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The nearby young σ Orionis cluster (∼360 pc, ∼3 Myr) is becoming one of the most important regions for the study of ultra low‐mass star formation and its extension down to the mass regimes of the brown dwarfs and planetarymass objects. Here, I introduce the σ Orionis cluster and present three studies that the JOVIAN group is developing: a pilot programme of near‐infrared adaptive‐optics imaging of stars of the cluster, intermediate‐resolution optical spectroscopy of a large sample of stars of the cluster and a study of the mass function down to the planetary‐mass domain. This paper is a summary of the content of four posters that I presented in the Ultra low‐mass star formation and evolution Workshop, as single author or on behalf of different collaborations. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

I have re-visited the spatial distribution of stars and high-mass brown dwarfs in the σ Orionis (σ Ori) cluster (∼3 Ma, ∼360 pc). The input was a catalogue of 340 cluster members and candidates at separations less than 30 arcmin to σ Ori AB. Of them, 70 per cent have features of extreme youth. I fitted the normalized cumulative number of objects counting from the cluster centre to several power-law, exponential and King radial distributions. The cluster seems to have two components: a dense core that extends from the centre to   r ≈  20 arcmin and a rarified halo at larger separations. The radial distribution in the core follows a power law proportional to r 1, which corresponds to a volume density proportional to   r −2  . This is consistent with the collapse of an isothermal spherical molecular cloud. The stars more massive than  3.7 M  concentrate, however, towards the cluster centre, where there is also an apparent deficit of very low mass objects  ( M < 0.16 M)  . Last, I demonstrated through Monte Carlo simulations that the cluster is azimuthally asymmetric, with a filamentary overdensity of objects that runs from the cluster centre to the Horsehead Nebula.  相似文献   

We present new K - and L '-band imaging observations for members of the young (3–5 Myr) σ Orionis cluster, obtained at the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT) with the UKIRT 1–5 micron Imager Spectrometer (UIST). We determine ( K − L ') colour excesses with respect to the photospheres, finding evidence for warm circumstellar dust around 27 out of 83 cluster members that have masses between 0.04 and  1.0 M  . This indicates a circumstellar disc frequency of at least (33 ± 6) per cent for this cluster, consistent with previous determinations from smaller samples and also consistent with the 3-Myr disc half-life suggested by Haisch et al. There is marginal evidence that the disc frequency declines towards lower masses, but the data are also consistent with no mass dependence at all. There is no evidence for spatial segregation of objects with and without circumstellar discs.  相似文献   

We present the results of a survey of the open star cluster Melotte 111 in Coma Berenices, undertaken using the USNO‐B1.0 and 2MASS Point Source catalogues. On the basis of their astrometric and photometric properties, we have identified 60 new candidate members with masses in the range 1.007 < M < 0.269 M. We estimate a membership probability for each by extracting control clusters from the proper motion vector diagram. All 60 are found to have greater than 60 per cent probability of being cluster members, which if they are confirmed as members, more than doubles the number of known cluster members. We also have I and Z photometry for 100 low mass candidate members of the cluster, 13 of which we suggest may be brown dwarfs. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We present the first deep, optical, wide‐field imaging survey of the young open cluster Collinder 359, complemented by near‐infrared follow‐up observations. This study is part of a large programme aimed at examining the dependence of the mass function on environment and time. We have surveyed 1.6 square degree in the cluster in the I and z filters with the CFH12K camera on the Canada‐France‐Hawaii 3.6m telescope down to completeness and detection limits in both filters of 22.0m and 24.0m, respectively. Based on their location in the optical (I‐z ,I ) colour‐magnitude diagram, we have extracted new cluster member candidates in Collinder 359 spanning 1.3‐0.04 M, assuming an age of 100 Myr and a distance of 450 pc for the cluster.We have used the 2MASS database as well as our own near‐infrared photometry to confirm the membership of the optically‐selected cluster candidates. Additionally, we have obtained optical spectroscopy and employed chromospheric activity as a further criterion to assess the membership of candidates. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We present radial velocities for 38 low-mass candidate members of the σ Orionis young group. We have measured their radial velocities by cross-correlation of high-resolution  ( R ≈ 6000) AF2/Wide  Field Fibre Optical Spectrograph (WYFFOS) spectra of the gravity-sensitive Na  i doublet at 8183, 8195 Å. The total sample contained 117 objects, of which 54 have sufficient signal-to-noise ratio to detect Na  i at an equivalent width of 3 Å; however, we only detect Na  i in 38 of these. This implies that very low-mass members of this young group display weaker Na  i absorption than similarly aged objects in the Upper Scorpius OB association. We develop a technique to assess membership using radial velocities with a range of uncertainties that does not bias the selection when large uncertainties are present. The resulting membership probabilities are used to assess the issue of exclusion in photometric selections, and we find that very few members are likely to be excluded by such techniques. We also assess the level of contamination in the expected pre-main-sequence region of colour–magnitude space brighter than   I = 17  . We find that contamination by non-members in the expected pre-main-sequence region of the colour–magnitude diagram is small. We conclude that although radial velocity alone is insufficient to confirm membership, high signal-to-noise ratio observations of the Na  i doublet provide the opportunity to use the strength of Na  i absorption in concert with radial velocities to asses membership down to the lowest masses, where lithium absorption no longer distinguishes youth.  相似文献   

