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A combination of lateral coherence measurements of wind speed at five locations suggests that the decay constant is a monotonically increasing function of the ratio of separation to height, under neutral conditions.  相似文献   

The coherence for streamwise and cross-stream wind components is studied at four meteorological sites and compared with a representative wind-tunnel experiment. The coherence is approximated by a negative exponential in terms of a non-dimensional frequency, Δf and a decay parameter, a. Theoretical guidelines are developing to aid in identifying the pertinent variables affecting the decay parameters. These theoretical discussions indicate that for longitudinal separations, both the streamwise and cross-stream decay parameters are functions of roughness; the cross-stream decay parameter is a strong function of stability while the streamwise component is not. For lateral separations, it is found that both the streamwise and cross-stream decay parameters are functions of stability. Isopleths of the decay parameter are drawn on graphs with coordinates of angle and Richardson number for both the streamwise and cross-stream decay parameters of coherence. These empirical curves give an indication of the behavior of the decay parameters of coherence for a range of stabilities given by -0.9<Ri<0.08, and a range of angles between zero and ninety degrees. Department of Meteorology. Department of Aerospace Engineering.  相似文献   

陶丽君 《大气科学》1982,6(1):77-83
一、发展概况 微波多普勒雷达可以用来测量各类降水云系中的风和湍流的场结构,这是其他一般探测方法难以做到的。 多普勒雷达接收的是回波的频移信息。频移的大小正比于降水粒子相对于雷达射束的径向速度。从分布杂乱和运动着的大气降水粒子反射回来的信息往往是展宽了的多普  相似文献   

The boundary layer wind tunnel at the Technische Universit?t München was tested for atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) simulations. The ABLs developing above rural, suburban, and urban terrains were reproduced using the Counihan method, i.e., castellated barrier wall, vortex generators, and a fetch of surface roughness elements. A series of flow-characteristic evaluations was performed to investigate the flow development and uniformity. Experimental results presented as mean velocity, turbulence intensity, integral length scale of turbulence, Reynolds stress, and power spectral density of velocity fluctuations were compared with the ESDU data and/or theoretical models. Generated ABL wind-tunnel simulations compare well with the rural, suburban, and urban ABLs. In the test section area used for experiments on structural models, the ABL simulation is developed and uniform. Results of this study indicate the boundary layer wind tunnel at the Technische Universit?t München can be successfully employed in a broad spectrum of engineering, environmental, and micrometeorological studies, where it is required to accurately reproduce ABL characteristics.  相似文献   

袁正旋  覃军  曾向红  吴浩 《暴雨灾害》2017,36(5):431-439

利用杭瑞高速洞庭湖大桥测风塔上的三维超声风速仪观测资料以及岳阳气象站逐小时降水资料,分析了2016年7月3—5日湖南岳阳一次大暴雨过程的三个不同时段近地层湍流特征。结果表明:(1)强降水来临前180—230 min和结束前10—50 min的近地层物理量场出现异常,且强降水来临前的物理量场异常出现时间较结束前早。风速、湍流强度、湍流动能在大暴雨过程中出现异常偏大,强降水来临前230 min,风速出现最大值4.875 m·s-1;强降水结束前50 min,湍流强度出现最大值,水平纵向、水平横向、垂直向的湍流强度分别为1.255、1.173、0.195。(2)强降水来临前与结束前,湍流功率谱密度出现异常偏大。大暴雨过程中的湍流功率谱密度减小,湍流功率谱密度最大值的频率左移。(3)强降水来临前的湍涡尺度最大,强降水期间的湍涡尺度次之,强降水结束后的湍涡尺度在三者中最小,低频大涡为大暴雨过程中的湍流活动提供了能量。


为了获取大气湍流和空间三维风场结构,利用3台同型号的测风激光雷达开展协同观测试验。(1)利用虚拟铁塔协同观测技术开展大气湍流探测,与香河102 m铁塔安装的三维超声风速仪观测结果做对比,32 m处高频(10 Hz)风速的相关系数高达0.92,平均误差为0.77 m/s,均方根误差为0.41 m/s;大气湍流强度(TKE)的相关系数高达0.99,平均误差为-0.02 m2/s2,均方根误差为0.08 m2/s2,并且协同观测的高频风速与三维超声风速仪的观测结果具有相同的频谱结构。(2)利用扫描协同观测技术开展三维风场探测,与铁塔上的常规测风设备相比,其90 m高度处的水平风速和风向的相关系数分别为0.92和0.93,平均误差为-0.41 m/s和0°,均方根误差为0.73 m/s和34°。相比于单台测风激光雷达,基于3台测风激光雷达协同观测技术具有一定的优势:不需要风场水平均匀的假设、探测精度更高等。但其对观测环境的要求较高:观测路径上不能有遮挡、观测必须协同等。在科研业务应用中,需要根据实际的观测需...  相似文献   

