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We have tested the ability of some 12 different barometer and 20 different thermometer formulations to reproduce the experimental P-T equilibration conditions of natural multi-component garnet lherzolite assemblages. For natural rock compositions it is essential to take account of the influence of both Cr and Fe on the garnet-orthopyroxene Al exchange reaction customarily used as a barometer for such assemblages and accordingly our results demonstrate that the formulation of Nickel and Green (1985) is the most satisfactory. No single thermometer formulation was judged to be reliable throughout the P-T range of interest. In our view equilibration temperatures are best assessed by consideration of a combination of the most satisfactory thermometer formulations, based on the two-pyroxene solvus and the Fe2+-Mg2+ exchange reactions between mineral pairs. Our results further indicate that use of the barometer (MacGregor 1974) and thermometer formulations recommended by Finnerty and Boyd (1984 and 1986) will lead to inaccurate assessment of the temperatures and pressures of equilibration for most garnet lherzolite xenolith assemblages and hence to incorrect interpretation of their depth of derivation within the mantle.  相似文献   

Hydrothermal alteration of Tertiary gabbros from Skye involved the reaction of igneous olivine, augite, hypersthene, plagioclase, magnetite, and ilmenite with aqueous fluid primarily to combinations of talc, chlorite, montmorillonite, calcic amphibole, biotite, and secondary magnetite. Lesser amounts of calcite, epidote, quartz, sphene, prehnite, and garnet also developed. During mineralogical alteration of gabbro there was a net addition to rock of K, Na, Sr, and H2O and a net loss of Mg. Gabbro was oxidized early in the hydrothermal event and later reduced. Iron and silicon were probably initially lost and later added. There is no evidence for significant change in the Al or Ca content of the gabbros. Hydrothermal alteration of Skye gabbro involved not only large-scale migration of 18O, 16O, D and H but also of K, Na, Sr, Mg, and probably Fe and Si.Mineral thermometry indicates that pyroxenes in the gabbros crystallized at 1000° C–1150° C and were very resistent chemically as well as isotopically to later hydrothermal alteration. Hypothetical equilibrium between primary and secondary mafic silicates suggests that mineralogical alteration of gabbro occurred at 450°–550° C. The lack of correlation between mineralogical and isotopic alteration of gabbro requires that much isotopic alteration occurred at temepratures above those at which the secondary minerals developed, 550°–1000° C. The chemical alteration of gabbro is correlated with its mineralogical alteration and therefore occurred at 450°–550° C.Measured progress of the mineral-fluid reactions was used to estimate the amount of H2O fluid that infiltrated the gabbro as primary olivine was converted to talc+magnetite at 525°–550° C. Calculated fluid-rock ratios are in the range 0.2–6 (volume basis) and are smaller than values estimated from isotopic data (fluid/rock 1–10, volume basis). Both isotopic and petrologic data point to pervasive flow of fluid through crystalline rock at elevated temperatures of 500°–1000° C. Isotopic fluid-rock ratios are larger than petrologic fluid-rock ratios because isotopic alteration of cooling gabbro began earlier and at higher temperatures than did the mineralogical alteration.  相似文献   

Concordant granite sheets from the granulite facies Scourian Complex, N.W. Scotland exhibit the following features:
  1. a common planar fabric with their host pyroxene granulites;
  2. the presence of an exsolved ternary feldspar phase;
  3. a low-pressure, water-saturated minimum composition;
  4. K/Rb ratios (450–1,350) distinctly higher than most upper crustal granites but similar to the surrounding granulites;
  5. low absolute concentrations of the rare earth elements (REEs), light REE enrichment, and large positive Eu anomalies.
It is proposed that the granite sheets have originated by anatexis of gneisses undergoing granulite facies metamorphism — gneisses that were already essentially dry and depleted in incompatible elements. Their unusual trace element chemistry may be explained by either disequilibrium melting and/or sub-solidus reequilibration of the granite sheets with the surrounding gneisses. Isotopic and trace element data suggest that cross-cutting, potash-rich pegmatites represent reworking of the granite sheets during a later amphibolitization.  相似文献   

