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溶洞顶板极限承载力研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李仁江  盛谦  张勇慧  景锋  冷先伦 《岩土力学》2007,28(8):1621-1625
针对国标《工程岩体分级标准》[1]中Ⅲ、Ⅳ类岩体条件,采用显式有限差分法,对岩溶地区扩大基础下椭球状溶洞顶板稳定性进行了分析。通过对溶洞顶板的应力和位移变化规律及塑性区演化规律研究,得出在两种岩体条件下不同溶洞跨度和顶板厚度时溶洞顶板的极限承载力,绘出了溶洞跨度、顶板厚度对极限承载力的联合影响曲面。溶洞顶板的极限承载力随溶洞跨度的增大而减小,随溶洞顶板厚度的增大而增大。在其他条件相同时,Ⅳ类岩体的溶洞顶板极限承载力仅为Ⅲ类岩体的1/3左右。  相似文献   

A distinctive white sediment in the caves of Mulu, Sarawak, Borneo is a well-preserved tephra, representing a fluvially transported surface air-fall deposit, re-deposited inside the caves. We show that the tephra is not the Younger Toba Tephra, formerly considered as most likely. The shards are rod-shaped with elongate tubular vesicles; the largest grains ~ 170 μm in length; of rhyolitic composition; and 87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.70426 ± 0.00001. U–Th dating of associated calcites suggest that the tephra was deposited before 125 ± 4 ka, and probably before 156 ± 2 ka. Grain size and distance from closest potential source suggests an eruption of VEI 7. Prevailing winds, grain size, thickness of deposit, location of potential sources, and Sr isotopic ratio limit the source to the Philippines. Comparisons with the literature give the best match geochemically with layer 1822 from Ku et al. (2009a), dated by ocean core stratigraphy to 189 ka. This tephra represents a rare terrestrial repository indicating a very substantial Plinian/Ultra-Plinian eruption that covered the Mulu region of Borneo with ash, a region that rarely receives tephra from even the largest known eruptions in the vicinity. It likely will be a valuable chronostratigraphic marker for sedimentary, palaeontological and archaeological studies.  相似文献   

王宇 《中国地质》2003,30(2):220-224
笔者根据岩溶区水文地质条件及特征的差异,以地下水循环的特征为纲,应用系统分析方法,将岩溶水系统分为三级,对各级系统进行了分类。第一级为岩溶水系统,第二级分为浅循环和深循环岩溶水系统、第三级分别进一步分为裸露型、裸露-覆盖型、裸露-埋藏型、滞水型及层控型和断裂带型6类基本的岩溶水文地质单元。并论述了各类型的水文地质特征,指出了各类系统的供水意义,对断陷盆地岩溶水资源的勘查和开发有较大的参考价值。  相似文献   

武汉地区浅层岩溶发育特征与岩溶塌陷灾害防治   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
罗小杰 《中国岩溶》2013,32(4):419-432
运用综合分析和数学统计的方法,较为深入地研究了武汉地区浅层岩溶的发育特征。武汉地区存在6个走向 NWW-SEE、各自相对独立的碳酸盐岩条带。根据上覆盖层工程地质性能的差异,划分出5种岩溶地质结构类型。武汉地区浅层岩溶主要类型有溶隙、落水洞及小型溶洞等,钻孔遇洞率46.0%~50.1%,线岩溶率5.93%~6.00%。浅层岩溶带中,1/3的溶洞洞高小于0.6 m,50%小于1.0 m,90%小于3.0 m。1/3的溶洞顶板在基岩面以下2.5 m 以内,50%在4.5 m 以内,90%在12.5 m 以内。溶洞充填物主要是黏土,含有灰岩碎块石。全充填溶洞占70.8%,未充填溶洞约占1/5,半充填溶洞不到8%。全充填溶洞顶板在基岩面以下平均埋深5.13 m,半充填5.71 m,无充填7.69 m,且具有全充填和半充填溶洞埋深较小、无充填溶洞埋深较大的特点,反映出溶洞充填方式是自上而下充填,充填物主要来源于上部覆盖层。武汉地区浅层岩溶为上部“垂直渗流岩溶带”地下水垂直渗流作用下的产物。根据岩溶发育程度的差异,基岩面以下浅部碳酸盐岩在垂直方向上可分为上部强岩溶和下部弱岩溶两个带;岩溶塌陷灾害平面上可划分出高、中、低3个危险性区,各区防治原则不同。高危险区是岩溶塌陷灾害防治的重点,防治的基本原则是阻止上覆粉细砂的流失;中等危险区的防治原则是保护中部老黏土层或红层的完整性;低危险区应注意远城区土洞存在的可能性。各危险区治理应以岩溶地质结构为基础,在防治原则指导下制定相应的防治措施。此外,工程建设中应合理选择和利用弱岩溶带。  相似文献   

