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中国北方晚更新世哺乳类动物群的划分及其地理分布   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
郑家坚  徐钦琦 《地层学杂志》1992,16(3):170-181,190
<正> 新第三纪以来,由于青藏高原、喜马拉雅山脉与西部山脉的隆起,我国形成了西高东低的地形特点,导致了气候和环境的变迁,明显地影响了中国哺乳动物的分布。在晚更新世,中国南北动物群分化逐渐扩大,动物群更替尤为频繁。中国晚更新世地层及动物群的研究已有一段相当长的历史,发现了众多重要的遗址和化石地点,积累了丰富的资料。笔者综合有关资料,对我国北方晚更新世动物群,特别是猛犸象-披毛犀动物群的划分、地  相似文献   

Pubenza is a remarkable palaeontological site of Colombia, and a place that could hold some of the potentially oldest evidence of humans in northern South America. Previous palaeontological research at this site has mainly focused on the megafauna. Here we describe and establish the systematic palaeontology for the small fauna that inhabited this ancient lacustrine ecosystem, including the first report of birds, tortoises and vipers for the Late Pleistocene in Colombia. Furthermore, exceptionally well preserved fossilised wasp nests are morphologically and elementally characterised, which is the first report of an ichnofossil of this kind in northern South America. In addition, new material of kinosternid turtles, armadillos and rodents is also described. Our results reveal that the Bogotá River Basin, where Pubenza is located, was a rich ecosystem during the Late Pleistocene and a region of great interest for future articulated palaeontological and archaeological studies.  相似文献   

龙担哺乳动物群发现于甘肃省东乡族自治县的早更新世黄土底部。此前我国早更新世的哺乳动物化石大多发现于河-湖相地层中,在黄土中极少发现,而且主要在六盘山以东。在龙担哺乳动物群中还发现了灵长类化石,这在我国西北地区尚属首次。龙担哺乳动物群产于黄土底部约30m的地层中,最低的层位距“底板”(积石组砾岩)仅约3m。化石相当丰富,其中有不少新的种类。目前已发现的化石共21种,大体可以分为3类:1)与泥河湾哺乳动物群相同或很接近的;2)与泥河湾哺乳动物群相比,在进化水平上稍低,因而可能代表较早地质时代的;3)在泥河湾哺乳动物群中没有发现过的。龙担哺乳动物群的地质时代可能比泥河湾者稍早,可能约2MaB.P.。其组成倾向于表明,当时该地区周围还有相当面积的森林覆盖。  相似文献   

湖北房县桥上乡蛤蟆洞哺乳动物化石的发现及意义   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
通过对挖掘的牙化石的初步鉴定,湖北省房县桥上乡蛤蟆洞洞穴堆积层中哺乳动物化石共4个目(啮齿目、食肉目、奇蹄目和偶蹄目)、8个种属(豪猪、虎、熊、中国犀、巨貘、鹿、水牛和羊),为中-晚更新世温暖、湿润、森林-草地化石动物群;该化石动物群的发现和地理位置为神农架地区更新世哺乳动物群分布和演化的深入研究提供了新地点,并为该地区新构造抬升特点的研究提供可参考的证据,同时也为当地旅游经济的进一步发展提供了新的支点。  相似文献   

It is still disputed whether very old archaeological and palaeontological remains found in the Belle‐Roche palaeocave (eastern Belgium) pertain to the Early (~1 Ma) or Middle (~0.5 Ma) Pleistocene. Here, in situ‐produced cosmogenic 10Be concentrations from a depth profile in nearby sediments of the Belle‐Roche terrace (Amblève Main Terrace level) are used as an indirect solution of this chronological issue. The distribution of 10Be concentrations in the upper 3 m of this profile displays the theoretically expected exponential decrease with depth. Assuming a single exposure episode, we obtain a best fit age of 222.5±31 ka for the time of terrace abandonment. However, below 3 m, the 10Be concentrations show a marked progressive increase with depth. This distinctive cosmogenic signal is interpreted as the result of slow aggradation of the fluvial deposits over a lengthy interval. Modelling of the whole profile thus suggests that the onset of the terrace formation occurred at around 550 ka, with a sediment accumulation rate of ~20 mm ka?1. Based on two slightly different reconstructions of the geomorphic evolution of the area and a discussion of the temporal link between the cave and Main Terrace levels, we conclude that the fossil‐bearing layers in the palaeokarst pertain most probably to MIS 14–13, or possibly MIS 12–11. This age estimate for the large mammal association identified in the Belle‐Roche palaeokarst and the attribution to MIS 14–13 of a similar fauna found in the lowermost fossiliferous layers of the Caune de l'Arago (Tautavel) are in mutual support. Our results therefore confirm the status of the Belle‐Roche site as a reference site for the Cromerian mammal association in NW Europe.  相似文献   