The Thompson projection traditionally used by metamorphic petrologists is modified and used to study mineral equilibrium and mass balance relations of igneous rocks. Proportions of minerals in rocks and equilibrium minerals assemblages are predictable from bulk rock compositional data, consequently the projection simplifies chemical studies of plutonic and volcanic rock suites, and mixed plutonic-volcanic suites particularly, because bulk rock compositions can be directly compared with mineral compositions. As an example, changes to bulk magma compositions resulting from differentiation by crystal fractionation (Thingmuli Volcano; Red Hill Dyke) are immediately discernible and tholeiitic calc-alkaline and alkaline differentiation trends are quite distinct on the diagram. As well, minerals which have been removed from a magma during crystal fractionation generally can be identified and their compositions estimated. Magmas the compositions of which result from the mixing of two components (Kilauea Volcano) are easily identified as are the end-member mixing components of the mixed magmas.The diagram is applicable to both igneous and metamorphic rock suites, consequently it should be of particular use to those studying anataxis and granite genesis.  相似文献   

A compilation of 18O analyses of minerals separated from about 400 igneous and metamorphic rocks from published investigations reveals regularity in the fractionation of 18O among associated minerals, suggesting that an approach to isotopic equilibrium may be common. However, for only a minority of terrestrial rocks are these regularities sufficiently systematic to be compatible with the actual attainment and preservation of isotopic equilibrium among three minerals. Fractionations among triplets of quartz, calcite, feldspar, muscovite, and magnetite show some correspondence to those expected on the basis of experimental calibrations; however, there are also considerable deviations. The variability of natural data is such that less than half of the rocks analyzed to date would yield concordant 18O-derived temperatures. Of the additional 52 mineral triplets studied, plagioclase-pyrox-ene-ilmenite, plagioclase-pyroxene-magnetite, plagioclase-pyroxene-olivine, quartz-amphibole-garnet, pyroxene-ilmenite-magnetite, muscovite-biotite-magnetite, and quartz-muscovite-amphibole show the most systematic oxygen isotope fractionations. For 12 other mineral triplets a defined isotope fractionation relationship may be postulated to underlie the data; however for these a close approach to isotopic equilibrium is not commonly observed. For 33 of the mineral triplets an approach to isotopic equilibrium can be noted; however, the scatter of the available data is such that a systematic influence of a factor, such as temperature, on the size of the 18O fractionation could not be detected. In the past, regularities of oxygen isotope fractionations among three minerals have been used to establish secondary isotope geothermometers. Before this can be done with any reliability, however, the effects of possible retrograde isotope exchange and spurious correlation must be accounted for.  相似文献   

Pelitic hornfelses within the inner thermal aureole of the Etive igneous complex underwent limited partial melting, generating agmatic micro‐stromatic migmatites. In this study, observed volume proportions of vein leucosomes in the migmatites are compared with modelled melt volumes in an attempt to constrain the controls on melting processes. Petrogenetic modelling in the MnNCKFMASHT system was performed on the compositions of 15 analysed Etive pelite samples using THERMOCALC. Melt modes were calculated at 2.2 kbar (the estimated pressure in the southern Etive aureole) from solidus temperatures to 800 °C for both fluid‐absent and fluid‐present conditions. Volume changes accompanying fluid‐absent melting at 2.2 kbar were also calculated. P–T pseudosections reproduce the zonal sequence of the southern Etive aureole fairly well. The modelled solidus temperatures of silica‐rich pelitic compositions are close to 680 °C at 2.2 kbar and, in the absence of free fluid, melt modes in such compositions rise to between 12 and 29% at 800 °C, half of which is typically produced over the narrow reaction interval in which orthopyroxene first appears. Silica‐poor compositions have solidus temperatures of up to ~770 °C and yield <11.4% melt at 800 °C under fluid‐absent conditions. For conditions of excess H2O, modelled melt modes increase dramatically within ~13 °C of the solidus, in some cases to >60%; by 800 °C they range from 61 to 88% and from 29 to 74% in silica‐rich and silica‐poor compositions, respectively. Calculated volume changes for fluid‐absent melting are positive for all modelled compositions and reach 4.5% in some silica‐rich compositions by 800 °C. Orthopyroxene formation is accompanied by a volume increase of up to 1.48% over a temperature increase of as little as 2.7 °C, supporting the arguments for melt‐induced ‘hydrofracturing’ as a viable melt‐escape mechanism in low‐P metamorphism. Mineral assemblages in the innermost aureole support previous conclusions that partial melting took place predominantly under fluid‐absent conditions. However, vein leucosome proportions, estimated by image analysis, do not show the expected correlation with grade, and are locally greatly in excess of melt modes predicted by fluid‐absent models, particularly close to the melt‐in isograd. Melting of interlayered psammites, addition of H2O from interlayered melt‐free rocks, and metastable persistence of muscovite are ruled out as major causes of the excess melt anomaly. The most likely cause, we believe, is that local variations existed in the amount of fluid available at the onset of melting, promoted by focussing of fluid released by dehydration in the middle and outer aureole; however, some redistribution of melt by compaction‐driven flow through the vein channel network cannot be ruled out. The formation of melt‐filled fractures in the inner Etive aureole was assisted by stresses that caused extension at high angles to the igneous contact. The fractures were probably caused either by transient pressure reduction in the diorite magma chamber associated with a second phase of intrusion, or by sub‐solidus thermal contraction in the diorite pluton during the early stages of inner‐aureole cooling.  相似文献   

