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Abstract. Evolution of hydrothermal system from initial porphyry Cu mineralization to overlapping epithermal system at the Dizon porphyry Cu‐Au deposit in western central Luzon, Zambales, Philippines, is documented in terms of mineral paragen‐esis, fluid inclusion petrography and microthermometry, and sulfur isotope systematics. The paragenetic stages throughout the deposit are summarized as follows; 1) stockwork amethystic quartz veinlets associated with chalcopyrite, bornite, magnetite and Au enveloped by chlorite alteration overprinting biotite alteration, 2) stockwork quartz veinlets with chalcopyrite and pyrite associated with Au and chalcopyrite and pyrite stringers in sericite alteration, 3) stringer quartz veinlets associated with molybdenite in sericite alteration, and 4) WNW‐trending quartz veins associated with sphalerite and galena at deeper part, while enargite and stibnite at shallower levels associated with advanced argillic alteration. Chalcopyrite and bornite associated with magnetite in quartz veinlet stockwork (stage 1) have precipitated initially as intermediate solid solution (iss) and bornite solid solution (bnss), respectively. Fluid inclusions in the stockwork veinlet quartz consist of gas‐rich inclusions and polyphase inclusions. Halite in polyphase inclusions dissolves at temperatures ranging from 360d?C to >500d?C but liquid (brine) and gas (vapor) do not homogenize at <500d?C. The maximum pressure and minimum temperature during the deposition of iss and bnss with stockwork quartz veinlets are estimated to be 460 bars and 500d?C. Fluid inclusions in veinlet stockwork quartz enveloped in sericite alteration (stage 2) consist mainly of gas‐rich inclusions and polyphase inclusions. In addition to the possible presence of saturated NaCl crystals at the time of entrapment of fluid inclusions that exhibit the liquid‐vapor homogenization temperatures lower than the halite dissolution temperatures in some samples, wide range of temperatures of halite dissolution and liquid‐vapor homogenization of polyphase inclusions from 230d?C to >500d?C and from 270d?C to >500d?C, respectively, suggests heterogeneous entrapment of gaseous vapor and hypersaline brine. The minimum pressure and temperature are estimated to be about 25 bars and 245d?C. Fluid inclusions in veinlet quartz associated with molybdenite (stage 3) are dominated by gas‐rich inclusions accompanied with minor liquid‐rich inclusions that homogenize at temperatures between 350d?C and 490d?C. Fluid inclusions in vuggy veinlet quartz associated with stibnite (stage 4) consist mainly of gas‐rich inclusions with subordinate polyphase inclusions that do not homogenize below 500d?C. Fluid inclusions in veinlet quartz associated with galena and sphalerite (stage 4) are composed of liquid‐rich two‐phase inclusions, and they homogenize into liquid phase at temperatures ranging widely from 190d?C to 300d?C (suggesting boiling) and the salinity ranges from 1.0 wt% to 3.4 wt% NaCl equivalent. A pressure of about 15 bars is estimated for the dilute aqueous solution of 190d?C from which veinlet quartz associated with galena and sphalerite precipitated. In addition to a change in temperature‐pressure regime from lithostatic pressure during the deposition of iss and bnss with stockwork quartz veinlets to hydrostatic pressure during fracture‐controlled quartz veinlet associated with galena and sphalerite, a decrease in pressure is supposed to have occurred due to unroofing or removal of the overlying piles during the temperature decrease in the evolution of hydrothermal system. The majority of the sulfur isotopic composition of sulfides ranges from ±0 % to +5 %. Sulfur originated from an iso‐topically uniform and homogeneous source, and the mineralization occurred in a single hydrothermal system.  相似文献   

