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A two-dimensional modelling study of sedimentation, fluid flow, and heat flow in the Baikal rift basin undergoing flank uplift and basin subsidence has been performed in order to understand the impact of these processes on the surface heat flow signal. Heat flow anomalies of different scales and magnitudes have been observed at the sediment surface of the lake Baikal basin, and the presence of a hydrothermal vent suggests that fluids play an important role in the regional distribution of heat flow. The BASIN-code applied for this study allows to simulate topographically and compaction-driven hydrodynamical fluid flow and coupled heat transfer.The flank uplift history provides the basis for a regional groundwater circulation towards the central basin area, with predicted Darcy velocities at present-day situation in the basement varying between 1 and 100 cm/year. Within the basin, the presence of aquifers and the pinch-out layering has a major control on the flow field, and compaction-driven flow velocities are strongly altered when combined with topography-driven flow. When velocities in the basement are larger than several centimeters per year, the regional fluid circulation is an effective mechanism of heat redistribution. Heat is brought from the flanks towards the basin area, with largest heat transported at a depth of 1–2 km at both sides. During the flank uplift, heat advection increases, with secondary variation related to the deposition of sedimentary layers. The heat flow is increased over the basin and reduced in the flanks, with a total heat output balance always positive. The extra heat output over the modelled transection is 2–10% of the initial heat output. The maximum computed heat fluxes are smaller than measured in the heat flow anomalies of the lake Baikal basin. Nevertheless, the model suggests that flow in the sedimentary basin combined with a topographically driven heat advection in the surrounding basement is a sufficient mechanism to account for the increased heat flow over the basin and the main features of the heat flow distribution.  相似文献   

位于贝加尔裂谷带西南端通京盆地的呼兰霍博克火山为玄武岩质碎屑锥,玄武岩由高拉长石、贵橄榄石、普通辉石和火山玻璃组成,其矿物组成及SiO2-(Na2O+K2O)图和Hf-Th-Ta图指示为碱性玄武岩.CIPW标准矿物特征、岩石化学成分和单斜辉石化学成分特征表明岩石属碱性系列,钠质型.稀土元素和微量元素的地球化学特征表明岩石为裂谷初期玄武岩.初步推断原始岩浆来源于上地幔,斑晶可能于16.5 km深处的次生壳层岩浆房结晶.  相似文献   

The biostratigraphic study of a new Upper Cenozoic reference section in the Tunka rift valley (southwestern Baikal region) accompanied by radiocarbon measurements made it possible to date its lithological units. It is established that the section is largely composed of Upper Pleistocene fluvial sediments resting with distinct angular unconformity uapon Pliocene conglomerates. The revealed structural features of the section confirm the views that the directed development of the Tunka depressions was complicated by local inversions, when the sedimentation area became reduced. The main sedimentation features during the Late Cenozoic and its stages are reconstructed for the studied area.  相似文献   

The gravity anomaly field of the Tyrrhenian basin and surrounding regions reflects the complex series of geodynamic events active in this area since the Oligocene–Miocene. They can resume in lithospheric thinning and asthenospheric rising beneath the Tyrrhenian Basin, coexisting with the roll-back subduction of the African plate margin westward sinking beneath the Calabrian Arc. The geographic closeness between these processes implies an intense perturbation of the mantle thermal regime and an interference at regional scale between the related gravity effects.A model of the litho-asthenospheric structure of this region is suggested, showing a reasonable agreement with both the evidences in terms of regional gravity anomaly pattern and the results concerning thermal state and petro-physical features of the mantle. The first phase of this study consisted of the computation of the isotherms in the crust–mantle system beneath the Tyrrhenian Basin and, afterwards, of the density distribution within the partially melted upwelling asthenosphere. The second phase consisted of a temperature/density modelling of the slab subducting beneath the Calabrian Arc. Finally, a 21 / 2 interpretation of gravity data was carried out by including as constraints the results previously obtained. Thus, the final result depicts a model matching both gravity, thermal and petrographic data. They provide (a) a better definition of the thermal regime of the passive mantle rise beneath the Tyrrhenian basin by means of the estimation of the moderate asthenospheric heating and (b) a model of lithospheric slab subducting with rates that could be smaller than generally suggested in previous works.  相似文献   