The H2O and CO2 content of cordierite was analysed in 34 samples from successive contact metamorphic zones of the Etive thermal aureole, Scotland, using Fourier‐transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The measured volatile contents were used to calculate peak metamorphic H2O and CO2 activities. Total volatile contents are compared with recently modelled cordierite volatile saturation surfaces in order to assess the extent of fluid‐present v. fluid‐absent conditions across the thermal aureole. In the middle aureole, prior to the onset of partial melting, calculated aH2O values are high, close to unity, and measured volatile contents intersect modelled H2O–CO2 saturation curves at the temperature of interest, suggesting that fluid‐present conditions prevailed. Total volatile contents and aH2O steadily decrease beyond the onset of partial melting, consistent with the notion of aH2O being buffered to lower values as melting progresses once free hydrous fluid is exhausted. All sillimanite zone samples record total volatile contents that are significantly lower than modelled H2O–CO2 saturation surfaces, implying that fluid‐absent conditions prevailed. The lowest recorded aH2O values lie entirely within part of the section where fluid‐absent melting reactions are thought to have dominated. Samples within 30 m of the igneous contact appear to be re‐saturated, possibly via a magmatically derived fluid. In fluid‐absent parts of the aureole, cordierite H2O contents yield melt–H2O contents that are compatible with independently determined melt–H2O contents. The internally consistent cordierite volatile data and melt–H2O data support the conclusion that the independent P–T estimates applied to the Etive rocks were valid and that measured cordierite volatile contents are representative of peak metamorphic values. The Etive thermal aureole provides the most compelling evidence, suggesting that the cordierite fluid monitor can be used to accurately assess the fluid conditions during metamorphism and partial melting in a thermal aureole.  相似文献   

扬子克拉通西缘康定杂岩中的片麻状花岗岩主要由英云闪长岩、花岗闪长岩、灰白色细粒二长花岗岩和少量的粉红色粗粒二长花岗岩组成.其中英云闪长岩和花岗闪长岩形成于797~795Ma,灰白色细粒二长花岗岩SHRIMP锆石定年产生一个206Pb/238U权重平均767±24Ma,被解释为该期花岗质岩浆的结晶年龄.英云闪长岩、花岗闪长岩和灰白色细粒二长花岗岩和其中的闪长岩包体表现为右斜式稀土配分模式,具有很高的(La/Yb)N比值,无Eu异常,在原始地幔标准化的多元素蜘蛛网状图上表现了明显的Nh、Ta、P和Ti负异常.而粉红色粗粒二长花岗岩却表现了平坦的稀土配分模式,具有强烈的负Eu异常和强烈的Nh、Ta、sr、P和Ti负异常,但是富集大离子亲石元素.所有这些片麻状花岗岩具有εNd(t)=-0.57~+5.67,绝大部分样品εNd(t)>0.结合地质学、岩石学、地球化学和Sm-Nd同位素特征,康定杂岩中英云闪长岩、花岗闪长岩和灰白色细粒二长花岗岩形成于来自亏损地幔的初生地壳玄武质岩石和相关的杂砂岩在高压条件下的部分熔融,而粉红色粗粒二长花岗岩的岩浆导源于表壳岩低压条件下的部分熔融.结合这些片麻状花岗岩的岩石成因和构造鉴别,表明扬子克拉通西缘康定杂岩中新元古代片麻状花岗岩形成于安第斯型活动大陆边缘.  相似文献   

