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Silicate inclusions in 17 iron meteorites have been analyzed by the electron microprobe and classified, according to their phase assemblages, compositions, and textures, into three major types: Odessa, Copiapo, and Weekeroo Station, and three miscellaneous types: Enon, Kendall County, and Netschaëvo. Phase compositions in both Odessa- and Copiapo-type inclusions are very similar, but the two types are different in texture and constituent phases. Weekeroo Station-type inclusions are very different in every respect from other inclusions.For Odessa- and Copiapo-type inclusions, the distribution coefficients of Fe2+ and Mg in coexisting orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene indicate equilibration temperatures of 1,000° C, and the Ca/(Ca+Mg) ratios indicate temperatures of 900° C to 1,000° C. Equilibration temperatures determined for chromite-olivine pairs have a higher range of 1,154° C to 1,335° C. Minor element distributions among coexisting ferromagnesian silicates in these inclusions follow consistent patterns and are constant for any given sample, suggesting equilibrium assemblages. Major and minor element distributions for Weekeroo Station inclusions are anomalous, indicating nonequilibrium.Compositional data, the fragmentary shapes of many inclusions, the highly differentiated characteristic of two types of inclusions, the apparent disequilibrium between kamacite in inclusions and kamacite of the iron host, and the relict chondrules found in Netschaëvo suggest that many of the inclusions did not form cogenetically with the iron host, but represent pre-existing stony material that was taken up by an iron melt, probably not in the core of the parent body (or bodies).  相似文献   

The mineralogy and petrology of volcanic and plutonic rocks from the island of Grenada are described. The volcanic rocks include basanitoids, alkalic and subalkalic basalts, andesites and dacites. Phenocryst phases in the basanitoids and basalts are olivine (Fo90–71), zoned calcic augite, spinel ranging from ferrian pleonaste through chromite to titaniferous magnetite, and plagioclase. Some of the basalts contain pargasitic amphibole. Andesites and dacites generally contain hypersthene and augite, and one pigeonite-hypersthene-augite-bearing andesite was found. Apatite commonly occurs as a phenocryst in the andesites and dacites and quartz is present in some dacites as well as being a possible xenocryst in both alkalic and subalkalic basalts. Plutonic cumulates found as ejected fragments in tuffs and ashes are composed of variable proportions of olivine, magnetite, calcic augite, amphibole and plagioclase. One peridotitic (ol-cpx-opx) fragment was found but spinel or garnet peridotitis are absent. Despite the alkalic nature of the association, calcalkalic characteristics such as calcic plagioclase, restricted Feenrichment in coexisting pyroxenes and generally low TiO2 content relative to oceanic suites are present in Grenada. Estimates of conditions of equilibration of the basanitoids with potential upper mantle materials using the results of high-pressure experiments are compared with estimates from thermodynamic data. Equating and basanitoid with hypothetical garnet peridotite assemblages gives a pressure and temperature of equilibration in the region of 35–38 kbar and 1550–1625 ° K. Experimental results are not supportive of these estimates.  相似文献   

All objects >100 μm in apparent diameter in five polished thin sections of the Mokoia CV3 chondrite were studied and classified. Number and volume percentages and mean apparent size of each type of chondrule and inclusion were determined. Three major types of olivine chondrules were observed: igneous chondrules, recrystallized chondrules, and chondrules that appear to be accretional aggregates. Coarse-grained CAI's have igneous textures and mineral parageneses, while fine-grained CAI's are aggregates containing varying proportions of Al-rich concentric objects, Ca-rich chaotic material, and inclusion matrix. Chondrules and refractory inclusions in Mokoia and Allende are broadly similar in texture and mineral chemistry, but Mokoia refractory inclusions contain phyllosilicates rather than feldspathoids, and melilite-rich CAI's are more abundant in Allende.We think that most CAI's formed during the metamorphism, partial melting, and incomplete distillation of primitive dust aggregates when they were heated in the solar nebula. In the process, Ca-rich melt appears to have been physically separated from Al-rich residues, producing the observed fractionation of Ca from Al into distinct constituents of CAI's. Some CAI's may be aggregates of devitrified, amorphous metastable condensates. Inclusion matrix may have condensed from silicate-rich vapors produced during distillation. Mokoia inclusion matrix contains phyllosilicates that are probably primitive nebular material.  相似文献   