Summary Four types of pegmatites comprise the zoned pegmatite field in the eastern sector of the Albera Massif. Type I is represented by barren pegmatites with graphic textures; type II comprises transitional varieties with Li-Fe-Mn phosphates, Be (chrysoberyl) and scarce Nb-Ta and U oxide minerals; type III consists of pegmatites with significant zones of replacement containing Li-Fe-Mn phosphates, beryl and more abundant Nb-Ta oxide minerals; and type IV, muscovite-quartz-albite pegmatites are highly mineralized with Be, Nb-Ta and HREE. REE mineralization is strongly related to abundance of graphite in the late pegmatite units and in the host-rock. The individual pegmatite types are distributed within four subparallel zones concentric around anatectic muscovite-biotite leucogranites, with type I within the granites or close to the contact, and type IV pegmatites in the outermost areas. The zoning from type I to type IV could relate to fractionation processes which generated the pegmatites and is characterized by an enrichment of Mn, Ta, Na, Li, P, Be and REE. According to the pegmatite distribution and their fractionation trends, we propose an origin by differentiation of a granitic melt.
Résumé On a établi quatre types de pegmatites dans le champ pegmatitique zoné du secteur est du Massif des Albères (Pyrénées Orientales, France). Celles de type I sont des pegmatites non minéralisées avec des textures graphiques, celles de type II sont des variétés intermediaires avec des phosphates à Li-Fe-Mn, Be (chrysobéryl) et des rares oxides à Nb-Ta et U; celles de type Ill sont des pegmatites avec des zones de réplacement bien dévéloppées et qui contiennent des phosphates à Li-Fe-Mn, du béryl et des oxides à Nb-Ta plus abondants; celles de type IV sont des pegmatites bien minéralisées à Be, Nb-Ta et des T.R. La minéralisation à T.R. est liée à des phénomènes de graphitisation répandus dans les unités tardives de la pegmatite et dans l'encaissant. La distribution de chaque type de pegmatite correspond à quatre zones à peu près parallèles et concentriques autour des granites anatectiques à muscovite-biotite, avec le type I dans les granites ou prochain au contact, et les pegmatites à type IV dans la bande plus externe. La zonation serait due à des processus de fractionnement qui auraient généré les pegmatites et qui sont caracterisés par un enrichissement en Mn, Ta, Na, Li, P, Be et T.R. dès les pegmatites de type I vers celles de type IV. On propose un origine par différentiation des granites en vue de la distribution des pegmatites.

With 5 Figures  相似文献   

Data from the mammal fauna of the North Urals during the Late Pleistocene and Holocene are synthesised. Analysis of differentiation the degree of small- and large-mammal faunas during this time has been undertaken. Only differences of mammal species composition were significant between the Late Pleistocene and Holocene complexes, and within these complexes, the distinction between faunas was insignificant. The transition from the Late Pleistocene to the Holocene complex small-mammal faunas occurred in the Middle Late Valdai due to expansion of the forest species. In large-mammal faunas, the process was recorded later (in Dryas 3-Early Holocene) because of the extinction of some species and others that changed their areas of occupation.  相似文献   