青木关岩溶槽谷地下水水源地固有脆弱性评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
张强 《中国岩溶》2012,31(1):67-73
岩溶地下水脆弱性评价是基于保护岩溶含水层从而有效地管理和利用地下水提出的有效方法和手段。我国西南岩溶区大多数地区缺少应有的地下水保护带,地下水比较容易受到污染。通过采用改进的斯洛文尼亚模式,考虑四个因子:覆盖层(O)、径流特征(C)、降雨条件(P)、岩溶发育程度(K),对重庆市青木关岩溶槽谷地下水水源地的固有脆弱性进行了定量评价。结果表明:流域范围内12.6%为高脆弱性地区;43%为中等脆弱性;44.4%为低脆弱性区域。消水洞及周边100m和消水河及其两边10m,以及岩溶管道发育地区为高脆弱性区。大部分岩溶区为中等脆弱性区。砂岩地区为低脆弱性地区。评价结果与实际吻合。该评价结果为各级决策部门合理规划利用和保护地下水资源提供简单明了的科学依据。该方法对于川东岩溶槽谷地区脆弱性评价有推广价值。  相似文献   

隐伏岩溶区岩溶塌陷易发程度评价--以泰安为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
岩溶塌陷的形成与隐伏岩溶区特定的地质环境条件密切相关。不同地区或同一地区不同地段,地质结构、水文地质条件的差异对松散盖层中土洞的形成时间、规模、形态等均起着明显的主导作用。因此,充分研究塌陷的形成条件是客观评价其易发性的基础。文章通过对泰安市主要隐伏灰岩富水区地质结构、盖层岩性组成、性状及岩溶发育程度的分析研究,以地质背景条件中的相对不变因素为依据,采用综合指数法对本区隐伏岩溶区岩溶塌陷易发程度进行了预测评价。旨在探索适宜的评价方法,以期为岩溶塌陷防治提供决策依据。  相似文献   

岩溶地区石生蓝藻与岩溶发育关系研究展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
聂磊 《中国岩溶》2007,26(4):363-368
探讨了国内外石生蓝藻研究的进展,以及石生蓝藻与生物岩溶的可能联系。引入水- 岩- 气- 生物相互作用的整体概念,运用“ CO2 - 水- 碳酸盐”三相耦联开放岩溶动力系统观点,分析了光合原核生物的生命过程及其代谢产物对岩溶系统的可能驱动作用,指出以蓝藻对H2O和CO2 的利用为中心环节,通过研究其在不同小生境、不同类群、不同生态因子下的HCO3- 水平差异,可以为了解藻类的生理机能与生物岩溶强度之间关系提供重要信息。建议在地球生物学的研究尺度下,针对碳酸盐岩表面殖居藻类如何影响其周遍微环境CO2、水文动态进而影响岩溶的效应、蓝藻分泌的胞外有机酸的种类和强度、石生蓝藻碳酸酐酶( CA)活性与生物岩溶关系等问题展开探索。  相似文献   

