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This research tests the casual link from political ideology to national greenhouse gas emissions by utilizing multinational panel data covering 98 countries during the period 1990–2016. Overall, the baseline results and robustness tests show a political divide on national greenhouse gas emissions, whereby compared to right-wing governments, left-wing governments are more likely to exhibit less carbon dioxide emissions. We further explore this topic from the perspectives of energy efficiency and education. Three-stage OLS regressions suggest that leftist parties increase energy efficiency and spend more on secondary education, which lead to less greenhouse gas emissions. We also introduce the interaction between political ideology and economic performance as well as globalization to test the moderating effects of economic performance and globalization. The study further looks into the interaction effects of political ideology and democracies on greenhouse gas emissions by dividing the whole sample into two sub-samples. The results indicate that the ideology effect on greenhouse gas emissions varies among countries with different economic performances or different degrees of political globalization, as well as between democracies and non-democracies.  相似文献   

Hydraulic fracturing has become a contentious issue around the globe. In the present study, using a sample of American adults (n = 412), the role of political orientation (conservative vs. liberal) and basic knowledge about fracking on fracking risk perception attitudes, fracking economic attitudes, energy reliance attitudes, trust of energy information sources, and preferred dwelling distance from energy operations was investigated. Basic knowledge about hydraulic fracturing as a possible moderating mechanism was also explored. Correlational and regression results revealed that political ideology and basic fracking knowledge are key predictors of fracking and energy source attitudes, and that the nature of the relation between ideology and fracking risk perceptions, fracking economic attitudes, reliance on natural gas, wind and solar, and distrust of government agencies, are influenced by an individual’s basic knowledge about fracking.  相似文献   

Existing studies of mangroves in Senegal and The Gambia have found net increases in mangrove tree cover at the national scale, but these do not accord with local accounts and explanations of loss. This paper utilizes remote sensing analysis and political ecology frameworks to assess local accounts of mangrove wood trafficking across the border between The Gambia and southern Senegal, which were encountered in conducting qualitative field research. The remote sensing results demonstrate overall increases in mangrove cover in The Gambia and in the Sine Saloum and Low Casamance estuaries in Senegal between 1988 and 2018, but also highlight greater declines in mangrove cover in Low Casamance in the 1990s—a period of heightened regional political conflict—and in particular areas of the estuary near the Gambian and Guinea-Bissauan borders. Focusing on political ecology’s attention to multiple scales of analysis, this paper addresses divergent interpretations of mangrove changes in the region, and how local accounts of destruction may not be fully captured by the scale of observation and analysis in remote sensing. The paper argues for greater attention to spatial and temporal variation in studies of mangrove dynamics, and greater consideration for how these patterns may result from confluences of political, social, and natural factors.  相似文献   

利用NCEP/NCAR、ERA-40再分析资料和中国160站盛夏(7、8月)降水资料,使用相关分析、合成分析等方法,分析了马斯克林高压(马高)与华北盛夏降水的年际关系及其年代际变化。结果表明:马高与华北盛夏降水在年际时间尺度上存在显著的负相关关系,这种显著的负相关关系从1974年以后开始减弱。在强关系阶段(1951-1973年),马高与中国东部盛夏降水的显著负相关中心主要位于华北地区;在弱关系阶段(1974-2011年),马高与华北盛夏降水的负相关关系变弱,与长江中下游地区的正相关关系变强。导致马高与华北盛夏降水年际关系发生年代际变化的原因是:中国东部地区(不)受来自马高的异常偏南气流影响,使得华北盛夏降水偏多(少),两者关系偏强(弱)。马高与华北盛夏降水年际关系发生的年代际变化,是中国东部地区从20世纪70年代中期以后出现“南涝北旱”的原因之一。  相似文献   