The La Parte (Asturias) northern Spain site contains a cold-adapted mammal faunal assemblage that corresponds to a level radiometrically dated to a minimum age of 150 ka. It represents the most ancient site with cold resistant fauna in the Iberian Peninsula.Among the species recorded in La Parte, Coelodonta antiquitatis and Rangifer tarandus represent the typical cold-adapted large mammal association.The presence of the woolly rhino at La Parte provides relevant environmental information about the Mammoth Steppe. This species was not as abundant in the Middle Pleistocene as during the Late Pleistocene, when its cold-adapted features can be studied from an evolutionary perspective. The remains attributed to R. tarandus suggest an open steppe ecosystem.The presence of Marmota sp. is also confirmed in La Parte. A first interpretation would suggest an alpine or periglacial ecosystem, but based on recent results which do not support the correlation between phylogeny and climatic tolerance for extant species of Marmota (López and Cuenca, 2002. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 186, 311), we propose the presence of this rodent suggests an open landscape with cold conditions.The rest of the taxa included in the La Parte assemblage (Crocuta crocuta, Panthera leo, Cervus elaphus, Megaloceros cf. giganteus, Bison priscus and Equus caballus) are usually associated with typical cold-adapted faunas, but they are also found in woody temperate zones so they do not characterize by themselves a cold period. The faunal association from La Parte suggests a combination of steppic and open woodland ecological conditions.  相似文献   

Dans le Valanginien supérieur (Marnes à Toxaster et Grande Lumachelle) des Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, la succession de deux faunes de bryozoaires est observée. Parmi les causes du changement de faune, le remplacement d'un fond vaseux en eau calme (Marnes à Toxaster) par un fond sableux coquillier en eau assez agitée (Grande Lumachelle) est certainement important. Cependant, ces modifications résultent elles-mêmes d'événements plus généraux.Le changement de faune peut être comparé à celui qui intervient dans le Jura au début de la zone à Trinodosum. La faune des Marnes à Toxaster (zone à Verrucosum) montre certaines des espèces caractéristiques de la “faune 1” du Jura et, de plus, les deux mêmes espèces dominantes. Le milieu de vasière des Marnes à Toxaster, opposé à celui de plate-forme carbonatée du Jura, entraîne seulement un appauvrissement spécifique. Quant à la faune de la grande Lumachelle, elle est absolument semblable à la “faune 2” récoltée dans les Marnes à bryozoaires et le Calcaire à Alectryonia du Jura.Ce parallélisme des deux faunes avec celles du Jura, malgré les différences de faciès sédimentaire, montre que le changement de faune, maintenant reconnu sur près de 400 km, résulte d'une même cause principale. Ainsi, l'hypothèse d'un refroidissement que j'ai proposée pour le Jura semble pouvoir être étendue à la Provence.The change of bryozoan fauna in the upper Valanginian of the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence. Parallelism with the crisis observed in the Jura at the same time.In the upper Valanginian (Marnes à Toxaster and Grande Lumachelle) of the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, the succession of two bryozoan faunas is observed. Among the reasons for the change of fauna, the replacement of a muddy bottom in calm water (Marnes à Toxaster) by a sandy-shelly bottom in rather agitated water (Grande Lumachelle) is certainly important, but these modifications are the result of more general events. The change of fauna could be compared with the one that took place at the beginning of the Trinodosum Zone in the Jura. The fauna of the Marnes à Toxaster (Verrucosum Zone) shows some characteristic species of the “faune 1” of the Jura and, moreover, the same two dominating species. The muddy basin environment of the Marnes à Toxaster, unlike the carbonate platform environment in the Jura, involves only a specific impoverishment. As for the fauna of the Grande Lumachelle, it is totally identical to the “faune 2” found in the Marnes à bryozoaires and the Calcaire à Alectryonia of the Jura.This parallelism of the two faunas with those of the Jura, in spite of the differences of sedimentary facies, shows the change of the fauna now observed over about 400 km, has the same principal cause. Thus it seems possible to extend the cooling hypothesis I have proposed for the Jura, to Provence.  相似文献   

