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DEM simulations of sandstone under true triaxial compressive tests   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Numerically simulated true triaxial compression tests (σ 1 ≥ σ 2 ≥ σ 3) are conducted in this study to elucidate the failure mechanism of sandstone using 3D discrete element method (DEM), in particular the effect of the intermediate principal stress (σ 2). Eight series of tests (σ 3 = 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 70, and 100 MPa) are conducted. Within each series, σ 2 is varied from σ 2 = σ 3 to σ 2 = σ 1 from test to test. For each test, σ 1 is raised monotonically to failure while keeping σ 2 and σ 3 constant. The DEM simulations reveal the effect of σ 2 on the variations of peak stress, Young’s modulus, failure plane angles, the brittle–ductile transition, and the evolution of failure modes, the effect beyond the well-understood effect of σ 3. The simulation is in qualitative agreement with the results obtained experimentally. Detailed analyses performed on the particle-scale responses further the understanding of the microscopic mechanisms. The distribution of contact force becomes more homogeneous with the increase of σ 3, which leads to the resulting damage being more localized rather than diffused. The interaction between contact force distribution and coalescence of cracks determines the processes and patterns of fracturing in the sample scale. σ 2 is found to affect the microscopic stress distribution as well as structure evolution, and this effect weakens with the increase of σ 3.  相似文献   

True triaxial shear tests have been performed to determine the peak shear strengths of tension-induced fractures in three Thai sandstones. A polyaxial load frame is used to apply mutually perpendicular lateral stresses (σp and σo) to the 76 × 76 × 126 mm rectangular block specimens. The normal to the fracture plane makes an angle of 59.1° with the axial (major principal) stress. Results indicate that the lateral stress that is parallel to the fracture plane (σp) can significantly reduce the peak shear strength of the fractures. Under the same normal stress (σn) the fractures under high σp dilate more than those under low σp. According to the Coulomb criterion, the friction angle decreases exponentially with increasing σp/σo ratio and the cohesion decreases with increasing σp. The lateral stress σp has insignificant effect on the basic friction angle of the smooth saw-cut surfaces. The fracture shear strengths under σp = 0 correlate well with those obtained from the direct shear tests. It is postulated that when the fractures are confined laterally by σp, their asperities are strained into the aperture, and are sheared off more easily compared to those under unconfined condition.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the causes of debris flow, landslide, collapse, water and soil erosion and other mountain disasters in the high mountain-plateau transitional region in northwest Sichuan. Through analysis of geological structure, lithology, earthquakes, landforms, hydrologic regime, meteorological conditions and man-made factors, the authors conclude that the natural conditions of this region favor the formation of debris flow, landslides and other mountain disasters. Moreover, the irrational economic activities of humans such as destroying forest ecosystems stimulate the occurrence of mountain disasters.  相似文献   

Shaocheng Ji  Le Li 《地学学报》2020,32(5):325-333
Folds are marvellous features of mountain terrains, but despite extensive research, many fundamental problems have still not been solved. In terrains of sandstone, fold hinges are rarely straight lines but curved, forming a pattern characterized by doubly plunging, elliptical dome‐and‐basin structures. Such structures are an obvious manifestation of coeval or successive shortening deformation in two orthogonal principal directions in the horizontal plane. Based on an anatomic investigation of the fold pattern of sandstone beds at the rocky beaches of Saint‐Jean‐Port‐Joli (Quebec, Canada), we propose that the doubly plunging folds may result from a transition from a plane deformation to a constrictional deformation due to auxetic effects of quartz‐rich rocks. The sandstone beds possessed potentially such negative values of Poisson's ratio that, when placed under compression in one direction, they become contracted in the transverse direction, producing a series of doubly plunging folds. Further work is needed to approve or disapprove the interpretation.  相似文献   

张茜 《地质与勘探》2017,53(4):807-817
基于鄂尔多斯盆地华庆地区长6_3致密砂岩储层三角洲前缘及半深湖相的稳定沉积特征,按照碎屑岩成岩演化特征或地质综合效应建立与孔隙度对应的模拟方程。采用铸体薄片及扫描电镜描述岩石的矿物组分及孔隙类型;图像粒度获取碎屑颗粒的结构特征及分选性;利用沉积微相、测井、样品取样点常规物性及深度分析获取沉积环境、埋藏深度、物性;结合古温度、镜质组反射率、最高热解温度、粘土矿物等数据,开展成岩作用、孔隙演化、相对高渗成因的研究;结合研究区埋藏史、古地温研究,基于不同成岩作用下孔隙度演化特征分析华庆油田长6_3储层致密成因机理。目的层主要属于压实型成岩改造类型,差异性成岩演化过程是导致储层物性不同和孔隙结构差异的根本原因。  相似文献   

