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Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) sampling on the Newfoundland and Scotian shelves covers three multi-year periods characterised by negative (1962–1971), positive (1992–2000) and negative/neutral (2001–2003) values of the NAO index. Water temperatures respond differently to changes in the NAO in different regions: a positive NAO index tends to lead to reduced temperatures on the Newfoundland shelf and to increased temperatures on the central/western Scotian shelf, and a negative NAO index to the reverse. Since the 1960s, the hydrographic changes due to the NAO have been superimposed on a freshening of the water column throughout the region, which is attributed to increased contribution of Arctic water outflow. Changes in plankton abundance measured by the CPR for the three time periods were generally, but not always, similar on the Newfoundland and eastern and western regions of the Scotian shelf, although Arctic species (e.g. Calanus glacialis, Calanus hyperboreus) were notably more abundant and warm water species (e.g. Metridia lucens, euphausiids) less abundant on the Newfoundland shelf than on the Scotian shelf. Three categories of phytoplankton (colour, diatoms, dinoflagellates) increased in abundance in the 1990s, and these increases generally persisted into 2001–2003. This is believed to be a response to the persistent freshening of the water column, probably due to increased stratification. The Arctic species C. glacialis and C. hyperboreus also showed persistent increases in abundance after 1992, perhaps due to increased transport from the Arctic, although the abundance of the Arctic slope water species Metridia longa decreased. Two groups, Calanus 1–4 and euphausiids, both thought to play important roles in the food chain, showed persistent decreases in abundance after 1992, especially on the Newfoundland shelf. In all regions, Calanus finmarchicus 5–6, Oithona spp. and Centropages hamatus abundance changed in association with variations in the NAO, although no common mechanism could be identified. C. finmarchicus 5–6 abundance decreased in the 1990s and increased after 2001, while the other two species showed the opposite pattern. Centropages typicus and M. lucens abundance on the Scotian shelf increased with rising temperature. This is attributed to increased production rates for the former and an increased influx of warm, M. lucens-rich, slope water on to the shelf for the latter. A comparison between ring net and CPR sampling on the Newfoundland shelf suggests that the Calanus 1–4 category is dominated by C. finmarchicus and that late stage C. glacialis and C. hyperboreus are grossly under-sampled compared to late stage C. finmarchicus.  相似文献   

The distribution and feeding of dominant mesozooplankton species were studied in the estuary of the Ob River and adjacent inner Kara Sea shelf waters in September 2013. It was shown that the spatial distributions of Cyclops sp., Senecella siberica, Limnocalanus macrurus, Mysis oculata, Drepanopus bungei, Jashnovia tolli and Pseudocalanus sp. are related to the specific characteristics of the hydrographic regime in the estuarine frontal zone. The distributions of Cyclops sp., Senecella siberica, and Pseudocalanus sp. are mainly limited by salinity, while other species inhabit an area with a wide range of salinity values without clear preferences. Peaks of their abundance could be either consolidated or distanced in space. The populations of Jashnovia tolli, Drepanopus bungei, and Pseudocalanus sp. permanently inhabit the layer under the pycnohalocline; the populations of Cyclops sp. and Mysis oculata inhabit the upper mixed layer. Limnocalanus macrurus demonstrates a different vertical distribution pattern: the copepod undertakes diel vertical migrations in the southern part of the estuarine frontal zone; in its northern part, the population is concentrated below the pycnocline during day and night. The differences in the distributions of the studied species determine their feeding behavior and their role in phytoplankton grazing. The most intense utilization of biomass and production of autotrophic phytoplankton by zooplankton occur in the freshened water zone and the adjacent southern periphery of the estuarine frontal zone: the total daily phytoplankton consumption makes up 10–18% of the biomass and 60–380% of primary production. Daily zooplankton consumption of phytoplankton in the estuarine frontal zone decreases to 2–7% of the biomass and to 14% of primary production; in inner shelf waters, the values do not exceed 1% for both phytoplankton biomass and production.  相似文献   