Summary Two small diatremes, about 0.25 my old, cut through Liassic limestones about 1 km NNE of the village of Polino (Long. 12°50'54E-Lat. 42°35'34N; Central Italy).The material filling the larger diatreme is mainly composed of a tuffisite with abundant lapilli showing concentric structure. Both unaltered country-rocks and massive hypabyssal carbonatite occur in the tuffisite as angular clasts and blocks, from a few mm up to more than 1 m in diameter.The Polino rock occurs in a strongly-potassic igneous district (Umbria Latium Ultra-alkaline District) which comprises phonolitic pyroclastic rocks and very rare kamafugitic lavas.Massive carbonatite blocks have an average mode of 53% Sr-Ba-rich calcite, 23% Fe-monticellite, 9% Th-perovskite plus Ti-magnetite, 6% Cr-phlogopite, 6% forsteritic olivine, about 2% Zr-schorlomite and ca. 1% Si-CO-OH apatite. Perovskite, schorlom ite, and apatite form cognate phases, whereas olivine and phlogopite, often replaced by monticellite, occur as nodules and as discrete grains with compositions and deformation features typical of mantle xenocrysts found in alkali basalts and ultramafic rocks.High modal content of Ca-carbonate, high Sr, Ba and LREE contents of calcite, the presence of rare minerals peculiar to carbonatitic rocks and an essential amount of monticellite indicate classification of the Polino rock as a monticellite calciocarbonatite.The Polino rock represents a carbonatitic melt strongly contaminated by mantle-crystal debris. It displays unusual geochemical features having trace elements closer to those of the regional-associated kamafugitic rocks rather than to those of common carbonatites.
Mineralogie und Petrologie des Monticellit-Calciokarbonatites von Polino, Mittelitalien
Zusammenfassung Zwei kleine, um 0.25 Millionen Jahre alte Diatreme durchschlugen liassische Kalkgesteine, ungefdhr 1 km NNE des Dorfes Polino (Long. 12°50'54E-Lat. 42°35'34N; Mittelitalien). Das Material, aus dem das größere Diatrem besteht, ist überwiegend Tuffisit mit häufigen Lapilli, die eine konzentrische Struktur zeigen. Sowohl nichtalterierte Nebengesteine, wie auch massive, hypabyssale Karbonatite treten im Tuffisit als eckige Klasten und Blöcke auf, mit einem Durchmesser von wenigen mm bis 1 m.Das Polino-Gestein tritt in einem sehr Kalium-reichen Vulkan-Distrikt (der Umbria-Latium Ultraalkaline Distrikt) auf, der aus phonolitischen Pyroklastika und untergeordnet aus kamafugitischen Laven aufgebaut ist.Massive Karbonatite bestehen im Durchschnitt aus 53% Sr-Ba-reichem Calcit, 23% Fe-Monticellit, 9% Th-Perovskit und Ti-Magnetit, 6% Cr-Phlogopit, 6% Fo-reichem Olivin, ungefdhr 2% Zr-Schorlomit und ca. 1 % Si-CO-OH-Apatit. Perovskit, Schorlo mit und Apatit bilden eine Mineralassoziation, während Olivin und Phlogopit, die häufig durch Monticellit verdrdngt sind, als Nodulen und Einzelkbrner auftreten. Letztere zeigen Zusammensetzungen und Deformationen wie sie für Mantel-Xenokristalle in Alkali-Basalten und ultramafischen Gesteinen typisch sind.Der hohe Modalgehalt an Ca-Karbonat, hohe Sr, Ba und LREE-Gehalte im Calcit, das Vorhandensein von besonders für Karbonatite außergewöhnlichen Mineralen und häufiger Monticellit sprechen für eine Klassifizierung des Polino-Gesteins als Monticellit-Calciokarbonatit.Das Polino-Gestein repräsentiert eine karbonatitische Schmelze, die von Mantelkristallen kontaminiert ist. Die außergewöhnliche Geochemie dieser Gesteine ist durch Spurenelemente, die eine engere Verwandtschaft zu den regional assoziierten Kamafugiten als zu üblichen Karbonatiten erkennen lassen, geprägt.

Xenoliths up to a metre in length occur in a carbonatitic diatreme member of a lamprophyric dike swarm at Moeraki River, south Westland, New Zealand. The xenoliths reported here consist of Iherzolite (chromite, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene and olivine) and harzburgite (chromite, olivine and orthopyroxene). A clinopyroxene xenocryst is also reported. Analyses of these phases are presented. The chemistry, low CaO and high Al2O3 and Na2O content of the clinopyroxenes; low CaO and high forsterite content of the olivine, suggests that these phases were in equilibrium under high pressures within the spinel Iherzolite field. An orthopyroxene-chromite intergrowth is described and is interpreted as the product of the re-equilibration of garnet in passing from the garnet Iherzolite field to the spinel Iherzolite field.  相似文献   

Cores and cuttings of lamproite sills and host sedimentary country rocks in southeastern Kansas from up to 312 m depth were analyzed for major elements in whole rocks and minerals, certain trace elements in whole rocks (including the REE) and Sr isotopic composition of the whole rocks. The lamproites are ultrapotassic (K2O/Na2O = 2.0–19.9), alkalic [molecular (K2O/Na2O)/Al2O3 = 1.3-2.8], enriched in mantle-incompatible elements (light REE, Ba, Rb, Sr, Th, Hf, Ta) and have nearly homogeneous initial Sr isotopic compositions (0.707764-0.708114).

