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Variability studies are an important tool to investigate key properties of stars and brown dwarfs. From photometric monitoring we are able to obtain information about rotation and magnetic activity, which are expected to change in the mass range below 0.3 solar masses, since these fully convective objects cannot host a solar‐type dynamo. On the other hand, spectroscopic variability information can be used to obtain a detailed view on the accretion process in very young objects. In this paper, we report about our observational efforts to analyse the variability and rotational evolution of young brown dwarfs and very low‐mass stars. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The origin of very low‐mass objects such as brown dwarfs and ‘isolated planets’ is unclear: can they form in‐situ from very low‐mass cloud cores in a scaled‐down version of star formation? Here I discuss methods of detecting and characterising such faint cores using submillimetre‐wavelength observations. Some data are presented for the Ophiuchus clouds that strongly suggest there is little division between stars and ultra low‐mass objects at the earliest evolutionary stages. Some challenging results have emerged (in the context of current theory), including finding cores of only a few Jupiter masses and a core mass function still rising at the mass detection limit: the implications are briefly discussed. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Here we show preliminary calculations of the cooling and contraction of a 2 MJ planet. These calculations, which are being extended to 1–10 MJ, differ from other published “cooling tracks” in that they include a core accretion‐gas capture formation scenario, the leading theory for the formation of gas giant planets.We find that the initial post‐accretionary intrinsic luminosity of the planet is ∼3 times less than previously published models which use arbitrary initial conditions. These differences last a few tens of millions of years. Young giant planets are intrinsically fainter than has been previously appreciated. We also discuss how uncertainties in atmospheric chemistry and the duration of the formation time of giant planets lead to challenges in deriving planetary physical properties from comparison with tabulated model values. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We present the results of the optical photometric observations of the Pleiades (125 Myr) cluster. The aim of this research is to look for variability, both due to rotation of single stars and the presence of eclipsing binaries. We have used differential photometry and two different methods of statistical analysis of the data.We have found variability in the Pleiades cluster with amplitudes of about 50 mmag and uncertainties of 5 mmag until I=17.9, well within the brown dwarf regime. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Using Monte Carlo simulations and published radial velocity surveys we have constrained the frequency and separation (a ) distribution of very low‐mass star (VLM) and brown dwarf (BD) binary systems.We find that simple Gaussian extensions of the observed wide binary distribution, with a peak at 4AU and 0.6 < σ log(a /AU) < 1.0, correctly reproduce the observed number of close binary systems, implying a close (a < 2.6 AU) binary frequency of 17–30% and overall frequency of 32–45%. N‐body models of the dynamical decay of unstable protostellar multiple systems are excluded with high confidence because they do not produce enough close binary VLMs/BDs. The large number of close binaries and high overall binary frequency are also completely inconsistent with published smoothed particle hydrodynamical modelling and argue against a dynamical origin for VLMs/BDs. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We present preliminary results of our X‐shooter survey in star forming regions. In this contribution we focus on subsamples of young stellar and sub‐stellar objects (YSOs) in the Lupus star forming region and in the TW Hya association. We show that the X‐shooter spectra are suitable for conducting several parallel studies such as YSO + disk fundamental parameters, accretion and outflow activity in the very low‐mass (VLM) and sub‐stellar regimes, as well as magnetic activity in young VLM YSOs, and Li abundance determinations. The capabilities of X‐shooter in terms of wide spectral coverage, resolution and limiting magnitudes, allow us to assess simultaneously the accretion/outflow, magnetic activity, and disk diagnostics, from the UV and optical to the near‐IR, avoiding ambiguities due to possible YSO variability (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop a spectral differential technique with which the dynamical mass of low‐mass companions can be found. This method aims at discovering close companions to late‐type stars by removing the stellar spectrum through a subtraction of spectra obtained at different orbital phases and discovering the companion spectrum in the difference spectrum in which the companion lines appear twice (positive and negative signal). The resulting radial velocity difference of these two signals provides the true mass of the companion, if the orbital solution for the radial velocities of the primary is known. We select the CO line region in the K band for our study, because it provides a favourable star‐to‐companion brightness ratio for our test case GJ 1046, an M2V dwarf with a low‐mass companion that most likely is a brown dwarf. Furthermore, these lines remain largely unblended in the difference spectrum so that the radial velocity amplitude of the companion can be measured directly. Only if the companion rotates rapidly and has a small radial velocity due to a high mass, does blending occur for all lines so that our approach fails. We also consider activity of the host star, and show that the companion difference flux can be expected to have larger amplitude than the residual signal from the active star so that stellar activity does not inhibit the determination of the companion mass. In addition to determining the companion mass, we restore the single companion spectrum from the difference spectrum using singular value decomposition. (© 2013 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We present deep high dynamic range infrared images of young nearby stars in the Tucana/Horologium and β Pic associations, all ∼10 to 35 Myrs young and at ∼10 to 60 pc distance. Such young nearby stars are well‐suited for direct imaging searches for brown dwarf and even planetary companions, because young sub‐stellar objects are still self‐luminous due to contraction and accretion. We performed our observations at the ESO 3.5m NTT with the normal infrared imaging detector SofI and the MPE speckle camera Sharp‐I. Three arc sec north of GSC 8047‐0232 in Horologium a promising brown dwarf companion candidate is detected, which needs to be confirmed by proper motion and/or spectroscopy. Several other faint companion candidates are already rejected by second epoch imaging. Among 21 stars observed in Tucana/Horologium, there are not more than one to five brown dwarf companions outside of 75 