Abstract: The Lepanto Far Southeast porphyry Cu‐Au deposit is located beneath and to the southeast of the Lepanto enargite‐luzonite Cu–Au deposit in Mankayan, Benguet Province, Philippines. The principal orebody consists of potassic alteration subjected to partial retrograde chlorite alteration that rims stock‐work of quartz‐anhydrite veinlets. Fluid inclusions found in stockwork quartz and anhydrite in the biotitized orebody center are dominated by polyphase inclusions that homogenize at temperatures of >500C. Sulfur isotopic thermometry applied to the sulfides‐anhydrite pairs suggests around 500C. The principal ore minerals associated with quartz‐anhydrite stockworks are chalcopyrite and pyrite with minor bornite and Bi–Te–bearing tennantite, with trace of native gold. Rounded pyrite grains appear fractured and corroded and are interpreted as remnants of primary intermediate solid solution + pyrite assemblage. A breccia pipe truncates the deposit. Mineralization in the breccia pipe is brought by quartz‐anhydrite veinlets and infilling in the interstices between clasts. Chalcopyrite‐Au mineralization associated with molybdenite is recognized in the deeper zone in the breccia pipe. Fluid inclusion microthermometry on polyphase inclusions in veinlet quartz as well as sulfur isotope thermometry applied for the pair of anhydrite and sulfides suggests >450C. Fluid inclusions in veinlet quartz and anhydrite in the fringe advanced argillic alteration are chiefly composed of coexisting liquid‐rich inclusions and gas‐rich inclusions, in addition to coexisting polyphase inclusions and gas‐rich inclusions. These inclusions exhibit a wide range of homogenization temperatures, suggesting heterogeneous entrapping in the two‐fluid unmixing region. Sulfur isotopes of aqueous sulfide and sulfate exhibit a general trend from the smallest fractionation pairs (about 11%) in the biotitized orebody center to the largest fractionation (about 25%) pairs in the fringe advanced argillic alteration, suggesting a simple evolution of hydrothermal system. The slopes of arbitrary regression lines in δ34S versus 34S[SO4 = –H2S] diagram suggest that the abundance ratio of aqueous sulfate to sulfide in the hydrothermal fluid has been broadly constant at about 1:3 through temperature decrease. The intersection of these two regression lines at the δ34S axis indicates that the bulk δ34S is about +6%. Thus, the Lepanto FSE deposit is a further example which confirms enrichment in 34S in the hydrous intermediate to silicic magmas and associated magmatic hydrothermal deposits in the western Luzon arc.  相似文献   

Abstract: The Mamut deposit of Sabah, East Malaysia, is a porphyry type Cu‐Au deposit genetically related to a quartz monzonite (“adamellite”) porphyry stock associated with upper Miocene Mount Kinabalu plutonism. The genesis of the Mamut deposit is discussed based on petrology of the intrusives in the Mount Kinabalu area combined with ore– and alteration–petrography, fluid inclusion and sulfur isotope studies. Groundmass of the adamellite porphyry at Mamut is rich in K which suggests vapor transport of alkaline elements during the mineralizing magmatic process, while the groundmass of the post‐ore “granodiorite” porphyry at Mamut contains small amounts of normative corundum suggesting depletion in alkaline elements at the root zone of the magma column. Sub‐dendritic tremolitic amphibole rims on hornblende phenocrysts in the Mamut adamellite porphyry suggest interaction between the mineralizing magma and the exsolved fluids. Occurrences of clinopyroxene microphenocrysts and pseudomor‐phic aggregates of shredded biotite and clinopyroxene after hornblende phenocrysts in the barren intrusives imply lower water fugacity and decreasing in water fugacity, respectively. Compositional gap between the core of hornblende phenocrysts and the tremolitic amphibole rims and those in the groundmass of the Mamut adamellite porphyry suggests a decrease in pressure. Higher XMg (=Mg/(Mg+Fe) atomic ratio) in the tremolitic amphibole rims in the Mamut adamellite porphyry compared to those of the barren intrusions suggests high oxygen fugacity. High halogen contents of igneous hydrous minerals such as amphiboles, biotite and apatite in the Mamut adamellite porphyry suggest the existence of highly saline fluids during the intrusion and solidification of the mineralizing magma. Fluid inclusions found in quartz veinlet stockworks are characterized by abundant hypersaline polyphase inclusions associated with subordinate amounts of immiscible gaseous vapor. Both Cu and Au are dispersed in disseminated and quartz stockwork ores. Chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite as well as magnetite are the principal ore minerals in the biotitized disseminated ores. Primary assemblage of intermediate solid solution (iss) and pyrrhotite converted to the present assemblage of chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite during cooling. Subsequent to biotitization, quartz veinlet stockworks formed associated with retrograde chlorite alteration. The Cu‐Fe sul–fides associated with stockwork quartz veinlet are chalcopyrite and pyrite. Overlapping Pb and Zn and subsequent Sb mineralizations were spatially controlled by NNE‐trending fractures accompanying the phyllic and advanced argillic alteration envelope. Sulfur isotopic composition of ore sulfides are homogeneous (about +2%) throughout the mineralization stages. These are identical to those of the magmatic sulfides of Mount Kinabalu adamellitic rocks.  相似文献   