In the Upper Murray Valley, Victoria, Late Silurian, high‐Si igneous rocks, which are closely associated with alkalic, basaltic dykes, were emplaced at high crustal levels following the peak of the Benambran Orogeny, which deformed and metamorphosed the Wagga Zone in Late Ordovician‐Early Silurian times. These rocks, which are informally termed ‘the Upper Murray high‐Si magmatic suite’, include leucogranites, rhyolite dykes and flows, and ash‐flow tuffs characterised by the following features. They are transitional from mildly peraluminous to mildly metaluminous; they represent relatively anhydrous magmas, in which halides were important volatile constituents; they have high Si, total alkalies, Rb, Th, U, Nb, Sn and heavy rare earth elements; and they are relatively repleted in Mg, Ca, Sr, Eu, V, Cr and Ni. In these respects and in their post‐orogenic setting and close association with alkalic basalts, they resemble many post‐orogenic granitoids from elsewhere. Such granitoids appear to have formed as partial melts during crustal extension following major episodes of deformation and high‐Si magmatism. A residual granulitic crust, from which an earlier generation of granitoid magmas had been extracted, is argued to be the source rock‐type for these post‐orogenic magmas. Tectonic extension, affecting such a crust, was accompanied by deep fracturing and basaltic vol‐canism. Mantle‐derived, CO2‐ and halide‐rich fluids moved into the residual crust, causing widespread metasomatism, and emplacement of basaltic magma caused temperatures to rise until melting took place and a second group of magmas was produced. This model explains most aspects of the trace and major element chemistry of post‐orogenic, high‐Si igneous rocks and, for the Upper Murray high‐Si suite it also provides an explanation for variations in trace elements and isotopic characteristics. Other processes, such as crystal fractionation, magma mixing, thermogravi‐tational diffusion, and separation and loss of a volatile phase, provide explanations for variations within individual units of the suite, but they do not explain overall variations or the highly fractionated nature of the suite.  相似文献   

Compositions of chrome-spinels in peridotites from the layered igneous rocks of Rhum and of the Ben Buie intrusion, Mull, show evidence of post-depositional reaction relationships with the cumulus olivine and/or the intercumulus liquid. Some seam-forming spinels in the Ben Buie intrusion are highly aluminous, more so than those in the Rhum intrusion. Occasional zoned spinels, in both intrusions, show enrichment in Al towards their rims. The evidence suggests that the spinel reaction trend involving Cr-Al exchange proceeds in the direction of Al-enrichment. Equilibrium between chrome-spinel and cumulus olivine appears to have been attained rarely, thus limiting the application of the olivine-spinel geothermometer.  相似文献   

本文根据REE丰度特征与对数真数特征的关系以及REE燕式曲线的物理定义 (化学内涵 )和数学关系 ,引入了丰度坐标系———双对数坐标系 (一种准四维坐标系 )定量模型 ,按照岩浆岩系的数据点在丰度坐标系中的分布情况 ,对岩浆岩系REE丰度结构进行分类 ,并探讨岩浆岩系的REE演化类型和演化运动特征 ,据此对岩浆岩成因的类型进行判别  相似文献   

The Askot crystallines form a doubly plunging synformal belt and occurs as a detached crystalline belt or klippen in the vast sedimentary terrain lying between Central crystallines towards north and the Almora crystallines to the south. It is dominated by granite gneiss and augen gneiss, and also comprise of metapelites, migmatites and basic intrusives. In this paper, the geochemical studies of the granite gneiss and augen gneiss from the Askot crystallines, Kumaun Himalaya were carried out in order to understand their origin and evolution. The granite gneiss is generally foliated, with less foliated and porphyritic variety seen in the core part. The K-feldspar shows Carlsbad twinning, while plagioclases show complex twinning. They show euhedral zircon and apatite along with titanite as accessory minerals. The granite gneiss is moderately evolved (Mg# ∼50) and has granodiorite composition with metaluminous, calc-alkaline trends. They show higher concentration of Ti, Ca, Mg and low abundance of ∑REE (∼165 ppm) in comparison to augen gneiss. They show volcanic arc signatures and compare well with Lateorogenic granites of Proterozoic times distributed world wide. These calc-alkaline granites appear derived from a Paleoproterozoic mafic/intermediate lower-crust reservoir probably involving arc magma underplating. Granite gneiss is also peraluminous with molar A/CNK>1.1, and the heterogeneity of granite gneiss can be explained with the precursor melts, experiencing assimilation during up-rise through crust or contamination of source itself involving sediments from the subduction zone.  相似文献   