AU (1.5″ at 50 pc); most certainly only ≤5% of the Tuc/HorA stars have brown dwarf companions (13 to 78 Jupiter masses) outside of 75 AU. For the first time, we can report an upper limit for the frequency of massive planets (∼10 Mjup) at wide separations (∼100 AU) using a meaningfull and homogeneous sample: Of 11 stars observed sufficiently deep in β Pic (12 Myrs), not more than one has a massive planet outside of ∼100 AU, i.e. massive planets at large separations are rare (≤9%). (© 2003 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The nearby young σ Orionis cluster (∼360 pc, ∼3 Myr) is becoming one of the most important regions for the study of ultra low‐mass star formation and its extension down to the mass regimes of the brown dwarfs and planetarymass objects. Here, I introduce the σ Orionis cluster and present three studies that the JOVIAN group is developing: a pilot programme of near‐infrared adaptive‐optics imaging of stars of the cluster, intermediate‐resolution optical spectroscopy of a large sample of stars of the cluster and a study of the mass function down to the planetary‐mass domain. This paper is a summary of the content of four posters that I presented in the Ultra low‐mass star formation and evolution Workshop, as single author or on behalf of different collaborations. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The first part of this paper discusses how planet formation proceeds in the disks orbiting M dwarf stars. These environments are different from those associated with solar‐type stars in several ways: The planet forming clock (set by orbits) runs slower, the disks are more prone to evaporation, the supply of raw material is lower, the snowline is closer in, and planetary systems are more easily disrupted. Because of these considerations, red dwarfs are less likely to harbor giant planets, but can readily produce smaller planets. The second part of this paper describes stellar evolution calculations for M dwarfs, which live far longer than the current age of the universe. These diminutive stellar objects remain convective over most of their lives, continue to burn hydrogen for trillions of years, and do not experience red giant phases in their old age. Instead, red dwarfs turn into blue dwarfs and finally white dwarfs. This work also shows (in part) why larger stars become red giants. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We review four mechanisms for forming brown dwarfs: (i) turbulent fragmentation (producing very low‐mass prestellar cores); (ii) gravitational instabilities in discs; (iii) dynamical ejection of stellar embryos from their placental cores; and (iv) photo‐erosion of pre‐existing cores in HII regions. We argue (a) that these are simply the mechanisms of low‐mass star formation , and (b) that they are not mutually exclusive. If, as seems possible, all four mechanisms operate in nature, their relative importance may eventually be constrained by their ability to reproduce the binary statistics of brown dwarfs, but this will require fully 3‐D radiative magneto‐hydrodynamic simulations. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Evolutionary and atmospheric models have become available for young ultralow‐mass objects. These models are being used to determine fundamental parameters from observational properties. TiO bands are used to determine effective temperatures in ultralow‐mass objects, and together with Na‐ and K‐lines to derive gravities at the substellar boundary. Unfortunately, model calibrations in (young) ultralow‐mass objects are rare. As a first step towards a calibration of synthetic spectral features, I show molecular bands of TiO, which is a main opacity source in late M‐dwarfs. The TiO ε ‐band at 8450 Å is systematically too weak. This implies that temperatures determined from that band are underestimated, and I discuss implications for determining fundamental parameters from high resolution spectra. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Self-gravitating protostellar discs are unstable to fragmentation if the gas can cool on a time-scale that is short compared with the orbital period. We use a combination of hydrodynamic simulations and N -body orbit integrations to study the long-term evolution of a fragmenting disc with an initial mass ratio to the star of   M disc/ M *= 0.1  . For a disc that is initially unstable across a range of radii, a combination of collapse and subsequent accretion yields substellar objects with a spectrum of masses extending (for a Solar-mass star) up to  ≈0.01 M  . Subsequent gravitational evolution ejects most of the lower mass objects within a few million years, leaving a small number of very massive planets or brown dwarfs in eccentric orbits at moderately small radii. Based on these results, systems such as HD 168443 – in which the companions are close to or beyond the deuterium burning limit – appear to be the best candidates to have formed via gravitational instability. If massive substellar companions originate from disc fragmentation, while lower-mass planetary companions originate from core accretion, the metallicity distribution of stars which host massive substellar companions at radii of ∼1 au should differ from that of stars with lower mass planetary companions.  相似文献   

In this paper we review some recent detections of wide binary brown dwarf systems and discuss them in the context of the multiplicity properties of very low‐mass stars and brown dwarfs. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Recent observations point to the presence of structured dust grains in the discs surrounding young brown dwarfs, thus implying that the first stages of planet formation take place also in the substellar regime. Here, we investigate the potential for planet formation around brown dwarfs and very low-mass stars according to the sequential core accretion model of planet formation. We find that, for a brown dwarf mass 0.05 M, our models predict a maximum planetary mass of  ∼5   M  , orbiting with semimajor axis ∼ 1 au. However, we note that the predictions for the mass–semimajor axis distribution are strongly dependent upon the models chosen for the disc surface density profiles and the assumed distribution of disc masses. In particular, if brown dwarf disc masses are of the order of a few Jupiter masses, Earth-mass planets might be relatively frequent, while if typical disc masses are only a fraction of Jupiter mass, we predict that planet formation would be extremely rare in the substellar regime. As the observational constraints on disc profiles, mass dependencies and their distributions are poor in the brown dwarf regime, we advise caution in validating theoretical models only on stars similar to the Sun and emphasize the need for observational data on planetary systems around a wide range of stellar masses. We also find that, unlike the situation around solar-like stars, Type II migration is totally absent from the planet formation process around brown dwarfs, suggesting that any future observations of planets around brown dwarfs would provide a direct measure of the role of other types of migration.  相似文献   

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