The marine Oligo-Miocene units of western Taurides, deposited under different tectonic regimes (in Bey Da?lar? platform in foreland and coeval sequences in hinterland), were studied to establish a high-resolution biostratigraphic framework. Biometric study of the full spectrum of larger foraminifera in a regional scale allowed us correlating them with the shallow benthic zonation (SBZ) system introduced by [Cahuzac, B., Poignant, A., 1997. Essai de biozonation de l’Oligo-Miocène dans les bassins européens à l’aide des grands foraminifères néritiques. Bulletin de la Société géologique de France 168, 155–169], and to determine the ages of these sites on zonal precision for the first time. In correlating these assemblages to standard shallow benthic zones, planktonic data were also used whenever possible. Taxa, classified under the genera Nummulites, Miogypsina, Miolepidocyclina, Nephrolepidina, Eulepidina, Heterostegina, Operculina and Cycloclypeus (?) and their assemblages, closely resemble to the fauna described from European basins. These groups characterize the SBZ 22B to 25 zones referring to a time interval from early Chattian to Burdigalian. However, a main gap in late Chattian (SBZ 23) and in early part of the Aquitanian (SBZ 24) is also recorded in the platform succession. In the meantime, rare Eulepidina in the Burdigalian levels suggest a clear Indo-Pacific influence. Based on the discovery of early Chattian (SBZ 22B) deposits (previously mapped under Eocene/Miocene units), the Oligo-Miocene stratigraphy of the Bey Da?lar? platform is also revised. A more precise chronology for regional Miocene transgression is presented based on the miogypsinid evolutionary scale.  相似文献   

The paper summarises materials on the mammal remains in northeastern Europe, dated by radiocarbon. Altogether, 23 local faunas of small mammals and 47 local faunas of large mammals were analysed. Multidimensional statistical analysis shows a strong correlation between changes in small mammal fauna composition and climate changes throughout time. The correlations with the spatial gradients, however, are less pronounced. The faunas are classified into three groups: (1) faunas of Holocene age; (2) Late Pleistocene ‘stadial’ assemblages; and (3) Late Pleistocene ‘interstadial’ assemblages. In some cases, changes in species abundance are better understood in terms of biotic interrelations rather than of climatic effects. The most pronounced change in small mammal fauna composition and structure occurred at the Preboreal/Boreal boundary, and a less conspicuous alteration took place at the LGM/Lateglacial transition. The most noticeable transformation in the large mammal fauna composition is dated to the early Holocene. Less significant changes are observed at the Middle Weichselian/LGM transition and at the LGM/Lateglacial transition. It is safely concluded that variations in the faunas of small and large mammals recorded in NE Europe during the last 35 000 years occurred synchronously and unidirectionally.  相似文献   

Ag, Cd, Ti and Mo are extracted from 3M HCI and 0.03M I as ion associates with trioctylphosphine oxide into MIBK. Measurement of the organic extract by GFAAS enables a determination down to 0.02 ppm of Cd, 0.2 ppm of Ag, Mo and Tl. The procedure has been tested on standard reference rock materials prepared by the GSJ and the USGS.
Ag, Cd, Tl et Mo sont extraits à partir d'une solution de HCI 3M et d'ions I 0.03M associés à une solution de TOPO (Trioctylphosphine oxyde) dans le MIBK. Les dosages dans l'extrait organique par spectrométrie d'absorption atomique avec four graphite permettent une détermination à partir de 0.02 ppm pour Cd et 0.2 ppm pour Ag, Mo et TI. La méthode est testée sur des échantillions de reférence préparés par le GSJ et par I'USGS.  相似文献   