Estimating numbers of whales present in an area from recorded call rates could be a useful conservation tool. We recorded southern right whale Eubalaena australis vocalisations and presence in Walker Bay on the south coast of South Africa. In all, 45 sessions with synchronous acoustic and visual data were analysed to determine call rates directly (overall call rate, OCR) and in relation to the number of whales sighted (call rate per whale, CPW) and number of groups sighted (call rate per group, CPG). The OCRs were examined in the presence of varying numbers of whales, using a log-linear model to investigate the dependence of the call rate on whale density. The number of whales present exerted a strong quadratic effect on the OCR, which peaked at around 15 whales and decreased to a low rate as whale presence approached a maximum, for all calls combined and for four of their constituent 13 call types: a quadratic trend was present to varying degrees among the remaining call types. Both quadratic and linear trends were absent when OCR was assessed against number of groups present, possibly because group size increased with increasing density of whales. A linear regression on the CPW and CPG suggested that there was a negative inverse relationship with the number of whales and groups present respectively. These findings are important in that, while they preclude the estimation of absolute numbers from call rates, they imply that, under the conditions prevailing in Walker Bay, southern right whales were aware of the presence, arrival and departure of other animals in their vicinity and adjusted their vocal behaviour accordingly.  相似文献   

Conditions in artisanal salterns, or salinas, vary depending on their physical structure, seasonal effects, and the two periods of the salt production cycle. They therefore constitute unique wetland habitats, with particular communities that are still poorly studied. Water quality and zooplankton of a working artisanal salina were studied to evaluate spatial variability between sections and temporal variability between the salt production and flooded periods and between seasons. Zooplankton communities were related to environmental conditions. Sampling took place every second week, during almost two years, at six sites of the Tanoerias salina in Aveiro, Portugal: at the beginning and centre of the salina inlet channel, in a supply pond, in two evaporator and one crystalliser ponds. Since salt production occurs in the warm season only, seasonal effects concur with those caused by the salt production cycle. Results showed significant differences in temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO) and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) between salt production and flooded periods, i.e. summer and spring/winter seasons. Salinity and alkalinity were linked to salt production with extreme values in the salt-producing crystalliser pond. Zooplankton communities varied between seasons, but also with the salina section and the salt production cycle. Zooplankton densities and diversity tended to be lower during salt production, particularly under the extreme living conditions in the salina crystalliser pond. Variation in zooplankton communities between samples was mainly influenced by temperature, i.e. season, at the salina inlet, by BOD5 or DO, also related to temperature and season, in the first ponds and by nutrients throughout the system.  相似文献   

The latest advances in the field of microbial ecology have shown that planktonic Archaea are one of the most abundant unicellular microorganisms of the oceans. However, no information is available on the contribution this group makes to the prokaryote assemblages that inhabit the eastern South Pacific Ocean. Here, we describe the relative abundance and vertical distribution of planktonic Archaea off northern and central-southern Chile. Data come from several cruises and a 45-month time series at a station located on the shelf off central-southern Chile. Both the taxonomic composition of the prokaryote community and its relative abundance were determined using quantitative dot blot 16S-rRNA hybridizations. Total Archaea in central-southern Chile made up 6–87% of the prokaryote rRNA in the water column and did not present evidence of any seasonal pattern. Crenarchaea were the most abundant archaeal group at this site and were significantly associated with the ammonium concentration (r2=0.16, p=0.0003, n=80). Archaeal abundance in the time series was usually greater in the deeper layer (>50 m), with contributions reaching up to ∼90% of the prokaryote rRNA on certain occasions, and decreasing towards the surface. Important increments in the relative abundance of total Archaea were observed on given dates at the surface of the time-series station off central-southern Chile. Off northern Chile, total Archaea normally contributed from ∼10% to 50% of the prokaryote rRNA found between 10 and 1000 m, and were generally important in the mesopelagic realm. Our results indicate that Archaea constitute an important fraction of the prokaryote assemblage in the water column of the Humboldt Current System, especially in the oxygen minimum zone.  相似文献   