We present new heat flow values and other geothermal data in the upper crystalline crust in the immediate vicinity of the 12.4-km deep Kola super-deep borehole, NW Russia. Our results show a systematic vertical increase in geothermal gradient and heat flow density as deep as we could measure (1.6 km). Our results confirm earlier results on vertical heat flow trends of in the uppermost part of the Kola super-deep hole, and imply that the thermal regime is not in steady-state conductive conditions. In an area of 3-km × 5-km measurements were performed in 1–2-km deep boreholes surrounding the Kola super-deep hole and on core samples from these holes. Temperature logs are available from 36 holes. Core data exists from 23 boreholes with a total length of 11.5 km at a vertical resolution of 10 m. We carried out a very detailed study on thermal conductivity with regard to anisotropy, inhomogeneity and temperature dependence. Tensor components of thermal conductivity were determined on 1375 core samples from 21 boreholes in 3400 measurements. Additionally, we measured specific heat capacity, heat generation rate, density, porosity, and permeability on selected subsets of core samples. Heat flow from 19 boreholes varies between 31 and 45 mW m−2 with an average value of 38 mW m−2. In most boreholes the vertical heat flow profiles show a considerable variation with depth. This is consistent with observations in the upper part of the Kola super-deep borehole. We conclude that this variation is not caused by technical operations but reflects a natural process. It is considered to be due to a combination of advective, structural and paleoclimatic effects. Preliminary 3-D numerical modeling of heat and flow in the study area provides an indication of relative contributions of each of these factors: advective heat transfer turns out to have a major influence on the vertical variation of heat flow, although transient changes in surface temperature may also cause a significant variation. Heterogeneity of the rocks in the study area is less important.  相似文献   

The objectives of this paper are an understanding of the thermal and hydraulic field because of a negative temperature gradient and cold temperatures in the 1-km-deep borehole of the Hawaiian Scientific Drilling Project (HSDP), located near the coast line. The temperature pattern is attributed to a superposition of thermal and hydraulic processes. In the deeper borehole (HSDP-2, depth 3.1 km) detailed temperature monitoring was performed. Temperature measurements reveal two different thermal regimes. The upper part is characterised by cold temperatures and a negative temperature gradient similar to those observed in the shallow pilot borehole. Below 1100 m, increasing temperatures are observed. Different processes, such as topographically driven groundwater flow, ingress of salt water and conductive heat flow are investigated by numerical modeling. A pure conductive scenario fails to match the temperature measurements, implying that both borehole sections are overprinted by advective conditions. Coupled fluid and heat flow modeling with solute transport yield results that agree with observed temperatures. The results of these simulations suggest that meteoric water flow from the mountain range controls the thermal conditions in the upper part of the borehole. Below this level, the thermal regime is additionally affected by circulation of salt water from the nearby ocean. Each of these flow systems has been observed at other locations: topographically driven fresh water at locations with pronounced topography and ingress of salt water is typical for islands or coastal areas. At Hawaii, they coincide and influence each other, resulting in a salt water interface occurring at greater depth than expected.  相似文献   

In this paper the effect of transient uplift/erosion on the relationship between surface heat flow and heat generation for truncated exponential model of radiogenic heat source distribution and basal asthenospheric convection is investigated. Asthenospheric convection is described by a parameterized model, in the form of a nonlinear heat flux boundary condition involving basal temperature and mantle internal temperature. This boundary condition has been linearized and the analytical solution of the problem is obtained by the eigenvalue-eigenfunction expansion method. The analytical solution is used to derive the nature of surface heat flow and heat generation relationship. The results show that the linear relationship is maintained during the uplift/erosion and the estimates of the slope of the linear relationship are different from the depth scale of the exponential model and increase with the rate of uplift/erosion. The estimates of the reduced heat flow also increase with the rate of uplift/erosion. These results would find applications in the interpretation of linear surface heat flow and heat generation relationship which is observed in different tectonic environment.  相似文献   