中国南海珊瑚岛礁泻湖砂层钻探取心技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
宋继伟 《地质与勘探》2020,56(6):1251-1257
中国南海珊瑚岛礁拥有巨大的资源潜力和科研价值。科学钻探是珊瑚岛礁研究工作中获取地层资料的重要技术手段。南海珊瑚岛礁地下普遍存在多层厚层泻湖砂层,主要结构为无胶结或轻微胶结的细粒珊瑚砂,这种层位钻探取心极端困难,是影响钻探成果的主要难题之一。南海两个岛礁所实施的3口千米以上深井施工过程中,为解决泻湖砂层钻探取心难题,在分析泻湖砂层性状的基础上,综合研究钻具合理选用、钻进参数控制、钻井液性能控制等钻探工程核心内容,形成了较完整的适用于泻湖砂层钻探取心的“多要素组合钻探取心技术”。使用该技术能确保珊瑚岛礁泻湖砂层岩心采取率达到95%以上,并基本保持岩心原状性。该研究成果对于珊瑚岛礁钻探具有重要的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

Hydrodynamic conditions and karst formation in the northwest part of Syria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The study of hydrodynamic zonation and karst formation in the northwest part of Syria is a topical hydrogeological problem. It is important to trace the history of karst formation and evaluate the spread of karst structures in the area and the rate of development of karst processes, as well as their influence on water supplies and irrigation. The solution of this problem was performed by integrated geophysical methods (electric and seismic exploration works) and data analysis of well-drilling, geological, hydro-geological, and subsurface territory explorations. The most detailed works were done near Ras Al-Ain. This paper is devoted to the results of the study of hydrodynamic conditions and karst formation.  相似文献   

砂岩侵入体是指深水沉积砂体受到外界的触发,并在一定条件下形成超压,致使上覆弱渗透性沉积物等围岩发生破裂,砂体以流化和液化的形式向周围沉积物产生侵入。砂岩侵入体的形成过程为形成超压、盖层破裂、产生液化和流化、发生侵入。差异压实、地震引发的液化、流体的加入和压力传递等多种因素都可以使砂岩中形成超压,当地层压力达到并超过破裂压力时,发生水力破裂,或地震引起上覆地层破裂,超压砂岩发生流化,侵入到低渗透围岩中。大量未固结的深水沉积砂岩、低-非渗透层的快速覆盖、形成超压的机制和触发事件是砂岩发生侵入的必备条件。  相似文献   

A compositional study of sandstones belonging to the lower section of the Paganzo Group (Middle Carboniferous–Early Permian) in the Paganzo Basin (northwestern Argentina) helps unravel the stratigraphic and paleogeographic evolution of the basin. Three morphotectonic units constitute the complex basement of the basin: (1) to the east, the igneous–metamorphic basement of the Sierras Pampeanas and Famatina systems; (2) to the west, the Precordillera, made up of Early and Middle Paleozoic sedimentary rocks; and (3) the Upper Paleozoic volcanic arc along the western boundary with the Río Blanco Basin. On the basis of sandstone detrital modes of the Lagares, Malanzán, Loma Larga, Guandacol, Tupe, Punta del Agua, and Río del Peñón formations, seven petrofacies are distinguished: quartzofeldespathic (QF), quartzofeldespathic-metamorphic enriched (QF-Lm), quartzofeldespathic-sedimentary enriched (QF-Ls), mixed quartzolithic (QL), quartzolithic-volcanic (QLv), volcanolithic-quartzose (LvQ), and volcanolithic (Lv). The spatial and temporal distribution of these petrofacies suggest an evolutive model for the Upper Paleozoic sedimentary filling of the basin that includes three “petrosomes”: (1) the basement petrosome, a clastic wedge of arkosic composition that diachronically prograded and thinned from east to west; (2) the recycled orogen petrosome, revealing the Protoprecordillera as a positive element in the western Paganzo Basin during the Namurian; and (3) the volcanic arc petrosome, recording volcanic activity along the western margin of Gondwana during the Westphalian.  相似文献   