These lamproites could have formed by variable degrees of partial melting of harzburgite country rock and cross-cutting veins composed of phlogopite, K-Ti richterite, titanite, diopside, K-Ti silicates, or K-Ba-phosphate under high H2O/CO2 ratios and reducing conditions. Variability in melting of veins and wall rock and variable composition of the metasomatized veins could explain the significantly different composition of the Kansas lamproites.

Least squares fractionation models preclude the derivation of the Kansas lamproites by fractional crystallization from magmas similar in composition to higher silica phlogopite-sanidine lamproites some believe to be primary lamproite melts found elsewhere. In all but one case, least squares fractionation models also preclude the derivation of magmas similar in composition to any of the Kansas lamproites from one another. A magma similar in composition to the average composition of the higher SiO2 Ecco Ranch lamproite (237.5–247.5 m depth) could, however, have marginally crystallized about 12% richterite, 12% sanidine, 7% diopside and 6% phlogopite to produce the average composition of the Guess lamproite (305–312 m depth).

Lamproite from the Ecco Ranch core is internally fractionated in K2O, Al2O3, Ba, MgO, Fe2O3, Co and Cr most likely by crystal accumulation-removal of ferromagnesian minerals and sanidine. In contrast, the Guess core (305–312 m depth) has little fractionation throughout most of the sill except in several narrow zones. Lamproite in the Guess core has large enrichments in TiO2, Ba, REE, Th, Ta and Sc and depletions in MgO, Cr, Co and Rb possibly concentrated in these narrow zones during the last dregs of crystallization of this magma.

The Ecco Ranch sill did not show any evidence of loss of volatiles or soluble elements into the country rock. This contrasts to the previously studied, shallow Silver City lamproite which did apparently lose H2O-rich fluid to the country rock. Perhaps a greater confining pressure and lesser amount of H2O-rich fluid prevented it from escaping.  相似文献   

南极月球陨石MIL05035矿物学、岩石学及演化历史   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
月球陨石MIL05035岩石类型上属于普通辉石低钛玄武岩,粗粒辉长结构,无角砾化。主要矿物为辉石(60.2%)、斜长石(27.3%)和橄榄石(6.05%),次要矿物为石英(4.36%)、钛铁矿(1.25%)和陨硫铁(0.84%),含极少量富Ti、Fe尖晶石和磷灰石,广泛发育由钙铁辉石+铁橄榄石+石英组成的后成合晶三相集合体。辉石颗粒具有明显的化学成分不均匀性和出溶片晶,核部相对贫铁钙富镁(Fs30.2-60.8Wo14.2-35.0),边部富铁钙贫镁(Fs47.5-64.9Wo22.8-44.3)。熔长石化斜长石具有微弱的成分环带,边部相对富碱金属元素(Ab9.3-12.3,Or0.31-1.03),核部则相反(Ab7.6-10.6,Or0.12-0.36),含有未熔长石化的残留斜长石。橄榄石具有粗晶橄榄石(Fa95.5-96.6)和后成合晶中细粒橄榄石(Fa88.9-93.5)两种产状。石英具有脉状、团块状和蠕虫状等产状:脉状石英大部分转变为二氧化硅玻璃,核部石英具有较宽的拉曼谱特征峰(448~502cm-1),证明其经历了冲击变质与退变质作用;团块状石英分布于粗粒橄榄石颗粒间或橄榄石与斜长石和辉石接触边界上,与斜长石构成充填结构;蠕虫状石英分布于细粒后成合晶中。粗粒辉石边部铁辉石和后成合晶中辉石成分的继承性、结构上的延续性、光学特征上的冲击暗化现象、与冲击熔脉结构上的相关性和后成合晶中发育与粗粒辉石方向几乎一致的解理等方面的证据,认为后成合晶可能由于铁辉石在冲击压力释放与温度降低后的退变质作用下分解形成。根据岩石矿物结构观察、成分分析和MELTS模拟表明该陨石母岩的岩浆演化过程可能为:母岩浆在温度降低后首先产生极少量钛铁尖晶石、其次是普通辉石和钙长石先后结晶;随着温度下降,贫钙铁普通辉石、铁钙铁辉石和铁普通辉石等在普通辉石边部大量结晶,钙长石边部分异结晶少量培长石或拉长石;随着温度继续下降,早期结晶的普通辉石析出易变辉石等出溶片晶,橄榄石在辉石和斜长石边部结晶;其后,钛铁矿和陨硫铁析出,石英沿橄榄石和钙长石等先结晶矿物裂隙充填。出露月表后强烈的冲击变质作用使斜长石几乎全部转变为熔长石、石英大部分转变为二氧化硅玻璃,并具有一系列面状变形,冲击熔脉发育,冲击变质程度至少为S5。本研究为月球的岩浆演化和冲击变质过程提供了重要证据。  相似文献   