Sedimentary rocks cover-73% of the Earth's surface and metamorphic rocks account for approximately91% of the crust by volume. Understanding the average behavior and variability of heat production for these rock types are vitally important for developing accurate models of lithospheric temperature. We analyze the heat production of ~204,000 whole rock geochemical data to quantify how heat production of these rocks varies with respect to chemistry and their evolution during metamorphism. The heat production of metaigneous and metasedimentary rocks are similar to their respective protoliths. Igneous and metaigneous samples increase in heat production with increasing SiO_2 and K_2 O, but decrease with increasing FeO, MgO and CaO. Sedimentary and metasedimentary rocks increase in heat production with increasing Al_2 O_3, FeO, TiO_2, and K_2 O but decrease with increasing CaO. For both igneous and sedimentary rocks, the heat production variations are largely correlated with processes that affect K_2 O concentration and covary with other major oxides as a consequence. Among sedimentary rocks,aluminous shales are the highest heat producing(2.9 μW~(-3)) whereas more common iron shales are lower heat producing(1.7 μW m~(-3)). Pure quartzites and carbonates are the lowest heat producing sedimentary rocks. Globally, there is little definitive evidence for a decrease in heat production with increasing metamorphic grade. However, there remains the need for high resolution studies of heat production variations within individual protoliths that vary in metamorphic grade. These results improve estimates of heat production and natural variability of rocks that will allow for more accurate temperature models of the lithosphere.  相似文献   

Rocks from sixteen sites in southwestern Germany were examined palaeomagnetically and petrologically with attention concentrated on the ore minerals. The largest suite of rocks from the Hegau shows that two dated rocks have the sign of magnetization predicted byHeirtzler et al. (1968) and two do not. However the confidence levels of the radiometric ages are not known. It is probable that the remanence found in the Katzenbuckel reflects the time of hydrothermal alteration, the rest, the paleomagnetic field.
Zusammenfassung Aus dem Bereich des Oberrheingrabens und des Hegaus (SW-Deutschland) wurden Vulkanite entnommen und paläomagnetisch und erzmineralogisch untersucht.Die umfangreiche Gesteinsserie aus dem Hegau zeigt, daß zwei datierte Gesteine der vonHeirtzler et al. (1968) vorhergesagten Magnetisierungsrichtung entund zwei dieser Skala widersprechen. Dabei bleibt offen, inwieweit die beiden Skalen radiometrischer Daten übereinstimmen. Möglicherweise gibt die gefundene Remanenz in den Katzenbuckelgesteinen die Zeit der hydrothermalen Veränderung, der Rest das paläomagnetische Feld wieder.

Résumé Des échantillons volcaniques, prélevés dans la région du fossé d'Alsace et de Bade ainsi que dans celle du Hegau (Allemagne du sud-ouest) ont fait l'objet d'une analyse paléomagnétique et minéralogique.La série de roches provenant du Hegau montre que 2 roches datées correspondent à la direction d'aimantation indiquée parHeirtzler et d'autres (en 1968), tandis que 2 autres la contredisent. La question de savoir dans quelle mesure les deux échelles de données radiométriques sont concordantes reste entière. Il se peut que l'aimantation rémanente, dans les roches du Katzenbuckel, indique le moment de la transformation hydrothermale, tandis que le reste reflète le champ paléomagnétique.

- Hegau (- ). Hegau , , Heirtzler'oM ., (1968), , . , , . , Katzenbuckel , — . . . . - . .

The mineralogy and chemistry of some analcime-rich igneous rocks — analcimites from the potassic Highwood province, Montana, and an analcime tinguaite from the Dunedin Volcanic Complex, New Zealand — have been investigated to obtain some indication of the KNa substitution in natural analcimes. The analcimes have potash-poor compositions, the K2O revealed by the rock analyses being represented in the mode mainly by Or-rich feldspar (hyalophane or sanidine). These data and the evidence afforded by other analcime compositions confirm earlier conclusions based on experimental studies (Peters, Luth and Tuttle, 1966), namely that analcime solid solutions may contain up to approximately 2% K2O. Some aspects of analcime-rich igneous assemblages are also discussed.  相似文献   

The Cenozoic lacustrine basin of Anloua (Adamaoua, Cameroon), is filled with the weathering products of the surrounding rocks. In order to determine the origin of these sediments, multi-element, especially trace element, analysis of their < 2 μm fraction was undertaken. The chemical compositions of these fractions were compared with those of the rocks surrounding the basin by multivariate statistical analysis and also graphically. A principal component analysis allowed the most discriminant elements to be selected, and a hierarchical ascending classification (HAC) made with these elements divided the samples into groups. Some of these groups contain < 2 μm fractions of both the lake sediments and surrounding rocks. These sediments are determined as deriving by weathering from the surrounding rocks. Some of the other groups contain no samples from the surrounding rocks and their petrographic origin cannot be given. A graphic comparison of the relative amounts of the elements (determined by HAC) from the < 2 μm fractions of the various groups and the rocks surrounding the basin allowed attribution of a petrographic origin for the various sediments analysed by using the fit between the curves.