The ability of artificial neural networks (ANN) to model the rainfall-discharge relationships of karstic aquifers has been studied in the La Rochefoucauld karst system, south-west France, which supplies water to the city of Angoulême. A neural networks model was developed based on MLP (multi-layer perceptron) networks and the Levenberg-Marquardt optimization algorithm. Raw rainfall data were used without transformation into effective rainfall. This allowed for the elimination of certain non-verifiable simplifying assumptions and their subsequent introduction into the modeling procedure. The raw rainfall and discharge data were divided into three groups for the training, the validation and the prediction test of the ANN model. The training and validation phases led to a very satisfactory calibration of the ANN model. The attempt to predict discharges showed that the ANN model is able to simulate the karstic aquifer discharges. The shape of the simulated hydrographs was found to be similar to that of the actual hydrographs. These encouraging results make it possible to consider interesting and new prospects for the modeling of karstic aquifers, which are highly non-linear systems.
Resumen Se ha estudiado la capacidad de las redes artificiales neurales (ANN) para modelizar las relaciones de lluvia-descarga de acuíferos kársticos en el sistema kárstico La Rochefocauld, al suroeste de Francia, el cual abastece de agua a la ciudad de Angoulême. Se desarrolló un modelo de redes neurales en base a redes MLP (Perceptron Multi-Capas) y el algoritmo de optimización Levenberg-Marquardt. Se utilizaron datos de lluvia sin la transformación hacia lluvia efectiva. Esto permitió la eliminación de ciertos supuestos simplificadores no verificables y su subsiguiente introducción en el procedimiento de modelizado. Los datos brutos de descarga y lluvia se dividieron en 3 grupos para la preparación, validación y la prueba de predicción del modelo ANN. Las fases de preparación y validación llevaron a una calibración muy satisfactoria del modelo ANN. El intento por predecir descargas mostró que el modelo ANN es capaz de simular las descargas del acuífero kárstico. Se encontró que la forma de los hidrogramas sintéticos es similar a la de los hidrogramas reales. Estos resultados alentadores hacen posible considerar prospectos nuevos e interesantes para el modelizado de acuíferos kársticos los cuales son sistemas altamente no-lineares.

Résumé L’aptitude des réseaux de neurones artificiels (RNA) à modéliser les relations pluie-débit des aquifères karstiques a été évaluée sur le karst de La Rochefoucauld (Sud-Ouest de la France), qui fournit l’eau potable à la capitale régionale Angoulême. Un modèle RNA a été développé à cet effet, basé sur les réseaux PMC (Perceptron Multicouche) et l’algorithme d’optimisation de Levenberg-Marquardt. Les données de pluie utilisées concernent la pluie brute, sans transformation en pluie efficace, ce qui permet de s’affranchir de certaines hypothèses simplificatrices non vérifiables. Les données de pluie brute et de débit ont été réparties en 3 groupes pour l’apprentissage, la validation et le test de prédiction du RNA. Les phases d’apprentissage et de validation ont permis d’aboutir à une calibration très satisfaisante du modèle RNA. La tentative de prédiction a montré que le RNA est apte à simuler les débits de l’aquifère karstique à partir de la pluie brute. La forme des hydrogrammes simulés est semblable à celle des hydrogrammes réels. Les résultats obtenus sont très encourageants et permettent d’envisager des perspectives intéressantes et nouvelles de modélisation des aquifères karstiques, qui sont des systèmes hautement non-linéaires.

47 étalons géochimiques internationaux dont les huit nouveaux étalons de l'USGS ont été analysés par fluorescence-X et absorption atomique pour Ni, Cu, Zn et par fluorescence-X pour Ga.
Les auteurs développment ici pour la fluores-cence-X les problèmes concernant le choix des fonds, le calcul du fond véritable sous-jacent au pic mesuré, les impuretés des tubes et de l'appareillage. Une méthode directe sur échantillon pulvérulent, non destructive, sans aucune préparation est utilisée.
Trois systèmes de fluorescence-X utilisant deux appareillages (Philips PW 1540 et Siemens SSRS 1) et deux tubes molybdène et or sont confrontés et les moyennes comparée à celles d'une méthode d'absorption atomique par mise en solution de l'échantillon (IL 353).
Les résultats obtenus sont comparés soit aux valeurs recommandées, soit aux moyennes calculées à partir de la littérature. On discute tant les accords que les divergences.  相似文献   