Abstract: K–Ar ages of the following porphyry Cu deposits in the western Luzon arc are determined: Lobo-Boneng (10.50.4 Ma), Santo Niño (9.50.3 Ma), Black Mountain (2.10.1 Ma), Dizon (2.50.2 Ma) and Taysan (7.30.2 Ma). Microphenocrys-tic apatite in the late Cenozoic intermediate to silicic intrusions associated with porphyry Cu deposits in the western Luzon arc contains sulfur as SO3 detectable by electron probe microanalyzer. Sulfur is supposed to have been accommodated dominantly as oxidized species in oxidizing hydrous magmas that generated porphyry Cu deposits. Likewise, such high SO3 contents in microphenocrystic apatite are common characteristics of the intermediate to silicic magmatism of the western Luzon arc, from tonalitic rocks of the Luzon Central Cordillera of about 15 Ma to an active magmatism at Mount Pinatubo. Thus, the western Luzon arc has been generating porphyry Cu mineralization associated with oxidizing hydrous intermediate to silicic magmatism related to eastward subduction, since Miocene to the present day. Intermediate to silicic rocks since 15 Ma to present-day western Luzon arc generally show high whole-rock Sr/Y ratio ranging from 20 to 184. However, porphyry Cu deposit is not necessarily related to the rocks that show higher Sr/Y ratios compared to the other barren rocks in the western Luzon arc. The characteristics of the intermediate to silicic magma associated with porphyry Cu deposit are not attributed to the composition of the source material of the magma, but to the properties defined by the high activity of oxidized species of sulfur in the fluid phase that is encountered during the generation of intermediate to silicic magmas.  相似文献   

多不杂铜(金)矿床是西藏多龙矿集区重要的斑岩型铜矿床之一。详细的岩心编录和岩相学研究显示,多不杂铜(金)矿床发育4类磁铁矿:磁铁矿-1(Mt1)反射色呈灰白色,它形粒状,部分颗粒包含在黑云母内部;磁铁矿-2(Mt2)反射色呈粉棕色,半自形-它形粒状,边缘被赤铁矿交代,颗粒内部见少量黄铜矿;磁铁矿-3(Mt3)反射色呈粉棕色,自形-半自形,粒度小,表面平整,主要产于角岩化蚀变内;磁铁矿-4(Mt4)反射色呈深灰色,颗粒间隙被黄铁矿、黄铜矿交代。Mt1、Mt2属岩浆磁铁矿或岩浆-热液磁铁矿的过渡类型;Mt3、Mt4属岩浆-热液磁铁矿的过渡类型。Mt1、Mt2、Mt4磁铁矿形成温度大致在300~500℃,Mt3形成温度明显低于其他三类磁铁矿,大致在200~500℃。4类磁铁矿具有明显的地球化学差异,其中Mt1具...  相似文献   

The Goshgarchay Cu-Au deposit is located in the central part of the northwest flank of the Murovdagh region in the Lesser Caucasus. The Goshgarchay Cu-Au deposit is associated with Middle Jurassic volcanic and Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous high-K calc-alkaline intrusive rocks. The Cu-Au mineralization is commonly related to quartz-sericite-chlorite alteration dominantly composed of chalcopyrite, gold, sphalerite, pyrite, bornite, hematite, covellite, chalcocite, malachite, and azurite. The Goshgarchay copper-gold deposit, which is 600 m wide and approximately 1.2 km long, is seen as a fault-controlled and vein-, stockwork– and disseminated type deposit. The Goshgarchay Cu-Au deposit predominantly comprises Cu (max. 64500 ppm) and Au (max. 11.3 ppm), while it comprises relatively less amounts Zn (max. 437 ppm), Mo (max. 47.5 ppm), Pb (max. 134 ppm), and Ag (max. 21 ppm). The homogenization temperatures and salinities of fluid inclusions in quartz for stage I range from 380°C to 327°C, and 6.9 wt% to 2.6 wt% NaCl eq., respectively. Th and salinities in quartz for stage II range from 304°C to 253°C, and 7.6 wt% to 3.2 wt% NaCl eq., respectively. The calculated δ34Sh2s values (?1.5‰ to 5.5‰) of sulfides and especially the narrow range of δ34Sh2s values of chalcopyrite and bornite (between ?0.07‰ and +0.7‰) indicate that the source of the Goshgarchay Cu-Au mineralization is magmatic. Based on the mineralogical, geochemical, fluid inclusion, and sulfur isotopic data, the Goshgarchay Cu-Au deposit represents a late stage peripheral magmatic-hydrothermal mineralization probably underlain by a concealed porphyry deposit.  相似文献   