The clay mineralogy, the amounts of Ti, Zr, and heavy minerals in the < 2 μm fractions and their distribution in the area studied, as well as the presence of angular quartzite pebbles in some sediments gives an indication of the paleogeography of the Anloua basin. There was deltaic input towards the north and a high energy input, possibly torrential, to the west.  相似文献   

Measurements are reported from samples collected at twenty three sites in the Tokaj mountains of north-eastern Hungary. The simplest interpretation of the results is in terms of geomagnetic field reversals, for there is no petrological or magnetic evidence of self reversal or of correlation of oxidation state and magnetic sign. Four magnetic zones satisfy the minimum stratigraphic requirements, speculative use of these zones against theHeirtzler et al. magnetic time scale as a control suggests locating the Miocene-Pliocene boundary at 11.75 my. However it seems probable that much of the lower Sarmatian is not represented in the Tokaj samples, although the scatter of individual readings suggest secular variation is averaged out. The virtual pole position at 70.4 W, 82.8 N is not significantly different from the theoretical dipole field.
Zusammenfassung Es wird über paläomagnetische Messungen an ungarischen Gesteinen berichtet, die von 23 Punkten in den Tokajer Bergen stammen.Die Ergebnisse werden als magnetische Feldumkehrungen gedeutet, da sich weder für Selbstumkehrungen noch für Beziehungen zwischen den jeweiligen Oxidationszuständen der Ilmenite und Titanomagnetite und den magnetischen Daten Anhaltspunkte ergeben haben.Vier magnetische Zonen entsprechen dieser stratigraphischen Abfolge; ein möglicher Vergleich dieser Zonen mit der magnetischen Zeitskala vonHeirtzler u. a. als Kontrolle legt die Vermutung nahe, die Miozän-Pliozän-Grenze mit 11,75 Millionen Jahren anzugeben.Einerseits ist es wahrscheinlich, daß das Untere Sarmat durch die Tokajer Vulkanite nicht vollständig erfaßt wird, andererseits kann eine Säkular-Variation als Deutungsmöglichkeit wahrscheinlich ausgeschlossen werden.Die virtuelle Pol-Position mit 70.4 W, 82.8 N weicht nicht bedeutend vom theoretischen Dipol-Feld ab.

Résumé Des mesures paléomagnetiques ont été effectuées sur des roches hongroises qui proviennent de 23 endroits des montagnes TokaÏ.Les résultats sont interprétés comme des inversions du champ magnétique car il n'y a pas de raisons d'admettre ni d'auto-inversion ni de rapports entre les états d'oxidation des ilménites et des titanomagnétites et les données magnétiques.Quatre zones magnétiques correspondent à cette suite stratigraphique; une comparaison possible de ces zones avec l'échelle du temps deHeirtzler et al. comme contrÔle laisse supposer que la limite Miocène-Pliocène se situe à 11.75 millions années.Il est probable d'une part qu'une grande partie du Sarmatien inférieur n'est pas représentée par ces roches volcaniques de TokaÏ, d'autre part qu'une variation séculaire comme un interprétation possible peut Être exclue avec grande probabilité.La position virtuelle du pÔle avec 70.4 ouest, 82.8 nord n'est pas très différente du champ théorique du dipole.

, 23 , . , . . , , . , . Heirtzler'a, , , - 11,75 . — , , , . 70,4 W, 82,8 N .

Data for the mean mercury contents of some granitoid rocks of the Yukon are presented. A correlation of high mercury content with plutons postulated to be the sources, or genetically related to the sources, of the alluvial gold deposits of the McQuesten area is established. In addition a relation is indicated between high mercury content in one intrusion and high content in the Palaeozoic shale host rock. A limited amount of data is presented on the mercury content of the Proterozoic and Palaeozoic rocks of the sampled area.  相似文献   

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