Ecological constraints in subsurface environments relate directly to groundwater flow, hydraulic conductivity, interstitial biogeochemistry, pore size, and hydrological linkages to adjacent aquifers and surface ecosystems. Groundwater ecology has evolved from a science describing the unique subterranean biota to its current form emphasising multidisciplinary studies that integrate hydrogeology and ecology. This multidisciplinary approach seeks to elucidate the function of groundwater ecosystems and their roles in maintaining subterranean and surface water quality. In aquifer-surface water ecotones, geochemical gradients and microbial biofilms mediate transformations of water chemistry. Subsurface fauna (stygofauna) graze biofilms, alter interstitial pore size through their movement, and physically transport material through the groundwater environment. Further, changes in their populations provide signals of declining water quality. Better integrating groundwater ecology, biogeochemistry, and hydrogeology will significantly advance our understanding of subterranean ecosystems, especially in terms of bioremediation of contaminated groundwaters, maintenance or improvement of surface water quality in groundwater-dependent ecosystems, and improved protection of groundwater habitats during the extraction of natural resources. Overall, this will lead to a better understanding of the implications of groundwater hydrology and aquifer geology to distributions of subsurface fauna and microbiota, ecological processes such as carbon cycling, and sustainable groundwater management.
Resumen Los entornos ecológicos en ambientes subsuperficiales están relacionados directamente con el flujo de agua subterránea, la conductividad hidráulica, biogeoquímica intersticial, tamaño de los poros, y vínculos hidrológicos con acuíferos adyacentes y ecosistemas superficiales. La ecología del agua subterránea ha evolucionado a partir de una ciencia que describe la biota subterránea única hasta alcanzar la forma actual que enfatiza estudios multidisciplinarios que integran hidrogeología y ecología. Este enfoque multidisciplinario busca clarificar la función de los ecosistemas de agua subterránea y sus roles en el mantenimiento de la calidad de agua superficial y subterránea. En ecotonos de agua superficial y de acuíferos, los gradientes geoquímicos y biopelículas microbiales median transformaciones de calidad de agua. La fauna subsuperficial (estigofauna) se alimenta de biopeliculas, altera el tamaño de los poros intersticiales mediante su movimiento, y transporta físicamente material a través del ambiente de aguas subterráneas. Además, los cambios en sus poblaciones aportan señales de decadencia de calidad de agua. La mejor integración de ecología de aguas subterráneas, biogeoquímica, e hidrogeología incrementará significativamente nuestro entendimiento de ecosistemas subterráneos, especialmente en términos de bioremediación de aguas subterráneas contaminadas, mantenimiento o mejoramiento de calidad de agua superficial en ecosistemas dependientes de agua subterránea, y protección mejorada de habitats de agua subterránea durante la extracción de recursos naturales. Sobretodo, esto conducirá a un mejor entendimiento de las implicaciones de la hidrología de aguas subterráneas y geología del acuífero, de las distribuciones de fauna subsuperficial y microbiota, procesos ecológicos tal como ciclado de carbono, y gestión sostenible de aguas subterráneas.

Résumé Les contraintes écologiques dans les environnements de subsurface sont en relation directe avec les écoulements des eaux souterraines, la conductivité hydraulique, la biogéochimie des milieux interstitiels, la taille des pores, et les liens hydrologiques avec les aquifères et les écosystèmes adjacents. Lécologie des eaux souterraines a évolué dune science décrivant uniquement les biotopes souterrains à des études multidisciplinaires qui intègrent lécologie et lhydrogéologie. Lapproche multidisciplinaire cherche à élucider le fonctionnement des écosystèmes souterrains et leur rôle consistant à maintenir la qualité des eaux souterraines et de surface. Dans les écotones des eaux de la surfaces des aquifères, les gradients géochimiques et les biofilms microbiologiques contrôlent les transformations de la qualité de leau. La faune de subsurface (stygofauna) construisent les biofilms, altèrent la taille des pores interstitiels à travers leur mouvement, et transportent physiquement des matériaux à travers lenvironnement des eaux souterraines. Par ailleurs, les changements de leur population signalent un déclin de la qualité de leau.Une meilleure intégration de lécologie des eaux souterraines, de la biogeochimie, et de lhydrogéologie pourra faire avancer de manière efficace de notre compréhension des écosystèmes souterrains, et spécialement en terme de bioremédiation des eaux souterraines contaminées, de maintenance et damélioration de la qualité des eaux de surface dépendant des écosystèmes souterrains, et lamélioration de la protection des habitats des eaux souterraines durant lextraction des ressources naturelles. En général, cela conduira à une meilleure compréhension de limplication de lhydrogéologie et de la géologie des aquifères à la distribution de la faune de subsurface et aux microbiota, aux processus écologiques tels que les cycles du carbone, et la gestion durable des eaux souterraines.