基于稳定同位素C、H、O、S和放射性Pb同位素的测试和分析,对大兴安岭南段敖仑花斑岩钼(铜)矿床成矿流体的来源进行了示踪,探讨了流体演化与成矿作用过程。新的稳定同位素数据显示:敖仑花矿床成矿热液具有混合来源性质;脉石矿物石英中流体的C、H、O同位素和矿石硫化物的S同位素组成指示成矿络合剂主要来自地幔,同时在热液期经历了地壳流体参与的过程;辉钼矿中放射性成因的Pb同位素组成表明,成矿物质(Mo)主要来自造山带物质,部分来自深部幔源。根据H、O同位素组成变化和已有流体包裹体资料,认为敖仑花矿床早、中阶段两次矿化的成矿机制不同:早阶段金属矿化主要与岩浆水和大气降水的流体混合有关,而中阶段大规模成矿作用主要是由流体沸腾所致。综合区域地质演化认为:敖仑花矿床是大兴安岭南段在晚侏罗世—早白垩世时期演化为弧后伸展背景、陆内造山带物质重新活化、壳幔岩浆-热液相互作用的产物,同时暗示壳幔作用强烈的地区利于内生金属矿床成矿。  相似文献   

The Tongcun Mo(Cu) deposit in Kaihua city of Zhejiang Province,eastern China,occurs in and adjacent to the Songjiazhuang granodiorite porphyry and is a medium-sized and important porphyry type ore deposit.Two irregular Mo(Cu) orebodies consist of various types of hydrothermal veinlets.Intensive hydrothermal alteration contains skarnization,chloritization,carbonatization,silicification and sericitization.Based on mineral assemblages and crosscutting relationships,the oreforming processes are divided into five stages,i.e.,the early stage of garnet + epidote ± chlorite associated with skarnization and K-feldspar + quartz ± molybdenite veins associated with potassicsilicic alteration,the quartz-sulfides stage of quartz + molybdenite ± chalcopyrite ± pyrite veins,the carbonatization stage of calcite veinlets or stockworks,the sericite + chalcopyrite ± pyrite stage,and the late calcite + quartz stage.Only the quartz-bearing samples in the early stage and in the quartzsulfides stage are suitable for fluid inclusions(FIs) study.Four types of FIs were observed,including1) CO_2-CH_4 single phase FIs,2) CO_2-bearing two- or three-phase FIs,3) Aqueous two-phase FIs,and4) Aqueous single phase FIs.FIs of the early stages are predominantly CO_2- and CH_4-rich FIs of the CO_2-CH4-H_2O-NaCl system,whereas minerals in the quartz-sulfides stage contain CO_2-rich FIs of the CO_2-H_2O-NaCl system and liquid-rich FIs of the H_2O-NaCl system.For the CO_2-CH_4 single phase FIs of the early mineralization stage,the homogenization temperatures of the CO_2 phase range from 15.4 ℃ to 25.3 ℃(to liquid),and the fluid density varies from 0.7 g/cm~3 to 0.8 g/cm~3;for two- or three-phase FIs of the CO_2-CH_4-H_2O-NaCl system,the homogenization temperatures,salinities and densities range from 312℃ to 412℃,7.7 wt%NaCl eqv.to 10.9 wt%NaCl eqv.,and 0.9 g/cm~3 to 1.0 g/cm~3,respectively.For CO_2-H_2O-NaCI two- or threephase FIs of the quartz-sulfides stage,the homogenization temperatures and salinities range from255℃ to 418℃,4.8 wt%NaCl eqv.to 12.4 wt%NaCl eqv.,respectively;for H_2O-NaCl two-phase FIs,the homogenization temperatures range from 230 ℃ to 368 ℃,salinities from 11.7 wt%NaCl eqv.to16.9 wt%NaCl eqv.,and densities from 0.7 g/cm~3 to 1.0 g/cm~3.Microthermometric measurements and Laser Raman spectroscopy analyses indicate that CO_2 and CH_4 contents and reducibility(indicated by the presence of CH_4) of the fluid inclusions trapped in quartz-sulfides stage minerals are lower than those in the early stage.Twelve molybdenite separates yield a Re-Os isochron age of 163 ± 2.4 Ma,which is consistent with the emplacement age of the Tongcun,Songjiazhuang,Dayutang and Huangbaikeng granodiorite porphyries.The S18OSMow values of fluids calculated from quartz of the quartz-sulfides stage range from 5.6‰ to 8.6‰,and the JDSMOw values of fluid inclusions in quartz of this stage range from-71.8‰ to-88.9‰,indicating a primary magmatic fluid source.534SV-cdt values of sulfides range from+1.6‰ to +3.8‰,which indicate that the sulfur in the ores was sourced from magmatic origins.Phase separation is inferred to have occurred from the early stage to the quartz-sulfides stage and resulted in ore mineral precipitation.The characteristics of alteration and mineralization,fluid inclusion,sulfur and hydrogen-oxygen isotope data,and molybdenite Re-Os ages all suggest that the Tongcun Mo(Cu) deposit is likely to be a reduced porphyry Mo(Cu) deposit associated with the granodiorite porphyry in the Tongcun area.  相似文献   

