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植被根系对土体的强度有显著影响。现有研究缺乏准确的模型描述根-土复合体破坏时应力状态。为量化植被根系对土体强度的贡献,采用一系列固结不排水三轴试验研究了含根量对根-土复合体强度特征的影响,并基于能量耗散原理建立了根-土复合体强度预测模型,最后对比分析了试验结果与模型预测值。结果表明:根系可显著提高根-土复合体强度,当含根量为0.486%,根-土复合体的偏应力较素土增大了1.70倍,抗剪强度较素土提高了72.1%,围压较小时根系对土体强度的提高更为显著;根-土复合体内摩擦角随含根量的增加变化较小,而根-土复合体的黏聚力随含根量的增加而逐渐增大;根-土复合体模型预测值与试验结果较为接近,表明该模型具有较高的准确率和可靠度。研究成果可为根-土复合体强度特性理论研究提供参考,并为根-土复合体强度预测提供了可靠方法。  相似文献   

Wu Mina-ba 《岩土力学》1979,1(1):91-101
This paper systematically introduces the elastoplastic analysis and autofrettage method of the pressure nder .It describes in detail the 12,100kg/cm2 hydraulic autofrettage test of a cylinder with its outside diameter 240 mm ,inside diameter 40-82 mm, and the height 362 mm. A cross –hole with diameter 4 mm is drilled ,then 9,925 kg/cm2 cyclic hydraulic pressure is applied .The result of the test is an expectant success .The behavior of the cylinder is satisfactory in its later usage . Conclusions are made as follows: 1. Using the hydraulic autofrettage technique ,the ultimate fatigue strength of the triaxial chamber cylinder ,which has the changeable cross section and is made by the super strengthened steel 37SiMnCrNiMoV,can be increased . 2. The hydraulic autofrettage technique can improve stress concentration of the cross-bore of the high pressure vessels.  相似文献   

王成  林胜 《岩土力学》2006,27(Z2):181-185
岩体裂隙内常充满具有压力的水或软弱填充物,裂隙受内压荷载扩展破坏是岩土工程关心的问题。将该问题等效为裂隙面受一对I型拉力作用的弹塑性断裂力学问题,采用裂隙线附近分析方法,从平衡方程和岩桥材料的破坏准则出发求解裂隙线附近的塑性应力场,将该应力场与弹性应力场在其弹塑性边界上进行匹配,得出裂隙内的压力大小与裂隙扩展长度之间的关系,以及岩桥断裂时的最大承载力。  相似文献   

The effects of pressure on the dehydration of gypsum materials were investigated up to 633 K and 25 GPa by using Raman spectroscopy and synchrotron X-ray diffraction with an externally heated diamond anvil cell. At 2.5 GPa, gypsum starts to dehydrate around 428 K, by forming bassanite, CaSO4 hemihydrate, which completely dehydrates to γ-anhydrite at 488 K. All the sulphate modes decrease linearly between 293 and 427 K with temperature coefficients ranging from −0.119 to −0.021 cm−1 K−1, where an abrupt change in the ν3 mode and in the OH-stretching region indicates the beginning of dehydration. Increasing the temperature to 488 K, the OH-stretching modes completely disappear, marking the complete dehydration and formation of γ-anhydrite. Moreover, the sample changes from transparent to opaque to transparent again during the dehydration sequence gypsum-bassanite-γ-anhydrite, which irreversibly transforms to β-anhydrite form at 593 K. These data compared with the dehydration temperature at room pressure indicate that the dehydration temperature increases with pressure with a ΔPT slope equal to 230 bar/K. Synchrotron X-ray diffraction experiments show similar values of temperature and pressure for the first appearance of bassanite. Evidence of phase transition from β-anhydrite structure to the monazite type was observed at about 2 GPa under cold compression. On the other hand at the same pressure (2 GPa and 633 K), β-anhydrite was found, indicating a positive Clausis-Clayperon slope of the transition. This transformation is completely reversible as showed by the Raman spectra on the sample recovered after phase transition.  相似文献   

高温高压岩石流变仪围压标定的主要方法为氯化盐类的部分熔融法和矿物相变法。利用氯化盐类进行压力标定时,不仅可以利用单一盐类,也可以使用多种盐类的混合物;常用的压力标定矿物相变及其适用温压范围如下:石英-柯石英,500~1200℃、2.5~3.2GPa;钠长石-硬玉+石英,600~1200℃、1.6~3.2GPa;铁橄榄石+石英-铁辉石,600~1200℃、1~1.7GPa;磷镁石-Mg3(PO4)2-Ⅱ,565~825℃、0.6~0.9GPa;方解石-文石,600~1200℃、0.5~2.5GPa。不同的标定方法具有不同的特征,文中将进行详细介绍。  相似文献   