We present a new flare star, which was discovered during our survey on a selected field at the edge of the Pleiades cluster. The field was observed in the period 2007–2010 with three different CCD‐cameras at the University Observatory Jena with telescopes from 25 to 90 cm. The flare duration is almost one hour with an amplitude in the R‐band of about 1.08 mag. The location of the flare star in a color‐magnitude diagram is consistent with age and distance of the Pleiades. In the optical PSF of the flare star there are two 2MASS objects (unresolved in most images in the optical Jena PSF), so it is not yet known which one of them is responsible for this flare. The BVRIJHK colors yield spectral types of M1 and M2 with extinction being Av = 0.231 ± 0.024 mag and Av = 0.266 ± 0.020 for those two stars, consistent with the Pleiades cluster (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Because of the intense brightness of the OB‐type multiple star system σ Ori, the low‐mass stellar and substellar populations close to the centre of the very young σ Orionis cluster is poorly know. I present an IJHKs survey in the cluster centre, able to detect from the massive early‐type stars down to cluster members below the deuterium burning mass limit. The near‐infrared and optical data have been complemented with X‐ray imaging. Ten objects have been found for the first time to display high‐energy emission. Previously known stars with clear spectroscopic youth indicators and/or X‐ray emission define a clear sequence in the I vs. IKs diagram. I have found six new candidate cluster members that follow this sequence. One of them, in the magnitude interval of the brown dwarfs in the cluster, displays X‐ray emission and a very red JKs colour, indicative of a disc. Other three low‐mass stars have excesses in the Ks band as well. The frequency of X‐ray emitters in the area is 80±20 %. The spatial density of stars is very high, of up to 1.6±0.1 arcmin–2. There is no indication of lower abundance of substellar objects in the cluster centre. Finally, I also report two cluster stars with X‐ray emission located at only 8000–11000 AU to σ Ori AB, two sources with peculiar colours and an object with X‐ray emission and near‐infrared magnitudes similar to those of previously‐known substellar objects in the cluster. (© 2007 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We present results of an optical and near‐infrared (IR) 1.8 deg2 survey in the Pleiades open cluster to search for substellar objects. From optical I ‐band images from the CFHT and J ‐band images from the 3.5m CAHA Telescope, we identify 18 faint and very red L brown dwarf candidates, with I > 20.9 and I – J > 3.2. The follow‐up observations of nine objects in the H ‐ and K s‐bands confirm that eight belong to the IR sequence of the cluster and the proper motion measurements of seven candidates confirm that they are Pleiades members. A preliminary estimation of the substellar mass spectrum dN/ dM in the form of a power law M cα provides α = +0.57 ± 0.14. We extrapolate this function to estimate the number of planetary mass objects that could be present in the cluster down to 1 MJup. Sensitive searches combining far red and near‐IR observations may unveal these objects in a near future. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We present an RI photometric survey covering an area of 430 arcmin2 around the multiple star σ Orionis. The observations were conducted with the 0.8 m IAC‐80 Telescope at the Teide Observatory. The survey limiting R and I magnitudes are 22.5 and 21, and completeness magnitudes 21 and 20, respectively. We have selected 53 candidates from the I vs. RI colour‐magnitude diagram (I = 14–20) that follow the previously known photometric sequence of the cluster. Adopting an age of 2–4 Myr for the cluster, we find that these objects span a mass range from 0.35 M to 0.015 M. We have performed J‐band photometry of 52 candidates and Ks photometry for 12 of them, with the result that 50 follow the expected infrared sequence for the cluster, thus confirming with great confidence that the majority of the candidates are bona fide members. JHKs photometry from the Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) is available for 50 of the candidates and are in good agreement with our data. Out of 48 candidates, which have photometric accuracies better than 0.1 mag in all bands, only three appear to show near‐infrared excesses. (© 2004 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We have performed deep, wide‐field imaging on a ∼0.4 deg2 field in the Pleiades (Melotte 22). The selected field was not yet target of a deep search for low mass stars and brown dwarfs. Our limiting magnitudes are R ∼ 22 mag and I ∼ 20 mag, sufficient to detect brown dwarf candidates down to 40 MJ. We found 197 objects, whose location in the (I, RI) color magnitude diagram is consistent with the age and the distance of the Pleiades. Using CTK R and I as well as JHK photometry from our data and the 2MASS survey we were able to identify 7 new brown dwarf candidates. We present our data reduction technique, which enables us to resample, calibrate, and co‐add many images by just two steps. We estimate the interstellar extinction and the spectral type from our optical and the NIR data using a two‐dimensional χ2 fitting (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We present the results of a proper motion survey of the Hyades to search for brown dwarfs, based on UKIRT Deep Sky Survey (UKIDSS) and Two-Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) data. This survey covers  ∼275 deg2  to a depth of   K ∼ 15  mag, equivalent to a mass of  ∼0.05 M  assuming a cluster age of 625 Myr. The discovery of 12 L dwarf Hyades members is reported. These members are also brown dwarfs, with masses between  0.05 < M < 0.075 M  . A high proportion of these L dwarfs appear to be photometric binaries.  相似文献   

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