Using a hypothesis of an approximate relation between Eulerian and Lagrangian statistical functions of turbulence, calculations of one- and two-particle Lagrangian correlation tensors of fluid particle displacements and velocities in a field of isotropic and stationary turbulence are given.  相似文献   

We have analyzed eddy covariance data collected within open canopy to investigate the influence of non-flat terrain and wind direction shear on the canopy turbulence. The study site is located on non-flat terrain with slopes in both south-north and east-west directions. The surface elevation change is smaller than the height of roughness element such as building and tree at this site. A variety of turbulent statistics were examined as a function of wind direction in near-neutral conditions. Heterogeneous surface characteristics results in significant differences in measured turbulent statistics. Upwind trees on the flat and up-sloping terrains yield typical features of canopy turbulence while upwind elevated surface with trees yields significant wind direction shear, reduced u and w skewness, and negligible correlation between u and w. The directional dependence of turbulence statistics is due that strong wind blows more horizontally rather than following terrain, and hence combination of slope related momentum flux and canopy eddy motion decreases the magnitude of Sk w and r uw for the downslope flow while it enhances them for the upslope flow. Significant v skewness to the west indicates intermittent downdraft of northerly wind, possibly due to lateral shear of wind in the presence of significant wind direction shear. The effects of wind direction shear on turbulent statistics were also examined. The results showed that correlation coefficient between lateral velocities and vertical velocity show significant dependence on wind direction shear through change of lateral wind shear. Quadrant analysis shows increased outward interaction and reduced role of sweep motion for longitudinal momentum flux for the downslope flow. Multi-resolution analysis indicates that uw correlation shows peak at larger averaging time for the upslope flow than for the downslope flow, indicating that large eddy plays an active role in momentum transfer for the upslope flow. On the other hand, downslope flow shows larger velocity variances than other flows despite similar wind speed. These results suggest that non-flatness of terrain significantly influences on canopy-atmosphere exchange.  相似文献   

A highly mobile system for accurate measurements of wind speed and horizontal turbulence in the lowest few hundred meters of the atmosphere is presented. It consists of a light-weight sonde (only 50 g, including batteries that permit 12 h of continuous operation) which can be easily lifted by a small kite in winds below 5 m/s and up to at least 25 m/s. In winds below 5 m/s, a small kytoon may be used instead. The signals from the sonde are received by a standard FM-radio equipped with a frequency converter, and data are recorded on ordinary cassette tapes. Field tests against towermounted precision instruments were performed at two sites during neutral and unstable conditions with the sonde suspended 25 m below a small kite, the measuring heights being 11 and 18 m respectively during the two test series. Mean wind speeds are found to be accurate to within ±0.2 m/s. Wind speed spectra obtained with the flying sonde can be evaluated up to 0.5 Hz and are found to agree closely with the spectra of the longitudinal component recorded simultaneously by the tower-mounted instrument at the same height. After correction for high frequency loss, which amounted to 5% at this low height (it is expected to decrease rapidly with height), the standard deviation of the wind recorded by the sonde agreed to within 2% with that obtained by the reference instrument. A notable result of the field tests is that there was no sign of degradation of the performance of the sonde in strong turbulence conditions.  相似文献   

This is one of a series of papers on the Askervein Hill Project. It presents results from the Askervein 1982 and 1983 experiments in the form of vertical profiles of mean wind and turbulence integral statistics at upwind reference locations and at two hilltop sites. The data were obtained from a variety of sensors including sonic, Gill UVW and cup anemometers mounted on 50, 30, 17 and 10 m towers and TALA kite systems. Comparisons with numerical-model predictions are discussed.  相似文献   