Abstract. Pink piemontite-spessartine-bearing and grey-green spessartine-bearing manganiferous quartzose schists derived from siliceous pelagites, and green quartzofeldspathic schists, are described from the greenschist facies of the Haast Schist terrane, near Arrow Junction, western Otago. Electron microprobe data are reported for sphene, spessartine-rich garnet, manganoan epidote, piemontite, tourmaline, phengitic muscovite, chlorite, albite, haematite, rutile, manganoan calcite and chalcopyrite. Metamorphism occurred at about 6.4kbar, 400°C. Xco2 was above the quartz-rutile-calcite-sphene buffer (Xco2± 0.02) throughout the recorded metamorphic history of the piemontite schists. It dropped from above to below this critical buffering value in a spessartine-rich schist and it was close to or below the buffering value in the quartzofeldspathic schists. Production of piemontite required high fO2, believed to be inherited from MnOx in the parent pelagite. Substantial loss of O2 (e.g. minimum of 0.19% by weight in one rock) during diagenesis and/or metamorphism is inferred. In the grey-green schists this inhibited piemontite formation. Slight loss of O2 and Ca2+ accompanied minor late-stage replacement of piemontite by second generation spessartine. Observed zoning and mineral replacements indicate rise of temperature, drop in pressure, or invasion by solutions of lower fO2 and XCO2 equilibrated with surrounding schists. The detailed chemistry of the minerals studied correlates with available Mn and with bulk-rock (Fe3+ x 100)/(Fe2++ Fe3+). The oxidation ratio ranges from 24 in average green quartzofeldspathic schist, through 78 in average grey-green manganiferous quartzose schist, to almost 100 in some piemontite-bearing schists. As Fe2+ gives way to Fe3+, Mg/Fe ratios tend to rise in chlorite, phengite, tourmaline, spessartine, and calcite, Mn increases and Ti decreases in haematite, Mn increases in spessartine and calcite, and Fe increases in rutile. Available divalent cations are depleted relative to Al; chlorite is more aluminous, and phengite more paragonitic than in typical Haast schists.  相似文献   

As previously found for a chondritic inclusion of unknown affinity, mineralogic and petrologic properties of 9 inclusions in the Cumberland Falls enstatitc achondrite are primitive members of the forsterite (F) chondrite group, hitherto defined by 4 meteorites of similar redox state. The inclusions define a primitive suite with properties indicating 8 as F3 and one of even lower petrologic type. The abundant minerals include: low-Ca pyroxene, olivine, plagioclase, kamacite, taenite, schreibersite, troilite, ferroan alabandite and daubreelite. Diopside, oldhamite and a Ti-rich sulfide are present in one or two inclusions. Petrologic textures and jadeitic pyroxene, hitherto unidentified in meteorites, indicate substantial degree of shock. The inclusions acquired their chemical characteristics during nebular condensation and accretion over a broad redox range (metal-silicate trends in them verify Prior's Rules): their parent body later impacted the enstatite meteorite parent body. During impact, the inclusions were shocked and incorporated with enstatite achondrite host as a breccia that would become Cumberland Falls.  相似文献   