亚洲急流与冬季风的关系及其对中国气候的影响   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
姚慧茹  李栋梁 《气象学报》2013,71(3):429-439
利用NCEP\NCAR逐月再分析资料和中国台站逐日观测数据,采用奇异值分解(SVD)、相关分析和合成分析等方法,研究冬季亚洲高空急流的配置与冬季风的关系及其对地面气候的影响.结果表明,青藏高原至亚洲东部沿海的副热带急流强(弱),高纬的温带急流弱(强)时,中国中、东部大范围地区气温偏低(高);中东急流强(弱),东亚副热带急流偏南(北),温带急流东南部较弱(强)时,西南气温偏低(高),东北气温偏高(低),中、东部地区冬季降水偏多(少).结合水平风场的变化,副热带地区出现西风异常弱,温带出现东风异常时,有利于东亚大槽加深并向南扩张,低层偏北风加强,东亚冬季风增强,而青藏高原反气旋环流被削弱,冷高压减弱,相应的高原季风减弱.高、低纬急流区纬向风的差异较大时,加强了急流对低层冷、暖空气交绥的引导和汇聚的作用.东亚季风指数(EAMI)与高原季风指数(PMI)在冬季多呈负相关.冬季风异常期间,若副热带急流偏强,温带急流偏弱,高纬的干冷空气受南侧急流的汇聚作用而南侵,有利于中国大部分地区降温,降水减少;反之,低纬的暖湿气流受到北侧急流引导而向北输送,导致中国大部分地区升温,降水偏多.  相似文献   

The urgency of restoring ecosystems to improve human wellbeing and mitigate climate and biodiversity crises is attracting global attention. The UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration (2021–2030) is a global call to action to support the restoration of degraded ecosystems. And yet, many forest restoration efforts, for instance, have failed to meet restoration goals; indeed, they worsened social precarities and ecological conditions. By merely focusing on symptoms of forest loss and degradation, these interventions have neglected the underlying issues of equity and justice driving forest decline. To address these root causes, thus creating socially just and sustainable solutions, we develop the Political Ecology Playbook for Ecosystem Restoration. We outline a set of ten principles for achieving long-lasting, resilient, and equitable ecosystem restoration. These principles are guided by political ecology, a framework that addresses environmental concerns from a broadly political economic perspective, attending to power, politics, and equity within specific geographic and historical contexts. Drawing on the chain of explanation, this multi-scale, cross-landscapes Playbook aims to produce healthy relationships between people and nature that are ecologically, socially, and economically just – and thus sustainable and resilient – while recognizing the political nature of such relationships. We argue that the Political Ecology Playbook should guide ecosystem restoration worldwide.  相似文献   

Considering the urban characteristics, a customized multi-scale numerical modeling system is established to simulate the urban meteorological environment.THE system mainly involves three spatial scales;the urban scale, urban sub-domain scale, and single to few buildings scale. In it, different underlying surface types are employed, the building drag factor is used to replace its roughness in the influence on the urban wind field, the effects of building distribution, azimuth and screening of shortwave radiation are added, and the influence of anthropogenic heating is also taken into account. All the numerical tests indicate that the simulated results are reasonably in agreement with the observational data, so the system can be used to simulate the urban meteorological environment. Making use of it, the characteristics of the meteorological environment from the urban to urban sub-domain scales, even the among-buildings scale,can be recognized. As long as the urban planning scheme is given, the corresponding simulated results can be obtained so as to meet the need of optimizing urban planning.  相似文献   

根据1960—2011年Had ISST资料集中的月平均海表温度资料和中国753站逐日降水资料,基于转经验正交函数分解等分析方法,发现中国夏季降水的变化具有明显的独立性特征,可以分为相对独立的11个雨区,并在此基础上讨论了11个雨区夏季降水与ENSO的相关关系及其年代际变化,发现不同雨区的夏季降水与ENSO相关关系的年代际变化特征不尽相同,据此可分为3种类型:第1类为稳定不相关型,代表区为东北地区、长江中下游地区、江南地区、闽赣地区、环琼州海峡地区;第2类为稳定相关型,代表区为河套地区、黄河中下游地区;第3类为相关关系变化型,代表区为辽吉地区、黄淮地区、淮河流域以及两广地区。而在第3类相关关系变化型中,4个雨区夏季降水与ENSO相关关系的年代际突变时间也存在差异,两广地区的突变年份在1975年左右,辽吉地区和黄淮地区的突变年份在1980年左右,淮河流域的突变年份在1985年左右。  相似文献   