To minimize costs in conventional roadway design, as much low or valley areas as possible are utilized. In many areas of the eastern United States, these valleys are filled with carbonate rocks. Excavation is used to minimize grades—this removes protective overburden or rock cover over cavities; fill also is used to minimize grades—this can increase loads on marginally stable soil arches or rock cavity roofs. Surface water runoff is directed toward low areas—the low areas are likely zones of weakness or solutioning, thereby increasing the potential for sinkhole development and providing an opportunity for ground—water contamination, and remediation usually consists of blindly filling rock cavities, thus either channeling the still-contaminated surface flows someplace else or perhaps eliminating useful ground water recharge conduits. The authors suggest that the key to proper design, construction, and remediation for roadways planned in karst is to understand the geologic and hydrogeologic setting of the route(s) or locale, perform true geotechnical engineering design, and remediate with an understanding of the overall engineering geologic, hydrogeologic, and environmental picture.  相似文献   

Evaporite karst in Sicily   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Karst areas are distributed over most of Sicily. The most widespread karst rocks are carbonates, particularly limestones, but karst phenomena can also be seen in evaporites and particularly in salt mines. This report provides an overview of evaporite karst in Sicily, along with a “case history” that shows some of the evaporite karst risks to the environment. In the centre and south of Sicily, a thick sequence of Messinian evaporite rocks are subject to dissolution from meteoric and formation waters. In areas where potassium salts and rock salts are being mined, some geomorphologic changes result from the drilling of boreholes and the collapse of underground mines, thus lowering or collapsing the land surface. An example is the old salt mine “Muti-Coffari”, situated in the commune of Cammarata, where there is a modification of the surface flow of the River Platani. Meteoric waters and runoff flow down through a borehole, enter the underground mine cavity and dissolve the salts, and then the resulting brine flows into a branch of the river, making it salty. Field investigations showed the presence of salt along the edges and on the bed of the stream where it comes out of the cave. Therefore, interventions for risk mitigation are necessary since the old mine constitutes a serious danger for damage or collapse of nearby infrastructures, and can lead to degradation of the river ecosystem and the natural environment.  相似文献   

Karst collapses occur in various sizes and by various mechanisms. No karst collapses are the same, and each needs to be treated individually. Decades of investigation of and experience with these collapses make it clear that addressing karst collapse hazards requires a multi-disciplinary approach that integrates geomorphology, engineering geology, hydrology, hydrogeology, biology, geophysics, geochemistry, and risk assessment. This thematic issue contains 12 papers that illustrate the recent advancement in karst collapse studies, covering a spectrum of topics from karst collapse mechanism study, geophysical application to karst collapse investigation, karst collapse investigation standards, karst collapse monitoring and early warning, and karst collapse remediation.  相似文献   

当隧道施工穿越喀斯特地貌发育区时,隧道应与溶洞保持一定的距离,确保隧道围岩及支护的稳定性。为探究隧道与岩溶的临界安全距离,综合采用理论计算与数值试验方法,基于强度理论,建立不同部位充填溶洞(顶部、底部、侧部)临界安全距离的计算模型,推导出隧道与环向不同位置溶洞临界安全距离计算公式;采用FLAC 3D软件建立环向不同位置溶洞与隧道间的临界安全距离数值模型,基于正交试验设计方法,分析了围岩级别、溶洞水压、溶洞尺寸对临界安全距离的影响规律和显著性。结果表明:隧道与环向不同部位溶洞间的临界安全距离均随围岩级别、溶洞水压及溶洞尺寸的增大而增大,综合影响程度从大到小可排序为围岩级别>溶洞水压>溶洞尺寸;结合试验结果的非线性多元回归分析建立了临界安全距离预测公式;最后将研究成果应用于阳宗隧道项目来验证临界安全距离预测模型的合理性及适用性。  相似文献   