The Central European Basin System (CEBS) is composed of a series of subbasins, the largest of which are (1) the Norwegian–Danish Basin (2), the North German Basin extending westward into the southern North Sea and (3) the Polish Basin. A 3D structural model of the CEBS is presented, which integrates the thickness of the crust below the Permian and five layers representing the Permian–Cenozoic sediments. Structural interpretations derived from the 3D model and from backstripping are discussed with respect to published seismic data. The analysis of structural relationships across the CEBS suggests that basin evolution was controlled to a large degree by the presence of major zones of crustal weakness. The NW–SE-striking Tornquist Zone, the Ringkøbing-Fyn High (RFH) and the Elbe Fault System (EFS) provided the borders for the large Permo–Mesozoic basins, which developed along axes parallel to these fault systems. The Tornquist Zone, as the most prominent of these zones, limited the area affected by Permian–Cenozoic subsidence to the north. Movements along the Tornquist Zone, the margins of the Ringkøbing-Fyn High and the Elbe Fault System could have influenced basin initiation. Thermal destabilization of the crust between the major NW–SE-striking fault systems, however, was a second factor controlling the initiation and subsidence in the Permo–Mesozoic basins. In the Triassic, a change of the regional stress field caused the formation of large grabens (Central Graben, Horn Graben, Glückstadt Graben) perpendicular to the Tornquist Zone, the Ringkøbing-Fyn High and the Elbe Fault System. The resulting subsidence pattern can be explained by a superposition of declining thermal subsidence and regional extension. This led to a dissection of the Ringkøbing-Fyn High, resulting in offsets of the older NW–SE elements by the younger N–S elements. In the Late Cretaceous, the NW–SE elements were reactivated during compression, the direction of which was such that it did not favour inversion of N–S elements. A distinct change in subsidence controlling factors led to a shift of the main depocentre to the central North Sea in the Cenozoic. In this last phase, N–S-striking structures in the North Sea and NW–SE-striking structures in The Netherlands are reactivated as subsidence areas which are in line with the direction of present maximum compression. The Moho topography below the CEBS varies over a wide range. Below the N–S-trending Cenozoic depocentre in the North Sea, the crust is only 20 km thick compared to about 30 km below the largest part of the CEBS. The crust is up to 40 km thick below the Ringkøbing-Fyn High and up to 45 km along the Teisseyre–Tornquist Zone. Crustal thickness gradients are present across the Tornquist Zone and across the borders of the Ringkøbing-Fyn High but not across the Elbe Fault System. The N–S-striking structural elements are generally underlain by a thinner crust than the other parts of the CEBS.The main fault systems in the Permian to Cenozoic sediment fill of the CEBS are located above zones in the deeper crust across which a change in geophysical properties as P-wave velocities or gravimetric response is observed. This indicates that these structures served as templates in the crustal memory and that the prerift configuration of the continental crust is a major controlling factor for the subsequent basin evolution.  相似文献   

This paper first reports a high precision U–Pb age of 218±1.2 Ma for rutile in coesite-bearing eclogite from Jinheqiao in the Dabie Mounteins, east–central China. This work shows that the U–Pb mineral (rutile+omphacite) isochron age of 218±2.5 Ma and conventional rutile U–Pb concordia age of 218±1.2 Ma obtained by common Pb correction based on the Pb isotopic composition of omphacite in the same eclogite sample are consistent, proving that the omphacite with low U/Pb ratio (μ=2.8) can be used for common Pb correction in U–Pb dating of rutile. Oxygen isotope analysis of rutile aliquots gave the consistent δ18O values of −6.1±0.1%, demonstrating oxygen isotope homogenization in the rutile of different grains as inclusion in garnet and grain in matrix. Oxygen isotope thermometry yields temperatures of 695±35 and 460±15 °C for quartz–garnet and quartz–rutile pairs, respectively. These oxygen isotopic observations suggest that the diffusion of oxygen in rutile as inclusion in garnet is not controlled by garnet. According to field-based thermochronological studies of rutile, an estimate of the Tc of about 460 °C for U–Pb system in rutile under rapid cooling conditions (20 °C/Ma) was advised. Based on this U–Pb age as well as the reported chronological data with their corresponding metamorphic and/or closure temperature, an improved Tt path has been constructed. The Tt path confirms that the UHPM rocks in South Dabie experienced a rapid cooling following the peak metamorphism before 220 Ma and a long isothermal stage from 213 to 180 Ma around 425 °C.  相似文献   

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