Summary The circa 2.06 Ga Mt Weld carbonatite complex of Western Australia intrudes an Archean greenstone sequence dominated by basic and ultrabasic metamorphosed igneous rocks. Carbonatites form the core of the complex and are surrounded by glimmerites. The dominant carbonatite is sövite and is intruded by rauhaugites and carbonate-rich veins. The present investigation examines the mineral chemistry and petrology of the layered rauhaugites. They are essentially composed of ferroan dolomite, mica, magnetite and apatite, with accessory amounts of pyrochlore, ilmenite, sphalerite, baddeleyite, pyrite, galena and minerals enriched in the REE. The micas consist of titan-phlogopite, low-Ti phlogopite and tetraferriphlogopite. It is proposed that the parental magma of the Mt Weld complex was a potassic, aillikitic lamprophyre.
Mineralogie und Petrologie der Rauhaugite des Karbonatit Komplexes von Mt. Weld, West-Australien
Zusammenfassung Der circa 2,06 Ga alte Mt. Weld Karbonatit in West-Australien intrudiert eine archaische Grüngestein-Sequenz, die von metamorphosierten basischen und ultrabasischen Magmatiten dominiert wird. Karbonatite bilden die Kernzone des Komplexes und werden von Glimmeriten umgeben. Das am weitesten verbreitete Gestein des Karbonatites ist Sbvit, der wiederum von Rauhaugiten und Karbonat-reichen Gängen intrudiert wird. Diese Untersuchung befaßt sich mit der Mineralchemie und Petrologie der geschichteten Rauhaugite. Sie sind im wesentlichen aus eisenreichem Dolomit, Glimmer, Magnetit, und Apatit zusammengesetzt; dazu kommen als Akzessorien Pyrochlor, Envenii, Zinkblende, Baddeleyit, Pyrit, Bleiglanz und an seltenen Erden angereicherte Minerale. Die Glimmer bestehen aus Titan-Phlogopit, Phlogopit mit niedrigen Titange halten sowie Tetraferriphlogopit. Ein Kali-reicher ailikitischer Lamprophyr ist als Ausgangsmagma für den Mt. Weld-Komplex zu sehen.

With 6 Figures  相似文献   

The most CO2-rich cordierite thus far encountered in nature with about 2.2 wt.% CO2 and 0.3 wt.% H2O occurs as large poikiloblasts in a strange non-foliated reaction rock that dissects well-foliated granulites being part of the classical Lapland granulite area described by Eskola. The cordierite is optically positive with the highest optic angle 2V x (106°) and birefringence ( = 0.017) ever measured on natural cordierites, but it is also optically very heterogeneous due to secondary loss of CO2 along fractures and zones paralleling the fluid-bearing channels. Based on the optical properties of the degassed Lapland cordierite and on literature data a ternary diagram is given, which shows the variations of this cordierite in 2V x and birefringence as a function of channel-filling with both CO2 and H2O.Following Losert (1971) the cordierite coexists with calcite, a thus far unique mineral assemblage that is probably only stable at very high CO2 pressures. In the present case, the of the cordierite (0.75) indicates, on the basis of literature data, a coexisting fluid with >0.95.The carbon isotope composition 13C of CO2 in cordierite lies near –7, that of the calcite is slightly lighter than about –9. Thus, at least for the CO2 in cordierite, a deep-seated origin may be possible.Based on the geologic occurrence it is speculated that the cordierite-bearing reaction rock could perhaps represent an annealed channel of late degassing in the granulitic lower crust.  相似文献   

The aluminum-rich (>10 wt% Al2O3) objects in the CH carbonaceous chondrite North West Africa (NWA) 739 include Ca,Al-rich inclusions (CAIs), Al-rich chondrules, and isolated mineral grains (spinel, plagioclase, glass). Based on the major mineralogy, 54 refractory inclusions found in about 1 cm2 polished section of NWA 739 can be divided into hibonite-rich (16%), grossite-rich (26%), melilite-rich (28%), spinel-pyroxene-rich (16%) CAIs, and amoeboid olivine aggregates, (AOA's, 17%). Most CAIs are rounded, 25–185 μm (average=70 μm) in apparent diameter, contain abundant, tiny perovskite grains, and typically surrounded by a single- or double-layered rim composed of melilite and/or Al-diopside; occasionally, layers of spinel+hibonite and forsterite are observed. The AOAs are irregularly shaped, 100–250 μm (average=175 μm) in size, and consist of forsterite, Fe,Ni-metal, and CAIs composed of Al-diopside, anorthite, and minor spinel. One AOA contains compact, rounded melilite-spinel-perovskite CAIs and low-Ca pyroxene replacing forsterite. The Al-rich (>10 wt% bulk Al2O3) chondrules are divided into Al-diopside-rich and plagioclase-rich. The Al-diopside-rich chondrules, 50–310 μm (average=165 μm) in apparent diameter, consist of Al-diopside, skeletal forsterite, spinel, ±Al-rich low-Ca pyroxene, and ±mesostasis. The plagioclase-rich chondrules, 120–455 μm (average=285 μm) in apparent diameter, are composed of low-Ca and high-Ca pyroxenes, forsterite, anorthitic plagioclase, Fe,Ni-metal nodules, and mesostasis. The isolated spinel occurs as coarse, 50–125 μm in size, subhedral grains, which are probably the fragments of Al-diopside chondrules. The isolated plagioclase grains are too coarse (60–120 μm) to have been produced by disintegration of chondrules or CAIs; they range in composition from nearly pure anorthite to nearly pure albite; their origin is unclear. The Al-rich objects show no evidence for Fe-alkali metasomatic or aqueous alteration; the only exception is an Al-rich chondrule fragment with anorthite replaced by nepheline. They are texturally and mineralogically similar to those in other CH chondrites studied (Acfer 182, ALH85085, PAT91467, NWA 770), but are distinct from the Al-rich objects in other chondrite groups (CM, CO, CR, CV). The CH CAIs are dominated by very refractory minerals, such as hibonite, grossite, perovskite and gehlenitic melilite, and appear to have experienced very low degrees of high-temperature alteration reactions. These include replacement of grossite by melilite, of melilite by anorthite, diopside, and spinel, and of forsterite by low-Ca pyroxene. Only a few CAIs show evidence for melting and multilayered Wark-Lovering rims. These observations may suggest that CH CAIs experienced rather simple formation history and escaped extensive recycling. In order to preserve the high-temperature mineral assemblages, they must have been efficiently isolated from the hot nebular region, like some chondrules and the zoned Fe,Ni-metal grains in CH chondrites.  相似文献   