The Gulf of California (GC) is one of the most productive seas in the Pacific Ocean because of several oceanographic phenomena that support many marine mammal species, particularly of the cetacean order. The environmental variability of the GC was analysed during the cold and warm periods of 2005 and 2006 and its effects on the distribution and relative abundance of baleen whales using sea surface temperature (SST) and chlorophyll a (Chl a) concentration. Satellite image analysis allowed us to detect important differences in both Chl a concentration and SST including cold to warm periods, even between the two cold periods and between the two warm periods. The cold periods had the highest number of whales: 99 individuals in 2005 and 183 in 2006, which were distributed along the entire gulf. Fewer animals were recorded in the warm period: 46 individuals in 2005 and 30 in 2006, which were mainly distributed in the northern part of the gulf. We concluded that SST influenced the relative abundance of baleen whales while Chl a concentration influenced their distribution.  相似文献   

Southern right whales—Eubalaena australis (Desmoulins, 1822)—migrate seasonally from high‐latitude feeding grounds to coastal breeding and calving grounds at lower latitudes such as the southern coast of Brazil. Understanding how these whales are distributed along the coast is important for monitoring their postwhaling recovery and defining management strategies. In this study, we applied Kernel density estimators to aerial survey data to determine main occurrence and concentration areas of right whales in southern Brazil and investigate inter‐ and intra‐annual distribution patterns between 2003 and 2012. Our results show considerable variation in area usage within and among years, and changes in the general distribution pattern of right whales in the last years of the study. Intra‐annually, higher concentration area tended to expand from July to September and decrease in November. Some areas stood out as high‐density areas for right whales: Ribanceira/Ibiraquera, Itapirubá Sul/Sol, and from Arroio to Gaivota. Some evidences also suggest preferential areas for mother–calf pairs. The higher concentration area of right whales in southern Brazil was estimated at 52,541 km2 and the occurrence area was 682.69 km2, which is the whole study area. As right whale distribution in the region is likely expanding due to this population's current recovery, our study provides essential information for management plan of the Right Whale Environmental Protection Area.  相似文献   

Surface distribution (0–100 m) of zooplankton biomass and specific aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (AARS) activity, as a proxy of structural growth, were assessed during winter 2002 and spring 2004 in the Labrador Sea. Two fronts formed by strong boundary currents, several anticyclonic eddies and a cyclonic eddy were studied. The spatial contrasts observed in seawater temperature, salinity and fluorescence, associated with those mesoscale structures, affected the distributions of both zooplankton biomass and specific AARS activity, particularly those of the smaller individuals. Production rates of large organisms (200–1000 μm) were significantly related to microzooplankton biomass (63–200 μm), suggesting a cascade effect from hydrography through microzooplankton to large zooplankton. Water masses defined the biomass distribution of the three dominant species: Calanus glacialis was restricted to cold waters on the shelves while Calanus hyperboreus and Calanus finmarchicus were widespread from Canada to Greenland. Zooplankton production was up to ten-fold higher inside anticyclonic eddies than in the surrounding waters. The recent warming tendency observed in the Labrador Sea will likely generate weaker convection and less energetic mesoscale eddies. This may lead to a decrease in zooplankton growth and production in the Labrador basin.  相似文献   

南黄海浮游动物主要种类数量分布年间比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈峻峰  左涛  王秀霞 《海洋学报》2013,35(6):195-203
分析对比1959年、1982年、1998-2000年以及2007-2010年4个不同时期南黄海中部(34.25°~37.45°N,122.00°~124.00°E)浮游动物主要优势种中华哲水蚤(Calanus sinicus)、太平洋磷虾(Euphausia pacifica)和强壮箭虫(Sagitta crassa)数量时空变化及其与温度、盐度和太平洋年代际震荡指数(Pacific Decadal Oscillation,PDO)变动的关系。结果显示,温度可能对中华哲水蚤和太平洋磷虾数量分布影响较大;强壮箭虫则受盐度影响较大。PDO暖位相时期中华哲水蚤和太平洋磷虾数量显著低于冷位相时期,强壮箭虫则相反。中华哲水蚤和太平洋磷虾丰度与提前3个月PDO值呈显著正相关,强壮箭虫丰度仅与当月PDO值呈显著正相关。  相似文献   