中国岩溶作用产生的大气CO2碳汇的分区计算   总被引:1,自引:9,他引:1  
根据中国岩溶碳汇计算的需要,将我国岩溶地区划分为南方岩溶区、北方岩溶区、青藏高原岩溶区和埋藏岩溶区4种类型区,各区的岩溶面积分别为56.48万km2、32.58万km2、55.60万km2和200.1万km2。各区岩溶水的径流模数和岩溶作用强度存在差异,南方岩溶区比其他区的岩溶作用强度明显大得多。以取得的调查监测和统计资料为依据,对4种类型区和中国的岩溶碳汇量进行了重新计算,南方岩溶区、北方岩溶区、青藏高原岩溶区和埋藏岩溶区岩溶碳汇量分别为1909.9万tCO2/a、600.5万tCO2/a、580.1万tCO2/a、608.6万tCO2/a,由此获得中国岩溶碳汇总量为3699.1万tCO2/a。该结果比前人的研究更全面地反映了当前我国岩溶地区碳水钙无机循环产生的大气CO2汇量。   相似文献   

岩溶地下水系统是西南岩溶石山地区最基本的水系统,而岩溶地下水系统划分则是正确评价、合理开发利用西南石山地区岩溶地下水资源的重要基础。本文首先按西南岩溶水出露条件划分出3620个岩溶地下水系统,其中地下河系统1179个、岩溶泉系统1152个、集中排泄带岩溶地下水系统562个、分散排泄岩溶地下水系统727个,然后按岩溶含水岩组的出露条件将岩溶地下水系统划分为裸露型(2324个)、裸露覆盖型(108个)、覆盖型(275个)、裸露-埋藏型(98个)、埋藏型(88个)五种类型。除分散排泄岩溶地下水系统外,汇水面积大于1000km^2的其它岩溶地下水系统有26个。在地下河系统中,汇水面积大于10km^2而小于500km^2的有1049个,占88.97%,汇水面积小于100km^2的有711个,占总数的60.3%;在岩溶泉系统中,汇水面积小于50km^2的有814个,占总数的70.66%;在集中排泄带岩溶地下水系统中,汇水面积大于100km^2而小于500km^2的有303个,占总数的53.91%。流量统计结果显示,流量大于1000L/s的岩溶地下水系统有286个,占总数的11.2%,流量大于50L/s至小于500L/s之间的有630个,点总数的63.73%。[   相似文献   

蒋小珍  雷明堂 《中国岩溶》2018,37(5):786-791
文章系统、全面地介绍了岩溶地下水气压力监测技术及其应用成果。该技术在监测成孔、孔口的密封及监测频率等方面创新性地提出了相关的工艺方法,能真实、及时且充分地反映出岩溶管道裂隙系统中的地下水气压力变化特点,可为岩溶塌陷的机理研究、监测和预警提供科学依据。岩溶地下水气压力监测技术工艺简单、操作方便、成本低廉,经过20多年的改进,已成功应用于全国11个典型岩溶塌陷区,服务于高铁、水源地、油气管线、市政建设等潜在岩溶塌陷风险性评价、安全降深、监测预警等方面,取得了很好的效果。   相似文献   

以来自广西上林县大龙洞岩溶水库中的小球藻为研究对象,探讨了封闭体系中小球藻在4.6 mmol·L-1、2.5 mmol·L-1和0.5 mmol·L-1三种不同HCO3-浓度的水体环境中,对Ca2+和HCO3-的利用效率。结果表明:(1)小球藻在4.6 mmol·L-1、2.5 mmol·L-1和0.5 mmol·L-1三种不同HCO3-浓度的水体中培养7天后生物量从0.04Abs分别增长到0.56Abs、0.50Abs和0.44Abs,在HCO3-和Ca2+浓度较高的环境中,A组28.26%的Ca2+和B组24.14%的Ca2+被小球藻吸收利用,A组54.95%的HCO3-和B组48.00%的HCO3-被小球藻吸收利用,生成有机碳固定下来,C组HCO3-浓度过低(0.5 mmol·L-1),小球藻难以对其进行利用,表明岩溶水库中高浓度的HCO3-对小球藻生长起着“施肥作用”,这对岩溶碳汇的稳定性起着重要作用。(2)小球藻光合作用利用HCO3-从而引起Ca2+沉积的量大于小球藻光合作用吸收Ca2+的量;(3)小球藻光合作用使培养基中的δ13CDIC偏正,而呼吸作用使培养基中的δ13CDIC偏负。   相似文献   