The Precambrian Sierra Ancha sill complex, more than 700 feet thick, is a multiple intrusion with a central layer of feldspathic olivine-rich diabase, and upper and lower layers of olivine diabase derived from a high-alumina basalt magma. Minor rock types include albite diabase and albite-diabase pegmatite. Deuteric alteration was extensive. Principal primary minerals are plagioclase (An72 to An16), augite (Wo43En44Fs13 to Wo40En38Fs22), olivine (Fo74 to Fo54), orthopyroxene (En77 to En44), magnetite (Mgt66Usp34 to Mgt89Usp11), and ilmenite (Ilm86Hem14 to Ilm96Hem4). Ilmenite formed by reaction-exsolution from magnetitess is consistently different in compositon from primary ilmenite. Primary ilmenite became enriched in Mn and depleted in Mg as crystallization proceded. A systematic Fe-Mg partition between contacting olivine and orthopyroxene suggests that equilibrium prevailed on an extremely local scale during crystallization. Albite-diabase pegmatite contains a mineral assemblage including augite, ferrosalite (Wo49En28Fs23 to Wo49En14Fs37), albite (An2 to An0), and iron-rich chlorite. Altered diabase and albite diabase also have unusually calcium-rich pyroxenes. The calcium-rich pyroxenes, which occur in assemblages like those characterizing some spilites, are richer in calcium and lower in aluminum and titanium than basaltic augite.Contribution No. 1712 of the Division of Geological Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California.  相似文献   

The Ombilin Basin is filled by late Eocene to early Oligocene marginal fan deposits (Brani Formation) and lacustrine shales (Sangkarewang Formation), unconformably overlain by a late Oligocene to early Miocene fluvial sequence (Sawahlunto and Sawahtambang Formations) and capped by an early to mid-Miocene marine sequence (Ombilin Formation). Significant oil shale deposits occur in the Sangkarewang Formation, intercalated with thin laminated greenish-grey calcareous sandstones. X-ray diffraction shows that the sediments consist mainly of quartz, feldspar, carbonates and a range of clay minerals, together in some cases with minor proportions of sulphides, evaporites and zeolites. Feldspar and non-kaolinite clay minerals decrease up the sequence, relative to kaolinite, suggesting a changing sediment source as the basin was filled. Calcite, thought to be mainly of authigenic origin, is also more abundant in the middle and upper parts of the sequence.The organic matter in the oil shales of the sequence is dominated by liptinite macerals, particularly alginite (mainly lamalginite) and sporinite. Cutinite also occurs in some samples, along with resinite and traces of bituminite. The dominance of lamalginite in the liptinite components suggests that the material can be described as a lamosite. Samples from the Sangkarewang Formation have vitrinite reflectance values ranging between 0.37% and 0.55%. These are markedly lower than the vitrinite reflectance for coal from the overlying Sawahlunto Formation (0.68%), possibly due to suppression associated with the abundant liptinite in the oil shales.Fischer assay data on outcrop samples indicate that the oil yield is related to the organic carbon content. Correlations with XRD data show that, with one exception, the oil yield and organic carbon can also be correlated directly to the abundance of carbonate (calcite) and inversely to the abundance of quartz plus feldspar. This suggests that the abundance of algal material in the lake sediments was preferentially associated with carbonate deposition. High yields of oil are noted in some samples, as a percentage of the organic carbon content. This may indicate that partial generation of hydrocarbons from the material has already taken place, in association with thermal maturation of the Sangkarewang succession.  相似文献   