铜厂沟斑岩型铜钼矿床位于格咱岛弧成矿带南缘,是西南三江地区近年来新发现的大型斑岩型铜钼多金属矿床。本文通过硫、铅同位素的示踪研究,探讨了成矿物质的来源。测试结果表明,矿石中硫化物的δ34S值变化于-0.7‰~+3.8‰,平均为0.79‰,变化范围很小,表明硫同位素来源单一,显示岩浆源硫同位素组成的特征。矿石矿物的铅同位素组成,206Pb/204Pb为18.3325~18.694,207Pb/204Pb为15.588~15.663,208Pb/204Pb为38.454~39.008,铅同位素组成较为稳定,显示正常铅的特征。铅同位素组成与特征参数(△β与△γ、V1与V2)之间具有明显的正相关性,依据铅构造模式判别和成因分类的综合分析,铜厂沟斑岩型铜钼矿床的铅主要来源于深部,并显示壳幔混合来源的特征。矿床的成矿作用与燕山期岩浆侵入岩活动存在较密切的关系,但地层源的成矿物质对矿床的形成有一定的物质贡献。  相似文献   

The Tiegelongnan deposit is a newly discovered super-large porphyry-epithermal Cu-(Au) deposit in the western part of the Bangong Co-Nujiang metallogenic belt, Tibet(China). Field geology and geochronology indicate that the porphyry mineralization was closely related to the Early Cretaceous intermediate-felsic intrusions(ca. 123–120 Ma). Various epithermal ore and gangue mineral types were discovered in the middle-shallow part of the orebody, indicating the presence of epithermal mineralization at Tiegelongnan. Potassic, propylitic, phyllic and advanced argillic alteration zones were identified. ~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar dating of hydrothermal biotite(potassic zone), sericite(phyllic zone), and alunite(advanced argillic zone) in/around the ore-bearing granodiorite porphyry yielded 121.1±0.6 Ma(1σ), 120.8±0.7 Ma(1σ) and 117.9±1.6 Ma(1σ), respectively. Five hydrothermal mineralization stages were identified, of which the Stage IV pyrite was Rb-Sr dated to be 117.5±1.8 Ma(2σ), representing the end of epithermal mineralization. Field geology and geochronology suggest that both the epithermal and porphyry mineralization belong to the same magmatic-hydrothermal system. The Tiegelongnan super-large Cu-(Au) deposit may have undergone a prolonged magmatichydrothermal evolution, with the major mineralization event occurring at ca.120–117Ma.  相似文献   