The karst geological system in north China is different from that in the south. Due to differences in basic geological conditions and environment, the karst evolutional pattern and karst water resources, among other things, are also different in the two regions. This paper, based on on-site fieldwork and analysis of an extensive database of karst in China, presents a systematic and contrastive analysis of karst geological environment and karst water resources in north versus south China, highlights the differences between the two regions in basic karst geological conditions, groundwater dynamics and karst water resources, and concludes with the economic, environmental and engineering implications of these differences. These findings will be helpful for the strategic planning and decision-making processes associated with exploitation of karst geological resources and with prevention and control of karst geological hazards.  相似文献   

中国南方喀斯特集中了中国最具代表性的喀斯特地形地貌。位于中国南方喀斯特区域内的兴文县拥有国内罕见的完整喀斯特景观,丰富独特的喀斯特景观被朱学稳研究员誉为“兴文式喀斯特”。本文运用比较法、德尔菲法与层次分析法,对兴文喀斯特与中国南方喀斯特世界自然遗产项目以及天坑、溶洞、石林等典型喀斯特旅游资源进行比较分析,总结其资源优势。研究认为,兴文县完整的喀斯特流域上发育了类型丰富多样、品位高、组合好且分布集中的喀斯特自然资源,形成了独特的喀斯特生态僰苗文化资源,与“世界自然遗产”中国南方喀斯特一、二期7个代表地一样具有代表性,具有列入世界自然遗产名录,进一步补充、完善中国南方喀斯特自然遗产资源的条件。   相似文献   

有资料显示陆地碳酸盐岩风化消耗大气CO2的碳通量与世界森林碳汇通量量级相当。但农业地区过量施用氮肥形成的硝酸对碳酸盐岩的溶解会减弱岩溶碳汇效应,其量可达到7%~38%,而适量施用氮肥在增加农作物产量的同时,能降低土壤C/N比,增加土壤微生物活性,促进有机物料分解,从而提高土壤CO2浓度,提高土下碳酸盐岩的溶解速率。因此,要从两方面分析岩溶系统中土壤氮肥施用对岩溶碳汇效应的影响。同时,岩溶区碳酸盐岩风化形成的土壤具有较高的pH值及盐基饱和度,对H+有较强的缓冲作用,可能是导致自然条件下,河流中溶解无机碳(DIC)与水体中钙、镁等离子并不守恒的原因之一,因此,运用端元法可能过高估算了硝酸对碳酸盐岩的溶解量。岩溶区土壤环境中硝化作用产生的硝酸到底多少能对碳酸盐岩产生溶蚀,并影响到岩溶碳汇效应还有待研究。应结合土壤本身的特性及河流生物地球化学过程,综合研究不同施氮水平、土壤硝化产酸及其影响下的土下碳酸盐岩溶解及碳汇效应过程,客观评价岩溶区土壤氮肥施用对岩溶碳汇的影响,并寻求适宜氮肥施用量及促进岩溶碳循环,提高岩溶碳汇效应的技术方法。   相似文献   

 This paper presents karst water protection measures being introduced in the Dinarides of Croatia. The spring sites for the water supply of the town of Rijeka, for its 200 000 inhabitants and the largest harbor of the northeastern side of the Adriatic Sea, have been used as a pilot research area. The European research project was used, and protection of water was generally divided into three phases. A categorization of springs has been made, and five basic protection zones have been distinguished. The rules of behavior in protected zones have been outlined. For the first time, the term water-supply "reserve" has been introduced, referring to the parts of the mountainous region where karst groundwater is recharged. Received: 26 March 1997 · Accepted: 22 July 1997  相似文献   

Environmental change in karst areas   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

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