Helium diffusion in mantle minerals is crucial for understanding mantle structure and the dynamic processes of Earth's degassing.In this paper,we report helium incorporation and the mechanism of its diffusion in perfect crystals of quartz and coesite.The diffusion pathways,activation energies(Ea),and frequency factors of helium under ambient and high pressure conditions were calculated using Density Functional Theory(DFT)and the climbing image nudged elastic band(CI-NEB)method.The calculated diffusive coefficients of He in the quartz in different orientations are:D[100]=1.24×10?6exp.(?26.83 kJ/mol/RT)m2/s D[010]=1.11×10?6exp.(?31.60 kJ/mol/RT)m2/s.and in the coesite:D[100]=3.00×10?7exp.(?33.79 kJ/mol/RT)m2/s D[001]=2.21×10?6exp.(?18.33 kJ/mol/RT)m2/s.The calculated results indicate that diffusivity of helium is anisotropic in both quartz and coesite and that the degree of anisotropy is much more pronounced in coesite.Helium diffusion behavior in coesite under high pressures was investigated.The activation energies increased with pressure:Ea[100]increased from 33.79 kJ/mol to 58.36 kJ/mol,and Ea[001]increased from 18.33 kJ/mol to 48.87 kJ/mol as pressure increased from0 GPa to 12 GPa.Our calculations showed that helium is not be quantitatively retained in silica at typical surface temperatures on Earth,which is consistent with the findings from previous studies.These results have implications for discussion of the Earth's mantle evolution and for recognition thermal histories of ultra-high pressure(UHP)metamorphic terranes.  相似文献   

玄武岩及其高温高压相—榴辉岩的相组合,经历了长期的地质作用,反映出一定的时空条件。从高温高压实验矿物学,实验岩石学入手,对于以相组合出现的某些化学体系进行平衡条件研究,可揭示此类岩石形成的物理化学环境,并有助于阐明地球内部的物理状态、组成成分以及活动过程。  相似文献   

某水工隧洞裂隙岩体高水头作用下的渗透性试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合某抽水蓄能电站高压引水隧洞裂隙岩体的高压压水试验、常规压水试验和室内试验,分析了裂隙岩体在高水头条件下渗透流量与压力关系所反映的岩体渗透特性变化规律;在定量计算基础上探讨了裂隙岩体渗透系数与压力的相互关系。通过对比高压压水试验、常规压水试验和室内试验得到的渗透系数,分析了环境应力状态和压力变化对渗透系数取值影响的原因。研究结果表明,高水头作用下裂隙岩体的渗透系数明显大于低水压条件下的渗透系数,室内试验渗透系数因应力解除影响而大于原位压水试验渗透系数值。  相似文献   

The structural evolution of two columbites under pressure, one ferrocolumbite from Raode (Africa) and one manganocolumbite from Kragero (Norway), has been determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. Structural investigations at high pressure have been carried out on samples which were preliminarily annealed to attain the complete cation-ordered state. For each crystal, five complete datasets have been collected from room pressure up to ca. 7 GPa. Structure refinements converged to final discrepancy factors R ranging between 5.2 and 5.8% for both the crystals. Structure refinements of X-ray diffraction data at different pressures allowed characterisation of the mechanisms by which the columbite structure accommodates variations in pressure. A and B octahedral volumes in both samples decrease linearly as pressure increases, with a larger compression of the larger A site. The difference in polyhedral bulk moduli of the A sites for the two samples does not appear to relate directly to the octahedral sizes, the A site being more compressible in the Fe-rich sample than in the Mn-rich one. By far the most compressible direction in both the analysed samples is along b. The cations are in fact free to move along this direction, thus allowing the octahedral chains to slide over each other; this effect is particularly evident in the manganocolumbite sample which shows a steep shortening of interchain A–B distances along b.  相似文献   

深部岩石工程具有高地应力和高水头压力的特点。为了研究岩石在高围压和高孔隙水压条件下渗透率演化规律,选取致密砂岩开展不同围压条件下变孔隙水压的渗流试验。研究结果表明:(1)在所研究的围压范围内(0~50 MPa),随孔隙压力增加,渗透率依次呈现3种不同的变化趋势,即快速增长阶段(围压为10~20 MPa)、缓慢增长阶段(围压为30~40 MPa)和保持恒定阶段(围压为50 MPa);在围压卸载时,由于高围压作用使试样内部产生不可逆变形,导致渗透率具有明显的不可恢复现象,且随围压降低,渗透率恢复存在滞后效应。(2)渗流试验过程中,体积应变和渗透率演化具有较好的一致性。(3)在围压加卸载过程中,高孔隙水压力条件下渗透率对应力的敏感程度和恢复程度均大于低孔隙水压力。(4)偏光显微镜图像从微观角度揭示了试样在围压加卸载过程中产生不可逆变形的内在机制:骨架颗粒相互挤压、错动导致原有微裂隙压缩、孔隙减小甚至坍塌,引起渗透率不可恢复。渗流试验后,纵波波速增大,说明岩石致密性提高,与试样内部微观结构变化具有较好的一致性。  相似文献   

长石在高温高压条件下的物理化学行为   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘曦  胡张翼  邓力维 《岩石学报》2010,26(12):3641-3650
长石是地学上非常重要的矿物之一。它有可能随着板块俯冲而进入地球深部,因此它在高温高压条件下的相行为以及物理化学性质对地球深部地球动力学研究非常有意义。本文总结了长石端员组份(钾、钠、钙长石)以及其固溶体系列已知的高温、高压实验数据,并绘制成相图。已有的研究成果显示:这三种端员组份在高压下的相行为有较大差异,并产生了许多只在高温高压条件下稳定的相如K-Holl-I、K-Holl-II、CF、CAS及CaPv等。由这些高压相构成的具有长石成分的不同相组合的密度在约5~23GPa的压力范围内超过地幔岩的密度,因此这些相组合可以主动俯冲到上地幔的深处。另一方面,已有研究表明,这些高压相对碱金属及碱土金属在地幔中的赋存状态有着非常重要的影响。  相似文献   

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