The Wangjiazhuang Cu (-Mo) deposit, located within the Zouping volcanic basin in western Shandong Province, China, is unique in this area for having an economic value. In order to expound the metallogenetic characteristics of this porphyry-like hydrothermal deposit, a detailed fluid inclusion study has been conducted, employing the techniques of representative sampling, fluid inclusion petrography, microthermometry, Raman spectroscopy, LA-ICP-MS analysis of single fluid inclusions, as well as cathode fluorescence spectrometer analysis of host mineral quartz. The deposit contains mainly two types of orebodies, i.e. veinlet-dissemination-stockwork orebodies in the K-Si alteration zone and pegmatitic-quartz sulfide veins above them. In addition, minor breccia ore occurs locally. Four types of fluid inclusions in the deposit and altered quartz monzonite are identified: L-type one- or two-phase aqueous inclusions, V-type vapor-rich inclusions with V/L ratios greater than 50%–90%, D-type multiphase fluid inclusions containing daughter minerals or solids and S-type silicate-bearing fluid inclusions containing mainly muscovite and biotite. Ore petrography and fluid inclusion study has revealed a three-stage mineralization process, driven by magmatic-hydrothermal fluid activity, as follows. Initially, a hydrothermal fluid, separated from the parent magma, infiltrated into the quartz monzonite, resulting in its extensive K-Si alteration, as indicated by silicate-bearing fluid inclusions trapped in altered quartz monzonite. This is followed by the early mineralization, the formation of quartz veinlets and dissemination-stockwork ores. During the main mineralization stage, due to the participation and mixing of meteoric groundwater with magmatic-sourced hydrothermal fluid, the cooling and phase separation caused deposition of metals from the hydrothermal fluids. As a result, the pegmatitic-quartz sulfide-vein ores formed. In the late mineralization stage, decreasing fluid salinity led to the formation of L-type aqueous inclusions and chalcopyrite-sulfosalt ore. Coexistence of V-type and D-type inclusions and their similar homogenization temperatures with different homogenization modes suggest that phase separation or boiling of the ore-forming fluids took place during the early and the main mineralization stages. The formation P-T conditions of S-type inclusions and the early and the main mineralization stages were estimated as ca. 156–182 MPa and 450–650°C, 350–450°C, 18–35 MPa and 280–380°C, 8–15 MPa, respectively, based on the microthermometric data of the fluid inclusions formed at the individual stages.  相似文献   

为查明青海驼路沟新型独立钴(金)矿床的成因和成矿物质来源,文章对矿区发育的块状、条带状和浸染状黄铁矿矿石进行了黄铁矿流体包裹体氦氩同位素和黄铁矿硫、铅同位素测试。结果表明,不同类型矿石的成矿流体氦、氩同位素组成基本一致,3He/4He介于0.10~0.31Ra(平均0.21Ra),40Ar/36Ar比值为302~569(平均373),反映钴矿化流体主要来源于在赋矿岩系中深循环的大气降水;矿石黄铁矿硫同位素值分布集中且接近于零,δ34S变化于-4.5‰~+1.5‰,集中在-1.8‰~-0.2‰,显示深部来源;矿石铅以高放射性成因为特征(206Pb/204Pb>19.279、207Pb/204Pb>15.691、208Pb/204Pb>39.627),且自地层围岩→区域早古生代火山岩→矿石依次明显增大,可能指示高放射性成因矿石铅主要是由以深循环大气降水来源为主的热液不断从围岩地层中淋取而来。  相似文献   




冬瓜山铜(金)矿床中主矿体成层状,受石炭系层位控制,对于其物质来源尚存在较大分歧。为了查明冬瓜山铜(金)矿床成矿物质来源,本文对冬瓜山铜(金)矿床不同类型矿体的氢、氧、硫、铅同位素进行了系统地测定。并将冬瓜山铜(金)矿床与铜陵矿集区内典型矽卡岩型矿床的硫、铅同位素组成进行了对比研究。结果表明:冬瓜山铜(金)矿床不同类型矿体之间具有相同的物质成分来源,不同类型矿体的成矿流体主要来源于岩浆水,硫源均为岩浆硫,且与区域上典型矽卡岩型矿床的硫同位素组成一致,铅同位素特征表明,不同类型矿体铅的来源主要为与岩浆作用有关的幔源铅。  相似文献   

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