Acoustic emissions were used to investigate the evolution of damage and strain localization in Castlegate sandstone specimens subjected to true triaxial states of stress, where the intermediate principal stress ranged from equal to minimum compression to equal to maximum compression. Three failure modes were observed: shear band formation at low mean stresses, compaction localization at intermediate stresses, and no localization at high mean stresses. For shear bands, the onset of localization consistently occurred prior to peak stress, while compaction localization initiated at the beginning of a stress plateau. The band angle (defined as the angle between the band normal and the maximum compression direction) determined by fitting a plane through the localized acoustic emission events corresponded well with the shear band angle expressed on the specimen jacket. As expected, the band angle decreased with increasing mean stress. The theoretically predicted dependence of band angle on deviatoric stress state was not confirmed; however, data scatter due to natural variations in material could obscure such a trend. Each failure mode displayed a unique acoustic emission rate response; therefore, this rate response alone can be used to determine the failure mode and the onset of localization in Castlegate sandstone.  相似文献   

真振幅权函数是Kirchhoff 偏移的核函数,数值计算方案与其表达形式有关。为探讨Kirchhoff 型真振幅加权函数的最优计算方案,对出现在文献中典型的3 种表达形式的权函数的数值实现流程进行了对比分析。结果表明: 基于格林函数振幅的计算方案需要进行动力学射线追踪,最为耗时; 基于旅行时和基于坐标与慢度的计算方案仅需运动学射线追踪; 基于旅行时的计算方案把权函数完全表述成旅行时导数的形式,方便易行,但算法的稳定性对旅行时的依赖度很高; 而基于坐标与慢度的计算方案对复杂模型有很好地适应性。此外,文中还特别讨论了2. 5D 介质下基于旅行时的权函数数值计算方案并进行了实现。  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地上古生界主要为一套陆源碎屑沉积体系,其中广泛发育河流-三角洲相砂岩储集体,是该区上古生界天然气聚集成藏的主要场所。但由于陆源杂基的充填以及成岩压实作用、胶结作用的改造,大部分砂层储集性能都较差而无工业性储集意义。本文通过对鄂尔多斯盆地上古生界砂岩储层孔隙成因的分析,提出在局部层段集中分布的孔隙性砂岩,其孔隙主要为次生溶蚀成因。进一步的研究表明,由同沉积期火山作用形成的、分布于砂岩层中的火山碎屑组分的成岩溶蚀是次生溶孔形成的主要原因。因此,同沉积期火山作用控制了该区上古生界主要砂岩储层的发育和分布。中基性火山作用由于能提供较多的“易溶组分”,从而控制了次生溶孔发育的较高渗透性砂岩储层的分布; 而影响更为广泛的酸性火山作用则主要形成以蚀变高岭石晶间孔为主的低渗透性储层。  相似文献   

惠民凹陷古近系砂岩储集层物性主要受压实、碳酸盐胶结和溶蚀作用、沉积条件控制.根据铸体薄片、阴极发光薄片、扫描电镜、物性和碳酸盐含量等数据,分析了该区储集层物性的控制因素,对各因素的影响大小和程度进行初步的定量评价.认为压实作用对孔隙度的影响主要表现在埋藏早期或碳酸盐胶结程度低的阶段,埋深每增加1000m孔隙度降低8%~9%;胶结作用对储集层性质影响与成岩演化阶段有关,成岩演化程度越高,胶结对物性的影响越大;溶蚀作用对储集层性质改善很大,产生的次生孔隙最大可达20%.溶蚀作用在宏观上受区域构造背景和生油洼陷平面位置控制,断层较发育和临近生油中心(临南洼陷)的南部斜坡带和中央隆起带溶蚀最发育.微观上溶蚀作用受岩石的粒度、分选及杂基含量控制,粒度越粗、分选越好、杂基越少的砂岩溶蚀作用越强.沉积条件对物性的影响主要表现在对原生孔隙的发育程度和对溶蚀、胶结等成岩作用的控制方面.  相似文献   

Environmental degradations caused by erosion and landslide within an area in the South-eastern part of Nigeria were assessed, and also an attempt to characterize the underlying soils based on their degree of susceptibility to erosion and landslide. Factors affecting soil erodibility such as physical and chemical properties of soil, as well as vegetation density and slope gradient was determined in 20 different areas. Simple linear regression and principal component analysis were employed to relate the factors controlling erosion and landslide to the erosion and slide densities, and to determine the pattern that exists in the data and as well express the data in such a way as to highlight their similarities and differences. Four vertical horizons and two horizontal zones of soil were distinguished based on their degree of weathering as well as their chemical and mineralogical composition; hence the soils were classified into six different types based on their degree of susceptibility to erosion and landslide. Variations in their degree of susceptibility to erosion and landslide were majorly controlled by its chemical and mineralogical composition rather than its particle size distribution.  相似文献   