Since 2002, a new hydrogeological experimental site (HES) has been developed in Poitiers, France. The overall research objective related to this site is to improve the understanding of flow and solute transport in carbonate aquifers. The benchmarking of various types of numerical models against the HES field data is one of the main research projects supported by three national scientific programs. Within this framework, the purpose of this report is to synthesize existing knowledge about both aquifer geology and flowpath structure, based on core analysis and well logging. The combined use of core-hole data, borehole logs and outcrop data provide valuable information about lithostratigraphy and fracturing. The comparison of flow-meter data with borehole images indicates that flowpaths in the HES aquifer are strongly constrained within (1) subhorizontal karstic structures and (2) subvertical fractures. The presence of karstic levels appears to be conditioned by the stratigraphy and are unevenly developed in the HES. The vertical interconnectivity between the three karstic levels seems to result from fractures occurrence in this limestone formation. Following the observations, data and interpretations, a conceptual model of the Dogger aquifer is proposed.
Résumé  La vocation première du Site Expérimental Hydrogéologique (SEH) de Poitiers, France, est de fournir des données pertinentes-y compris des chroniques ou expériences long terme-pour la caractérisation, la quantification et la modélisation des transferts d’eau et de solutés dans les aquifères carbonatés. Depuis 2002, les investigations menées sur le SEH ont permis de recueillir une importante quantité de données concernant un aquifère calcaire captif de 100 m d’épaisseur. Ces données servent actuellement de support à un exercice de modélisation comparée (benchmark) soutenu par trois programmes scientifiques nationaux. Dans le cadre de ce projet, l’objectif ici est de synthétiser les connaissances actuelles relatives à la géologie et la structure des écoulements dans l’aquifère du Dogger. La structure lithostratigraphique et la fracturation de l’aquifère sont analysées à partir des carottes de forages, des affleurements, et des diagraphies de puits. L’analyse croisée des données de débitmétrie verticale et des imageries de parois des forages indique que les écoulements sont principalement associés à des structures karstiques subhorizontales et des fractures subverticales. Les niveaux karstiques sont irrégulièrement répartis sur le SEH mais apparaissent fortement corrélés avec des niveaux stratigraphiques précis. La connectivité hydraulique des différents niveaux karstiques semble liée à la fracturation des calcaires.

Resumen  Desde 2002, se desarrolló en Potiers, Francia, un sitio experimental hidrogeológico (SEH). El objetivo general de la investigación relacionada a este sitio es mejorar el entendimiento del flujo y transporte de solutos en acuíferos calcáreos. El punto de referencia de varios tipos de modelos numéricos utilizando los datos del SEH es uno de los principales proyectos de investigación financiados por tres programas científicos nacionales. Dentro de este marco, el propósito de este reporte es sintetizar el conocimiento existente tanto acerca de la geología como de la estructura de los caminos de flujo, basado en el análisis de testigos y perfiles de pozos. El uso combinado de testigos, perfiles de pozos e datos de afloramientos provee información valiosa acerca de la litoestratigrafía y el fracturamiento. La comparación de datos de medidores de flujo con imágenes de pozos indica que los caminos de flujo en el acuífero del SEH están fuertemente condicionados por (1) estructuras cársticas subhorizontales, y (2) fracturas subverticales. La presencia de niveles cársticos pareciera estar condicionada por la estratigrafía y estar desarrollada en forma no igualmente distribuida dentro del SHE. La interconectividad vertical entre tres niveles cársticos sería el resultado de la ocurrencia de fracturas en la formación de las calizas. En base a las observaciones, los datos e interpretaciones, se propone un modelo conceptual del acuífero Dogger.