Measurements of the density of deep pelagic bioluminescent zooplankton (BL) were made with the Intensified Silicon Intensifier Target (ISIT) profiler in the Ligurian, Tyrrhenian, Adriatic, Ionian Seas and the Strait of Sicily from ~300 m to near seafloor. Mean BL densities ranged from 2.61 m?3 at 500–1000 m depth in the Adriatic Sea to 0.01 m?3 at 4000–5000 m depth in the E Ionian Sea. We investigated drivers of spatial variation of deep pelagic BL density. Linear regression was applied between surface chlorophyll a (Chl a) concentration and underlying BL density. Chl a values were determined from satellite derived 100 km radius composites (six 10-day means per ISIT deployment, over preceding 60 days). At 500–1000 m depth we found a significant positive relationship between mean BL density and mean Chl a in the period prior to 0–10 days (at 1% level) and prior to 10–40 days (at 5% level). Beyond 40 days no relationship between BL density and Chl a was found at this depth. At depths 1000–1500 m BL density values were low and no significant relationship with Chl a was detected. Generalised additive modelling (GAM) was used to assess the influence of benthic hotspots (seamount; cold water coral mound; mud volcano) on overlying BL density. A reduction in BL density was found downstream of the Palinuro seamount from 300 to 600 m. No effect on BL density in the overlying water column was detected from the presence of cold water corals. Higher BL densities were detected over the W Madonna dello Ionio mud volcano than at other sites sampled in the NW Ionian Sea. We find surface Chl a to be a good predictor of BL density in the mesopelagic zone; below this depth we hypothesise that processes affecting the efficiency of particle export to deep water may exert greater influence on BL density.  相似文献   

本文根据春、夏、秋、冬四个季度月(1989年4、7、10月和1990年1月)在秦山核电站邻近水域大面观测站上所采集的浮游动物样品,对该测区浮游动物的生物量和种类组成以及与环境因子间的关系作了分析探讨。  相似文献   

The survival of federally protected North Atlantic right whales (Eubalaena glacialis) requires an immediate reduction in the risk of entanglement in commercial fishing gear. This paper argues that at least a 30% reduction in risk is needed to meaningfully contribute to the conservation of right whales. The argument follows from risk estimates calculated using time and space intersections of right whales and fishing gear in Canadian waters. Almost all the risk occurs during July, August and September (12%, 50%, 37% respectively) and the groundfish fishery contributed the greatest proportion (86%) of annual risk. Given that efforts in the USA to reduce entanglement risk through modified fishing gear have been unsuccessful to date, we address the alternative option of restricting certain fishing gear at times and locations where entanglement risk is elevated. There are many options that Canada could employ to achieve the above risk reduction and our results clearly point to the most effective and efficient action being seasonally restricted fishing in two relatively small regions; the Grand Manan Basin and the Roseway Basin. Fully a third (34%±4%) of the annual risk is associated with these two basins, though fishery catch estimates in the basins are relatively small and declining.  相似文献   

Seasonal fluctuations in the occurrence of inshore South African Bryde's whales Balaenoptera edeni were investigated between November 2005 and June 2008. Sighting data were collected in Plettenberg Bay on the south-east coast of South Africa. Bryde's whale occurrence was modelled in relation to the following environmental covariates: sea surface temperature, chlorophyll a concentrations and wind speed. Seasonal increases in encounter rates (sightings per day) were observed during summer and autumn, with a peak in April that corresponded to increased feeding activity and above average aggregation sizes. All three environmental covariates were significant factors in terms of explaining variability in the occurrence of whales. Multispecies associations with common dolphins Delphinus capensis and Cape gannets Morus capensis were most common in summer and autumn, when feeding activity was highest.  相似文献   