Northwest Africa (NWA) 12379 is a new metal-rich chondrite with unique characteristics distinguishing it from all previously described meteorites. It contains high Fe,Ni-metal content (∼ 70 vol.%) and completely lacks interchondrule matrix; these characteristics are typical only for metal-rich carbonaceous (CH and CB) and G chondrites. However, chondrule sizes (60 to 1200 μm; mean = 370 μm), their predominantly porphyritic textures, nearly equilibrated chemical compositions of chondrule olivines (Fa18.1–28.3, average Fa24.9±3.2, PMD = 12.8; Cr2O3 = 0.03 ± 0.02 wt.%; FeO/MnO = 53.2 ± 6.5 (wt.-ratio); n = 28), less equilibrated compositions of low-Ca pyroxenes (Fs3.2–18.7Wo0.2–4.5; average Fs14.7±3.7Wo1.4±1.3; n = 20), oxygen-isotope compositions of chondrule olivine phenocrysts (Δ17O ∼ 0.2–1.4‰, average ∼ 0.8‰), and the presence of coarse-grained Ti-bearing chromite, Cl-apatite, and merrillite, all indicate affinity of NWA 12379 to unequilibrated (type 3.8) ordinary chondrites (OCs). Like most OCs, NWA 12379 experienced fluid-assisted thermal metamorphism that resulted in formation of secondary ferroan olivine (Fa27) that replaces low-Ca pyroxene grains in chondrules and in inclusions in Fe,Ni-metal grains. Δ17O of the ferroan olivine (∼ 4‰) is similar to those of aqueously-formed fayalite in type 3 OCs, but its δ18O is significantly higher (15–19‰, average = 17‰ vs. 3―12‰, average = 8‰, respectively). We suggest classifying NWA 12379 as the ungrouped metal-rich chondrite with affinities of its non-metal fraction to unequilibrated OCs and speculate that it may have formed by a collision between an OC-like body and a metal-rich body and subsequently experienced fluid-assisted thermal metamorphism. Trace siderophile element abundances and isotopic compositions (e.g., Mo, Ni, Fe) of the NWA 12379 metal could help to constrain its origin.  相似文献   

Glaucophane-lawsonite facies blueschists representing a metamorphosed sequence of basic igneous rocks, cherts and shales have been investigated northeast of the district of Tav?anli in Northwest Turkey. Sodic amphiboles are rich in magnesium reflecting the generally high oxidation states of the blueschists. Lawsonite has a very uniform composition with up to 2.5 wt.% Fe2O3. Sodic pyroxenes show an extensive range of compositions with all the end-members represented. Chlorites are uniform in their Al/(Al+Fe+Mg) ratio but show variable Fe/ (Fe+Mg) ratios. Garnets from metacherts are rich in spessartine (>50%) whereas those from metabasites are largely almandine. Pistacite rich epidote is found in metacherts coexisting with lawsonite. Phengites are distinctly higher in their Fe, Mg and Si contents than those from greenschist facies. Hematites with low TiO2 are ubiquitous in metacherts. Fe2+/Mg partitioning between chlorite and sodic amphibole is strongly controlled by the calcium content of the sodic amphibole and ranges from 1.1 for low calcium substitution to 0.8 for higher calcium substitution. The Al/Fe3+ partition coefficient between sodic amphibole and sodic pyroxene is 2.1. A model system has been constructed involving projections from lawsonite, iron-oxide and quartz onto a tetrahedron with Na, Al, Fe2+ and Mg at its apices. Calcite is treated as an indifferent phase. The model system illustrates the incompatibility of the sodic pyroxene with chlorite in the glaucophanelawsonite facies; this assemblage is represented by sodic amphibole. Sodic amphibole compositions are plotted in terms of coexisting ferromagnesian minerals. Five major areas on the sodic amphibole compositional field are delineated, each associated with one of the following minerals: chlorite, stilpnomelane, talc, almandine, deerite.  相似文献   