两次台风过程近地层湍流度和阵风因子分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用2005年台风"麦莎"和"卡努"期间青岛海岸实测三维风观测资料,挑选6个10 min平均风速≥8 m/s的强风时段,使用矢量分析方法研究台风影响华东地区时近地层的平均风速风向变化、湍流度和阵风因子变化等湍流特性,结果表明台风影响期间,近地层湍流脉动风速不稳定,水平方向、垂直方向风速风向快速变化;虽然台风"麦莎"、"卡努"入海地点不同,不同强风时段近地层湍流度差异也较大,但湍流强度都表现为Iu(横向)>Iv(纵向)>Iw(垂直向).两次台风影响过程不同强风时段近地层阵风因子的变化与湍流度的变化是一致的,在风速增大风向转变的时段,湍流度和阵风因子明显增大.  相似文献   

Vertical coherence and phase delay between wind components in strong winds in the lowest 20 m over uniform terrain in New Zealand have been analysed. The vertical decay constants and slopes for the horizontal wind components could be described as linear functions of the ratio of vertical spacing to mean height (δz/z), with relatively little scatter. The decay constants for the lateral were smaller than for the longitudinal components, the slopes larger for the lateral components, as found previously. The coherence of vertical velocity is best described by exponential decay functions multiplied by a parameter which decreases linearly from 1 (for δz/z=0) to 0.5 (for δz/z=1). The decay constants increased linearly with δz/z, as in the case of the horizontal components. There were no significant phase differences for the vertical components. Lateral and vertical decay constants for the longitudinal wind component could be fitted to identical functions of δy/z and δz/z, respectively.  相似文献   

Wind and temperature measurements from within and above a deep urban canyon (height/width = 2.1) were used to examine the thermal structure of air within the canyon, exchange of heat with the overlying atmosphere, and the possible impacts of surface heating on within-canyon air flow. Measurements were made over a range of seasons and primarily analysed for sunny days. This allowed the study of temperature differences between opposing canyon walls and between wall and air of more than 15°C in summer. The wall temperature patterns follow those of incoming solar radiation loading with a secondary daytime effect from the longwave exchange between the walls. In winter, the canyon walls receive little direct solar radiation, and temperature differences are largely due to anthropogenic heating of the building interiors. Cool air from aloft and heated air from canyon walls is shown to circulate within the canyon under cross-canyon flow. Roofs and some portions of walls heat up rapidly on clear days and have a large influence on heat fluxes and the temperature field. The magnitude and direction of the measured turbulent heat flux also depend strongly on the direction of flow relative to surface heating. However, these spatial differences are smoothed by the shear layer at the canyon top. Buoyancy effects from the heated walls were not seen to have as large an impact on the measured flow field as has been shown in numerical experiments. At night canyon walls are shown to be the source of positive sensible heat fluxes. The measurements show that materials and their location, as well as geometry, play a role in regulating the heat exchange between the urban surface and atmosphere.  相似文献   

Measurements of longitudinal turbulent velocity were made at pairs of levels inside and above a model plant canopy in the wind tunnel. It was found that above approximately the zero-plane displacement level, the coherence and phase results were similar in many respects to atmospheric data, but that deviations from this behaviour appeared deeper in the model canopy.  相似文献   

The coherence, γ, between levels of the horizontal components of wind velocity are examined for data obtained on a 118-m tower at Victoria Dock, an urban site in Melbourne, Australia. The coherence is analysed to determine the influence of various parameters on its variation; it is found to be strongly dependent on f=n δz/U (n frequency, δz interlevel spacing and U the mean wind speed), and to a lesser degree on thermal stability and wind component. The empirical relation γ=exp(?af) is found to be reasonable and estimates of a are given. The data conform to observations reported at other sites.  相似文献   

A wind-tunnel investigation of the wind flow over two-dimensional forward-facing escarpments is reported as part of a continuing research programme into the effects of local topography on the wind flow close to the ground. Four sharp-edged escarpments with their slopes varying between a cliff and a 4:1 gradient, were placed normal to a simulated neutrally-stable rural boundary layer which was modelled to a scale of 1:300. The resulting flows close to the surfaces of the escarpments were measured with a hot-wire anemometer. The modifications to the mean wind speed, turbulence intensity and energy spectra over the escarpments are described. The results indicate the extent and magnitude of the modification to the flow and suggest that significant changes in turbulence characteristics only occur in the wake region close behind the crest, where a shift of energy to higher frequencies is evident.  相似文献   

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