherent structures and are intimately related to the streaks: ejections (sweeps) preferentially form in the updrafts (downdrafts) of the three-dimensional streak flow. Hence, consistent with other recent studies, we propose that the streak motion plays an important role in the maintenance of the surface stress by establishing the preferential conditions for the ejections and sweeps that dominate the surface stress. The velocity fluctuation spectra in the model near the surface have a k −1 spectral slope over an intermediate range of wavenumbers. This behaviour is consistent with recent theoretical predictions that attempt to evaluate the effects of organized flow, such as near-surface streaks, on the variance spectra.  相似文献   

Forced convection in a quasi-steady atmospheric boundary layer is investigated based on a large-eddy simulation (LES) model. The performed simulations show that in the upper portion of the mixed layer the dimensionless (in terms of mixed layer scales) vertical gradients of temperature, humidity, and wind velocity depend on the dimensionless height z/z i and the Reech number Rn. The peak values of variances and covariances at the top of the mixed layer, scaled in terms of the interfacial scales, are functions of the interfacial Richardson number Ri. As a result expressions for the entrainment rates, in the case when the interfacial layer has a finite depth, and a condition for the presence of moistening or drying regimes in the mixed layer, are derived. Profiles of dimensionless scalar moments in the mixed layer are proposed to be expressed in terms of two empirical similarity functions F m and F i , dependent on dimensionless height z/z i , and the interfacial Richardson number Ri. The obtained similarity expressions adequately approximate the LES profiles of scalar statistics, and properly represent the impact of stability, shear, and entrainment. They are also consistent with the parameterization proposed for free convection in the first part of this paper.  相似文献   

The development of a theoretical model fora decaying convective boundary layeris considered. The model relies on thedynamical energy spectrumequation in which the buoyancy andinertial transfer terms are retained,and a closure assumptionmade for both. The parameterization for thebuoyancy term is given providing a factorizationbetween the energy source termand its temporal decay. Regarding the inertialtransfer term a hypothesis ofsuperposition is used to describe theconvective energy source and time variationof velocity correlation separately.The solution of the budget equation for theturbulent kinetic energy spectrum is possible,given the three-dimensional initial energyspectrum. This is doneutilizing a version of the Kristensen et al.(see Boundary-Layer Meteorol. 47, 149–193)model valid for non-isotropic turbulence. During thedecay the locus of the spectralpeak remains at about the sameposition as the heat flux decreases.Comparison of the theoretical modelis performed against large-eddy simulationdata for a decaying convectiveboundary layer.  相似文献   

Large-eddy simulation has become an important tool for the study of the atmospheric boundary layer. However, since large-eddy simulation does not simulate small scales, which do interact to some degree with large scales, and does not explicitly resolve the viscous sublayer, it is reasonable to ask if these limitations affect significantly the ability of large-eddy simulation to simulate large-scale coherent structures. This issue is investigated here through the analysis of simulated coherent structures with the proper orthogonal decomposition technique. We compare large-eddy simulation of the atmospheric boundary layer with direct numerical simulation of channel flow. Despite the differences of the two flow types it is expected that the atmospheric boundary layer should exhibit similar structures as those in the channel flow, since these large-scale coherent structures arise from the same primary instability generated by the interaction of the mean flow with the wall surface in both flows. It is shown here that several important similarities are present in the two simulations: (i) coherent structures in the spanwise-vertical plane consist of a strong ejection between a pair of counter-rotating vortices; (ii) each vortex in the pair is inclined from the wall in the spanwise direction with a tilt angle of approximately 45°; (iii) the vortex pair curves up in the streamwise direction. Overall, this comparison adds further confidence in the ability of large-eddy simulation to produce large-scale structures even when wall models are used. Truncated reconstruction of instantaneous turbulent fields is carried out, testing the ability of the proper orthogonal decomposition technique to approximate the original turbulent field with only a few of the most important eigenmodes. It is observed that the proper orthogonal decomposition reconstructs the turbulent kinetic energy more efficiently than the vorticity.  相似文献   

Large-eddy simulations (LES) of the Stable Atmospheric Boundary Layer (SBL) are difficult because the turbulence is not isotropic for strong stratification and the Kolmogorov theory might be no longer valid. This fact compells us to work on modifications to the subgrid turbulence schemes, although there is not any widely accepted theory on anisotropic turbulence. In this work, a LES model is used to see what range of stable stratification can still be simulated with a subgrid turbulence scheme using the Kolmogorov theory for the dissipation. Twenty simulations of increasing stability have been performed using a horizontal resolution of 5 m. The model is able to simulate weakly and moderately stable conditions and experiences runaway cooling for strong stability. The goodness of the successful simulations is inspected through comparison to observations from the experimental campaigns SABLES-98 and CASES-99. Other supplementary tests have been performed on the resolution and the surface boundary condition.  相似文献   

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