利用1961—2018年中国地面气象台站2 400站中广东省和广西壮族自治区(两广地区)134站逐日降水资料、英国Hadley中心逐月海表温度资料、NCEP/NCAR逐月再分析资料,筛选了两广地区前汛期降水正(负)异常、后汛期降水负(正)异常的年份,即前、后汛期降水异常反位相年份。结果表明,近60 a来,两广地区前、后汛期降水反位相现象与热带西太平洋海温异常存在密切联系。前汛期期间,当热带西太平洋海温为负异常时,大气对该冷源的Rossby波响应引起西北太平洋反气旋环流异常,且水汽由热带西太平洋向两广地区输送并辐合,同时两广地区为水汽的湿平流区域、风场异常辐合区域,其上空受异常上升运动控制,这样的环流配置有利于两广前汛期期间降水正异常。热带西太平洋海温负异常可持续至后汛期期间,大气的Rossby波响应所致的西太平洋反气旋较前汛期偏西北,两广地区为水汽异常辐散区域,同时水汽干平流且风场异常辐散,受异常下沉运动控制,不利于两广地区降水的产生。反之亦然。  相似文献   

By analyzing the change of an index for the characteristics of South Asia High and variations of upper-air troughs in 2002–2005,we studied the impact of South Asia high on the beginning and ending of the Mei-yu(i.e.sustained rain corresponding to the ripening season of plum)in Jiangsu province.Statistic verification is conducted on the relationships between the index and the Mei-yu season in 1991–2005 to examine the impacts of the SAH characteristics index on a rain intensity index of Mei-yu and regional distribution of a characteristics index for different annual patterns of Mei-yu.Historical composite is performed of the 100-hPa circulation field for these patterns using the 100-hPa geopotential height of Northern Hemisphere from 2002 to 2005 and 45-year NCEP reanalysis to study the difference in the circulation for different patterns of Mei-yu.Diagnostic and statistic conclusions,which share much in common,have been obtained as follows.(1)The characteristics preceding to and the advancement/retreat of SAH and the movement of westerly troughs are the factors that influence the onset time of the Mei-yu season;after the Mei-yu onset,the progression/withdrawal of SAH and how farther east it extends are determining how long the Mei-yu lasts and when it ends.(2)During the Mei-yu,the general 100-hPa circulation situation and average characteristics of the SAH are well corresponding to the characteristics of the season and annual patterns of Mei-yu.In addition,the averages of the SAH ridgeline and east-extending index for June,July and the Mei-yu season have some implications to the forecast of the index of Mei-yu intensity.These conclusions can be served as powerful means in determining the starting/ending dates, duration and annual pattern of the Mei-yu season.  相似文献   

利用1951—2002年NCEP/NCAR再分析资料、CPC(气候预测中心)Nino3区海表温度序列和NOAA的ERSST资料,研究了ENSO与我国东部夏季雨型的相互关系及其年代际变化.结果表明:我国东部夏季雨型对ENSO事件的响应在1978年有一个明显的突变,在突变前,降水雨型与赤道东太平洋的海温为弱的负相关,而在突变后转为显著的正相关;滑动相关结果显示,近20a是整个研究时段中二者相关性最强的时期;东亚夏季风和ENSO的相互关系在1978年也经历了一次明显的年代际变化,由弱的正相关转为显著的负相关.这可能是引起ENSO和夏季雨型异常关系年代际变化的原因.  相似文献   