The Johnstown meteorite is a brecciated orthopyroxenite (diogenite) containing coarsegrained centimeter-sized clasts of cumulate origin that have undergone subsolidus recrystallization. The brecciated portion is dominated by subangular fragments of orthopyroxene (Wo2–3En72–74Fs23–25) in a variably comminuted matrix of the same material. Minor and accessory phases include plagioclase (An82–90Ab10–18Or0–1), diopside (Wo44–45En46–47Fs9–10), olivine (Fo71–72), tridymite, troilite, metallic Ni-Fe (~3% Ni), and chromite (Cm71–80Hc1–8Sp11–19Mt2–4Uv1–3).The clastic component is parental to the brecciated matrix which contains no foreign lithic or mineralogic components. Siderophile trace element studies, however, reveal the presence of meteoritic (chondritic) contamination in the brecciated portion using unbrecciated clasts for indigenous values. Rare earth element abundances show a wide range of values for the light REE in different samples, although all samples exhibit a strong negative Eu anomaly, indicative of earlier plagioclase fractionation. Two pairs of adjacent brecciated and unbrecciated samples from different portions of the meteorite show, respectively, the most enriched and the most depleted light REE patterns. The variability in La content is over a factor of 100. However, in each case the REE pattern for the brecciated portion is very similar to that of the unbrecciated portion. These differences are attributed to sampling of variable amounts of residual, REE-enriched, trapped liquid. The most representative REE pattern for the bulk meteorite has an intermediate composition and was obtained from the largest sample. The data presented here indicate that Johnstown is a monomict breccia, in contrast to several other diogenites which may be considered to be polymict on the basis of their mineral compositions and/or clast populations.  相似文献   

通过区域地质调查研究,在湘东北文家市涧溪冲村原中元古代冷家溪群新发现一套基本无序的变质沉积-火山岩系。根据岩石矿物学、岩石地球化学研究表明,涧溪冲变质沉积-火山岩系为变质火山岩夹变质粘土质沉积岩,属绿片岩—高绿片岩相。变质火山岩的原岩为大洋拉张环境下形成的以低钾拉斑玄武岩为主,低钾玄武安山岩次之的火山-次火山岩系,其物源为亏损地幔。变火山岩Sm-Nd全岩等时线年龄为(2594±48)Ma,其形成时代可能是新太古代。因此,与传统的中元古代冷家溪群的岩石组合、形成环境、形成时代、变质变形都具有明显不同的特征,原冷家溪群应予以解体。  相似文献   

The Proterozoic Deadhorse Creek volcaniclastic breccia complex was emplaced in Archean metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks of the Schreiber-White River greenstone belt adjacent to the Proterozoic Coldwell alkaline complex. The western sub-complex of the Deadhorse Creek breccia consists of metasomatically-altered breccia, a U-Be-Zr-rich main mineralized zone and a Zr-Y-Th-rich carbonate vein. The main mineralized zone is enriched in beryllium, thorium, uranium, first and second row transition elements, and rare earth elements. The major minerals present include: albite; potassium feldspar; quartz; calcite; apatite; and phenakite. Accessory minerals include: aegirine-jervisite; aegirine-natalyite; allanite; barite; barylite; coffinite; Ca-Mn-silicate; magnetite; monazite-(Ce); niobian vanadian rutile; pyrite; thorite; thorogummite; thortveitite; uraninite; vanadian crichtonite; xenotime-(Y); zircon and hydrated zircon; and zircon-thorite-coffinite solid solutions. The carbonate vein consists of dolomite-ankerite and calcite with accessory zircon, xenotime, and monazite. Barite, baotite and Ba-rich feldspars, were formed during metasomatism of the earlier-formed and genetically-unrelated volcaniclastic breccia adjacent to the main mineralized zone. The complex mineral assemblage of the fault-controlled main mineralized zone is considered to have formed in three stages. An initial emplacement of a “granitic” melt/fluid was followed by introduction of CO2-bearing Cr-Nb-V-Ti-enriched alkaline fluids. The latter reacted with minerals which had crystallized from the “granitic” melt/fluid to produce the exotic V-, Sc- and Nb-bearing mineral assemblage. Subsequently, a supergene suite of minerals, consisting principally of calcite, thorogummite, hollandite and tyuyamanite, formed during post-Pleistocene alteration was superimposed onto the pre-existing Proterozoic age mineral assemblage. The major mineralogy of the main mineralized zone is essentially ‘granitic” and the melts/fluids are considered to be derived from an A-type granite source. However, the Deadhorse Creek mineralization is older (1129±6 Ma) than the A-type quartz syenites of the adjacent Coldwell complex (1108±1 Ma) which are the nearest potential sources of such melts. Thus, the source of the “granitic” melt together with that of the Cr-Nb-V-Ti-bearing alkaline fluids remains enigmatic.  相似文献   

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