荣成湾毗邻海域浮游动物群落季节分布特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用2009年度4个季度月的现场调查资料研究了荣成湾毗邻海域浮游动物群落的季节分布特征。研究表明, 在荣成湾毗邻海域出现的浮游动物共59个种类, 秋季、夏季和春季浮游动物均为30种以上(依次为38种、35种和32种), 而冬季种类数相对较少(22种)。浮游动物优势种主要为强壮箭虫(Aidanosagitta crassa)、中华哲水蚤(Calanus sinicus)、小拟哲水蚤(Paracalanus parvus)和拟长腹剑水蚤(Oithona similis)等种类, 其个体丰度的空间和季节分布特征差异较大。浮游动物湿重生物量冬季最高(433.8 mg/m3), 春季(220.7 mg/m3)和秋季(162.4 mg/m3)次之, 而夏季(52.5 mg/m3)相对较低。浮游动物群落物种多样性指数H′年平均值为2.50, 均匀性指数J′年平均值为0.65, 季节比较上, 夏季浮游动物多样性和均匀度均较高, 而春季多样性和均匀性平均值为低值, 且最大值和最小值之间波动范围较大。进一步分析显示, 湾内的筏架养殖对浮游动物群落的分布有显著影响。  相似文献   

The species composition, cell concentration (N), and biomass (B) of the phytoplankton, as well as the chlorophyll a (Chl a) concentration, primary production (PP), and the concentrations of the dissolved inorganic micronutrients (phosphorus, silica, nitrogen as nitrite), were estimated for Kandalaksha Bay (KB), Dvina Bay (DB), and the basin (Bas) of the White Sea in August of 2004. The micronutrient concentrations were lower compared to the average long-term values for the summer period. The Chl a concentration varies from 0.9 to 2.0 mg/m3 for most of the studied areas, reaching up to 7.5 mg/m3 in the Northern Dvina River estuary. The surface water layer of the DB was the most productive area, where the PP reached up to 270–375 mg C/(m3 day). The phytoplankton biomass varied from 11 to 205 mg C/m3 with the highest values observed in the Bas and DB. Three groups of stations were defined during the analysis of the phytoplankton’s species composition similarity. The dinoflagellates Dinophysis norvegica and Ceratium fusus were particular to the phytoplankton assemblages in the KB; the diatom Ditylum brightwellii was particular to the upper and central parts of the DB. These three phytoplankton species were less abundant in the Bas.  相似文献   

Submesoscale processes in marginal seas usually have complex generating mechanisms, highly dependent on the local background flow and forcing. This numerical study investigates the spatial and seasonal differences of submesoscale activities in the upper ocean of the South China Sea (SCS) and the different dynamical regimes for sub-regions. The spatial and seasonal variations of vertical vorticity, horizontal convergence, lateral buoyancy gradient, and strain rate are analyzed to compare the submesoscale phenomenon within four sub-regions, the northern region near the Luzon Strait (R1), the middle ocean basin (R2), the western SCS (R3), and the southern SCS (R4). The results suggest that the SCS submesoscale processes are highly heterogeneous in space, with different seasonalities in each sub-region. The submesoscale activities in the northern sub-regions (R1, R2) are active in winter but weak in summer, while there appears an almost seasonal anti-phase in the western region (R3) compared to R1 and R2. Interestingly, no clear seasonality of submesoscale features is shown in the southern region (R4). Further analysis of Ertel potential vorticity reveals different generating mechanisms of submesoscale processes in different sub-regions. Correlation analyses also show the vertical extent of vertical velocity and the role of monsoon in generating submesoscale activities in the upper ocean of sub-regions. All these results suggest that the sub-regions have different regimes for submesoscale processes, e.g., Kuroshio intrusion (R1), monsoon modulation (R2), frontal effects (R3), topography wakes (R4).  相似文献   

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