Black varnish commonly develops on rain-washed fine-grained monument sandstone. Stone modifications are, to the naked eye, limited to 10-μm thick black film and underlying modified zone about 1-mm thick. Transfer properties (absorption and drying kinetics and permeability) are, however, modified several centimetres under the surface. The present study investigates the modifications of black-varnish covered siliceous sandstones taken from Alsatian monuments (East of France) and of fresh sandstone undergoing wetting–drying cycles in the laboratory. Double-coloured thin-sections revealed gradual changes in the porous network, up to 3 cm under the black varnish. SEM observations showed that the film was mainly composed of iron and phosphorus while the modified zone was rich in calcium and sulphur. Fifty capillary absorption–drying cycles were carried out on fresh sandstone. Absorption kinetics was measured at each cycle. A continuous decrease of sandstone absorption kinetics over the fifty cycles was interpreted as a reorganisation of the porous network, reducing the connectivity of the porous network although total porosity remained unchanged. Wetting–drying cycles carried out under an environmental microscope (ESEM) showed a displacement of the finest particles (clay clusters), filling the macroporosity and decreasing the connectivity.  相似文献   

吕正祥  刘四兵 《岩石学报》2009,25(10):2373-2383
川西须家河组砂岩是我国重要的天然气储层和产层,同时也是我国埋藏深度最大和最为致密的碎屑岩储层之一,在其超致密背景下发育有对天然气聚集有利的相对优质储层.须家河组砂岩埋藏后经历了复杂的成岩作用,相对优质储层中次生孔隙与原生孔隙并存.本文基于对川西须家河组超致密砂岩的岩石学、矿物学、地球化学和其它储层特征研究,总结了川西深埋藏条件下须家河组砂岩的成岩作用特征及其相对优质储层的形成机制.  相似文献   

宋兆杰 《地质与勘探》2019,55(4):1059-1065
致密油水平井多级分段压裂对压裂液的用量很大,低返排率造成压裂施工后仍有大量压裂液滞留在裂缝中。通过岩石表面润湿性评价实验和压裂液静滤失评价实验,对压裂液与致密砂岩基质相互作用进行描述和阐释。润湿性测量结果表明,在滤失实验后,致密砂岩表面润湿性由强亲水性向弱亲水性甚至中性润湿转变,这能够降低压裂液向致密砂岩基质中的滤失(渗吸)速率,减少压裂液对致密储层伤害的同时节约压裂液整体用量。静滤失评价实验结果表明,特低渗透砂岩的压裂液滤失曲线可表现出完整的三段式滤失规律,而致密砂岩仅能呈现稳定滤失阶段;岩心渗透率越低,压裂液滤失量越少,达到稳定滤失状态所需的时间越长,且采出液中聚合物浓度明显较低;不同滤失压差时达到滤失稳定时刻的采出液聚合物浓度均在200 mg/L左右,且滤失速率基本相同,均表明大滤失压差所造成的渗滤能力增强与其所导致的岩心伤害基本相抵消。  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地上古生界砂岩储集层控制因素分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
同沉积期火山作用、物源条件、构造作用、气候条件、沉积作用及成岩作用,是控制鄂尔多斯盆地上古生界砂岩储集层发育的主要因素。同沉积期火山作用提供的易溶火山碎屑组分(包括颗粒和凝灰质填隙物),对区内中高渗次生溶孔型储集层的形成起决定性控制作用。盆地北部物源区巨厚的、富含中粗粒石英颗粒的风化母岩层集中剥露,是导致盆地内山西—石盒子期中粗粒砂质沉积物集中堆积、形成厚层砂岩沉积的主要原因。局部构造的控制主要表现为:奥陶系被下切较深的继承性洼陷,往往是河流长期作用的厚砂层发育区。气候因素主要通过影响母岩的化学风化作用强度来控制岩石的成分成熟度,盆地二叠系山西组煤系地层中石英砂岩的形成与该区二叠纪潮湿的气候条件有密切的关系。沉积控制包括沉积相带控制和沉积微相控制两方面,前者主要表现在对砂体分布的宏观控制上,后者主要表现为不同砂体微相的物性差异。成岩作用的控制是多方面的,主要分析了该区砂岩在成岩早期的碳酸盐矿物的充填交代和胶结作用对储集层致密化的影响,其形成可能与砂层长期处在近地表潜水面附近的暴露环境有关。  相似文献   

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