The rich Quaternary fossil record from the Cantabrian region (NW Iberia) is virtually restricted to the Late Pleistocene, with Middle Pleistocene findings very rare. This work presents the study of two Middle Pleistocene palaeontological sites in the Cantabrian region: Llantrales quarry and Mestas de Con mine, both discovered and first described in the 1950s but never studied in detail thereafter. The material was here re‐analysed and re‐evaluated. Taxonomic attributions have been changed in most cases and, consequently, chronological assignments of the fossils have also been changed. This first detailed study of the assemblage from Llantrales quarry revealed the occurrence of the large‐sized deer Praemegaceros solilhacus, which has never been reported previously in North Iberia. Cervus cf. elaphus and Stephanorhinus cf. hundsheimensis were also identified. The age of these fossils was originally regarded as Pontian (late Miocene), but new palaeontological results indicate a much younger age, most likely from around 0.8 to 0.5 Ma. A taxonomic re‐evaluation of the fossils from Mestas de Con provided different results with respect to the 1950s works. The faunal association is composed of a large‐sized deer (probably corresponding to Praemegaceros), Cervus elaphus, Capreolus cf. capreolus, Bison sp. (small sized), Equus sp. (large sized), Stephanorhinus hemitoechus, Ursus sp. and Homotherim latidens. This faunal association was evaluated within a western European context and proves to be highly analogous to other contemporary assemblages there. The chronology was initially regarded as late Villafranchian (in a broader sense). New results, documenting the co‐occurrence of Stephanorhinus hemitoechus and Homotherium latidens, indicate a more precise and younger age, most likely between 0.6 and 0.4 Ma. These two fossil assemblages provide new and relevant information on the Middle Pleistocene faunas from a geographical region where this information, compared with other western European areas, is rare and poorly known.  相似文献   

Systematic studies of the Pleistocene mammal assemblages of Eastern Europe have been carried out for more than a century, and they elucidated evolutionary changes and ascertained chronological sequence of the faunas. The available evidence on fossil mammals from Eastern Europe allows differentiation of 7 complexes of large mammals. These complexes represent 15 assemblages and their phases distinguished for small mammals. The appearance of new taxa of different rank provides the basis for identification of the principal stages in mammal evolution. Multi-disciplinary studies of fossil mammal localities have made it possible to correlate theriological data with the main events of the Pleistocene (such as glacials and interglacials) by comparison between geological, geochronological and palaeontological data.Interglacial and periglacial mammal faunas of different age have been defined on the basis of their structural characteristics and geographical distribution. Two types of mammal assemblages are recognised: zonal interglacial and periglacial assemblages specific to glacial periods. In the first type, each zonal assemblage is dominated by a single ecological group of mammals. A distinctive feature of the second type is the co-existence of animals belonging to different ecological groups and inhabiting different natural environments.  相似文献   

A controlled test of the amino acid dating method as it is currently being applied to bones and teeth was attempted for the time range 100-250 ka, beyond that of 14C, at the archeological site of La Chaise-de-Vouthon (Charente, France). In Bourgeois-Delaunay, mammal fossils associated with Paleolithic artifacts were collected from layers dated at 101 ± 12 to 114 ± 7 ka by 230Th/230 dating of the over- and underlying stalagmitic floors. Racemization ratios for most amino acids were significantly lower than for comparably aged materials from other European sites. Regardless of the rate constants used, most amino acid dates were incorrect. Large associated errors spanned the late Pleistocene, making the dates useless for discriminating archaeological or geological events. Stratigraphic correlations using any tissue were also problematic. Relative interacid ratios varied with age, indicating that diagenetic alteration had affected racemization. Therefore, amino acid relative and absolute dating cannot be accurately applied to mid-Pleistocene bones or teeth.  相似文献   

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