利用美国国家环境预测中心/国家大气研究中心再分析资料和美国气候预测中心冬季逐日温度资料,通过机器自动识别和目视相结合的方法,研究了北半球冬季500 hPa冷涡分布特征,并基于信息流因果论方法,揭示了东北亚冷涡活动与北半球其他活动区冷涡以及中国冬季极端低温事件的联系。根据冷涡活动天数随经度的变化,划分了4个活动频繁区,发现北半球冬季冷涡活动频率从大到小分别为大西洋-欧洲区(37.7%)、北太平洋区(22.35%)、东北亚区(20.95%)和北美-格陵兰区(13.77%)。北美-格陵兰区冷涡平均中心强度最强(493 dagpm),大西洋-欧洲区最弱(514 dagpm)。年际尺度上,东北亚区冷涡活动具有相对独立性,只有1月北美-格陵兰区冷涡活动天数变化在一定程度上是2月东北亚冷涡活动天数变化的原因。冷涡强年的动力学特征分析表明,东北亚区和北美-格陵兰区冷涡与北大西洋涛动正位相密切相联,北太平洋区冷涡则与北太平洋涛动正位相有联系,大西洋-欧洲区冷涡则对应北大西洋涛动和北太平洋涛动负位相。东北亚冷涡与中国极端低温联系密切,通过聚类分析界定了4类极端低温事件,发现东北-华北类、北方类和中东部类极...  相似文献   

唐玉  李栋梁 《气象科学》2020,40(2):169-179
根据中国气象局《梅雨监测业务规定》中的入、出梅标准,结合1960—2016年全国661个常规气象站逐日气象资料,以及NCEP/NCAR月平均再分析资料,分析了江淮梅雨和东亚副热带夏季风进程变异的时空特征,提取季风关键区(32°~34°N,112°~120°E,包含17个站点),并分析了江淮梅雨和季风关键区的联系与成因。结果表明:1960—2016年平均梅雨期为6月8日—7月15日,平均梅雨量为303 mm。比东亚平均梅雨季的开始时间早9 d,比其结束时间晚7 d。梅雨量在近57 a中也呈波动式变化,但整体为上升趋势。入梅越早,出梅越晚,则梅雨期越长,梅雨量越多。副热带夏季风推进到关键区的平均时间为5月19日,其在1970s末和1990s末分别发生了由偏晚向偏早和由偏早向偏晚的突变。夏季风到达关键区偏早时,出梅日偏晚,梅雨量偏多,季风到达偏晚时,出梅日偏早,梅雨量偏少。副热带夏季风推进时间和江淮梅雨量呈全区一致的负相关,负相关区位于湖南、湖北及江西三省临近的两湖地区。东亚副热带夏季风到达关键区时间偏早(晚)年,500 hPa高度场上乌拉尔山—鄂霍茨克海为正(负)距平,阻塞高压增强(减弱);日本海附近为负(正)距平,东亚大槽加深(西退北缩),加强(削弱)了槽后冷空气向南输送且不(有)利于中低纬度副热带高压的北跳,西太平洋副热带高压中心强度增强(减弱),位置偏西(东),其西北侧的西南暖湿气流输送加强(减弱),江淮地区有水汽的辐合(辐散),有(不)利于梅雨量偏多。  相似文献   

利用江西大岗山森林生态地面标准气象观测场内2019年度空气负离子和气象监测数据,分析了负离子浓度与气象因子之间的响应关系.结果表明:1)该地区年均负离子浓度1411.5个/cm3.夏季负离子浓度和温度呈负相关、和湿度呈正相关,在其余季节负离子浓度和温度呈正相关、与湿度呈负相关.2)无雨天与日降雨量少于50 mm的雨天,负离子浓度与温度呈负相关,与湿度呈正相关;暴雨天负离子浓度与温度呈正相关,与湿度呈较弱的负相关.3)不同季节,温度、湿度的大幅变化常伴随着负离子浓度的大幅变化,而温度、湿度变化较小时,负离子浓度的变化幅度也较小,说明温度、湿度的变化对负离子浓度的影响很大.4)暴雨过程中,负离子浓度随降水量的增加(减少)而增大(减小);暴雨发生时,负离子浓度急剧增大.  相似文献   

利用1951-2010年全国台站冬季降水观测资料、Hadley环流中心逐月海表温度资料以及NCEP/NCAR再分析月平均资料,探讨了西太平洋暖池与我国华南地区冬季降水的关系。结果表明,西太平洋暖池与我国华南冬季降水的年际关系在1972年发生了明显的年代际转折,20世纪70年代前两者弱的负相关未通过信度检验,而70年代后两者相关系数达到-0.5~-0.6。回归分析显示,70年代前,暖池对产生华南冬季降水的水汽条件以及动力条件等的影响不显著,因此其与华南冬季降水的关系不明显。70年代后,暖池偏暖时,在菲律宾海区域激发出一个显著的气旋性环流,该环流西北侧的偏北风不利于南海地区水汽向我国华南地区输送,华南地区水汽辐散增强,而且南支槽地区对流减弱,南支扰动不活跃且扰动不能向下游地区传播,华南地区扰动活动减弱,此外暖池偏暖使北半球经向环流显著增强,且下沉支位于我国华南地区,加强了华南地区的下沉运动,因而华南地区冬季降水显著偏少;暖池偏冷时,情况相反。  相似文献   

对洪泽湖地区冬季平均温度分析得出:洪泽湖地区冬季平均温度46a里上升了2℃,1986-2006年冬季平均温度一直维持在2℃以上;2006年冬季平均温度显著偏高;2007年2月平均温度创有记录以来历史最高,属于异常偏高年;中等以上ENSO事件对洪泽湖地区冬季平均温度的影响结果是正常年居多.  相似文献   

For the nonconservative schemes of the nonlinear evolution equations, taking the one-dimensionalshallow water wave equation as an example, the necessary conditions of computational stability are given.Based on numerical tests, the relationship between the nonlinear computational stability and the construc-tion of difference schemes, as well as the form of initial values, is further discussed. It is proved throughboth theoretical analysis and numerical tests that if the construction of difference schemes is definite, thecomputational stability of nonconservative schemes is decided by the form of initial values.  相似文献   

查明地下水与河水之间的水力联系,是研究浑河污染水体对地下水环境影响的前提。采用环境同位素技术研究浑河沿岸地下水演化规律,沿浑河冲洪积扇地下水流动方向取地下水样13个、河水样3个。结果表明:通过对水样进行D(氘)、18O分析,查明了浑河与地下水之间的水力联系,确定了河水对地下水的补给宽度,定量计算了河水对沿岸地下水的贡献比例。从浑河的上游至下游,河水对地下水的贡献比例由大变小,平均约为50%;河水对地下水强补给带位于浑河以南约1 km的范围内,二者的水力联系密切。  相似文献   

利用1979-2013年夏季全球2.5°×2.5°逐日环流资料和中国气象站点降水观测资料,采用动力学因子(西南风)与热力学因子(Radiation Longwave covting,OLR)相结合定义了标准化的亚洲热带夏季风指数(Tropical Summer Monsoon Index,TSMI).结果 表明,该指数...  相似文献   

苏州城市化进程与城市气候变化关系研究   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
朱焱  杨金彪  朱莲芳  季嬿 《气象科学》2012,32(3):317-324
利用1970—2007年苏州城市及近郊县(市)气象站观测资料,结合Landsat 5卫星反演资料,统计分析城市化进程,对苏州区域气候变化的影响。分析结果表明:从1990s中后期开始,随着经济发展,苏州城市建设速度明显加快,城市化进程对苏州气候影响明显,城、郊气温均有明显的上升趋势,相对湿度呈现下降趋势,降水量整体上呈现上升的趋势,日照时数有明显的下降的趋势;苏州城市热岛效应显现、城市霾出现、太湖蓝藻爆发、极端气候事件增多,也与快速的城市化进程有着一定的关系。  相似文献   

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